The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, January 20, 1860, Image 4

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mil & hi. MR HURGHARD hut returned from New Tort with the Snot (elect :< nos WATCHES, JEWELRY and Fancy Article* •rer might ft; Georgia, sn.l they arc now opened and | pored for tee at our Beanfi/tU Store on Cherry Street, Ttro doors j from the Telegraph Building, at the Sign of the BIG WATCH, Therefore we invite all to call *nl the latent noreilie*.— Our iricclfc>D> embrace RICH, RARE AND GORGEOUS rfTLEK OF OBAA7IEATS, PINS, KINGS. l;R \*'KIKTS. CIIAIHS. I.Al>*fe?J ENAMELLED * DIAMOND WATCH Ed, DIAMOND. PEARL, CORAL <AK iil .VliK anti other full nwi half got* of Jewelry, some of new design J list ouu We •Mr*!* aHpeufletdsrarii’ !i ir f.nw; t.iek'•T Watch er by to-- odd - -I m-uters, t ~t .tl. r,o-, 11.-1. f.-t, ModJalt, T ibias. Ac., m:.dt toon! ri. ,pn ■> yf, r u*. Vl t kart aim on tried the iovaiual ,e Jurycer *mand Xa. din Chr... >m- tors, A large variety ol clot an—lot. t style. tHeriiag Silver am! Pialei! Tea S. Ur, RiUlens, Goblets Ac. Musical Instruments efevery de- -r i-tton. Ctf! r.r ! ’ kat oar varied stuck o \ We also cal! the alt. ation ; :.!o t., ~ur stuck of GOIjU 27JBKTB, The and beat - cur 1 r ughi t thi 3 market RKPAIRIXG Proaplly Done and Warranted. MENARI> A BUROHARD, sept iS Sign of the Bt„ Watch. LOTTEHIES! E. C. BULKLEY, AG KNT FOR MOOD, EDDY fc CO.'S Ctiebratfd Utteries, Macon, G-a. See Advertisement. nov 11—w CALL AND SEE The Beautiful IVORI T Y I’ES at Wood’i Photographic Gallery, Which cannot be pr-vnreri ■ seerb* re In fi'.rgix. also alarjte eellicUoa of nviMUi us, Foaraxm is u.u i‘x Tin axd Aqrxuxi.L, Am*o vrn*, Dafiua ■BDTrrci, Ac., as usual no t It. L. WOOD. 0. B RICE, TUNER AND REPAIRER Os PIAWTO PORTHS, II Permanently located In Macon. EW“>’ tun may he left at Messrs. Y’rgLi’s and at K. J. Johnston A 00. tiO*E—tf idjei7 baakee’ nans all di*k wx. SPKHtALattertlnaziv-.n to all ehroalc senses —Cm ess, ’ ‘aorr, Ceciwxß!’ j, Imrrau, Arris a, Rb>s. iitna, ail 4 kui of tae h W.: .i. Til coat. andLt’sm; all H.ix lusaasaa of ;, <h scripti-w scee*rf-i!iy treated;— Leusxoo. Lt nuts A>- sin LARnyiri.-* Oorr Kfistia.ia haiUN . hi .i-iuuT, of Lsliooi. iff irr. It. limnm, bitui: u. The Terr w>rst cases •* I*ilj ■cured inashwrtti.i..-; mtoftlielKinuch, Llveram! Bowels. There are cai v oi-.- h • inchleiital women and children which are treats,! with di.tinrcisto-d success. Al! particular* will be creen by lerter. !>r. llaato— can produce one ihuu mr.d certificates of his perfect wtww is et ring t aaiTrs. (MJ Ninx. or l leers. Ilip IMwaw. Kids* In olrtt-ry le-criptiun 11 “ cue, l*ol>- |IUS of Ike ve. or 111 . I her |n. of the Uody. T'iiiiH>r mi l esrlllsia Os ‘eerr <te*.-ri priori. and without the use of the knife, or any rgic if Instruments. The* last r an>ed diseases euißot be O'jred b> i .rrerpundsace ; th< ref.we all neh patients must place thi iuselsunder the Is-ctor's personal supervision. lir. Ituue h vs m ale anew OscOvorr of a “>,'’ that wu! . r.duesajeewpib dart per manent sis. ulo the Lva without resort to the auife. All diaeas’ji Os the EY'Hti I'll KAHN Are socccssfudy Ireaod wllh urtthe use of the kailk or nee dle. l>r. Rauie has -or atariliy on hand, at his jftice a very extenatvt aseortment of beautiful Amik ulEiu AVnTisrisi’if, m In birva, wide i Are suitable for either sex and ail tn a —inserted in five minutes. tar Trumpets ol every dexcriptioe : also every va riety of artifiud articles known in lbs wsrtd—a lante aa-ort mer.tof beautiful and datable AHTIKM IAL II VAIN ■with the arm and ellw attachment; ailificial feet with Ihe Ankle. Le*. and kuo .tint attachment. 1 to- articles are |w. tVctly naiurai. and iulaptn! for either •>ex, and can to sent by cal-., to any part of the world. All kinds of Truss.-- for tfciifa or Kujfture of every de**-ripUo&, hr eithej sex. ar and Tr part-, -(’ariv -ulnpted lor females Ink wa condition, ai-v.Utaae with I r ~ -us ( ;,-rf. Dr. B lake is one of the most tr-Ichraled ar.d skillful i>hy sicutnsaod scrgeoocnow I vin.'. Hbhne b knonu perron ally (■( crory iru. oa cit> of Ibc wnrhl. Ail l-lters uirreied hPr. Ba .ic ir, must contain ten cents to py .. .MagM aral ix. idental ex, eu* . ARi’kr’ uV Lfi.-.-afes mn t -'rents* by n-. . e m. uli-.ntd. Which w.ll mine Mitrr ,na! -- ,J. rv’ - ion. Z (V* (hfi v- h< -:rs fr-.irs *J a. m.. li>. m. ISg'IUK DAAKKR. Ofifc e, iu‘. r-r oii way. dec J wf.f a few disr- above F our* nM„ N. Y. Uity. II V E It Y II O !> 1 teC-K HEBEI IF YOU would buy - the best Carriage, Rorkawav, Bnggy, Hack Wagou, Juraey Wagon,* PlanUtliou Wagon, that will * RUN LIGIITKIt, aud LAST LONGER, than any you can buy 1.1 THE STATE, go to IYOODKI IT A CO., G Kirns, Ga. They keep a LARGE STOCK, and SELL LOW, especially for C AMI! Aprill IK Copartnership Notice. IM HAVE a-~o.iut.-d with me my Bkoftcr. FRANK M. ST'iN E, for the pnrjrtc of eoaHatdng the Hot and Cap bosinew. The hiulnenr will be conducted hereafter under the firm name and style of CHAS. B. STONE & BROTHER. The (inder-dgncd. thxnk'ut Ibr Uv litoral patron im ei tends.l to h..u th- p. -t yuar, would moat rv>pc-cUuUy efiidl acMHianromiffit). ; th- b-w firm. They bslgnstifik oototod ;* -opfiriofst-rk of Hats ar.ri f’apxArhicitathey I reW as hw ns nay hourefin the or fitafe. UIfAS li. STONE A DUO. April 13. Bridal Cakos. T*n--<d in law designs, f grv-ft tisßdtv, Bade by Henry Horne, ut nn ery to g-.-t married iu tty lc. STOVES! STOFES!! MS!!! At W. J. McElroys, ’ THIRD STREET, MACON, GA. QOA Cooking Stoves, T 5 Box and Parlor Stoves.