The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, December 23, 1859, Image 3

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y-j* jg the Price ofOu in Atluti * limit be an extra demand for the Gaxeoua in your Tiling when *ncli lar/r quantities . k ,, u<ei as • w. # tr pnirrr. in the ufir.vero<-nt of ear- if titt“Pheb*"an*i ‘Coach’” are nock great why don't you sell them, and not We-p them yukf’ from month to month f —i wrGimages*. ■‘Conehe*’’ ami “Brett*.” are of such ” , \ and style. a? to he constantly selling which, make* it necessary to be frequently resetting, Mn ,| of(sHtrae. daily expecting fresh arrivals. There is no wonder your Wagons are “on hand” ahen their capacity is but Tm-Thmit of the draft ! \-Phirton” < a • shell or chaise shaped vehicle, o ,-spacitr for twa persons, similar to a Buggy, more r .ntnwoly used by Physicians. prohaMy seldom sold in ,.hsoure places. Isit rn:ich nse.l in large and im* rcint Otic* like New York. New Orleans and ! M i „ _ J. C. THORNTON h Co7 Tli<‘ Fin*’ ( oat h. WOOPRrrr * CO. have reeelv-d *t tael.-repertory in l/u , . ftJct tfillrsU. on* of the fined eo-.che. ever s r b> Ui* ™f-’sr-lvgr at m e!I at the PhKcn. “f a’-ove.! ON H VNP, ar.d a"I mere yan imaginary -Jviry txp e*d”—’ that it to c mV- faked fur hr wh-i live •* the treat reatrml c yof the St .la,tad yt to ast ter® the diffenaca betwsaa Ptc'.oa and Bn-tt. lVis#taJ*e">ST roach : It U Lot si “ini’ at to bees ~ pj fast rtal aid arg” I and ro tS Crer than \m yofl rwer dream ./ at srit in re tluoe seTraLLT offer Thd* Lui lea Wagons arc ON IIANDtj-at .trt *# will lav all PbilsdeipU. or Ur fed w g,,n is the _ 4 t jfaaya’tW chU-tis f Kimi have ordered the e yCtf-a*. a* ll wf nrjC-thlUr onle-a. C*h ship ftnUii*nce Atliat.v. dec 7—ls THE PHiETON. T glt gyle of ea*rivge!t now bccratljtg very Ushionabtc i they are (igb'er thin the Catch. Wc draff A Cos., bare , ,*l at their NEW KSPOSITOHT.ia Atlan'a. on f tSr fla- at raxrest rr brought South ; it took the pee r . at the Sew Jt rwy State Fair, ai dlt la now offered for „ g alow frit*, Tlicy hwe, also, a beautiful light Ph.ctox g their Repository ia Grtffln. Ox Now it the time if you w .., ( one of there btautiful cartages. nuv 5 iJw PLANTATION WAGONS~ ‘.l>w h the time to get the very heat i. * or e horc wag >a that ‘j H- lii America, with heavy Iron Axles, at-l ait Ut , . s r sruor.t and 1 hreep eart before it U worked. WorAuff A Cos .Griffis. <ia., are tiling uidcnto Plantar. It trarlv ail part* of !Ue Stale, and can supply aty numhor , ~aatt thort stw. either fmm Grfflr. or from the Par mry Seek. Ale ut one third of the ie sired by using IhCTtwhffth*. nov 5 iwfr Tax Col.ector. *L ore au'lnri*eJ to announce jnt Capt. Wm. as a candidate M jg \ Colkdor t)f Bibb County at the en rung elsfclioo in January next. oct 29—wtde Coroner. are authorized to announce llkn RT *S. Simmons, as a Cancidate for Coroner Cibb County, at the ensuing election in January next. dec 9 tde Tax Collectorship. We are aurhonzeil to announce Rich ard A. Boson, as a candidate for Tax Col leo or of Bibb County, at the next election in January. dec 10 tde &r \V are authorized to announce Solomon R. Jobkson aaaoandidate for the of fweot Receiver of Tax 11-turns of Bibb co, at th ensuing January el*ct.on. nov 26 are authorized to anuouuce Wji T. \1 AffsET, as a Candidate for re-election a* Judge of Ordinary, lor the County of Bibb, at the ensuing election. nor 26 Tax Collectorship. \\ E are authorized to announce Jons T. Wooten as a candidate for Tax Col lector of B bb County at the ensuing, e'ection in Janaoaiy. dec 16 tde Clerk Inferior Court. VW are authorized to announce i E- D. Williams, as an indepen dent candidate f>r the Clerkship of the In ft-rior Court, of Bibb County, a; the ensuing election in January nov 16 tde Tax Receiver. are authorized to announce i the name of Sterl.xg Ticker. as a candidate for receiver of Tax R-*turr s of Bibb County at the ensuing election in January 1860. jan 4, ’s9 —tde TV Campbells are Coming. RALSTON’S HALL. FOUR NIGHTS ONLY! Commencing Wednesday, Dec. 28. KlIIIIM')’ A \t‘\% ORIGINAL t'AMPHELL MINSTRELS.Bnu> Ban.l wn.l IKm Lie Troup.-, an,l the only CttntpU-lh now in x:-u-we : all other-* a-surning the name an* noth in* ™ *n* than mountelnnk* and impoators. not to he iru-tt*d. We caution the public again.-t all such.’ Tike wit antage* the < ainpl*lU enjoy, above a ty I rslter mia-trel organization arit-e from their wintei nikt I'.ir the last twelve year- in country. Titeir delmeauomt of negro character ere taken fr- rti natnr.U arnts aibl iucidenti in African life. rt 1 airn at preventins the musical un i conieal pe c'l'..rttee <>f the southern n -gro. and elevating him t > N proper .tMiuhnl of natural wit and nm-ieal tal eit.. prem-nting the p!t*v of negro life on the plan t*i >oi. and represent: ng the lutt-a-al capiloltties of Ute in *re refined negroes of eities and tillage*. In rep trnthfiilly the shatles an*l peculiarities ••f iw-gn liiS the tuiicnwi aci-oni la- stamped the l iiuplell artists unappr.iwbnhle and defying. •o’ Free Balcony serenmlc nightly by” the t'amp le-. I Brass Bond, led by the Wtiard Bugler. August 1 re open at a quarter to 7; to commence at a quarter to A o'clock. Admission .'*octs.—children and servants2s eta. P. A. CLARKE. Agent. MERCHANT TAILORING! M WM. K. ARNOLD, || TKIPID S sr r , "sFMD3E2*X* > (FLOYD HOUSE IH LONG) MACON, GEORGIA. It still the favorite resort of all I-overs of the btatitifi'l. He ie nov rejieved ,<>r the i till Campaign, and with all the New and late improvements in the A r '. tuu. !,is CORPS OF TALENTED ARTISTS, arr tter prepared tha.. ever to execute kaau'tfti! PICTURE? f<-r which his GALLER’ i- c ~ . Which coii*Ut of the fulluslnC PORTRAITS IN OIL AND PASTEL. Takes either from life, or Daft ?i*f ype* of Ur I sons, al.-o THE! XX7"O3FL'ST’ r r , 'V’I r *JE!- This is something entirely NEW, and is really beautiful, tor fineness ol finish and beauty of c lor, they e&nnot be equalled, and can be had at exceedingly ow prices. They are just ihe thing for BREASTPINS AND LOCKETS, WURELUE iXD IMPERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS. photograph^ daguerreotypes. AMBROTYPEB, AC. Aa usual, at reduced prices. Please call and examine Specimens. 