The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, January 27, 1860, Image 3

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WT\ to the Suffering. I (.in* while laboring >4 a I’ *’ :,n ‘ t ,„vl of I'on.Miinption, I , n tuwl fculL by a reoeipe o>- M ‘ - ,p| l?4 ,r.,an reelingin the great H ‘ has <-ure.i great mine 1 ni ;from Consumption, Bron '> * u “* an J Cold*, anil the de- HV T- pa '', ires jjou caused l>y these dis -1 ling other*. I will send this re* I . f |, r ,,light home with me, to all 1 charge. Address ■r itT,r Kl v. wm. I _-,r Hnine Brooklyn X. A. „ V SPEP*IA. disease which destroys the I . , rt 0 f idividuala, and families, „• ‘ pytptptia, or Migettmm. i <overr of tbs Mte**"* ill< rs * ” • iin-essible to those suf i"#'* >’ spread disease, which relieved l’ i lit^'rpp , ‘:■**■* ‘ r , |j lU ,.rs over the above named ‘ 1 ijvr all those luiving their origin . .• 41 ; f at ,i functional diseases of the , ‘ (itueral Debility isbe ’ . rmanent cures of some of the se y ~, !*,•> on record issutficient con ’ ‘..ox school Ttunni is ItmtoiT. Ivtroit. >ftch.. June In. 1*57. • - *U *f ('"•• Boston: —In reference L can say, that sifter liar* ’ ‘ ,‘ r „ veral months, and almost . -- •, my ‘tomach. I was rifnend who had been cured by f ‘ ~';n aU.ttleoftirecn'sUsygen -1 ,'* <n . ii-ina half a bottle I felt grent -1 the time I had used two bottles ‘.- nr c! v well, and still remain so.— *,■ ■ more distressing even tlian - “ ‘ ;,on entirely cured by this in ‘ I';! - ,nd i r L'ives nie great pleasure to > ‘ n iitiv and all who may be suffering ’ ‘ laVof Detroit Select School. . r o wi.e * t o*. Boston, and sold by 1 _ dec 7 is ::1- 41 i* m.w ready for Hp ‘* j Irug stores, who are happy H ■ f, r them. Every family should .. shook. It is worth having. Com* H- r nenil information of great value; it H< a-truction for tlie cure ot prevalent H lt W( . can get anywhere. Its anee f .. ffor th a bushel of w heat, and its r” J sometimes worth to the sick, the t**” ingoid. Many of the medical alnia * _ )41t ,hi. is solid metal. Its caleula r'"_ pujpjsely for this latitude and arc ? p Call and get an Ayer's Almanac, ~*<v*Ttos that there are more suf *’ lOyiitr among Americans, than can be W"’ %- take too little exereisc, and forgot the Mtv in the absorbing pursuits of busi ",. cvh cases, ordinary medicines can do is required is jut such a tonic , -amr a* IT J - Hostetler has given to D f,., CELEBRATED “BITTES.” The demien of the counting-house, ~ Jri ; i,i, r upon the shop-hoard, and the ’ . curtitct thc midnight lamp, have found ,-:i aerator in the -Bitteks,” andpre fl.j-ctentiotis. but less efficacious modi _j .. ,r aid not be forgotten that the agent . in its influence upon a frame jjcc-iv ikUlitated, is equally powerful in no expel the most terrilde forms Who will not give it a trial 1 uS4'!t* :lß, i dealers ev erywhcre.uip rSEEAT ENGLISH REMEDY >IR JAMES CLARKE’S atIRtTED FEMALE PILLS. r -sipmcrlptioe of Sir J. Clarke, M. l’bya -on litm.nliDary to the Queen. n.ediTin* is no imposition, but a sure *n< .! 1 ami ( ilistnvctli.nj, from anj - . J altbmirh a ps.werful remedy, they con prcztfal W the constitution. To Married Ladies, c ,-i..t„i. It will, in a short time, bring on thi i . • -v. , ■:.V! MVH mttx SHOWS T* fail, whrat is ji iLt ixu nsi or raaraLsr ass ui .a’ I its. get a pamphlet, free, of the a**nt. J pwlaas Stamps encced to any authortaec , \ ,t?nntaintng M pills, by return mall , v.i hy UisatD X CArnxs, anithy all rt ■ >ys>t-thr aghoutt k, *eeuntry. lap. 1* 1 7 AEVERTISEMENTS. ;ohn T. SMITH, SVITII 7. & JEHIAL READ, UUATUIM AW HH- LF.?AL£ DEALEKa IX < 1 .1 PS, d* STB A W GOODS, ;i Style Bonnets, Flowers, Um brellas. Parasols, &c it’tifmiei j and 60 Warren Streets. New York. md ~>th Sts. above the Astor House. it. 27, ’tit) Cm 11, HOPKINS & CO., Importora : WHOLESALE DEALERS. IN JTUS, ('AS I MERES, VEST r\ PIECE TRIMMINGS. ‘roods Exclusively adapted to mens wear. la J:{* Baltimore Street. Baltimore. •rlm r •0 THE PUBLIC. ‘ t<> iht* hasty and immaturea-tion of those n “'“tubers of the bar, (who happened to l>e H-si-e at the Moo.) —the Court was tk!- ■ fount. as was stated, of the prevalence “ f'"-t m the city. Those who know us. ■ - v when we state that a grosser error ••tmmuleuted. and that after strict t (Art e is not a solitary east of SinaU **► / ■.'“ment of the Telegraph of yesterday, may fwion aa correct. ■•*e ease*, all that ever existed. haTe rent tndftmi the eity. Not a soiita “ / U/, 01 has broken out mate their ’ ffci*. to try and correct, ia some degree, ’ - -• impression that has, no doubt, c.b- A this mistaken action on the part of - ting this plain statement of the fa’ ts. W. W. PARKER a Cos. - m -OIOVAL, REMOVAL. iSHART & CURD, Has removed to theib W IRON-FRONT STORE Cherry n t root nearly opposite WINGFIELD & CO. \ *‘in V* larce. and well assorted a '*& mtS, IKO* AMI STEEL, ’ * adapted to the nse of MERCHANTS, B BLA CXu WITIIS, CARPESTEBS, iders, carriage and WAGON MAKERS, ‘"'iliuthc lowest market prices. . &OVT FORGET THE TROX FRONT. (t-f.) ‘-'fn and Messenger copy. notice. Q, rrd trom the coweern of B*-a?k Kein I hit- this method of returning my warm • “>y friends wla> have so kindly patron r (my hni'jfin is ser, and would ru hemto continue their trade with the new 1,1 H- Keui t to, at the old stand, where I j y in saying they wiU receive good ‘ ■* i d good laroains. A. G. BOSTICK. - ra ph and Messenger copy one month. j**i. dm. w k s-w.) j H °XEL IN COLUMBUS Eu KILPATRICK, f£ - ‘ ITY HOTEL Macon, lias removed I ’ is-iix, where he lia opened a HOUSE | r Pe Street, above the Perry House, where 1 ” -“ppy to see his old friends and custom sL (*♦> ? °STPONBD SALE tBEB\Ie of that valubale c HY PROPERTY • sal occupied hy DR. ANDREWS, on the *.u r / Street'and Wliarf, and which i.,-t sl* dar. ,;• • - atal ‘tibn,on the first Tues<by of Feb , V P r ‘ tioysly disposed of at private sale. > will be sold, a bargain. Vr AllOB BENTOS, Aucfc (*) STRAYED. 17th Jan., a iJL'i*"*** MARE MULE. ,55? .. an *l unbroken to work. I pur. . from J. Roberson. I will give a ‘* for the recovery of said mule, “r for ..ooeerning her. addressed to me at ’ ‘**-> or to Mr. Jas. 8. Pope. Mwon. ‘ts. n X. F. McCOMAUCK- Um. *. a s-w.) WOOD, EDDY CO/S HORBIA OS DELAWARE STATE LOTTERIES I GRAND capital prize K<O q < The Lxlraordluary Drilnc of Wood. Edsy k Co.’ s L*l? > uiuWr LoUcrie will takr lu putiltc, under the SStowF*** Swum Oou.n.i -louers, at Au#cueUt, Oa., Draws on Saturday, Feb. 25 th, 1860.’ Draws on Satuniay, Mar. Ills/, 1860. .MSi ; Draws on Saturday. Aprl. 28fA, 1860. GRAND EXTRAORDINARY DRAWINGS To take place aa above specified. 1 Grand Capital Prize of SIOO,OOO. 1 Pri/eof. gfO.ono 100 Prizes of. *1 OCO -Prize of. 20AM) 170 Prizes of. jot) * Pm* of. lu.OiZj 63 Prizes ot lUO 2 Prizes or. SOOi C 5 t rizes ot 74 1 0.000 t>s I’fits •; Cos SI rues of. AtiMi saPrzesof So 1 Prizes of. >.(). 4 810 ITueS of 4J - ri/ - ’ aAI)0 sT.tril) Prizes st so frizvs-mouuUug to j| .;.g Whole Tickets *OO ; UdveetlO: Quarters Si; EijhtstlJ, Ctn.ticit.a ,4 l-actages will be sold at the following rat.,, which is the risk : Certificates of Packages 76 Whole Tickets. i'SS 00 Z Z **- l.&i , 26 Q saner *• 74 75 I “ 2# k ghtfis “ *7 87 THE ORDiNArTdRAWINGS tonowf! n * le * ,a,5 “ hjtleri - ** l *k Cl j# Ur V** •*“ Saturday, February t, i hGO ” DO “ “ J*’ “ “*il “ “ a ,|!J’ a • - j “ :: M , mr<h : :U - : : $ t “ll “ Ap .r“ “ - 7U “ - - Xmlf One Prize to every Mae Tickets. ORDINARY DRAW!NO TO TAKE PLABE AS ABOVE SPKBIFIZ.D. 1 Grand Prize of SSO 000. } “ •* *).ono i °! 10 JW” 7 ‘ of 4,uon } ” of B,OCO 1 *‘ of IJSOO so ** of at*i 100 •• of 4K, •*• Os a>o U 0 M of ltd “ of Ho approximation prizes. 4 prize* of 94t*> approx, to fS'i.OOO pi lie are |1,6<4) 4 “ B*K> “ 20,000 •• are 4 2.V) *• 10,000 “ are 11*00 - 4 •• 225 “ s,imn) “ are 9ts 4 •• 3-"i 4,000 “ are sOO 4 l5O •• 8,(HO * are 600 4 “ 100 “ 1,500 “ are 400 AJO “ 80 are 1(>6,000 5.455 Prises xmcnnti nr to $.'