— t/Vvl Also a line lot of Urates, comprising the fines! and most rthied assortment of Stores ever offered to public, among them the old favorite Iso* V. m n war ranted to give satUfartion. Also the V.oroa Coot. Nctes' n U * ’ Ueorl4 - Cheap for Cast or good —ALSO,— A veil selected assort me ,of HOUSE FUBNISHIN& UOGOS consisting in part of Northern and goo-hern Wood Wxaas, Brooms, Brushes, Counter and Fr vb-r Duster. Lanterrs, Lamps, bleak Dishes, Tea Urns, Gl.afflng xnd’ Hteak Dishes, Ac., Ac. * * no Gas Frrrrac done at short entice. Also, plain Gas Fixtures for sale. Fr.sce, Cifflts and WuiL Prwrs, ofithe most appro ved Patterns. Rubber Base, Lead, C>j>er, Hloeg'Tin and Iron Tutos of all •laet, Pteart Valves, Whistiea Gitagcs, Cytender and Water Cocks of ail kinds. Copper Stilly and Copper Plumbing. Tin and Sheet Iroa work of a kinds, done in the very best style. Lightning Rods put up at short notice. Notice. On anil after this date, all work done to order sail he POSITIVE! Y CABH on delivery, and all accounts doe when presented. Macon, octS-tf W. J. MoELKOY TRO UT HOUSED ATLANTA, Goo., B,i J D. OILIIEIiT 1 CO. sept SdAwtf Valuable Planlafion for Sale. IA A now efieri n* for sale my ptabtatios m Jones 1 Musty s V -II miles above Man in. on the ‘ K.oiui*ee River, coa I*W acres ol Jid. Attached to the place Is SOU seres wamp Gauds, (nver bottumh Terms one and two years’ jisy*oac wlshiDK to purchase valuable Lands, will do well ca l and examine the above se I aai determined to sell, ap ft RjBlCAr LllSfl> T G-sls Fixtures. CHANDALIERP. PENDANTS and BRACKETSof^I. NTjes^fitveA and by f _ WK) , STATE PRESS NEWSPAPER. THIS paper vrph a complete vyuajiient of Presier. Typ sad material for a Job v“ • ff >"l >"■**?> “‘Vf.* sent, an exce lent otportunity to any o*e dew fine t'-fiointo h<ii4t:<Bin ui- fl •ur.'iii- * cuj. mcewsible to a 1 paitcof the bte by Kail Road. K*' r terms ai-ply to ’ E L. 6TB’ HKCKkR.I T. K. BLOOM. > Aseignecs. novtO W. U. JOHNS .'ON. ) NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS !! RECEIVED DAILt AT I.KEMI i FKfBIIM We would respectfully la'omi thedtlmnsof Mac si and surround iig country, llc.t one of onrfirra lies recent ly ret i-reil fiom the vuri iu. Northern Mar ket?, and we are i>w pnpared to show the finest Stock of Family GROCERIES Ever offered in th smarkrt. ca, id'i t in i :ir - of nirar:> Sarilh'a flour— W7 ole and lid/ Bid* Sitoa MUl> I- Extra r.-',r. Xeir By* fl-mr. 50 cV-* WhUkt*. Choice Vines and Brandies. Sirota Bt/md Sugars, aU grade*. Greer. Seal Champagne, Ti e lst kn .wi. w idew Cliqu >t Champagne, HeiJaick Char.l-agi-t, La I’me ** ILhlf mat ** Cdk£€4 2nd 3a*kct% r*vlou Coffee, Rlj •* Java - • M. a Ljjmirm ** Yin* / ,v ’* ‘A- (10 R /*. XA’ Brazil Sul* Eugli-h Walnuts, Choi. * J‘<<J Bacon, C*oic> lion*. Bftr Mackerel, aU aisc Pa. karjr*. i ‘haice B> / Tonga**. 1 TulVr [fried Beef, BJogna Sausage, Stu!’-’ - ipoTior Chewing Ton&cc >. *S thou-ei and Cv’ce Hv .i. .v-.'. ... 1■ U ■’ inr I ■i■ • . I -r Rest rtft* r!n.* nt o* FIRE WORKS ever offered in market. An i siHssi isrirl;- tfTOYS. Kruitsol allkird* Ac. Cowled Superior Cream Cheese Tlitnkful f.w ti e pa’c rnf-'swtowedon ua. we .ope by renewed viert i. to enjoy CMHiuaea tm r i let Ist GREK A A FI.EEIIAK. V Bias Pres* copy lm ILLUMINATED SHOW CARDS lu, il'rutiii.y, bancs.melv nrt"ted. onlv at * ANDREWS’ JOB OF* ICE. ‘•Sieto* Hell New Goods. FfiESH COSFEC'IONAHIES. Henry Horne HAS lately returned from the Northern Market., and has in More now, and is convtantly a very choice StocS of Confettiouarie* and Fami!y (irocrrieA to u lilcli he nrite.the atlention of the Cttiienoot Macro andnuriound i,/ country. Thankful for the eic edlnclTli end p€tror*e for the i*at nine rear'. 1 UMMt rttspect'ullv Uh a continuance oflMiVßf, prOßiUincthat ail my Hrorti shall be directed to my patrons to mciit their favor MONTPELIER FARM SCHOOL, MO.Site IK COUNTY, GEORGIA. REV. CARLISLE P. B. MARTIN, PRES. HAYING purchased JOb timber, that celebrated sent ol teanJcA. M r. Martin ha* tranaierred Uiitber his FARM'n. fleur, eoiinty. No p!ae if) all the South j*e*s<' more fac’li'ien or more ecullra<lvantigee lhan does this fa the tucceveful educe Hoi. of youth. The Fall Salon will commerce on the?sih of July next. or further information address the President at Montpe lier.Oa. . nutyMtf EUROPE & GEORGIA DIRECT IMPORTATION. T HAVE iusf eee> roinv stockt>* CROCKEKT.CHINA 1 and ULaSS M ARE. iurvhated in Europe last Spring, coasi'O'ng of io China Dinner S*tU. $175. and down ; 100 Tea Setts from $5.00 tof Js.<'; 7V< and KrrakJU* Sett*, ?4 .ihj to sN on; Bohemian Ola** Ware in Setts, Consisting of Ooblet* Champagnes, Wine* and Decanter* both Ilnlaj and White, En graved Tea Tray* in Sett*. Some rsryjine; a large assortment of Fancy Vase*. Fa” -y (’ip* and San er* Parian Statu ary. Eilrer plat-d Ware . tc. Also tome well assorted Crate* of wti-e Oral le and eoMiuoa Crwkerv for Mere;,auti. whica will he Seld at Ihi reeular wholes;!-price in New York. R- P. McEVOV, nov £0 LATEST NEWS EY THE him tempi TO all whom it tuay concern, this is to notify th public that ISAACS isst home agir’i, and t-eg* t arsuu ‘ oalror stbst his Sa loon i* not a tttii a of a day. Ciiiceus the traveling public will find th; :r e- -In.-t < ; • , not i;r the Sea.',;, only, but all Seasons of the yoar, and those ca hag on rs. will a! all hour?, find our iarder sup plied with a-1 ti e deb. • ies tbuf the New York and other market will %r rd. in ti.e way of e*;.bles -. id sou.ethine good to drirk. ar.d six .ays out ol seven, moie Ulan can tie found in any house In town, E. ISAACS 4 BKG’. Under Ralston’s Hall, Cherry St. His Bill of Fare wills very day, lie just the thine for little pay ; Aud th .se. *l.. at their place may eat. Will find in It al! things complete— And going oßce,tliev tlitn will know, 1 hat ISAACS, is the PLACE to go. We (ball be kapi y to s-e our frier. Is, ensuring them that it wi.l bkour unremitting care to ~!e; n. every ie-[ eet, ae wr fiatter ourselves, we have done till now. It mav t generally known tba* we have, to meet the wish es of the Medical farnllv. imported t.v ourse.ves, a very supe rb rqoaiity of Pale Brandy, fine old Port, Sherry and Made ria. poaKSring all the Medicinal quaiitias, so lunch i-aired by tnem. Look at this Bill of Fare ard choose for vouiself: OYSTERS, - V the meature, raw, fried, owed, or in any way ruQ want them. Also. Shrimps and Crate. Wild > *me of every variety, Venison and Beef stei as, Mutton Chons and Veal Cutlets, Ham and Vgg-, Devil Hatu and Deviled Tenpins, ■■ efigu MOUNTAIN OYSTERS, TURTLE SOUP, Wood-Cock Grouse, Mountain Geese. Squirrels, Wild Ducks, Fish, and every tiilLgthat an epicure wants, can always be had when In season. Confectionaries & Fruit ISAACS, also keeps constantly on hand s good assortment of < onft-rllimartea, ORANGES, APPLES, BANANAS, PINE APPLES, Various descriptions of NUTS, amr.mzzrn AU of which can be purchased a low prices fir <’ \KH Be sure end call at. K. IkA.Uk Ac BRO Gold Pens Warranted IN Gold. nad Wimnl holHers. An elegant *.