The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, December 09, 1859, Image 4

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TARRANT’S OntTDtlM SELTZER APERIENT. TIL* valtrahi. acd I peter Medicine. (ftp* red !• ton'runty wits the aaalv.d* . X the water. of ti e ! ud Ke.tzae ’* Citjuay. It l b.'W cittnltr tatte form. t_ adT*ri.fy ncfli: the ml Fa ▼ft>ie recnmaeedatton* o(tfc MedWal pro forma*. aad a Dtaceralag t*vbflc. a* U,e most efficient and agkkkablk Brtlino Ajo oriot hs Mt, udM beL.g eetnied ta prefer* * , r * r .f k * ■au y Muarai l-pr i Water*. t * datz a® 4 f i fctr similar article*. h*-thfrom Its ■:{: *■* and grmKxefflca- T- Uimj b* awd with the beat vff.ct t**K KUoCa til) TXBXJLI MUtetv • 1 “A*®** “*• U— * “ f Airrrrn. ixxcttrrv s. t ttt *“-** tu “’ flautts, rictLutLT iscri>Mnr tu thji SPRING and SUHTIER SEASONS. It Apar-’.-ciarfywiaplcdb the warn* *T Traveler* by Sa aitdLar.d IL- .!u !n H rismaira, tuoi Se dantw Batata. Ir-u'idi ard Onnlncn t; .'*• ta!r. eg vee: aad Tmnten w-it ffod il a I* aMKloa la Utr Medicine CU4i. •With there xko hart oad it. It Sat high ‘aver mad it deemed l *S*J*SirtD STATK or THE LIVES—It rcnden mm’ terrier la reatcrr.g ’ faJ’hv act; n. IN GOl’T AND RHEUMATISM—It give*the hart *a| Mhetfc a. allating aU iafcmaat'try #)u.;U.tu*. and im aut e*...!T • earn* tfc<*e aSlcted. ITl* p ESS IK CASES UK GR4YEL. 13TDIGE’ TION. HE*RTBl*iei AM> CO*TIVKNAAS-ITv*e* It to bt a Medicine of lIM greatest nti ltr. A* I Dir I OF T Hft'TuMAc 11. AND TH K r.IsTRFS?- XN<.l’ KNE*S SO rsFAL DURING PEEGNANCI— Tiel< speedily, aSd with marked tuctca* under it* biaitkjal lat.f • IT AFFORDS THR GREATEST RELrtF TO THOSE AFFLiCTE* WITH OH SUBJECT To TIIE PILE— * itlag g—tly tm th* howila newtretiriwgad ing—'ir mrt t. >ne. and thereby reams isg ail lad inaiilm tender v • *. IN FA<rr. IT is IXVALt HI.E IN ALLCAsES WHERE A GENTLE APERIENT OK I‘CRGATIVE IS REQUIRED. It D in the form of a powder. carefully yet up to bottio, to keep !a any and merely require- water pound uit cm it to pmd-.ce adelightfui tftr . -teat ! vserege. T *¥Jl** i ** , “*^ ,ut G * ***** iMerfore* wiu tba iroe* * fMk***g -’redly .a the ‘Me*. rarioring the ■* Wt4hTaad tear of the S*>,iMWSlaia)i rbuti>yarmiß.raadfow -f - bits I *• enaNeathela °> ftMj *4*uhca wilt iripttbUv. irtiut which ht mr*<Ab*rwlm%m a s.d wiOk<9i whit± life Uirtao&ai •Dd ~ —l!L Dfr * rr ‘ pr ‘rwfrialatf cthargrntlr kb flrl fi UCbrat sUoti.o* ’htou*U.i;t tt. country, tad it* rubify iigrtwliit popularitr t-r atrrie* of y tazt, DlTuuglj ftfAHt. wfftjrr and ra! :tlk i Laiatt<r, aMi aguiatd it to taa fa-r tv te noH't of at. Strilirrnt naMlc. rtcpantland MW-molraaio asASctai! hr JoIIK A. TARKant *Clt_ I aror.-T*.* N XT’s Gnu. wich st„ our. tYWama.S.T. June 14—If T oraoy CJlty smue k plus n w • Comer of Green and Morgan Streets JOHN B. FULLER, Prop’r. U r OOD MOT'LDINGS. B>a4t and Aictilnrca, eon stai.tiy -a tacd.aad worked to order. Jtlmo FEW GAPS. Katiaaa-lHaa . Halo-, hdd* TrittsbMß >.f every descrlptijA. Bracktto, Tru-es, ar.da’l kirdi off ctvdl ud Mrai*kt Sawing; lloom Can it*. Ae. Any dodrrd pattern worked to otdrr at rbort rotioe. UOOD TCHS INO m ail It* braacket. Hain. lawr dled. and Oeta*on Jeweß. oa ba'd and mad* to onl-r. Balu.ter* of all eiiea and d**ofpttva*. Ae.. Ae..*r. Mahee .ny. blark Waltint. Oak. Chany, and Fiat sawed or worked to order. The pricer n ark*.', oa each pattern of the bookaarat to*r to any part ol the United sutea are for one hundred feet ruaniak tceunsre N. 1C One -jt the ;ar*et -ioek* of Monldln*. and Tilm mine., and mate* variety of pwttrr .a, amnnmetared. f the very beat uuderaU, will aiwaya be faand at tbii eatabtiah nrlit. Pianir.* with neatne** and dispatch. Termse Ah. JullN B. FI'LLEH alii alaa a lncfactcr* and t ve particii .r attevt. tto C3-o1:Iiio Work, For Churrhea. Pui tc Bu;'dir>F>. Dwd’.in* Ho'aaa, Ac. Win dow fra: .-R A ruade to orderat abort notice. Hound and Sqvnre Picket Fence, f c., Aiao. <:■ d.r ? a Doors. Sa.thfK anti Rlltid*. Os every dracri; iA the beat material, and nmtled to w-t.d it, any c3r:tk. Bnilaera* Hardware, and •eery article ia that ruru -bed at the lowed cash prlcee. Marblit. MarbkizeH Iron and State Man tles, ■ T’O-ret Cotta, Hracket*, Trusses, Window Caps. tt'r. tW~ Deunssaad lira- f jrr -he<l at abort •'.tice aj’ THE ONLY ARTICLE Hi i SHOT, WITH IH.TIEISL HOME AND 2UEOPEAN DEMAND. THE WRi vty. 1. that hr Natun * own pr.-e*a H re- Sores ilienatcrar c iur ieM iuentiy alter the hair be comes grav : -apfl •* the ml urn. <t.ica. and tin ai.H it pew no tw.d Vid. leai-n.di dao- rc9.itrL‘a* acd Mat trots theata-p. calvta and tone* up tbc rerun nd thus orr aftnerrws keadact.r, ■mjS miy bsn ied upon to e*- aildieWKaef toe adp an.; Ink: It wii> dry and ke--p it trotr. MRrffElatoita.ri.tPwr *ruann,u.Jil used by the young |w .* thr- ttraea a week, it will never fad or r.m - arav ; then, reader, read the a.- A i jtiddetor yoorseif: Nrw Tvtt, Jxs.9, ltle. MrafW. O. J. W.. B A Cos, Onttcru ,; ITv.:j beard acd deal aboat Profeaarr | Wowfa Hair Rraioiadve,and n.y hair tir.g ~aite par I made up tcyndud to iaj aside the p*. i.-d . wbita Llt cowuana wSh a great many pen- on. had aga'art ail of paten: cate Mt. aad a sinet Uae ago 1 ceeaarctd uwng poor trt-y, to tea t it (or mjmtt. The r writ kaa Vee so very rat.-Actovv that I am very gla.l I td aa aad la tost ee to ywo, aa wil an V the ew c-rara*mt*t t nf lAAve.r who may let a* *r.i\ aa I woa Cut who carter my pn jndl&i w)tho*t a*y rta~ra foe . ttlaw A aaide arennarif i-c toyire yor:r E—; raTive tnnl id! they have i farther proof, aad the beet jr> l betyy nee her den.-ratra Uon. I arete )** MtiaMCMa watch IM aaya!<- wt<. any tuth aad • rn tea-Ajkrw t-.r Sr •* -thvrf-r £. who am ia a:-d oat . Raff W. Ini*E-lls|Ertabi ‘ mer'severrdaT. Mv fair la now Ha naftdttl rotor aad r. vb ÜBpmied la appearaaee every Way. arse*ahwrier. ard thicker atd tuach Btor* bca.thy ioukloc I aa. yoara ira eetfn’.lv. _ _ lIENKY JKSKISS. Cor. Lwaretiaawl Carrol, ht., Brsonlja. _ __ . l.n iss. tt -. A la_ r. ••. 14. 1-38. rwr. Wii>—Dm ?ia: Your Hair RrOunfiti La* done ■•g •Uo pan of thr r aiatry. Mv hair kaa here anoan. Y 41ia4i lading for arreral years, cautd, 1 r-ipncar. f.-rm aNetgg? been wt*o Iwa quite an lafaot. I have bees uivpxr Riir r sli wrtto nd I And U.stl hare a ImM of hair w>wr..n log, alter having need ail ’ thrr reretdiee no X thii.k It the tao-t rai aabie renddy new extant, tiX advire all who at# nXßcted Uat way to m year i* (-Jr. Xw nan j* ..--a ilia it joa proper. Terek it, 5. W. Mipolztcs. Pnuimraty, (<rpf. >. IV. ray. YToosv—pnrftr: Yourila.r Ui r-.’ :r* i proving •tayif beaedefad to at# TV# front, ar.d elan the tack tart A &f head W.iU entering— whs is bat uu>. 1 has# used * t two half plrtMtkuftsrr Bwtniatln and aa* the top -rW e heat is well itetht with a f-ftin.iisg crew of vcrpgbalr. nod Hie fmet is ai*> receiving it* renett. I Lave tii#>: aher arrears t,.