11. L. WOOD, Washington Block, jg Opposite Lanier House. MENARD * CASTLEN, and APOTHECARIES, & uvacoiv) -'**-•* 9 Would respectfully invite attention to our Stock of Choice a * Unadulterated Drugs, Chemicals Medicines, I And all other articles in our line. W- leel assured that lloue in the fiouth can offer a Stock superior to our-in te; J anil Parit}, El All officinal preparation* are being made in strict ac rdunce with the formularies of the l nitad States’ rLdraiacopsin. Our St >ck of dental and surgical instruments, D lull, and we have unequalled arrangements in procuring additional supplies at the •horten notice. A choice selection of Garden, Grass and Field Seeds, a y always be found in our Stock, together with a full supply of • PAINTS, OILS, GLASS PATTY, Ac., *c. ‘**, nr t? -u§ ns ATTENTION mechanics. rS>tkT Ikon Vhii, I Maeo n . rveenther 17th. j A Nr, 1, PATTEX MAKER. AND FY)I'K GOOD a ; Untonied to Stearu vork can tird employment by immediate anolica tion to ihe undersigned. General Ja'iorers also wanted. _ . . _ J. N. Aa D. FINDLAY. of the late Firm R. FIN'D- Goat ij. n ; r *i. I>ec. It. 1860. WAITED. A Silcglm it 110-k-s r .’ o-tnc mas. Esgage nw.t Uuottiiu-ni* Uti’ la • lilnM * 1 o,el * l~v c . .j.. Macon. Oa. NOTICE. ALL tho<e bating Fim. .us the . tr- rs Vr&.n w-'l p presput .Be Munc f#r f . tn.- * v - . f r*#-.* i“L* mghar; * ci.d.'tU-T: Fine Fresh C kndi23, FROM “MILLARDS,” NEW YORK 1500 ttf 11 FRXXCII CANDIES CONSISTING Wla * T r °l*- Pin* Apple I C ff 4 r *''*• •’ ’• 1 Mlled * “nndySugar Aim mis. Jetty. (,nm Do, *. t a rti.ints, 1 lain Gum Ji„ Cr .- Choc.4 tte. Ice 1 1 coiu, t r->p-. r,fct t'ai-dv r..m, and rw w * D *ail ty known. t r ro-k c-.nno: t, ; excahej. Wetnv U pu-chv m to ! eahatd.xanlr,. uKKkF. A >ltk.FM*N. T..etq;h cpy. dec 17 I 11)11 Slli\l \\ e now effer the remainder of our WINTER DRESS GOODS, at greatly REDUCED PRICES. 1: veil wish a HAKS.‘OiiE ERESS . ; it.tie motiey, • aii on X. > I’Rl Di)L\ & CO. der !1 DALYS AROMATIC WHI'KEY. *ll CASES r -T RECEIVED nt,d for sal* bv, • 1(1 u.c;* GRKKti A IKEEMAN. Diaries and Almanacs for 1860. f * Kl * R** Os- p/l • Alrr .nxc. 1l atny q iaultfy. V.I iri -a tor i*M, fr>m2sceuU toll s*mdi, at KH lIAKI Cobb’s* Statutes and Forms. I'h ‘ i.tb**.>u • fthe slkkliitcs ai.d For” sot tnc I v tn*. of Rc**[gik .n .w **n h:*l).|; price for sale by •be SI J. J. A. F. Kl’ tIAHDS Ac Cost. —Closing Out. OUR *ntir C'lllVt, (il.t-s and TOY dcpaitmsnt with many *tu-r dnerwt U gueda, a t off rtUittwiid un der c-*t f *r the Build*’ s. dec!'if I.J JOHN-TON A CO. Mules, Mules! f j'HK Milkto-nlier will have ISO Main* for sal* at 1 Mr. .Stnbletieid's .''table oti the ‘id of January, 100 of which are No. 1 4 year <>l*l Mi.'.-ouri mules, m*i SO g*K*l work ntitlcs from 3 to 5 years old. Macon. lec. 21 2t O. HOWES. Select Boys’ School. M R. K. W. PARSONS will re-open hi* School af ter tiie Christnia.- Holiday*, on Tuesday, Janu ary 3<l, 1 : 60. Scho<*l laiilding in the rear of Mrs. J*>. E. Bond s re-id. it.-e. de* S SIXTY fZTOI S FOR SALE. I II V\ E Jl ST RECE \ l- i# a l*>t of likely young I N‘-irr*-e* from .Marx I. *i art*l offer them” at rea sonable price*; purelta- r* xrill please favor me with a call. Also, wish to purchasers good men and women for the Western inarlo-t- for which I wili trade women and children or paveu it. t iffice on the corner of Third and Poplar .'tr* et near Harde man A Sparks’ Ware House. W. R PHILLIPS. Maeon. Dee. 21, ‘S9. LIVERY STAELE 28?iCE. ON and after 2Sth l'ee_ ls.'*. t! • f Jlouing prices will 1* e!targe*l forfccuing horsesm our stable*. Single feed of horse - - - - 50 Per night or day, - - - - - 1.00 Board of horse per month. - - SIB.OO Drove stock per_*lay in stable, - - 75 “ “ “ ““ lot, - - - 50 HAYDEN A GOOLSBY. . GRIER A MASTERS))X, M. STUBBLEFIELD. ADERHOLD A JEFFERS. Macon, Dec. 21,1850 lm CHRISTMAS Holiday Presents RICHARDS 1 BQ0lT& VU3IC STORE. A g* ra* variety of Regard Gift Fo-A-, Rir eworsl. M*t>oirai.x and Papier Mat h>e Dc -ks, Ster.*,e *twnl VU w. plain aid col-irot, G >*il ptt.a, I’orthtii* t:d All*tU_, A fiiw In* rs Juvii; and Toy !{ F, I‘olla. Kvlla, 1ot( kJi. Games, i-r sa*e low t r and c SI 3. J. A . P. RICUARDS. MM MM.II Holiday Trade! WE Mprc'bt*} mx'ta pubic ottentio'i to cur large and *nd cirgan itock of XX IT. !|F.“, XVELHY, “II VFR-XVARE, FXX CX GOOD-, ML-K UIX-Tdl -OAT', AC, Embracii.* .it aai *tn.enkb:.- o *ey q.-m wi.'c t* *** ts*- kettma for H*ii*AY a* and *tb<-r p p-auts. all of which arc ffered *• * ‘he 11 ,v ra lr te-ti> <tec si E. J. JtMIN-: Os A CO. WANTED TO HIRE. 1 J7°b li e ensuing year, a Negro ik v about 12 or 13 ! * y>-r old. Due acquainted wltfi the citv pre fem and. Apply to L. 11. ANDREWS. * w - l Job I'rmt/r. Cherry St. KRIS KRINGLE’S COMING! I . 11. FREEMAN & Cli, Are low r-ce>v!uir .**nd ape&inx a Fplend.d assort uiw-ll of UuodsuiuN for iLe HOLIDAYS, Cusaisticg of ever,’ demfiption of Toys, Fancy Boxes, &c. Bcido a 1 rge stock of | < andlcN, Grut-eriPN, Faniilv Stores, S went-,Heats. Confections, l*ic tiles, iPKetahlcK, I'rultw, Xuls, _ &.C. j The y.xnnr paept* as well a, the “Old F-.!r at llotw* ~ | who w ,h u* p-,.vld % t!H >tt'T ‘IAS mi i NLW YKAK’3 l re-tixltl-s. wi i pl v „*ei'-* us a c 11, as -.year.- sure we cat Plewaeth*- iu,>.i f*A..Jiauit?lc#orU.* in",. it. . ! _ U >7 H.F. * ... Isrful as well as Ornamental ! I FOB * . CHRISTMAS GIFTS: FANCY PERFUMES. toilet bottles. PUFF BOXES. TOILET’ MIRRORS, AC.. Ac. Also an elegant assortment of Hair Pomade* in Fancy Jar*. Hair Brushes and t “omln. Hat Brushes, - Colognes. Flat umg Extract*, Ac.. f..r sale hv •tec 17 ZIULIX A lll'NT. THE BEST PIAtfGS MADE. \\ :,rv !>l}W YwctlviDjC. to ouralrrody Mitc.ed slock of ff 1 iuiios. the c l*brated Steinway Pianos. Ihtielr druiMiitß have al ays lakcb ti e first prizes In all fn!N wher**v**r exhibited, hik are the only Pianos used and recozumtiided by the best artists, umi Ktisifni t’elel.r lu**, ** Tlf* charfen!v. Yi Is, >atier, Li.