• portment jaM ooend and f#r salo hr K. J. JOtf-NSON A CO. N .V. S. lAa9—ff * Telegnipli and Jonrnal k Messenger copy. JUST ARRIVED, 1H NECROC.-. PLOUGH KoYS A GIRLA. from lfi to l V s years eld, at .XOKL’M ,\rn> Mart, oct 1 peilar Mint. Mscun, oa. Notice to Debtors & Creditors. AH I.L per-one! t dto Terrs y>.!nn ae of Macon Ou_ d*< eased, are requewedto imu.edia'e pevineat, sud those b ;vingc!a: sacaia st l.D(rUtetoprrnut them for payment in terms of ‘he I aw. ChAMUIA QUINN, Administratrix, c -4 v \EW YORK i\D UUmi rbe Anrrir*D-Atlaßtif Scrfw Steau-hlp fu. g. NEW AND ELEGANT STEAMSHIPS HUNTSVILLE, Cikt. John A. POST, I 000 Tcus Burtbea. MONTGOMERY, cpt. FRTIL CROCKRR. I.(KK)ToS Borthra. Will leave NEW YORK and SAVANNAH EVERY SATURDAY. PASSAGE sls. The superb M*mniodatiorii for P unen/pn on these Steam* by sujy Ucean MesßKTsizi the World TbeSalo-rfissmfHU-e H-iins are tiegantly furnkhed. so*. OoUAiU.d Vkeli ** THROUGH RATES OF FREIGHT From HEW YOBK toKnoxville, Hash ’? lle ! Tuscumbia ami other pia es, including every expense, given when required. **, t *’ e A ™ t of **• Central or commission': t'cfn TRAL RAILROAD, SAVANNAH ’ lariy requested to fnwaiMiniu of thereby easurmggreabrertlvpsrch *„<l avcidlngall ’ Insuranee may be effected by thrw stcamera t uL. I>Mree Os the undersigned at ooe half per cent, wltt: tne tost nies. Freights have bsreduce.; by thi, Line to Sand 11l rei l ,?. per foot, and other Goods at prop.gtifn.sie rate. * a ‘<JceiiU |WFreight* taken at three-fourth? -f t unt.en.™ . BRIGHAM, BALDWIN „ H. B. CROMWFLLTcS’oa apr t-lj 6* West St, ©or. of Albany, u.y; Family Flour. fe i kskf \ LBS. Knoxville City Mills Family Flour. It D”vU Bbl*. Hiram S n!th Flour, received and 1* Mil by [may 3] GKXkk FRKKMAN JACOB’S CORDIAL 10,000 Xegroes 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Planters Take Notice Planters Take Notice Plaiitei-s Take Notice Jacob's (iordial Jacob’s Cordial Jacob’s Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Reniedv j And Positive Remedy Before The People Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, And Flux. And Flux. And Flux. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Salt in Macon, by ZEILIN & HUNT. iANt'liEZ’ SPECIFIC THAT GREAT RFMETT THAT UKKAT REMEDY THAT GRKAT RIMED v THAT GREAT RFMF.rY THAT GREAT REMEDY THAT GRKAT REMEDY THAT GREAT REMEDY BANCIIE7.’ SPECIFIC BANCIIRy.’ bt'KCIEIC SANCHEZ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC BA.VCHIZ’ SPECIFIC SAN Os! 17.’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC THE ONLY POSTm E CURE THE ONLY FURTIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CUKE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PKoPI.K BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE FOR QONORRIKEA k GLEET. FOR GONOKRHCKA A GLEET. FOR GONOKRHCEA A GLEET. FOR GOXORRIREA & GIF.KT FOR GONOKRHOCA & GLEET. FOR GONORRHCEA A GLFF7T. FOR GONOKKIKEA k GLEET. SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL BAYFX A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVkS A 810 DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL IS EASILY TAKEN is easily taken IS EASILY TAKEN is easily taken is easily taken is easily taken is easily taken has no bad taste HAS NO BAD TASTE Has no bad taste HAS NO bad taste HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE WIJL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CUBE WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CURE WIU. EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CURE WITH LESS TROUBLE VI’ITH LRSS TROUBLK WITH LFSiS TROUBLE Will! LE-ti TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH IJ2SS TROCBI.E WITH LESS TROUBLE MORE SPEEDILY MORE SPEEDILY MORFI SPEEDILY MORF7 SPEEDILY MORE SPEEDILY MOKB SPEEDILY MOKE SPEEDILY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AM) I'FJtMANKNTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN KFMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN FEMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE / TEST ONE PACKAGM TFXT ONE PACKAGB TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGB Kvsry Druggist and Country Merchant should kssp • supply of this valuable Remedy, not only from th. prof its ihat accrue from iu salsa, but as an act of philan thropy towards suffering hemaoity. Ii will b. mad. to th. ss;wci*l and pMuniary interest of all Druggist, to parches, by W. W. BUSS k CO., PROPRIETORS, M BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Pw Mato la iS^a Macon, by ZBILIN & HUNT. Butt's Map of Georgia, Hr a few Copies of this new and elegant Map of Georgia For Sale, at this Office, CHEAP FOR CASH! Orders Respectfully Solicited Nov. 9, —ts. WANTED ! FWtWO Negro Men to work about onr Factory, pits A _ to, Ac. Two to cut ford Wuod. Two women to Cook. Wash and Iron. Enquire of Macot,, Nov, -ir,—im t. A G. WOOD. NEW CANDIES. Molaasles Cream Candy, flavored with Orange (lowers. Honey Comb Candy. Blanched Almoud Nougat. Coco.nut curl Candy. Oroundpea Nougat, at HENRY HORNE'A S2OO REWARD! STOLEN from the mi* -rihv r, on Saturday bight tat, by a C£ro man r.miK ‘t In i* i Ii t r, v o t lainu Jtt, bt* foe, a h<*r>f uUiut 10 yearn oU:; ptt Nl oi* the f re with his fare-top cut Mr. Sabi is about sft of higb, and 85 year* df a***. I will give the abo vt rew tr*. f or the tad negro or S.V) ft*r the horse alone. SASTL MoKENZIE, hov 26—ts Moi tezuma, (ia. FOR SALE. 1 wi SA< K ' s SAL T, XO'rVf 50 11 *nl. kioinsM-s, 2SO 111 ds. Dac-.u, ?0 Dtirr-ls Ijtrd tO IDrr.js Viqpgar, fit J ‘oxen tliM :t>, ii i! >” Shov,- sviidSpa ■>(>; d-‘7.. Il'ickets, ■5 ll ‘2. A XI H. Jal.l 14—if. J. B. A ‘V. A. tl()<S. CfASH ASUIILIMH A* i Y.-Tbeuß lersigned is still preps red to manufacture .1! kindl sf Winitnwsash, Riinds, t fiitncl Door* and (,'a rprntry Work ;o order. Having always on hand, the be<t 4 seaone<i it w assorted lumber, he will warrant his work to be of the ltiosi aabstantialand durable description. He wili also contract far any .* * or s'jleofbuildir.. and execute the saint with a", utedfuispatch. Orde> respectfully solicited. JOHN KNIGHT prtS—tf FINS nUDTDBI. FINK Parlor Setts, Rug” Wood, Mahogany and Georgia Walnut Furniture. Secretaries and rF'.