** wit hoot any bie#t whatever. I Uaak fraa at own aaetua-w rtf-wmewdati. aa, I caa induce L—c.; n> try .1. Tv**-•_ fapcft!'*T. I. r. t HUM Ak. M. D. So. tft Vine street. I TtrkiUa;.*.U rut la hot t :*♦. ft. .ire Mm, tj: brrr. I *•• Shares mal; tt erajß Ir Id- V fi-J, and *&..<* t-c , *■** <!*■-* ."•*•*#y *#tl*: the medfnm hold. *t ! t-ss- twenty per ‘ cent la tropc-rUc* lane the seat!. retai - tor two dot- | Sara per Nati ; tbt k.i tyMt, a per cent aye re la i p.vt* rii -si. f-4 retais :nr three Mas per lmt>le. O. J. X > ><# tx. Ptoar'e'-w*. .-It Breadwar. ft. Y.. ‘ liwtheguwt N. Y. Wire tUiZ± t aid 11* ‘ Jlmml Mreet. M.tonla Vo. * reao si ill. ye Ih- wxs isa Fuct Coot* ! l>r *w Oct. 7, Ja. FERTILIZERS! GENEEAL AGENCY. TKT shl- raigsed respectfully anr.conee to Planters and i era; utar erfad, that they &neer.**aiiv receiute. di f- ja the l.sn4*ae*t freu the Benafacturer-. the f.l ----e ‘#** er < >e#hr*r* amr*w*, all of which ‘ hare bean thnr.gqghiT and aatidhctorUy UeteJ, sir: , >'•*. 1 Peruvian Guano, < fru.. .r*ro Guano, Knodqfc Bti|*er. Phosphate of Lime. >'4l Fertilizers, Ground Plaster. | uticlaa, which will hare our but*. and he rii-yy reparedu. hwaS caaya mat. rsr b-hoephat*.- -Vrt lUer.’ at niMafaetarer.’ rale*. WU expeaae ayrawportati. a aildap. A>t ***T ,f < * >rV ~ >T ’ PArrrs * miller. d? -(0- $40.00 PATH the taltVei fora full c.wrse la the Irea CHy >'*- ! ‘Of. the larr -es. Ci-*t eilea-see r pstrr r ..ed and :at ernaiud Coweeii v! School la ti.e Called Mtlea i'OI K LARGE HILLS Tor wwtfcif. f> r.tetria! Ca’calitbaia. Book-EarplhC and ledwa. _t'-'UFs*sne to cow hie-e a fall c suse. fmn <to 1> weeks. ! 5 /**• “*-■**“• U io-tsileed to be e-ss te.ei yd* triaif* ‘be hak* a t any baeiawa, and qaaLUcd A* car* a aatery f Kan > o n... SOOO to 81000. 8; *ent t.?. ratany tiine—X, rscattoa—Review at pleaaora. First Premiuins for Best Writlag The gTeiT *at v*Sey or ewwn. Rsli la the t nlon. Is fl aad here. IP * receiswi at a*U arte*. e ( ..IT” 1 ! tIiWU!-. rpulawa of Budneas and • “ and view and the <>*Uee. , *• *rsg.!.k City Residence for sale. Xu*e * nf c’T ’ **+£, aalc. ud the atoMlilwnl t, rm J ** “° w *®cred fur HTS The lot eontalnr •ne aer- t , n ,..r , , SLS ! on anew-*, hrytr-vUand al *,7Td ■ill. la idtee-r-wAct.r ‘’"T? ronodw***. drfce la eaefc. with ;• iwaie thr *ogh the the laraall the neaa*T not bnl^a. with Wkiteee of hoae attached. A!ea, hydnat and * the yadi. basil.* a eh.. ice mc*ety of SbiubUry ands raSt Treee. aU >s a thnfty aad condtHoc. tdii l r. t. ixPßnrs. NewCandy Factory, and BAKERY. O . A /l lmDr ‘ i, , “ 4 Plain, repj>B#du Faaii!le ” Waadinge and Fartieayaceordlng to order. —AI*O, Oaadyhy the ao>,(drerMd far Verchante,) ofthtfceet qaaiity,warranted, and at the ioweat pricer. Or*r far the ahoseor for D.-sura,Garden Seedi Tate IrtuUchd. promptlyatiandcl to by J. H. 1 W. |. ai i.ia —k* ts Cherry Street. Bfa—*b. Oa. Fresh Arrival! 1 11A CHOICE Dried Beef Tongue*, JLIHJ *rk sew rig Hama, SBn the. 9ne f*r;ed Beet Ut) Freeh F fry re nrartn. *ll VMe. pickled Beefind Pork, - . • t-t “ Re* lleada, s. ir.ething aew. to .*T- ^tre* V G&LUt * FBJtXMAJI • I#^- Blis*> RvAprptic Remedy Ditea’ Dr K< urly Rli-w* |i> pl ‘lr Krinttly Bit a* D> tiem.tejr M i*e’ l)y-,;*d>’ U. .w.cty Ulbi’ Its - .-’*r iieiu’ily lllls.’ O} < it* t*r li.i..’ Dyipi Aic ih-mnly uiio’ !>’ >.})•• K innly Blli.’ Uy.;K|itlr It. medjr Iff’i ’ I>> >prpU tt. ia.<iy lin* the Lirfrel Sale ■ lat (lie Laiiji and Sale Hue the Nrsle Hue tin Largrit Sal* H, the lurgf.t “ale lima tit- l.srprst Hale Hat the Larprat Sala ll.ta the f arKdt Sale Has til. Larg.el Sale IDI tier I.ui „• t Sale Or ar.y Wr.Hrli.r I t ! ’•< World. Os any M.rtir. In tis. World. Or any M.dlci ir In th World, or any M .lit i. <• i- World. Os any i t the World. Or any M.tllrlne lit Is* World, or any Nt.lidtit in the World. Os assy T'lr<ti inc In file W.trld. Or any Efdiriii • t the World. Os any Mr tlelnr in the World. ItIU.CtBJ I’-trUnoea ftHi.tF tj I’ Ptl.tMi i’erku^r* 10J.W9 I’atkag. t MM.OIHI P-< k.-"rt ltfci.iNMJ Parkagt* lOHj— i’a: kogts li. lIW k.i ;rt"l l-.trHuge* I'JU.VC I I*.si-A as; t a Er.l.t In Ctarelt air! -oiilh Carolina Sold In 0r.1., s.i.d south Curollna 505.1 In C- - ; .tlnl SoulD t arollna Soid In irol in and -outlt < arollna Sold In loi .i an.i *outlt f arollna Sold In Ctvt .< • ■.iid >siith C.rullna 501.1 In C.t ol in a: ti - uttilt t arollna Sold In linn • mid ‘utilh < ..roliua Sold lny.i.ij'l ioa.h t'araMaa Sold In and South Carolina In Koatteeii ’'Tooth*. In F • art earn .'lontlta. In Konrlren Mom Its. In ( uinUeh Muntil*. In Fuuritia .''lonlit*. In Fonrtreti Nlontiia. In V iiurtiiit Month*. In K*nr|tcn .Month*. In Court, ts ‘iuntil*. In KotUteCU iiuuUn. It D AVamnted tu Cure It I* V- arrant, and to Cure ft 1* Warrant* <t tot’orw It is Warrantr.l to Cure It is V. a: t anted tu Cure Il Is Warranted to Cure It ia U ainu.ini in Cure It I* Wnrraulcd to i sire Jt Is ‘Warranted to Cure It la U* il to Cure If Diretlluat nr* i- a'.iuu ed, ir Direction* ate FuUowtd, If Hirer tions are followed. If IMrt-c tiot.s an I'..How ret, If IMreiti >us ure i'ullovvrel. If Direction* are I ullosutl, If tHri rtioiss are l-'ollo**ed, If H.rtciion* arc I'aUusred, If tiirr* tion* nr*- i oilowed. If Hite* tfon* arc followed, Jt ny Cn> of !>y(H-pila Any Ca.eof Uy-.vp-la Any Cnu.-I lljrs|.rp.ia Any Caveof Dy.|H Any Case ol If} ‘ ptptlli Any Cow of -">> kjx . slu Any Case of i)> *,* p.U Any Case of l>j .]>e)>,la Any Case of ia Any Case- of Dysiiejula Liver Dlsecse, I.iver lls use. Liver Disease, I iver Hiss use, I.lTar Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Id .rase. Liver Hi.ruse, Liter Liis.ase, Liver Disc use, Jaundice. Jaundice, d:> and Ice, Jaundice, .Ta audit.-, Jaundice, Jaundice-, •Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Cci.erul Held lit v, (i*iters. 1 H. i.illty, fltiteiul Deliliity, fietsrral Dt Idllty, Ceneral Dchlilty, Gennnl Url.lllty, flet.cral Hrhilliy, Ceneral Dt hlllty, Ceneral Hehi.ity, Ceneral He hilt ty, Pul i illation, Pal(iltaliO.>, | ilia (ton, Pal|dtatlou. Pa! |iitat lon, Pu!|.ltal lon, Pal(dtaiiou, I*al|dtatlon, Pul|*itailon, Pul|>i:aUan, Citron ie Riarrhepa, Chronic Hiairhuea, Chronte Hiatt ha-a, IJlarrltu-a. Chronic Htarrltcea. Chronic- liiurrltcra, Chrotsle lil.-irrts.ra. Chronic Hlari hcra, Chronic- IMarrltira, Chruulr LMurrhoea, GkMbtta, Clduliirss, tilildin. ca, CWdintte CidiUuesa, Clddiitasa. Clitdlne.*, (.iodine*., Ctddlnes., CldOluesu, * Depressed -Spirits, lj. - -..1 Sj.ii its, D< lucssed Ih |irc-rd Sj.lilts. Depressed >|-ii its, D. |ir*s>ctl >jiii Its, *J* |-res-r'l N|-irlts, Depreasrd Nj Irtts, Depreasc-cl N|drits, H. pies-d frphlts, Los* of Appetite. Loss of Appetite, Loss of A|>|m titc. Loss of Apitetite, Lo;s of ApjK tltc, Loss of Appetite, Los* of Apia-site, Loss of Appetite. I.oss of Appetite, Lots of Appetite, Palo In ,iilr and Stark, Pain In Side and Kaelc, Puin In Side and B.rk, Pain In Side and Hack, Pal.i in Si le and Hack, Pain In Side and liaek. Pi.i i In ‘-itle and Rack. Pain In Side and Hark, Pal it In and Hack, Pain in Side and Hack. It I* Kspeclally Adopted to It Is Kspvrlally Adapted to It Is Kspctiaiiy Adi<|itr*l to It Is Kspcrinfiy A<luptcd to It Is Kspeclally Adapted to It la K*|k< tally Adapted to It Is Especially Adujded to It Is l.sjxt i.iily Adapted to It is lu!.iul!)’ Adapted to It Is Espcrlaily A.1.. pled to Peuinic- ( odii<ialnt*; Fttuslc Coutj-lalula; pcutule t -nnpl.’lnt* $ Peutale Com pi-tints; < ..anptuii.t | Petunie Comuf-.l il* ; KcmaU Coinpi-itiita; Ken..>lr Com plaints ; Petnicl.- Com; ifllnts; Ftaulc Com p .t.itai It Proifu. c* Itotuii<'U)r of Form If Proeiu.cs li.. 1 -nudity of Kornt It Praia. • * Until iiiy of IVna It Prodiin > Ilntundlty of Korn* It Produces ii.nlunu.ty of Korin It Produces 1 luminy of Koiitt It Puniu •il .1 . t.y of Korn* It Prmiue.. 1i0.t... iy of P'orm It PiuUetce. iiolu. of i'urut It Prwlui.t RatJiiuily of Koi na In Female* of a Tlilti ami ‘■pan Habit. In Female* of TMu 0.1 *,iare liable. In Female* or a* i lihi a I Slate llaMl. In Kta.lti Os a ’4 Lis* wild ‘-|.-trr llabll. In Ftmzlt* of a i Ll.i u. I .jiuit il.Mt, 111 Ftaul*. oTn T'bl.i a- * par* Habit. In Female* ot n Tlilm him! Spar* Habit. In Frzual** of •* : -i 1 Spare 11.-iMJ lu Ftnudr. ui a . ti . and -|>ar. In Fmale* or a ’1 Mi. a I spire Habit. Driul l I’lnte.’ -till i; > l! Proprietor* (or ttielr Pampli let on Diua*t. us Stow act* and Bov.*i.” \V. W. IH.l'B ft Proprietor*. J 33 Bmadnay, >cvr York. For Sa/e in Vacon, y y 7] iI.IN jl dUyT. Carpctiiax and Oil llolhn I* sh ROLLS Carp* • ■ t-• ft ’--tt style and qualiti**, of T Ol” putry. Velvet and Br • Three p-v. la*rain and F t-erdr - Rag. and Mata. floor otic, thstla 1 wa.-a.fn4n rt ui U> 18 feet, (ultahh orHa-ia>>dlH.. tg u - -- *. Cocoa and India .aarii- 1. la ta* a *< go-.- we u*j t e large*! aad beat areoe •eat lath* City. 11?:- <-rper re r-q icated to exam ta* ou Stock, before ataxingiaftr Fall 3khw. H F R IS* ft no. STATE P WSPAPEH. THW P’r fr with % c**i’ *, *** ‘‘a i!f fwit of Proier, Typ* aad mater a.’ Ir a .. .- ” re-1 for Sale, and pr. rent. aae*e-’V t <*rr rtc • to aay ot * dreirlng to go Into isuia*tß >k “aor.Z’ j *j-.-, Mr toal put* of thr State by Rail B. ad. F-r tern . a: tlt to E. L. .’•rK'iHKCKKB.J T. K. BLOOM. Assignea*. mm vr. b. John.-ton. ) EUROPE & GEORGIA direct importation. I m'flltaßfJfJ’J “ck * CROCKERY. CHINA ! WifcJlfS’ W.\RE. L’ll-’-d \n Europe hj-rin*. i ** *l7B. ftn.l ,/otm ; lfiO Tea A*fofW6'WK,T-y„, Tt,’ and Ureal/be Srti*, U, ■*lA tarn Ware 4m .Vffj, IVmi’ ifg it Q Wittm rt-f iOitlftra t lath Rut . n> I White. En ffrarnl Tea Tray* in .Vttt. Sterne very fine: a Ltrejt a**>rlm*nt of Faiu-y j Filer*. Paltry Cup* and Raarrre, Parutm Slatu- I ary. Silstr plated mare Sc. Also mime uell aeeorted I Crate* at white Granite end toromon frockrrr Ware for Merchant*, which will be K-ld at the regular whole*l* price lx New York. M It, MoRVOVT -ST WI ‘ ri KK iiaportM p ..* Vfia* V.regat, at oae Doliar prrt-aUoo. 1 lor m. at UISRY HGKHITL For Sale.—A Bargain! AHOI’KAWAA ar ! H AHN ESS. nearly new. Also a C <sl FAMILY HORSF. accoheiiitd tc the fitv nd ‘ very gt-Sli.. A!>f-) at lb.. Oltioe. oet 14 SCHOOL WANTED. VTIMI) f nun i ff. inlf nf I Font li cm Colt**, wants* situation u ri or In s bea!thv lacalßv. Good ref* r i *ncv gi ver>. Addrc KuiWr of • -<jcorgis Citizen.’’ od T ts Central Rail Road Office, S*vaxx*h. Oct. iflb. 78 9. ON and h't< r Macd.y, Oct. 31st, Uurlng tbe aenii-n of th* lu-fisattnr, t A secon.l pasMLgor train will be run Pally IwtweenGor dou and HUk-dgi-illlc, connecting ir)th trays with Central Tra'ns. w Leave ‘ifsdnn II iS p.m. arrive at Mil'rdgevllle I*.l* a.m. >ti;u.dgevUie B.ti p.ti .arrive a! Guidon 9.*S p m. Ort ie GEO. W. ADAM numeral enp't. New Goods. FRESH CONFECTIONARIES. Ht'nry Horne TT -- *.>!}• retunr.l lion the Northern Markets, and ha Ah in M- ’— i ,i.! Jt r-e*-ivtng ennatantly a very choice s'.ek •f < *e iicnaricsand Family Oncriis, to which be nv.tea the at ci t ou of tbe Citizens of hlscoii anil surround ng eonntry. Thankful f -r the < ir *-d'ng!y li'-eral p.atronage enloyed for the ns-t nine y r-. T *n -t r. -pect u|*T !.--g f--r a eontimniuce j of the eanw. jt® . i= ; nct’t all my ffilrts shall be directed jto my pstro ** to uieih ! heir favor. FINE FDRNITUREr IN I N E Parl.-r Set’s, Rose Wood, Mahogany and ’ Georgia Wain -A Furniture. * Desks r.d Book C*es. i Bureaus o'H: -• W■ p, Ma hoyany and Walnut. \IV> Scfaz.Tete-a-Tctcs,Divans, •_ _ -L-B f*ociab.k Ottoinaaa, ;n Hair k]r"l u Oioth, Flush. Drocatei. Ac. Arsa, Rocking, Nurse, few lag. Parlor, Bedroom, Dining, Hair Cloth, Pinch, Bro caie;,Cane,Sii::BoUoci.a:id every kind of Ohairknown to the trade. BEDSTEADS. Rose Wood, Walnut, Maple, Mahogany, Beach, Gain, e., High, Low, French and Cottage. Wadrabes of Hose Wood, Mahogany, Walnn and j Pine. Bafei of all Pattern*. Tables. Mahogany, Walnut, Cherry, Pine, Extension Folding Leaf. Square, Round, Ac. Mattresses of Hair, Cotton, Moss and Patent Spring. Foather Beds, Pillars and Bolsters. Fine Mirrors, cc-nmon Looking Glasses, Looking Glass Plates, Picture Glass, i Window Shades and f lne Cornices. Buckets,Tubs, Dippers, Brooms, Brush Brooms, Feath er Dusters, Foot Ms t ,<zc. for sale on the moet reaeon able terms. Lumber taken in exchange, or Lumber made op in the most fashionable st'les ofFurn ture to order. We hare one of tnelargest rto'ks of FIN E FUR Ml UREifc theg'.ate, and we ire constantly manufae ring, and wish to sell. Call and see ns. - I* *• s a wood STOVES! STOVES IT STOVESTU At W. J. McElroys, THIRD STREET, MACON, GA. nf\j\ Cooking Stoves, 15 Box and Parlor Stoves.— tjtxJ’J Also a fine lot of Grates, comprising the finest and most TZKixD assortment of Stoves ever offered to public, among them ’he old favorite laox Witch, war ranted to give satisfaction. Also the Victor Cook, made in Augusta, Georgia. Cheap for Czhh or good Notes. —ALPO.- A well selected assortment of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS • consisting in part ol Northern and Southern Wood Wilts*, Brooms, Brushes, Counter acd Feather Dusters, Lanterns, Lamps,Bleak Dishes, TeaDrns, Chaffing and ‘ Bleak Dishes, Ac., Ac. Gas FiTTiko and .ae at short notice. Also, plain Gae Fixtures for sale. Fonca, CifttkßX and Wku Pcmm, of the most appro ved Patterns, Hi. i r Uc e, Lead, Cupper, Block Tin and Iron Tubes of all -ins, Bieam Vaives, Whistles, Ganges, Cylender and Water Cocks of all kinds. Copper Stills, and Copper Plumb.ny. Tin and Sheet Iron work of a* 1 kinds, done in the very best style. LighXning Rods jstit up at short notice. Notice. On and after this date, all work done to order wi! 1 be POSITIVEIY CASH on delivery, and all accounts ! due when presented. Macon,oc*-*f W. J. MoELROY i SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC THAT GREAT ItrI.TXT THAT GREAT HMIEIMf THAT GREAT 111 FED v THAT GREAT RIVF.riY THAT GREAT P.ES 11 lY THAT GRRaI i;ki KDV j TIiAT GREAT REM EDY SANCHEZ’ ST’ECIFIC SANCHEZ’ oi’ECIHC SA.NI.iGZ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ Sl’i-XTFIC SANCiISZ’ bIEtIKIC SAN CHI Z’ SPKIKIO SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC THE ONLY roOTHE CI’RE THE ONLY PO6HIVE CCKK the only positive cckk THE ONLY lU.