-ueid f>utl!i>.lk, v\ af i-nuaujft. utril a h t of ethers. They uae or.!vsMcthw A \ * ?tr p r*<ic ad private use. We u u k pvs enoiuh to enleivor to create an ei iryilif tortwive ff in ihc NMlt vrn inar&et wha.t they Rirr • i li at the North ; Lt iilter would w** be atj* n s for Pat*eat t'Unogw width live r.e day r.d die the n- xt. as we had an vuiqile in trie ‘ JEoilwn Altai hiiic-.t’* P ai***s. Which w* re rhe -vo- % Vw >ean nnd which n * one war m row; but we keep an ailie e which all niust acknowletlge ly ik* the be I wi.oto knoa the bt. i>rd ?h xnli.v kno - will, we tl t*rer ourael v*. :wknow- ur .o Ur judges, and to a tat. ter* we say that we will pieecnt ny perron wim One liubdnd Dollatr who can pre •ic • r Hanirit. mat* ur or pn-fe#*or, n s'dliurin wii I* superior as c.; ror !a ; ertaour H h Schreiner ; and further, a I’je s■ we j i “P>sut t • anv pefeon who will disprove that w now ha a pupil That is superior In Music to un.een Uotn th* pMifeflM - - i'i the Mate of Georgia. Ad I'iiitios ao: . u New York prices only addtd. ds. IT ly d\‘. r.HJiiKEINKR *Sr >OoS. Nones. r fIHE has opened a Howe In Macon, on the L corner next belo** the ** brown Home,** and near the Pa-'senfter, f r the Purchase and Sale of Negroes. A jpw*d rupoJy, of likely Younx kept <ynsUntly on hand T u ie. Purchaser* and Traders are invited to call and examine for themselves. AIjKO a o. 1 Hiackrmiih, 2$ years old, and two No, 1 Cos ks, U a*’ and Inmeta, 23 years old. Macon, 1 ec. 14,5..—tf C. F. aTUBBS. Administrator’s Sale. BY an t.rd. r of tte Honoral le the Ordinary of Flbb Cos., <.. wl-l lie sold, at the reMdence of Tin mss M. Fills, l.te . f said c .unty,ih-mul, on Monday the lath inst, thrv. n.lles fr tit M i*,* I. . it Hie roadUndiiig u Ulmtiin, aHoltlu? I.n>ni* c pr- K'ty b*-lo ging to tliee.tiite us said drcftat-cd, canal tug of <r. , Fsloer, Digs,'c Household amt kitdien Inrnlgsn-. Mul snail Wagon, end many ottiera.ti • les too i.diou':o nit iitiou Term-on d-iy id Mia. clHkvi A. L. Ci. NK.'CALEe, Ad'mr. WANTED TO HIRE. f I'tEN lively boys and Ten Oiris, for whi*h libernl wages JL will be paid, fcinquire at the LAN ILK lIOUbE. dee 14 tr Wanted to Hire FOR THE YEAH 1860! ONE NEGRO HAN, (.-ible bodied.) ONE NEGRO BOY, ( 1 ‘J to 1 ."> y ’rs old.) ONE NEGRO WOMAN, (Cook, Wash* er Aj Ironer.) ONE HOUSE GIRL, (half grown.) (Servants from the Country preferred.) l'<>r whom the h ghe*t wage.* Mill he i paid, monthly, quarterly or at the endof the year. Apply at this Oflioe. d< c 1<) 4/f 1 JSS CH.M STONE & 8110, OPPOSITE LAMER HOUSE, WOULD ex’! a’tcntiou to their c- wpbte ar and extensive ap- j aut|u.!t r of Hats and Caps for Fall 8c Winter Trade. To wli’ci coi.sU it additions will be n.a<!c through th l*eu i win of r-ally Fa*> ionab'e and cheap ITatu iT;d l%i *. woual do we 11# /tve them a call h* fro buying e CHAjj. B. . TuNk. Jt BKO. JUST REGESVEO CON3EGSTBSBNT, 250 Black Cloth Cloak?, | Kr -m |S CO •<> no .11 o‘ <h ch ntus- be w!d by the I t ■>fjt.u.ry >roo ‘ •, la. fi. si- >..ur Ume to bu, Cmak. f. 0 cei.t le-s til ,-lr v.ltie ALSO, a Large !■ ’ • IV(; ust received. A.a> a :-ge 1 t ‘.f Silks anu Silk Robes, Just marked down beb w Utetr value to c oe out the lot. English and French Merinocs, DeLalub and I :L;Jn Kotcs wi I be * *d a*t- nlahing law. Long and Square Shawls, ! White an.'. i;-tl r tehMbt. A large lot of Embroideries Os all klodz Hoop Skirts, &c., &c. And every tljiii u-u.l'y k> pt lu a flrtA elar. Wt.'ily t<k you all. botb I .vlle-i aud Gei.tleiuen. to call aud prit.-our g . xta, and vou will be -f the fast, that *e an .ing very low. KLIAS JilNSTltlN. Clothing. WE a’*o have t fine l tot othmg thnt will be aold very ciiinp. i ali Keiitlfiuenaiti see for yu iraeive*. dec 7 I.LIA& KINS I KIN. BOLTING CLOTH. ’ w A riBCEN of theeek-brated Dutch Anchor Brand* o o\f g Cl- th,for aulc a; New York t r ce*, by Job 14—41. J. 11. i W. A. KOSS. SANFORD’S LIVED INVIGOIIATOR, N VER DEBILIT.YTES. |T It compounded entirely tomi < .11!- and ha* be ’ome an l rataliliMied fa. t, a Mandnrd Mvdluine, knowt; and a;.|rov- !y all that base u.( -onflilcitce ta ail the dia ( ntet.ded. _ ( it ha. ettrer U, rt and*( vrho tiadgl’ ri t pall topirf ‘tt.-oI.C t. and o*l ..uCil. 8 h ( The do te tuu.. oe a apt ( h- 1 d.vidua! taking t'.i toact gently on the low J Let the and calc, of v .0-01 Ule 1.1 \ EH IN-} wiii cure Liver t o lit-? j lark*. I > .|if>>ta.j ! uiniurr t'cinplaint* j <v.ur r>lontarh Ic, fkolrra, I'll ’lernj fa n t u in. t'lauiieii(*<‘,( \\ eakut-M-n aid niaj) Ordinary Fa m i I \ ? ell H lIKADAt lli ; in twenty nilnulea, If/ .•(Minfulla are take, j , tack. All who iw il nrr/ ita favor. 1 LIVER IKVIEORATIR. MIA WAT II l\ Tin: MOUTH WITH THK l\\ll.oll VTOH, VMi -WALLOW BoTII TO- - • I’ricr One Hollar per Dottle. • ‘ ALSO SANFORD’S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, pCMPOrNOkD FROM Purr Vegetable ‘"xtracla mid pul up In GL VSh l .trl>, Air Tii.hi. and will krrplii any (’llinale. The Kamlly I’aibar-} live Oatliartc a -leu tl-( practice more than tcit>; I Tae cnn.tanlly lucre a ? who have loi.g used Ihej ‘ tioa which all expTC.i 1r.7 duetd me to place ‘hentj Theprofesffac well know, 1 1 act on ‘Uffem t portiou 01, / The FAMILY CA-( with dee r-feu nee to this, t coaifM-UDdcd front a vane 1 | Extracts, which act alike. | menta y canal, and are! wheteat'vihartc aee‘-/| menlM ‘-fthe Montnrh,. the Hark nnd Loins.; I koreBHM over ‘l**,, dca coid, whkh friqueiit 1 lo: g cour* ■ of Feve- loss) In* Beaaatittn t.f fold! lewanraa lieadot he, o.j | |nllaninta>nr> IHeraa-; I nr Ad'll:*, Ilkouma-j i the Blond bd niaity dt -j too iiu'i fpiua lo n*** *al CATHARTIC PILLS. uw, m. ’ ’ PRICK. 30 CK\TM. tv. i | v p r |n*Uraiorand Family Cathartlr Pills srf rwtellrd by JUi.fc'ftmctnt'r-lIJ - , mndmuld whuletelrb, U traSe in sli the lr*e towh*. 8. T. W. SAMDFOSn, M.imifae’urrn D.l I’rojirMor, MS Bromdwa . fi . Y. R. tailed k* all Dniesirti. ‘I'M aim by ZEIUN A HUM I oemwi. mud LjSMU>* cASTCJEN. Mrnoorn. I June IT,— t . . pat, . Marsaurn* DAY & MAUSSENET, Watchmakers and Jewelers, MULBERRY FT., MACON, GA.. \ HAVE now in utor-* and daily recuivinga r ill *nd varied ! of go-sis in ttelrline, rsn.sist ng in part of Fine GOLD nnd SI I VKR IFA TCIIKS. Lttdie*’ GOLD WATCHES from ss<i to f220, Jriatnond Jirenet Fine nnd Finner /tinge Jetrrlry ofetery deecription ('lockein ereryrariMy Silver nnd /‘luted ton e of rare and roMy deeign ttnijinieh. /tmidet a fine neeortmeat of FANCY GOODS, CUTLERY, &C., &C., such as tr. usually kept in the best esta'illshmeiiU. Also a c-uiiplf-tf supply of Musical Inst rumen's. X lOIAVS from sto i*7 5. II VXJO*. from r*l5()lo *l2O. A r . If. — Watches and Jewelry repaired at , short notice. oct 12—stv&w Giu* Lookout for Chris! mas. GREER & FREEMAN Are now receiving the larKst H><irtn ent of TOYS & FANCY GOODS •Vtr* ftV e ’ in l i* dt y. t> /w her with a large arbor melt of F'R/ WORKS of every cnuaiaitii g In part I 39 \ Bfvci Ks* No. 1 Gold Chop Fire Cracker*. 