The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, January 20, 1860, Image 3

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,y$T RECEIVED ’ gOIfSX&iwBKJNT, u „ tC Black Cloth Cloaks, , ... *ll o f w) ■hM< to- s-riff ?*•> lt r•* v ,,. L-v •v i- >w biuctoLuv Ctatk* ’ . ‘ < Hl*Kil\U ’■* rawing. . j Uflf* „*- !■ i* cj’ks and Siii Robes, 3U TTt *• *■’ ‘•*“ *“ “ •><•*- tot v'T’hh and French Hennoes, £§*“ , I U , * *ll U* *l*4 at- aching low. - . n c and square Shawls, Entrcideries £iil- -S) &c., he. ‘ . U’’ I *;i-* •>*4 o*l tira-va. tn rail - * ,;'.i V .t w..l fc* .-••r-iK .1 >f ‘he ‘art *” ,r;. .J*- lUtAUSaTUIi. Clothing. * , aS- • “in.i tht will fc* *old vary ■ • * >v ‘ ,„.t. t tee for jo ir-c.ves. .in I.L! IS EINHTRIN. Land Agency. .. v*r if* P r ‘-’* r '** *° “'•t’ - ‘oentiona e'"* ’ 0 ( e S rth-Wc#trl -tU—low*, i is* | Territnriea of Nebraaka , r t r-i-n*.23HMsnis 'tow-ts r war- U"* ;vto JNO. ii LONGLKT. Jk I®* 5 * E Macon,Oft. jSO. B. DWlssELL.Lwli,Wbcon*lß ** nil HUM I !■■■■ ev C r L PROCEEDINGS lab MEETING. f-ISIIL CKUIIt!.. ) •*” R IN. f ! •ji M:ivor AMi>man tinuMl. | . , Hams, Boifturiiet. | . ,fr‘ • 1 ‘ wre read. when >:it .ml the *rdinnnew relation j ier.iti - Tr.stt ibe Ltranpe on ‘ - . t ; r ,-w -*1 exdtL-iively for sale, .u tht I ii *r I.Wbm* *.n waji :, .wli ti w;i enrriedly tl.p follow- j . . iH. Harrit*’ u, Ikaigberty, Harris and j p. - - -3 ircr - tl* n ponfinrartl. Ir -i--r rpt♦* toils’ for tlse - . - - - - fifo eo *- M ‘f. ‘. - - - - - ..; ■ K. .rr po. :*>.i for*-. - lrt 75 j . ..uiintttee r. pOrted iu favored lire , - * m—Do Fix 75, TV! •'jrnnh Co- ! - 1 Tt. awl A. Hn.WV'i. * ._V * ntumittee *‘4 leave to rvport tluu I , ,!• . i’ • a r-.-.-oluiion of tU U!.a- i •.as < r..u.•’ old j , ,h*- s-itm of s?" 1 ! per year, for h<- t ’ M* • rs. 11 jihn?HWorth * iliw. 1 . . ~,.0,'0ve.1. !I utiti s, rha'n. ; I>. Is-p ;,*•>, j. Jl. =s j ;::al kotiges* \ Card to the Su3ering. • > Cosgrove, while Ui'> as a j Js- a:i. .i- cured of Consumption, ~ii- 1,.! failed, *>y a m -.ij hy.ii ian residingin the gn v at V rei-cij o has cured great mitn , - iff,-ring from C*c>unipton. Kron and Col.(a and the de rvais .1 pri ssion euuacd by thesse dir- j ■ on .ing otiiej s. I will senl this re- j t ! hue brought h im with ute, U all | -t fr.-e.-f. -barge. Address Krr. l rn- Cetaaort. Z>> 1 d?..jr, I;r*.kly!i X. Y. | ■ X s piLI.S :nro mpidly superseding all I iv tellies, h. .ms,, they are nppHeuhle I •n They iwver fad to fhere J ,-\ ,vt eit.-r ■: se.asodof tl.-_-n. iuiv hand I Z GBSAT ENGLISH S3CMBBT SIR JAMES CLARKE’S .fh'UBVTKR UMILK PILLS. ii r - rij iioo of Sir J. < iarlf. H. D„ I’by* Unrac rtlisair to tie Queen, i: . n ti.ssl ein-- Is no impo4th>a hot * sure ani i Jr irgi-oti.s and.tutrstlimlW **, ! a’t. ir.4- ‘I t..u erful r nss!/, they con To Tlarricd La£ic. - vi. It v i !, la a sin rt time, !>nng on tlx , . s.t-.-jptluttty. ‘U.vr : vru tititt kx-jwn -a ran, whiu - .vs mE ±io raes r rswrunr AEE rui v.. • *'dst, fn'C. r,f the njtsrt. .; n ; * ’ iS* 1 stamt. etv*T sssl to ariv ~ntfcori/>s . .n-stt-: ! lUt, e>'.lati*| Wpi Us, by rvtani wail •s.a I. M . *ly Mexaet> A (hsrus, au'lbv ail rt rr*tst • .<> m t*"SaMOMVT. tap. I1 oiiraHu. - - p rhajvs no disease wtiieh destroys the •’ i isiinfort of i-dvidtiaij*. ami families. xtent as Dytpepsm, >,r JmUgitHmt. ■ -~iy to the dixs.very of the Oyyseiutlcd Ritters. . j ted iw Dnsheine neeessibl* to thoM auf :,i this wide spread di>e;L'e. which relieved y marked degree. r , wer .f these Hitter* over the filwive named .. well as over all those having their origin ... t digestion, au.i functional diseases of the . well as.dsfiis* ; (led tinitial Lhoility islie ;,d permanent cures of s.>me of the se • ii.iv, rn eases on record is sufficient con i i Lsiti-e ixom * School Teacbb vs I>steoit. I h troit. Mich-June 16. ISA 7. ,v If. {'■• ‘ <t- tb_ Boston: —iu referent | ... i Hitters I can say. tiuit alter hav- j ; : !.-, fr several months, and almost j i h,Tivine in mv stomach. I was | y ti i.y a friend wiio had been cured by I .■ re-to try a isrttleufiiraeia'aOxjßMe 5 i felt great* . .4 by the time I bad Used two Kitties ; . i tie fin.reiy welh and Mill retnai:. o.— c\-ri!‘*litres*:ng eren than v . ,iv lieen eutir-. lv eujed by tht .in b s ••!!.*: an 4it ghesnie grra’ pie:.-nr* to .: iy and aii who tuny Lv aullering -• ‘p Ifii t iiiadv.’ V,. A. Hin si. 1. flMir. .Schwe st.-b.-d. rB. K vlr* Cos.. Boston awl sold bv •im'iiot. Druggist. dee 7 . ‘.situ ix auusac tor 1 sun is now ready for - • the I>ntg- res. who are happy id . all for them- Kvery famiiy sh.aiid -* ■■ this bo-lt. It is worth having. Com* _ u> a! istfotnut ‘on of grant value; it n-truAl. n f.-.r the cure of prevalent that we .-an get anyw b* Ve. Its aneu * trrtr ft!i s besbef of wheat, and its .n*. m. .* worth totliesi. k. the - •>n .id. Many . fwhe medical nlma ■it'hi-is s ,!:d rtn-tid. Its eaieula .... !*■ yi.rpuseiy !,r this latitude and are t. uil and an Ayer * Almanac, ;• k.-piu tat ■ > . • vi,- x that mere are muNWf* i ‘ n atnon* Americans, tlisn can t-e W. .. .• r ~ i.ul# ex.-r.-ise, and forgot the a : - tv i ■- pnrs.uts .-t Uisi .. ordinaly medicines ran do •V,. i- is rev,'ur. and is jtist ‘tieii a tonic , .-I, jr. J. T!rt-*~-:er ha given to t hist I LKldbUKit lymm* The irr 4 -u * n . f t ie e.vunfirtg-honse, -ii-’ t :t>i!er i p.n sh- r hop-1 sxird. and the end -:r fth - midnight lamp, luvve found • 1.,-i.stor in ibe - lint and pre •r. |ent oii bit |es* efficnetoes niedi • -;M n<-f ss* f >rgo"-n that the agent . Jia it - irtfiuenee upon a frame • lti-ndy and Uhtated. is e|ttal!y powerful! in *to ext i the tuc-'t terr.lje forms St AIIVEafISEMENTS. Wlio Sx>ocv3s.s , . . AOAiXtT IHb dfif.K i J I AXOI > ‘ th .o !„. have part-hand tln m or .s i | rs- ii whokn.Mrs anythni* 11 bit ti, inn-rated in the manutae ; l‘u> *m an* working *wint The* - now dis’ when thews- IV • v . --.i oh- a'l otkw rs a# ••in -i. ne*. I iu>~* who p-irr'i-e thew - - 3ter*--t.o| persons who know wind [hank, are tl.c pr.-per . i< toen i n t-iut le tirwitt-iil .i* lie* ’ ;i,;t f-* c{ • t!**n I* !K’ -. V. e llftVft ai)*i any ol* to ’ •?>*? art lik* -K oftii out tlit& t **iHhik’ a? t’ -• ** •*** th * vi'i*h to Utv ur k*.*ar 61*** I'k*** 4l to * jda ii if iuiw O. B. KK E. Lost or Stolen. ;>v nie’.t, at or war the offiee es ■ .c-r depr.t. iu A!:, •••n. a well worn *• “*'te.ui ,ng about Jl>. mostly in five , ts- Marine Bank ofGa. Aibo a eer ,• ‘ vi and drawn “* v Nat linn Hawkins for * r k.i.—t . -ahs. ntlH-r pi’ts-rs and mnne —to any Kit the owner. A reward of 1 I f.*r the >! divery of said p.-ket l’-->k , *to tiic Kii:or of *he tieortria Cttiien, -i.-i.. PKTEK HAWKINS. i.-.rdoniia. Dtwoiatloit. f 2rn of LooTICK, KEIN A CO. is .. \ *•-solved. J. X. Kein A* Cos. hnr •o-based die >nttr. st of A. G. Bostiek, ■ lUe bastcesi at the old stand . - hows as “llead I t-iartcrs for Fan - 'sU. Esth-r |>artj can ns** the ue ;a tHe settlement of notes and * Mhievery <gie uUebl.-d audit BuW A srd amt settle. * . , JOHN N; KEIN & CO. y n x 2. isco. Jte Ktls J [UOOERT KEIK. ATTENTION MICHANICS. Rmti Itfflr W r *.*. t li iraw. Ib-oet;i) wr ITth. M 3 t X*l PvTTKs M VKI K. \XD fOCK •A Me-binMk, a-• t-tonasl t St.-ani Ki stitie Work, •-an fital steady etnjdnyin.-ir. by immediate apphew twn to the uiuiereiy v>. and. betit ral laborer* ahm wanted. J X * c. It FIJTDLAT. ftenivine P..iiners of the late Finn U. FIXD LAYAStjXs. ‘i'.'ligrafd* Cstpy one moutli. bee. 1;, tafia. SIXTY NEGROES FOR SALE. I r H.%% E Jlt>T I!KCEIV F.ll a lot of likely voting 1 1 N -gr-s-- fr. -mslaryb nn.ami offer them at na | sonafd*- prices; purchaser* will piease favor me 1 with a < aii Ai-o. w.-ii so purchaser* g.**l m.