The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, January 06, 1860, Image 4

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Gras Fixtures. CHAJU>ALIKH-'*. PESDiBTS me.l BRACK KTS of al .yU> lu rrMiv-d Old ft r ■ t.y _ wivll-t: . F. Ttm* A f. FOR SALII 1 <w*\|k *A r * **ALT. I Ml so nrwJ*. Voia.*™,* 239 llt.d*. Him. SO Hsrr-‘. lat 4 *0 viiwnr. S3 I*• i. * h’-MTD, S3 dwa.M*va%*dFga < vl 7. Uw J *. I Kll i. AX'S. jiuu-tt. jl_b. * * A RO>i *- CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON South-Western Railroad. OVER WHICH FA**** rHt OK EAT SEW TOES ASS SEW ORLEANS MAILS. qhCßm [ aw-t.***!.-*” ■••• T'T * ‘ f f*V r. ■. yy’ TVo Daily Trains between M- eon, CAumbu* LtAVE Vacna atll 43. T>. n.udttft. a.ArrtwiiCo !amba*3SS . K.. and 3 43. p. m. Leave 04<abH 4i. m and 346 p. m ■ Arrive in J|’<’ t 3’ .tn. vd 95? p.m On and sf-er Mnday. s-p'i-mber 4tb. the PurUKruil Mail train for Alloa; *r.d Cwt! l -rt will rut. * fallow*: Lenve Msc-wt, at lb 4. A. M.. arrive At Affwiiy a* 5.41 P M . - Albany** l 4rt.P. M. ~ Man* *1 3.44. F. M. The mah and r*ar'-ng* Train Vm Cr.'lihrrt will rooneet with the A.baity mail train at Situth vide, -No, Id, rnth-Wen tern R. R. Leave Call,bert at 15.4 R. yn.vritri! bm'fhvlllent * 15 p.m. •’ Maittivillea’ 4"3, p.m.. arrive aXCutfchertai .*. p.m. Making the connection nrtih tic op ab<i down Altai*) noil Train. Ttvina to Columbus f rm a thr-wigh connection to Mont gomery, Alabama and Augusta. Knoxville, WLniiugtor,, Sa vannah, Mtliedaeviiie and Eaten ton. |n-#t (louche* run fmm Attwny to Tallahassee, Batnbridffe. Th-w- v<-'U* Ac., cnily : also, tri- weekly toCuthbert to Fort Oainea, Ac. Uku run dt time* a week frm Fort Valley to Perry, Itaynesvili, aiai Hawainaviite. and tri-weekly to Knoxville, Georgia. I'ar-e n*n tor point* below F-.rt Valley should take the Day Tmim (bora Augustaand “ev-wmah to avoid detention in Macon. For other point* take.-tthevTrain. First claa* rtnunah!;-*leave M —— mL for Hew York. on Tueadaya. Thur-data at.d riOunlt)i. range la the t alia •15; S< crape *g. Through Ticket*can he procured from Rail R- nd Agent’ at Moctgonjtr>,t'<-.uad>u*ar.d A.bany via hat. i-l-1. to New York, bv Weamafclpa. in Cabin, a* foliot a: K. tg n.<=ry •56: f'olnmbna•2*. kibwnv*M S3, uet 55—ts VlßOll. PC VERS. Erg*r. * Snp4„ NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS !! RECEIVED DAILI AT GREER i FREEMffI We wtioli respectfully W"n theertlrer.*of War n and surrmia't ng muntry. ih.-tnraf t nrj-ai lie*recent ly return* 1 front the varioua N..rth*<i. Mar ket*, and we A.-C row p vpnred 10 atet-v the S eat Stock of Family GROCERIES Ever ..It,-red la'Liiuibl. ttaMug n par- 4 Hiram Smith’* flame — W'u4’ anti Half BM*. Sitoa Mill a ftw’-te Ertns ftomr. New.Rv* Hour. 5o Cater iKtltf'n H / itiey. CSoic* IT. nrx and Brandi.*. Slnfw he fined all grade*. Gre—i Sent Champ: an -, The bed Inna * ■.* Clh|wl Champagne. KeiiMck Cban.pugae, La Pule “ Cam and Baskets, <V) 1, u fvffi-e. R 1 > Java “ Mo. ex Lag-ilra “ fin* French (’•rwK, 19 Rfl*. SS Almond*, Brazil Nat* fnjli-h Walnut*, Cho.. * pig B-icon, Choir* fig 11-t-.u, Aetr V-irl-rel, all *>sc Pad-age*. t haii • Kerf Tamffmr*. t Drittl Jr-es, Bologna .Samnaije, Ftuitr Snrerior Chewing a. c.. *0 Ihotieind Cfco'cn Ha v-aua C.gvr*, Fine Cat Chewing T-Kact*. The utr !■•* irtCAiit o* FIFtE WORKS eser in thin martri. An en-llesa variety -f TOYS. Fnit* o! all klrd* Ac. C owliV S*|M*rior Crcnm CUeete Thankful for the liberal pair nns- ieid.ivred on ua, we hop* by rune wed rXeiLobato enjoy ce'uiiaeed fav- r. Oct Id GKEKK A FKKEUAV. Star Press copy lm rLUUH IN A TED SHOW CARDS Tnuty—lnr. ! ri"*'d. -r, *at X 1 A?:DREVi ■ JOB OFF K’E lean < Rail PURE lin pox ted While Wine Vim par, :t n I-clla per (laTlr-r, For *aje at EISRT K MET. New Goods. FBISH GOHFECTIOiiABIES. Henry I Toi*ne HAS H*elv reriirr.t’.l f.omtl e rt! m Varketaan.l ha* la Store now, a and t* receiving constantly a very rroiee Slock of Coufeciouarit* and Family C.r series, to which be nvttesthe aticet'on of the lTt:xe;.*ot Mac. n aud eurround ng cou atry. Thankful tor the eicee 1: ngi y lihcral patronage eniored for the past nine year*. I uiost r-p.vt el'v Iwgf.-raeoatin-janee ofthemme, promisinethat aP - y eff.rts shall be directed to tuv patronsto merit their favor. BOOTS, SHOES &TRI IS at greatly REDUCED PRICES. HA VIXO received a full stock of Goods in our line and adopted the CASH PRINCIPLE we are amply prepar'd to osT-r you greater bargains than you hav. ever had before. The encourages cut we have met with -a> far co#rtn us !n the opinion that Iherit / -n*of Mac -n and aonoandlng c> un try will wippor an esiat-iial ra.ntu here the money aarea Irom 10 to 13 per cent to the purchaser. L. L. BKirKHorsE * fn. Triargular Block, next door to 11. F;tch A Cos. novSS *w M9NTPEUER FARM SOHCiOL, MONROE COUNTY, GEORGIA. REV. CARLISLE P. B. MARTIN, PRES. HHH tYIKG pnrei-a-ed af. nrpeTer. that ce!!-rated *-at cl learning. Mr. Martin ha- traus'erred thither hi* FARM FIHOOUn m Hun county. J4<-place in ait the pieeesses mope fhc’ibi-'* or mure ecu.iar advantages tndn dcea Iki. i*r the u*vc*etiu euuca tJot: of yonth. Thr bail m salon will cor-.verce on the 25-. h of Ju’v next. bor further Information rdiiTvne the at M- utpe lier, G*. may 54 ts EUROPE & GEORGIA DIRECT IMPORTATION. f HAVE tre- min- f -k .ffßi- IIERY.tTTINA A and oh vSo WAHL, ; 11 -vi... .and iu hm pe hut r.t g. -a ein* of 20 I'hintr Pinner S- ‘fa, fITS. and thorn; !>■ TVtr Hettf front to -:5 To aud raifit A-i/a. -4 ■ mj Il.h.r.!ian Ulas* B 'are in S tt t, Con* Ming of Goblet* Champagne*, Wiro s and l h ran ter* hath Knlaj nnd Whit', tin gritted Tnt Tran* in Srtls, Aon.a very line; a large a**ortmmt of fanry rr. ranrtf Cmp* am! Sattrrr*. Parian SUitu nry. Hilter plated Wart Arc. A I*o tome tctU assarted /Yates of white Onir te and rou-mon Crockery Ware for Merchants, which will be a.ld at the recu ar whole*.!’ price in Hew York. R. F. McKVOV. nov ro LATEST SEWS EY THE mini TIMM. ri’<) all whom It may ooneem, this is to l tity th pu. ,i* X that ISAACS Is at hon.f ajR Jb, ard to xmnrt his patroas that his St loovwfa ac 4 a taisir of a <•%?. Clfii. rm and th** Unmiiaf will tnd their cstahlifLiaa/r&t opet*. not iur thcbeast-U ot*ly, but all Seasons of the year, and those ca 1 ng on u*. m di at ail too:#. Cud our lan'er sap piled with aii nedeileacieu that the New York n> S other market will afford..l.- v*J II. V ■ .. -jud .-me't.bu need todriak.and -.tx day* out of seven, mi).-* •: an car. -gs _: in any houae in town. E. ISAACS & BSD’, Under Ralston's Hill, Cherry St. His BU! of Far i- will were- 4*r t Be just the thing for ua.