25 dnz, Roman J Candle*, 5* .ouo Torpedoea or Sand Cracker*, 20 *:roi* ket* from 1 I lb., Chinese Rockets. Serpent*, ’ Tiiat :lcs, and in fact tveiy kind manu'actun and. I Alei iecdv(d weekly—23 bill*, fine Red Apples, 15 bids. Ha | vana oraiiff * 25 bunches Bananas, 20 boxes best Cheeae 2M*)X*s Cowles* Cream 1 h* i e*e, lu caaes l iLV Apple Cheese, 20Ma Bed, VI Li e and bliver Union*, 20 hhia ex! ra M eicsr l*o- Utoe*. Cali and exim’ne our betojc purchasing *lsewhere. __ <lfc.H-.iw if OKCCU *k FREEMAN. HMiliyiFl Ol Lb Inf- nu their tiiends and the public |reuer*!li\ f t that they have now !u store, and are constantly re- Cf ivinr, their FALL AND WINTER STOCK, Os clniioe and select GROCERIES, To which they would mostrespec*fully invite the stUution of one and all. Planters and Merchants M ill find it greatly to their intercut to call and exairme our siock before ptin;:i*sifiK *■-l*ewhere. We are determined tu sell, profit or no profit. L 2 ttek tales and small margins. Is our motto, our slock consists in paut oi f*J Uales Ouui.y Cloth. ls'> Coils Hope. luOO Bounds Baling Twine, 2.0 Bag* Oortet—Java, Fort Rico, Rio and Laguira. 10 Clicks black and Green ‘lea. 150 barrels A 15 % C bugar. 25 •• Crushed and l'owdcred Sugar. f> boxes Loaf hugar. 10 Hogshead* I me I'ori Rico. 3'JO Liverpool Salt. 100 sacks Alum Salt. £.V> Boxes Adarnantiue Candles 10 *• sperm ** 100 Boxes No. 1 Soap. 2i “ Family Toilet Soap. 75 ** AsriOited and Fancy Candy. 30) BoxeeStsrch. 10 Jars Snuff. So Whole, Half and Quarter Kegs of Powdor. •0 Cans Duck shix‘ting Powder, 100 Bags Snot. l(k,00o Cigars, vatlous brands. 120 boxes Tobacco. SO Case* Magnolia and Mount Yernon Tobacco, to Bales Osuaburgs aiid Stripe*. 6 Cases Homespun, Bleached. 10 BalerOeorgia Kersey. 30 •* iNortheru ** 12 “ Blankets, all prices 50 Baskets Piper’s Ileidaick wine. 55 ** La Peile V\ ine. 25 ** Prince Imperial Wine. 70 Cabin t Wine. 15 CmsesGmger and Blackberry Wine and Biaatfy. 100 barrels Kye and Corn Whiskey. 10 * “ Extra old Bourbon. 7o “ Oln Hum and Brandy. Casks Madeira, l*ort and bweet Wine. 10 Cases Loudon bock Gin. 10 “ iiokcr, and MougUton Bitters. 25 “ Lemon By nip. 23 Casks Ale and Porter. 10 Boxes Ginger Preserves, Pranes and Figs. 40 *’ Super Curb. M*da. 50 Barrel* and Boxt s Soda and Butter Crackers, 20 Boxes Herrings. 5 Jhicks Ashton's Table Salt, i 5 Cases Ashton’s Table bait. 11 Uvz. Well Buckets. 25 box. Blue Buckets. 15 Neals of Tubs. 50 I>ox. Georgia Pine Buckets. 20 boxes Leverltt Axes. 2i.000 Pounds White Lead and Zinc. 10 barrels Linseed Oil. 10 “ Innner^’and Machine Oil. 2 *• Ca*ti r Oil. 2 Casks l.lii-H** and O 1. 1 ** Pore ?>p rm Ull. 5 Barnus Lemon >yrup. 5 “ Hose Cordial. 6 * Peppermint Cordial. 50 Pounds rawing Thread. 5 o I )o/*su Eufdnh Pic Ales. *0 “ Wtroe**erhirM ‘-auce. 2d Hhdi. f’ksr bacon Sdef. 10 Casks Ip.ins, 20 Kits Sh cl. 20 * Mackerel. 20 “ White Firh. 10 “ $1 salmon. 20 Cases Plrnt .ti *n S) * Pin- Anp’e Brandy. 3 Barrels CUT F nuar. 3 ** b. Shell Almonds. 8 “ Pectn Nus. 5 “ Br rfl Nut*. 25'ioyes, And- rv n’<* Tobacco. 10J M h*b , Haifa and Qmiter bairels Mackeiel. So h irk prime freak tiut'er. 10 Lard, 1 !>'/. O rn Sh viler*. 10 Brooms, 10 TMTsCyn moo Matches. 20 On s* German “ 10 Cases New < filer. 50 D*x. blacking. 10 Oiuk’S Cntion Cards. 10 D z Yeast pnwdtis. lOflO Poum.s Ground Paints In Oil,ofk 11 colors uuf 4 j FOSS I FURS 1 Jn*t rcoivtd a first-rate assortment of LADIES’ FUR Victorines & Cuffs, Stone Martin, Veal, Mink, Brown & BFk Coney, Black Lynx, Mountain Martin, Imitation Ermine, &c. j THE LADIES ate ruqiectfully solicited and examine ot r -took, as we will eff thtin so CIIEA3? That they cannot afT.-rd to be wlthont them. Wc ha-e also, as usual, a very select stock of BOOTS AND SHOES •f every description for Ladu, Mist>e*, Men and Boy*. HATS &. CAPS Os Latest Styles, From the best, most tasty and fa*hiotable Manufac turer* in i he country. WE ASK A\ KX t 111 N ATION. BEAKDfcN, GAINES. A CO.. doelOtw 1 rlangular Block. Macon, G*. Gold Pena Warranted IN Cotd. .'♦ilve-r and \V<~td holders. An elegant as- I •ortment just openit and for sale by E. J. jUIfNSON 4 CO. : N ty. f., IB6o—tf | ffje-Telegraph and Journal A Messenger copy. i FRESH SUPPLIES FOR CHRISTMAS. HENRY HORNE, Xext to HlnjrGfld X Cos., (berry Street for xxle a splendid of got d* in hie ! ” une, guxrai t td for ftrtt quality, at and hound ogive *.t ----i-facti.n, at the lowest price*, aud especially adapted for the iioliuayt. 1 Ihever’-fcest assortment, c m-istiny In y*ry large Ilobby- Hotsrs d')S|toth* very clteapeM to)’,. I Ch ce Kremh <’atid!e*. m-t equalled In Macon. Hotre l nude Cat-ties, ‘rest and delicious flavor-. t r inse". Hanantta, • •C'muis, Apples. Pine Atydes, K<its* 1 Crak.e-r ,and. And. to me to aooitcluuoii,ever),[ li.t Is rood and people on(l.t to hsve E ‘lra flu - It. sits, extra flue Firs, the best ever had. <>rd rs from the coni try, accompanied with thet'ssh.or ! Ay r, will lie fl.’edasgjod at.d as ettap as yiartie, l eeuld do theniselves. FiriE wonzs i Os every description at whob su’e dec 8 wSt Tssleertpltc-pj lid STtb lust. WATCH WORK. • \\"E are prepttred to have promptly and well done vv at short notice ttnd f- l 1,1, V U'AHHIX TF, l 1” <r one year. E. J. JOHNSTON 4 00. Choice Fruits. yUST Reiv\ New Layer Raisins, Languedoc, Mar ts Heillea, *nd Prwenb AituotdN Pweet Oitib**. Cl ole ■ O BoiceNr rtl* ‘n Apj Ic*. ai [r.ov6 tf] U BURN £ Ten Dollars Reward. I FWIEV Dollar* will l-e paid any one who will cutch *d I ft. deliver Mrs. K. Sullivmn’n negro Wuinan. t.VCY, t the ai.orof bibb Comity. Macon, Nov.U>—tf WANTED! AKn 1 XXIIKKI.WRIGHT and a ( ood BUGGY TKIM.VIt It, to whom rruud w|v and steady work I will Wciveu. Nuuebut perletilv >otrandsteady men need apply. M id. SEitKlNlt, Amaticus, Ga. | oetTtf STEREOSCOPES, 14 LARIE and beautiful *swirtmi-nt of Stereoscopes, with ix a lar.