-rrWTfv- Dcska and Bc.o'r C. . hrgany and Walnut ’ hltiv Fr'fijl Bof%3,Tete-a-TtUa,Dit an . f ■ docianii.-s, Ottom.a ‘ .r. :i - \*/r\ ~ u Cloth, Plush, Uro-Htt I. Ac. Aim, Rocking,Nurse, t ow ing, Parlor, Bedroom. og, iia> C: th, Plusi,Dro catel.Cane,Split i-totto . ; , everyk, .and of Chairknown to the trade. BEDSTEADS. Rose Wood, Wain. ■ *Z car.y, pea.h. Gum c., High, Low, French sad Cottage. Wadrobea of Rose W-od, Minogany, Wainu and Pine. f.afes of all Patterns. Tables. Mahogany, Walnut, Cherry, P!r.e, Ksiecsioa Folding Leit, Square, Round, hr. Mattresses of Ha.', Colton . Moss ami Patent Spring. Feather Bede, p-.llars i-.ns holaters. Fine M rrors, common !• ■■< (timeses,Looking Glass Plates, Picture Glat;.;. Window Shades and r ino Cornices. Bucket3,Tubß.Dti>, crs.l • joins, Brnihßrooms, Feath er Dusters, Fool F.a . • mofitreason xble terms. iks , ’ up in the uu. fashional V. . .v, , FUR Ml URE ia the State, a. 1 < ir cnnstAUtl f mannfac ring, and wish to sail. flt!l us. . > i* * * a cmn STAPLE DRY-BOOBS. MESSJaSMP&HABMS, WOULD respectfully anuMin'-e to the'r fricmK nd the pub lc,that tlu*v h vrcii cl thfir nirre, :*h*l Rr now pivpar and to keep. :t• <1 blob < ‘ p -t a>! time?*, u Rt<>ck of GK<KJKKI ES and MAPI.KMo ;uoi, ectnd t none in the citv. anti to wi.icli t!.- :ro iMQogr c ulialiy iu vitecl, The lullowiug is :v list of V. e h admg *l5O Bags Rio. .Java and E/dguira Coffee. ,U(H) Barrels A. L>i. and C. SUGAR. :iOO Boxes TOIIAt CO. ‘150,000 CIG ARS, from $5 to S6O per thousand. 15 Bales OMTlftl>urr,N. IO “ Kersey. IO “ Colton VaraiN. IO “ Blankets. WOO pair of \cl j'<> Shoes, too Bales SJ Atil \<lw. 1200 Coils Rope. :{.<> Bbls. i.ijtii>r of every quality and I kind, from tin’ finest sHai’ft, SJlipiiy A | Co’s Brands down ... -tLii-u Whisky Thev hxrs also a ktgi itoek of ( ANDLEK. CANDY, j SOAP. PICKLES PAIN !'*. < -‘LS, ;.- .t iu fa, t ev- IvryibingtliHtihe Ham.-r .*,U -.,->> t it, the iineof Qroeeriesund Btapli Dry-G I’ til fail t call aid ex. amine their aotek ’.efure purch.i.-.ii g > i-e.*here. [aept.ldtf c. i. m a io~ Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga., Oiler, a* usual, at llieir tliil u and, L'huiee As* sorlmciit of I’ A i l* Y IliK'Tll KI2S, Ot every description :nl* / tl ’•< * quality, freih and good, t/viujc con.vuiitly in receipt us u w from the N(rtiierL Markets, Sugars, | i< it, V'irte Kish, Syrups, ('it; s. liernn^a, C*tTee, Or un F r iit, in cans, Hmtm, Tm*, (J* u :mBU Lard, Sweetmeats, Sauces, Klour, Nuts, <he ■, Dutter, Kalaina, Wuckfrel, I’ork, And otherartic’of to< mu *■ r; t *.‘;i.pricing the whole ranjrc of Kamiiy (Jrua-'y .su l .;h<‘S. mzz*wl r-u± b We particularly In - 11 ut ..1: ,r. <■’ t! nlera and other*! to our large anti con; ■> . ;f * ninnufactured by oam*lvw, of the very'rl 1 ’• ‘ •i war'-iAutg-d to retain tlieir hardness un*’. ’-ri! 1 ■ ’ • in.’- •-’ *1 Camlta arxhlone both and ! vil i . *-. Vc otfn unrivalled nduccTnenta to puruta is, Cakes, d At Plain Os every\arit*v. ru I • <! 01 V 1 ? i .1-. Famlilefc and parth ssupp ‘d ut tl. . . ..;,d on ihe moat reaS'-i :al*l term Oysters, Cribs, h-1 ops, Fresh Fihh, in their Season. our oyst: smogs, Will!*e open for the r- *t 1 •>’ > ‘-rs, ml:re we shall k* • I a’ he Fall and V f *¥f-- toot ] ders. which >iha!l t0:.,.,i oct#—if mm mkews I HARDWARE. fL / X ’ ’ X V,t,C & udic *’ ! j ‘"**< rir„ 7 A Full assortnv nt of War."on and Cur riugu Maker s Material for tale at New York prio n adding freight, together with a full assortment of Hardware adapted to the use of Planters, Smiths, Mechanics, £tc. For Sale by iv at si an v. i:i:i>. oct 14 Macon, Ga. NEW BOOT Imm I MACOY, GEORGIA. uMw W nr, i,w nppulrj, >i !:trg. oud well Wp'.'i •*>•!*■'-"■ ■ ‘•’"•F “ leads and Kings, Mr j, li Ma ■Aril “’ ** *0 ;• kI 1 >• ,*r to 11 • ll,ell l.y oiie us <,iir ,iru,'i thk Eam;:i;n Maxiwactl ukiis fob I’asm, We can ojjer great ind meats t *J}vnse who wish to bujf j *’ Cadi. We prefer small profits tu ’<_ A, 11, •r *l. ,n large ones on time. * here tl.i e■.l hi d;’ i t ihi- iav tt.e los.oa i**ld loth doubt*nl nr < We RhAll Keen cone -i.ilx n lirund er?tl Stock lor L\ I *l. NV ..h', .Vi’ Touthft*, lloys* uud <’ !•• •* ‘ .1 ’W >ai-oa m'< ck for \ W ivite • all who u n>o punli-re t< * t*l u*l ih and we will c*tivnice th* rn Mint * <vn anh wili. hft.l as ! UJW AM ANY II )USi; IN TIIK Sf \ 1 < r WijiK 1 <llarafiteed. I ami vt we it foil# to gLe r iiiilatii n, wr Fcj'uir fiee. of j chr*re. We respectfully nolicU übbt rnl *” -of p-,b*le rvtlfovutce. Ii A PDF N \ GAINES. it i: r ii k i x g . | Wc have em.loved ■ • ■ i ire ;, r ,. par>-11 K-psir al. 1... • ! v.orl: e. .< *Mh rea'iie* and deep itch. M i. ci. S5. ’fill—tl GROVfJR & BAKER'S j Celebrated Sewing Machines. Price from “'• > t., .-‘ld ) 00. IT itne longer a quot'.on, wblcli th.* sewing Ma c.iim, t?u v in*re cun iu. t uircui ILi *• r Xlturhluc. Ii ha.-’ long Blurt been iv* nup *h.i! ther are the only wfug nmchine made that m adapt*<l to a!i kinds of family Se w hj;, aid a the Mime tio.e nr* so maple iu construction that a’c i year old child, or Any servant or co nn.on mjiim* cun under stiiiid and work them lth p< rfect a icccaa. fcvrvantA inatruct ed free of charge*, it sent to the store. Ofllje on *otiou Aval me opposite the Ftore of George W. Price, aud between Fean A- .-wansoin ;u and the Baptist Book btorc. 1u so have anew Shu. tie machine, Tlllq EUREKA, making the same Mitch nn boili ri,le<—the ue*t machine of the kind made. Call aid roe < r send Tor circulars. Parsons In the country can have a com;,.tent person sent out with the mscuiue to Instruct in Its u on the Raveling expenses of the person being paid by Ihe purchaser. nov is6m M. K. ROGERS, Agent. 1 FRENCH and American Zinc. ¥ u sale by : eep 80 Zc.ii.lN k HUNT. J New Candy Factory,and BAKERY. ORNAMKNTEDCake.and Plain,(appliedto Fnmillt’ Weddings and Parties,according to order. ALSO, Oandy by the Box, (assorted for Merchants,) of the best quality .warranted, and at the lowest prices. Orders for the above or for Drngs, Garden Seeds, Nnt* fraita,Ac. promptly attended to by J. H. A W. S. ILLIB, Burl—ts Cherry Street, Macon. Os Fresh Arrival! I AA CHOIOB Dried Beef Tongues, JL v” * 7 S < ’asks new Pig Hanm, iOO it>*. line I Tied lteof, 101 Fresh Bologna Sausages. 