*‘p*v ; And those, b at th- Sr i ace may eat. hill liui in tla. tln;:r. * ,fi ‘-ate-L And g<ang 00-t, they then will t- .w. That iaAAO. isthelT.Ai Ktog... W shall be happy to see our fri. r..', tn- .rircthe-n thaT't will be oorunren.iiung care to pie m . . ;ea-w- Batter ourselves, wvhsve done ti 1 n< v. It may : g-werall v knowa that we have, to unit thr with esofthe Med ei ho ulty, imp- -fled by our elree, a vervmpe riurquality of Bale Brandy. Cue old Port, bhcrrv ai. i Made rta, ponraitag all the qiam.rica. so much d.-aired by them. Look at this K!i of Fare and rhooee for yonrself: OYSTERS, Twk, Savar-nafc and Brunswick In the shell or by ‘*** rwed - or in any way you want u E£2X?St Devil Ham and Deviled Terap.n*, ■ * mountain oysters, TURTLE SOUP, Wood-L’ock Orooie, Moueu.l Ihte, Squirrel*. Wild Ducks. Fish, and every - thing that au epicure wants, car always be had warn in season. Confectionaries & Fruit, ISAACS, also keeps constantly os hand n good asaortm-nt of Cosfrfll ciarir., ORANGES, APPLES, BANANAS, PINE APPLES, Various description* of NU TS. All of which can be purchased at low price, so 4'VriH. Be: sure and call at. K. i*.\ U A HHfb Copartnership Notice. THAVE associated with me my btoUcr. FRANK M. STONE, of cm.rinui'g the Hat and CA? tl tfSF . The liiirin*-* will be conducted hereafter under the Srm CHAS. B. STONE & BROTHER. The-mder'gncd. tear.k'ul for *be lluer?’ - tended to him thr part tear,w- ui<: moet raapccUuliy writet aeuntinnut . vflt erth*ne fun. They will kuebcoftnntlyoa hand a sup friar riwgk of Hats and f'ape. u hicb they will tell a* k>w a* any ht use iii the t,Tty orsuue. CHAS. B. SIU.NK h BiiU. /prtiw. Uorter nnl Ale. 20wii rrrr. od? OKEKR u. FKXEMAN Family Flour. m* AArt hit**. Kwswvto# ry Mills Familv Flour. 13 Bid*, illiaiu S nlih re rived and To Kit by [niay 5] GKK RA KKKEMAN CENTRAL BAIL ROAD, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. OX and after Thursday, July 13th. ISM, the Train* wUI be run a* follows: Leave Savannah 15.15 P. M. and 11.45 P. M. Arrive in Augusta *.-%• A. M. and •..'to P. M. Arrive In Ms'u 11.00 V. M. and 9.00 A. M. Arrive in MxlletigeviMe 14P. M. Leave Mac.’ 10.45 A. M. arid 10.00 P. M. Arrive in Savannah “.50 A. M. ar and l.xd F. M. Arrive in Augusta TANARUS. A. M. and 4.-50 P. M. Arrive in Mive-igevilie I.M) P.M. Leave Auguste .. .13 A. M. and 5.43 P. M. Arrive In Savannah 7.5 u A. M. and 9.V0. P. M. Arrive in Macon 9.00 A.M. and 11410 P. M. Pamrngerv for beyond AUanta, on the Western * Atlantic Kail Koad, will leave Savannah on the train, andarriveln Atlantaat 7.13 next morning. Paiwnger* for MtiledgevUle and Eatonton will leave by the 11.43 train. Both trains c .iinett at Macon with the Macon Jt Werierr. Bond lor Atlanta, and with tee South-Western Kail Koad to A -any. America.. • oinnib vsand Montg'-i--- ry.and at Millei. with the Auguste ahd Savsnnan Rail Kowl for Augusta and he North. GhO. W. ADAMS. Inly 3d— ts General Superintendent JACOB’S CORDIAL 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Xegroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Planters Take Notice Planters Take Notice Planters Take Notice Jacob’s Cordial Jacob’s Cordial Jacob’s Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive lieniedv And Positive Reinedv Before The People Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, And Flux. And Flux. And Flux. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Suit: in Macon, Jy ZEILIN & HUNT. SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC THAT GKPAT RIMTTT THAT GKKAT RHIEDY THAT GKKAT KhliED v THAT /.HEAT RK*r.OY THAT /IKKAT Kill ED Y THAT OKKaT REMBDY THAT GREAT KKMEDY SANCHEZ’ EPKCTFTC SANCHEZ’ SPECIHC SANCHEZ SPEanC SANCHEZ’ SPJCtIFIC SAN'CIIbZ* SPECIFIC SAM.HI7.’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ specific; THF ONLY POSITIIE ttRE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY lUSITIVE CUP.E the only n form e cuke THE ONLY PlfolTiVE CURE THE ONLY IlfoiTlVE CUKE THE ONLY IXfc-IUVE UIKF BEFXIItE TOE PEOPLE BKEuKK THE PKOfIE KEFOKK THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BKK’Kfc THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE KEF DUE THE I'KUPIM TOR OOXOFRIKEA h GLEET. FOR UOMOKKIIOIA A Ij-ET. FOR GONOKIUHK.V A t.LKKT. FoR UONOKHHtKA A GLEET FOK GO.NOKKHG.A It oLEF.T. FOK CONORRU(Ka & GIF.F.T. FOK GO.NOKKIKFA A GLEET. SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL S4VES A BIG HOCftiE’g BILL SAVFS A BIG IKK TOR’S BILL i-ates a big ir* util’s bux sav*s A BIG DOCTUK’K bux SAk’ES A PIG INX TOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG lOv-TOK 3 KILL IS EASILY TAKEN h-/ easily Taken IS EASILY TAKEN is easily take.n is easily taken is easily taken IS EASILY TaKF-N has no bad taste • HAS No KAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO HAD lASTfi has no bah taste has no bad taste HAS NO BAD TASTK Will. EFFECT A CURE MILL FIbEtCT A CUKE WILL EFFFXT a CUES WIIX EFFECT A cure Will FFIF.LT A CUP.K Will. F.FFIXT A CURE . UIU. hUI FCT A t UKK WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH I.RSS TROUBLE TriTII LF>S THOIBI-K Midi LEM/ TROUBLE WITH LESS THOUBLK WITH l-S TROUBLE Will! IXSS TROUBLE MORE SPEEDILY work ki f.khly MORE BPE*I>ILY More spm.i ii.y UOKK S: Kfl'll.Y MOKF. SPFEIHI.Y MORE BPKFJHLY A'D PERMANENTLY AMI HERMANFJ/TLY AND PFKMANKNTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PEKMANKNTLY *ANO PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY rliiv Hi KNOWN RIAIFXY TMAn ANY RNnVfN FKURfiY THAN a*Y KN OVM lUMKIY THAN ANY known KnSnr THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY’ . m. THAN ANY KNOWN HF.MEIiY THAN ANY’ KNOWN RKMFPY TE*T ONE PACKAGE OVE PACKAGE TEdt USE PACKADR TEST ONE PACKAGE TMT ONE PACKAGE TEST ons: PACKAGE test oke package Every Druggist and Country Merchant >lml/ keep a supply of tbi* valuable Reumdy. Dot ly from the prof it* that accrue from its *alw, bwt as an net ol phiUu thmpy toward, solfenng UtJianity. It w.H b. mad. to tbe eepedal aad pecuniary interest of all iirugglsU to purchase by W. W. BUSS A CO , PROPRIETORS, KKUADWAY, NEW YORK. Far kata In ,3 ifflt Macon, hy Notice to Debto - & Creditors. 4 LL ; • * U ‘ 1 O -u f V;hei('d„ ’ ar,i*- - , % -Dt tntr.ifor : ‘ Ci . iAQ ,* iXX, AdaJuiAr .tffo, j < t cl*-6w Sugar, OoEqc, Molasses, •ioir _,, •i.Y r„v..! ‘r.X SO 1..:- .- lire - -li* ar, Nt-.- ( il.-uns ‘i rtp. 10 IllsNcv ti ll V’,ilf.v e-, 6 ti bu*h> Is > c.i *, 3“ •• • “ ‘ L 0-vL SI. Viler , M ‘ art SA- k. T o r. F'-r —’o I,v tun. ‘ ‘ IKI DACO. m ■ At W. J. HcEiroys, THIRD STBKET, \CON, GA. Q/N/T Cooking ft v--. 7’ ‘ \ ao<l P. >-lor Store*.— wvv Also a fine lot ■ .. .■> -i-i. .ag the f.r.esi i arid mort V**IKD s-Wi-tru-,.; i I fov-- ever oßert-d •<- public among them l.c t ‘iv - • Isox YVitch, war- I ranted to give s&.tsfoct on. A-- o tbc Victon Coog, maduin Augusta,Georg;u. C’ .p ior Cash or good Note*. ALSO,— A well telsetcd xamrime • of BOUSE FE.T . S GOODS i con3v;inf in pyrt of ‘ rn and ScntheTn Woor i W**s. Brooii *, Br : -- u . .