-e number of views of all kinds, for sale, singly or by the dozeu, at J. M. HOAKDMAN'B, C*c. 17—ts MTaaltingion Block land i'hnß-resnrtedtowith leasts for which it U recont ( eltbln the last two yean (of relief, a. the , ?tay possWoti aitow. (cd ‘o the temperament of (a. duwtl lit such quantities ;el*. , I ‘indgnie'it guide you'bt the (A IGOlt vTOU. ar. and h ;p I Int a . Hi |ou AI- i ;< tiri.nie IH-rrhoea, (Utaeulerv, llropay, (uni I'okflvenean, ( hol ;Morbns, ( lioirra In ;J ailiid Ice , Female /tic used ssful v as an } ‘li dl/ine. It will cur* ((as thoi said. can tes'ifv.) | (two or litre- Tea* -s commenuemeut of at • Ivliu tlieir te.tirr.dnv.ln 1 “Ic Fill! a get tlehuUc (proprietor has ustd In bis (yea-a. It. g d-ntand from those (FILLS and the sal.efac tr.-g od to tlie'r use. has in ! within tie reach < fall, (that different Cathartic* (*he bowels. ITHAKTIC FILL has. C well established f,ct, been (’y of the purest Vegetable ton every t-art of the ali ;-00.l and m- fr in & lease* ird.i'u-h llerance '-leenliiew, Pln In (I'nalbeiirh*. I’nln and j whole body. 6*b *ud (ly. if neglected, end is a (of Appetite, a t’reep juter tit- to.dy, H,*l , Welch tin i lie Hend.all .e. Worm, in Ctitldren /1 lain, a great Pmitlerof , eases to whi. k flesh is heir, I!i n this out.— GETTING READY FOR CHRISTMAS. Us E are just opening one of the most varied and really splendid seeleetionsof Fancy Goods ever offered iu .Maeon, consisting in part of: PE IJtL ANT> SHELL CARD CASES, JEWEL H< IXFA i*ort monies. VELVET. CLOTH. BUCK. KID AND LEATHER PURSES, HAIR PINS. JEWEL CASKETS i STANDS, ODOR STANDS, INK Do.. SEGAR I>o., FANCY VACKS. WATCH STANDS, FANS, and many other artielea too mmteruui to mention, I which will be sold ! than they can be bought any where elae. and nomis- J take. ! Call ami see them nt Jl GIN C. SCHREINER k SONS. 1 Hd” Telegraph copy. WINTER CLOTHING! E. WINSHIP lIAS now it store one of the l.vytst stisiks of 6ae at gb r n* b ■ n m T g- To be found in t‘ie < ity or Sa’ e He bring-* hi* good* In the piece or hu< them iiUiinifactiite l wi;h the greatest car* and in the laie&t *tyie. hi* stock of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS I* always large and complete. He invitr* particular at ten tion to hi* stock of “GOLDEN HILL SHIRTS” Manufact red i-n reelv for him. and Is the ttst fitlng ihitt In the uiarki-t. HeU also a*ent f r BARTHOLF’S “SEWING MACHINES,” M’hlch he warrants toperfnrm well. The prices have been great Iv reduced. 2d Street, next doer to Strong dt Wood, oct 18 NOTICE r Selling off at Cost! To tie sold without Reserve, the large and valuable stock ol CLOTHING AND GENTS 1 FURNISHING GOODS, YVTiolesale & Tletail, TO hl lT PURCHANEKk. Sale to eontinue for 30 d.v from date. STORE TO LET, J. feT AHA N. M ulherry Street, dec 7 < pp * te Lanier House, Ox. J. BRANHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Maoon, Georgia, AV’ ILL practice In the Macon Circuit, and in the conntie* If ot Monroe. Fuinain, Wilkinson and bumpter. OFFICE in Wxxhlnfton Llock next door to J. M. Board man’s Bo"k sto r e. oct 26 JUST ARRIVED. A LIKELY lot of Maryland and Vlrgln'a Negroes. Plough Boy.and Girls. Also a few Good Washer, and Ironerl an.l Cooks. Their lives are insured one year, and for sale ob reasonable terms,at NOLL’SUKICK NEGRO MART, Pop lar Street. bot 8 Just Received, BOHEMIAN FANCY COLORED AND CGT GLASSWARE, Os our own Importallo* ; Much of it Is suitable for Engrav ing for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Engraving on Glass Os every desciiption, dc ne to order in our Store. Call aid see u*. BOLSHAW & HERZOG. nor 2 Fall & Winter Trade. 1859. 1860. E.J. JOHNSTON &C 0„ HAVE just received and offer for sale on the most favorable term, the most elegant, extensive and varied stock of Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Solid Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments, Gas Fixtures, Fans, Cut lery, &c.. &c., &c., ever offered in th s market. A cull either for pastime or to purchase and care ful comparison of qualities, styles and prices is re*- pectfully solicited. Mulhiiriy St., 3d door above Lanier House, Macon, Georgia. E. J. JOHNSTON, G. S. OBEAR. DR. A. P. COLLINS YTIT ILL atte and pron.ptly to *ll call, left either at hi. Office j vv over Harvey A lit ath. Store, or at the residence of ! Charles Collies. oct 14 sw—tf Valuable Ciiy Properly Fot Sale. DWELLING ll<*ue. with*even rooms Plante*ed through out. with g.KMI Kitchen, Smoke House ard Stable : half acrv lot, house haeu built at*out five years, nearth* resideno* of Dr. Siroheckt r. ‘lrm liberal. A| ily to oct 1J- m JAMES AKYMOUiI. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! FROM aA. r ft7K: WE SHALL SELL OFF THE REMAINDER OF OUR LARGE STOCK OF wimitDßi'-Goim AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! IWOW IS TIIE try* y TMT “¥#■ JL JL JLEUL JCs TO SECURE BARGAINS AT W. W, PARKER & Oft’! dec 10 NEW Till FllEffle STORE! COTTON AVENUE, Maoon, - - - - Georgia. THE unden-igned having oyiened anew Tin and (en*ral Furnmhii g Sioreofi Cotton Avenge, next door Vo tbd Lamp fctore, wJiere lie uxpc-ct* to keep all kind* of TIN WARE HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS which he offcis to the poMlc at very low price*, a* he is ratisfled with “Quick Sales & Small Profits \ 1 ell all be ready at all tines to fll any order for tin marl either from the City or Country, at H'HOLESALE as wel •s RETAIL, CHEAP FOR CA % H, as* iuy brother, ft.C. Au dou n, who 1* we I known a* a Tin Smith, will attend to the manufacturing of the House for me. CASI/ paid for old Rage , or taken in exchange for Goode. ALL KINDS OP TIN ‘W ORK done to order prompt’y, and WARRANTED To Give Satisfaction. T also wlh to Hire a flood Tin Smith. A. L. AUDOUIN. I oct 15 swS:w—Ora S2OO REWARD! STOLEN Iront ‘be .