20 1-2 bills. Pic*.)e<l Beef ami Pork, 6 1-2 ** Pigs Heads, something new. Instore, ad for sale by GREEK .V FREEMAN’ Preserves. THRESH and of undi.iihted good Make. Among them ne* ‘ot of Spanish preserves. Pli’Kl.F.S.—l'm dfnod's best, all kinds. BEST (MvpKN BI’TI'ER, ENUI.I II DIAKv CHKV>E, COWI Es’ CREAM CHEESE. NEW YORK STATE < HtF^R, Constantly on hand at (oct IS] 11. HORNE’S. FISK'S METALIC BURIAL CASES.^ KOSI WOOD,Mahogany, Walnut, Covered and Plain Coffins. Builders are inrited to call and examingmy stock o Marbleistd Iron Chimney Pieces, Wlncow Sael and Blinds. Panel Doors, Window Class, Mahogsc* Balus er* and Newell. B. V. EOSS, marlT—tf Cotton Av. Mactn.Ga. SPICES. M USTARD, Cloves, Nutmegs. Pepper. Ac., which art'cle wc have been extremely catilul to re I eel l.y personal in st ectloo; the purest, freshest and cleanest ilial can b, ob tai ed wiilch ’e shall always keep on l a id. Sept 22. 5:1. ts ZEILiN & HT'NT. Macon, Oa DRY GOODS, Krouile Block, Mulberry Street. N. 8. FHI DDEN & CO., RaTEFFL fortheliberal of last year, arc now \JT prepared to exhibit a luiye and select Mock f FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS ! Confident of not being excelled either In beauty, sty le or price. A Choice vaiiety of rich DRESS GOODS VELVET AND SILK ROBES. BUOCHE AND BAYADERE SILKS, KOI 1 LAKD SILKS. HE LAINE AND MERINO ROBES, ROBES DK CHAMBRE, PURLINS. VALENCIAS. DE L A INKS. MERINOS CASHMERES! A large variety of 811 AA^LS, new styles. VELVET Sc CLOTH: CLOAKS,’and Children's CLOAKS, TALMAS & SACKS Dress Tr'mings, Embroideries Hosiery, Gloves, EMPRESS HOOP SKIRTS, a superior article, warranted host quality. | Our assortment of floods for family use Is complete Irish Linens, ToweUlfP, Napkins, Titbit cloth?, Table Damask,Pilloin Casing, Sheetings, Cottons, flannels, and all the different varieties of STAPLE GOODS eqnlred for the trade, which we effer on the most favorable | terms. [sept 24 dt] hi. S. PKUDKN * CO. tfGXN A. M. Bininger & Cos (Established 1778,) SOLE IMPORTERS, N°. 338 Broadway, N. Y. This DELICIOUS TONIC, especially designed for the use of tho Medical Profession and the Family, possesses those intrinsic medicinal pr© perties (Tonic and Diuretic) which belong | to an Old and PURE GIN. Tho business of manufacturing spurious gins, and offering them as beverages, under the titles, “ Aromatic,” —“ Cordial,” — | *’ Medicated,” etc., has become so com mon, that the public are justly suspicious of nearly everything that is offered under similar forms, and the trade has. thus been brought iuto disrepute. It has remained for our house (established in , niß) to supply the pressing popular need, and to inaugurate a new era iu the history of the Trade. We trust that our established reputation found ed upon eighty years of experience abundantly vindicates our claim to public confidence. 2VT. 33. A comparison of “ I>hunger's Old London Dock Ghi” with others bearing similar names, will establish iU superiority, and make other Caution unnecessary. Put up in Quart Bottles, in Cases of one and two dozen each, and sold through out the world by Druggists, Grocers, Ac. Druggilb and Dealers Supplied with Wines and Brandies, I Direct from United States Warehouses. For sale in Macon, by Suitors A: Lewi* Cherry Street, and all prominent Druggists, Grocers, etc. oct 12 Dr. It. A. WILSON’S FAMILY PILLS. A l * 11 Family Pill, Wilson’s are particularly rerotn mi’iided—simple and harmless, but highly medkin.-l in their combi tuition. One Pill a dose, with mild but certain effect*. Tile robust man tutd the delicate child use them alike, with every assurance of entire safety. With Wilson’s Pills, every Mother in tho land be comes her own physician. They have proved themselves a SMCtriC. and staud without a rival for the following affections: IIKAIHCHI. FEVER i ASCE, PTSPEPSI.t, LIVER COIPLAIAT, HEADACHE, FEVER k AliL'K, DYSt'XI’SIA, LIAER COMPI.AI.M, HEADACHE, FEVER k AGUE. DYSPEPSIA, LIVER (XUPIAIXT HEADACHE, FEVER k AGUE, DYSPEPSIA, LP’ER COIPLAIST, Costiveness, Biliousness, Neuralgia. Costiveness, Biliousness, Neuralgia. Costiveness, Biliousness, Neuralgia. Costiveness, Biliousness, Neuralgia. mothers, Watch well your children, and when their troubles arise from that great bane of childhood, Worms, ascribe their iUness to its truo cause, and removb It by prescribing B. L. Fahnestock’s Vermifuge, A sate and sare remedy, prepare.) from the pnresfmnre rlals, and has proved Itself the un>*t effective antidote fbr Worms ever offered to the public. For Halo in Macon by ZKILIN A HUNT, nn GEORGE PAYNE, and sold by dealers everywhere, jail 13—ly w TRAIN, SPERM, YEAIMOOI and all other OILS. For sa fi by £cpt IWJ ZKILIN A HUNT, Bliks’ Dhpcplic RoiudcY* miss’ oysprpnr rtcmedjr ||il-a’ l)ys|S|lc Keiaedy mi .s’ l/> sp i>lc Krmedjr U.lss’ Dysiirptle Heaivdy Bliss’ Dyspeptic Hcuirdy lltlo’ Dyspeptic Kennedy it.i Dyspepric lleiawly lDtis’ Dyspeptic Hemnly 111 Us’ Dyspeptic Hemetly miss’ Dyspeptic Keiaedy Has fhc Largest Sale lias tlic Largest Sale Has the Largest Sale Has (lie Largest Sale Has the Largest Sale Has tlie Largest Sale Has tltc Largest Sale Has tire I.urgent Sale tins the Largest Sale Has the Largest Sale Os any .Wetlictne In the World. * Os any Medicine in the World. Os any Medicine In the World. Os any Medicine In the AVorld. Os any Medicine in the World. Os i.ny Medicine In the World. Os any Medicine in the World. Os any Medicine in the World. Os any Medicine in tike World. Ot uny Medicine in tike World. 