-..1 Featliei Duster*. , i LanUi.., Lamp*. S a. Tta Urns, Chaffing and ! | Steak D.sbes, Ac . Ac. Gas Fittiso done al short notice. Also, plain Gas Fixtures for sate. . i Fonon,Oiwticks a.i W riL Prvrs, of ’he mot-t appro ved Pattern*. Robber Ho- e, Lead, C r, Floe* Tib and IroD Tubrt o *ll Valve., WhiMle*, | Gttsr et, Cylender and Water C -Wsof all kind*. and Copper Plur lit.1 it. Ti;- an-; hcet Iron work of v kinds,done in the v-r j b. ,-i.tyle. Lightning Rods put up at short notice. Notice* On and *rt?ri>ii-- vork <sonc to order wil 1 b. POSITTVEI Y C. . . very, and all accounts due when pre-e: r . and. Macon, oetfi-’f VY. J. McKLLOY FfflE 1 . nE. WX INK Parlor Sett?, P. Word, M .’ s .1 Georgia Walnut Furniture, teifcvar-'-aar. . ■ . Uv * *— Desk, and Pui.E C: <* ■ It- ‘Y txwany nr.d w it. \ ** Mm 7<tr-s . - v j _■-ri~ .y-JJ Social <i,*i: :> • , .r V /'H rTTU Cioth, P Mb, Lrr . -*V ■'* Arm. Rocking. 7 Liz, Parlor. Bttir- . i • * e Cloth, Tluc;i,3r> eate!,Csr.> ,hp; , e . ry .ci of ChAirkncwn u> Hit trade. BEDS XI Ar- r,. K s’ Wood v. t. . > , Bcavh., Gum, c , a UN, t if, ft- - - . iW. si— Wadrohe. of l c ‘ • any, Waino and Pine. case, of ai: i’at: • •. Tables. Ma! •; . ~-niion /oldlag Leaf. .- juare. h r J'at , Jec - . Sprirg. ft f. iTir| J,*. • Fine’>! rror,c oi. - Glas* Plaics, Pioturc t ; a*s. Window cF.sde* ar- * ‘ Buck- - mg. Ptr.lK irDuMn, .'treason* ibic t*-rns. Lumber -.1 - ■ T r! r made up In thr wostfaxhloni! !• t ; -rder. WfihaTl ■ rise FURNI lastly nanufae n-ia, end wiuii tc *t -die ns. • * rt WOOD € ■; :-£S . mm 2 V|TOUU> DCMt t th. r and Y f pr-fjiar Ito Hep. a* *: -i: p. t - .i! tiii.e**. a stock < t GK<K’ W KlE*> and > * ‘ . ’•) l*K i ( • >• -cmid to l.oue Ultiecltv, and t *wt icli; k t i. .. ii i ?: t * c rdidly iu vitfird, ii-e foil yWiii- , a., it: • .1 .>4 ar|’C : *2-*iO B i o 's Hi j, . J Lu^’tilra Coffee. *2O liirreln A. R. :\rA V. N.Cfi.iiJ. 300 Boxes * fi> IS .-. , it. ’250.000 Ci>* . *. Irwia $5 to SGO per tho’i:::id. 15 Bdlca O inuims m. IO “ Kersusy. lO c 10 “ Blankest. 12001 low. 100 Baieu 15 *2Oll Ci.-u.-; (top-.-. 350 Bbl*. Lie ;.'i* tis every quality nnd kind, fr-irn the ii;e-t t ii/.J. ,“>iipiiy A Co’s Bi’ands'l ; ui” U t: - ’ IVuiski They have a Urge .* • .'** • f <’.* . r, LES,C'ASI>Y, SOAK P* r Kljh UaF s l ”f*v J . ad in f.otev ery iliiiiitth l iie S iar u-i - Vt* T.rtcui. ait In the line ot Grocer. *-s Hiii St.v-K* I?r •i- I ’t t*. * J t’nvli hit] ex amine lli/fir refs . Ac.. . i*.a ‘. / ui • - i.c ,r e. lipt.2d;.f C. 11. i : ;. : 4 (O', Cott?n Avenue, 7 icon, Ga., Offer, a. u*ucl. hi ! ir and. a lli ic- \w ...'rttiiejil ui I*'.V.TI ll* .. i .*yK E‘is* I *.N, Os every de-t-rli u at. . f ti..- :• *t quality, fr-'h -<ud ■ go'll, ImlD.-c r rut pt of new euppile. Uku; the Nortii ill 31;; let.-, Rogers ‘ •. Wii -c Fitb. Syrup*, ( •’ Herr'i Ceffee, <-r * ■ rr. - *. lu car*, Teis. <’ i-i-U i .ur-l. Swei-tm'-atA, b. ; .-. F'loik, Nuts. * 1 - “. Duller, Raisins, * r U Port.. Ami oUiera-tic'e* too i :n . y t r>::-!t>, comprising the wbidvrangeuf Fami.y Or x* ixEd'E. n-zzm* Weimriieulsrty ln te tb- • : 1 ->n <■- e .-ers andotber, tii our large and c inp!>-n-*< .. <■: < .. i.iytriifoeturi and ‘mr.-elv'-s,ot the very -t r ; 1 -. r - sirnu .. to r-ia’ii their hardne*. and -ili.U cy, • D-- ..r*e.l •tr.i-. low boiii and Ui - vutlu. ■•. We if or uar.val'.ciJ nJuueiaeht* te pi.n! ;e-.- Cakes, Orn*m Htrd At. Plain or every . > • • • • itrml*. KamPle and par-i>-**-., . ; .-.t -t at ;t ■ ■> th.- ,-t recrouable ten;.*. oyster3. Cr.'.’j?, . ‘, Fresh Fish, in their r*ason. 808 3AISW, WiJlhe per f>r t?t* r •:i of Mt>*>. Where we shsUi AFwmy fcf ■*.?:i t .1 ”-i’ -g he Fad anti -f “ v J W®F a iiije e;* . -. i , a-dr -putlully invite or •ierii. which *hV! ts> f.ti ■ v tf’el so-W—ts £ ■ mn ir .\ . : >:. I / - ** \ pfnwiy rvr V v <■■* h BoJ:-c8 ’j j \ r S’- 3 n 1 S / Tk 4 r -i k \ J Vpu \ % / jf £ ri / ? | AFiill arinrini"!it >d’ \V. jr.Yn and Car riago Mak-ti's riitl for s <t! e at N<*tv York prk-o-, s. ‘-'.it. id’ t, toj*etlier with a fail n.-stirtiru iit <•: i; tnlwjro adaj.ttd to the use of Planters, Srnilhs, Hcohanics, &c. For Sale by - XC ’ . ii LA. Vi J! Sy D. oc-tl4 Macon, Ga. JUST RECEIVED, -RJaTSCD TAIL’S LIFE OF jittr . S6CNj Complete in tiir Vn’ imt’R., wp 14—ts 4RDMAW. KV Ml i Stt StCffi .5J AC OX, C;s:O!fGIA. J. We ar. i-i v on. 1,1 tir. 1 rye art! well ** --• ■■’ M--. s and *li -*, • I. rf’* \ r. ii ■; p -I- Vx- I 1 tin* **<t ‘ ‘Be k Agc-de* 1 bt ‘. . t ... |>un-h . -ed iy j nriecif—MT**m T nr v rr:-: I-.;ert ‘.|ASfgAtTCBBi. I mi Cash, We can offer great ir-duc- vo .*. l-iju-me who wish I to buy far Cash. We prefer small profit- uK . ,1. * lh-J> lug. r-nor>! time. • br- tbe g.*.S id* •- t, . nar* ;>• ti: ; a o!il toth* iVrom >tl fine*. We shall keep cuu- aiill, ou -'■<!- rer- , -te | .-ral Hiwelt lor LA 111 F“ . V ~ ‘1 tffl V I youth*’. Hoys’ and <’ t ‘ - ■ < ‘ <> / M I also a large M<k sor’ JC f -. ‘--itiumj-i I all who wish to purr!’ r to nt; '-d *. and w# will eonviinewth* tn lb >t *. ‘ .st> ur j. - . skli, a* I now A* Art Horn* ix - lit S. ork l*m>r i tnUd ] [ ant where It fail, to gi-e - facH- >. * *!•.• bee rt | I cifcitrjce. W. rmpect rally aoilelt a ’••• * - ■ -i cos* r.r.age. ..A... . A -V GAIN Es. t REP4FR?Tfi. Wc have ao • tl ex . it> i. wd v. . n . . and are (*ra ‘ pared to K -p-. .. k.nd* of w uik -. uultlciidcl. Fi&ici; 25.'5.1 —tl | ffilllE subscrit-.rhaspurcl.u ’ t o- >; . n- *• I.qw n ’* X teut Carruiges ami i . f. r Dini k A.ctunt ,*Aik wblchhc- will put eh work wheL metructed. , Itb. 4-ts. DAID r.OJfi’ 1 FOR SALE. TilS.utmenher fcarlre located at the Hotel, will sell bi* ite re* “ at present oocupUd by A. O. Butts, Esq. Tin I” use cot tains six rooms, with ail neceMary out b'.iUiiuais, a fine garden with a variety of fruit MM, shrubbery, Ac. For term*, apply to £. E. BRoWM, Brown’* Hotel. AXjSO, The ia-gt c utmodiou. Kul’dingon the comer of Court H. ■ -q-iar- a<i Mulberry sir- et, known as the City Hal!, ai j-o se; t< ■< euoied by Tims. H. Kilpatrick, a* a Hotel. If not -i \ >. first • ft i p*'mliertt will be for rent. Also, two v.v.-a- ! L.-!-;a'joia!ng Mr*. E. L*. Tracy’s, on Magnolia street. A- ,’i- Lots-‘tn&it-'l bttv. en College and Orange street*. t"i:! iialf an acre each -known as the Todd Lota.— T - ti- r *; e Wesleyan Female < ‘ol.cgr, arul ar* , r r dwel ings. Also, two or three Store. In 1 Ma -n. for rent, possession given on tbe Irt of Oetobw s. For ‘eras, apply to K. K. BKtiHN. p.iy o--ts at Brown’* Hotel. Macon, Oa. FALL OF 1859! cc si _ r jbf*: mm ma NOW RECKIYIN) A M 7-C ‘Trent At- k, and will he sold at Price* t* b fy Competition, at It A ■ F( IPS - ; , UCsUELS DRIED APPLES for sale by • > . F C.H. FREEMAN* CO. .ii*-'!* ’ 14— t’ Cotton Avenue. 1 L* \MI AND BLINI)I AITOHY.