.;20,n0 ( . Tickets slo—Halves 95—((aaners $2 AO. Certiflcales of Paeksgeelnthe Ordlnarv. Drawings will be Held at the following r.tea, wf i,.,, ~ 11Hsk : Cert.ficotea of Packages of 10 W hole licketz, SSO “ “ 10 Half “ 40 “ “ 10 Quarter* “ 20 “ lo Eighth “ lo la Ordering Tickets or Certificates, Inclose the money to our address for the Tlcketsor dered, on receipt *f which they will be forwarded hy lint mail. Purchasers can have tlcku ending in any dgore they my ueaignmte. The List of Drawn Numbers and Priaea will be sent U purchasers immediately after the drawing. tar” Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give their Post O&ce. County and Stale. Remember that every prize is drawn and payable in full without deduction. PfW Allprues ofgl,uou and nnder,paid immediate ly alter the drawing—other prizes at the usual llmeof thirty days. Allcommunlcationsstrictly confidential. Order, tor Ticket* or by Mail or Express u>be directed to WOOD. EDDY A CO., AngnrtaOeorgia. or. Wo. ID, EDDY ACO . AtianU. Oeorgia. or. WOOD, EDDV A 00.. Wilmington. Del w E. C. BULKLEY, AGENT FOR WOOD, EDDY k CO.'S Cclfbratfd Lotteries, Mncon, Ga. finT ce A drertisement. nov 11—w BUCKWHEAT CAKES AKO Grolden Syrup. I ew Baekvteak Floor. 1 “ “ 5 do Booblf extra Goldpn 2*yrnp, Jurt rfdivpil. and for tale at oct 15 i-lw J ICEEK A FKEEMAN'S. BROWN’S UHOTEL. E. E. BROWN ha* taken his >on. William F. Brown into partntrsh'p with h m. *’ and this Hotel wii, hereafter tc kept in th r,so.e . f IlltOW \ .V HO.V. E K BROWN, | wa. F. BROWN. jan * W-lj *w A w Postponed Administrator SALE OF NEGROES AND CITY PROPERTY. BY virtue of an or-ler front the Court of ordina ry of Bil-b county. I will sell before the Court house door m Bibb county, on the first Tuesday in February next, the following property, to-wit: Negro men—one named Leven aged about 60 years; Green. 35 years ; and Joe. 21 years, Negro women—one named Nancy. 55 years: .Sally, aged 25; MeCaulley, 4o ; Jenny, 22; and Alice, li years. Also the following family: woman Lucinda, 37; boy Ike 16. John 11. Mun’roe 0, a girl Jane 6, and a eniid William 5 Tears old. Also the follow ing family : a woman Amelia 35, girl Louisa 14. Ann 12 and Nancy 10 years old. Also the following family : a w oman Mary Ann 37, boy Toni lh, Jett 12. and Jimmy 10 years old. Also, one two story frame Dwelling House, situa ted on square Not 64 and Lot No. 6, in the City of Macon. Sold as property of Sarah <4. Fluker, de ceased for the benefit of her heirs. Terms on the .lav of sale. THURSTON R. BLOOM, jan e—u! Admin’r. Notice. VTOTIC E u hereby given that the Guard limit’ Bill wi ;i be rune at 7 o'clock I*. M., ana alt e*r >es tnuod in the street* of the t’lty of Macon, after th-* ringing of t e IVil. a<l efore-l o'clock in the morning. will be ta ken by the Bo!ice Whipped, with or without a pan And there shall be no ion of negroes m any j-ait of the City, for any purpose. jan 10 0.0. SPARKS, Mayor. Administrator** Sale. U’ILL he sold at the Court-house in Maeon. on lt Tuesday in February. Isnu. the large ami extensive Law Library of the late T. P. Stuhhs,con taining 500 or COO volumes. Sold under order of C„urt. WM. LUNDY, Adin r. jan 21—tds Lost or Stolen. I.VST Wednesday night, at or near the office of j the passenger depot, in Maeon, a well worn Pol Two XI E, containing about $l2O. mostly in five dollar hills, on the Marine Bank ofOa. Also a cer tain note of hand drawn hv Nathan Hawkins for II.UOU dated fir-t Jannary. lafA, and made patabi otie day after date -le-sides other papers and memo randa. of no use to any hut the owner. A reward of sji will Is* p. id for the’ delivery of said pocket Book and contents to the Editor of the Georgia C itizen, or to the undersigned. PETER HAW KINS. j;4U — 4 l Gorion Ira. MiTImM eiaF CONNECTION. 3IILLEDGEVILLE, Jan. 19, 18ti0. At a meeting held this day of the Provis ional Board of Directors, of the Milled geville Kail Road Company, it is ordered that the following gentlemen be, and hereby are, ap pointed Commissioners to open books of sub scription of stock, viz: At Charleston. —Geo. A. Trenholm, Chas. M. Furman, James Rose, Henry Gourdin and Wm. G. Bancroft. Augusta.— Foster Blotlget, jun.. Thos. S. Metcalf, Turner Clanton, Josiah Sibley and lienrv Moore. WarrentoH. —E. H. Pottle, Isaac B. Huff, W. H. Pilcher, 31. 11. Wellborn and Neal, Esq. Sparta. —D. W. Lewis. T. 31. Turner, B. T. Harris. 3V. H. Brantley and A- J- Lame. Milletlgerilk. —R. H. Ramsay, Jeremiah Beall, James Harty, Wm. McKinley and Wm. A. Jarratt. Maeon. —Thos. C. Nisbet, N. L. Whittle, J. H. K. Washington, James T Nis bet and J. J. Greebam. It is further ordered that the aforesaid Commissioner* are requested to open books as early as practicable, and rejiort the amount taken by each Board relatively, to Footer Blodget*, Esq., Mayor of the city of Augusta, on or^before the loth of February next. D. C. CAMPBELL, Sec'y. pro tom. Jan. 21. —#t J* sp“ City papers copy 3t. runaway” IT” ROM my plantation n Sumpter county, twone * gro men Bill and Jordan. Bill is a very dark I copper colored negro. 28 or So years and a*>out & feet ■ ID inches high, rather short built. Jordan is also I copper colored, about 6 feet tall and is .10 or SS years old. Jordan has u large scar on his face. They are 1 suppo~ed to l>e lurking about Henderson, Houston I comity- I will pay ssofor the delivery of them, or $25 for either lodgrAn Jail so I can get them. ANDERSON COMER. Maeon, Jan. 13, 60- —It NISBETS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA. 18 A. AND J. A XISBET. having associated Jas. ‘j. T. Nisbct with them, will attend the Courts of fyawford, Maeon. Dooly, Sumter. Houston. Bibb. Twius, Jones, Wilkinson. Baldwin and Put nam ‘ ‘jtiey will also take cases in ;>ther counties within tkcvr reach, and in the Supreme Court at any of its sessions. jan 6—ts Mam’s mm prepabatigs op HIGHLY CONCENTPaATED COM POUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, Bladder. Kidney*. Gravel, l>'<pry, 11 taknr-s. urisirueHimr, dttfrl Disco*- *, lkmulc Complaint*, and all Virtue** of the Sexual Organs, Arlrlng from Exceaws and In.prudeudes In Lift and re moving Sit improper Dtseh rfiefi from tit Bladder, Kid w sexual Organs, wfeeihtr \m Male or Female, Fram whatever cause they may hat e originated. And no Matter of How Long Standing, Gmutj Health ami Vigor to the. Frame, and Bloom to the PaUid Cheek. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED!!! It cures Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers, and removes all the Symptoms, among widen will be found. Indisposition to Exertion. Loss of Power, Los- of Memory, I iliiculty *f Breathing, Gen eral Weakness, Horror ot Dis ease, Weak Nerves. Tte.Lb’ing, Dread ful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Fee* . usefulness, Dimuee, of Vision, Languor, Univer tal Lassitude of the Muscular System. Often Enormous Appetite, wito D> speptic Sya.ptoms, Hot Hums, Flushing of U.e Body, Drvoesg of the Skin, Pallid Countenance and Eruptionsoa the Face, Pain m the Back, Ileo viaersnf th- Eyelids. Fre quently Black spots Flying before the Eyes, with Temporary Suffusion and Dus of Sight; Want of At tention. Great Mobility, Restlessness, with Horror of Society, .iotliing is more D. sirablt *o urh Pa tients than Solitude, and no:king they more Dread lor fear of themselves ; no Re pose of Manner, no Earnestness, no Speculation, but a Hu ri. and Transition, from one question t* an other. These svm toms, if allowed to go or—which thi* medt cme invariably remotes— on follows LOBS OF POWER FATUITY, AND EPILEPTIC fits—‘n one of which the | alient may expire. Who Can nav these excesses are not rreyuently followed bv those direful diseases—l .SAN ITY AND CONSUMPTION ? The records of the IN SANE AsTLUMs, and the melancholy deaths by CON SUMPTION. bear ample witness to tie truth Os these ns eertions. In Lunatic Asylums the in*st exhi bition appears. T>.e actual,y sadden and quite d-stPute—neither Mirth or Grief, ever visits it.