100,000 Packages loo.ihto Packages 100,000 Packages 100.000 Packages lOO,OIK) Packages 100,000 Packages 100,000 Packages 100,000 Packages lOO.Ot’O Packages 100,000 Packages Sold In Georgia and South Carolina Sold In Georgia and South Carolina Solti In Georgia and South Carolina Sold In Georgia and south Carolina Sold In Georgia and South Curoiltia Sold In Georgia and South Carolina Solti In Georgia and south Carolina Sold In Georgia anil South Carolina Sold In (Georgia and South Carolina Sold In Georgia and South Carolina In Fourteen Months, lti K.inittcn Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. , In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen ‘I on His. In Fourteen Months. It Is Warranted to Cure It Is V\ arranted to Cure It is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It is Wai runted to Cure It is Warranted to Cure It is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It Is W arranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure ff Directions are Followed, It* Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Distil Inns ait Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, ts Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dys,H-|>sla Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia At.) C use of Dys|iepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Cose of Dyspc]>sia Any Case of Dyspepsia Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, , Jaundice^ Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, Pat pit at lan, Palpi talioa, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea. Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhiea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness. Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Dcprc :s<d Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Deprcssjd Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Apja tite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Ap|K-lite, Loss of Appetite. Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Fnl:. lit Side and Hack, I’ain in Side and Buck, Fain in Side aixi it .ek, Fain in Side and llaek, Fain in Sitie and iinrk. Pain in Side and ilac-k, pain in Side and Hack, Paia in Side and Hack Pain i ■ Side anti Itaek, Pain lti Side anti llaek. It Is Especially Adapted to it Is Especially Adapted to It is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It is Es|>c. tally Adapted to , It is Especially Adapted to it Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to Female Compiulnts; Female Complaints; Female Coiuplnlilts { Female Complaints; Female Complaint ; Female Comptuints; Female Complaint*; Female Complaints; Female Complaints; Female Complaints; It Produces llotundity of Form It Pr.Mltt. es Kotimdily of Form It Produces Hot nudity’of Form It Produces Rotundity of Form It Produces Hot nudity of Form It Produces Rotundity of Form It Produces Kotundity of Form It Produces Hot tin.. It y of Form It Produces Kotundity of Form It Produces Kotundity of Foiiu In Females of a Thin and Sparc liable. In Females of a Tit In and Mpure Habit. In Frinulr* of a Tlkln anil Space llablt. In Females, of a Thin and Spare llublt. In Females .fa Thin and spare Habit. In Female* of a Thin ami Spare Habit, la Females of a Thin and Spare Habit. In Females of a Thin ami spare liable In Females of a Thin and Spare Habit In Females of a Thin anil Sp re Habit. Send a Postage Stamp to the Proprietors for their Pamphlet un “ Diseases of Stom ach and Uottefs.” W. w. UI.ISM’At Cos., Propvleto •. 3ii3 Uroudwuy, New York. For Sale in Macon, by Z VfL IN Jt tIUNT. Carpeting and Oil 4'lolti* ROLLS DnrpctlMr* ot every style ai.<! qualities, ot 1 till postrv. Velvet and Brussels. Three plv, Ingrain and Superfine Rugs and Mat*. Floor Oilcloths of all wi.ltn* from h dto 18 feet,snltabU orHallsand IMnilir Rooms. (Vena and India Malting. In the above rand* w cun show he largest and t***t a* *r *n.eut Id the City. Ilioi.-el.eepe’ re reqiorteu toexam lne tack before niakuigtheir Kail urthase. b* r. k<>nm a no, J I air \V ork, IN .IF W itp i t>i) i*M K'E to order. Over 100 new tlcsigu.s for aelcctiona. E. J. JOHNSTON k CO. ‘laxoM s.iiuEtaud On the European Plan, CITY OF NEW YORK. Single Rooms 50 Cents per Day. City Hall Square, corner of Frakfort Street, (Opposite City Hall-) Meals, ns they may 1* ordered in the spacious Refec tory. There is a Barber's Shop and Bath Rooms attache! to the Hots!. N. B.—Beware of Kunncrs and Hackmeu. who say we are lull. li. FRENCH, Proprietor. August 9, 1809. PLAINING, Scroll Sawing, Turning, Carving, Bracket and Or namental Work. Oct. D Made to order by T. St Q.WOOD. i CENTRAL BAH ROAD, C HMiQE OP SGHEBULi. ON and after Thursday, July 15th, 1868, the Trains will be ruD as follows: Leave Savannah 18.1# P. M.and 11.46 P. 11. Arrive in Augusta 7.80 A. M. aud *.30 P. M. Arrivetn Macon H.oo P. M. u.d 2.00 A. M. Arrive in Mllledgevllle l.uuP. M. Leave Macon 10. A. M.and 10.00 P. M. Arrive in Savannah 7.20 A. M. and 2.30 P. M. Arrive in Augusta 7.80 A. M. aud 6.80 P. M. Arrive in MilledKevtlle 1.10 P. M. Leave Augusta 15 A. M. and 2.45 P. M. Arrive Iu Savannah 7 .20 A. M. and 2.30. P. M. Arrive in Macon 2.00 A. M. and 11.00 P. M. Passengers fur points beyond Atlanta, on the Western A Atla.tic Kail Hoad, will leave Savannah on the 12.15 train, and arrive in Atlanta at 7.15 next morning. Passengers fort Miliedgevtlle aud Katonton will leave by the 11.45 train. Both trains connect at Macon with tlie Macon A Western Road lor Atlanta, and with the Month-Western Kail Road to Albany, Amerlcus, Columbus and Montgomery, aud at Mlllei with the Augusta and Savannah Kt Koad for Auirusta and he >orth. (DO. W. ADAMS, luty 80—ts Otneral Superiuteuuent. ga® ssa Central Rail Road Oflice, * Savansaii. Oct. 24Ui. 7 2. ON and alter Monday, Oct. ,31st, during the cession of the Legislature, A seeo'd passenger train will be mn l aily between Gor don and tile, connecting both ways with <'entrai Lain*. Leave fiordon 11 45 p.m., arrive at MlPedfK’viße 12.15 a.m Mill*d^eelite 8.45 Pan , arrive at Uoidon 2 45 p m. Oct 28 GEO. W. AD AM S, Oc’ieral c up’t. Delia atruK sir. o. u. seikrs. HARDEMAN & SPARKsT a WARE HOUSEjSI GOIMISSIOBT MERCHANTS WILI, continue tc give prompt attention attheir FIRE PROOF WARE HOUSE, on the corner of 3d and Poplar Streets, to all bnsineo committed to their charge. With their thanks for past favors, gnd a renewed pledge of faithfulness to all the interests of theirs mends and customers,they hope to receive their fnl! share he public patronage. Liberal advances made on Cotton and otherprodu when required. FWPlanter’s Family Btores, also Bagging,Rope, Ai furnished atthe lowest market rates. Macon, Augi-tr FALL OF 1859 T VZ2JSL, Si SI X las G, NOW RECEIVING A MtmnifU'rnt Stock, anti will be sold at Pricet te Defy Competition, at lIAIUU’S * / k BUSHELS DRILL APPLES forsale by ♦MJ U.H. KKIEMAS4CO. march* 18—ts Cotton Avenue. Wrought Iron 