The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, February 10, 1860, Image 3

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r]rt+vr. I**!*. ~ oi.-em*e srliieh destroy* the ’ . „iivi<iuiUs > ami families. t .-M 1 ’ , <u ,nn),i.or lu.t'g.'StHM. r. ‘ wr y f die ‘eeunir* o’ * ,j n ,. s p,v-mMi’ to those suf ” ~r , :i I disease, which relieved ‘ . “'.filter* over the •hour* named ’, :’ ‘ * i| having their origin „,j tmn tional disenses of the - General Debility i.s be j -gi JSr*’ “ men: cures of sonic of the m -reeord is.-uffieient cun , , School TkACltk* I'ETROIT.- ■ - Mi* h, June IP. 1.">7. Boston: —In reference . ” ‘■ . i eaii tiiat after iiav mouths, ami almost .. ,n mv stomach. I was , i” aim hail tieen cured by , Butte of Green's’ txygeti a Iwttk 1 felt great • 1 had used two Isittles ~ 7 ie il. a nd still remain so.— ( .listressinc even titan n entirely etireil bv this iu- j • oiv es me great pleasure to j /.fall who may be suffering ‘ f rvtroit Select School. i .. boston, and sold by ili e T ,n rapidly sitpcrseilinpall ! they M . (•pin shis | 1 to -y never fail to relieve j r , ..-a .soi the stoinaeii anil I r r. T ENGLISH KEMEDY | * v \; j-;s tLA I’K K"S ’ . rt (I fr'KMILK FILLS. ’ r J. * larke. if. P„ Fhys ! r -ity to the Qoee*. . m> sid<jo,bnt a sure aid . i;tlt*an*i batreirllr—.from any , , powerful remedy, they con j parried Lt-dies, * n I. a ;i.ort t.n..’. bring on th* ! . *nw wx TO SAIL, wiirai I £or rtEntiß aks irrti . . jrcvi.’ Ul-t. flree. of the agent. sel to any auihorfcrel 1 i, ... ai {.ills, by return mail i • -im, Mthy aB n [ at dotiy. lap. mi I ;jd to tile Suffering. • i ~.ori>ie. while la’siriuj; os a I i nred jf Consumption 1 . lul l failed, by a receipe ob- 1 ■i i- iii re-d.ling in the great [ t’ .rtsvijs- has cured great nitm- f nnj fruit Consumption, Brt>n- j --.■at. I isighs, and Colds, and the de | . j- pti Ssioa caused by these dis. ’ . others. I will s,-nl this re- | r. sight home With me. to al j f git U \fm. ( isi.t.AVK, • IVillric St- Brooklyn X. V J \ ADVERTISEMENTS I. T. BLACK. ,-HM ATTORNEY AL lAW. ELLA-VILtE, jchloy On. BRADFORD k CO. | I> f %ftl> WROLESALB M X LULA CLOT I I I XG, u> St., .t ti'l Readc St. j a i lu. t y ua.i l Lurch St.* NEW YORK. •. r. o. h. wells, J. r. eiULXT, . £RN MERCHANTS, JON & SMITH. •*{ Cl> hs £. Window Shades, - ii- N .rth .bl Street. Phihbielphia. j Un trade a eotuplete StiM'k of Fhsir i in and extra quality; r laldv ! ai. ul.-o uiniin hi o! Maliog I a . Knameted Miulin liucks 1.. cn. t.hiAed Ull A loth a beau t rU tud u sitiadea. The Largest . liw’ SHADES. * artain Fixture *, in this market i MM* fc-l, Jy—lin LVTEK'a HOTEi, Broad Stieety Columlaus, Ga. • . • i Is-'* leave to infom his old ail- and the |>uUie geueraiiy that a FI. VNTEUs HOThL. Broad fd.. :v h.- w ill rll f.-ltvor to llA.illit.4:ll Ills i ri piita.i .u f keeping the l>est Ta —: • .moiiauon wli.i h the country in the eciitre of business and j KM t:.-Planter and Tra i i * in a way that will give salUtac- T. S. KILPATRICK. iul\L * lATK.\T C 11.4 H I*l ‘ *. ID II! RtiLAM PKOUI’ >4FLS, ii - rr PnwncK-Psoor Lscnt the ram i Lila a: ta. wotld'* j Wi H ft PWr.Mnr York. ] iiiK ONLY Amnieau Safe, that, 1..- im w• rhf* 1. r. j ::ik iuo-t pet feet: security against j -a - ‘[ ai.y safes ever AAtforcd to the j ‘ RLWAUD mv person that can sfow that n •’ . tn; iou S.I” ever failed to pre i :a idei. al fire. - j‘i rtr , :■ ■ V >■- New York, and j JAB tuaviar j :: wiles, Richmond. Va.: K. F. z- \;a.: Ua.vland Brothers. Nor- j I > ■ Li m liboiw Va.; aN. ( IV. Herring A Son. ] a H >he x Hell. Savannah, Ga.: J. M. j i • V.,-t Point, i -a. : Holmes A Co- j jan 13—dm Uo\ \ltl> T. DOI’AL, toruoy n t Ijaw, Giiliiif. Gin. ‘• • •’’••• drnflTl C*a.rrißC4 Re , • .il r s*lori . i* fvrviite. L. T. POYAL. I STRAYED. ‘Ttl ‘ 1. a /TV „ v ■ :id unbroken to work. I pur iriiin J. Ruhrrp >n. I will give a j ■ f-r the recovery of said nudo. or for n.ini l;er. addressed to me at “to Mr. .la. f*. P ‘jie. Macon. .. T. F. NIcCOMMICK. t ‘m w. I s-w.) ■oxxrsr i*. smith, with * t JEHIAL BEAD, ATD WHdimLC M.ILFI? l!f ’ -l/N.ti’ STRA WGOODS, | 7-e Bom-ets. Flowers, TJm- Kdlas. Partsols. &c ’ * r ‘<l oti Warren Streets. T ew York. Sts atxice the .l.vfor House. -•> W Rm At Auction! < ut- • >• rerfiti MnlWrrf ►t’-pt t. t''te * -’ ■* H >Ln : m f u ;i’ tM> it over. 1 r ! f rt> rwUt m. Ci U like jrfece on S h. al 1 1 oVitifk, M. SALE, AT O’CLOCK, P.M , ’*•** ■ .'puinjc. ritl to b-e c—itinned on i t r ; UK th- Wrfk. i.i'* t ii.y assortme* tof tlir* _ 1 ’ I>r .1 s'mtl u m re compMr thnn : *'l tv- city. lLcr-t* re ># i ait**Lt a * t tV nlf. it N p'oWit’T tkely ■ t . ■ e ff'-mi t. pnvh .**•* tbr ria-* f • - v tcltlu a itotrhMuc and *t i’ufc-ltc Sale, * 4nr na of Mac n w ill find tßba rare art! I ani iea nf EkipUtCe, Lr * ‘ t iitaiui in prt. el<**c.inUy fin ; !*liFti • r t htnr- Ta les* Tr.jrw W*rfi ’ n ; Camphor W 4 Trurtka, rt ** ir ; fcn tin* l 4 Goo- n, very c i , I * T a- -i Bim’ t> • Btrbtk tkeonly • An.* r<; Scfial wt od Iv* r* ad <*U ” i* r m Wekiud, i! e-c are bemo iful y rarve4; i’aceti figure* an • i k tia*n eni , very • J re J a* C*tht>r l*o\es, Bf ‘ ‘ b*en UivrLt to ’hi* miket ; ‘■ nd:a Va-es a ro* of „ ir> inarllv manti'ar urwt, setisnfi!y >otkar feartMurti even imitate ; ‘ ar4 ■ ■ t* : rcrp* . lai fM an OW ; ■ ‘ i ~ iti'., .iiie the !r t.l>’ : i l*y H n lari’ * tor Hat* t-ecro-l f>f ; ‘‘HLLLS ‘.a ue *4 the nried ■ y‘* ’• ’ that hwvt r beeu i**tro- uol into i > \ > * Ptiutiijfv irfi Kite ptp r; r-rthcr f a: 4 * fe- ; T-irki-4i PfenMß ‘ *•*’ atenture a4 not i. be * r ;^r a i of BaßukcUUM - r ’ Vi Jr Catalogxio. i * a a.- -c p-clfu ly IbviUii to iiiA-eci > r*T ‘ ’ rxiiibniAM. ‘■ ! ‘ tnadt will b* packed In. their ortgll Igs ft?*. %. v-vutmt will b for l ifiWa who attend this f* ‘V *iU toil tM • inperior ofyoitaiutj . bK.J. R DoLntCO, . , - t.ijtg 4 Co n tel* co’ e t r, ot lb!* rUA* < ’* - „ idi-ds In Ua* l. S. **a J. J. iUUJER, AucYn, National Police Gazette. rpmt> Gnjt rtMirTiaiofOiiTifa.drrirpinnls U in its iK r. n ! “H* 1 * thmfbiitit the cowntrv # Oromt Trial?, fMn:lna!Ctf*<i. an.l appro p.^. air BUlr>r*.aJp on the ir.e, together wUh in formation on ori a: 1 *;“ [*• n .°* to found in any o'n r n~rsf;ap*r. r" v , M vl -t . jv N #2 per Annum.; flTor Six Moctna. to be wn.lttrc by subscriber*, (who ?huhi write their name? and ! UMtown, coaLt> %Ld To R. A. SEYM*'UR. Jk Prr.rrefer of th# . , _ . Naliocx i Police Gazette, "'> !- ti Y-STHiV Dr. R. A. WILSON’S family pills. Asa Family m, FttWl are partlcuHrly rrcom and m; >le and harmless, but highly medkinal in their combiiiatiun. One Pill a dose, with mild but eertam .-rtect*. The robust am and the delicate child ahke - * ith * Ter r •ssurance of entire safety. I Wilson’s Pills, ever, Mother in the land he comes her own physician. The, have pfcved themselves I a specific, and stand without a rival for the following ! axfcctioas: • ! DEADIi HR, FEICR 4 4GTE, PTSPEPSIA, LIVER COIPLAIM CEU'liL’MElEit 4 Atit'F. DVSnrfll. L!