— Should a son t,d of the voice occur, it is rarely articulate. “With woetul measures wan despair Low sullen sounds his grief B gulled “ Debit ty is luret terrible! and has brought thousands iip in thousands to nutimelv graves, thin Masllng tliv am bition of many noble youths. It con be cured by the use of this Infa/Lli/ble iFLem.eca.3r. If you are suffering with any of the above distressing aliments, the FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU will cure you. Try’ it and be convinced of its efficacy. BEWARE or QUACK NOSTRUMS i QUACK DUCT< ills, SELHBOLD’S EXTRACT 11. Is prepared directly according to the Rules of PHARMACY AND (HKMDTRY. Cases of from one week to thirteen yen's’ standing have been .ffected; The mass of VOL UN TAHY T Et> T'MONY iu pi.sbessiori cf ihe proprietor, vouching its virtues and curative powers, is immense, embracing namts well known SCIENCE AND FAME. Fereonally appeared before me, an aldermen of the ity of PiuOMerpnia. H. T. HELM BOLD, demist, who being duiy sworn docs say, that his preparation contains no N ircolic Mercury, or injurious Drug, but a>e purely Vege table. H. T. HELM HOLD. Sole Manufacturer. hw m and subscribed before m this£3d day of Novem ber, 1854. WM. P. HIUBAKD, Alderman. Prior ft I iht llottlr, or lx for @s,l4ellvero4 toany 1 Address, Accompanied by re iab e and iespawsihie Certificates from ■ Prof-*s.Tsof Medical Callages, Olergrm, * and others. Prepared and sold by H. T. HELMIioLI), Practical and Analytical Chemist, No. 52 South I Oih S|., lieluvv 4 lieatnut, Asaeni bty Buildings, I‘lilis. fF* 3*o be had of ltK. STHOUECKEIh Wholesale and Retail Agent Mu cun. ffl, and all ••fall Druggists and Dealers throughout the United Utatci, Canadas and Brit- j i*A Provincse. Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold’s---Take no Other. CLHES GIARANTEED. Jaa. 2i was-wly. W liy XJo I>R. .1. BOVEE I>OII>V IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS ? BECAUSE for the cure of incipient ci.nuirnption, weak lungs, w, ak stomachs, general debility, and for purify ing and enriching th -I.local, they are ahoolutelr unsurpass ed by any* other r en;edy. To be assumed of this it is cnly necessary to make the iriri. The Wine itself is of ave y superior qua ity—n.-arly douh'e the usual strength of other wines—warmir.g and invigorating the whole system, from the hea-Jto the fe-t. As these Bitters are tonic and a ter naive in their character. *J thev strer gh n and Incign.ate the whole svrtem,and give a USP TOSF .(-V D Jlh.l L TUY ACTIOS t J a!! IU parts, by equal iz-ng the circula tion. removiug obstrueiions, and producing a general warmth. . They are also excellent for and states and weakness pecu liar to female*, wli-re a tonic is required to STRENGTH EN’ AND riKACE THE bYsTKM. No lady who issubjec. to luwitude or faintness should be without them, as they are revivifying in their sUiou. The-.. Hitters will not only cure but prevent disease, and in this re-;, dare a- uhly valuable to the person, sick or well, w ho may use them. For i,root of the truth of th’s. s-e full particulars and rrterencesto per-rnscured on the circular inside tnewrap p*rcco.i pauywg each h. tile. Minister* ol the gospel, lawyer/, lecturers, and all public rpeakera should use Dr. .J. Bovee Dodds’ IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS. WHY ? Because they strenglheu ti.c lut gs, quiet and so othe the nerves, promote digc.-ii’ r. strengthen au.l brace the whole system. Aside fr-m their medicinal virtues, they arc um .urpaaeed as a deiUhiiul toiveisge, aralii.g eff-*:is of bialidy or wine, without their injurious resells. To that uutortaoa>e class or imiieidua.s addi. ted t<> the use of strong drink, these Bitters will prove Invalua ble, a* they prevent the sudden .on which luvarlabiy follows w “spree.’’ and, acting a- an alternative, leiuove from the system the j* ison which is Imbibed try all w>... in dulee in the .se of the ad rlterated liquors to be fout.d in most bar-r. oms ol tiie country, inebriates who wi.-h to reform, at.d yet requirea stimulant, hy substituling tnese Bilteretor the mixed wines and liquo.s ot the drinking sa- iu a short lime reliain entirely from ihe use of 41 Try one*bottle, and the Bitters will tell their own story. M-T’ Mfi . la Bo’li married and angle, but especially mothers, shoufd always keep ou hand a supply of DK. J. BOVEE noniM’ Imperial Wine Bitters. For lliwaeff* Peculiar tc Fcmulea they “act like a charm,” thev prevent lassitude or fdntnesa. ami in ail ca--e* wl.eiea tone is reqnfied, these Hitters HAVE NO fcITF.RIOU. t CHARLES WIDDIFIKLD A CO., Proprietors. 6 and ! 6’l tiroadwav. New York. For sale hy E, L. STROHECKEK. Macon Ga. Dn fib—lv w SIOO Reward!! THE above reward will be paid for my boy AU- kIA NuLD, who run away from me about eight\euis JfU*’ ago in Wilkes county Ga.. and wbc 1 have reason ,424 io N .eve is ih i al.spooia c< unty.or In some ot hTW ihe i. .inlng counties :is he has a wife hd Chi lA f dreutcl. ngiLg to Mr*. l’ard:>e, some eight or t eu unit, i North i t i.iaehapi ka. in that county. ts*:4 b..y is about thirty-live or six years of age, is amula tr... *iPlight black, ca-arse hair : high cheek bones; tall | andritnder; lather incl ned to he sloop-.boUJtiered ; has a , mark sn his face, notcertain, but think it ou the right ride; has a tuir e.n one teg. near tiie knee; do not recollect which J leg ; weighs übout 167 pounds. 1 understand that anegro waa arrested at Opt lil-a. Ala., on tl e veek helore C’hrls’n.a*. who answers the descrip- ; of my bsy. and who wasi.ttenij.ting to passhimsslf off as a white n on by the nan * of x.ev! Hntt, and who was lodged in jailof tuasell county, but subsequent.y released. I have Mr. ng reasons for believing that this was iny negro. i will p. the above reward tor his apprehension and de livery lo >ie at V tsl i oiut, Ga., or 5u if hatred inanvjail so 1 can gtl him. AMOS HUGUL£I. Jan 23—3 m w SANFORD’S LIVER INVIGORATOR, N VER DEBILITATES. YT Is compounded entirely from Guma, and has Income an 1. established fact, a Mandard Medicine, known and approv bv ail tint have used .t.( land isnow resorted to with ei fill, ce la all tiie dis ( • {casesfor w hich it is recom- Ble .tied. ‘ OCL It h cured th asand*| g—y rwltfiin the last two years wh..ladg.veuupoilhopes( , Jot relief, a.- the numerous umsbitUl certllicates ii ( ;my possession show. T • doi.-niusi I-, aoupt ( ;ed lu tiie ten.iieranient of j the individual faking it.( r* ;ai,.! used iu such quantities S : ■ , . .. ! L tlhe dictates of y uri Q i i.lgmet.t guld -you In the L I 3 K It IN-; cm lIIUIW ATOM, an and it | willcure Liver Coin-i pli n t ■ Blrioua At tar c, II pep|n( -4’h r nlc lliarrhora, i*uiirarr t’uiiinlnlnto.! ;l*entery, Drupsy. •w.ur Mumarli. Hl.ll-j 21 i ,,n * Con*lvriw, I hol ir, 4'hulera, <’liolrr*( mw Nlorliu*. < holrru In faatam, FlniuleueeJ jjaundlce, Frinuleil WpikiifMPN, lid niu> ? vin succ* a.-* an Ordinary Fanillyi £3C UHlrlne. It will cure nil R llbi.UlA4'HF.( isj ;(a thoustu.dsca’i tejulfy,) j in iwrnl \ minute*. Il ( ;nv r three Tea sioMsiliiils nre lakei . -ul commencement of at tack. • 1 All who use It ari j jxlvlng Uieir testimony in | its taxor. 5 * MIV \V VPFH IX TIIK >llll Til WITH !IIK IN\h.OH V IOH, AND sVY’ALLUH 110 111 TO t,LIHLH.| Hollar per Buttle. ALSO . SANFORD’S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Kxlraels, and |iut up In tiMKh I v-Ls, Air I’ishl. and willkeepin any l liuiale. The Family Ualhar-’ Fill is a geiillebutac tive lot hurt c which the; tproprietcr hot used in his nractict more than twenty* yea-s. The ronatanlly iuerras-. ting drmat.d from those who hive lo: g use ! tlu( —* ’. PILI-*> and the satisfac ’ turn wlich all express In’ l freg.rd tothelrnse. has in | dced ne to place theiii; ! witutn Mi* reach ofall. The profession well kuow f mmm (that different Cathartics ag ou ufTereut portions 01. (U.e howrris The FAMILY ( A-; (TH tHTIC PILL ku, I with die reieituoe to liilsj ( well established fact, been ; t-.u.p’.iztded from a varie-. r* > ;iy ol the purest Vegetable Extract:, which act alike. (ou eveiy part of the ali ; meutai} canal, slid arc! uood am! wife where afat hurtle isnee.!-: pw ‘ed. such as Ue range* me ii I* f the>tniiißi h! —— ;wleenlni-a.. Pain* in i the Back and Loin*.; E ;( inliirncia. Pain and i -oreitem over i|if( ;vxhole lani>, trom sud den cold, which frequent ; ;ly. if neglected, end in a | long cows* Os Fever. In**. v ;of Ap|>elitr, a Creep* inn m-.wiiion of ( old: (over the body, Me*l irwiit-M llcndui-be, oi L* ;i*el riil|n the Head,all lunaimaatory Di-a*-! ■ jew. Mormi*|n 1 Mldren „r %<l’fi!*. Itheuina- .1 Dm. a great Pur|l|eri.f the 111..0i and n oiydi-J .easesto wltii h fi.wn is lielr, .oo nuniex.uato n :ht*ci., .in this adycrt.tun.ctt,— Dune, 1 t* 3. I * PRICK SO CEXTN. The Liter InxUnralorand Family Cat ha rile PIH* are reUriet by Inuggiztsgenerally, ahd sold wholesale by the trade in ail the large towns. S. T. w. SANDFOPbP, ManufACtmvr nl Proprietor, Rrofiulwy, N. Y. Qti>. and MIINAKD A CASXLKN. Macon, jane 17.