-ti and women for the Western market, for which I will trad* women and ,-hildrenor pay .-Mb. otfiee on tin* .siuier of I hird and IVnUr Htrcet, m-ar Harde j man A Sparks’ Ware House. „ _ W. K. PI!ILLII*S. | Ma.-on. Dee. 3, ‘3. Pw'lponrd iduiiiiiwtmtnrw j SALE f*F >EiiK<ES AND CITY PROPEIITd'. B\ virtue of an order fmm the < ourt of ordina ry*d Bibb county, 1 will sell before the Cou*t j hoiised.s.rm Bibbc-ounty, on the first Tuesday n I rebnuinTpext, the following property, m-wit: I Xcjro men—one named b-ven about <>u j yea: *; Green, 35 years : and -foe. 21 years. | Xcgro women—one named Nancy. .'5 years: Sally. :i -* and —* : MeCauUey, 40; Jenny, iSI: and Alice, il A!-., the following family: woman Lucinda, 57; | lev Ike K J ui 11. s!:mroe 9, a girl Jane 6. and a child William i years old. ! Abo the following family : a woman Amelia 35, j girl laitosa 14. \nn it and Nancy In y*-ars ••!•!. At-., the foil. .1 ing family: a woman Mary Ann 37, !>% Tom lu. Jell K and Jmuuy In years old. Also, one two story frame I’lwelfing House, situa ted on -,uare No. *>i nod Lot No. 6, in the Citv of Macon. > .id : *prpeny of Sarah Q. i e.-a-ed for the benefit of her heirs. Term* 011 the day of sale. THCKSTO.N K. BIJKIM. jan 6—td* Adium'r. FERTI LfZEKS! GENERAL AGEa'GY. un!iT'lffT cd r- specify!!t ar.rouuce to r’anters ar.d S oUdt*laititi*.e! t Udi tkev zrt c<>mtai.tiy rrcriviLg di* fid fhimthc lfl*ndai and from the lutnufaciun-n*, th fol loviTf trpprirrvff f’crtilrzcre nme Ihghh, ail of which liar* N*rn tft n •tfiafectoriiy lotted,vii: No. 1 Peruvian Guano, Sombrero Guano, Rhode".* Super. Phospliateof Lime, National Fertilizers, Ground Piaster. These art ieh. which will have onr bran.', and b-enarati •edsageauln*. we Eta'!.a:!| tiia--. be j.- par.dto iurnisl, Bay atninn's >ejalrea. and attheiowesl: rices. Ti.e “Su er i h .te.'ai 4 F-.-t-i.r. r’ at inar.vfacttire: ‘ rates, with EjEL—seot Iran-;-rtati .n add®.:. Savaiißafi JCay •*.—ly. PATTEN & MILLER. PIANO FORTES! A. 11. OA.Xj3E3 rs- CO. r|*..KE : *ur>’ In , n , 1-ivitin* the attent.on L “t At APi i “ - rf ty .i and the Put.lie “tad*, tu U.tiibi .m .i-jjXIW SCALE 1* A- S' i*KTK. t tr. J I L I In,wince!. Ibe grew. ‘-e r, 'r .. :uy ■ 4 J •■'an., K< rte thet-ta 1 ’ r • . ll - ■ • .s.l in volt me O’ hot:*..!, sI.C at t’.e time. v. k! the ut :* -Inly sptsararte of-hat ttureejMltd is -tr in e, t ilin-ctt l our -neryi ato the \t r <> 1-ioli t; ot *v* h > l-t ’-r Inin. Our loii isrea ardedaiid we sutwnlt tfcv rtru.i • IRmtlnr of C'.mpetf'ion. IW~ ‘•orplaao-are wamnted to iv* entire nttstsetinr wh*th*rorv*en*l Iron us dir* cl, or silt! tty any of out agrot* thmivEhuwttheis.entrw : Bid sesikMic ntlnu inee ot ih patronage which we hare eri-ned lor the last fr ye*. A. H 0 VLE4 oO jjne tOwly 1,7 bt-l lid. S; ,Nnr lot HARPER FOH 3EFTEMBEn, fursftlp hit UICHAKDa’. — BUCKWHEAT CAKES AND Golden Syrup. 1 aBRL-5 New ISoekwheat Floor. I I” 5 :•> Boa‘>l *viT.aßedden Syrup, Jmtrevi'ei. sad for sale at ovt 15 w—lw TRIER A FREEMAN'S. COATES & WOOLFOLK fiIEM m COMMISSION ’ ‘IBRCHANTS VKE to* . pes aid reerartsl for the reception of <"ottos a’ their NEW KIKE PKtxiK w A KEIK *U *E, <n>po He H wdv uau A ‘t.-vrs-. w e will elide wor to prove < urs. I worthy of the patio srv of -hooe who will i>rer n wit I. rbaaiul-sa. Li.*!advance* made on cstton when ue treat. Mason. Sept. Jt. IS3L-J4 t ALiscelli ii ieoiiK. GAS FIX'! I KES. pi * KKT AN D TABLE CTTLERY. KA/AKs AND FAM Y i l TLEKY, l*< iBTABI.E DESKS, IiKESSING EASES. FAN’ V BASKETS, PAID VN ST AT LETTS. I h il'I'LE A SiXtiLEGI'NS, O.i L I S I'ls iDLS t AMX IMRT .MONIES k PLUSES. 511’RSriI U .M PIPES riGAII it* d.DKUS. OPERA GLASSFX SHELL * I'itNAMENTAL COJIBS, FAX* Y IIAIU PINS BA* K*iAMM i.N EOAKDS, Llll'ss MEN. DOMINOES BILLI ARD BALLS, (ll>. LEATHERS k CHALK. With many new and de-irable article* not eniime rateal. Anew and fine selection for sale at low prices By E. J. J* HNST* >X & CO. ff%T ONE'S T I hat fl * v" : - ■■■ i HmACONCaB (IMBTO.I L B!!(J, IIPrOSITE LAMER iiUISL, WOULD call a’teuU ‘a to tl.eix com; Lta and extenaive a* *or latent W Hats and Caps for the Fall & Winter Trade. X 1 w mch cobs'ant add Bolts wAH be a adc through the feta •on. All those in r*nt. ot mdly and cheap Hat* ar.i ii p. woujti do we’l Iu them a tail brf re buying A, ml -e. CHAS. ti. : lU.H A UKO. oct *-tf Iron, Steel, HARDWARE &JJUTLERY. NATHAN WEED Macon, Georgia, OFFERS FOR SALE: BAR IRON. — -Fiucibni, fintyUsA, SUfuied, and ylmeAcan. jiannnct-cd, all ije&. HORSE SHOE, JCaiL Hcßad, JLvofi, 3href, iJjoilcc, C utd and JttdfC cal, lAcundand r-f quatr, Ac. STEEL.—//Vf’f/% /laxi, german, cd/ict/iff, J/jhsfcc. HAlLS— fiitt A fll v cc 7, fiffiikvA, /Jfctidx. BLACKSMITHS’ TOOLS. — fi/hwfLd, nsrflnu* t /Ifi&t'H, 3crew Sflatm, Jlanuncm, JDohqs, d/arsr ifLa-<fts. PLOWS. ‘ l fall assortment, iPlvwjlfnes, Jdanies ,JDraces, lU'aaan chains. CORN SHELLERS, ffica JtilLs, fJ/iice _ Kills, goffer Jlllls. STRAW CUTTERS— fPaient dc/f ----s/iaPfierwta, stt/icruirla anifi in ttse. MEAT CUTTERS. *-7 ansatjf~4Uat /fitliters and SDiffers. HOLLOW WARE . Sfiols, (Urns, didders, djhorels * JfJonqs, fi/ire (!ioqs, fU°ash JlelUcs, fihuirefiJns, jailers. AXES.—7. )U V . Rollins ’t r arrant id ylres, JJiing ’s, lip-ad leg's, and cl hers. HOES rnl . fycmles /fnmuL. • Dec. H The Driggs’ Patent PT.VXO FORTE. I repeated <,051,. “Who **“ TKZ yX SS tnwnlceirt* v ‘f v* the - ass o-, ra.'XTg* Wke-xTiTmT. t??S***J Tt * fbl**.” t law- <i.r eveeball T e,y iiH l > -** l ft**t I:4rtkians vi*; total** H rd oifcctty r stftyteur in itme flo; ! , ,C *i * ymi d> ** like the* V olui. flier* j f , tord# convex wilvtrc*. ‘jim*... mck block r end !*ra*ee r*- <i *te *ar with m,'* f®lLbeMwf,.r ~e-a f,, r „ , im ,l X* C p^v*- r kUd sWrtttUPM* of j ’ *^ aa * i* he Iftt Graiid Piano. I * >or **ft*|g SqUmmi 4 f, n n newly i n . T V d ir "* FrfclU - ‘ r wfcfebnwitftltw n fr r Ur “ hrmUt 7 <>* i2S£ j * o rv bar’ At t in i£e .n*t ner <rf ?.nt \ uu*t n Ult-SUil irw. ;Ley u< t Mbf Uafii. rto r.i*t * | ! bey*>*.aiol la O* arrangement of tfo- d*nw r” the * •mg'". kßKiuna. bautreatrt.,,. nd everr r * n or for nrtlno 1 . from Tkabw’y f” ,h * < * !j! ‘" t ** tU foiiowlaj ! -*? ,r Ji B. I’Btoo*—l kav* examined year n*w Pta„o F-rtr, and cordially approve .f ~f C(1I * j *;-P’ ‘” wh clirn ii Uom, ■ f vlfoatoiy Uwer b ii*tai .*•!. ! ii*f very hh.i *- ‘ T , i The to;.,- ‘f jtradkdaiil nob r. It Kbrreu Atv*fr tab, ligth. ~„! urt. , and !: > or ‘*,w( V ; ‘ eictU! m . I ii.o- .JO w i ! 'f m llle,Uk '“< ‘he 7octave (i- I oftM-kliui mvi.f a *’o aM: l °- T'< *ve (ianoe * “*™ !n *'e ai.d Botb-ro. Will, hWO will toll -nr-.r n. . 1 I ll! * “'!•* ‘•■’ all'll. I'iic Jlme 1 “I'* *• we-d.iig to ,h ..few. iot Tt.'’ f V r ““ “• l * : f the-.- iAbiio* for the State P f r m l ‘ > ‘€nfird 10. t a U uwb> , Directu, Macon. o.'pratf. °* B ' hiCK ’ WOOD. EDDY & CO S SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERIES! | CUAND CAPITA I, I'lilZK m. 9o 9 <s> a hearty One Prize t every Mae Tickets. Nuccpsto l "* n . 01\ x (’()_ The Extraordinary Draw lue o’ W, ,and. Itfdy * Cos ‘ ! 1,-erhoueiie* will lak. p’aee in i uUlic. uuderthe i “L _e of Sworn Cauinddoner*, at Au*urta, G:i., j T-W <WL3 9 Draws on Saturday , Jan. 7 th, ]B'o. Draws on Saturday , Jan. 1-i (fi, 1859. Draws on Saturday. Jan. 21 fA, 1859. ® -‘ha. Draws on Saturday , Jan. *JS ih t 1859. 1 Grand Capital Prize of SIOO,OOO. I T nz^ :—WdWk* 1 ‘.fi tr im of. V 2 M)0 * OWtll 101) Priz oi j i,y) V } “ H Pritea ot 551 , u * zs * ‘ 1 5.000 LA) Pr z- o:. . • .till I AIPhuXIMATION PRIZES, I 4 IMui est 00 Pi jirci to #IOO Goo Prize are ♦) 400 ’ *) “ “ 1000 - 2 W)0 i j :: :* o “ - “"0.0 - iw, 4 - ‘.,2 .. .7 15 , *• i itxi ; -* >t Sib “ HI Ob “ MO ! ‘,n. ‘S ‘ “ S.UW - SOW J i svWi*rizesamnantb.g t 0.,... ?iiio,i><) U.'ioie Tickets s2O; lUlvrs 10; ORDINARY DRAM'IN*. Tu TAKE PLACE AS ABMKM’EBintli. | 1 Grand Prize of SSO 000. J )I ct * 20,n0i i 10,00.. 