\ER ffiIPLUM. HEADACHE, FEVER 4 AGI'E, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COIPLAIVT ! DEAI'AfHE, FEVER 4 AGIE, DYSPEPSIA. LI'ER COIPLAI.YT, • Costiveness, Biliousness, Keoralgia. Costiveness, Biliousness, Neuralgia. Costiveness, Biliousness, Neuralgia. Costiveness, Biliousness, Neuralgia, mothers, Watch well your children, and when their trouble* arise from that great Une of childhood, Worms, ascribe their lllneea to Ua true cause, and removS it b, prescribing 11. L. Fall nos lock's Vermifuge, A sate and sure remedy, prepare! from the purest mate nala and ha, proved itself the mo* effective antidote fi>r Worses eTer offered to the public. For • lie in ‘freon by ZEII.IN 4 HUNT, an i I l L<>K ■ E PAY Nand mU|iy dc&lwrs eretyvliete. I jau 13—lv w * NSW Mi WBI r pHE wou’d announce to the -L Lillies an i Gcnt!ein-n of M"i ileGeor- ! | gia that they are uo.v receiviug their first I supply of ; SPRING GOODS, for atnl ask a careful examination of 1 the saute, as our :n>lto is, anJ s'lull be, [ Collide Sales. SMALL PRGFITS, AND Superior Goods. Call at the oM stand, of Btstick, K *in it Cos., uml see the novelties. Ojr old cu*to rners are yjrecialiy invited to call at Head Quartets. JOHN* N. REIN & CO. Macon, Feb. 4lh, CO. NEW FIRM! . NEW GOODS! Lamar &. Williamson J)B> lest? to fall the at'fntion of tke fit. n* of Dm I that tlrev v.’II •,;*•!> a*t\ i.atll) STtlltF n I li# tir-i of Mar -h. at the stand fomifrir occupied by : Mr-. Ik u. Th ir Stock < masting of STAPLE* AI9D rATiGV DRY SOODS, will lie as self ft a- ever off-red in this e .ty. f hose a to suit the ta*bi* of thf mo*’ f.istidi t’.s. and sold at ; priifs fair and r :i~>nah!f. They respedfally a"k j the patronage a!!, and will use every cHUrt to give | the -~:i- ..f". n. lulectps-r-l from!ir>t i Ussrol. | moderate fhorgt - at.d j r .nipt ari l fotirtfous atten -1 tion to business. LEONIDAS L\M\R. < BAULKS J. W ILLIAMSON. j i Feb 8 s-witr. (ts) . ! NEW FIRM ! , j TT.WIXG pun-based the Stork of the late firm of | 1 1 Carhart.. 1. !L w>- wiileontinue tiie Giwerv Lu their old u<imml. where wc wiU be plciutwt to * ones as may favor US with a eatll. Miciin.Jita. f ! . m—-in KOFF.BIMBA C(Y. j T. J. SWANSON, I COTTOX -4 17:'A [E, Macon, Ga I ‘l'll INKI’I'L fer the patronage of 1553. solicits a 1 i I wuntintwneeof hh* (■ rtner fIMWMK for I‘U'. | I will < ly say ! ti.- eiltM ns of Mann and the ( I out*ii,* u.-riVraliv. that 1 will sell them i>< MDOOOIfI j : at LOW 1*1; l* KS. if tliev will give ns- a trial. My j -t H> It -K KEKI-iNO aa.l STABLE generally, is very cimiplete. as 1 keep it up l*y fre quent arrivals from New Y ork. Just Ecceivsd, A fresh supply of BED BLANKETS, FLANNELS k., 4.C_ tiuAt are for sale low. &TCALL AXD SEE jnn 13, pub. until mttr. T. i. SWANSON. t*E>. W. lt.aH, | SAMI LL T. nUIUX. Spring Trade, S 3E4*04 NEW FTF^lSxr MEW €oooß* li} T K S inter -* in t*.c tir ii Ko4,CcMum *t Bom, I*l*l , cuntifiUft tic STAPLE FANCY dry goods uutit*•*'< stain!, whtte by tk K*th *f this nir*tb ( wt- ahr! t ton ftlm ■ t A t ttt'Ti'li ’ - w vr*c'< * f £■<***. ; -**l ic 1 !rfi! *• u ••M-.llv bv. fc.v rr will b* j „i_. sr.A . tie :i,"-t ..e* :o>d niel £• <*l* h t>iak* j i nisi tl ■ which our Lo 3 ■* tuhiM. tenUAHtor i ! cCiliUfi !. A LITTLE GHEAPF.3 i r^Tt*s,?ryffds I s-rkS ft t robv *v-M n the a:,!d'v*’ C 4 f ‘ a*t<*n #-xp-r.ra<by ‘ i'-cyii £ !* c I toirai*. W-inviiea carefullou of Our Stock and Prices, f. . II ff | —- wilt t-e t , the iiitetot of hU wnowim I Gccds & Cheap Goods, ’ t ,c. aid * e arbe.orepa-'cWag. Vrrv i‘e*;ctfclly EOs.- * COLEMAN', j r> h f. KMv** KIW ICE HOUSE. ! 6818 & fill HAVE BUILT A NEW ICE HOUSE at the passenger depot, }5 >!t h*P'o -* receiving and re - .ipptne. >A hvve * t ,\. Ju lfic rr*itrt{tA,gß fn-i.i-Ii ‘be a-t'c et y the | b.oc* <K Cat luaA -l *1 I- *•■ ‘ Atnre *• =*>’ • ‘her house cau or | ” U ‘ OUR CITY EXPRESS CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES erk y by Momer Pure Brandies and Wines, DALYS AKUMATIC WHISKEY. TA.. iw.i kuoan Anil eil other kind* of ti.e Bn*t quail •v.f! nr* ••ne.f lie rtnit 1•< P e !l* v n-a f mir x.i.< a I u.ef.v.Tt'e hr , en ever ot ferelTltAtu* if). Aa. lesttrai.m-s. Leu.on-, Ime Apr-le*. v,o. ‘ -, i.- K i lu-.lg*. I'lC* e* In any -1,:,| e oil <|'aaii- STt >*.e t-*t of fondly Teao.ivftj -uv-.r In,! -.. ~and “Ub e Km I't# llams. In nd lb f L,l Ton< ns Botogna *u*a*e-. dreU ana pica.ed Fish. Ac _ Cowles’ Superior Cream Cheese. I p n _, , np'e iu, t -It Ate Cheeae. Pure Lerf Lml and the btt Shad a/nci Oysters I In ... v ivuuil-T tut nil Ao and -r. Tots :uid 1 ire W orkaa , i J m-it'..'eve v d-ciift-nn n; ete. Ty a V • i • of . verv aoie. .• ..••>’ heft 1” a flre-e a*, rdn Vr. -? • \i - _"ir n .eat|’o!i n ‘l'tali v , | Lunf i• -and ■ -It' c.f.tir.ww.c ol tbe pu uc |..r -nag*. ! Tiiui.i r ua.t, lay m-tt'hlv. Cherry St ., Macon Ga. i j Feb S. ,i* , ‘ ; I STONES Iv emporium HM.B.STONIUIIIIO, r- 1 s OPPOSITE L.IMER HOUSE, ’ WfrULD c.T attenUon to their complete and ei ten sive ot - i : ‘ i Hats and Caps for the e- paH Sc Winter Trade, ty T* which const Ait sdd.ti-us will be mode through the ho “gUftosa U Wirt ot really FasM-nsbie *nd ch'w Hats 0 i wc,u * d i ßkwf* get A*—it NOTICE. TTating retired from theconeern of Jfostiek Kein * tako tbiAUKrtliod of returning mv warm thank* to niy friends who luive so kindly patron- I2t*''l me during my business eareer. and would re i vommend.them to continue their trade with the new nrni oi .John R. Keiu k Cos, at tlie- old stand, where I nave no hesitancy in saying they will receive Vood treatment and good bargain^. A. G. BOSTICK. e o “Telegraph and Messenger ropy one month. Jun. 2nd, lbtiO. (lm, w 4 s-w.) SIXTY £E3BOES FOR SALE. r HAVE JC-T RECEIVED a lot of likely young I N- groes from Maryland, and olb'r them at rea sonal.le prices; purchaser* will please favor mes with a call. Also, wish to purchasers good men ifnd women for the Western market, for which i will trade women and children or pay cash. Office on the comer of Third and Poplar Street, near Harde man A Sparks’ Ware House. ~ „„ W R PHILLIPS. Macon. I>ec. 21. uO. OBEffi, HOPKINS &Coo Importers AND WHOLESALE DEALERS. IN CLOTHS. CASIMERES, VEST- j INGS, PIECE TRIMMINGS. And Gbod Exclusively adapted to mens’ I wear. 10. Baltimore Street. Baltimore. 4 Our goods are selected ex pres sly for i the Home and Southern Trade.” Jan 27 ltn*f RKMOVAL, REMOVAL. CAEHAET & CUED, HAS REVIVED TO THEIR M W HiO.N-FKOM MORE Cliorry street nearly opposite AYERS. WINGFIELD & CO. V stock of mm) vSA’tE, IRON 4\l) tTEEL, and an}” article adapted to the use of MERCHANTS, PLANTERS, PLACE. SMITHS, CARPENTERS, BUILDERS, CARRIAGE AND ’ WAGON MAKERS, and will lie sold atth* lowest market prices. DOVT FORGET THE I RON FRONT. (tr.) 4 j*Telegraph and Mes copy. Wliy XJ.<ao I>K. .1. BOI'EE HOBBS’ IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS ? BECAUSE for the cure of mc'pient conurniptii D, weak H ivtirs * :ik s'oniachs, g . enil .eMlltv. ami for j.urfv ii f aii rnrlehlng the i>!i*ol. they are absuiutelv iio*uijkiss ed by any other reinfdy. To l e a-sutred < f this It is etily nee - sarvt*. makeb trfml. The Wine Us-'lf is of ave y e i alti>— tsarly doubie the ustrd of other we,,,—waiioiiiir ins iurlArsi ratir# the w bale si stem, ti o II the hea-t to tiie fe.t. As these letters are tonic anti a ter i.a ive in t’ character, s, tiiev 'reMtih"i an * invirmate the a-boie si'-tem,me! i;ive u 11\ h’ T<J.