—i* xh* /Consumption & Asthma Cured. / Dr H. JAMES discovered while in the Eat / Indies, a certain cure for Consumption. Asthma i I Bronchitis. ( oughe. Colds, and General I The remedy was discovered by him when his * only child, it daughter, was given up to die. Ho i child was cured and is now alive and well. Desiroi. 8 of hen'fitting ns fellow mortals, he Mi l send to those 1 who wish it, the recipe containing full direction* ■ f for m iking and successfully using this remedy, I tree, on receipt of their names with stamp for m return postage. Address, / O. P. BROWN k CO., 32 A M John St. / 1 dec 23 6m v* r NEW FIRM. fV>iiE undersigned hfiviug .vyifexA. X-r- - J talien the LIV KH VWHTfrx flfr&fgßi N r A B L K formerlv occu —vSCIXe-. -4fiq*{s^^^f Pled bv H. M. Lindsiv,intend carrying on the business lit all its branches. We shall always kep Pnaetou*’Carriages, Buggies and Horses, to hire <>n as grusl terms as anybooy. We also have the most ample ac commodations for Proxs Stock. Me would ray to the public that we have taken the bit into our mouth in earnest, and can always is- found wlthotir bar nese on ready to serve you: we Intend ov keeping a straight tongue, pulling together, and by buckling down close to hus to succeed or break a trace. We shall never tire fellows tnhitchln- tq. for you so long as you come up lo the Uckh.g and settle Now it x - ou want usto wug-on, to rockuj-wayana noth * sulky, in fact if you don’t want us to check up too clore, put your shoulder to the wheel, give us :i share, andif you find a .ingle ft ace of ingratitude you max holler u. Very re-pectfully, ADEKUOLD A JEFFERS. fifeg 1 - Opposite the Fassenyer Depot attdneau Brown's Hotel. apr 29-ts. LAIIPS, LAUPS, KEROSINE Oil Lamps just received and for sale bv dec. 17—ts B. A. WISE. $40.00 PAYS th tuition fora full course in the Iron Cttv Gol iege, the la'gcst, most extensively patronized and beat organized Commercial School In the Utiiud states. KOI St LARGE DALLS For writing, Commercial Calcnlatlocs, Book-Keeping and Lectures. Usual time to complete a full c nre, from 6 to 10 weeks. Every Mudeiit, upou gradiutilig. U xu.ranteedto l e n ---i-etei t to manage ihe lacks of any bueim-rs, and qualified lo earn a salary of from £SOO to 81000. St utlenU enter at any lime—No vacation—Review at pleaaure. First Premiums for Best Writing Awarded this Institution. The be*i and greatest variety ot Penmanship in any • ne Hall in the Union, is found litre. UT M iniNterV Sons received fit half price. For full information, < Ircular. t-pecimen of Business and OmameDtul Writirg, and Embellished View of the College, nclose five letter Uapa to Y. V\ . JENKINS, sept 30 wly burgh. Pa. I. T. CAKTWRIGHT. L. L. ZDRONDSON. I. T. CARTWRIGHT & 10., Prodace, Forwarding and commission meechasts, 95 Front How, MEMPHIS, Tenn, DEALERS IN Flour, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Fish Whisky, Tobacco, Cigars, Hay, Grain and Produce Generally. Orders Solicited and Promptly Filled Hire A Small, Louisville, Ky]; Dean A Clifford. Louisvill Kv.; Lehman A Cos., Memphis, Tenn.; Gallawax’ .Vi’amp hell, Memphis, Tenn. sept22lim* STATIONERS WAREHOUSE, IMo. 75, John Street, N. Y. W. & C. K. HERRICK. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IX “ FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STATIONERY Vl7 E a*e now prepared to offer to the trade, from ail part f! f'X the c'>>ju'ry, a full and complete afrttoriment of a goods in our line comprising the newest slid rut st de irab 1 &tock of STATIONERY n the country. We respectfully request of bu>ersan inspec ion 4if our st<ck. Our new ILLUSTRATED TRADE CATALOGUE W .Mail on application. TARRANT’S EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT. This valuable and popular Medicine, prepared in conformity with the analysU of the waters of the celebrated Seltzer Spring, in Germany. In a most c mvenient and por table form. ha universally received the m<at Fa vorable recommendations 0 I th** Medical pro fession and a Discerning Public, as the MOST EFFICIENT AND AGREEABLE Saliuo Aperient m me, and as being entitled to special preference over tbe many Mineral >prng Waters. Fe dltfr Powders, and other similar articles, b*th from it* compactness and greater effica cy. It may be used with the l**t effect in all BILIOUS AND KEBIUI.E DISEASES, PK’K HEADACHE, LOSS OF APPETITE. INDIGESTION. AND ALL S2MILAK COM PLAINTS, PECULIARLY INCIDENT TO THE SPRING and SUMMER SEASONS. It Is ptrlicularly adap:l tothe wanls of Travelers by Sea and Lind, Resident* In hot climates, |raunof be. deutiry Hali. t, Invalids and Convalescents; Captains of vessels and Planters will find it a valuable addition to their Medicine Chest*. With those who have used it, It has high favor and Is deemed iuuisnc n ruble, IN A TORPID STATE OF THE LIVEK-It renders great service iu restoring healthy action. IN GOUT AND RHEUMATISM—It glveithe best sat i-faction. allaying all inflammatory syn pt mis, and iu many cos s.ff.*ctuall\ curing those afflicted. ITS SUCCESS IN CASES OF GRAVEL. INDIGEs- TIOX. HEARTBURN AND COSTIVENKSS— Proves It to be a Medicine of the greatest utility. A! I 111 IA OF THE ‘T’IMAI'H. ANDTHF tiIsTRFSS INGSICKNESS SO USUAL DURING PKEONANCS Yieais speedily, and w;th marked success tinder Its tiealthyul inti nenre. IT AFFORDS THE GREATEST RELIEF TO THOSE AFFLK •TUP WITH OR HUBiEUT To THE PILF.s— Aoring gently on the Ih.wclo, neutralizing all irritating rtcre* lions, anil ti ere’.y removit.g alt inti aiiniamry fendencies. IN FA''T, IT ISINVALUHLEIN ALL’A*-ES WHERE A GENi’LE APERIENT OK PURGATIVE iS REQUIRED. It ts 111 file form of a ,*e.! u r. oeroi'u 11 y put ~p tn lo Sties, to keej. in any c in.ate, and merely requires water poured up on it to produce a delightful effervescent, beverage. Taken In tne morning, ll never interferes xvlin the avoca lionsof the day. acting gently on the system, restoring the digestive powers, exciriltg a healthy ami vigorous lone of the stomach, and creatiug an ehc-llcitv of mind and How of spirits which give tost to every entoyment. It also enables the in valid to en oy many luxuries with impnni:y. from wh:eh he no st otn.-rwtse he debarted, and without which iifcLirksctne and distressing. Numerous ‘estamonials from proftssinnal and other gentle men of the highest standing throughout tiie country, and its s.eadilv increa.-ing popularity f. -r a series of yesrs.stn.nglv gua'antee its efficacy and valuable character, and commend it to the favorable notice of an intelligent public. Prepared and sold. Wholesale and Retail bv JOHN A. TARRANT A CO., Dm hoists. Xo.27Boreenwich bt.. cor. of Warren, N. Y. June 14—ly J orh oy City MODLin & FLMIiC IP* ■ W-a VL. • Corner of Green and Morgan Streets JOHN B. FULLER, Prop r. 11TGOD MOULDINGS, Beads and Architraves, con II stantly on baud, and worked to order. Also PEW CAPS, Rails and Hand Ralls, Inside Trimmings of every description. Brack, ts. Trusses, and all kinds of fccroll and Straight Hawing ; House Carving, Ac., Ac. Any desired pattern worked to older at tlicrt notice. WOOD’ TURN ING in all Its branches. Plain. Panuelled, and Octagon Jewels, on hand and made to order. Baluxters of all “i/.ea and descriptions, Ac., Ac.. Ac. Mahogany, Black Walnut, Oak, Cherry, and Piue fetairKails, sawed or woikedto order. The prices marked on ea. h pattern of the books set t to order to any part ot the United States are for one hundred feet running measure j\. H.—tine of the largest stocks of Mouldings and Trim Tilings, and greatest variety of patterns, maou acturedi f the very best mater ail*, will always he found at this establish ment. Planing with neatness and dispatch. ’ieimscash. J( *IN U. FULLER will also manufacture and give particular attention to ‘W r ork, Forr’hurchw, Public Building*. Dwelling House*, Ac. Win- ! dow frames, Ac., made to order at short notice. Round and Square Picket Fence, Ac., Also, dealer in Door*. Saslie* anil Illiml*. Ot everv desert,lion,mxt.ufactured of the best material, attd warranted to stand in any ciimstc. Builders’ Hardware, and every article in that line ‘furnished at the lowest cash prices. 1 Marble , Marbleized Iron and Slate Man tles, Terra Cotta , Brackets, 7'russes, Window Caps , Ac. %W I >eiirr>9 and furnished at short notice* ang 4—Can It is Not too Much to Say BINCE ALL. OLD AND YOUNG, Affirm its Truth., Viz: That Frufeasor Hood’s Hair Kestorniixe Will preserve litfalibly the growth and color of the hair it used two or three tunes a week, to any imaginable age.