-ITII E Cl RE THE ONLY lusl f!VE CCKK THE ONLY POSITIVE tI RE THE ONLY POiinYE CUR* REVOKE THE PEOPLE I'FPoRK THE’ PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEnl’I.K BIIORK THE PEOPLE BEK’RE THE l l-OPLE 8..10RE THE PEOPLE BE! ORE THE PEOPLE FOR OONORRHG’A ft GLEET. FOR GONOKRHOiA & GLEET. loK GONORi.HG.A ft (.LF.ET. ; F< li GUNORKUOiA ft GIKET I FOR GONOKRIKKA ft GLEET, j FOR GONORRHGi.V ft GUET. ) IOK GONORKIKEA ft GLEET. SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCK.II’S RILL SAVIi- A BIG lOCTOR’S BILL S..VES A BIG DOCTOR’S BUT, EAVfS A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL i IS EASILY TAKEN i IS KA.TLV TAKIOt I is easily taken is easily taken Id easily takes IS EASILY TAKEN is easily Taken HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS No BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE WTfX EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL KFIKCT A Cl KK kil L EFFECT A CUKE HHX EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CUKE WITH LESS TROUBLE with less irouble with ,KS3 TROIBIJC Wliil IJCsS TKOUBLE WITH LFsi-S TROUBLE WITH iXSS TROUBLE WITH I.Ehri TUOIBLE EORF. BPEFDII.Y MOR* Pl EUdI.Y more si efi-h.y MORE SPEEDI! Y MOKE WKEDILY MORE SPFEIdi.Y MORE SPEEDILY AVD PERMANENTLY AND IERMANF.NILY AM) ! t KMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND i Ft: MAN ENTRY and PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY V Til AN ANY KNOWN i.KMRDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY T'IAN ANY KNOWN KBMEDY TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACK Atiß TINT ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE Fvery Draggist and Country Merchant should keep a 0 , ply of this valuable RemeJy, nut only from the prof its that accrue from its sales, but as an act ol philan thropy toward* suiiering hu-naoity. it wili be mad* to th# espe.-ial and iwcuaiary interest of all Druggist* to purchase by W. W. BUSS ft CO., PROPRIETORS, 36® HSOADWAY, NEW YORK. For Kale In fj ~W .Ma .ii, by ZEILIN & HUNT. ILLUM N \ SHOW CARDS INOHF raniing, haudaumely pri it--J. only at A 1 ANDREWS’ JOB JR* ICE, R*ito flail DR. a7l. cliwkscales HAVING *)ratf>Hiriearsln Macon. Inarucseatful prac ticeaf keakia* iuall it* branches; thankiul for past favors- audooiiilaue* b -ffer hi* pn<fe* onal service totbe eitizens of Macoo and sarroiicditg country . OFFICE over Dr. ntrohecker’s Onig Store, and residence ou Public Square, where be can be found at all times unless f rofee-ionvlly absent, and will attend promptly to all csll* left I at NOTICE! I rpUElnn of Ml ler A Waterman bavlnglhten dissolved by | L mutual consent, tie su -w-nber has removed tothe store i on Cherry btreqt. neat door to Martin H*li. where b* will con i tinu. the Auction and Uoiumiaaion t u.-ine*-. nov 1* _ 3.1. MILLER. For Rent to a Good Tenant. m HE store lately occupied by Miller ft Waterman, on Cot- I 1 son Avenue. A;p.yto J. J. MILLER, any IV Cherry street. NEGROES! f~\ | uiDI k% f*4LK. Bv virtue ot an order from the lY honorable Couit of Ordiusry of Binb County, will be 1 w-14 before the Court House door In the city of Maoon.ou the tret Tur-day ia January next wllliln the !e al hours of sale. Eleven Young Hmtocs ; constst’ng of met., women and chil dren : the prupertv of James L. Baker, minor. Termsofsal* twelve mob Du credit. G. HAJUUnON, nov 4 tdz Negroes Wanted. THE highest cash price will be paid for likely TO Via If SO ROSS. Aleo for a gang of Plant*- i Mo- *'N’*u.. r. B. PHILLIPS, East Macon. JACOB’S COKDLIL 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Planters Take Notice Planters Take Notice Planters Take Notice Jacob’s ( ordial Jacob’s Cordial Jacob’s Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Itemedv And Positive Remedy Before The People Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, And Flux. And Flux. And Flux. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Halt Doz. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Sale in Macon, by ZEILTN & HUNT. CENTHAL RAIL ROAD, CHANCE of schedule. ON and ash r Thursday, Juiy 15tli, 1858, the Train* will be run as folio*..: Leave Savannah 12 ifi P. M. and 11.45 P. M. I Arrivem Augusta T."*) A. M. aud 8.30 P. M. ftrrtv*in 11.00 P. M. and 8.00 A. M. Arrive in hliiledgeviUe l.Uu P. M. Leave Macon 10.15 A. M.and 10.00 P. M. i Arrive in Savannah A. M. and V.aO P. M. Arrive in Augu.-ta 7..% A. M. and .:*) P. M. Arrivein Mil!, .igaville 1.10 P.M. Leave Augusta 15 A. M. and 2.45 P. M. Arrive in Savannah 7.20 A. At. and 9.30. P. M. Arrivein Macon 9 ’ A.M. and 11.00 P. M. Passenger.for |x inti- beyond Atlanta, on the Western ft 1 Atla-ttc Hail Road, will leave Savannah on the 12.15 train, andarrivein Atlanta.! 7.16 next morning. Pa-wenger. fort 1 Mill-dgeville and Eatonton will leave by tbe 11.45 train. Both trains connect t Macon with the Macon ft Western Road for Atlanta, and with the Sonth-Wetern Kail Road to Albany, Americus,F'olunibusand Montgomery,and at Miller with the Augusta and Savaunaii Kail Knud for Aug”sta and be North. Gt o, W. ADA MS. Inly 30— ts General Superintendent. LATEST NEWS BY THE ATLANTIC TlLEiffl rro ail wLoua it intxy concern, tliU U to uotity til-• public JL that ISAACS is at home and begs to ax-sure his patrons that hlsSa loon is not a of a day. Citizens and the traveling public will find their esiahiuhnieut open, not lor the beasou only, but all Seasons of tho year, and thore ca'iing on os, will at all hours, find our larder sup plied with all the d<*iicacies tbt the New York and other market will affrrd, in the way of eatables and something good to dnok, aud six cays out ot ae veu, more than can he found in any house in town, E. ISAACS A BHO’. Under Ralston's Hall, Cherry St. Hi. Bill of Fare will every day. Be just the thing forllttie pay ; And those, who at their piaot may eat. Will flud In it all things complete— And going once, the. then will know, T hat ISAACS, i. the PLACE to go. We shall he happy to see our friends, ensuring them that It will be oar unremitting car* to please In every respect, as we Hatter ourselves, we have done till now. It may !* generally known that we have, to meet the wish es of the Medical faculty, imported by oarselvea, a very supe rior quality of l'aie Brandy, hue old Port, .Sherry and Made ria, poasCMing all the Medicinal qua JUes, so much desired by them. Look atlhis Bill of Fare and choose for yourself: OYSTERS, From New York, Savannah and Brunswick In the shell or by the measure, raw, fried, owed, or in any way you want them. Also. Shrimp, and Crabs, WUdG ame of every variety, wg _ Venntnnand Beef Stef as, cT.