\K .f.Yfl ItLAL TUYACTION t i all its pars, by eq uil /. u< tne circula ti ;. ob*tructk<us, aiiJ prodaclng a general waimth. They are a’so excellent for d ; sea f>* ard weakness pecu -lar .. . m... wh re a > >t. c i* rej irisl ti STUEN'OTH i.N AM cKA’ K .hi• >':ilv who islabieff* to less tmlo or falntnes* should be wt'fe ut ti.r i.i, us U e> are revuifyfng in their action. Tin - rs will not only cure but prevent disease, anil in thisre-p ct are d.aiily vaiaasie to tLe person, sick or w. 11, who n.ay use th> m. For pro-1 oft: e tiuth of ties, s-e full particulars and rr •-reioeato pvr < nsc-ired on the circular inside tnearap piraccow paaiirg each b, tile. it , ’.ter* r i the dispel, lawyers, lecturers, and all public speakers should use i )r. el. B<>v< 1 I> x ids* IMPERIAL WIUE BITTERS. WHY ? Pec:i!etbeT tt.e lui ca, quit an-1 soothe the r.ervtu. |;roiu<*te tii<rs*Ti’ n, fttruiiKtben <*n<l brace the whole Axk f-in th-ir meMciUftl v’rtuea,liwry arenn wuri*A"W<l a* a iMUhuul lievt-iagr, pxliiciß(t nil vhc vxlill ur.uing *fr*cTf* < f indy or wine, with *kt lhcir instirl* u T tlfcit an!ortuna of imiiiiduu!;) ut!dicf*l t the tne of urotK drink, tires** Bitten will i rove lovalii*- 11c, ty Ufy prevent the sudden rest .on which Invariably 4> i tvA a “opm*,’ ar.!. act’ *: :i* an alternative, reni>ve frt-ia ti c system ti •* j* iaon whkh in nit idea bv all wi*o lit- Gi:'T** lti the ‘i* of tn*? adnltcratcd liquor* to t** found In n 0-4 hur r obi of th** c -untvy. who wi*h to i , and eli ; Ira istmi at t. I y ■utotitutiic the* Bi:tei>foi tb*j m x** ftiuc* ai.d Hquot* ot the d-inaiucaa lo<>i!>. ra/i iu a abort lime rt Train entirely from the Use of ai i.iiUntF Try <>ne bottle, and the Bitters will t< 11 their cwn story. a c 80-h married ands neb-, bu- e-pei'ally mothers, sboufd always keep ou hand a supply of UR. J. BiIYEB DODItS’ Imperial Wine Bitters. Fur lliwasrs I'erit'iar ti> I'em.iles thev -ai ! ike art arm.” they prevent i&s-itude or faintness, anti in all cates where a totie’is leqnlied, these Ritters II U K \ BHtRIOK. CHARLES WIIiD'FULDiCO., Proprietors, 41 and 6‘l m:-ilw. New York. For-.l* by F.L.&TKOiIEC'KKK, Micon Ga. i*uSß-ly w.t-w *slOO Reward!! TfIC s *ve reward will he jaid f< rmy boy AH- N‘ Lit, who ru-i awiy from me elzht yrat Jx\** ac. \ WjlkesCJuntv (It., aiid vhc 1 have rt i’ n O to I . .. .* is in .:i ap-hOfta c onty,i r in Hn.e of . L tlr • -s: t Mr.-. l’ura:.s , home tight tr nine* , N. t th -f I -jehap thnt county >a’: b *i% tb nit th.rty-five <r*ix veam of*fp,n a m’lla ♦r •. har* Mriifitt. blaf.k, c'lftT*** hair : h s jrli ill vk bones: tall aud - eitder; rather ind ne i to !e ! f oop--hou;dereti ; has a m k •*: nii fce. notceittiK, but ti. nk it on the riirht fide: hi-a*-car <ne luf% near the kuee; don A recohect which it- z : w*-i|clisotMa< K>puud. ■ on ti ew- tk l#e*or*t Chris*h. ik, who anw<r< the <ie*crt|e of mv b*#y. and who wa‘‘ tteniptiiig to pihi.iui.lf off a. a whit.* in t-y ti e ram* of u-vl, and who was lodged in jftil.if il ii.ty. hur s ’•**. i -n*.v reieftsed. 1 have btr* ujr rt*astpns f r believltip thattbnt was my negro. I pt Ii I‘ r I- .. . n!. i- iu at 111] livery to meat West ioint, U M or 50 if lodged insnvHil o * ci” *r t bim. A5408 HUUULKV. J:r; is—;i:u w SANFORD’S LIVER mVIGOBATOE, XV VEK DEDILITATES. fT Is enniponndel entirely frr-mOuiß*. and has become an J. .--t;' ; -l.- ind lit, a m.inilard Medicine,known and approv ... . i; ban u t and Is now retirte dko with - mended. tOC a . , , j, 1,;,, nrel thousand?! /*. (within the last two years wholsd vm upall h"p •( T 9 * ("f rdief. a* the numerous , its . - ((• ftiiv ( : ng i-.r Trr • i dosedius, AUautiUc* ~i • ut! ot. tin-I*ow ( ifc (els. I, u! t £D ‘ ‘l-'n.t guide you In the Lit KB IVi em iVltADHa'ltHi. . i-urt l.itrrl u m-; (p Ii 111 s . Bilious At tacks By spep-li. f (i hriiulr Diarrhoea. illlilli.-r A'orrii-lainls.t (Dl-enlrry. ru|ay . *. ir -lontaclt lll'il-( JtZ “ al < ostDeiie-s, hol ic t hiAtera. (It-lrrar am (.klurhu*, • hou-ra In fin tu in. P'laiiiu-isee,# -.lauudlce, Female Wreluirsm. ad maw -be used socc Wol yas an Dr,Unary I'ninilO OS >Dcdielnc. It will cure >i K “lIt.AD \t 111 ; wi oas th* sands cae t-s’lfy,) ill ti itty mtiiiile*. ![ (two or three len si iuilifulls are inkei t J ll “'iiiaienccmtiit of at Vil aaliia use it nr, f — 1 Lhlng their testimony In its tavor. 1 MIVWYTFBIN THE >IIH TH WITH TIIE i\y io(iis \ rtm, am* swallow huth to IF. 1 H r ' l4 ’p r j ee Q nr Dollar per Buttle. SANFORD’S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILL 6, ruMI'OPJiDII) FROM i’urr Veselahle F.xtraets. and put up In (JLUS ■ 4 \al>, Air Tiahl. and will keep in any ( liinaie. The Family Falhnr-l _• lc I'lll is a gentl but iw tive Cat hart c which u,.( p-opneti,r has used in his practice tnorethan tweoty; C/J jyei S. TU. c*in,-antlv inersas ; .In K d-mand from those alio have loi g use 1 tiie- —tPILIK a - ,d the a*tlsfa-> turn Which all express in. 3 to their use hss m d fed n e to place them- twitniu the reach ( fall. The prof.-soil well kuow| different Cathartics a ..n different porii..- sot, (the bnwrds. tic family t \-- :th ad id fill has. w’lh and” • refer Alice to this! (well established fact, been C „„p. umlr.l from .. var . C 5 l'y “1 ‘be purest Vegetable fcvtrat ahlcl. act like! (on eve.y part of the a11.... .... ! si lc {— Da-rony uteuis A.f the __ (>les-nliAew, I’nlu* In the Buck and Eotnx,; OL •< rwliAeiies*, I alii and mmirie over ‘h a ; - :li le body, f' sud den co .!. which trisj .cut-; (iv. if liegKeted. end in a In-g, ns-’ Kt-vc- la'as.; Ay (of %p|tlle, * t ree|t ina eeiisatlon .1 4’oH; jaiaat ih- body, Hed; h-snr-. He...! he. ;U. -VAri-litin the Head,all ■ Inllnmmaiory lfl* ns-| *~ or Ad-ills, HI. I.IUO-. (ilstn.aitr; al l’.uHlt;rof I the llliAod and n ‘u\ di ; ‘C.-scst” •hu h flesh is lit ir, , n'inier ustd n lit.c:. CkJ Ii n this advertnement.- | Dose, 1 W X PHICE CENTS. The l iter liiAi.-oratorand Family Cniharile Pills are rct-.i. and 1 ‘ Dio<iU(tsgeiierJiy,aiidsold whoU.satr by tile ! trade in aU the towns. S. T. W. SANDFOP.’A, Mauufaclurer no .‘roprietor, :c 5 Broatiwa-. M. Y. R< ta’led bv aU L'nirel-ts. bold uls., :,v ZKILI.N A HUN Ki‘ i’AYNU and VkNAUDi CASTLKN. Macon. Qut.e q. | lv.cli. JUST RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT, 253 Black Cloth Cloaks. From *3 CO <o 00. all of wh'ch mus’ be sold by the lt of January . -tk) Now. Ladles. Is vour time to buy Cloaks for fOn-rccnt. less than tbtir value ALS'J. a Large lot of d’AHPKI LAG U’t received. Also a lurpe b I of Silks and Silk Robes, Just marked down lelow their value to c ose out the lot. English and French Merinoes, De Laics and DeLalu Roes wt.l be sold aet< mshing low. Long and Square Shawls, White and Red flannels. A large lot of Embroideries Os all kind*. „ _ Hoop Skirts, &c., Etc. And ever>Uiiajr ufunlly k< In a first ciftM I>r>|Goodß Houst. W, only ask you all. both Latlles and Gentlemen, to call and price our h-kl*. and you will bfi that wc arc aciiiDf very low. ILLIAb *.ia>. Clothing. WE aliHj have a fine lot of C-oth:nfi that will be aold very ebe*,. CalUcutlemeuandmefor KINBTKIN. i c. m &, MACON, GrA. INVITE thf* at t ei'tion ot the Sporting Public anti their iurac aelectUa ot Double Guns & Rifles, Pistols and Revolvers, Pocket and Sporting Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, Walking Sticks, FSI k DOMESTIC AIMVIfTIOI. And every artic eto be found in the ttrst-class Sportamen’s fcnijKMlu’i.M. either North or South. By a care ul ntteT.tion to bnsluefw. and by keeping always on hanri.acMrice asjortm**nt otthe >est fc ’oodiß our line, w* e Tiled ts reci ive a continuation of the literal patronage here tofore extended to us. I\<S carefully attended to, as hereto- lore. loot M—ts J 14. C. 11. bON. KEROSENE OIL! ORE A T RED CCT/OX /.V PRICE. IKE NEW YORK KEROSENE OIL CO. # (Established 1K.54.) Announce, having m<ule tyvut in the msmufacture .