— | Perftctly, restore the gray, cover the haiii with nature’s own ornament, the hear; make it more s dt ana beautiful than any oi’. and preserve the scalp tree from all uiecuieto the i greatest age. fitatesman. Judges. Attorneys Dortors, Cler g) man, I'iotersi list men anil Gentlemen and Ladies, of all eiasfics, all overthe wi rid, bear testtinonv tbstwe douot say io j much iu Its tavor. Read the following, and Judge : Hickobt Guove, St. Charles Cos., Mo., Nav. Ik, 13&7. I Paur. Some tin e last smnniT we were i induced to nse some, of your Hair Restorative, and its es- : Pits xvere so xvooi’erful, we feel it our duty to you and the ! afflicted, to report it. Our rittle son’s head for some lime had been perfectly cov ered with sores, and some Cali it tcalU load, ’i he l air al most entirety cameofl’ in c nsequence hen afrlciid, seeing his sufferingi. advised us lo ttse your Restorative, we did so xv.tit little hi pe of success, but to our surprise and that of all our friends, a very few application* removed the dls as l entiie.v and a ucw and luxuriant crop of na:r soon started out. aud xx-e can now say that our boy has as healthy a scalp, and as luxuriant a cion of hair as any other child. We can, taerefoic. aLd do Iteietiy. receommend your Hes'oratlve, as a pertect remedy for ail diseases of the sculp and hair. We arc yours respectiully. Geo. W. Huh: xbotham, bAUAH A. HUUIhBOTHAU. Tnor. Wood, —Dear Fir; My hair hod, tor several rears, been becoming prematurely gray, accompanied bv a harsh ne s which rendered thepousiapt application ot oil access. - ry in dr. viig it. Wlteti 1 couirnenc and using your Hair Re st ratrie sliout two mnnihs ago it was iu that eonitition ; anil having continued its use ii:l within the last three xx eeks it bus turned to its natural color, anti assumed a softness and lost re greatly to be preferred to those produced hy tht application of ills or any ol hi r preparation I have ever used. 1 ri gold it as an inoispeneal) e ar'icle for every lady's toilet, xthetnesto he used as a Hair Restorative or tor Die simple purpose of dressing or beautifying the hair. You have permission to refer to nte all who entertaiued any doubt i us IU performing ail Ihqt is claimed for it. Mgs. 0. SiftoKps, Cincinnati, 0., Feb, 10,1567. Il4.idst. WELUSQTOH, Mo„ Dec. 5. 1P67. I Fcor. Woon—Dear Sir: By the advice of a triend of mine, Wi.o had beet! using your Hair Restorative, I was indui ed to try it. 1 hail the lever, some time ast May, aud nearly eveiy hair in my head came out. Now myhairhas court in a ureal deal thicker tnau ever it wax Nothing but a duty and sympathy that I fe* l to communicate to others who are afflicted as i have hcen, would induce me to give this public irtk nowleilguneut ot the beuefit 1 have received fio:n Frol. Wood's Hair Restorative. Yours respectfully, A. R. JACOBS. The Restorative is put in boftlesof three sizes, viz: large, medium, arid email ; the small holds )y pint, aud retailed lor one dollar per bo tie; the medium holds at least twenty per cent inors in pro|a>rtion than the email, retails lor two dol lars per bottle : the large holds aquart, 40 per cent mote in proportion, aud retails tor three dollars perbot'le. O. J, WOOD A 00., Proprietors, li Broadway, N. Y„ (lu the neat N. Y. Wire Roiling Estabiisment,) and 114 Marnet Street,St.Louis. Mo. Am* sold by all good Dhugoists and Fancy Goods Dealebs. Jan. 6,3 m. Spectacles, IN Gold and Steel frame's, Gold, Silver, Steel and Common Specks. i A splendid assortment just received, bv 1 £. J. JOHNSTON t CO. GRANITE HALL : OPPOSITE THE LAHIEE HOUSE. THK Bubecrlber h* opened the stK<ve 11*11 for the accom modation of Bay Boarders and Transient Ouetomera.— Thi* House is now offered a*lnferior to no other first das* Ho tel in thr South, and from its central location, its large and airy rooms, offers icreat inducement and sccnnimudatlonsto families and T rwmueiit person*. The public may expect from this House, all the luxuries and comforts to be found in any other hotel. B. F. DENSE, spr 16—ts Lete of the Kloyd House. Oysters, Game, &c. C. H. FREEMAN, . CO, ARE now ready to serve Customers in every style of the Gastronomic art, with FISH, FLESH, AND FOWL, ! attheir Fating Saloon. Cotton Avene:, Macon. * I hey will have supplies of Kish and Oyster.-, by every train fr*m the Seaboard, a well as of Beef, Game, kc M from Fulton market, New York* by every >te*mer. ‘I iey have also made arrangements for regular supplies oi Chickens, Turkeys, Ac.,from Cherokee Geoigia. and Tennes see during the weason, and solicits call from their friendsand the public. nov. 19—ts NEW GOODS GEORGE R. BARKER HAS lust returned fn-m New York with a hr*e and fresh block of NiapJe and st-usot able DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, &c., huitubie for both CITY AND COUNTRY TRADE, Most of which IniAe been bought low for Cush, and will be sold at the lowest figures. Cull aud see me. O. K. li. cr- MCOYILLK A GOODELL’S Bonble Lock Stitch SEWING MACHINES. Something new aiid complete for “le. B „ „ O. it. b. nov.4 tt CHARLES K123R3. TLO MAS H. DAWSON DAWSON & K 188 EE, Attorneys & Counsellors A ‘'loC’ ■ WW9 llanliinmUlc and Vienna, Ga. Mr. K. will tiave entire collections; Mr. I>. all litigations,for the present.wlth assistance of his partner. > They will practice and five attention to anv business | that may be intrusted to their management, in the Counties ot Pulaski, Lowndes, Ponly, Houston, Wilcox, Brooks, Mscon, Irwin, Echols, Worth, Telfair, Clinch, Berrien, Coffee, W r are, Sumter, Appling, Laurens, Lee, Pierce, Twiugs, Miller, Baker, Dougherty. In SL’I’REME COURT, at Macon, MUledgville, Savannah ahd also in unjoining Counties on special engagement. AND In Federal Court* at Savannah. j March 1,1819. y 69 ts THE COLLINS WARE-HOUSE PUBLIC AUCTION! On the Ist Tuesday of Feb. next. SALE POSITIVE, WITHOUT RESERVE! THIS valuableeity property, will positively be sold ns aforesaid, before the Court-house door, on the ! Ist Monday in February next, to the highest bid der, without reserve. Terms of sale as follows: of the purchase money, SI,OOO, to bo made due, and papable Jan. 10th. 1801. SI,OOO, “ “ “ •• “ loth. 1862. I SI,OOO, “ “• “ “ “ 10th, I*o3. SI,OOO, “ “ “ “ “ 10th, 1804- ’ SI,OOO, “ “ “ “ “ 10th, 1866. ! SI,OOO, “ “ “ “ “ 10th, 1866. : SI,OOO. “ “ “ “ “ 10th, 1867. j SI,OOO, “ “ “ “ “ 10th, 1868f i The remainder to lie divided us follows: One hal to l>e paid in cash on the day of sale, and the other 1 twelve months therefrom. All the time payments, to be made payable with interest from sale day, and to be arranged by the purchasers bill of exchange, mede due and payableat some Bank in Maeon. A bond obligating to imnake titles, on completion of payments, to tie furnished the purchaser. To those acquainted with the property it is unnecessary to say that it is eligibly located in an improved and great- I Iv improving part of the city, and that the structures thereon are of the best and most substantial order. For terms at private sale, apply to us. (Titles in , disputable.) jan—l m J. F. WINTER & CO. FOR NEW YORK. FAKE REDUCED, Freight and Passage as Low as by any other STSA.MEIYIS. Cabin Passage. :::: Sls. By the splendid and commodious Side-wheel SicatncrN AUGUSTA 1,600 tons Capt. M. S. WoodhuU, | FLitKIDA, 1.800 “ “ Isaac Crowell, ALABAMA, 1,300 ** “ Geo. R. Schenck. Aral first class Propeller STAR OF THE SOUTH, 1,100 Capt. Thomas Lyon. . g A. These steamships belong .ayorlte line, known as the vnaslntlrm an-i fare, cannot be mauded by experienced, kOlful. careful and polite officers JOHN H. WILDEIt * GAI.I.IE. Agents, Savannah. SAMUEL h. MITCH ILL A BON, iuly 3—ts Agents, New Vork. MORE PRIZES THIN BUSKS , BY AUTHOBITY OF THE STATE OF GEORG lA. On the Plan of Single Numbers. CONSOLIDATED LOTTERIES OF GEORGIA. Authorized by a Special Act of the Legislature, for the ben# tit of Academies and for other purposes. HODGES, DAVIS & CO-, Managers, Mncon, Ga. CAPITAL PItIZE S^OrOOO. TICKETS ONLY $8 00. Halves $1 CO-Quarters #2 00—Eighth. #1 00. Prizes Payable in Full, wiiliom Deduction Purchasers in huyii g 10 Tickets, when the numbers end in 1 2, 3,4, 6,6, 7,8, 9,0, are guaranteed a j rize of 6:6,00 Class 7 Draws Odtiber, i2, ISSO. “ 8 “ 21), “ “ 1) “ XoYCUiber, 5, ’59. “ 10 “ “ 12, “ “ 11 “ “ 19, “ U |2 44 44 44 26,220 PRIZES AMOUNTING TO 0271,200. Will be disirilmted according to the following GRAND SCHEME s To he drawn every Saturday. 