1 l “ of S>,JUI 5 > ,JUI i * ° f 4,0-S. | •• 8,000 I J “I leVhl ! V, ‘ ! b>o -• of g)i& uo ct if; approximatiox friz rs. 4 prises of #pma-.;proz. to t.Vt.ilOii prize are #l,6'.’ , ®**> “ 20,000 “ HTr 1.200 ! Y.VI •• . lOjuk! “ are 10 4*! * 2* ** 6,t00 are 9 r •” “ 4,(>0 “ are S*4i ito ** 3,<io •* are 6m. _ * 100 “ *0 are 100,000 5,155 Prite* atnoontinetn f3B*') 00. Tit arts Sill—Unite* *—t,” Barters $-J 50. ■VYiH.iI). KDDY ACO.S GRAND EXTRAORDINARY DRAWINGS ON TH* THREE NUMBER PLAN. CAPITAL PRIZE SCF.* 1 ;* B <f2> Takas plac; on the last Saturday In each Month. Whole lirktts v>. |,ahe $lO, Qaaaters $5, Figii li> S-2,.j0. Ib Ordering TlrkeU or Certificates Enclose the money to our vldrewi for the Ticket..* nr- Jerefi, on receipt -f wt.ich they will he forwarded by Srst mail. Pnreharer* fan havetickats eadii.g in any Yjrnre fliey may designate. | The List o’ Drawn Numbers and Prites will be sentts purchasers immediately after the drawing Purchasers will please write their signature* plain, *n*> eive their Po-: Office. County and State. KemeinlH*.-that ev. ry prize ia drawn and pnvable i in fml witiunit deduction. s?er All prizes oi #I,OOO and under, paid Immediate ly after the drawing—other prices at the usuai time of 1 thirty days. Allcoaiaonlcationsstrictly confidential. iir !< r- f, ,r Tickets or CYr; iGcatcs, by .Mali or Ext ress to be ; direi-Udto | WOOD, K!*liV A- LO., AugustaUeorgfa. or. Wool), El !>Y ,v LO . Atlanta, Oenrzia. or. Wimm*. EDI* t ,Y L".. WllmtagtOß, Dal w ‘I'O FARMERS. Q/w| bales heavy m nny ragging, OUU 1.0 0 Rolls - I<W ‘■ Dundee Rageing B.:ao Coils Muchine Rope, 1.(0) •• II ar.d *puu Hope, .oi) Pounds Twine. VYe “fT.-r th : aoove on favorable terms. J*ly **—tf J. B. & VY. A. ROSS. ■ERRUf&’S i* t-TEWT CHAMPI ON UHK AMI Iti KLLAK PROOF SAI LS. • With Hall's I'vtknt IVwi>Eß-Poor Likks. the same 1 that were awarded separate medals at the world's I l-'ur. Loudon. I*sl. and the World'* Fair.Nt-w York, . l*.st,and ARE THE ONLY American Safes that, . wen- awarded medals at the latndou W orld * Fair, j These Safe*form tin* most perfect ss*eiirity against | Fire and Burglars of any Swfcs ever ottered to the public. SI.OOO REWARD Will lie paid to any person that can show that a Ib-rrmu s Patent Champion Safe ever failed to pre- ! serve it* eon lental fire. S.i. HERRING A Lo., Manufaeturers, 251 P.road ! wav. .-or. Murray -t., New York, and 5-’ £ 54 Gravier st- X. O. | A'L ms.—ls. W. Knowles, Richmond. Ya.: li. F. ! Lester. Petcr-burc. Ya.; Rowland Hrothers. Nor -1 folk. Ya.: J. 11. Thompson . Lo- Lynchburg Ya.: I. 1! Blossom. Wilmington. N. L.: W. lli rringJt Soil, Atlanta. Gn.; La ifra-he £ Ifoll. Savannah, id.: J. M. I v 15. F. Ree<!. West Point, Ga. : Holmes <v Cos., Lhiirleston, 8. C. * jan 53—3 tn NEW TS lilSilf STOII! COTTON AVENUE, MaccD , “ Georgia. t r f^i f E njMQfd• iif-ar ‘1 in and Uer<r\l J Fv.-i. -it L r v: •* a t ir Avhi a, next <luor to the l ’sum*) fct- *rc, where i*e kXpe&A to keep aii kinds of T 3 ?1 WARE HOUSE FD3KISHINB GOODS which b offcis to the at ‘-cry low prices, as ne !s w th ‘‘Quick Sales & Small Profits ’ t sball 11 ready at all tir, es to fi 1 any .'(*•■ ‘or Un v arl eltr*r Guru the Litvor Lmintry, at u U'-IF-'ALE *v-et | ■<. !*.KI All- 'H LAP FOR Ca 11. a- my ‘eother. A ,G. An and *u ti. —holrwe 1 known a- ‘flu smith, will attviulto the 1 .nufvi turtu* fti e H'luae me. CASH pa it! for old Rajs, or taken in exchange for Good*- ;, ALL KINDS OF TIN ORK done to nrd *r prompter, a.ud WARRANTED To Give Satisfaction. I also aaMi to Hire a Cotl Tin SMI I 111. A. L. AUDOUIN. oct l-' c wihv—fim National Police Gazette. npHIS Gteot Joarnl of Crime nd CrimtmJ* i in t? 12t.s | V It contain* mb* Great Trtr'e, tUttmlnid(tases. and “ - bU Editoiimle -ic the wne. together with information on Uri Dial Jl-'tvr*. not toie foiiii*: in any mher newstwper. rye"M’te. ri'tb is #5 per Annum,; fiforSti M<*ti..toD i ren ?te.r>vS .Sscri s r-. ,wfco si ,;i!d write their namCkAi t ‘ thelowu. c< ami State -* )■* re o. ‘‘^y.V‘ ,yi p_ nly Kdit. r A Proprietor cl the Natlcm! Police Oatrtte, apr lM d—tt Yorai ity I ritHK ml scriber fc f urcl atc'l! e Fli l**e Bi '<*’• I lent Carrtagi sand .'-r T ‘ngs fyr. MMt Acccuct Bock whlchhe will put on work when Instructed Kb. 4—ts DAID RON* Just PLecelved, ROUEMIAX FANCY COLORED AXD CUT glassware, (X our own Importation; Much of it Uanilible for Engrav ingr for ! holiday presents. j Engraving on Glass Os every description, dene to order in our Store. Call w. 4 I*** * BOLSHAW & HEEZOG. nov 2 notice. .’ T”ssssausdrsaj*Bis-srsra: Pw*eLger lie pot, for the Purchase aud Sale of Negroes. . Ag and ™-.p'v. of ltkelv To-mg Nerr> e kept üßband ands >r’*le. Purvhaeer- and 1 nultreare lnviU-dUi call and examine far Uivii.hc,ve. . - - .41*30 a so. 1 Hlfificksiuiih. 5S vear* oid, andtwoßo,i IC< ka. Washer* aril lronejit, S3 joarv old. ‘ Macon, Lee. ll.sJ._tf 0. T. feTUBbS. NEW FIRM. fF*IK nndcroicned having . r--- I taken the LIV EK V -IJctFWA iSS4wP kT ABLE formerly iKCii-",#rte G 1 1 llerthvTl M Lmd-tir,lntend carry, r>g on tie* in allltsbraßcbe.,’ We ahallal way* keep I'naetonsM arriigre*. Buggies ahd Horses, r hire on as 1 good terms a* anyl-oiiy. w e also have the most ample ac oonin,oditiiansfo l*rve Stock. We would -ay to the public that we have taken the Wf into our m uth in < arnest. and can always be found iUi our Aar e on re vdy to serve you : we Intend ov keeping a straight t'lr.gvr, pull rig tofUhrr, and by back'higdovjr. etrne'o bns tness. Uoui-ccetlor nreak a trace. We shall never lire t'rUiiict iiifeitcliin u for yon *• long as yea come up to the i cklg and sett ie Nowtf you wan tus to wwj-vn, to and not he *u'by. in fart If yon don't Want ua to check up 100 dote, put your shoulder to the wheel, give a a share, and If you Bud a ingle ftoct of ingratitude you may holier ns. Very re-pecttully, a DERHuLD A JEFFERS. KcdrOpposite the Passenger Deped andneaj. Brown's Hotel. apr 29-t£ L \tip*, Lamps, OU Lamp rectived aud sale bv disc. 17—ts B. A. WISE. $-3=0.00 JTAYS th l tuition fo**a full coonitf in the City Tol le,:e. the hrjEVrft, m-nt eziet>4ve>v tHtrouiKed aud beat . orpau:/.e*i C* iii!i;tucial >ciiuol iu ihe Cbiud Font LARGE HALLS For writing, Comnrcrda) Ca'cnlatloes, Book-Keeping and Lettures. \ Yvuil time ‘o complete a full c urs?. from 6to 10 weeks. Kvety student, upon graduating, is tit ranteed to be com pt-tei l to manage ibe t- oks of any business, and qualified to esrn. a -<U'V f tritat S3OO to SIOOO. Stiilenta inter ar any lime—Jso vacation—Review at pleasure. First Premiums for Be3t Writing ! Awarded this Institution. The best and greatest variety ot ip any me Hall in the Union, is found here, f ff‘ Minister’s Sons received at half price. ! For ftrii information. < irculv. speeirnen of Business and | Ornamental Writn jf. and Kinbelihhjd View of the College, I nclose five letter turnips to F. W. .IENKINS. sept SO wly Pitrs burgh. l*a. I. T. CARTWRIGHT. I*. L. EDMONI>SON. I. T. CARTWRIGHT & CO., Produce, Forwarding - and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, !I5 Front Row, MEMPHIS, Tenn., DEALERS IN Flour , Bacon. Lanl. Batter , Cheese , Fish WJiisky , Tobacco, Cigars, Hay, Grain and Produce Generally. Orders Solicited and Promptly Filled- REFERKKCFfi: Hite Ac Smalt, Louisville, ky.; l>ean AUMTbrd, Lonisvill Ky.; Lehman $ 00., Memphis, Tenn.; Gallawav Ramp Dell, Memphis, Tenn. *ept226m # STATIONERS WAREHOUSE, No. 75, John Street, N. Y. w. k e. k. mmim, IM PORTr.IIS AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STATIONERY \\T E ti'C nuw prepared tn offer tu the trade, from all part )’ of the cotuirv, a full aad complete agaonntent fa goods 1* our line coin prising the newest t.mi m< at. dv irab 1 : tuck of . STATIOSNTinn.'Y ii the country. We fully request of buyers an inspec ion f our f* k. Our j.ew ILLUSTRATED TRADE CATALOGUE W >f;#i! on application. TAR RANT’S EFFERVKSCINT SELTZER APERIENT. This valuable and popular Medicine, prepared In vk 1 tii the ;ti< 4; \ M* 11 the witters of the celebrated Se.tzcr hpnng. i Gh-rmany, in t most c nve lent and por table fi rm, haw universally nceiveti th ii;*Bt Fa vorahie reCDUtiiieodatnnri nit Ik* Medical pro fesaiun aiitlit Diaceruimr Fublic. as the MOST EFFICIENT AND AGREEABLE Saline A poriont m ute, and ha being n.titled to special preference over the manv Mineral >pr ng Waters, f'e.dhiz Powders, and other similar articles, b- th from conipactnesd and greater effica cy. It may le used w iih the inrbt effect in all BILIOIH AND FEBRILE DISEASES, MICK HEADACHE, 1.088 OK APPETITE. INDIGESTION. AND ALL SIMILAR COM PLAINTS, P*CPLIABLY INCIDENT TO THE SPRING and SUMMER SEASONS. It i* p -.tllcularly i i:v;.t*-*ll’ tlui want* of Trkvvlcr* by Sea and I and, R*-*id.-itt* in hut climates, 11‘isoti* of Se (ivlitii-. Hald*, Invalid* anil Conval-scei ts; Captains of vessel* and Planters will find it a valuable addition to their Medicine Cbe-ts. tVith *hf s“ wlio hare used it, it has high favor and is deemed iuJisuetoable. IN A TORPID STATE OF THII LIV£K-It renders great service in restoring heal’hv bctiun. IN i.orr AND RIIKOMATISM—It elves the best sat isfaction, allaying a'l inflatntt au rv syn pt ms, ami ill many casi s- fleet nail i curing those aifiicU and. It'S Mrct ess in ( ASKS OF GRtVEL. INDICES THIN, HEaHTBYKN aM) CO-TIVENEBS—I'roves It (o ie-Medicine o’ tire gri alert utidtv. A< Iti * y OF TH K -T iytA( It. A NDTHE niSTRFS*'- ING'I KN*w.Sm) USUAL I'L'KINOPRKGNANrV— Vied*s; eofiUy, and with marked tuccess under iukealtbiul lufloeiM. * IT AFFORDS THE GREATEST RELIEF TO THOSE AFFLP'TEx WITH OIIbUB'ECT To THE PILES— Ac'i: g geiit y-on the bowels, m ittruilring -ill irritating secre ti-in*. and thereby rentovlr g all n .l mimat* ry teridenc-ies. IN FA'-T. IT IS t.NVALUMLE IX ALLGAaKS WHERE A GENTLE APERIENT (tit PURGATIVE IS REQUIRED. It i* in the form of a powder, carefully put up in He tties, to ke Hi apy o inta'e. and nor Iv require* wati r poured up on it to iirmluce adeligb’ful effervescent i-cvernge. never inter'eres Witn rite avoca ti usiif the day. acting gently cn tlie system, r. storing the digestive pwers. exciting a itealthy and vigorous nme of the stnmach, and crc.vt i Jg an ela-ticttv ot mind and flow of spirits which give r. s st to every enioy ment. It also enaldes ’lie in valid to en ov manv luxuries wiih irnpuLlty. from winch he in st otherwise be debaned, and withoutwLich ltfeieirksome and distressing. Knmerou* ‘estanisnia's from pro'css'onaland other gentle mu of the high* st standing ‘hroughout the country, audits si radii y increasing popularity f r a series of years, strongly goa antee Us efficacy and valuable character, aid commend it to the favorable notice of an intviligeiit public. Prepared nd sold. Wholesale and Retail by JOHN A. TAKRAN r A CO., Lite no IST*, No.iTS Greenwich St., cor. of Warren, N. Y. June 14—ly T orsey Oxty KM k UII MB E M w MA • Corner of Green and Morgan Streets JOHN B. FULLER, Prop’r. XXH)I) MOULDINGS, Beads and Architraves, con |J statiriy on hand, and worked to order. Also PEW ; CAPS, KaiDand Hand K.ils, inside Trimmings of every descripti .il. Hrackets, Trusses, ami all kinds of Nero!l and •straight Nawmg; II “se (’arving, ,Vc.. dc. Any desired pattern worked t uttii.T at ili irt bO'ice. W Ot)D TURN- I ING in all its brandies. Plain. Paiinflled, and Octagon ■ .jewels, on tiiml and made to order. BalUstera of all sizes u and d.S’ rli.tloi s, Ac , Ac.. Ac. Mahogany, Mark Walnut, Oak, (ibe. ry, an I Pure Mair Kail . sawed or winked to order. The pri :s mark ‘d ot eas h pattern of the books set 11©order to any [ art ot the United States arc lor one hundred feet running measure ,VB.—One if the largest stocks of Mouldings and Trim ,s, and greatest variety of patterns, insuu act tired’ f the verv best m i sr.ul . will ai*ays Vie >ound at this cstalifish meiif. ITa- ing with neatness and dispatch. le msdasli.. .JO) IN 15. FULLER will also manufacture and give particular aitentiox, to GrOth.ic “W"or!k, For Churches, Public Buildings. Dwelling Houses, Ac. Win dow frames, Ac., made to order at short notice. Round and Square Picket Fence, d-c., ! Also, dealer in fadibs and ISGnds. Ot every dssrrl-tion, mirn'rCrim'd of the best material, and wa-ra’ ten pi st aid in any c'iurite. Huiluer*’ Hsroware. and every tit Lie in ‘hat t.ttr turnished at the low- st cash price*. Marble , Marhleized Iron and Slate Man tles, Terra Cotta , Brackets, Trusses, Window Caps, <f’c. 57T“ Pesi;rn* and Drawli gt at t-hort notice* B*j£4 6rn It is Not too Much to Say SINCE ALL. OLB AN I! YOUNG, Affirm Its Truth, Vl'.:'Hint Profnwr Wiretd's Hair H.-atoraiiie Will preserve lnfallbly the growth and color of the hair i u-ed two or three times a any inugmabie ge Peri, eltv, re store the gray, cover the buhl with nature’*own on mien, the hear: make It more s'lt aid U-antPul than any <4 . and preserve the scalp liee from all Cis .se to ihe greater! age. r talesman, Juitgi s, A l l or In >'s Doctors Oier : gyman, Piolessi nal en ami hciillciu u and Ladies, of all era- s -*. aii overthe wend, bear te-timou) Uiatwe do not say ou m(i‘ li in It* favor. Head the follow lug, and Judge : lln ki nr Gti >vf. St. Charles Cos., Mo., Nov. 19. ItSI. Pnor. W'S't>—liKAHMn: some time last nmuaer we were j induced to use some of your Hair Restorative, and its es -1.1 ts w .re an woni.ctfu), we fed it our dutytojou aud me ’ afflicted, to report b. oar it le son's head for some time had been perfectly cov ered with cores. and some Cali it"rcald loud. The barai lii iet ("itire-y came Iffi u c nsequeuce hen afrnnii, seeing hu R'.ff'riius. no viced us to use your Restorative, *, did so 1 With tttt e h< pe of succeis. bui. (o our emprise i ndthalof all “Ur frier ds, a very few nnpHcati-us removed the dis a*e enti eivskda new aid luxuriant crop of i.atr S'H.II started 1.1 t, and wr cut now say that curboy l a-aa health, a scalp, nd a* mxuriiitit acvp of tiaii a* any ether child, Mccan, merdore, i o do Ueieir), reccommend jour Kea.or.ttvr, ns rein.Uy for a)i dUcisea ot tue scrip and hair, \Ve are VI ursrcßpoctmliy. bai. TV. Hiooinbotham, k.'.UAH A. Hiuoisuotuau. j pnor. Wood,—Dear Fir: My hair Nad, ‘or several years, tiei n :ii C* u iise prematurely gray, accompanied bv a harsh ( ne c wnlcti r. ndereil tbe cons'ant applied on ot oil necessi.- IJ- in dr. - tig it. When t using your Hair Ke rb taii e aliout two Diotitht ago it was in that condition ; 1 :,n.’ Ii A t"* coiitlmed its use till within tlie last y,r.*e weeks it ha* inr.i and to it* natural color, and a-evilind a soßness and Inctfu reatiy to be preferred to those produced bj the al p ica i*n of oil* or any o.her prepararioti I have ever I used. 1 r.gaol it as au Inaispens&ii t article for every lady's j 1 1 iriet, to l>e ured as ait air c.cstoratlve or for ibe riiii.l* pu(|"|*w of dressing or lieautlfvlng the hair. You have petiuis4on to refer to me ail whoenu-rtained any doubt of B* periorm’.ng all that i* c.aimed for it. Mus. 0. Stmonds. Cincicr ati, 0., Feb. 10,1557. 114 3d st. \Y m.i.inotux. Mo.. Dec. ft. I;'|7. 