-f Kerosene, they are now enabled tt> otlv-r it to the trude al A Etodiicod !*i!ce. The attention of consumers is respectfully called to the subjoined table, the* result of a photometrical examination, by Kt*n N. Kent. F.m|., ol New York, Chemist, anti dated Feb. e, ISSC. Te ]fcs 3■ o . ~3 HH wj ’Zm •“ C *3 1° —"5 S*c MATERIAL. LAMP. >■ r ~ tc O S! b O ; “x a “iy~ Si < Kerosetu Kerosene-- 13.089’ 2.435 $1 Oo!$l 10 ( ampheni Campliene- 5.625 1.20® 63 480 YYluakr Oil ‘S.ilar 1.592 - 833 100 ® laird Oil Solar L*’4"j iIW 1 2-el. -0 SiH-mi Oil---'Solar 2.02. M Roo 2 2ob 47 Burning Fluid Large Wick e.m 300 I b. rjt w Reliable orders from the Trade, I# Mail or Tele graph, tilled, on application to AUSTENS, Agents, V 93 Pearl Street, N. Y. KEROSENE i a also to l>o obtained at the Manufac turers’ Prices, of all the Wholesale New York Drutr eists. Grocers. Campliene and Burning Fluid Manu facturers and Dealers in Lamps. V. n. KEROSESE is the trade-mark of the Kero sene Oil 01.. and oil person* are cautionea against using the said trademark for other oils. oet 14 saa&aa- 3m MACON LAMP STOKE! KTo. 11 COTTON AVENUE. CROCKERY, hlakk anb china, COAL OIL LAMPS AND CHANDALIERS, Fluid Lamps, Silver Tlstcd Ware, Table Cutlery and Castor Erames, LDOIiLYIi GLASSES Improved Coal Oil, BUKNIN'A FLUID CAMt’HINE AND ADCOHOL At Wholesale and Retail , cunAr for. cash CALL AND .SEE U.S, DOLSHAW A HEIIZOG. NOT BCE! ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. cpHE above reward will be paid for the apprelien -1 don and delivery to me at Homersville < Imeli Cos. ihi., or to an) jailor in the State, fIT four negroes : A boy Yloses. 19 years ol :t fe. *Lq luik eumplexion, stutters and lias the front ti ii” • r tm the right hanil, with others - .x. 1 tl,-allied by a eane-imtl. A girl Agnes 23 or a* years of age a mulatto, hits a sear from a burn v\ liit-li caus es tne skill to draw very tight, from the neck la. the shoulder. Agu l Peggy 17 years of ago. dark com plexion. lias sears on the ami. caused by a sawgin. anil a child of the yellow woman 1> months old, a eirl. Said negroes use the left hand in preference to the right. They left my place on Wednesday night ’ *1 will pay an additional SIOO for tiie delivery of any one with proof to convict, who may be harboring or decoying tliem off. L- ‘- M 1 AUX ti,i rile Atlanta Intelligencer copy 3 times. Jan. 2t> ot. WOOD, EDDY & CO. S 6I0B&IA ANQ DELAWARE STATE LOTTERIES 1 GILAND CAPITAL PlilZE -m. The Extraordinary Drawing of Woa< Eddy A- Co.’s , i Ni.ii,btrLouiies will lake iilar- In putnic. under the superiwei,dance of Swora Commisioucrs, at Augusta, Ua., as follow*: Draws on Saturday , Feb. ‘lath, 1800. qg ;T /m jMßigft* Draws on Saturday , Alar. 3lf, 1860. a. Draws on Saturday. Aprl. 28 th, 1800. GRAKD IXTRAORdTnARY DP.AWiNGS *lo take- p ivtt k*ubove Epifld. 1 Grand Capital Frize of SIOO,OOO. 1 Trite of F"-'VO I 10 01 Tires of. *1 J Pnreof 20.UW 170 Prin kof JfW * i’meof lu.OOO I Ii ,Pr ies ot 100 j IT./,-Ot Olkl, j OStTiZeSOf. •* 2 us o-ffW 6. Prx. et. ; ... 0 Priz.-Mfit 4.< oU I rites of aj 2 V.m. tf.V.V.V.'.. ’-OS’ 4 810 PfU.-a ot 4d _ } rates o 2.001) I 27.040 l’rire* f 30 , t',iAcaluwAjull,.s fl.lsti . 0 Whole Tickets *JO, Haloes 410; yuurure 45; Eights*!. s Certiflcxtrs of 1 atkages will be ooid at the following LVrt.fllt of W la le 1 ickets. WW 00 aa aa -.ii tjuiirtrr “ *i 70 •j “ 2* Eighths “ • -‘ THE ORDINARY DRAWINGS of Wc->J Kddy and 'o . Single nuiu3er Lotteries will take p| ac iu public, as full >ws : ('lass 5H Draws uli SalurJav, Februun I, 1 MjO “ . li’ “ ST ” “ *! .. oi “ •• March 3, A. J i •* ‘ 1, .. J* “ “ “ *4, .. oo “ “ at, ; “ ‘‘ April 7, “ ‘‘ * “ ‘ ~ J A* ** <t* ‘ “ ff*’ AA • 70 *’ pearly One Prize tu every Mne Tickets. ORDINARY DRAWING TO TAKE PI.ABE AS ABOVE stemmed. 1 Grand Prize of $50,000. i ai ,( • 20,000 . .. 0 f io,ooo ; .. of s'ooo 5 ' 000 1 A. of 4,000 l .. o B >"°° \ .. ljxHi r,o of s“ 100 “ es 100 • of DO •• of 5J® 100 •• of • 110 AI*PBONI3I\TION PRIZES. 4 prise( of f4OO appro*, to 150,000 priteare |1,60fl 4 P aa 800 “ 90,000 “ are 1,300 4 it 2.y) •• 10,000 “ are 10n0 4 •< 215 •* 5,000 “ are 900 4 . • • 4,000 “ are 800 4 it )5o “ B,iMK) “ are 600 4 “ 10-.) “ 5,000 ** so are 5,455 Priaes amountinK to *320,00,1 C Tickets slo Halves *s—Quarters U sft. Certificates of Packages in the Ordinary. Dr awing.-wlllb I sold a’ the following rates, which is the risk : Cert ticatea of packages of 10 \\ hole Tickets, tSO 10 Half “ 40 •• “ 10 Quatters “ SO •• “ 10 Eighth “ 10 Ih Orderlnz Tiekets or Certlfir*te. Enclose the money to Our address for the Tickets or dered, on es which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any ’ figure they may designate. The List of Brawn Numbers and Prises will be senttc purchasers itnnediately after the drawing. j|T Purchasers will please write their signatures j plain, and give their Post Offlce,County and State. Remember that every prize ia drawn and payable in full without deduction. psv- All prises ot *I.OOO and under, paid immediate ly after the d-awing—other prises at the usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Orders tor Tickets or Certificates, by Mail or Express to be directed lo EDDY A CO., AugnitaOeorgia. or. WOOD, EM>Y ACO . Atlanta, Georgia, or, WOOD. EDDV a CO., Wilmington. Delw E. C. BT^LKLEY, AGENT FOR MOOD, EDDY k CO.’S Celebrated Lotteries, Maoon, Ga. See Advertisement, BOV 11—w NEW FIRM. TEMrerv rr-TTi Ljpwp tte business in all its branches. Wevhallalways ke.p Phai tons’Carriage*, Buggies and Horses, to hire on as good terms as anytocy. V\ e also have the most ample ac conimnilationsfor Drove Stock. We would -av to the pulilie ‘hat we have taken the 6/rinto our m uih iu earnest, and can always he found with our har ness on re uiy to serve you -. we intend nv keeping a straight toi-gae. polling together, and by buckling down cine.’ In fills iii'i.-. to succeed orbreak a trace. We shall never tirelMows tnhttchln upfor you so lung as vo i come ut> to the licking aud settle Now it you want usto wag-on, to rock-a-uaguna noth r sulky, in fait if you don't want us to check up 100 close, put your sh*i ldertothe .heel, give us a share, andif you find a .ingle true, ot ingi. t ude vou-mav holier us. Very respectfully, .t JEH KEKS. yjgg* Opposite the Passenyer Depot andneau Brown's Hotel. apr 29-ts. LAYIPS, LAiUrS, K ERGS IN E Oil Lamps just received and for sale bv dec. 17—ts B. A. WISE. S4O OO }> AYS th tuition fora full conrs.* in tb< Triin City Ol !eje, flu* gr*** tx e* sive v r*a’romzel aid be*t organized CoinineiciaJ .’‘cli ’Ot lu tiie Uuiud .'-ta’ea. For ft luug: ihi i.s For writing, Oim erclal Un cnluii na, Book-Keep'ng ar.d Leu lur&t. U**tial time to conifilete a full c nrs-*, from 6to 10 week?. Every Muvlent, up4n cmdußtinir. is 4.11 rat leedto l*e com ;*etei t to manage the tw oks o; ai.y bu.