0- a. McQueen, MACON, GrA.., \rANUFAOTCP.EH of Wrooght Irion Railing es every IrJL description, aud for all purposes, noth Plain & Ornamental, Frm the lightest scroll Iron up tothe heavie-.t Railing used. Having au endless variety of design*, purchasers cannot fail to be suited. Being entirely of Wrought iron their strength cannot he questioned, mid tor beauty they cannot tie surpassed any where. All kinds of Fancy Iron Work mad to order. Par ticular attention paid to making nil kinds of Geometrical Stair Railing. ju.j •’ For Sale. ONE of the most desirable residences in the city, where tlie subscriber now resides, coruer of Oak ana Second Streets. The Lot contains three quarters of an acre, and Is highly improved with choice varieticsof Peach, Apricots, Grapes and other fruits, and flowers. • The dwelling contains ten Rooms. Closets In six, and Gas in all. Term* of payment will he matte easy. For particu lars, enquire of J lieLoacheor W. S. Brantly. If not sold before Christmas, it will be rei.ted to an approv ed tenant. Tdec. 14—tf] OKU. W. A DAMS. NEW FURNITURE. TIHE subscriber has just recetv . ed, and will continue to receive aggSfc. from the best New York Oity manu /ctLBSuYx facturers, a large and handsome as ‘"tS ‘.r, ■ sortment of the latest styles of FIIiMTIHE, CUAIBS, AC. )K^’ He also manufactures Puaniture of the very beat workmanship, and at the lowest market prices. The fol lowing list comprises a part of ihe articles always on hand: CYL V Boras. Tete atete, - Bo llocking chairs of every style. Parlor chairs, Mahogany, Walnut, Oak and Cane seatehairit Office and Window chairs, Cottage chairs, Bedsteadsfrom $5 to SIOO, Side Boards, Wash stands. Corner stands, Wardrobes, Safes, Bureaux—Mahogany,Walnut and Rose Wood, Dining Tables, Folding and Plain Tablss, Centre and Bide Tables, Couches,Trunnell Bedsteads, Cradles and Cribs, Secretaries and Book cases. Hat stands. Looking Glasses, Childrens’carriages and cabs. Window shades, Feather dusters, Curled hair and cottoD Mattrasses. B. f. ROM. Osnaburgs, Yarns, 3cc. QO Bales <huiaburg*. O” 20 Bhlks Yarns 15 B iles Macon and MMedgorUle Sheetings, 10 Rales \ hheetinga, 5 Bales Stripes, For sale by AYRES. WINGFIELD A CO. u23—tf Osiiiiburgs, Yarns, Kerseys, &c. 1 50 BALES no. 1 OSNABURGS, 175 “ Georgia Kersevs, ltfi “ Macon Slieeliug, 10 ** “ Drilling, 2# “ •* 7 8 Shir.ling, 2*40 ** “ Yarns. F r ’.i Sate at Factory Pricei O IY 14—tfr -I. B. kW. A. ROSS. MACON LAMP STORE t KTo. 11 COTTON AVENUE. CROCKERY, GLASS AND C HINA, COAL OIL LAMPS AND CHANDALIERS, Fluid Lamps, Sliver Plated Ware, Table Cutlery and Castor Frames, LOOKING GLASSES, Improved Coal Oil, burning fIuidC'AMPHINe and adcohol At Wholesale and Retail, CIIEAkr* FOR CASH CALL AND SHE US. BOLSHAW A HERZOG. LivtT|Kol A London LIFE A FIRE INSURANCE ; Offire SG, Wall Street , New Nork City. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, £2,000,000 or $10,000,000. Paid up Capital. Surplus and Hrsertrd Funds, FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS: SSOO,OOO Invested in this Country niRFCTORS IN NEW YORK 7 .TAME* BROWN,’ hHirrr>an. KKANCD* it"T7 EN, Deputy Chai,-man. GEoKGF BARCLAY. lisq. ECO VINE DU I ILU. Eq. JOBKPH Ott.LARD, ->r., Fsq. JOSEPH KoWi KR Fsq. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Jr., Esq. ED F. SASDEKMON, Ksq. \VM S. WKTMOKK. Fs.l, EDWARD M ARCUIHaI.D, Km Pre-bleat Secretary. ALFPED i’fXL. Fsq. Coni.sel of th* B.sinl, A. HAMILTON. Jr., Esq. AYKKSt. WIAOFIE'.D * CO., Agents, Who will take Fire Risks, o'dti. Macon, May Uth.-tf CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY! FREEMAN & ENGLISH TT AVK t n hii’.tl a #<** ti assort Hin tof f’ARIMAGES* jib II If A NES>, (mrixlrttinif of all the my •* generally kep in a Kepo ltory. We U’eaisj uianufactnjiiig a i.eal ai>lc o <SWf and Eliptie Spring Buggies, Hoth light and heavy which we warrant as good work as U mailt* auvwhete, Also a general assortment of CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, llAß ness Hardware, Whips, Leath er, Carriage Varnish and Faints. REPAIRING in nil branches dene at short notice. CHARLES in on hand at the Plantation work and norse hhoeieg * usual. R. S. FREEMAN, ‘"'v 16 ts H, T. K.NWLIMI. TO MEDICAL MEN. Gray.’ Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical. Gross System of .surgery. These are ns w works—large ‘ and impoittut. Pamslnt’ Practical Pharmacy. Dalton’s Human physiology. Barclay’s Medical Diagnosis. Watson’s Practise; new and enlarged edition. Dickson’s £ rich sen's Surgery, “ •• •• TA llsou’s Anatomy, “ “ “ “ For sale hy J. J. A S. P. RICHARDS’, sept 6 Paints, Oils, and Glass. 1 % IWWI POUNDS PURE LEAD. JL*.Ja"” r \7 5,<00 pounds Pure and No. 1 Zinc. 100 Boxes Glass, „ eo Barrels Oil. ALL KINDS, Wltli all kinds of Colour*. For sale low, by /. B. & W. A. ROflSi Ayer’s Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, in whieh bored to produce the most effectuZ* that can be made. It i s a con „ te nttit. of Para Sarsaparilla, so substances of still greater riteraDv! “ oth to afford an effective antidote fc r th?'* * *• Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure It %*** that such a remedy is wanted by auffer from Strumous complaints, J?? which will accomplish their cure * h * toft * °L^ mensc to this large S' o’* 0 ’* mlßftaed fellow-citizens. How comai ‘* compound wiU do it has been % linent on many of the vrorst case* £ *xP*r of the following complaints: 1 sot and Scrofula and Scuopci.och Cou, Eruptions and Eruptive Dt SE Dx p I '**. Pimples Blotches, Tumors, B N, Scald Head, Syphilis and Syph pections, Mercurial Disease RALOIA OR Tic Doulocuecx. h.nV;, T ’*’*G pepsia AND Indigestion, V. M .,F tTt ‘ Ij d. or St. Anthont'r Fire, and class of complaints arising fr om r„ “ the Blood. Pl 'krrT This compound will be found a *** motor of health, when taken in t',, , expel the foul humors which feste^®’ 10 blood at that season of the year ]] v !