4 aor. yVoore—DearS'r: by ihe advice of a trienu of mint, wno had been using your Hair Bestorative, I waa induced vo try it. I Die fever, some time ast May, and nearh eve’ y hair iu my head came out. Now my hair has C'lneiu a grtai dca- thicker than ever it was Nothing but a duty and s> mparin’ that 1 feel to cvmnioiricde to other* who are adticb-d as I have been, would Induct me to give IM* public rcknoWSedgemeal of the iwinefit 1 have received fiom Prof. M ood * Hair Restorative. Your* respectfully, A.R. JACOBS. I The Restorative U pul in Unties of three sizes, viz: large, I medium, and small; the small holds Hi pint, and re'ailed lor one dollar per to tie; the medium holds at leas', twenty per I centm i"in proportion than ‘hernia!!, retails lor two dol ,an per bottle; the large hold* a quart. 40 per cent more In I propoiii’ ii, and reluil* t,r three dollars |tr botrie. * O. J, WOOD * C*)., Proprietors, 814 Broadway, N. l .. ftp the great N. V. M'lra Hailing EetabUament,) and 114 Mamet street,st. Louis. Mo. Axt> sou* by au, oood Pkitogists and Faxct Goods Dz.Ai.gns. • Jan.6,3nr. Pebble Spectacles, IN Gold and Steel £rame>, Gold, Silver, Steel anJ (T.niiib'U Speeks. i A splendid usromuent just received, by • 1 E. J. JUH>SIUX * CO. GRANITE HALL OPPOSITE THE LANIER HOUSE. fTt HE Subscriber has opened the above Hall for the accom- JL mod*hc of Day B,sorters and Transient Cuatouiera.— Tills House is uow offered as Inferior to no other Unit ‘lass Ho tel in the South, and from its central location, iu large and airy rooms, offers great iuducenieu'* and auxsimnnKtaUuns to F.jiiUtesau.i Transient persons. The public may exiiectfrom this House, all theiururiesand comforts to be found in any other hotel. B. T. DENbK, apr I*—tf Lrte of the FI iyd House. Oysters, Game, Ac. C. H, FREEMAN, e. CO, ARE now ready to serve Customers in every style of the Gastronomic art. with FISH, FLESH, AND FOWL, at their Eating Saloon, Cotton Avent% Macon. They will hftvemipplieMof Fish anti Oysters, by every train frwn the as well a*of B*f, o*me, Ac.,from Fulton market. New York, by every M**roer. They have also made arrange inputs for regular supplies oi Chickens,Turkey*. < herokee Geoigia, and Tennes see during tht season, and solicita call from their frit nd?and nov. lii—tf NEW (lOODS GEORGE R. BARKER HAS lust returned fr m New York with a lar*je and fresh 6oc* of Staple and s*its*.i able DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE. CROCK EHY, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, &c., Suitable for both CITY AND COUNTRY TRADE, Most of which base been bought low for Cash, and will be sold at the Invest figures. and s*e me. G. R. 15. ttf~ WO\ ILLK A COODICIJ.’S Double Lock Stitch SEWING MACHINES. Sumtthing new aud complete lor alc.s u. R. R. nov 4 tt CHAUt-IS) kiSStSE. Tit 0 4ASH.PAWSON DAWSON & K 188 EE, Attorneys & Counsellors a m? ut -* .a. “mm- 7 ” *9 fflavYkiiiNVilte and Vienna, (la. Mr. K. will have entire collection*; Mr. D. all litigations, for the present, with assistance ot hts partner. They will practice Law. and give attention to anv bnslne's that may be- intrusted to their management. In the Counties of Pulaski, Lowndes, Dooly, Houston, Wilcox, Brooks, Mscort, Irwin, Fi-hols, Worth, ‘lelfair, Clinch, Berrien, Coffee, Ware. Sumter, Appling, Laurens, Lee, Pierce, Twiggs, Miller, Baker, Dougherty. In SUPREME COURT, at Macon, Milicttgville, Savannah and also iu aatclnlng Counties, ou special engagement. A N D In Fetlcrul (onrl* at Savitnnalt. March 1,18.44. y 49 ts THE COLLIHS WABE'HCDBE PUBLIC AUCTION! On jiac I<l Tapsdiiy of F<l). next. SALE POSITIVE; WITHOUT RESERVE! THIS valnflM(“dty property, will positively Be sold it s aforesaid, before tlie Court-house door, on the Ist Mon la\ in February next, to the highest bid der, without reserve. ‘Terms of sale as follows: of the purchasenioney, Jl.oofi, to be made due, and ptvpaWe Jant 10th, lsfd. SI,OOO, “ Wth.lHfl;*. SI,OOO, “ “ “ “ “ loth, 18*53. SI,OOO, “ “ “ “ “ 10th, lSt’4- SI,OOO, “ “ “ “ “ loth. ISf.V $l.O(K>, “ “ “ “ “ 10th. ISOfti sl.o*lo, “ “ “ “ “ loth, 18*57. SI,OOO, “ “ “ “ “ 10th, 1868f Tlie rem:under to lie divided ns follows: tine Iml to lie paid in cash on the dav of sale, and the other twelve months therefrom. All the time payments, to tie made payable with interest from sale dav, and to tie arranged By the purchasers Kill of exchange, mode due and pnyahleut some Bank in Macon. A’ bond obligating to mmake titles, on completion of payments! to Is* furnished the purchaser. To those acquainted with the property it is unnecessary to say that it is eligibly located in an improved and great ly improving part of the city, and that the structures thereon tin* of the best and most substantial order. For terms at private sale, apply tons. (Titles in disputable.) jan—lm J- F. WINTER & CO. FOR NEW YORK. FAKE REDUCED, Freight and Passage as Low as by any other mms J\. 3VE DEl.'Vl tst. Cabin Passage. :::: sls. By the splendid and commodious Side-wheel Steamers AUGUSTA 1.500 tons Oapt. M. S. Woodhull, FLORIDA, ;l.*oo “ “ Isaac Crowell, ALABAMA, 1,300 “ “ Geo. R. Schenck. Anil first class Propeller STAR OF THE SOUTH, l,Xuo Capt. Thomas Lyon. a. These steamships belong .avorite line, known a* the “New York and Savannah wi'ii ’YV c IftyjX nA* ny.’and in comfort, accom ihil —t. fare, cannot be excelled. They are com *i™fc*iiii||**l | i ■tiF'mauded by experienced, B'Uiul, careful aud polite officers a JOHN U. WILDER * GALLIE. Agents, Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCH ILL A SON, July 3—ts Agents, New York. MAVAftA PLAN, MORE PRIZES THAN BUNKS BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE 07GE0EGIA. j Ou Ihe I’lnn of .Single Number*. CONSOLIDATED LOTTERIES OF GEORGIA. Authorized bv a Special Act of the Legislature, ‘or the bens ! tit of Academies and for othtr purposes. HODGES. DAVIS & CO., Managers, Mnccn, O. CAPITAL PRIZE s^„ TICKETS ONLY $8 00. Halve* i*l (JD-(J iaiters f-2 00— Eighth* Jl 00. I’rlxe* I*a>a)ile In Full, without Deduction Purchasers in Nuvii g 10 Tickets, when tlie mimbi rs end in 1 3,4, 5, 0.-7, 8, 9, 0, arc guaianteeda prize of Cljss * Draws October, 22, 1859. “ 8 “ *‘ 2<), “ “ 9 “ November, 5, ’59. “ 10 “ “ 12, “ “11 “ 19, “ “ T 2 “ “ 20, “ 26,220 PRIZE? AMOUNTING TO $271,200. Will be dlstrirmlcd according to the tollowinir GPLA-3NTD SCHEME : To be d.awn every Saturday. 1 Prize 0f....: ‘. 70,000 1 Brize of. 20.0(41 1 FrUe 0t... 10 000 I Prise 0f.,.. 6.000 1 Prize of. .'! 00C 1 Prize of. 2,nit 3 Prizes of. 1.000 5 Prizes 0f.....a Wo 10 Prizes of. SO) VO Pr 100 100 Prizes iif. fO li w Prizes ot ..a 25 25,000 Prizes of. 5 Approximation Prizes. 4 of 4 O’ ippr’ Ximatiiig to 4Tn.(00 are. $1,200 4 ot :'(0 appt- X'nmtli gto 20 ‘ (4) uif *l4l 4 of K 0 approximaiing to Jo.