-incts, and qualified to eirn a sala*yf from - S3OO to siooo. Students enter at any time—No vacation—Review at pleasure. First Premiums for Best Writing Awarded this Institution. The best and greatest variety ot Penmanship in any , ne Hall in the ITdun, is found here. IF Minister’s Sons received at half price. For full inform .tim, < ircular. specimen of Business and Ornamental Writing, and kmbeilirhjd View of the College, nclose five ietter stamps to F. W. JENKINS, sept 30 wly Pitts burgh, Pa. I. T. CAUTWBIGHT. L. 1.. EDMOXIISOX. L T. CIITWEIfiBT & CO., Produce, Porwardirg- and COMMISSION MTdOHAKTS, 95 F'ront Row, MEMPHIS, Tenn., DEALERS IN Flour, Bacon. Lard, Butter , Cheese, Fish Whisky , Tobacco, Cigars, Hay, Grain and Produce Generally. Orders Solicited and Promptly Filled. references: Hlte& Small, LoultvilU*, Kv.; I>can A Clifford, Loulsvlll Kv.; Ltrhman 3r i’o., Manpiiiis Tenn.; Gallawuy Af*amp bell, Memphis, Tenn. sept 226m # - 3XATIOKERS WAREHOUSE, No. 75, John Street, N. Y. W. & 0. K. !IE3BSCHa IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN “ FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STATIONERY WE oe now prepared to offer to the trade, from nil part of the coun* rv, a fall and complete assortment of a goods in our line com|irisliig the newest and most de-irub 1 .- tuck of , STATIONERY n the country. We respectfully requestor buy trsan inspec ion of our nt<ck. Our new ILLUSTRATED TRADE CATALOGUE W Mall on application. TARRANT’S EFFERVESCENT SELTZEr APERIENT. This valuable and popular Medicine, prepared in conformity with the analvsla of the waters of the celebrated Seltzer Sprn g in (i,ruiany, in a most onvei ient and poi table form, iui- universiily received the most Fa vurahierecominei’daliuiisotthe Meuioilpro- . fesMuii and a Discerning Public, as the MOST EFFICIENT AND AGREEABLE Salino Aporiont in ute. and As being entitled to special preference over the i many Mineral spring Waters, Powders, and other siuuiar rticies, b th from i’s compactness and greater etlica cy. It may be used ft ith the bett effect in all BILIOUS AND FEBRILE DISEASES, HICK HEADACHE, 1.088 OF APPETITE, INDIGESTION, AND ALL SIMILAR COM PLAINTS, PECULIARLY INCIDENT TO THE SPRING and SUMMER SEASONS. It is p irtlculsrly adapted to the wants of Travelers by Sea and Land, Residents in h o oimates, persons of Se dentary Hat,i s. Invalids and Convalescent*; Captains of vessels and Planters will find it a valuable addition to their Medicine Che 4s. With those who have used it, it lias high tavor and is deemed ludispeuKible. IN A TORPID STATE OF THE LIVER_It renders great service in restoring healthy action. IN OOLf ANI) RHEUMATISM—It gives the best sat igfactiun, allaying all inflammatory syn pt mis, and in many cases effectual! * curing those afliicttd. IIS SUCCESS IN CASKS OF GRAVEL. INDIGES TION, HKAKTRUKK AND <’<lSTlVENEhS—Proves It to be a MedU-’m* of the greatest utility. At ‘i IU I V OF TH E ‘T iMAi-H. ANDTHE DISTRFSS INOSK KNttSS so USUAL DURING PREGNANCY— Yields speedily, and witli marked success under its healtbyul inti uenoe. IT AFFORDS THE GREATEST RELIEF TO THOSE AFFLIOTKW WITH OR SUBJECT TO THE PILES— Acting gently on the bowels, neutralizing all irritating ecre ti<uis, and thereby removing all infl'Ainniatory tendencies. IN FAI T. IT IS INVA LithLE IN AI.I.tiAsES WHERE A GENTLE APERIENT OR PURGATIVE iS REQUIRED. It is in tiie form of a powder, carefully put up In bottles, to keep in any miniate, and n er-ly requites water poured up on it to produce adelightful effervescent leverage Taken in tiie morning, it never interferes with the avoca tions of the day. acting gently- on the system, restoring the j digestive powers, excuing a healthy amfvigorous lone of the stomach, and creating an elasticity ol mind and flow of spirits which give zest, to every enloymeut. It also enable*the in valid to eii ov many luxuries with impunlly, from which ht in st otherwise be debarred, and wii bout which lilt i.irksome | and distressing. Numerous esiamonlais from professional *nd other gentle- I men ofthe highest standing throughout the country, ami its s eadily increa-ing popula It v f r a series ot years, strongly | gnu antee its efficacy and valuahie character, asd commend j it to the lav ratde notice of an intelligent public. Prepared ami sold. Wholesale and Retail hv John a. takra.n i a ;0., dbuooist*. No. 27t>Ureenwich bt.. cur. of Warren, N. Y. june 14—ly wmYfim Corner of Green and Morgan Streets JOHN B. FULLER, Prop’r. IVfIOD MOULDINGS, Beads and Architraves, con u V stmitly on hand, and worked to order. Also i‘EW CAPS, Rails and Hand Kails, inside Trimmings of every descripti m. Brackets, Tru-ses. and all kinds of beroll and Straight; House Carving, Ac.. Ar. Afiy desired pattern worked to order at short notice. MOOD TURN ING in all its t,ranches, plain. Pannelled, and Octagon Jewels, on hand and made to order. Baiu.ters of all sizes and descriptions, Ac , Ac.. Ac. Mahogany, Black ‘W alnut. Oak, Cliei ry, an 1 I'iue Mair Rails, sawed or worked to order. The’prices marked on cai li pattern ot tne hooks sent to order to any part ot tin* United States are tor one hundred feet running measure . ... . _ , y. li.—u.e of the largest slocks of Mouldings and Tiiui mings. and greatest variety of patterns, munu uctured • f the w rv best 111 Iter al-, will always !>e lound at this estahllßh ment. l av ing with neatn-'tsand dispatch. , icmscish. JOHN 11. FULLER will also manufacture aud give particular attention to Grotliio Work, For Churches, Public Buildings. Dwelling Hojise*,4c. Win dow frames, Ac., made to order at short notice. Round and Square Picket Fence , dc. } Also, dealer in Bogin. Ssislios anil Blinds. Ot every description, nunufactured of the best material, and wareaiilen to staiid in any climate. Builders’ Hardware, and every article In that line lurnlshed at the cash priccj. Marble, Marhleiztd Iron and Slate Man tles, Terra Cotta, Brackets, Trusses, Window Caps, Wc. |jr Designs and Drawings furnished at shott notice aug 4- 6tu It is Not too Much to Say SINCE ALL. OLD AND YOUNG, Affirm .its T-i-n-th., Viz: ‘lht l’rtifcHHur Wood’s llair Itt-stornlße Will preserve iiifaiiblv the growth and color of the hair l’ Used two or three tunes a week, to any im iginable age Pei ft ctly, restore the gray, cover the bald wlih nature’s own ornament, the hear; make it more suit and beautilul than any oil, and preserve the scalp Lee from all disease to the gr atertage. Muti-smaii, Judges. Attorney's Doctors, Cler gyman, Prfiteesi nal n on and Gentlemen and Ladies, of all classes, all over tiie world, hear testimony tnt we do not say ioj much in its favor. Keadthe following, and Judge : Htc-Koav Gbovk, St. Charles Cos., Mo., Nov. 19,1557. Pnor. Wood—Pkab Mk; Nome time last summer we were induced to use some of your H-ir Restorative, and its es- Lets w en- so wonderful, we leel it our duty to you and the urtlicted, to report it. uur lit le sou’s head for some time had been perfectly cov ered with tores, and so tne call it teald In ad. The lair al entirely tame off i u c liscquence w hen a friend, seeing l,;s s iffetiugs, advised us to u-e your Restorative, we uid so with little hi pe of success, hut id our surprise and that of ail our friei its, a very few applicati-ms removed the dis use entirely and i new and luxuriant crop of nair soon started out, and we can now nay that our boy has as healthy a scalp, and as luxuriant a crop of hair as any other child. We can, therefore, aid do hereby, reccommend your Kes'orative,aa a pertecr remedy tor ail diseases of tiie scalp and hair. We aie yours respectfully, Geo. W. Uiooisuotham, Saeah A. HnmisiKiTHAit. Pnor. Wood,—Dear Sir: My hair had, tor several years, been becoming pri maturely gray, accompanied bv a harsh ne s widch r>ndered the c usiatit application ot oil uecessa ry in dr.