-JUstea. i Mutton t C-v Ham and Kgg-. A W Devil Ham and Deviled Teraplns, j?®., MOUNTAIN OYSTERS, iJ TURTLE SOUP, ■Wood-Cock Grouse, Mountain Ueese, Squirrels, ’ Wild Pucks. Flab, and ivery thl i that an epicure wauls,can | Uway. be had when In season. Confectionaries & Fruit ISAACS, also keeps constantly on bond a good assortment of Cuuft eliortai ies, OItANGES, APPLES, BANANAS, PINE APPLES, Various description, of NUTS, .'QL C^ All of which can be purchase dat low price, for (l.\)*H. Be .ure and call at, K- l\ \(> A ItHO NEW GOODS .’ N'EW GOODS Ti KECKIVKD DAILY AT cunt & Fiiraim j We woiiM ivißfH ctfHilly InV.rm thef Itlzer eof Mac >n and 1 aurroTiiid u< country, thatemeof onrflnu rvcml ly ret ii me I troiu tUcvailoua Nortlmrn Mar kite, and w* are i ow pnrfmrcd tu iliow the li eat Stock of Family GROCERIES Ever . ff- red In th .market, conehgtcg in par* ol Uiram Smith 1 * T tour.— Whole and Half Bide. Sitoa Mill* hoMe Extra Ilnur. A>r Bye fU/ur. 60 l tt** half* WMnhey. t’hoice Wine* and Rratuliee. Strain Rfjincd Suga r e , all grade*. i Oreen Real Champagne, The l-e-t kn-rwu widow Cliquot Charajiagne, ’ Heidsick t. narnpzgiic. La I‘e.le “ Half Pint - Cases and Basket*, Cevlon Cdffte, Bio , Jv “ M -ca “ Laguir* “ Pin* French Candice. In Bl l*. SS Ahnonde, Brazil Xut* Engtieh U’lilnute, Choice Pig Bacon, Choice Pig Ham*. Free M’ckcret, all t’tc Parka gee. Choice Be<f Tongues , Choice Dried Beef, ltologna Saumtge, Stulls Superior Chewing Tobacco. 60 thousand Choice Ha vana Cigars, Flue Cat Chewing Tobacco. The lar gest assortment of F-IPLE works tter offered in this market. An endless variety of TOYS. Fruits ol all kinds Ac. Cokvl4‘’ Superior Cream Cheeiie Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on us, we hope by renewed exertion* to eaiov continued favor. Oct Ist GIiUK ft FREEMAN. V Shu Press copy lnt Family Flour. * AAil LIJB. Knoxville City JliUsFamUy Flour. 1* f)iU"v Bbls. Hlrani Sziltli Flour, received and Id Mil by lmay 2J GKERft FREEMA GHeSjEfttES STAPLE ERY-GOODS. MESS.IIAPIEM, \V r OULU respectfully announce to the'r friends, and the I* pub ic, that they haveetdarxed theit store, ahd are now prepsr -d to Seep, and shall keep at all times, a stock of UKOCVKIES and STAPLE PKY GOOO'', second to none lathe vitv, and to which their attention i. ra st c rdially ia vited, The following is a list of the article*: *250 Bags Rio, Java and Laguira •200 Barrels A. B. and C. Sl T GAK. 300 Bt'xes TOBACCO. *250,000 CIGARS, from $5 to SGO per thousand. 15 Bales Ounabtirgs. 10 “ Kerxey. lO “ i olton Varus, lO “ Blankets. I*2oo nair of lYegro Shoes. 100 Biles 11 kGGIXG. 200 Coils Rope. 350 BbR Liquor of every quality and kind, from the finest Otard, Dii|>uy A Co*s Brands,down to Rectified YVIi tK y Thev have also a Nrge stock of CANDLES. CANDY 80AP.PICKLES PAIN I’S, OILS, GLASS, a ul m fa tev ery tbingthat the f-lanteror Merchant can uMi > the line of Groceries and Stai le Dry-Goods- Don't fad to oil .id ex amine their aotok Vefore parchaiug .Waller*. [-epl.Jotf r. ii.nimuv & (0., Cotton Avenue, Macon, 6a., onrer, as usual, at their Old Stand, a Choit-e As sortment of I'AMILY GROCERIES, Os every description and of the best quality, fr.s-h and good, being cons'autiy in receipt of new supplies from the Northern Manets, Sugars, Spices, White Fish, Syrups, Citrons, Herrings, Coffee, Green Fruits, in cans. Hams, Teas, Condiment* Lard, Sweetmeats, Sauces, Flour, Nuts, Cheese, Butler, i'.aieins. Mackerel, I'ork, And otherartte’es too numerous to mention, comprising the whole range of Family Grocery supplies. am a * We particularly invite the attention of dealers and others to our large and complete stock of Candies, manufactured by ourselves, of the very best materials, and warranted to retain their bardne and brilliancy, while the imported Candies Soon lose both aud become worthless. We offer unrivalled nducements to purchasers. Cakes, Ornamented &. Plain Os every variety, and made ot choice matenrds. Families and parties supplied at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Oysters, Crabs, Shrimps, Fresh Fish, in their Season. OUR OYSTER SALOON, Will be open fbrtiie reception of visitors, where we stall keep constantly on hand durlngthe Fall and Winter. Fresh Oysters and- ‘ J native and imported, v ‘ V#’ of the best qualities, and respectfully invite or ders. which shall be faithfully Sited. oct9—tf CARRIAGE MAKER'S HARDWAKE. s.viai|\ Jy ‘ y *+ * Macon, f L \\°* / / \ ( \ vvbsel* k Bodies. I ) 1 . V oo-l ‘" v -a-kl——l \ u' ol3 7 rcDol, *l \ S / I t \ J V/? \ \ / I I \ Full assortment of Wagon and Car- J~\ riage Maker’s Material for sale at New York prices, adding freight, together with u lull assortment of Hardware adupted to the use of Planters, Smiths, Mechanics, &c. For Sale bv NATHAN WEED, oct 14 Macon, Ga. THOMAS HARDKMAX. OTIS Q. BTa. HARDEMAN & SPAfIitSL ftll WAREHOUSE^ COMMISSION 1 MERCHANTS WILI continue to give prompt attention at their FIRE PROOF WARE HOUSE, on the corner of Sd and Poplar Streets, to ail basinet, committed to their charge. With their thanks for past favors, and a renewed pledge of faithfulness to ail the interests of theirfriendl and customers,they hope to receive their fall share he public patronage. Liberal advances made on Cotton and otherprodn when required. iiypianter’s Family Stores, also Bagging, Sope, Ac tarnished at the lowest market rates. Macon, Aagi—tf SABII A NU HUH I> FACTOH V.—Thenn _ dersigned is stillprepared to manufacture all kinds of Window Nash, liliiids, I’unuel Boors and Carpentry Work to order. Having always on hand, the beat seasoned and well assorted iumber, he Will warrant his work to be of the most substantial and durable description. He will also contract for any size or style of buildir.* and execute the same with all needful dispatch. Ordei respectfully solicited. JOHN KNTOHT. prilS—tf ; CASES. ROSE WOOD .Mahogany, Walnut, Covered and Plate Or (Bn*. Builder* are invited to call an and examing my stock ol | Marbleiied Iron Chimney Pieces, Window Sash and I Blinds, Panel Doors, Window Olass, Mahogany Bains ers and Newell. B. P. ROSS, marl?