1 Prize of 70.000 1 Prize of. 20.M4) 1 Prize of. 10 144) 1 Prize of. 5.000 1 Prize of. 8,(IOC 1 Prize of. 2.144. S Prizes of. 1,000 6 Prizes of. 500 10 Prizes of. aoo 2(1 Prizes of. 100 100 Prizesof. to no Prizesof 26 25,000 Prizesof. 5 Approximation Prizes. 4 of SSO0 approximating to 670,(44) are. 61,200 4 ot 2(0 approximating to 20.(44) are. 800 4 of 150 approximating to 10.(441 are (4m 4of P 0 approximating to 6,144) arr 4(m 4of 90 approximating to 3.000 are 300 4of 80 approximaiing to 2.(44) are 320 12 of (0 approximating to 1 000 are 7io 20 ot 50 approoimating to 6(4) are 1 000 40 of 30 approximating to 300 are 1,20 u r-0 of 20 approximating to 1(M are 1.600 4(4J of • li approximating to 60 are 6.000 4(4) of 10 approximaiing to 25 are 4,(J0 26,220 Prize#, amounting to 6271.200 (. ertificates of Packages of 10 Whole Tickets, 55,0 )0 Half “ 27.6 “ “ “ loyuaricr “ 13 7 “ ‘ “ “ 10 Hghth “ 6,87 This is the risk, and which entitles the holder to all he draw over 625. ‘ The Combination Lotteries on the Three Humber Flan Are Drawn Every Day. Tickets from $1 to sl6, each. THE EXTRA CLASS On the CITY PLAN by which purchasers i can select their own Numbers, and pay any amount for Tickets, arc Drawn every day. In Ordering Tickets or Certificates Enclose the monevtoouf address for th-tickets ordered, on receipt of which lliey will he lurwarded by IPst mail. Pur chasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may desig nate. ‘I he list of drawn numbers and prizes will be sent to pur chasers immediately after the drawn g. All prizes under 61.009 payable immediately after the drawing. Notice to Correspondents: Those who prefer not sending money by mail, can use THE EXPRESS COMPANIES whereby money for Tickets, in the sum of Eight Dollars and upwards, can lie sent ns At Our Risk and Expense, from any cltv, or town, where there is an Express Office. The money and order must be enclosed in a Government Post Otflcr Stamped Envelope, or the Express Companies cannot receive them. All Communications Strictly Confiden tial. I Purchaser will please write their signatures plain, and tjive their Tost Office, County and State. CIHCULARS Containing full explanations our Schemes, Ac., will a orwarded, by mall, to any one sending us his addre* A List of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel, wit tfhe amount of the prize that each one is entitled to, will b 1 published after drawing in the American KefmUic, Macon Ga., a specimen copvof whlpli will be sent to even purchaser. All orders for Tickets should he addrtssed to HODGES, DAVIB A 00., Macau Georgia. DR. BAAKEE. iKKV’l’h ALL. DlhEAlsKii. PKBI A Lattent.bin given to all chronic diseases —Venose, O < aorr, Consl d mow. lKmiraiUA Asthma. Bkunchitm, *ll diasaws of toe Rose. M 'UTh, I huat, ami lxsos ; ail Hk:s IUSKiSEz of every ihscription trsut aj— I.m**.•, I.i'mba* A me-users ScaomA. Knkimatiam Oozt 7fitr*ArAiiA I'auai.ysis. i piLxrsv.oM onvi-lsioks. i-Ywrcr. *a Dysi-xtxmt, I'liriMi The very worst ease* a, Filis cured in . tfisrtttnie ; alsoof the Stomach, Llverand Bowels, inert are nary diseases incid'ntal to women and children which are irested with di.tiugsUhid success All particulars will be *ir-B hy letter. Ir. heabee ran pri-duce one ‘ll iu mnd certificate. of his peifrc* su cess in curiae I’anceni. Old Korea, or l lrera. Hlo IHwinea Fistu la tle\CT* Head. Weiia. pits of the .\oe, or In other |>arta of the Hmly. Tumors anil earlllnci Os every description, and without ‘he use of the knife, or any urgietl instruments. These last named diseases c mnot be •ured by correspondence ; therefi re all such pa’lent* must place themselves under the l*octor> t ersonal supervision. lfr. B-iakee has since anew Cis< everv ot a “ Fluid,” that wi:i p'oduee apsorntion of the **t'atabact,” and restore per msaent vision to the Ate without resort to the knife. All dileases of the EYES i\l> Kkills Are successfully treated ihoui ll# ust ofihe knife or nee dle. Hr. Kaaxee has eonstantlv on hand, at his office a very extensive assortment of heautifiil AarinciAL £tes ani> 1 tspasch, ox Ear Dbums, whic i re s inutile fur eitner-x ami ali ag—lnserted in live minutes. Ear Trumpets ol every and. script-;- r ; also every va riety of artidcal articles known in the world—a large assort ment of teau iful and durable AHTIFK IAL li \MW with thearm and elhow attachment; ait.ficial feet with the Ankle, I .eg, ard knee-joint at'aclmiei t. 1 he-e articles are perfectly natural, and adapted for either -ex, and can ne sent bv ex pres to any part of the world. All kinus of Tmeses for Heru.a or Kuptme of every description, for either sex. and Tru-s-s patticn’ar'y adapted tor females iu s weak c udiilon, tl.ose ui li PTolapOus Uteri. Dr. Baakee is one of the most celeb-ated and skillful phy aieiaiisatid su veoas now l.ving. His fame is kuosn perton a!lv in ev.rv principal cilv of the wot id. All letters directed tn hr. Baakee, must onntaln ten cents to pay postage and incidental expenre s. All Chronic Disea-’es oxn he treated hy correspondence, except those mentioned, wiprh w;il requite his personal supi rviston. or < ■ flours fr im 9 a.m , to4p. m. Dueruit UAAKEK. Office. 70* Broadway, dec 9 wtr a few door* above Fourth at., N. Y. City. CONSOLIDATED LOTTERIES of DELAWARE. For January, 1860. o FRANCE, BROAD ENT $ CO. Mang'rs. o The Legislature of Delaware, at its last session having grained to France, Bboaphknts .V Cos., (to the exclusion u! all other applicants,) a Lottery Charter for the encourage, memos Internal Improvements in the State, tocontinue tor a period of Twenty years, are now drawing in \A ilmington, Delaware, a series ot the most splendid schemes ever offered to the public. Bonds for one million of dollars have teen given to the State, to secure the payment of all prizes. The drawings lake place in public, and .re under the superinten dence ol Commissioners appointed by the State, to insure tb-ir fairness. T>e Managers call the attention ot the public to the follow ing Splendid Schemes to be drawn in Wilmington, Delaware by State authority. MAGNIFICEaNT SCHEME! GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE $70,000!! GfIAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY OF DELAWARE. Class 4. To be drawn in Wilmington, Del., Saturday Jsn. 2S, I£6o C D ■ HL .'■ • 78 Numbers—l3 Drawn Ballots. SPLENDID SCHEME. 1 Prua $70,000 is *70.000 1 25 000 25,000 12.550 ( 25 *OO 1 12,5501 1 J 0 sio) 20(StO 1 10,000 5 M * 4 MW 12 000 4 5,000 2004) 4 2,501) 10,000 10 • 2,000 20.000 10 1,250 12,500 ISJ l.wio 162 000 66 600 3.< 00 66 500 33.000 132 200 26.400 132 100 13 200 3,'60 ‘ 40 1 58,4,0 25,740 20 514,300 30,316 prizes, amounting to *1,202,000 Tickets S2O, Halves *lO, Quarters $5, Eighths $2,50. AOertiticate of Package of 26 Wholes,costa *316 00 Do. do. 26 Halves, 258 00 D<>. do. 26 Quarters, 120 00 Do. do. 26 Eighths, 64 50 Grand Consolidated Lottery of Delaware, ON THE HAVANA FLAN! CLASS FIVE. ! To be drawn in Wilmington, Del., Tuesday Jan. 31,1860. EVERY OTHER TICKET A PRIZE! Prize* Payable in Pull, without Deduction! In these Lotteriesevery Prize is Drawn! 1 prize of *SO 05 1 prize of 22,500 1 prize of 10.000 2 prize of 5.000 2 prizes of },300 2 prizes of 1,760 . 2 prizes of &4I 10 prizes of ........ 600 10 prizes of ........ 400 10 prizes cf 300 100 prizes 100 25,000 prizes ........ And 164 Approximation prizes ranging from S.O up to *7OO 25,305 prizes! - - amounting to - . ss.'l 10.000 Whole Tickets *10; Halves *5; Quarters *2,50. Persons who desire need only lemlt the risk on a Pack age. fur which we will send & Certificate us follows : A Certifl ‘.ate of Packages of 16 Wholes, c05t5....... SU6 Do. do. 16 Halves, “ 46 Do. do. 16 Quirteis, “ 24 Do. do. 16 Eights, ** 12 Prizes Paid Immediately after the Until fair. All orders addressed to Frakck, Broadbent dr Cos., Managers, Wilmington, Del., will meet with prompt atten tion, and the printed official drawings mM as soon as over. It. FKASCE, BKOADDENT Or CO. Jan 6 lm. Managers. ESTABLISHED 1 HO. PETER LORILLARD, Snuff and Tobacco Manufacturer. 