-nui ler-ipned is etillprepared to manufacture all kind, of Window Kmwii, ttlinriw, I'aniiel l)o.ra and Cur {'entry Work to order. Having alway* ob band, the best seasoned and well assorted lumber, h will warrant wotk to be of the moat subataotialtad durable description. He will also contract for any sise or style of tmildlL. and execute the same all needful dispatch. Orde respectfully solicited. JOHN KNIGHT. ; prsS—t? FISK’S METAIIC BURIAL CASES. UOS v WOOD,Mahogany, Walnut,Covered and Plain Coffins. Buildets are tnv’ted to call and examing my (took of Marbieited Iron Chimney Pieces, Window hash and Blinde, Panel Doors, Window Glass, Mahogany Balu ers auu Newell. B. F. EOSP, marl"—tf Cotton Av.Macon,Ga. SI'ICES. T. rt - ;’AHT). f’l -vi s. Nn'megs. Pepper. Ac., whleh articles At \ >•‘ii-.-u ei; r >m-!y earifid to reject by jK-rsonal in- I ; * !;■ p.irc-t. freshes” and cleanest that can be ob ui - eii w-.i we shallalaayskeep on hand, f-l-t . it. ts ZEILIN * HUNT, .Macon, Ga BOSENE OIL,! GREA T lIED UCTION IN PRICE [HE NEW YORK KEROSENE OIL CO. • (r.-T.utLUilgn 1854.) Anti iuie-i* Innite: iinule grout improvements in •ii , la- uiii- of Iverosetit-, Uu-y arc* now enabled to offer it t-> tbo trad® ul A Hetiucetl Price. Tl,< nti in ~f eonstimers is respeetfnllv ealled •"i. -i,i;,-line, i table the result of a photometrieal 1 . ion. by Kan N. Kent. K-mj., of New York, t hetnisi. and dated Feb. a, 1866. ]st g-J j O _ =^m, w’ - § o -= =<S MATERIAL. LAMP. 1 ‘ill It ®! | P|i? 11 __ __ i\et, ■-- -?; ;o l-l.’ s't 0.4;i3 $1 BO;$4 lu 1 - nn iif* 1 niplif lie - 6.6-5 1.-9i* 66 4 85 V ‘ - ...I I.v.fJ 833 100li 00 ;i. Solar 1.640| 706 125 17 70 - - t Oil--- - 2.027 850 22526 47 I Large Wi - 200 I 87128 0# Reliable orders fr- m the Trade, by Mail or Tele j graph, filled, on application to AI’STEMS, Agents, 93 Pearl Street. N. T. KF.R< >SF.NK is also to be obtained at tin- Manufac tor. -t Pi ;- es. of all the Wholesale New York iTrug .i- t- Id o, or-, t onphene and Burning Fluid Manil la,-lurera and Dealer, in laitnps. ,Y. / .—KEROSENE i* th- trade-mark of the Kero (, C ... oml oil „s are rnutionca against using the s ■'• I -ii-!, ma 11; fur otKcr oils. oct il .-VCA\V Slit DRY COOD% Arasite Bl tfli, Street. S, PRIiDW i CO, ( 1 RaTEFFL for the 111 p dronage of last year, are now li pivpaied to exhibit a Due and select Muck of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS! oi fd-.: t of net hetnr excelled either in beauty, style or price. A Choice variety of rich I>RESS GOODS VEJ.VKT AND SILK ROBES, BID - HE AND BAYADERE BILKS, FMDI'ARD SILKS. UK T.AINK AND MERINO ROBES, Rubes de iiambre, POPLINS. VALENCIAS, UE LAIN’ES, MERINOS 0 ASHMERES! A large variety of SHAWLS, r,. w styles. VELVET Sc CLOTH! CLOAKS. Ms.” s’ and Children’s CLOAKS, TALMAS & SACKS I 1 ! -s Tri'ii YgZS, EtnLrouJeries Ii uiery, Olovw, EMPRESS HOOP SKIRTS, a buju-iior ftriclc, warrante'i bes’ quality. Our “Ortment of Good* for family um is comj'lete fr!!* lams, Tfiwciinjrs, Ngpkios, Tablecloth*, Table Darut.xk.PiUtnr Casing, Sheetings, Cottons, Flannels, and a Ith ; different variedesof STAPDE GOODS ,1 rt. tr c. widen we *ffer on the most favorshl. tern,-. -jiiidt] N. S. PitUDEN * CO. (pK RUtxl A. M. Bininger & Cos (Establiflied 1778,) SOLE IMPORTERS, No. 338 Broadway, N. Y. This DELICIOUS TONIC, especially designed for the use of the Medical Profession and the Family, p< -esses those intrinsic medicinal pr* parties (Tonic and Diuretic) which belong to an Old and PURE GIN. The business of manufacturing spurious gins, and offering them as beverages, under the titles, “ Aromatic,” —“ Cordial,” — j “ Medicated,” etc., has become so com *on, that the public are justly suspicious of nearly everything that is offered under similar forms, and the trade has thus been brought into disrepute. It has remained for our house (established in 1778) to supply the pressing popular need, and to inaugurate a new era in the history of the Trade. We trust that our established reputation—found ed upon eighty years of experience abundantly vindicates our claim to public ! confidence. KT. X3. A comparison of “ IJiningor’g Old London Dock Ght” with others bearing similar names, will establish iU superiority, and make other Caution unnecessary. Put up in Quart Bottles, in Cases of one aid two dozen each, and sold through out the world ly Druggists, Grocers, &c. Druggists and Dealers Supplied with Wines and Brandies, I Direct from United States Warehouses. For‘f a?e in Macon, !>y Subers A Uewis ‘ Cherry Street, and all prominent Druggists, 1 Grocers, &c. oct 12 Liverpool & London LIFE A FIRE INSURAHCE ■■aw'w* Ojfirs 56, Wall Street , New Nork City. AUTHOUIZk.D CAPITAL. £1,000,000 or $10,000,000. PaM up Capital, Surplus an 4 Itrurrv4 Fund*, FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS: $M90,000 Invented in this Country. DIRECTORS IN NEW YORK: JAKES BROWN, ■ Imirriiun. FRANCIS !< ‘T! IN. Deputy ChaLman. OtOKliE BARCLAY, h.q. It CUE NIC DITIILH, Esq. JOSEPH GILLARD, Jr., Esq. JOSEPH FoWIKR. Esq, ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Jr„ b<. ED F. SANDERSON, Esq. Wl. S. WITH OKI, Esq, EDWARD M. ARCHIBALD, Esq. Ere Went Secretary, ALFRED PELL, Esq. Counsel us the Hard. A. HAMILTON, Jr., Esq. AYERS. WINGFIELD A CO.. AgunW, Who unit take Fire liisks , only. Ma<on. M.y Uth.-tf ENGRAVING and Jewelrv repaired, by E. J JOHNSTON A CO. Bliss’ Dyi>eitic Remedy Itilas’ tsysfM‘|>tlf Kriuetljr Hll')’ D)'i(s |i It- Rrmnly Mil.*’ Dyspeptic Itnusdy A.lw’ IJysjM-pllr Iterardy 1111m’ Dvqs pile Krmoljr 1111m’ Dyspeptic KnUrtly Itllu’ Dyspeptic Urmtiljr lill.s’ Dyspeptic Ilrmetly llllss’ Dyspeptic lltmrdy Bliss’ Dyspeptic lteiueUy Has |lie Largest Sale lias (lie Largest sl lias |l>e Largest Sale lias , tie l.nrg*t Sale Has the Largest Sale Hus the Largest Sale Has the Largest Sale Has the Largest Sale Has the Largest Sale Hus the Largest Sale OT any Medicine In the World. Os any Medicine In the Worlds Os any Medicine In the World. Us any Medicine In the World. Os any Medicine In the World. Os any Medicine In the World. Os any Medicine In the World. Os any Medicine In the World. Os any Medicine In the World, i Ot any Medicine In the World. 100,000 PaeLuges 100,01*0 Packages 100,000 Packages 100,000 Packages 100,000 Packages 100,000 Packages 100,000 Packages 100,0011 Packages 100.000 Pnckages 100,000 Packages ■aid In Georgia and South Carolina Sold In Georgia ami South Carolina Sold In Georgia and South Carolina I Sold In Georgia and south Carolina Sold In Georgia anil South Carolina Sold In Georgia ni.d South Carolina Sold lu Georgia and ‘South Carolina Bold In Georgia and South Carolina Sold In Georgia mid South Carolina Sold In Georgia and South Carolina In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Month*. In Fourteen Mon tits, la Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Muntil*. In Fourteen Month*. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen .Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. ) It Is Warranted to Care It Is Warranted to Cora ) It Is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It Is Wat ranted to Cure It I* Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Care It Is Warranted to Care It Is Warranted to Care It Is Warranted to Care If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, It Directions a>e Followed, I If Directions are Fullowed, If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, I Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case ot Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia | Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Uvtr Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, ’ Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, | Jaundice, Jaundice, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, Palpitation, Palpital In Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpi tut lon, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Chronic Dlarrhtea, Chronic Diarrliera, Chronic Dlurrhu-a, Chronic Dlarrhura. Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Dlurrho-a, Chronic Dlarrhtea, Chronic Dlarrlitra, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Dlurrhoea, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness. Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness. Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirit*, Depressed Spirit*, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressstl Spirits, Depressed S| Irlts, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Los* of Appetite, Los* of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite. Loss of Appetite, Los* of Appetite, Pain In Side anti Back, Pain In Side and Back, Pain In Side and Baek, Pain In Side anti Bark, Pain In Side and Uaelc, Pain In Side and Hark, Pain In Side and Back, Pain In Side and Back, Pain lu Side and Hack, Pain lu Side and Back, ■t la Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Aduptetl to It Is E*|>etdally Adapted to It Is E*|>eelally Adapted ta It Is Especially Adapted to It I* Kspct tally Adapted to It Is K*|>eelally Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to Female Complaints; Female Complaints | Feutale Complaints; Female Complaints ; Female Complaint ; Female Complaints; Female Complaints ; Female Complaints; Female Complaints; Female Complaints; It Produces Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotundity of Karts* It Produces Rotundity of Form It Produces Hotundl<y of Form It Produces Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotundity us Form It Produces Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotundity of Farm It Produces Rotundity of Form lu Females of a Thin and Spare Habit, lu Female* of s Thin ami Spare Habit, lu Females of a Thin ami Spare Habit. In Females of a Tliln and Spare Habit. In Female* of a Thin ami Spare Habit. In Femalae of a Thin and Spare Habit. In Females ot a Thin and Sparc Habit, la Females of a Thin and Spars HaMj In Females of a Thin and Spars Habit. In Female* or a Thin and Spare Habit. Send a Postage Stamp to the Proprietors for their Pamphlet on Diseases of Stom ach and Bowels.” W. W. BLISS & Cos., Proprietor*. SB3 Broadway, Haw Turk. For Sale in ’'■""'V—* Macon, by ZE?LIN * HUNT. Carpeting and Oil Cloth* OA ROLLS Carpeting* ot * vry style and quail Usa, af T OU psstry. Valvet and Brunei*. Three ply. Insnlo and Superfine Rug* ‘• 4 Mats, floor Oilcloth# of all width* ftoui k y t 4 Is UfbM,nttshh or Hall* aa4 Dlelu Room*. Coco* sad IndlaMattlnf. la Us shoe* good* we can show he largest sad hast ass tr meat la tbs City. House keeper :re riquested to sxamlas eg Central Rail Road Office, Savannaw. ii<&. $4 N .*8 9. ON and a f t* r MottUy, Oct. Si , duibi* th* te i- iicf th Legislature, A *ecof><l ptiP**i fior train will 1* r n ? aHr (.< do* and Mil ledge c*imei ting both wa>B vitu h'tnti; Trains. Leave Gordon 11 45 p m.. arrive at Mil v 'l e l3 1 5 a.n L*.VC Milltdrfeviito 8.45 ivn , h, at Lo t! n y.!5 p m. < K:t G£U. W. Al**\ v>. tjt liemi . . f M-tMAS HAlltKMil* °* C. SPAR*’ HARDEMAN &> SPARKS. ’ aWAREKOUSEQ a c ’ lLk.ooL.tmue logive prompt atteEtioc atiheir \T FIRE PROOF WARE HOUSE. oa the corner of 5d ad Poplar fltrcria, to all bugincs commit ted to their charge. With their thanks for past favors, apd a renewed pledge of faithfulness to all the interests of theirfriends i and customers,they hope to receive their full share ■ he public patronage. Liberal advances made on Cotton aud otherprodn when required. family Stores,also Bagging,Rope, Ai furnished at the lowest market rates. Macon. Aa*i —ts STRONG & WOOD. DEALERS IN ! 800TS.SH3ES, LIATHE3. HATS & CAB, AT TUEIK OLD STAN I) ON SI), ST. Opposite Bostick & KBin’s. j_JAVE uowin store,a large and mcll selected assortment BOOTS m SHOES, of every variety of-tyleand pattern, manufactured to order and to suit this market, consisting of ITS, BAITERS & SlllS.'^v LADIES’ HEELED GAITERS AND SLIPPERS, Misses’ Heeled Slippers A. Gaiters. CHILDRENS’ SHOES OF EVERY STYLE. ‘ Also, HATS r.nd PAPS.gaSa. Os all Qualities and tjUs All of which will ie ©old on rca* • ;i !t tenr**.— M Thankful for pa flavor-*, they in\ it * .** . • <rto purchase to call Mid exam! ue their ©lock I ‘iropun. I g*l'*e where ct. 9. IBsß—tf s *W. “W*rought 2 ron RAII.IR’ O- A. MeQUEEN, TbisA-c: oi>m , MASI'F VCTCREU of ‘Vm .til’ I • ;on II - ling of ever; description, and for a i e . . pu.-> t. is.ih Plain Sc Ornn mental. Krom he light* st scroll Iron up to tne hevie4 Railing f wM. lU* in* an endlefS variety us desi •, ;u. cl*. it* rs cannot tkli to be suited. Being eatirt-ly of Wrought, iron G e’r sir nz-th cannot K questi >.ied. Miid for beauty they cannot urp^sedauy where. All kinds of Fancy Iron ‘ > rk nni J to ,*rder. Tar licular attention pa dto making eh kuida f Goomotrical Stair B .iling, Ju.7-- ° For Sale. ONE of the meat and the subscriber n..w r.sidvs, i; r. erot i.'sk olid .Second Streets. Tb* Lot ccutsliu three quart, rs of an acre, and is highly Imnroved with choice varieties ot 1 -ich, Ap.icois.tiripesaud other fruiis. and flinvers. The dwelling contain, ten Koon. . fioseta in s! v, and Ga in all. Terms of payment will Im made easy. For purlieu t*'S.*nquire of .1 Pel.oache or VV. s. T. antly. If uot sold befoie Christmas, it w 111 he rented t ■ an approv •and tenant. [dec. 14—ts J GKO. Vt. ADAMS. NEW FURNITURE. THE subscriber has just receiv ed, and will continue to receive from the best New York City manu n, facturers, a targe and h&ndßeine a; , ] •ortreent of the latest style* cf yy. \ J FIKNITIUK, CHA2KB, Jit. He also manufactures ‘'urniture .< the very best workmanship, and at the lowest market prices. The f.