-s ng it. Wlien I commenc’ and using your Hair Re st, rative about two mouths ago it was in that condition ; and having coutiuned its use till within the last three weeks it has turned to its natural color, and assumed a softness and 1 us're greatly to he preferred to those produced by the applica ion of oils or any oilier preparation I have ever used. 1 regard it as an indispensab earticlefor every lady's toilet, whetnesto t,e used us a Hair Restorative or"for the tin*. le purpose of dressing or beautifying the hair. You have permission to refer to me ail who entertained anydoubt of its p'.'riorndng all that is claimed for it. Mas. C. Stuoxds, Cincinnati, 0., Feb. 10,1857. , 114 3d st, Wellingtok, Mo„ Dec. 5. 1557. Pbov. Wood—Dear Sir : By the advice of a trieml of mine, who had been using your Hair Restorative, 1 was induced to try it. 1 had the fever, same time ust May, and nearlv every hair in my head came out. Nsw myhairhas c uue in a great deal thicker than ever it was. Nothing but a duty and sympathy that I feel to communicate to others who are afflicted as 1 have been, would induce me to give this public acknowledgement of the benefit i have received from Prof. Wood’s Hair Restorative. Yours respectfully, A.R. JACOBS. The Restorative is put in boltiesr.f three sizes, viz: large, me i'iin. and email ; the small holds % pint, and retailed tor one dollar per bo tie; the medium holds at least twenty per cent more iu proportion than the small, retails for two dol lars per bottle; the large holds aquart. 40 per cent mure in proportion, and retails Tor three dollars per botrie. O. J, WOOD A CO., Proprietors, 311 Broadway, N. Y'., (In the great N. Y. Wire Railing Eetablisnient,) and 114 Market .Street, St. Louis. Mo. And bold by ai.i. good Pecggists aud Fancy Goods Dkaeebs. Jan.6,3ui. Spectacles, IN Gold and Steel frames, Gold, Silver, Steel and Common Speck*. A splendid assortment jnt received, by IS. J. JQHtfSTOS * CQ. Hill’S GIIIISE PfIEPABATIBI OF HIGHLY COICCFWTRATSD COM POUND FLUID EXTRACT 3UCHU, Far IHacaaesoftha Bladder, Kidney*, Gravel, Dr> pay, Weitkne**, Ob* time lion*, Secret D'*cv*>*, Ft mult Hutu plaint*, u-.d all I)teeu*e* of ihe S xaal Organ*, Arising from Kxc> and in Life, and re moving ali impr-per Diach from tne B.adder, Kid uej?s Jt Sex. I OrgMa, whether ext-tin* in Male or Female, From whatever cause they may have originated. And no Matter of How Long Standing, Giving Health and Vii/nr to the Frame, and Bloom to the i'altui Cluck. JOY TO TH3 AFF LISTED!!! It cures Nervous and Debi’itated Sufferers, and removes ali the Symptoms, ainon*t which will be found, lnuUpueitlon to Exertion, Lott of Power, cos- of Men*orr, I ilUcuit\ of Brenthiojc, 1 en erai Weakness, Morrow of Dis ease, v* **ak Nerves, Tre b’iug, l>read ful iitrpjrof Death, Night Sweats, Cola Feet, • uKefulne-s, limru*s of Vtbion, Languor, Univer sal Lassitude ot the Muscular'•ystem. Otteu Luormouf Ajipetite. with Dyspt ptic Symptoms, Hot Hides, jfiuelrnic of the Hotly, lrvue* or the skiu, Pallid (Vuiits*n mcuand Eruptionson tile Fate, FaoiliiTUr Back, Hew viuefs ot rb* Fre i query lv Black Spots Flying before the Eyes, with Ten porary Suffus*n and l.osaof Siglit; Want of At tention. Great MohiUiy, Kestlet sness, with Horror of &octty. Nothing t more LMftirabto to such l*a tien stiian Solitude, und no’hing they more lor fear of themselves ; bo Ke poae of Manner, no Earneatntss, uo Speculation, i*ut a Hurrltd Transition, from one question to all ot her. These svm toms, if allowed to go on—which th s medi cine invariably removes— * on follows LOSS us PoW Ktt, FATUITY, and EPILEPTIC FlTS—ill one of which the patient may expire. Who can sav these excesses are not tre luently followed bv thoe direful diseases—l .SAN ITY AND CONSUMPTION? The records o* the IN SANK \>YLUM:*, and tlie melancholy deaths by <X>N SUMPTLGN, b. ar ample witne> to t.ietruth of these as se.rtit ns. In Lunatic Asylums the meet melancholy exhi bition appears. The countenance is actually tadden ami quit** destitute—neither Mirth or Grief, ever vints it.— tliould a sound ofthe voice occur, it is rarely articu’ate, ‘•With woeiul measures wan derrair Low sullen sou* ds his griefß guiied.” Pebility is most terrible! and has * brought thousands upon thousands to untimelv graves, thus blasting the am bition of many noble youths. It can be cured by the use of this Infallible Remedy. If you arc stiftVring with any of the above distraint: ailments, the FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU willture you. Try it ar.d be convinced ot its efficacy. BEWARE OK QUACK NOSTRUMS & QUACK DOCTORS, mm EXTRACT 11. J prepared directly according to the Rules of PHARMACY AND CUE.MIVIKY. Cases of from one week to thirteen years’ standing have been effected; Tbemass of VOLUNTAItY TJCSTt MUNY in possession of the Proprietor, voucbing irs srirtnes and curative powers, :s immense, embracing names well known to SCIENCE AND FAME. Personally appeared before me, an aldtiniMi of the ity | of Philadelphia, H. ‘l. HELM BOLD, Chemist, who being i duly sworn does say, that his preparation contains no Narcotic Meicury, or injurious Drug, nut are purely Vegi -1 table. H. T. HELM lIoLD, Sole VnntifacMirer. Sworn and subscribed b* fore me this 23d day of Novem ber, DM. WM. P. HllißAliD, Alderman. Price jkl p<*r llottle, or Six forjiY, Delivered loony Arftlrc*', Accompanied by re lnli’e and responsible Certificates from Professor-of Medical Colleges, Clergyumn-aml other*. Prepared and sold by H. T. HELMB LP, i Practical and Analytical Cherniet, \ \o. 52 Houth lOih *L, lielow < hentmir, Assent hly Dili! lines, Phi!a. JIT” To be had of Dll. STRQHFX'.KER, Wholesale and Retail Agent Micttn , Ga , ami nil ’fall Druggists ami Dvolvrs throughout the United States, Canudue and Brit ish Brovin esc. Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold’s- - -Take no Other. CURES CIA it A \ T LED. Sold by E. L. STIiOECHER, Macon. Jan. 25 was -vly. 111 Mill. We now offer the remainder of Qur WINTER DRESS GOODS, t greatly REDUCED PRICES. If you wish a HANDSOME DRESS for a little call on iv. s. ruruuEV &, co dec 21 WliO SpoalAS , AGAINST THE DRIGGS PIA^OP “VJOT one of those who have purchased them, or _L\ nny disinterested person who knows anything about them, but those interested in the manufac ture or sale of otlier Pianos are working against them for dear life. They know that when these Pi anos are known, they will supercede all others as sure as the sun shines. Those who purchase these l'iunos, und disinterested persons who know what constitutes a good Piano, are the proper ones to en quire of, and not tie i.kd astray by the ridiculous lies told by the manufacturers ol other Pianos. We have sold six of these Pianos, and any one wishing to know how they are liked, can find out the names of the purchasers by c ailing at the Messrs. Virgin s. We invite all who wish to buy or heara tine I’iuno to call and see them, j.oa 2b ts swiw O. B. RICE. B>i*elufion < opart iici'-lijp. STRONG A WOOD hereby give notice, that their firm was dissolved this day by mutual consent.