\ 1 ly expulsion of them m.iny rankling d’ ‘T’ m i >p ?A- n thc ! md ’ the aid of this remedy, spare themselvl L by the endurance of foul eruptions and i f ° m sores, through which the system will , t • 14 rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted/* t# this through the natural channels of th i J* by an alterative medicine. Cleanse l,r vitiated blood whenever you find its in, • bursting through the skin’ in pimples, S 6 ” or sores; cleanse it when you find it t 0 1? structed and sluggish in the veins • cles/ ° S whenever it is foul, and your feeW you when. Even when; no particular dim,? is felt, people enjoy bitter health, and r f longer, for cleansing the blood. i blood healthy, and all is well; hut u V 1 * pabulum of life disordered, there can !, ' J lasting health. Sooner or Uter tometh’" 0 must go wrong, and tlie great machiueS life is disordered or overthrown. 1 1 Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much th reputation, of accomplishing these ends ’ h ! the world has been egregiously deceived b, preparations of it, partly because the iZ alone has not all the virtue that is for it, but more because many preparation pretending to be concentrated extracts Jf t contain but little of the virtue of Sarsap&ri’’ ’ or any thing else. During late years the public have been mi. led by large bottles, pretending to give a q Uart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar, M, # .‘ of these have been frauds upon the sick for they not only contain little, if any, harsata. rilla, but often no curative properties whatl-v ----er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extract! of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rti upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of tit* diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the syslem, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions oa the bottle. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & €O. LOWELL, MASS. Price, per Bottle; Six Bottles for SS. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself such a renovm for the cur’ o! every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, mat it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant um throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied ont do for their relief all it has ever been found to de. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, FOB THE CURB OP Cottiveneu, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Utadatht, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Dtieaus, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, os s Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most semi tive can take them pleasantly, and th*y ate tit best aperient in the world for all the purpose* of family physic. Price 25 cents per Box; Five boxes for Sim Great nun bers of Clergymen, Physicians, Jute*- men, and e. linent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of then remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our American Almanac in which they are giv.n; with also full descriptions of thc abort complaints, and the treatment that should to fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealer* witk other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Ayer’s, and take no others. The lick want the best aid there is for them, and they rfwui have it. All our Remedies are for sale by Sold byE. L. Stroheeker A Cos., ZeilinA Hunt, Macon, and by nl druggists and deal ers in Medicine everywhere. Huvilnnd. Chichester cc Cos., Augusta,Ga., wholesale agents. DR. LITTLE’S VERMIFUGE. In LARGE Bottles and Yials. Ksthlog else i* required to relier* childrn of Worms ; aod besides being one of the cbepel and best Vermifuges ever offered to the public. It* fre quent use in families will save much trouble aud expense, as well as the lives of many children—tor eight out ol every ten cases generally require it. LITTLE’S ANODYNE COUGH DROPS. A certain cure for CiUdr, Coughs. Bronchitis, Asthma. Pain in the Breast: also Croup, Whooping Coughs, ic., kc., amongst O- Mlren. This Is a pleasant medicine to take, producing Im mediate relief, and in nine out of ten case, a prompt cure. It exercises the most controlling inluenc. over Coughs and Irritation of the Lungs of any re medy known, often stopping the most violent in n few hours, or at most in a day or two. Many caw l * thought to be decidedly eonnumptive, have been promptly cured by using a few bottles. As expectorant, without astringi tig the boweia, it lianas paramount to all cough mixtures. LITTLE’S FRENCH MIXTURE- Thin in prepared from a French Recipe (l *k* forms of No. 1 aud 2; the first for the acute, anu No. 2 for the ebrouie stage,) aid from it* nnexemp. success Is likely to supersede every other're®®"- for the cure ot diseases of the Kidneys and Blau . Gonorrhtral, Blennorrhcnal. and Luchorrh* Floor Albas affections. Thii. extensive comp •*, combines properties totally lifferent in tints character from any thing to to found In the in. States Pharmacopoeia ; and in point of safety aaJ eisney is not rivalled in Ameri ca. LITTLE’S RINGWORM Si TETTER OINTMENT. FORTIS, No. . Hundreds of cases of Chronb: Tetter*. SeW and diseases of the skin generally, have t** D ts by this remedy; aud since the introduction No. 2 preparation (being stronger, sesreei T has been found ibat it will no: s tssMtUj * In a short time. For the cure of Canceros - , and Ulcers it is applied in the fora of pi* tc is almost infallible. .via. and In more than twe hundred places in Oeor* u in the Southern States, they in to 1> . j, lt there are scamps about who are eonat*”* 1 A|b, remedies, by palming off the r own or else, by using the same or similar W* 1 ,!”,..,,at lent is wanted or secured amid the absurd pa ttfe day,) let all be cautioned x look well signature ot the Proprietor, th is: — sod also his name blown iuto tho glass of each hot. All orders and letters to he addressed to LITTLE & BRO., Wholesale I ruggisU, Macon, 0* For fftle bv E. L. Strohecker, Mcnsrd & Castlen, Macon, and by Merchants and u ‘ * gists everywhere. Sept 23 -—- DR. ABBETT’S VEGETABLE LIVER AND DYSPEPTIC Modioiae. A oAFE and effectual relftedv for all kinds of eases and indispositions that or g ria'e ln>tni M Ute or Inactivity of ti e Liver; also, his Bloa V* had of/.ei’lu * Hunt, Druggists, cot rer ofSd *t Hove M ra ° ,j - *- “fffaaagiA oci 26 wjrsw- ly Thomas* FOR SALE. tlffA BOXES CANDLES. A*)U tOßoxeSoap, 100 Boxee Soda, *0 Boxes Mustard. it) Bore. East Powders, 20 Boxes Tea, 29 Boxes Pickles, T 5 Bo^SUrcK July 14— ts. J. B. * a< *• July l*—tf.