-l lowing list comprises a pari of ite articles always on hand : Tete atete, Rocking chairs of every style, Parlor chairs, Mahogany, Walnut, Oak and Cane scatohair*, Office and Window chairs, Cottage chairs, Bedsteadsfrom f5 to # I .ot>, Side Boards, Wash stands, Corner stands, Wardrobes, Safes, Bureau*—Mahogany,Walnut and Rose Wood, Dining Tables, Folding and Plain Tables, Centre and Side Tables, Oouches.Trunnoll Bedsteads, Cradles and Cribs, Secretaries and Book cases, Hat stands, Looking Glssses, Childrens’carriages and cabs, Windowshades, Feather iusisrs, Onrled hair and cotton Mattrasscs. B. F, ROW. Osnaburgs, Yarns, Bcc. Oik Bab'S * tan*ihurgft. 01/ 20 Blfi Yanis, 15 B le-* M.u-on and ‘'Utedgeville c fceeting3, 10 Hs!es % .^heftirg?, 5 Baits Striven; For sale by AYKLS. WXKOfILLD * CO. _ u2S * tr Osnaburgs, Yarns, !(<*r>sys, \,c. 150 25 A “ ES 2”- * OSX/.jh.T.,;.-, 170 ” O-fv-gia Ki’r ■ 1 rt “ Macon Mie. iicg. -.0 ‘ ’’ I’ r 2,; ■’ ’‘7 8 >b r ting, 2Kj “ “ Yr s. F ‘l Sa e at Factory price; a|y U—tfr .T. r>. ft W. A. TtOS. MACON LAMP STOSE! 2Mo. 11 COTTO.T AVr.VVF,. CROCKERY, GLASS AND 4 *2 i, COAL OIL LAMPS AND CHANDALIERS, Flnid I.*Sliver IMutrd Warp, Table Cutlery and < /.> >;• /', unes, IJIOKi <;*..! -v. Improved Coal Oil, BUKMNu FLUID CAM! mXE.’.NDAI vcHOL At Wholesale an ’ II: ‘■ill, CXEXTiVZ 3 FOII OYASII CALL AND SEH US. bolshavt a irsn.-iOG. li vE K Y CO £> V 1001 HERE! IF YOU would buy ~NC” d‘ “ : -U the best ... ....{ \ Carriage, Y . rU U ’ ■ r 1 VCr‘ W Rnrkawjty, Buggy. - ‘ • . Hack Waeon, Jersey,” Plantation Wagon, that will HUN LIGHTER, and L IST LONGER, than ant you can buy IS THE STATE, go to VVOODIUTT .V Uitotix, Ga. US’ They keep tt LARGE STOCK, and SELL LOW, especially for CAMI! Aprllltf. _ Gold Pens Warranted IN Gotd, Silver and \l<*>.l I. . Li cl<. mt as sortment just opend and !■ bv K. J. JVHNtJi >S AO. N iv. 5. 1859—ts AH’ Telegraph and journalr copy. THE POOL OV ({TALiTI. BY 11 BROOKE. A RARE and interesting T. Vtr. TW-ley said of it: “It is the nn-t I'cnt 1. k.t us kind” It makes one alternately Inngh I cry ia spite of themselves. 2 vola. FJ.isj. Fer.- i. ■ at the ’I die.l.-; Book Depository, [dec 7] J. W. HI RKK. Agt. J. HR AA 33 ATI. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Maoou, Gocrgia, WILL practice io-toe M u or. (*iA nit,.. *i * ;i*r ql Monro-. Putnam, Wii4:Li>m; o mi*tt \ OFFIf’E la WakUnatua lilac it mu a••• ta Ji 7u. Board man'. Ho k Me-c <lcl 2b tg tail by C. H. FREEMAN & Cos . Cottan Avenue. TARRANT’S SELTIEI AP£BOT. ‘.Ms valuable nd jsipu’ar Medic n.-. pie's red in etm'oyt it> . i.h the ic si’ sir * I ’it- waters of ti e ceie tztr apriug. to fKrr.iane. in . most cove lent asljwi uvL-1f f**rm. La •ii***rsLy Eli'. ru vur.tblt* rttd!niiii:tldUi U 4 of tli y t*’ it-ai r-r> feaaion ai.d a I‘Tscvr.ting l # i*bl : c. js if.e MOST EFFICILNT AND AOttEK-VBLE Saline A poriont n i.t, ali i tH-ii.gFHfi’leU to s i*c:;t! T>r**f?en'e over the iialiy Minrnl ~i r :;2 Wau rs, fed z Puwdvß*. nl 4r .if -i.mlar iwci a, bth rnu in cui jiai-iiuss ani greater effic* •y. it nay be useu iiii tl eb ht ct :i. li tlLlOl'S AND I KURILS I>tSSAJM. JCK UF. ATLU'nS. LOSS OP APPiTtTE. 1581 ION, AM ALL SI V!LAM ODIf- FLAUTTS, rn?rUABI*T JNOIOKNT TO THK SPRINQ and SUIUMER SEASONS, Itisp.r Icularly* fattest the whutief Tr vders bvSea a:t*i 1 a id. K-sid- nts lu h■ *? Ciittm es, Ueut-rv Habi *•, Inva.iih aud c-ouval .* e ts; Captains • f a al PuinVra w*l* fi: c it a valuable audiitoß to tLeir Mtrtliduo Oe4s. With tho9 j who tare used it, it lias high avrraud is deemed indinpouMblo. IN A I'OKt’IB STATE OF THE LIVER—It reed ircit rvicr in ru9t**riia i eal bv wfl r IN (} rr AN’J Hll EC M ATfSM—It dvesth* host i-tfaction, al'auiig a:11. damn i; try s>n pt in©,and in ntuny eas-s*fTeetnaM cirfn- lo.*e :i!tl. t, and. If* ICvS IN <’AMN OK OR'VKL !\!'KE- TtON, Ilt’U; TBUKN .\M> • o> 1 i V EX - Proves it obv a Medici*.** the gr alert uti it . sY li>lt t OF Til it T >MA< H.AXD rUF r *I.N T RFS'* K N C>CAL I‘UKLNG I'UEG.U.Nn- Yle ds ■*: cvtliiv, an-J marked ocom ut.d r it© hea tbjui Influence. IT AFFORDS THE ORE A TEST RELIEF TO THOSE A FFLI J*rE * WITH <R >l T B*EOT Tt> rile: PILE>— Ac’ir k gently o*i thv mut r.vl.zi g all huiaiiug f-ecre ti •n-*, u*i there*jr rernovl g a’l infl uumat- n t^nden# AN FA’ -T. IT IS l\V \ M'KLEIN ALL’A'L> WH*HE A GENTLE APERIENT OR PCRGAfIVE S REQUIRED. I* bin the form ofpowder, c-irv !lv ;>nt up In b- t-lvs to ke Tunauy o iuiA e. an*i n*er Jy n-quires w;m pound up ou it to 4roduc • advi'gh fui * fT - .it ii*’ i ;r ~v Taken in t.e - win. th<* avooa tionaof the day, acting trentiy tu rest’ ririg the <ti***lvepower*. *xc i?u a liealrl ya* <i rn us ui-r *if the tomch, *indcreii < a-; eladioilt •*! m uti .gu flow of?pirit> Mriiicli give t > every e doyioviit. It ai o n va.ld to en oy inmny luxuries wiiij imp’-i i v. *r* tu w-h cli he m st *therAise be debar; el, aid wiilu.ut v 1 icL iife isirkaoiue and diatrea-rnir. in **n of the high*>t ‘hr ujrhout the c*wn’ry, and its i eadily ii*cre*irur j*opula irv f r a series ot ye: r. ?*Tr’ K'tt ante*- Ith efficacy and vl'aLie character. :isd ccirunci and it to the favt*ra‘ le n..f : c.’ if an int* Ibfent public. Prepared nd Sold. W olesalc and Let til t v JOHN A. TARRAN At • IL, 1 ‘lircGiSTS. No.273Grt enwich cor of W riec, N. Y. June 14 -ly J ors o y City , HlillS k MM tosh m fj Corner of Green and Af-ryan Streets JOHN B FULLE:., irrpr. Wood MOULD!vgs. u. * T pt ? f slant ly on i; n*d. •*• <i wc ... KV\ OAIV, Italliand Hand Uai s, Li> I :i-•.• of descrip'i ’U. l*r.*c •!*■, I ru.. lit.) o r i 1 and sirauht Saving: H **e i• #r. A*., a*. !>r.d pattern worked .** udt r at. hort no ice V tHd; TURN* tNO in all us Main. *'aM.*’!*'d. ami Octexun lew*ls, *n nmd and iu di to.-rd-r* i a!u tr.t© **f a i u* s. vi and dnic r ljtMi! fi. Ac . A 7.. Ac. Mih jr . y. h i: Wa!* \ t • >:k, OAe r rj\ an i I'iue M lirK.dl -. s wtd *r vo k< dtuoidrr The prices .siarAtd *u eu h p.ri- i1 o.e b.>oksi*w* t L-ord- r oa ;y part <r ?tie L li'.tU are for tße Luiidied feet rumi n* niearnrv N. ii— t.Kv f the of McnLii: and Tr.m minats v*r tty ofpat ems, uiaioi a-tur*ct< f rne. very best in *ier.aK will aiw*a;a lu* ■<> i.<: i.t this ectablisi mvnt. PH in* >vlth ami-u >prcc r :. Te r iukCih. JOUN I. FULLER v ih a'io manufacture iiidgivt xait!ctiiar atteutiuxto th.l3 V’/’ork, For flhureh<-s, l üb'.ic La! u 2 w !2; ft uses, AC. Wir.- ! W f v . Jtc., M:f • r Round and S't > re Picket i nee, dec., Also, lic.Jcv iq 1) tut is. 5 allies ant! Biintat. Os evtry descTi t T **r, mru r ac‘ ur< •. f ihe material, and warrni te 1 1 > -tand in mv c ini *te. !