16A 13* CHAMBERS bT., (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, New York.) Would call the especial attention of Grocers and Druggists to liis removal, and also the articles of his manufacture, viz: BltOU .V SNIFF. Mncnboy, Detnigros, Fine Rappee, Pure Virginia, Coarse Rappee. Nachitoches, American Gentleman, Copenhagen. lELLOW SNUFF. Scotclt, Fresh Scotch, High Toast Scotch, * Irish High Toast, French Honey Dew Scotch, or Lundy foot. TOBACCO. SMOKING, FINK CUT CHEWING. SMOKING. No. 1, P. A. L. or plain, St. Jago No. 2, Cavendish, or sweet. Spanish Nos. I*2 mix’d Sweet Scented < ironoco, Canister Kitfoot, Tin Foil Canvendish, Pure turkish. A Circular of Prices w ill he sent on application. N. B.—Note the new article of Freeh Scotch Snuff, which will be tound a superior article for dipping purposes. jan t>—3m w LOST IN the city of Macon, on the 4th inst., one note made by Clias. F. Stubbs, payable to Hetty Lock ett or hearer, for one hundml dollars, and dated Macon. Jan. Ist, lsr.y, and due on our before the Ist day Jan. 1800. All persons are hereby forwarned tradinglfor said note. TAOMAS STUBBS, jan 6—3 t w Cobb’s Statutes and Forms. films new compilation cf the Statute* and Forms of the JL State of Georgia is now on hand; price $6 for sale by dec 21 J. J. A S. P. RICHARD'S Select Boys’ School. MR. E. W. PARSONS will re-open his School af ter the Christmas Holidays, on Tuesday, Janu ary 3d, 1860. School building in the rear of Mrs. Jos. E. Bond’s residence, dec 21 STEREOSCOPES. A LARGE and beautiful assortment of Stereoscopes, with a Isuye number of views of ail kln<ls,for..&k‘,situeß’ or by the dozen, at J. M. KOA RDM AN’S, dec. 17—ts Washington Block MACON hi. WESTERN R. ROAD. ON and alter n July, trains will be run as follows: Leave Mncon at 12nlghl, Arrive at Atlanta 7,15, A. M. Leave Macon cl 10 A. M-, Arrive at Atlanta 4.00, P. M. Leave Atlanta at 12 night, A rrivu at Macon 7.15 A.M. Leave Atlanta at 11 A. M.. Arrive at Macon 5.00 P. M. The 10 a. m. train from Macon connect* with the Western A Atlantic Road at 8 40. p. m.; connects with the Georgia Road 12 at night, and Atlanta A West Point Road at 12 5 a. m. The night train will not be run on Sundays. The completion of the Virginia and Tennessee Rail Road makes this the most pleasant and direct route to the VIRGINIA SPRINGS, Through tickets to which m 7 be had at Atlanta, for $26 25 Including Mage tare, $7 wQ, and to New York for $33 00. Furtherlnformation mav be had In relation to this Route, Oh application to the General Ticket Office, Atlanta. July 2a_tf. All RED L. TYLER, Supt. KRIS KRINGLE’S COMING. C. H. HUM 4 CO., Are now receiving and opening a splendid assort ment of Goods suitable for the HOLIDAYS, Consisting of every description of Toys, Fancy Boxes, &c. Besides a large stock of Candles, Groceries, Family Stores, Siveat-Nleats, Confections, Pickles, Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts, &C.&C. The young people as well as th? •'Old Folks at Home,” who Wish to provide for CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR’S Festivities, w ill please give us a call, as we are sure we can please the most fastidious tastes or the most peculiar appetites. c a. r.lTco. S2OO RE WARD! from the snbacril er, on Saturday night last, hy a kj negio man named Xrvlu Chester, wi c claimed to he free, a horse alout 10 years old ; six and on the f re foot, with his fnre-topxut off. Said negro is about 5 f<et high, and V. year* of age. I wi.l give the above re warn for the horse and negro or S6O for the horse alone. SAM’L McKE.NZIE, liov 26—ts Montezuma, Oa. Valuable Plantation for Sale. I A * now olTerin* for sale ray plantation in Jones County i v6n mile* above Macon, on the < tcmuipee River, cob* aiiiintf I4ou acres ol land. Attached to the place It* 300 acres wamp Lauds, (river bottom). Terms one and two years* credi). Mny one wishing to purchase vaiuahle Lands, will do well call and examine the above as I am determined to sell. aprl ROBBKr LUNDY COATES & WOOLFOLK WABES99SEIO COMMISSiOi AREiiow open and prepared for the reception of Cotton a’ tbelr.NKW FIRE PKO>F WAREHoUbE, oppo ite H tr.teuciu A Sparks. We will endeavor to prove ours, i ves worthy of the pationage of host who will lavor us wit heir business. Liberal advances made on c.llou when ce Ired. Macon. Sept. 21. 1359.—241 F Eli T 1 LIZ Ell ST GENERAL AGENCY. THE undersigned respectfully announce to Planter* and others interested, tl at they are constantly receiving, di rect from the lrlands.and from the menu fact uren*, the fol lowing rnont approved. Fertilizer* rww Lnutun, ail of which have been thon*ughly and satisfactorily tested, viz; No. 1 Peruvian Guano, Sombrero Guano, Khode’s Sujter. Phosphate of Lime, National Fertilizers, Ground Plaster. These articles, which will have our brand, and be guaran eed as genuine, we shall, at all times be prepared to furnish u any amounts required, and at the lowest prices. The” S uer Fhosphate,’ and •Fertilizer,’ at manufacturers’ rates, with xpense of transportation added. Savannah May 2,-ly. FATTEN A MILLER. PIANO FORTES! iL. 11. GALE db GO. TAKE p'easure In inviting the sttcntior ot Artists, Amawrw■S?ls^^ES ,l '” *• and the .Public generally, to tbe 11 \K W rCAI.E p(A ----NO FORTE, ju-t in \ j J y i Jlroduced. The grew, ing desite for a Square” m ■* “ Piano Forte that rbaP at proacli the Grand in volume of Sound, and at the tsrrv time.avnid the ungainly appearance ot I hat th re e-corn 11 .and in strumeiit. directed our energies to the piod'ictiun of suck r ilesideratum. Ourtoil is rewarded and we submit the result without fear of competition. or- our pianos arc warranted to give entire satisfsctior. whethi roruered trotri us direct, or sold by any of our sgenii throughout the country ; and we solicit a continuance ol 1h patronage which we have enjovedfor the last twenty flv years. A. H. GALE i CO., june3owly 107 East 12th St.,New York. GEO It <4 I A.—JONHS COUNTY.—Whereas r Isaac Hardeman applies to me for Letters of Administration, with will annexed, on the estate of John C.Rlocutnb, late of Jones County, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all. and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to lie and appear at nty office on or lie fore the second Monday in January next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not Is- granted. Given under my hand, at office this sth d’av of De cember, 185‘J. ’ CHAB. MACAKTHY, Ordinary, dec 10 ■ gii, in, wfinr THE undersigned are agents for the sale of Reese’s Manipulated Guano, are now prepared to supply planters in any quantities at the same cost as if or dered by themselves. Are also agents for the sale of Manes’ Nitrogenized Super Phosphate of I.ime.— Will also have a large supply of the genuine Peruvi an Guano, all of which will be sold tvs low as parties can lay it down in this market. AYERS, WINGFIELD, A CO* Nov. 8. [COPY.] Montezuma, Oct., 24th, 1859. Messrs. Ayers. Winqjield ts- Cos: Dear Sir—Yours ofttiel3tliinst., lias been received its content-” noted, Ac. In reply to your enquiry in regard to the Manipulated Guano as a fertilizer—l am well pleased so tar as 1 have tested its use. ] ap plied about luo lbs. per acre on land that was I sully worn, and not of the best when fresh. The product of the field where the Guano was applied is over 800 lbs. of seed cotton per acre. The same kind of land without the Guano produced about 400 lbs. per acre. My inode of applying the Guano, was by depositing it In the drill before bedding np the land. I have not tried its use on corn, but have no doubt hut it will succeed well. I shall use it pretty extensively on my next crop. Yours Respectfully. [Signed] REUBEN WRIGIIT. Byromviu.e, Oct. 20th, 1859. Messrs. Ayers Wingfield ts- Cos., Moron. Derr Sir:—The Manipulated Guano bought of you last Spring (Reese's, I think it was,) I approve of very much. At this time, as the crop is not gathered is I cannot say what per cent, it will pay. though the use of it on poor land pays a considerable per cent. I shall continue the use of it. Respectfully yours. [Signed] W. 11. BYROM. Nov. 9,—tf. Me. D<2 II CB W~ J9L. E, SAULSBURY INFORMS his friend* and customers that he has removed to the New and feUegant Brown Stone Building Tw* I)<*>r3 from hi* Old Stand, and directly opposite the Lanier House, wheje he offer* on the moat favorable 3orms, one ol moat choice Block* of Ready Made Clothing’ to be found in the city. r J he Stock is entirely NEW, com prising, in part, biaok and larcv I’Rssimfre