(*N’ ar. IHKI 4~f B 0 arqiri ximatin* to 5,'(4) ;irr 400 4ot 90 approajmatii gto 3 (4)0 are .'to i 4. f Hi approx into ing to 2 (Bn art “*() 12 of *0 approximating to 1 mill are 7-.0 20 ot 60 apliroolmatlt gto 50*1 arc 1 000 40 of 30 a(ipr, x,mating to HS) are 1,2()0 H) of 20 approximating to Ton are 1,500 4(4) of 15 approximating to 50 are 6,000 4(41 of 10 approximatii gto 25 are 4,(44) 26,220 Prizes, amounting to $271,200 iwUaoates of Packages of 10 Whole Tickets, 55,0 )U Half “ 27.6 “ “ “ 10 Quarter “ 13 7 “ “ “ 10 tivhth “ 6,87 Tlri*i* the risk, and wbhh the holder to all Le diaw over $25. The Combination Lotteries on the Three’ Number I’l.iu Are Drawn Every Day. Tickets from $1 to sl6, each. ! THE EXTRA CLASS On the CITY PL AM by which purchasers can select their oxen Numbers, and pay any amount for Tickets, are Drawn every day. In Ordering - Tickets or Certificates Em lose, the money to our address for the tickets ordered, uu receipt of which they * ti! Vie forwarded by tbst mail. Pur chasers can have tickets ending in any figure tney may desig nate. T he list of drawn numbers and prizes will be sent to pnr c) a-ers lie mediately after tlie drawl, g. All prizes under SI,OOO payable immediately after the drawing. Notice to Correspondf til*: Those who prefer not sending mtney by mall, can use THE EXPRESS COMPANIES whereby money for Tick, ts, in the sum of Eight Dollars and upwards, can be nt us At Our Risk and Expense, from any city, or town, where then* l- an Express Office. The money anti ortit r must be enclose and in a r CovfrniiH'ot Pot Otfiro Stamped Kuvelopf, or the Express Companies # cannot receive them. All Communications Strictly Confiden tial. Purchase** will please write their signatures plain, and give their Post Office, County and Nt ate. CIRCUXjAHS Containing full explanations our Sihemes, Ac., will s orwarded. by mail, to any one sending u* his addres A List of the number* that are draw rt from the wheel, wit’ tfhe amount of the p-ize that each one is entitled to. will b published after drawing in the American Republic, Macon fia., aspecimen ropvof which will lie sent to every purchaser. Ail ordera tor Tickets shou and be addressed to HODOlfib, DAVIS & CO., Macou Georgia. j C^NSOLIDAT laj) , a ., 1 LOTTERIES of FEL&WAB?. For January, 18C0. PRANCE, BROADE.\*T S CO. Mang'rs. | j The Legl-atom of I >el iwsro. a* Its ‘as* sezsltn bating ! granted to Fbancs, BwapEknts A t o . (to ’he txv'u ion oi ail other app i aue- Ja i.ult- ry < t Tier )of hseuwu*: ge urul of inter: aLiahpr.'vemenl. ir. lia-,stair, to c n a ui lor j a period of Twenty tears. are th w ci-i< -g in VMmifisT” , | Delaw re, aTeerie-of the rw -t s, lriidid schemes tv* r <ffe>u: > to the public. Hoada for one mil iun if ilnttars h.vetetn given to the State, to secure the payment • f kit prizes. The drawings take place in pstlite. an. -re tit tier Be. nperiWen ilence ot < ’on.iiiiseioucra appointed by tile Stale, to ib-en th or tairness. T>e Managers c ill theattenti.n oftiiepoh >? t e the follow log Splendid ScTfeatea to he drawn in Wi.n;i!gtjn, Delaware by State aulhor.t) . MAGNIFICENT SCHEME ! GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE S70,000J; GSAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY OF DELAWARE. Class 4. To be drawn In Wilmington, l ei., Setnrday J n 24.7860 s* ik ~z k a 3led §mm MUm 7S A urnix r-—l ‘i t'rawn Ballots. bPLKNDID StIHRAIK. 1 Prize *7O ft Ota UftnpO 1 25 tun Sojou 1 iiia. 1 li.hun ** w ’ j 1 lOoidt 20 onO l iuuX)> * vw 4 S.ft !! NO 4 5.U00 200 0 4 2 MO Ui.dt ‘O Id 2,i0 • til 100 10 1,-00 12, <0 186 1 usi 1-- 008 6S titO .Vie 0 tin 700 L ft’ 133 ElO 2ti it> l'li 100 lo 200 3,160 40 IVS.O 26,740 10 57 i, DO 30,316 prizes, amountin g to $1,202 o*o Tickets *2O, Halves $lO, Quarters SJ, jolgt.ths S2JO. A Certificate of Package of it'# ‘v'V ..,e,dt. c : t? 00 J .Hi. do. 26 Halve !.V <"> XVi. do. ‘!> I . l '!■ rs, l -’ i (!>* Do. do. 2f. Light;;-, 6* fit) —ae<*xs~’ Grand CousoKd .tid l ottery of OH THE HA¥AM FLAN! CLASS FIVE. To be drawn in Wilmington, Pel., Tut- day Jan. 31, ] ill. EVERY OTHER TICKET A 1 it;77S t Prizet Pay (Me in Pull, irlihoi't'io'iwil In these Lotteries*eery Prise is Br ’lent 1 prize of <57 la 1 prize ■of - - - - - 22.5b’ 1 prize of lu.nuo 2 prize of 6-LOd 2 prizes of-- t - - - • r 2,5*. o 2 prizes of I- 1.7J0 2 i rizes of ‘ 8 Id |ir!z, sos ‘ - - - -, - - - - (eld 10 prizes of- iO-’ 10 jirizes cf ■ - - - ; 'od 100 prizes - -- -- - - -- Up 25,000 prizes - - , - - - And 164 ApprozimaUon prizes ranging t r.iri S9O ip to s7uo 25,305 prizes! - - amounting to - - §!! Uf.iiOO Whole Tickets *l*: ifa've- *-•: Quarter- * !,50.. Persons who desire need only ret ‘ ti.e risk on a Pack ■ age. for which we wii: -end alert it. as follows : A Cert’fl -ate of P'at’ctgts of .GWii ‘. s, costs f‘.G po. no. ,0 Calves, *’ 14 po. and ... . 16 Qn*r t-ts,” 24 Po. : . do. 16 Lights, “ 12 j Prizes Paid liuatulaie aftar the Pravlni-. iw D ’dtes?*d to ■ fr t’o., 1 M V\’niriii.#u>Ts Ie! , t.: . t w:t.ii jTuiirptTitttai* tioh,and llie printed’ zfii':i! ‘r: -•; t-m kii ie over. K. liiiUADl ES X sfi CO. .Tan 6 Im. ♦ A#>me:er3. j KS T A li LIS HE D IHI, PETER LORILLARD, Snuff and Tobacco Manufacturer. IB A th dIAMHEIIS IST., (Formerly 42 (iiatham Street, New Voile.) Would full the espeeial attention of tlroeers mid | Driliigists to lus removal, and ai.-o the articU-3 of bis j innmifaeture, viz: BROW nr SjSTUFF. Maeaboy, * Detnigms, Fine iiapjiee. Pure Virginia, Coarse Rappee, JSach.ttK-hes, American Gentleman, Copenhagen. YELLOW S.UTFe Scotch, Fresh Scotch, High Tonst Scotch, Irish High Toast, French Honey Dew Scotch, or Luuuyfoot. TOBACCO. BM6KISO, FIXE CUT CHEWIXO. SMOEIXG. No. 1. P. A. L. or plain, St. .Tage No. 2. Cavendish, or sweet, Spenish Nos.l a 2 mix'd .•-'• eet .'Scented Crotioeo, Canister Kit foot, Tin Foil Catm udish, Pure turkiali. A Circular of Prices will 1 sei.t on applicaiion. X. B.—Noti the licit an eie of Pro o', .Seoicli SimtF. whieji w ill ho louiid a superior article for dipping j purposes. jnnii—oiu w LOST IN the city of Macon, on the Jth inst.. one note made hyChas. F. Stnbhs. paynhl.- to Hetty Lock- ! ett or Itearcr, for one hunared dollars, anti dated Macon. Jan. Ist, ls‘>y, and due on mir i„ r, we tin Ist day Jan. 1860. All persons are h -rebv for*.'at ned trading,tor “aid note. TAUMAB STUBBS, jan o—.'it w KEROS BNEOItt G'A'A’.l T It ED CCTIoS JX PRICE. THE NEW YORK KEROSENE Oil CD. (£sT.vrtTs;tKT> 1Nf,4.l Announce that, having made great improvements in ■ the tnanuluettire of Keros, ne. t. -y now eiiahied to otter it to tlie trade al A [loduecil Price. The attention of consumers is respectfully called ! to the subjoined table, the resuh of a photometriced examination, by Kti'n N. Kent, H~ t ., of New York, j Chemist, and dated Id >. and, loot}. J .S’ ; 3 ~? z q ~ . i 5-.S | NATEhIAh. . IAMF. * ‘St .. ~; S - i|| j tl 1 Kerosene’ Kerosene-- IJ.LVJ C.-t :5 ?l (Hi <1 10 t'ampiienc—Camphctie - S.O'-’f, 1.. ;, i ft', irs Whale Oil-- - Solar ISO 2, 1 to li (to- i Lard Oil .Sohd'-r--- 1 £■¥)!. Tt.C -1 IT 70 i Bperm < >;I Sotaf- 2.2f . S.'.'t 2 : ■ 2't 47 Burning Fluid Lr.rgp Wick 551. 1 r 300 ■ bl 2b oo j Reliable orders ftbkl tlie Trade, .by Alai! or Tele- 1 graph, tilled, on application to A-USTEVS, A gISf!S, 93 Pearl Street,’ N. Y. KEROSENE is also to o'.tinned at t!fo Mctuifne tnrei's'l’nri‘s, of ii’! ilia Wh. ii,- ■ ; ■ New York Prng- Igists./irotsrs. ('ninpl.ono and Horning fluid Manu facturers and Dealers in I.uinps. >.• N. B.—KEBOSEXHU Uie-trail,-mark of the Kero- j sene Oil Cos., “'■'J oil pent'm* “rr t.vtfioma ajainut ,i..j , the - (id ‘rod.-/('• ek tor ijthc ■ uits. , or tl4 “w&sv am j Cobb’s Statutes and Forms. tlMtis i.hv roiupilatioii;ln- Ma}tv* atu •'•>:• * JL •■:'.V of Georgia !* now on ti • ■r. ■■■ si; ;'., r -.Sc bv dec 21 J. <l. A .*. I*. K 1 itAKil’S , Select Beys’ School. \ TR. K- W. PARSONS will r> >p,n K-hool af -IVI ter the ChrislnuK llmVilsjjv. on Tuo day. Janu ary 3d, Ison. Sr’iooi huililiiig if. tho rear of 3lrs. Jos. E. Bond’s ref itUrace. dec 21 STEREOSCOPES. A. LA RH E and beautiful assort im>nt of St ere ’scopes, with a larre number ofviewg of alUcbuts, for'.n *\ or by the dozen, at J. Ja. iv A Hl> HA > S, dec. 17—ts ashlar ton Block MACON & WESTCttk It. ROAD. rr*** M.*AS£%l JB*?,<K2n ON and alter n July, trains will be run as follows: Leave Macon at 12n!ght. Arriv,■ at Atlanta 7,7*. A.M. Leave Macon at 10 A. M.. Arriv’ at At anta 4.00. F. M. Leava Atlanta atl3 night. Arrive at Vacon 7.15 A. M. Leave Atlanta at 11 A. M.. Arriv at. Mae. in 5.1)0 F.M. The 10 a. m. train from iLacon counsels with tho W estern A Atlantic Retd at S 40.’ p. irj.; connects with the Georgia Roau 12 at night, and At inti A 1 ’ ;• t:ul at 12 5 a. m. The nlghttrain will not ’ roe on to.i and ive. The completion of the Yinaoda ami I nnessee Kail Koael makes tide tin most :>k ua.;t and dir a t route to the VIRGINIA SPRINGS, Through t’cketato which may be had a* Atlanta, for f26 25 I Including jstathfate. $7 vO, and to Ne w York Tor 4M2 00. | lSirtberTtironnatloi. mav he had In :cation to this K< ute, ! on application to the General Ticket 1 Vdicgf Atlanta. I julySS—tf. ALFKEL L. TYLJ2R. Snpt. KRIS dKOFS CCMIN6! C. 11. FREEMAN & CO, Are now receiving and opening a splendid assort mtmt of Goods suitable for the HOLIDAYS, Consisting of every description of Toys, Fancy Boses, £:c. Beside? a Lrgc stoefc of I Candles, Groctiios, Family Stores, Sweat-Meals, ConlectioßS, Pick lew, \ esetaiiiesi, .. Fruit*, Nuts, &.C.&C. The yonng pernle as Well as the “Old Fn'ts at Horne,” who wish to provide Tor CHFiI>T MAS and NEW YEAR'S FestlvitirS, will tilesec giVCits a c-11, as we are rare we cm please the most fastidious tastes or the most pecn ’ iar appetites. 1 dec 17 OH.f. * Cos. j Uubber Slioes^ iYßablter*. A -v, l.uak-,Slipper amiSaii ; dal Ittil 4>er Shi'sis of Goodyear's celebrated patent. Ju t .vpeantt f< r faie low by MIX A kIKTLAFP K —-gofet _ _ Ferry Property for Sale. T OFFER for sale at low terms, my LOT IN PEP.- ! 1 BY, HOUSTON COUNTY, containing one and one 1 han acres of land, in an eligible situation and well i improved. „ ! Thei eis oh the lot a tine DWELLING HOUSE | containing six handsome rooms. There is also all ; necessary out buildings, -tables, tc. All the build- I ings are new and in good repair. Any person wishing to purchase can apply to me at Perry AUGUSTUS T’MaRPE. dee 23, 1858 w 2t P I AMOS! OF Elegantly carved Rosewood, and al! the plain varietiei just received, and for sale on the t est tern s, by E J. JOHNSTON * CO. Old Pianos taken in exchange. apr 7—sA wtf ! — Perfumery. 4 very large assortment of Bazin’s, AA •• *• •• I.ll'Vs, •• “< “ Butin’s, A l-o the iiio-t celebrated Hair oils, Coiognes, Extracts Soap, aC. For sale by £ pt H) ZEI LIN A HUNT. ■ fiare Chance for Investment Attention Iklochanio* FOR SALE, THE WELL KNOWN RXIQIITS BTBAX BASH A BI.IAB FHTORL The Building is cLtirei/ new, and the Machinery new ant of the bust quality. It is a lucrative business and has • well estaCH edtrade. The Building and Machinery will b sole onill era] terms, with a lot of lumber, if desire,!. m) 4 d—lt JOHN KNIOH CN i: *R*i l . —JONES COUNTA'.—Whereas IT Isaac Hardeman applies to nie for Letters of I Administration, with will annexed, on tlie estate of John t ’.Sloeumb. late of Jones County, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all. and singular, the kindred and ereditofs of said deceased, n oni appear at my office on or before the second Monday in January next, to show cause, if any they hav, .why said Letters should not he granted. (o ven under ntv hand, at office this sth day of De lcer.i';H-r. 185‘J. ‘ CHAS. MACARTHY, Ordinary, dee 10 ‘ANOTHEti WANDERER NEGRO? ONE HUMORED DOLLARS REWARD! rWILL give Pollars for the apprehension and safe fiulivciv to me •!’ my man JuHN, who has been **a vv . iu; he la: t twelve months, and an eaual amount f< *- c K m*tc , ''n •’ : ’.v white man who harbors him.— .John i a out * years old. of dark complexion, alvout five fuel bin incii* - higli. >s stout and muscular, lmsa vtrv heavy ch st, and weighs prob::My 18)lbe-: There is a (xmsfderable - irjvgi:::i: -car on his back, (caused by a tali.) Hut he I may be ideuf'hed by -■ :irht marks indicating tiie points from ‘iticliMi finger been attached bv a mere cuti cle.) xx is cli! r • I from each hand during his infancy. It is . g the v. nit) >i lisu n, but he h: .1 decoyed olf to some distant section bv a . , n. ’ ’tVM. LUNfiV. A prli 2*2,1959—tf. (Telegraph copy.) “yEiiijiliur rr*HE undersigned tire agents for the sale of Reese’s 1 Xftuiinulutea Guano, are now prepared to supply planters in any quantities at tlie same cost as if or d>n Iby themselves. Are also agents for the sale nf Mapes’ Nitrogenized Super Phosphate of Lime. — Will also have a large supply of the genuine Pcruvi : an tiii. no, ail of which will he sold as Jow as parties ; can iav it down in this market. AYERS, WINGFIELD, & CO. Not. 8. [COPY.] M •M E7.IMA, Oct., 24th, 1859. J/ ■ . Aj/rrs. Wmpfie’rf <A Cos: L: tr. Sir—Yours of thelftthinsL, has been received it.- conn it.-* r.ot.-d. Ac.’ In reply to your enquiryin r< .mi to tbo Manipulated Guano as a fertilizer—l am well plo wed so far as I have tested its use. I ap -1 ai,out 100 lbs. per acre on land that was badly w orn, and not of tile b>*st w lien fresh. The product of tin! licit! w here the Guano was applied is over 800 lb -, of se t cotton per acre. The same kind of land withoui the Guano produced about 400 lbs. per acre. M, to t, Tapi tying iin Guano, v.,is by depositing it in the drill before bedding up the land, i have not fried its use on corn, but have no doubt but it will sue, t- i w !b 1 shall* use it pretty extensively on my next crop. Yours Kespeet fullv. ( [Signed] REUBEN WRIGHT. Byhojiville. Oct. 20th, 1859. JlfV . ■. Ayers WinyfirJd <£■ Cos., Macon. Pfivr. Sir:—The Manipulated Guano bought of yon last Spring (Reese's, I think it was,) I approve of very much. At this time, as the crop is not gathered ti. I cannot say w hat per cent, it will pay. though the use of it on poor land pays a considerable per cent. I shall continue the u-e of it. Respectfully yours. [Signed] W. 11. BYROM. N'oV. 9,-tf. EG. JEL£2 T’E-a “W • E, SiiULSBURY ITKFORMB his friend* and customeis that he has removed I, loth-. New iiiitl Klugant Brown Stone Building Tw© I>#rsfr< m his Old stand, and directly opposite the Hon , where he ‘/fTers ou the moat favorable 2orrus, one of luoat choice htocks of F.eady Made Clothing’ to be* found in the city. r l he Stock is entirely T*EW, com prising, iu j art, Mack and fa* cy ('ut>imure P#bi; Fine Ovurc at-. t f various styles; rich Velvet, Silk and <'ah mere Vt-sis, Black and Fancy D r ess, hrtickand Busioe& Coallie has also a com plete assort rnent of Men’s Famishing Goods. Such -v. Hosiery, Potent Shoulder Seam Shirts, Drawers. <lo v s suspenders. Cravats, Ties, Collars, Robe de Cham* bre, Ac. R:s Merchant Tailoring Department is supplied with a larg ind aujierior ‘* took of Cloths, Cassiuses and Vestings, and > under the direction of a competent Cutter. Macon, Mov. l\ 1b59. MAiIGLE WORKS! W&( 1 “ 1 % fj® J. B. SON, Manufacturers of and Dealers in FOREIGN AVD DOMESTIC MARBLE JHOXr^TEXTS. TOMB STOXF.S, MANTLES, FURNITURE, SLABS, Ac., CoriH'r of fJrti ssml Plmnl> Sts. MACON, GA. apj 11—ts. SAVE FREIGHT AND COMMISSIONS ytff Car hart & Curd. A|>? • solk age - ns for SCALES. \KULL As-nr*rrent of Plattorm ar.rt Cotuitsr Bcal-snow in V• >r.i ill <1 f. r -lit- at ’lie r prices. NO FREIGHT AKKKI* Onti-rsUiieen for Kaiiroad M r are house and other large Scaiee. We will tee thtm piopeny put up. may 11—‘f. JUST RECEIVED. AT R. ?