—tf Cotton At. Macon,Ga. SPICES. ri’HTARD, Cloves, ftutmefß, Pepper. Ac., which articles | I*l we have been extremely c.iriful io Mdecfcbypersonal in , spectlon; the purest, freshest and cleanest that can l> ob tained which we shall always keep on hand. I Sept 22, ‘5, ts ZEILIN A HUNT. Macon, Oa JUST RECEIVED, RANDALL’S ‘LIFE OF JEFFERSON, Complete in three Volumes. sep 24—ts .1. M. BOA HI) MAN. NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE! MACON, GEORGIA. We are now opening a large and well , selected Stock of lion!. and Shoes, | in the Sto-c on Beosnd Street, next t. HjtJ •Y'Mfi Mrs. Dessau’s, and nearly opposite Ma \ and Mechanics’Bank Agencies— -41, , jr stock having l*een purchased by I one of our Arm duucct ruou the Eabtee.v Mamtacti bee* fob Cash, ! We can offer great inducements to\those who wish to buy for Cash. We prefer small profits in (Cash, rhtherthsn large ones on time, where the good and solvent customers pay the loss on (i-Hids sold to the doubtful ones. . We shall keep-constantly on hand a gen era! Stock lor LADIES . Misses', Men’s. T\G\ Vonths’, Boys'and Children's v ear, and 1 V also a large stock for Negroes. We invite W all who wish to porchare to call and see us, and we will convince them that we cax asp wili. reli. as LOW as All no (he IS THE Statk. (>nr worK is guaranteed, and where It fails to give satisfaction, we lepair free of . charge. We respectfully solicit a liberal share of pub ic patronage. BEARDEN A GAINES. REPAIRING. I We have employed expert Sliced workmen, and fire pre I pared to Repair all kinds of work iu our line with Leatnea | and de*p *tch. Maich 25, ’s9—tf TO FARMERS. •>rkrk bales heavy gunny bauuinu, c>U V 1,0 0 Rolls “ 10n “ T*undee Bagging S.SUO Colls M.’.clime Rope, I.COO •• Hand hpun Rope, .O 0 Bounds Twine. We offer the above on favorable terms. Jniv.H-tf J. B. Si IV. A. ROSS. Porter and Ale. .1(1 Casks .leffers’ Jug Ale. Lm \ r 10 Casks best London I’ortpr, ust received, GREER FREEMAN Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, t)iiii Backs Rio Coffee aw V/1/ 50 Buck* Java and Lag. Coffee, 126 Phis Refined Sugar, 25 “ Crushed and Powdered, Ml ** hds New Orleans sugar, 50 bids New Orleans Syrup, 10 hds New Crop Molasses, 6 0 bushels Seed Oats, g 0 ‘* Corn Meal, Casks Shoulders, 10 ’ Side*, 800 Sacks Flonr, For sale hr ran.2S-tf AYRES.JtLXGK 1 ELD A CO. BOOTS, SHIM-TRIMS ! at greatly REDUCED PRICES. HAVING reoelred a full stock of Goods in our line and adopted the CASH PRINCIPLE we are ampfy prepared to offer you greater bargains than you have ever had before. The encouragement we bare met with o far confirms us In the opinion that iheciUtens of Mac tu and aurronnding ocun- I try will support ;ui estabtlshmfnt where the money laves from 10 to 15 per cent to the purchaser. L. L. BRICKHOFSE dr CO. Triaagular Block, next door to H. Fitch A Cos. no v2t w ENGRAVING ud Jewelry repaired, by £. J. JOHNBTON k CO. A Card. ApttiiiTTl'r extenilitif over several counties, manvo them distant from Macon, has resulted in my frequent absence from this city. Forth. purpose of affordii gme more time to attend to my business here snd in this circuit, I have associated in my practice with Col. K. W. lawyer of Urge practice and rcpitUtion, whose re itlence in Atlanta a lit authorise me lu flvl’ g constant and exclusive attention to all case, ptac, din mv lend*in this city. here mv inter ests are now st li more flimiy aud thoroughly identilied. Mac mi, aujc 12—tl O. A. LUU'IKA.V®* KEROSENE OIL! 6 REA T RED UCTION IN PRICE. THE NEW YORK KEROSENE OIL CO. (ivSIAitUSMH) ISA 4.) Annonno* that, li living made great improvements in the iimnutacturv of Kerosene,* now enabled to offer it to the trade id , A Reduced Brice. The attention of consumers is respect fully culled j to the subjoined table, the result of a photometrieal ! ex.r.iiinatioii. by En'n N. Kturr, Es.j., ot New \ork- j Chemist? and dated Feb. 3,1856. [u, ,’§■'= g c # j =3- | o ct c T ! MATERIAL. LAMP. > \ U.S &*Q** 1 w Kerosene - - - Kero-ene-- Fl.< 2.435 SI to S* lo ( imuheti. imipliene - 5.625 I.2SW Ca| 485 Whole Oil--- Solar I.Strj h*l 1 OojM 00 LaniOii Solar l.4n[ 706 1 251 17 70 •Sperm Oil Solar I 850 22526 47 Burning kiliid Large Wick 800 871'Jb OU Kcliabie orders from the Trade, by Mail or Tele graph, tilled, on applieation to Ai'VrENS A son Is, 93 Pearl Street. N. Y. KKlt< iSKN B is id so to be (•gained at the Mann foe- 1 turei s Prtee.s, of all the Wholesale New 1 ork Drug- I gists. Groeer- fattiphem* nn<l Burning Fluid Manu- | fuehirers and iH'aiers in Lamps. .V. fI. — KEROSF. XE is I),e trek-mark of the Kero- j unie OH Cos., nn.l ‘HI persoas ore raution -a tnj,iint using | the tout trade-mnrlc for other oils. oet 14 swJtw Sin DRYGOODS,] traaitc Block, Halberry Street. s, s. i’riiim:\ & co, G 1 dATEKCLf rtheliriml p la.s’ jear.are now f prepared to exhibit al. and select Mock of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS ! Confident of Tint being exrelled cither In beauty, style or price. A Choice variety oi rica I>K KSS GOODS VELVET AND SI I,K KuBF.S. Blit K.HE AND BAY \DEHE SILKS, EDIT. \RI) SILKS. DE I.AINB AND AIERINO ROBES, ROBES DE CHA.MBKE, POPLINS. VALENCIAS. DE LAINES. MERINOS CASHMERES! A large variety of SH A WLS, new styles. VELVET Be CLOTH CLOAKS* Misjes’and Children’s CLOAKS, TALMAS & SACKS Press Trimings, Embroideries Hosiery, Gloves, EMPRESS HOOP SKIRTS, a superior article, warranted best quality. Our assortment of Goods for family use is complete Irish Lineis, Toweling', Napkins, Tablrrloths, Table Damask. Pillow Casing, Sheetings, Cottons, Flannels, and all the different varieties of STAPLE GOODS reamred for the trade, which we f-ffer on the most favorable term*. * [sept 24 dt J N. S. PiiUDKN A CO. FLINT HOUSE. Maoon, Ga. FORMERLY known as the Macon House, on First Street, .itqrwite Patton, Collins A Co.’*, TltlJKl has beer recei.tlv itted up with a large addition, hr. ||3 fcr'ueacci nim'slit'.onof B.' and the travel- MB ing Public, who will Bnd it to their interest, if stop- akHB ping a few days in Macon, to give us a call and see for them selves. The Proprietor thankful tor past favors. Batters him self that by strict attention to,he will receive his share of public patronage. Passengers wishing to stop at the above bouse, when arriv ing at the Depot will ask fir its Representative. The table .hail not be inferior to any in the substantial* of life. Prioo of Board g For a.ingle meal $ .90 Supper, Lodgiog and Breakfast 1.25 By the Day 1.80 Single Week 8.00 Bv the Month (Board and Lodging) 20.00 lan 42—ts THOS. H. FLINT. Proprietor. IPf faxm A. M. Bininger & Cos (Establiflied 1778,) SOLE IMPORTERS, No. 338 Broadway, N. Y. This DELICIOUS TONIC, ; especially designed for the use of the Medical Profession and the Family, possesses those intrinsic medicinal pr* porties (Tonic and Diuretic) which belong to an Old and PURE GIN. The business of manufacturing spurious gins, and offering them as beverages, under the titles, 11 Aromatic,” —“ Cordial,” — ‘* Medicated,” etc., has become so com- \ ..on, that the public are justly suspicious of nearly everything that is offered under gimilar forms, and the trade has thus been brought into disrepute. It has remained for our house (established in 1718) to supply the pressing popular need, and to inaugurate a new era in the history of the Trade. We trust that our established reputation—found ed upon eighty years of experience abundantly vindicates our claim to public confidence. TNT. B. A comparison of “ Bininger’s Old London