>u i.ei>’ Her.iware. and every ai tide ill that i ne turuislie . at tli*- low s-t csh prlte*. Marble, Marbleized Iron and Slate Man ties, Terra C oUa. Brackets, Trusses, Window Caps, dec. IF* De-iena and Druwii gs fcinDi.ed at thort n dice* aug 4 - bin THE ONLY ARTICLE Wfffll I MiKST, WITH IMMEItSE HOME ANB EUROPEAN DEMAND. ‘IBITE rca'i-r whv. is that by N'st ire’s i-tii pr cess It rc .l store* ihe n Jural color pcrii armnily itlcr lbc i air be emuea grsv ; Mi.npl * * the nitcral fl.iiiis, anrt t* os unites i grow n bulit heads, remov,sail (ImiinifT,itching and heat from the sea p, quirts ari l tone* up the otrvis. and thus ure* nil nervous hesd-iclie, and mw be rciied upon ,o Cl - > •II diseases of the ecdp mot hair; it will stop :iml Veep it r.m fsliing off. jikb it sorr, glossy an.l beaytutl,und if u=ed youug tsoor tt,ree times a week, u \v 1 o never full or t e.onie emy; hen, realer, lead the following judge ior your-c i; New Yoi:ir, Jax.B, 13’8. ’i'irisr.s. O. J. Wood Jfc f’o., (r ilemcn: Having heard a go; and deal almnt Professor W. .'.'j K< si 1 alive, anil my lair taing quite eoiv, 1 made up u y inind ro lay a-ide liie preiud ces which 1, in comrrn n v. i’L a it at r: any 1 ersous, h-id ava ust ail mai’.ner of patent :i ed 0 and a slio.-ttiuie ago 1 coßimenCtd us ng > our article, t-r test ■ Uor myself. ’I ha ri’ dt has heeu * > very tat •■•factory that I am verv v- id Idl I so. ami in ju. tice to you. as ell as f.,r the en c ‘-rave Tier t of < thers who nay tv as gray a-- I was hot who having in 1 prejud c - witn <• 1 my reason- for et ;i e t aside are tin wllli g >0 give your Rest rail ,n a tria’ *’ 1 ti ey have f ilther proof. Ki and the best I roof be: g - e !ur and m.mslra tion. 1 writ- you tide ’efer. whnh ..m: si.anysnch amilsodirect tli m tome for funlier; ‘f, who a- S.i ami out of the N. N. ‘ire K b'ut-i. ■: iifii tv rydav. My hair is now its n.ou-ui c ’ r n ii nmcii improved in rvi n way, l.cmg ; l r. und ti i.-ter and much mors healthy looking. I am, youts re- - .vv. HEMIY JiD KINS. Car. Colnmliaa and a:r it St . r. , Livingston. A la.. h. 14.1-s=!. Pnor. Wooii-Dui'm: 4our IK>i..reive hasd me much go,si ill till* part ot the c uotrv. M . h ir has lie.-n slightly (tini'i.isliing for n. vend years, cii cd. I suppose, f'in a she lit h'irn when I Masqat •an iii’ant. i have been usi- g ; our Hair Rest ranveur six vce.s am I I fl: il ti ai I naieafi ic iad of hair now growl g. pr.-r having usid all th. r rem-ilies kiiowu, to 1.0 • sic t, ltliiik it til- ain t yal uable r> mecy now ext ii'. aid adi'.s ail who atil’ete.l taut way f-*- \i-e vour re e ly, canpuhlish this It you think proper. K urs, ic , S. ‘■>. Middleton. Philadelphia. Sep'.ii, IsjT. Pnor. Wood —Penr firi Vnr ll r.r K.-scra•'< is pr vi-g itself benehcial to me ‘I In-front, and :-!s > tee i. .e* pen of •ny he-ui lost its covirirg— w.s 111 tact ::.u: . f have used hut two half 1 int bottteiM f venr Fe-toiiiii.c. e: and n.w the top <f my hea :i* welt s vuhicd with a p:. 7-ing cr-.p of young hair, u.d the triad i- >• ru* lsn/ its ‘ eucßt. I have tried oih'-r prcpar.dtoas with* ut any t-c > t.t .vhi-tcvir i ■hinkfroct mi own eis nal neon n cudiifi ns, I can induct many others to try it. Yons.i. vcMuhv. 1). It f HiA s, M. D. No. 4CI Vine r treet. The R< *tora*lvc Is put in bo‘fes( ff l.r-< : i>r-. huge, n.eblum. and im-.l ; the,mull hoi,!-14 pint, ami rnaih-rt u r one dollai per :o te; the aicil im t ds t <• t t’ .nt p. r ■*i 1111 .rt in proportion tl an the -ms ; '. ot is ‘nr loi d< :• ais per bolt!- ; tin- l a -gc !,. ,i-: .;;, *• p... re ,n ,*d-;o:. ion. ar.d rxiaits toril.r— polar- lari-tie >. .1, V* ‘ 111. * Cu.. l'r-'prb Or,'! ’ i udv .h. Y„ do tli • gie iN. Y. WI-e It : ■: ; h •. b: .-ii,c t. a- .i ill Msrkit Mreef.M. 1 nuis Mo. And sold stall, good I'rvdcisrs and Fan.-t Co-'ds Dealers Oct.7, S;n. FEBTIHZ3KS! BENEHAL ACEKB7. rs f !7T7 ‘lndersigned respcc'fiilly p-m , to Pian'er* and g. otaersmli-resleii. iha liicy Ills i *.:.s':.nT!v r.Ccivii g .11- rect r.-om tRe Isi.-r,d.- a-d Ir-ui rin- nn nufa, .'un rs, ilit fol Inwing m -f nppn-Kftt r. i In’ :.’ - - e. An>„ v. ail . I whiih have been thomugtilj and *itisl'.n ttiriiy t cited, viz: No. 1 Peruvian Guano, Sombrero Guano, Rhode's Sutler. T’h< ■'[d;ato of Nation a! F •r• i I iz- rs. Ground i l.Dter. These art id- s. which w ii; have oar !.m<*, and l>enaran Mdasgeniifn*. wc st a'l. at a’l ii'ii—, tie p ,r<dlo tun,!*.- B n my amount,eeqitiied. ai da* fhei-.wi-.t The-Su er Bn.wphaUa'and K-rt ilier.’ at itiauu'acturtr’, with Bvpenss of Trans;-.rialion added. , Sivannah May 2. ly. PATTEN A MILLEH. Q 7 CO oo 1> AY S he tuition fora full count- in the Ir n City Col ie re, the la ge, nm-t me si.e x i-ii'n i ized aid best nrgani/.rd C o ineidal .-ch'.oi In the Uni and tales. ■ ((11l L4!IGE HALLS For writing, C. niT.erc'al ra'cnla'i >r.s. Book-Setprcg atd lectures. U.-ml time *o complete a fui! c nr*\ from 6 *o l-y w.-eks, r.veiy M ident, up n graduating, is iu-tai t-d to fs- r-.n,- etc t to m iLage he b- oks of ai y t u-iu rs, and qt ailti.ii Ur eirn a s.di y f ;rom SSOO to 31000. tudenUeu’eratany time—No v <y.t on—Review at pleasure. Fir3t Premiums for Best Writing Awarded this Ii s’ P tior. ‘I he feet an! rt test vsre’y of lennninsh i* in any *V- Kali l'i the ‘ il it. i, found tn-fe nr Vin ver’s ’ ns r. t-m and .1 h If prl. e For full iiiff Tm-i it. ( ire- hr. [>.-< i --.-n of Bus'nes- and , Orrmnienla! “ri l g an !* ii lielll-h :d View if lh- C o lege, i ncln-e-p--~ *e‘*er to F. *v . JEA s r\s. It -I -sly 17. : -igli. ! a. New Candy Factory,ana BAKERY. ORN A MTSTED Cake,and Plait;, supplied to ®aaii;e.- Weddicgs and Parties,accord'Lg to order. | Oandybytbr Box,(assorted fat Merchacts,) otthebe.l inality,w%rrant-d. and si the lowest prices. Orders for the afcoveor for Drugs,Garden seeds,Not; fruits,Ac. proray-tiy attended by J. U. A W. S. RI.LIB, nev*—tf Cherry .on <4* Fresh Arrival! 1 A A CHOICE I>-M P-f Tm guts, J.!Mf I'a-ki ne* P g Hams, SOI !!>-•. tine Dr ed Pe f, MS* Fre-u BoJugf*. sausages. 20 I 2 bilin. P c !e ! ar;d Porir, st-2 “ Plg*H**ds,-omntb i gnew. in it-ir-, nod for Safe by GKSKII a hKi.EMAN spn—Df Preserves. }NRESH and of lindout i-.d g *-d Make. Amcrg them and new ot us Sfsilt dl pi->--rc. ; PICKLES—rund woods heJ,a.l k.nds. 1 BEST G )SH E N BITTKH, I SNcLI-H DIAKV i.llEf'i; f*WI,KV I BEAM CHFRSV. NEW YORK STATS'. CHEESE, Constantly Oo hand at b-tls] if. HOP NT’S. STATE PRESS NEWSPAPER. rims pT'r With a coirid'-l e oq itrtncr.t of Prcfff. Tj'p fl :*>d ButiH.ft- t4*r AJw wfcce i-** iffu *1 for Mi* ~DJ ore , sentsan e*c<- lent opportunity ■” *• / one u. g into burliimH iiuhi- a mn.-bii g city, a c-n b e to a 1 paiu of ih bte by Kail Hoad. For tun s uni a U> E. L. blß’ lIECKt-R,! T. K.BDtGM. Atslgnece. novSO W. 15. JOHN SION. ) Ayer’s Sarsaparilla A t-dtnpriu'i'l rein oily, in which wp have i borl to prndutfc the mo < effectual altcrati* that can ho made. It is n v/i cer.truted utrU of Para Sarsaparilla, *o cor.iuinod wiu. ci> * substances of null greater alterative jn, W f, tr to aSo: and *:t for the dista*- Sarsaparilla is rr.’iufwl to cur?. It is believ,,! that mtch a remedy is want’d bv those *)’ stt.Ter from Strumoui contpla nts, and that o a which will accomplish their cure mu?t pr;,r( of immense K-rvlcc to this cla*s of afllictcd fellow-citizens. llow completely thi* compound will do it has been j.roTon by c’xpu. iment on many of the worst cases to be found ! cf the following complaints: Scaoiict A AND Sciwivt rj Conri AiXT, EurmoNS and Eurrriv:: DisrvsKs, I’t.cEm’ Pimpled, Ih.oTc;in, ’l'p-rtiis, Svlt Ha KL - M ’ Scat.!