*. MrEVOY’H. a large Jot of SELF-SEALINO CANS, Fork*,Castors and Teat Set*. A’o ICE PITCH EKB, cheap for CASH. may To Merchants. CJwedcslroß, Rdfi- ed Iron. English Iron, Plough Steel. Oast ~ German and Batter Stec , Boonton Natl*. Horse Shoe*. Home shoe Nall*. Axes, Shovels and Spades: Hsmes, Rope Trace Obaint. Curry Combs, A evils. Vises, Bellows, Ham- TT I TS. Store Truck:. Counter Platform Scales, Iron Mates, Copying Presses. Pocket and Tabic Cutlery for sale M New York prices adding freight. NATHAN WEED’ John stE kM S *1 L . I Y EB TA BL t S H M C m T. W I T HATpTr |<H| r* cLI FOH fHI MANUFACTURE of ev t R y ARTICLE T RC E S s Nov 4 Co-Partnership Notice. WE will continue the Drue busiuoss at the Corner of Am ond and Cherry Sts. The name and style of the Arm will he charged from ZEILIN, HUNT 4 CO., to that of ZHI LIN 4 HUNT. Thankful for the liberal patronage ofthe part war. we hope to merit the continued connder ce of ourfrienda, nd citizens generally. J. HENRY ZEILTN, jan 21-ts. LEONARD W. HUNT. O O F* F* :INS. ROSE WOOD, Solid Mahogany, Velvet, Stained, Cheap Vaneered Mahogany Coffin*,'Also New Style Metalle <’ases Superior to the old Style*. Old Pattern Met*lac Cases’ at Lower Price*. lune 4—6 m T. 4. Q. WOOD, Exchange on NEW YORK FOR SALE AT THE MANUFACTURER’S BANK. mar 29 —ts For Said* 1 A A BOXES candy, XVfV/ 10 Boxes L"-af Sugar, 110 Barrel* Sugar, 20y Sacks Coffee, 100 Boxes Tobacco, 50,0(10 Cigars, 100 Gross Matches. July 14—ts. J. B. 4 W A. *OSB. BOOK BINDINGT BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS made to order for Courts and Counting Houses, and numbers printed on the pages with out extra charge. Magazines, Msic and Law Books Bound in -cat and cheap style*. DAVID ROSS, Cor. 3d and Cherry St. ridas Over G. T. Rogers 4 Son. Peru Wine. I invite the be-t judges of Wine to the above, which can not he suroawed in flavor and purity. Sherry Brandy, ilttrmoma brand. 1 ort Wine, of a very superior quality. Claret*, ChHeaula Rose-, Mouton, Poullliac, etc. haute ints, of very flue brands, at HENRY lIORNR’B. CITY HOTEL IVLacon, Georgia. AT HOME—always ready to receive my old patrons and customers of tbe Hotel. Pleasec&U at the old Stand op posite the Conn House, and you will always find the Fro rietor at his post. Table always as good as the Market icill afford. Call and see—if not satisfactory, money refunded for all ex ra charges. . T. S. KILPATRICK, Proprietor. Sept 2—d 4 w aromatiTvalley WHISKEY, Tor Medicinal Use, HAS now taken that position in the world's estimation, which justifies it* proprietor in claiming for it A SUPERIORITY UNRIVALLED, Produced, as it is. by a process known only to the Manufko turer, and extracted from the choicest grain, which grow* no where but in a favored locally in the Valley of the ilononga hela, and containing no particle of deleterious admixture; It has acquired a reputation for perfect purity and Intrinsic ex cellence. bated solely upon its inherent merit, which the Pro prietor does not intend, s long as he controls the manufac ture, “hall ever he foifeited. or in any manner allowed to im peach the correctness of the learned and Distinguished, Chemists whose certificates we publish herewith. H has heretofore refrained from making public by adver tisement, the Extraordinary Medicinal Proj>ert,'es which this article is known to possess; and thlsslieice on bis part has been induced by a sensitive dread thnt the slightest suspicion ahouldcoont his name with advertising empyri cism and the nauseous). /gon of Quack-nostrum Circulars. But, for some time past, the proprietor has been in constant receipt of unsolicited testimonials from all puts of die coun try. emanating from Physicians of the hi j, best reputation. and testimonials which speak with such emphatic and un quaL led approval oi the uurivalleo qualities c f the Aromatic Valley Whiskey as a Medicinal Agent n all cases in which artt'ycial stimulation has become requi site—in order to restore, repair or assist the fui en ergies of nature—that he dems it his duty, even at; the has aru of which he has spoi e i, to make known to the world, in the most public manner possible, these extraordinary and in valuable properties of this article of his manufacture:. It is not his purpose to recite in detail, a list of those dis eases of the human system which have been known to b most favorably affected by the use of this stimulant.. They are panicularly described in tbe various testimonials spoken of, which are open at ail times to the inspection of our friends hut which we do not feel et liberty, without special permis sion of the distinguished persons who have sent them to us, to par -de in the public newspapers. Suffice it to say, that the diseases alluded to comprises all such as are incident to Tropical Latitudes, to a change of Climate or Diet, or to any other cause which disarranges or impairs the oper ant functions of the human system ; inducing languor, lassi tude and depression, and the multitudinous ills flowing from this source. In all such cases the Aromatic Valley Whiskey Acts as a Restorative, assisting the uatural organs, by a stimulant which, both In character an degree, seems to be in all things moat admirably fitted to reinvigorate, amt to call back that tone anti force of ac'len in the vital organs, so essential to physical hialih. fctlHs to thisextent that the proprietor knows himself to be ustifled in claiming for his manufacture, Hyp tnic properties and virtues whichcannotbeover stated, nor over-valued. it* universal use by The Medical Profession is most urgently recommended. Already has it ’onnd Its way into the principal public and private houpitela In the country, and whenever it has been once used, itlortiiwith be comes a requisite. I have analyzed a sample of “Daly’s Aromatic Vel ev Whis key,” and find it to be a pure article, of fine flavor, and with out any deleterious admixture. JAs.R. CHILTON, M. D., New York. State Afsatbe’s Office, r,-2 Somerset St., > Boston, April 17th, IH6B. { W*. 11. Dalt, New York:—lnave made a chemical anal ysis of your Aromatic Kalley Whiskey, and And it a pure, fine flavored Rye Whiskey, containing no injurious matter of arysind. and 1 would recommend it as suitable for medicinal and public purposes. CUAS. T. JACKSON, State Assayer, Wm. H. Dalt :—Your Aromatic Valley WhisPey is re ceived, ami alter careful examination, I find it rely fre. from adulterating ingredients, so frequently ward. JAB. J. MATES, Analytical Chemist, N. Y. W Consumers can depend, upon getting i pre article when they buy the Vailcy Whiskey, as it is sold by the bottle and case only. WM. 11. DALY. 19 South william Street, NewYork Sole Proprietor- For sale In Macon by GRF.ER4 FREEMAN. nov 2b—uov 4 feb New Family GROCERY! Next Door Below Dunlap k Harris, CHERRY STREET Bacon. Lard, liutter, Cheese, Mackerel, Apples, Oraares, £ Onions, Irish potatoes. Sweet Potatoes, sugars A, B, C and brown. Hour of all Branos Candies, Preserves, pickles. Brandy Peaches and Brandy Cherries, Ginger Wine, Meal and Soap. Stan hand 1 obacco. Rum,Gin, Brandy, Whisky, Wine, Nuts of ail kinds, Staple Dry-Goods, and all articles unuallv kept in a Family Grocery, also an assortment of DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Goods Delivered Free of Charge to ttay part of the City. Bfpt 96 ts HEATH & HARVEY, Agents. PIES, TARTS AID DESSERTS- Wine Cream Tart. Gooseberry a art. Mince Pies, Cocoanat Custards, Rhubarb Pies, Leu.mon Mince Pies, Prune Tarts, ensouflee. Peach Tarts. Apple Tarts, Charlotte de Russes, Jeltes or all stiles. Cabinet Puddings, etc. Kami ies desiring Desserts, will please leave orders before I o’clock,a. m.,at HENRY HORNE’ CONFECTIONARY. 3F , TT€S-X3C I 'fi3 Gallery of Art. Triangular Bock. Y'MNF. Pictures in any of the various styles can al X* ways be obtained at the above -sW-gJfcC-tMLTKT^ Pugh was nwarded the premium at the late Geor gia State Fair, for the best Photographs, and he ran furnish these popular Pictures, either plain or col ored. and from the smallest to the largest sise, at prices from f-i 00 joer do*, to S2OO 00 a piece. Ambrotvpes in fine cases at prices exceedingly low. 50 Gross Ambrotype cases, and 100 (iold Gilt* frames on hand, and must be sold with fine Picture*. Call and get your pictures and you will save from 2S to 50 percent, aad still get the best Pinures madeia the city J.A. PUGH. Nov 5,1850. —ts, •