übecriber, on Saturday night lat, by a negro man rantei Irvin Cbeater, woo claimed U. b, free, or e about 10 year. oh. ; shod on the f re foot, with hit fort-top cut off. Said negro t.about 5 feet high, and .15 yean of are. 1 wi 1 gtvatlie above reward for tbc none and negro or *3O for the horse alone. SAM'L McKENZIX, nor Sti—tf Montezuma, Ga. THE FOOL OF QUALITY. BY H. BROOKE. A RARE ami interesting bank. Mr. Wesley said of it: “It is the most excellent book of its kind’’ It make.t one alternately laugh and cry in apit of tliemaelves. ! vola. 12.00. For sale at the Methodiat Rook Depoaitory. [dec 7] J. W. BURKE, Agt. CALL AND SEE The Beautiful IVORYTYPES • it Wood'* Photographic Gallery, ’ Which cannot b< procured es. where In Georgia. alto large colie-tion -f PHOTocsArH*. I’oaTaAiTS m Oil, Pas til AXD Agl'iiLLL, ABIBaoTYCF* DaGCSß iilotvps* Ac , as usual. m.v 2 a. L. ffO^P. WANTED FUR first Claii Tailor*.—Steady cm- loymentsnd high eet price paid. WM. K, ARNOLD, net if swAwtf A Choice lot < fJf rtfcem Apple*. varii n. kinds. rceired by each Meaner, ir sa'ebv h-irr land retail, together with the choicest nsaort'aeiitot Fruit • x t. 15. If. HENRY HORXES. PIANOS! O’ F Elegantly carv ed Rosewood, and all ti e phii* varieties lust received, ami for sale on the heat tern s. by | E J. JuHNSTON * CO. tW~ Old Pianos taken in exchange. apr 7—a* wig Perfumery. Avery lartc amrtment of Barin'*. A Is wV “ “ “ Lubin * Also the most celebrated Bar oh*. Colognes, Extracts, i Soap, Ac. for Sale ty I Upt 30 7.EILIN A HCKT. PAINTING! . ffIHK sabnciiber grateful for past favor* respectfully In ! JL forms his Trien<ls and Ih-public that he h formed a ! purtntrahip with Christopher burke, late of New York *ity. I LOTI & BURKE, HDUSE.SIBB & BECBHATIVi PAISTEBS, PAPEIt HANGERS, AC., Macon, - “ - O-eorfla* Allordersin Town or country pur cluslly attended to. snA I all work Brushed In the latest style* aid at moderate prices, •nov lo swJtw 3m HANKY LOU. | Dj METHODIST / 0 DEPOSITORY, fcotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. Q CALL FOR u Religious a school books, Ki Blank Books, S STATIONERY, MUSIC &C. ( nor 5 J. W. liUKKK, Agent. mwm sr THE undersigned ureagentaforthesaleof Reese'* < iuxno. are now prepared to supply planters in any quantities at the same cost a;* it or dered By themselves. Are also agents for the sale of Mapes’ Nitrogenized Super Phosphate of Lime.— Will also have a large supply of the genuine Peruvi an Guano, all of which will be gold as low as parties can lay it down in this market. AYERS, WINGFIELD, A CO. Nov. 8. [COPY.] Mostexcma, Oct., 24th, 1859. Messrs. Ayers. Wingfield it-Co: I)iak Sib—Yours oftheiathinst.. has been received its contents noted, A<*. In reply to your enquiry in regard to the Manipulated Guano as a fertilizer—l am well pleased so tar as I have tested its use. 1 ap plied about 100 lbs. per acre on land that was liadly worn, and not of the best when fresh. The product of the field where the Guano was applied is over 800 lhs. of yeed cotton per acre. The same kind of land without the Guano produced about 400 lbs. per acre. My mode of applying the Guano, was by depositing it in the drill liefore bedding up the land. I have not tried its use on corn, but have no doubt but it will sueceed well. I shall use it pretty extensively on mv next crop. Yours Respectfully. [Signed] REUBEN 1# RIGHT. Btbomville, Oct. 20th, 1859. Messrs. Ayers Wingfield it Cos.. Mncon. Diar Sre:—The Manipulated Guano bought of you last Spring (Reese's, 1 think it was.) I approve of very much. At this time, as the crop is not gathered in I cannot say what per cent, it will pay. though the use of it on poor land pays a considerable per cent. 1 shall continue the use of it. Respectfully yours. [Signed] W. H. BYROM. Nov. 9,-tf. NEW FIRM rjIHE undersign hftvM'ig Ni T A ULE formerly oi ci; j carrying on the busiuctw in all Its branches. We shall alway* ke*p Phaetonu* Carriage?, Buggies and Horsea, to hire on as good term? as anybody. V\ e also have the most ample ac commodation* for Drove Stock. We would ray to the public that we have taken the Mlnto our mouth in earnest, and can always be found with our bar net* on ready to iterve you ; we intend lv keeping a straight tongue, polling together , and by buckling down elosexo bus iueM, to ucceed or break a trace. We shall never tire fellows in hitching up for you so long as you come up to the lick U*g and settle. Now it you want usto uag-<>n,\o rock-a-way and not be sulky, in fact If yon don’t w*nt us to check up too close . put your shot lder to the * heel, give us a share, and If you find a in*le ttact ol ingratitude you may halter us. Very re-pectfully, ADERHuLb & JEFFERS. Opposite the Passenger Depot andneau Brown's Hotel. apr 29-ts. BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS, BIBLE B/ BIBLES! BIBLES! BIBLE’ BIBLES! BIBLES! BIBLES! BIBLES! BIBLES! Pocket Billie*. Family Bible-, 11 hut rated Bibiea, Telvet B tiles, Iu Cases : Chiles itn Cl sp*. and BiLlas wilh ont Clasp-, all *oits of Bibles! ST A TIDE EH Y! ST A TIONER Y! S:A TIONER Y! PAPER! PEES! PKNCILSt IKK! PA PER! PEES! PEE( ILS! INK! J‘dc TEbi! PEES! PEXCII.S! LEE! BLANK BOOKS! BLANK BOOKS! BLANK BOOKS! LEDGERS! JOURNALS! CASLL BOOK ! LEDGERS! JOURNALS! CAS// BOOKS! LEDGERS! JOURNALS! CAS// BOOKS! RECORD BOOKS! MEMORANDUMS! RECORD BOOKS! MEMORANDUMS! RECORD BOOKS! MEMORANDUMS! DIARIES! DIARIES! DIARIES! DIARIES! DIARIES! DIARIES! DIARIES! 1)1 ARILS! DIARIES! ALBUMS! ALBUMS! ALBUMS! ALBUMS’ ALBUMS! ALBUMS! ALBUMS! ALBUMS! ALBUMS! ALBUMS’. ALBUMS! ALBUMS! STEREOSCOPES! STEREOSCOPES! STEREOSCOPES! Views of London, Paris, Englaud, Scot’and, I-eland, Groups, Statuary, Landscapes, Buildings, Ac. Splendid Assortment of Gift Books! Splendid Assortment of Gift Books! Splendid Assortment of Gift Books’ All the Standard Poet* in the richest Binding* FcoU’s, Cooper’s and Irving’* Novels, In half Calf and iu Muslin. Rosewood Writing Desks! Rosewood Writing Desks! Rosewood Writing Desks! Mahogany Writing Desks! ’ Mahogany Writing Desks! Mahogany Writing Desks! Morocco Writing Desks! Morocco Writing Desks! Morocco Writing Desks! Visiting Cards! Playing Cards! Visiting Cards! Playing Cards! Visiting Cards! Playing Cards! Paintings! Engravings.’ Oil Paints! Crayons! Paintings! Engravings! Oil Paints! Ctayons! Paintings! Engravings! Oil Paints! Crayons! Webster's Pictorial Dictionary! Webster's Pictorial Dictionary! Webster's Pictorial Dictionary! Novels! Novels! Novels! Novels! Novels! Novels! Novels! Novels! Novels! A.T BOAHDMAN ’B, AT BOA-RITMAN’S, AT BOA.IT ID MAN’S, Washington Block. Washington Block. Washington Block. nov 9 S. W. COLLINS’ AXES, \ WEED S AXES. \ TOWNSEND’3 AXES, \ FENK’S AXES, \ BRADLEYS AXES. \ To Merchants. CJwedeslron, Refined Iron, Ene'ish Iron, Plough Steel. Cut, *5 Garnian and Blister Stee’, Boouton Nai!