Pants; Fine Overeats, of various tt>les: rich Velvet, Silk and t’ash irere Vests, lilac* and Fancy Dress, Frock and Business Coat*, lie has also a complete assortment of Men's Fumilling Goods. Snch as. Hosiery, Patent ShcnMer beam Shirts, Drawers. Gloves, fcuspenhers, Cravats, Ties, Colhrs, Robs de Cham bre, Ac. His Merchant Tailoring Department le supplied with a large and superior slock of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, and is tinder the direction of a competent Cutter. Macon, Nov. 2.1559. WORKS! J. B^UimE^USOH, Manufacturers of and Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MARBLE MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, MANTLES, FURNITURE, SLABS, &c., Corner of 3rd and Plumb Sts. MACON, OA. apj 11—ts. SAVE FREIGHT AND COMMISSIONS Carhart & Curd* A|\* SOLE AOEKS FOR SCALES. A FULL Assortment ot Platform and Courtur Scales now in store and for sale at their prices. NO FREIGHT ADDED. Orders taken for Railroad. Ware loutae and other large Scales. We will see tlum properly put up. may ll—ls. ■ a . a JK j S. W. COLLINS’ AXES, 1 WEED S AXES, „ \ TOWNSEND’S AXES, \ FENN’S AXES, \ BRADLEY'S AXES. \ To Merchants. Swede* Iron, Refined Iron, English Iron, Plough Steel. Cast, German and Blister Stee', Boonton Nails,''Horae Miues. Horae hhce Nails, Axe... Shovels and Spade*: “Hamer, Rope Trace Chains. Curry Con. he, A evils. Vises, Bellows. Ham mers, Store Trucks, Counter Platform Scales, Iron Safes, Copying Presses. Pocket and ‘fable Cutlery for sale at New York prices adding freight. NATHAN WEED’ Rubber Slioeii^ A liARGK :i.,rtmeht of Gent'sand It J\. Rubber*. Also. LadiwSllpperandSah d*l RubberSuees of Goodyear's celebrated patent. Jr eivpeamt for sale low by MIX * KiRTLAUD —-9ofct HARPER FOR SEPTEMBER, for sale at RICHARDa’. petes llVEiscellaneoiis. GAB FIXTURES. Kb KKT AM* TABLE CUTLERY, RAZORS AND FANCY CUTLERY. PORTABLE DESKS, DRESSING CASES, FANCY BASKETS, PARIAN STATUETTE * D<>UBLE A SI NGLE GUNS, COLTS PISTOLS, CANES, PORT MONIES ft PURSES, MURBCHAUM PIPES, CIGAR HOLDERS, OPERA GLASSES. SHELL ft ORNAMENTAL COMBS, FANCY HAIR PINS, BACKGAMMON boards. CHESSMEN, ’ DOMINOES, BILLIARD BALLS, CUES, LEATHERS ft CHAI K, With many new and desirable articles not enume rated. Anew and fine selection for stile at low prices. By E. J. JOHNSTON ft CO. National Police Gazette. ‘F 18 Journal of Crime and Criminals la In It* ltik *■ *“die widely circulated throughout the country.— “pwpßdb* *ll the Great Trials, Criminal Cases, and appropri ate EdUoriais on the same, together with Information on Cri mlir. , not 40 b* fonnd in any other newspi-per. subscriptions, Si per Annum,; *1 for Si* Montns, to I*o remitted by subocri tiers, (who should write their names and the town, county and State where they reside plainly,) To r. a. Seymour, Editor A Proprietor ot the apt .is a- tt New Yorlri’Kr. Just PLeoeived., BOHEMIAN FANCY COLORED AND CUT GLASSWARE, Os our own Importation ; Much of it is suitable for Enirnr ing for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Engraving on Glass Os every description, done to order In our Store. Call sad BOLSHAW & HEBZOG. nov 2 HEKRIAG’B PATENT C II AYH It- O* FIRE AND HIKGLAR PROOF SAFES, With H All’s Patent Powder-Proof Locks, the same that were awarded separate medals at the world’s Fair, London, 1851. and the World’s Fair, New York, 1853, and ARE THE ONLY American Safes that, were awarded medals at the London World's Fair. These Safes form the most perfect security against Fire and Burglars of any Safes ever offered to the public. §I.OOO REWARD Will he paid to any person that can show thnr a Herring’s Patent Champion Safe ever failed to pre serve its contents in tin accidental fire. B.C. HERRING ft Cos., Manufacturers. 251 Broad wav. cor. Murray st., New York, and 52 ft 54 Grarier st.. N. O. Agents.—B. W. Knowles, Richmond, Va.: R. F. Lester, Petersburg, Ya.; Rowland Brothers, Nor folk, \ a.: J. H. Thompson ft Cos., Lynchburg Ya.; J. K. Blossom. Wilmington.N. C.; W. Ilerring ft Sob, Atlanta. Ga.; La Roche ft Bell. .Savanna!., Ga.: J. JI. ft 15. F. Reed. West Point, Ga. ; Holmes ft Cos., Charleston, S. C. jan 13—3 m Land Agency. THE subscribers are prepared to make location* Land in all of the North-weitern State*—lowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Territoriei of Nebraulta and Kansas, and solicit consignments of funds or w*r ranti, for term* apply to JNO. H LONGLIY, Macon, Ba. JNO. B. DWlNNELL,Lodi,Wisconsin anrlT d-ts TO FARMERS. QAA BALFS HEftVY GUNNY BAGGING, t)U If I.<M) Rolls ’’ 10) Dundee Ragging 8..°,00 Coils Machine Rope, 1.000 “ Hand Spun Rope, .00 Pounds Twine. We offer the above on favorable terms, iulv 34-ts J. B. ft W. A. ROSS. ** • m-, y ‘SsjNisno ihi ni yyoumv ■ ties.. 1 j 01 nJ3YJ ON VW 3MI KOJ WOIU3 lf'* HftlM’ftNlWHSna VI S3 Awlw it I ’ 1 ” Co-Partnership Notice. V\r E will continue the Drug bnsiness at the Corner of See VS ona and Cherry Sts. The name and style of the firm will be ih iiigeil from ZEILIN, HUNT ft CO., to that ot Z EI- LlN* BUNT. Thankful for the lilierai patronage ofthe past year, we hope to merit tbe continued conmlenceofoiirfrienda, and citizens generally. . J. HENRY ZEILIN, jan 21—ts. LEONARD W. HUNT. C O FFIN S. ROSE WOOD, Solid Mahogany, Velvet, Stained, Cheap Vaneered Mahogany Coffins, Also New Style MetsJlc Cases Superior to the old Styles. Old Pattern Uetalsc Cases at Lower Prices. lune 4—6 m T. ft. Q. WOOD. Exchange on NEW YORK FOR SALE AT THE MANUFACTURER’S BANK. mar 29 —ts For Sale* 1 A A BOXES CANDY, lUU U Boxes Loaf Sugar, 110 Barrels Sugar. 2UO Sacks Coffee. lUU Boxes Tobacco, 50,600 Cigars, 100 Gross Malriteo. July 14—ts. J. B. ft W A. af *S3. BOOK BINDING. BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS made to order for Courts and Counting Houses, an J numbers printed on the pages without extra charge. Magazines, M'isic and Law Books Bound in -eat and cheap style*. DAVID ROSS, Cor. 3d and Cherry Ft. £das Over G. T. Rogers* 80. Peru Wine. I invite the bestjnrtges of Wine to the above, which can not ! e surpassed in flavor and purity. Sherry Brandy. Harmonia brand. J ort Wine, of a very superior quality. Clarets. Clisteaula Rose, Mouton, Pouilllac, etc. Saulelnes, of very fine brands, at HENRY HORNKN. New Family GROCERY! \txt Door Brio* Declap & Harris, CHERRY STREET i Bvcon, Lrrd, Butter, Cheese, Mackerel, Apples, Orange*. Unions, Irish Potatoes, sweet Potatoes. Sugars A, B, C and hr.iwn, 1 lour of all Brands. Candies. I‘rescrves, I’ickles, Brandy Peaches snd Brandy cherries. Ginger Wine, Mesl and Soap. Starch snd ‘1 obacco, Rum. Gin, Brandy. Whisky, Wine, Nuts of ail kinds. Staple Dry-Goods, and all articles usually kept In a Family Grocery, also ax Assortment of DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Goods Delivered Free of Chirge to aiy part of the City. sept 26 ts HEATH ft HARVEY, Agents. THE BEST PIANOS MADE. WF. are now receiving, to our already selected stock <4 Pianos, the celebrated Steinway Pianos. These instruments have at ways takes the Aral prises jn all fnlrs. w herever exhibited, and are the oaly l lanos used and recommended by the best artists, run). Euwcai i eiehrdles, as Timm. Schaifenberg, Wilis. Salter. E.ffleld. Gotthalk. V, ol leuhaujet. slid a host of others. 1 hey use oniysAtetnway s for public and private use. We do not possess gas enough to endeavor to create an ex citement t.v naiking a -great cry u-Uh very Wt wool, or trying to shove rff m th? Southern market what they su* rri E at toe North ; neither would we be agents for Patent Piano! wll ich live one day and die the next, as we had an er in tbe --Eolisn Attachmeot Pianos, which were the-vo” a few years back, and which no one wants now ; ifut we keep an article which all must acknowledge to be the best who profess to know the best. Persons who know us will, we flatter ourselves, acknow ledge us to be judges, aud to s'rangers we say that w will oirseiit any person with One Hundied Dollars who can pro duce a Pianist. Amateur or professor, residing In Georgia, who is superior as teacher or player to our H L. Schreiner - and further, a like sum we propose to any person who will disprove that we now have a pupil that is superior in Music to nine-tent bs of all the professors in the State of Georgia. AH Pianos soli at New York prices, freight ouly added. 17 ly JHO. C.SCHKKiSEK ft BOMS,