— Either party is authorized to use the name of the late firm in settlement of its affairs. Those indebt ed willmake immediate payment and those having claims will present them for settlement. LEWIS P. STRONG, CHARLES V. WOOD. Macon, Jan. 2, IS6O jan 3 3m 7iL NEW mm. L. P. STRONG & SONS. TEWIS P. STRONG tenders his grateful thanks J for the lilieral patronage extended to him for the last twenty-seven years, and respectfully an nounces that he lias associated with him in the fur.- ther prosecution of the business, his two sons, KD GAK P. STRUNG and FORRESTER W. STRONG, under the name, firm and style of 1,. P. STRONG. AND SONS, and will continue to keep on hand and offer, a large and select assortmekt ol Boots Shoes and Leather of nil kinds, and findings for Country manufacturers He respectfully asks for the new firm, a continu ance ofthe lilieral favor extended to the old. Macon, January 2,1 ‘'oo jan o—ly S. B. DAT, E. MAUSSENEI” DAY & MAUSSENET, Watchmakers and Jewelers, MULBERRY ST., MACON, GA., HAVE now in store and daily receiving a rich and varied ass Ttinent of goods in their line, oontiahng in part of Fine GOLD and SI! VKR WA TCITES , Ladies’ GOLD WA TCllßS.from S6O to $220, Diamond Breast Fins and Finger Rings Jewelry of every description Clocks in erery variety Silver'and Plated ware of rare and costly design. and finish. Besides a fine assortment of FANCY GOODS, CUTLERY, &C., &C., such as are usually keot iu the best establishments. Also a complete supply of Musical Instruments. VIOLINS from 05 to 07 5, UAN.JOS from 01.50 to oiO. X. B. — Watches and Jewelry repaired at short notice. oct 12—s vs &tv Gm* NEW EIEIvI. * STEAM SASH, ill AND IB FACTORY. HAVING purchased Mr. John Knight's Steam Factory in this city, we arc prepared to furnish Sash. Blinds, Doors and alt other work done at simi lar Houses, at short notice. We will pay particular attention to the business, personally and punctually, and promise to strive, at least, to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor us w ith their custom, both in regard to the quality of work done, and prices. Flooring, Ceiling, Weatherboard worked and prepared to order. iftjf-Give usa call. R- C. WILDER, A Cos. Macon, Jan. 2Sth, 18G0. (ts) ✓Consumption & Asthma Cured. | / Dr. 11. JAMES discovered while in the Eats ’ / Indies, a certain cure for Consumption, Astlnna m Bronchitis, Coughs. Colds, and General Debilits H The remedy was discovered by him when his only child,- a daughter, was given up to die. Hiy child was cured and is now alive and well. Desiroii. of benefiting his fellow mortals, he will send to those l who wish it, the recipe containing full directions I for making and successfully using this remedy, ■ free, on receipt of their names with stamp for M ‘ return postage. Address, I <). P. BROWN k CO., 32 A34 John St. / dec 23 6m w* / ATTENTION MECHANICS. Fixdlat Iron Works, > Macon, December 17th, 1859. f A No. 1, PATTEN MAKER. AND FOUR GOOD Machinists, accustomed to Steam Engine work, can find steady employment by immediate applica tion to the undersigned. General laborers also wanted. J. N. 4 C. D. FINDLAY. Serviving Partners of the lata Firm R. FIND LAY 4 SONS. Telegraph Copy one month. Dec. 17,1869. CONSOLIDATED LOTTERIES of DELAWARE. For January. 1860. FRANCE, BROADEST $ CO. Mangrs. The Legislature of Delaware, at Its last aeaaion having ‘ granted to Fkaxcb, Broapbents Sl Uo., (to rte of all other app kaiit*.) a LMUry Charter tor the encourage ment of Inter al ImprovemeLl* in the Mate,tocoutiime or a period *t Twt-nty yearn, are titw d* a ing in \a ilniinet)ii. Delaw .re, a aerie.-* of the most splendid schemes ever offered to the puMic. Bonds for one mil ion of dollars have bee** given to th- State, to secure the payment of all prizes. The drawings take place In public, and are ui der the suptrinteu dr-nce or i ’onnuhtoioners appointed by the Stale, to insure th-ir tairness. T>e Managertcall the attention ofthe public to the follow ing Splendid Scheme*) to l*e drawn in Wiimii<gtun, Delaware by State Authority. MAGNIFICEJ\T SCHEME! GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE S70,000I! GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY OF DELAWARE. Class 4. To be drawn in Wilmington, Del., Satmday Ji,n. as : ■ ■ jato jax • 7S Xaaibers—l3 Drawn Ballots. SPLENDID Sell KM K. 1 l’rize tTO.OO Is *70.000 1 25 (lOU 25.0 W) I . 12.5501 .gfm 1 12.ouri 25 "°° i io snooo 1 10.000) 4 8.0 0 12 (4.10 4 5.0 0 90 (M) 4 2,500 lU.'JbO 30 9,00. 2u,i00 10 1,280 19.n0 182 1 OUO 182.000 66 600 - 39.100 66 SUO S3 000 Ibi 2<o 26 100 131 100 U 210 S.V6O 40 158.4! 0 25,740 10 514,t00 30,316 prizes, amounting to *1.202,000 Tickets *2O, Halves 010, Quarters *5, Eighths *2 50. A Certitieate of Package of 26 Wholes, corts *BIO 00 Do. do. 26 Halves 258 00 Do. do. 26 Quarters, 120 01 Do. do. 26 Eighths 64 50 Grand Consolidated Lottery of Delaware, ON THE HAVANA PLAN! CLASS FIVE. To be drawn in Wilmington, Pel., Tuesday Jan.3l.Uo*. | EVERY OTHER TICKET A PRIZE! Frizes Payable in Full, trithout Deduction! In these Lotteries every Prize is Drawn! 1 /irlze of *50.0 1 prize of 22.50 s 1 i rize of • lu.mi 1 ’ 2 prize of ........ 5,015 t 2 prizes of ........ 2„vO 2 pi iz-s of 1,7t0 I 2 I rizes of 8 0 10 prizes of 6'r) 10 prizes of ........ 4,10 10 prizes of 300 100 prizes 100 25,000 prizes 0 And 164 Approximation prizes ranging from *2oupto*7to 25,505 prizes! - - amounting to - - 03 10.000 Whole Tickets *10; Halves *5; Quarters *2,50. Persons who desire need only remit the risk ou a Pack ago. for winch we will send a Certificate as lollows : A Certificate of Packages of 36 Wholes, costs. *.i6 Do. 00. )6 Halves. •• 4o Do. do. 16 Quirters, “ 94 Do. do. 16 Eights, “ 12 Prizes Paid Immediately alter the Urania::. All orders uddressrfl to Fbance, Broadbent vV (To., Managers, Wilmington, Del., will meet with prompt atteu tion, and the printed official drawings sent as soon a over. K. FKAKCE, iIKOADBKNT A CO. Ja:i 6 lm. * Managers. ESTABLISHED I 70. PETER LORILLARD, SnurT and Tobacco Manufacturer. 16 dk IS CHAM BURS ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, New York.) Would call the especial attention of Grocers and Druggists to bis removal, and also the articles of his manufacture, viz: liKOU N SNUFF. Macaboy, Demigros, Fine Rappee, Pure Virginia, Coarse Rappee. Nachitoches, American Gentleman, Copenhagen. YELLOW SNIFF. Scotch, Fresh Scotch, High Toast Scotch. Irish High Toast, i reach Honey Dew Scotch., or Lundyfoot. TOBACCO. BMOEINU, riNE CUT CHEWING. 6MOKIBG. N0..1, P. A. L. or plain, St. Jago No. 2. Cavendish, or sweet, Spanish Nos. 1 k 2 mix'd Sweet Scented Oronoco. Canister Kitfoot, Tin Foil Canvendish, Pure turkish. Cirettlar of Prices will bo sent on application. N. B.—Note the new article of Frtsh Scotch SnjifT. .which will lte found a superior article for dipping jan 6—3 m w HAYAM Ft AMs MORE PRIZES THAN BLANKS BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. On the Piatt of Single Number*. CONSOLIDATED LOTTERIES OF GEORGIA. Authorized by a Special Act of the Legislature, for the bene fit of Academies and for other purposes. HODGES, DAVIS & CO., Managers, Mncon, Gzv. CAPITAL PRIZE S*7o f oooa TICKETS ONLY $8 00. PriM’tf Payable in Full, without Deduction Purchasers in buying 10 Tickets, when the numbers <' n d in 1 2, D, 4,5, 6,7, H, 9, 0, are gu.iranteed a prize of $*5,00 CUss 7 Draws OitobiT, 22, 1H59. “ 8 “ “ 29, “ ls 9 “ XoYrniber, 5, ’59. Si it ii | 2 ti “II “ “ 19, “ “12 “ “ 26, “ 26,220 PRIZES AMOUNTING TO 5271,‘200. ■Will be uistriruted acc >rding lo the following OHA3NT33 SCHEME : To be drawn every Saturday. 