*SHor* KLee*. Horae :• hoe Nails, Axes, ."-hovels and .-*partes; Haines, Rope Trace Chain* Curry Comb* Acvtl* Vises, Bellow* Ham mer* Store Truck* Counter Platform Scales, Iron Safe* Copying Presses. Pocket and Table Cutlery for asle at New YoiK prices adding freight. NATHAN WKJCD WANTED FOR 1860. 250 Bushels Corn Meal Monthly. CJEAL bropcsals wi'l I- rr-e-Ved bs- Western J 5 Pail Kn-d ‘ t iclOhrf I•• ceiidor I*S*, t<* thesnypl’ 1.0 . csb C< rn Veal Monthly, to bedeliven-4 t l> i ‘ cm, by t 1 i 2 li of each tic nth. bigfrui, ftih v s .la-tiarT l-a c ntlnue •or unc year. A i.OtL.Vi I'lvatf. ftupt. OXoveml-e-vOih IAS# VI W A NTED TOHIRE ! 200 UNTogrocs. ! fWVHE South Western Rati Roxd ’'om;. nv wan* to hire A iOO Xevro Men to wore on repairs o’ their Ko-.uLfor the | next year (l-tkW. also. 40 or 50 Xegro Woo en as cisigs and Shovel Hands, for whie > liberal (r cs will be paid. Cou | tract* can Le made win J. M W’aldsn. Supervisor, Ft. Val ley ; VVm. S Brao'l-y or with thesui.ser.lwrat the ofliceia | Macon. For piriloulsrs aililres* 1 oct 2<5 wjcsw 2ia VIRGIL POWERS, Ei g. 4 Sup't. WOOD. EDDY & CO. S SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERIES! grand capital prize **< l c Swiriy One Prize (• erert Nine Tickets. 1 WOOD, EDDY &. CO. Hanasters, Successe***’ * S. s wa\ & CO. The Extraordinary Drawing ot Wood. EddyACo.’s i-gle Number Lotu-le- will take pise.- in puMic. under the upsrintend.B'.s #f Sworn Conin i-ioi.ers. at Augusta, Ga., as fulltw,: 1 - JCg J*S - S J~im , Draws on Saturday , Nov. s lh, 1859. | Draws on Saturday, Nov. 12/A, 1859. -a-r 9 Draws on Saturday. Nov. 19/A, 1859. J Draws on Saturday , Nov. 2t>/A, 1859. 1 Grand Capital Prize of $160,000. | 1 Priieof g’dOOO tot'ri'sof. *2 f( 1 Prize of. ■'o.(> l 'o 100 Prize* or 1 mo 5 Prize of. I\oo 100 Prizes or 500 1 1 Prizes of InntM irto I rises of. 400 i 4 I‘r.zea us .'i.OOO 150 Pr is s f LUO APPROXIMATION PKiZfcS, 4 Prizei of *'CO P| prox to *H<HOO Prize are *! 400 ♦ •* A, 0 50 000 “ 3 100 4 “ 4 0 SO I*4) “ IGO l 4 “ SUi “ - 15 “00 *’ 1 SOO 4 “ 200 “ “ 1(1000 “ SOO N> “ 100 “ “ 5,000 - 2 000 NOO “ 20 are loi 000 L SAii’ amounting to 40I.',t>jO Whole Ticketss2o; Halve* 10; Quarters $5. ORDINARY DRAWING TO TAKE PI.ABE AS ABOVE J-PEUiFIM*. 1 Grand Prize of $50,000. J “ of ‘ 20,000 * * of 10,000 1 . of 5,0t0 1 “ ot 4,f4Hi 1 “ Os B,OCO 1 “ f I>o 50 “ of 600 100 •* es 41 o 100 “ Os 806 1W “ of 16<i 1(0 M of Ro APPROXIMATION PRIZES. dprizetor 8400 approx, to 850,*<00 prise are 81,600 4 “ 800 •• 20,000 “ are 1,900 4 “ 250 “ 10,000 “ are 1000 4 “ 215 *• 6,i*io “ are 9iH< 4 “ 2ao “ 4,0u0 “ are 800 4 “ 150 “ 3.O<K) “ are 6("’ 4 “ 100 “ 1,500 “ are 490 5,000 “ 20 are 100,000 5.455 Prizes amnuntine to .. f:>29,00i Tickets I—Halves1 —Halves M -ers 50. GRAND EXiRAGROiN ftY DRAV IKGS OX THE THREE NUWBES PLAN, *'APi fAL PRIZE 9 B* Takas plac mu th last Saturday in eaeh Mo.jtii. Wh*!e Urkrts SiO, lllve< $lO, Quaaters $5, Fiji iDh-$2,50. la Orileriing l Irkets nr f!ertifir:!tes, Inclose the money ‘o oa address for the Tickets or dered, on receipt f which they wiil be forwarded by flr*t mail. Purchasers cau have tick.ts ending iu any figure they may designnte. TYte List of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be senttt purchasers immediately after the drawing xsr Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give their Post OlSce.Countv and State. Remember that every prize is drawn and payable in full without deduction. SSF~ All prizes ol 01,000 and underpaid immediate ly after the drawing—other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. Allcornmunirtatlonsstrictly confidential. Orders A>rTickets orCer.iScute-, by Mailer Exrresstobs directed to WOOD, EDDT A CO., A ngu. ta Georgia, or, WOOD, Ei DY ACO . Atlai.t-, Georgia, or, WOOD. EDD A On., H’ dminsron. 11 v laws WOOD, EDDY & CO.’S CELEBRATED LOTTERIES DRAW DAILY IN AUGUSTA, OA., E. C. BVLKLI. Agent, No. J, Granite Aliev, under Granite Hall, nov 4w Opposite Lanier House, Macon, Oa. JAMES T. ELLIOTT, Attorney &. Counsellor at Law CAMDEN , ARKANSAS, Will attend to all Business entrusted ts kim in South Ar kalis as. dec. 10, iy>S—ly ■L Mil VH CB *W AX ■ • E. SAULSBUKY INFORMS Ills fr er.dn and customers that he has removed to tliH N**w an! Kl t’aut Drown Stone Building Two Doora from Ms Old and directly opposite tl e Lauie/ House, wlie:e hv t-ITers ou tlie moat fuvcrable term*, Bae es Hunt choice Noels < f Ready Made Clothing’ to b* fctind In the city. ’I he Stock U entirely NEW, com pri-izg, in i*i*rt, Lla* k zi.d I*l <-▼ Uzwrtanre Inris : Fine Overcoats, of Turioua etyies; riih Velvet, Bilk and r **h inere Vests, Black and haner D (ss. Frock and Business Coats. He has also z ton piete assor ment of Men’s Furiiixhing: Good< Buch a* liosierv. Patent Shonleer - e<ni S* Irt-, Drawers. <)loves, huspeniler* Cravate, Tier, Coll rs, RcLe tie Cham hre, Ac. Ills Merchant Taßnrirg Depart-* fnt Is t-upflied wltk a large zi.d superior store of Cloths, Uaes'tneresaaa Vebting* ana ii iiurter the direction of a competrat ‘:uttcr. Macon, Nov. 2. 1f59. Oysters, Game, &c. C* He FHEEMANy t C0 t ARE now ready to serve Customers iu every style of tlie Gastronomic art. with FISH, FLESH, AND FOWL, it their Fating Saloon, Cotton Avenr.~, Mncon. Thev will liuv* supplies of Fish and Oyster**, by every train fr*ni the Rea!>< anl. well as nf Bef, Game, Fulton markrt. New Vork. by every >t*v*mcr. Thev have made nrraneements for regular supiilieg of (thickens. Turkeys, Ac..from t’herokee and Tennes •ee dtirng the season, ami solicita callfruiu their frit misand the public. nov. is#—tX Nov 4 I ST. CHARLES HOTEL CAIRO, Illinois. Thi magnificent Hotel if now fin! bed jn*i furbished for tlie reception of the* ravelling public. RAGSDALE, LUMBERCo., Proprietors. sept 2-t wSm Notice to Debtors & Creditors. ALL persons indel.t dto T.rn Qii n !a*e of Macon Cos„ deceased, aie r-q'ics cd to m ke immediate imjine- t, and those lia\ lug c aims a. uls st hi- e.t-te to pre, nt them for pajaieht la term, of ‘he law. CLANIDIA QUINN, Adniinistf-trix, te M-tw NEW GOODS GEORGE R. BARKER HAB lust returned frr m New York with a large and fresh stock of staple and aeaauialrte DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, &c. f KuiUble for both CITY AND COUNTRY TRADE. Most of which haae been bought low for Cash, aad w ill be j sold at the 1. west figures. Call ands e me. (i. K. B. 1 %T M OYILLK A. GOODHLL’S pooble Lock Stitch SEWING MACHINES. ScmtUilhg new and complete for •ale, O. K. B nor 4 tt TO FARMERS! QAA BALES HEAVY GUNNY BAGGING, OUU 1.0.0 Rolls •• ’’ . Kyi •• Dundee Bagging S.