* Head, Smm.w and S'piin.iric Ap! rnCTijjt-t, Mkrctkia!. Disease, Duoinv, x,- ( . B.UBIA ok Tic Dornotf.iKUK, l>Kiuurv, I) VK , PEPS IA AND IXDHiKsriOv, l’i ItYSIPET, \ p I)SR or. Sr. Ant iony's Ftai., and i .devil the whole class of complaint3 arising front Impcuity of THt; Bi.oid. This compound will be found a groat pro. motet of heiUtli, w hca taken in the sprin®, to expel the loul humors which fester : -i t) le blood at that season of the yc:rr. By th, ume . Iv expulsion of tlidln many rankling disorders arc nipped in the hud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through w hieh the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the l.ody by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its itnpuritioi bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is di stracted and sluggish “in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings w ill tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can r.o lasting health. Sooner or later something mut go wrong, anil the great machimiy of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egrcgii usly deceived by preparations of it, partly liccausc the drug alone has not all the Y’irtue that Is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to he concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar Most of these have been fiauus upon the sick, fur they not only contain little, if any, Sana] a rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has follow ed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become ! synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still j we eail this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the lead of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues whiih arc irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure, a order to secure their complete eradication from the system, tl.o remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. PREPARED BT DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle ; Six Bottles for S3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, lias won for itself such a renown for the cui of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, mat it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ploved. As it has lor.g beeh in constant use throughout this section, wc need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best I it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to ! do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, POH THE CUKE OP Costircvess, Jaundice, Dyspcpxia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Files, Ithcvmatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt It In tint, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner nil, and for Furfyimj the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of & family physic. Price 25 cent3 per Box; Five boxe3 for SI.OO. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, bat our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents beloyv named fur nish gratis our Amepic an Almanac in which they are given ; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should Le fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers “Uk other preparations they make, more profit on- Demand Ayee’s, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our Remedies are for sale by ® ..'d l>\ iv L dtrolic.ker dc Or*., Zeilin & Hunt, Macon, and by all druggists and deal ers in Medicine everywhere. HavHand,Chichester k Cos., Augusta, Ga, wholesale agents. CH VH.IS E131Z3. HO IAS H D.4WSOX DAWSON & K 188 EE, Attorneys St Counsellors ir a mw 9 SSawkitiNville and Vienna, (ia. Mr. X. will t>sve entire clleeUn*; Mi 11, ai! litigations, for ♦liepresent, with u-tststaoe* nt his partner. ■’ey “il! practice Lvv. *>. rive attention to anv hus'ne lir.i .) U iuirustfcC 1 1 their n.anaj -men*.in thet'oumlesof ‘li’o-kl. i,.'*n4es, IS* Iv, It-'U-ton, Wi'cox, li:- in s, .SI cun, I'win, ich<-U, W.iilh, I ic'.iir, (.Shell, berrlen. Coffee, Ware.* I -ii-cu-r, ApeliLg, lanreas, Lee, Fierce, I *- ,, linker, Dougherty. ! lu SITREME COURT, at Macon, Milledeville, Savannah aou also in a*j mill £ (A,untie-, un special AND In Federal (urt Pt Savannah. i M .r. h). iy.>. y 42 ts Rare Chance for Investment Attention Mooh.anlo FOR SALE, THE WELL KNOWN KMOHT * KTKAM SA*H th BU\n FAUTOBV. The Bulldtaiitisentirely new. and the Machinery new and of the hes! quality. It is x lucrative business and t;a k *r'l estvhiisiiedtrad*. The Building aad Machinery will b W : ilia-ra! terms, with a lot ol lumbar, if desired. stays o -tl JOHN KNTOH I. T. CABTWKIGHT. I- L. W.\'l' S. !. T. CARTWRIGHT & CO., Produce, Forwarding and SOIMISSIO.9 MEECHAMS, 95 Front Row, MEMPHIS, Term., I EALERS IN Flour, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Fish Whisky, Tobacco, Cigars, Hay, Grain and Produce Generally. Orders Solicited and Promptly Filled- Kl FFUENf Eh t Hite A Sma! ! , Lo- iaville, Ky.; I* an ACI ff**r Kv : L* linuifi .v Cos., MtnipUs, Tvim.; f;lw Af’aaP iitil, Metbphi#, Tea*. ifptflto* COATES & WOOLFOLK lira ii warn MERCHANTS^! Le II adv llan -t Storks. *eri I .n. e-i'orto pity* c*us - ... „ . |,v t ,f i*,ei -.t-npHie *>* 1 he rbu ii,i-ss. U u -^ e l “ < * UoU wU ® “ M icon. Sept 21. l-a*.-S4 tt ■ I*l A. NO FORTES! jr± m h. O ATjE db 00. ff’* MCE r'^- ure * n ~-rrz- invitinic the utUMitn i 7 i j ‘Ai ■ • > J ’ h * *’2 / \f F ‘KTK. ju-t in fTT Ii J -{j'todiicfciL ‘Jh* t r \^ ’ it.* d*M-e t‘r a Squ'in J m •* * l*ino f arte tht :t jr ach lie Gntutl in voltme of Foni TANARUS, and t tt.^ • j tc .avt.M the ntgtin’y avvenmiice oHliKt three-con**f * 0 ptr .• e t directed our ‘ iiergies to the p*od’ cM<*i of tl’ rain in. Our toll I** rewarded Mid wts uuOioii U*t i9 v kkiilio u fe r of cojip ‘titioß. Elf~ ‘ir Diano-* axe warr. l.ted five eTtI r e *att#c^ r s wh* th’ r * rMer*d froxiTis <flrct, or> and ty w v of <nr • r . o.t tiit* M-i’iory ; and * e **oii< it a t ntinuaiAf o’ pktrco:kt;e winch we h*ve eiioted for the yea’s. A. li. GALE A GO., jun*r 30Wly l; 7 Ka&t Idth St., yt* To r STATIONERS WAREHOUSE, No. 75, John Street, N. Y. W. & 0. IC. HERRICK; IMP'tKTKRS AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN & D3MESTIC STATIONERY in our coinprisiug lie newest buu id * STAfIONBB. “If n tLe - mu,try. We reepettr illy lequert of bn>ers > ILLUSTRATED TRADE/JATALOG^^ Will I*- se* t Free by Mail on a] plication. June 2g—ly