Dock Gm” with others bearing similar names, will establish its superiority, and make other Caution unnecessary. Put up in Quart Bottles, in Cases of one and two dozen each, and sold through out the. world by Druggists, Grocers, <fcc. Druggists and Dealers Supplied with Wines and Brandies, I Direct from United States Warehouses. For sale in Macon, by Subc-ra & Lewis Cherry Street, and all prominent Druggists, Grocers, Ac. oct 12 FOR SALE. THEeubacnber having permanently located st the Hotel, wilt sell hi* late residence, at present occupied by A. Q. Butts, Keg. The house contain* ix rooms, with all necessary out buildings, a fine garden with a variety of fruit trees, shrubbery, Ac. For terms, apply to £. £. BROWH, Brown’s Hotel. ALSO. The .arge and commodious Building on the corner of Court House Square and Mulberry atreei, known a* the City Hall, at present occupied by Tim*. S. Kilpatrick, a* a Hotel. If not sold by the first of September It will be for rent. Also, two vacant Lot* adjoining Mm. E. D. Tracy’*, on Magnolia street. , Also, the Lot* situated between College and Orange streets, containing half an acre each—knewn as the Todd Lou.— These louare near the Wesleyan Female College, and are very desirable for dwellings. Also, two or three Stores In East Macon, for rent. Possession given on the Ist of October next. For terms, apply to K. K. BROWN. July 80—ts at Brown’s Hotel, Macon, Ga- FALL OF 1859! C3M-* m rmr b ■ ■ mt msa-m NOW RECEIVING A Mauni/tcent Stark, and \ciU he told at Priest t* Defy Competition, >it KAIKD'B Notice to Debtors an and Creditors. ALL persona indebled to THOMAS P. BTUBBS, late of Bibb County, deceased, are requested to make immedi ate payment, ana those having claims against his estate to present them far payment, in terms of the law. Oct. WM. LUNDY, Adaiinistiatoi. STRONG & WOOD. DEALERS IN B6OT3.SH3ES. HATHEH. EATS £ l!A?S, AT TmilE OLD STAXW OY 2D, ST. Opposite Bostick & Kein’s. PJAVE now in store, a large and mell selected assortment SOOTS £*3S SHOES; of every variety of style and pattern, manufactured to ordvt and to suit this inarket. eotisi.-t .ng of BOOTS. GAITEIS k HftWv LADIES’ HEELED GAITERS AND SUPPERS, Misses’ Heeled Slippers k Gaiters. CHILDRENS ’ SHOES 0? EVERY STYLE. Also, HATS and CAPS,f^Y Os at! Qnutitles *nd Stiles, All of which wiil be sold on reasonable term..— *9 Thankful for pn-t favor*. tSiey Invite tho>e :-i ing to pare bast to Cali and examine their stock before purchaebing tlrfx here oct. 9. 1898—ts * W ‘W'rou.g’lrt Iron G- A. MeQUEEN, MiXCON, GtjA.., VTAXI FACTURER of Wro ight Irion Kailiog of even JJI description, and for all purposes, bdli Plain & Ornamental. From (he lightest scroll Iron up to tne hen. ie-t R.kßt.g used. ID'iug an eudics var.ety of deal, ns, purchaser, ouiuot fall to be suited. Being entirely of Wrought Iron their strength, canr.ot be questioned, end tor beauty they cannot be ;ur; u.-cd any where. All kinds of Fancy Ir >a Work mad to order, l’ar ticuiar attention paid lo making all kinds of Geometrical Stair Railing. For Sale. OJfEof the most desirable re-iilcncea in the city, where the subscriber now resides, comer of Oak turn Second Streets. The Lot contains three quarters of an acre, aud is highly improved with choice varieties of Feuc.-;, Apric iis,Urapea anc other frui's. and liowurs. The dwelling contain- ten Rooms, Closet- in six, and Ga in all. Terms of payment will hr ma le ear-. For particu l-s,enquire of-1. DeLoache or IV. s. Biaatlr. If not sold before Christs'as it will be rei.ed to tin approv ed Iflitlit. [dec. 14—tf] GEO. W. ADAMS. NEW FUIUnTITUHE. THE subscriber has jest receiv ed.and will continue to receive from the best New York City manu- /afeg?[N\ factorers, a large and handsome a. sorunent of the latest styles of FrBMTIRE, CHUBS, &C. He also manufactures Fuuniture of the very best workmanship, and at the lowest market prices. The fol- f }*c/ towing list comprises a part of ihe articles always on hand: L J Tete atete, L—- Rocking chairs of every style, Parlor chairs. Mahogany, Walnut, Oak and Cane teatohaln, Office and Window chairs, Cottage chairs, Bedsteadsfrom 95 to SIOO, Side Boards, Wash stands, Corner stands, Wardrobes, Bafeg, Bureaux—Mahogany,Walnut and Rose Wood, Dining Tables. Folding and Plain Tables, Centre and Side Tables, Oouches,Truunell Bedsteads, Cradles and Cribs, Secretaries and Book cases, Hat stands, Looking Glasses, Childrens’carriages and cabs, Wlndowshtdes, Featherdusters, Onrled hair and cotton Matttasses. B. T. ROSS CITY HOTEL Macon, Georgia. \T HOME—always ready- to receive mv old patrons and customers of the Hotel. Please call at theoid Stand op posite the Court House, and you will alwai s Snd the Pro prietor at his post. Table always as good ns the Market icill afford. Call and see—ls not satisfactory, money refunded for all ex tracharges. T. S. KILPATRICK, Proprietor. Sept 2—d Aw MONTPELIER FARM SCHOOL. MONROE COUNTY', GEORGIA. REV. CARLISLE P. B. MARTIN, PRES. HAVING purchased Montpelier, that celebrated seat 01 learning. Mr. Martin ha? transferred thither his FARM SCHOOL from Henry county. Noplace in all the south possesses more faculties or more peculiar advantages than does this fer the successful educa tlon of youth. The Fall Session will commence on the 25vb of July next, k or further information address the President at Montpe lier, G*. may 24 ts Osnaburgs, Yarns, &c. Qik Bales Osnaburgs. OU 20 Bales Yarns, 15 Bales Macon and Milledgeville Sheetings, i 10 Bales \ bheetlngs, 5 Bales Strif es, For sale by AYRES, WINGFIELD * CO. u2S—tf j Osnaburgs, Yarns, Kerseys, Ac. 150 ?- ALES yo ’ J o??:A,:rnG? * 175 “ Georgia Kerseys, I'D “ Macon Sheeting, iO ‘* “ DrUling, 2s “ ** 7-8 fchir.ting, 20u “ “ Yarns. Fni Sa'e at Factory Pricet niv It—tfr J. B. A W. A. ROSS. MACON LAMP STORK! No. 11 COTTON AVENUE. CROCKERY, GLASS AAO CHI AA, COAL OIL LAMPS AND CHANDALIERS, Fluid Lamps, Silvfr Plated Ware, Table Cutlery and Castor Frames, LOOKING CLASSES, Improved Coal Oil, BURNING FLUID CAMPUINE AND ALCOHOL At Wholesale and Retail , CHEAP FOR CASH CALL AN 7 ) SEE US. BOLSKAW A HERZOG, i EVERY 15 OI) V tOOS fiEBEI IF YOU would boy A? the best Carriage, 5 Rockawav, - Buggy, ‘ Hack Wagon, Jersey Wagon,’ Plantation Wagon, that will RUN LIGHTER, and LAST LONGER, than any you can buy Ilf TEE STATE, go to IVOODRI FF A C 0., Hurra, Ga. i ft®* They keep a LARGE STOCK, and SELL LOW, especially for CASH! Aprill ts. j Liverpool & London LIFE A FIRE INSURANCE mzz mom imw. s— mr V'9 Office st>, Wall Street , New Nork City. authorized capital. £2,000,000 or $10,000,000. Paid up Capital, Surplus and Bmenei Funds, FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS: SBOO,OOO Invested in this Country. DIRECTORS IN NEW YORK : JAMES BROWN, Chairman. FRANCIS O >TTEN. Deputy Chairman. GEORGE BARCLAY, k~-q. EUGENE DUTILH, Esq. JOSEPH GILI.ARD. Jr., Esq. JOSEPH FOWLER. Esq. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Jr., Esq. ED F. SANDERSON. Esq. WM. S. WETMORE, Esq, EDWARD M. ARCHIBALD. Esq. Fre-ident Secretary. ALFP.ED PELL, Esq. CuusaeJ of the Board, A. HA MILTON, Jr.. Esq. i AYERS. WINGFIELD A CG, Agents, ! Who will take Fire Risks, only. Macon. May 11th—ts BEULAH. Ayer'SSarsaparilla A compountl remedy, in hich w c j,. bored to produce the most effectual alt** 6 *** that can be mad*. It is a eoncentrtcH of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined wit, X substances of still greater alterative TAN ARUS)(, L f ’ t!l ' T to afford mn effective antidote for the and * Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It Ls bf-r that such a remedy is wanted by tho* suffer firom Strumous complaints, and tk ivlfieh will accomplish their cure mu,/ 1151 * of immense service to this large class afflicted fellow- citizens. How complete] compound will do it has been proven bv 7 ‘'■* iment on many of the w orst cases to of the following complaints: Scrofula ash Scrofulous Compli Eruptions and Eruptive Diseases, Pimples, Blotches, Tumors, Salt lV Scald Head, Syphilis and Svthilitilm*’ tections, Mercurial Disease, Dropsy \- ralgia or Tic Douloureux, Debility ’ ms” pepsia and Indigestion, Erysipelas’ bl” oit St. Anthony’s Fire, and indeed the’ wvt* class of complaints arising from Impurjt 8 the Blood. us This compound will be found a great r . motor of health, when taken in the spring expel the foul humors which fester lif'.v? blood at that season of the year. By fit [X Iv expulsion of them many rankling disorder arc nipped in the bud. Multitudes can ]’ the aid of this remedy, spare themselves X the endurance of foul eruptions and uleerj. 3 sores, through which the system will strive tr rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impuritnL bursting through the skin in pimples, eruption or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ot. structed and sluggish in the veins ; elc-anse it w henever it is foul, and your feelings Mill tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can b no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. j Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiouslv deceived bT preparations of it, partly because the dni'o , alone has not all the virtue that is claimed I for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, , contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla! or any thing else. During late years the public have been mis- I led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart ! of Extract of .Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most i of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa- I rilla, but often no curative properties whatev i er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still w e call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which resu upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. prepared by DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle ; Six Bottles for 93, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, Chat it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been ia constant us* throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, for the cure or Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver Cotnplaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as * Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most senii tivc can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 cents per Box; Fiveboxei for SI.OO. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our American Almanac in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Ayer’s, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our Bemedies are for sale by t?<ou iiyh. Li. Ktrohecßer A Cos., Zeilin & Hunt, Macon, and by all druggists and deal er- in Medicine everywhere. Haviland,Chichester i Cos., Augusta, Ga , wholesale agents. CHARLES KIESES. TI O IAS K. DAWAoX DAWSON & K 188 EE, Attorneys & Counsellors hSA, r JT 3ta 9 (laivkifisYillc and Vienna, Ga. Mr. K. will have entire collections; Mr. D. al .:ti£iitions,for the present, with assistance of his partner. They will practice Liv. and eive attern! m tn any hnstne*. the may beiulrusteit9thelrn.anas;eintirt,intheoooa<leof >‘nia*ki, Lowndes, Dooly, Honston, Wilcox, Brooks, M vco ;i, Irwin, Echols, Worth, I etiair, Clinch, Berrien, Coffee, Ware. Sumter, Appling, Laurens, Lee, Pierce, Tvviyps Miller. Baker, Dougherty. In SUPREME COURT, at Macon. MiUedxvllle, San.nnth, and also in asioinine Counties, on special engagement. AND Tn Federal Court, at Savannah. March I. 1850. y 49 ts Rare Chance for Investment %i Hi “** , ZEttcixtion Mooliniiios FOR SALE, THE WELL KNOWN KNIGHT'S BTK V| SASH dr BLIND FACTORY. The BuuSlnjAs it (Srely new, and the Machinery n*w and dftbe best quality. IBs lucrative bosU*s*and haa *wU fct.v.-lalic EiaEa. TheAafidlte and Machinery wlnb oM on liberal terms, withalJtoflumbcr.if desired. may*d—it JOHN KNIGH i. t. eawrwrtnnT. 1., t. Epxoffpsnx. I. T. CARTWRHiUT & CO., Prednce, Forwarding and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ON Front How, > HIB, Tenn, L EALERS IN Flour . Bacon. Lard, Butter, Cheese, Fish Whisky, Tokoeeo, Cigars, Hoy, Grain and Produce Generally. Orders Solicited and Promptly Filled nmaexcES: Ilite A- Small, Louiaville. Ky.; Ik an A Cliffurd, Lonifril Ky.; Ltbman A Cos., Memphis, Tenn.; Uallawav A Carry bell, Memphis, Teuu. iept22*m* COATES & WOOLFOLK fAfflK JUS CHXMISSHI MERCHANTS £d. 1 ire II r,t.--u an A Stark.. Wewi.l endeavor to pm'e oursei vec worthy of the pat-oisage of hoaevt 1 ’ * , ... I tie r bus,i.ess. Liberal advance* made tn cetton when ce liro4. Mucon. Sept. 21. -94 ts PIANO FORTES! A. IZX. GALE efts 00. TAKE pleasure in > invttine tte dk?” of Artists, A the lubJ 1 evuSrJlv. 11( th e i I NO h-oi-T*. just in T J y J -Jirodueed. Ih* aro* I ink desire for .Square • “ J J Plan- > Forte that >• I a-q r.-aeh the Grand in volume of Sound, and at the Mm’ time, swill the nngtinK appearance of that atran out. directed our energies to the production of men Jeeidtraium. Our toll i* rewarded and we submit the result without fear of lour pianos are warranted to give entire aatisfaiJoru whether ordered fro*t us direct, or ao.d by any of our agenw throughout the country : and we eolicit a coutlnuanre oi that patronage which we have enjoyed lor the last twenty-live years. .1. H. GALE * 00., JimeaOwJy 191 East 12th St., New York- STATIONERS WAREHOUSE, No. 75, John Street, N. Y. W. & C. K. HERRICK, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STATIONERY t XI T E anow prwparctl to offer to the trade, fromjjJl P . >T of tlie country, a fall and complete | goodi In our line compritiag Lbe newest and must nTATIONBRr ; nthecouctry. We reapsctfully requestof bu)ers*fi> u, t ion of our stock. Our now ILLUSTRATED TRADE CATALOGUE i Will be,sent Free by ,'iiail on apiliuttion. I june Xi—lj