-'JOil Colls Machine K"P", 1.000 •* Hand Spun Rope, ,0- 0 Pounds Twice. We offer the above on favorable terms. July 54—ts I. B. A W. A. ROSS. Iron, Steel, HARDWARE & CUTLERY. NATnAN WEED Macon, Georgia, OFFERS FOR SAUE: BAR IROH. cfwcdcs., sn%liah, fußrfincd, amt fftnuiHcan. JfCaniniePcd, ah. HORSE SHOE, tyand, jVad&tod, Jffiaofi, Nf hccl, (dual and Jfalf (lual, dhannd and dfrjaape, Sic. STEEL.— SiPInir, dpa&i, /perinan, cfpj-tnq, ffyliirfcp. HAlLS— std Sl /U v ua’t, fdfiikcs, dfyrtuL'i. BLACKSMITHS’ TOOLS . —f/brniU, Iscltaius., hfi&ciA, NfcPeui SilnfcE, Manwicp#, Jsfanef&, JKht&c Silasf/s. PLOWS. id p/LL assortment, dPtomll ines, J/Canips, SDhicpa, flVacfojt /jhains. CORN SHELLERS, jUILLs, Sffiicn _ (MLs, dpoffcp Jldts. STRAW CUTTERS— /yW cni S’elf s/ia/jicnuiq, sn/LcPtauta an if in use. MEAT CUTTERS. Spattcrt and dttuffert. HOLLOW WARE. dials, oucn&,0 ucn&, 3 hide us, dfhands * JDanas, dfirti (li oqs, fU v ash JKeltLi&, e/once/ia/LS, IffyoH/tus. AXES— >li v . Spoil ins’ utai-Uant ed SKincf’s., ffytad- Leif's, and othcUs. ROILS—/dal!it is', dPch ad. Sicmufs, iJhxidc’s /drawn. Dec. 14 New Books! New Books! eOABOMAN’S! MISS SLIM MEN'S WINDOW; Sylvia’s World, oz Crime* which the Law docs not reach. Breakfast, ’’iu* ! n-rand'fea; new Cook Pock; Kniiting Work, by Mr*. [ P .rtiigton. The Students Home. The Students Gibbon.— l.irtdeli's Hi-h n'of K one. Life In Amor!, s. by McKay.— Up and down ibelinwaiidi. Idyls of the King. tiyTennysoa. Napo.s uic Idias Curiosities of Natural History. Iltnry 1 Nt. John, Gentlemen. Tlie Tin Trumpet. Millie it waz Morning. Almost, a Heroine. The Glory of the House of Israel. Partb-s and their Principles. ■ More of “Adam Bede V enioirs of Empress Catherine tha Second; Men, Women and Books; Thorne, Debit A Credit; , L'Ameur, by Mitchell; Memoir* of Vldocq; The Pillar of Fire, Ac., Ac. Also a host of New JUVENILE WORKS. nov 9 limlilßYiPif. 222 PEARL STREET, ft. V., MILBANK & ANNAN, (Sccczeacn* to A. L. Akiruix.) MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Iron & Wood Working Murliinery, Steam Engines and Boilers, Leather and Rubber Helling. MANUFACTURERS FINDINGS, AC., &C 1 aug 54—wfim _____ 100 Copies of “BEULAH,” Just received at dot 9 ROARNMAVB. _ f 4 E <> 1C 44 1 \ . —JONES COUNTY.—Whereas 1 XaT Isaac Hardeman applies to me for Letters of ; Administration, with will annexed, on the estate of ! John C.Slooumb. late of Jones County, deceased. | These are therefore to <■ te and admonish all. and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased. ! to lie and appear at my office on or before the second Monday in January next, to show cause, if any they have, w hy said Letters should not lie granted. Given under uiy hand, at office this sth day af I>4- eemiier. 1859. UHAB. MACARTHY, Ordinary, dee 10 JUST ARRIVED, NEGROES, PLOUGH BOYS & GIRLS, from 12to 20 years s!d, it \OKI/H %rio >fart, oct IV poplar Street, Macon, Ga. LOTTERIES ! E. C. B! r IVIvT,T:Y, AGENT FOR’ WOOD, EDDY A CO.’S Ceirbratrd Utterifg, THaoon, Oa. IfciU Se Advertisement. nov ll—w A AOVER COATd of every rtyleaad variptv, for*el JLUUchcap by (i.ov E. WINSHIP. For Rent to a Good Tenant. fit lIE store lately occupied by Miller i Wall rnian. on Cot- A son Avenue. A; ply to J. J. MILLER, nov 19 Cirerrv Struct. CITY HOTEL ALacon, Georgia. AT HOM E— always ready to receive my old patrons and customer* of the llotcl. Please call at the old Stand op- I 1 positetbe Court House, ami you will alwa>s find Uie Pro prietor at his post. Table always as good as the Market will afford. C*ll and see—ls not satisfactory, money refunded for all ex t ra charges. T. S. KILPATRICK, Proprietor. Sept 2 <1 & w Peru Wine. Unvote the left judges of Wine to the above, which can not fe wnisiwd in r and purity. Sherry Brandy. HtfOMtlt band. 1 ort wine, of* very superior quail l y. Clarets, Ro;a’, Moutor., Foul lilac, etc. auu-ines, ol vei v fine bram>, at HENRY HORNR’S. COFFINS. > -^4Bk K ROSE WOOD, Solid Mahogany. Velvet, Stained, Cheap i Var.ccred Mahoruny Coffin* Also New Style Metalic Cases Sus erior lo tlie old Style*. Old I'altern Metalec Cases at Dower Prices. lune 4 m T. A. G. WOOD. BOOK BINDING. BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS made to order for Courts and Counting Houses, and the numbers printed on the pages without extra charge. Magazines, Music and Law Books Bound in neat and cheap styles. DAVID ROSS, Cor. Sd and Cherry St. ept 23 Over G. T. Rogers A Son. DRS. M’DQNALD & VAN GIESEN, UEKTI9TS, Washington Block, Sfaroa, G M ELECTRICITY USED IN EXTRACTING TEETH. MCDONALD’S To .It Paste always .>n hand arid for sale. Demists can be tu; p ied with the finest *t> le of Teeth, also Gold Foil. Gold anu silver Plate and Wire. Lathe Fix ture*. Ac . also with any kind of instruments or Materials on thor notice. oct. 14—ts FOR SALE! ONE HUNDRED acresofGood Woodland tandfor sal* tour miles from the city, on the public road leading by W. LuLdey’s. Jiiov ssw4twtfj \t. H, CASON. L. N. WHITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. 3FFICE neztto Concert Hall, o**r Payne’s Drug Store. an 10 —ly Spectacles, IN’ Gold and Steel frames, Gold, Silver, Steel and Common Specks. A splendid assortment just received, bv E. J. J( HIN'ST'OX A CO. Notice. WE have a numlier of accounts made In 14550n onr books books, which will be c *rtuinly sued it not paid by the Ist of January. We Intend to shew no favors. City papers copy. HARDEMAN & GRIFFIN. dec Btt CON EKCTNAIUES of all kinds at Wholesale at 4re tail by O. H. FREEMAN A CO march 12—ts Cotton Avenue. gTATIOX]EBY _ THE grratteel variety at the Methodist Book Depos tor.- dec 7 J. W. BURKE, Agtat,