1 Prize of 70.0T0 1 Prize of. 2000 1 l'rize ot 10 otXi 1 I‘nze (,f 5.0 U) l prize of. SOtc 1 Prize of. 2.( r. Ptizesof. l.cao 5 Prize.of. 500 10 Prizes of. :<( 10 Prizes of. WO 100 Prize.of. fO 3HI Prizes ot 25 25,000 Prizes of. 5 Approximation Prizes. 4 of t-AOO approximating to $70,000 ar** $1,200 4 ot SUO approximating to 20.000 arc 800 4 tf Iro approximating to 10,000 an SOO 4of 100 approximating to 5,1X0 are. 4ou 4of ‘.*o approximate j: to 8.000 are 86 4c f H) approximating to 2.UK) arc 850 12 of to approximating to 1.000 are 7:0 20 ot 50 approoimatirg to ficO are 1 Oiki 40 of 80 appr ximating to 800 are 1,2*J0 of £0 approximating to 101 are l,sty 400 of 15 Approxim tting to 50 are 6,00) 400 of 10 approximating to 20 are 4,000 26.220 Prizes, amounting to $271,200 < ertificatea ot i'ackagcs of 10 Whole Tickets, 55,0 JO Half “ 27.5 •• “ “ 10 Quarter “ 13 7 ** “ “ 10 > i*rbth “ 6,87 Thi i l * the risk, and which entitles the holder to all he diaw | over $25. The Combination l otteries on the Three .\nniber IMau Are Drawn Every Day. Ticketsfrom $1 tu sl6. each. THE EXTRA CLASS On the CITY PLAN by which purchasers can select their own Numbers, and pay any amount Jor Tickets, arc Drawn entry day. In Ordering 1 Tickets or Certificates Em-lone the money to our address for th* t ! ck*t* ordered, i/n receipt of which they wil! be forwatted by tl stmail. P*ir ch:t.sers can have lickeTe ending in any figure tney may desig uat. r i he list of drawn numbers and pri'-es will be pent to par chs-'e'rs In mediatelv after the drawn g. Ali prizes under SI,OOO payable immediately after the drawing. Notice to Correspondents: Those who prefer not sending money by mail, can use THE EXPRESS COMPANIES whereby money for Tickets, in tht sum of Eight Dollars and upwards, can be sent us At Our Risk and Expense, frtm any'cttv, of town, when’ there le an Express Office. The money and order must be enclosed In a Government Post Oilier Stamped Envelope, or the Express Companies cannot receive them. All Communications Strictly Confiden tial. Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give their Post Office, County and State. CinCUEARB Containing full explanations our Schemes, Ac., will be forwaided, by mail, to any one pending us his address. A List ofthe number, that are drawn from the wheel, with she .mount of the prize that each one i. entitled to, will be published after drawing in the American Republic, Macon (la., a specimen copyof hich will be sent to every purchaser. All orders for Tickets should he addressed to HOiXiJtb, DAVIS A CO.. Macon Georgia.^ Wanted Immediately, 1 AO Ol) Tinners. 10 Roofers and Job Workmen, ran L‘ ‘ have steady employment, ud good nges. Nine but Quod Workmen need apoly. W, J. McILI.OY. Macon, tra., bept. 21. d4ar. ™ HllimiliS WLSY. Notice to Stockholders. OK nn-1 sfte.r the 15'h febmary In stint, a Sen i annual Dividend of five per cent , out or the profits of I he last [ s'x months, will be due and pav able to stockhuldurs in this Com, anv, at t he Office of the Companv. Fe'o2 3t. W, S. HOLT, Agent. N OTICE. THE firm of Carhart St Curd from this date dissolved. The business of the firm will lie settled up l>y the Macon partners, in the new firm of Car hurt 4 Curd. Elijah H. Cnrhart and John C. Cum ol Macon, and James D. Carhart and Win. B. Carhart of New V ork. having bnnjrht out the iViterest of Whitfield D. Cai hart.will continue the Iron and Hardware business under the style of Carhart & Curd, at the IST ew Store, on Cherry .Street. Macon, Ga., Jan. Ist iB6O. Elijah H. L, i J ames D. Carhart, Ji-hn C. Curd. [ Wx. B. Carhart. jan 21, IB6o—tf CBAttLtt KIB3SR. THOMAS H. DAWSOM DAWSON & KIBIiEE, Attorneys & Counsellors .jm. t Jt-* al mw 9 Ila%vkin<*vllle and l'ienna. Ga. Mr. K. will have entire collections; Mr. D. all litigations,for the present, with assistance of his partner. They will practice Law. and give attention to any business that may be intrusted toth*ir management, in the Counties of Pulaski, Lowndes, Dooly, Houston, Wilcox, Brooks, Macon, Irwin, Kehols, Worth, 1 eltair. Clinch, Berrien, Coffee, Ware Sumter, Appling, Laurens, pierce, Twiggs, Miller, Baker, lJunghtrty. In SLPKEME COFRT, at Macon, Milk-dgville, Savannah and also in adjoining Counties, on special engagement. AND In Federal Court* at Savannah* March 1, 1859. y 49 ts j NEW GOODS GEORGE R. BARKER KAS lust returned from New York with a large and fresh stock of Staple and seasonable DRY GOODS, | GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, &c., Suitable for both CITY AND COUNTRY TRADE, | Most of which haze been bough t low for Cash, and will be sold at the lowest figures. Cali asd see me. U. K. B. J*f rif/OViLLK *Sc GOODELL’ri Double Lock Stitch Si!.'VIKU iIACHISLS. Something new and complete tor aie.s Q. K. B. nov.4 tt S2OO REV/ARD! STOLEN from the, on Saturday uight last, bva negro man t.anted Irvin Chester, wno claimed ti.'tie frire, a horse al-out 10 years old; shod on the fore foot?.with his fore-top cut off. Said negro isabout 5 feet high, andSs years of age. I will givethe above rewaro tortile horse and negro or *SO for the horse alone. SAM’L McKENZIE, nov 26—ts Montezuma, Ga. Valuable Plantation for Sale. TA A now offering for sale my plantation in Jones County S'Teu miles above the Ocmuigee River, con aining 1200 acres ot land. Attached to the place is3ooacres wampLandh, (river bottom). Terms one and two years’ credit. Mnv one wishing to purchase valuable Lands, will do well calf and examine the above as I am determined to sell, aprl ROBERT LUSDI COATES & WOOLFOLK ffiffllSE AND COMMISSION _ IE MERCHANTS ASJ A RE now open and prepared for the reception of Cotton t\ at their NEW KIKE PBOOF WAREHOUSE, oppo ite II irdeman Sc Sparks. We will endeavor to prove oursel vts worthy of the patronage of ‘hose who will favor us wit he’ r business. Liueral advances made on c.tton when oe ired. Macon, Sept. 21.155 J.—24 t FERTILIZERS! GENERAL AGENCY. TIIE undersigned respectfully announce to Planters and others interested, that they are constantly receiving, di rect from the Islands and from the menu fact urers, the fol lowing most approved Fertilizer* now known, all of w'hich have Been tuorougbiy and satisfactorily tested, viz: No. 1 Peruvian Guano, Sombrero Guano, Rhode’s Super. Phosphate of Lime, National Fertilizers, Ground Plaster. These articles, which will have our brand, and be guaran eedasgeuuine, we shall, at ail time*, be prepared to furnish n any amounts required, and at the lowest prices. The"Sti er Bhosphate,’ and ‘Fertilizer, 1 at manufacturers’ rates, with xpense of transportation added. Savannah. May2,-ly. PATTEN & MILLER. PIA NO F O RTEsT A. XX. GALE c So CO. TAKE pleasure in —rw , inviting the attention of Artists. Ama-g, l - . iriteu's. and the Public generalh, to th el ‘w*TIN EW SCALE Pa- Nd FORTE, just in fj j U 1 [ftrodnced. ’the grow, itig desire fora Square” •* t’iauo Forte that ,-bab atproacb theGrandin volume of Sound, and attic tarn* time, avoid the nrgtiniy appearance of that threc-cornei.d in sirup cot. directed onr energies to the production of such a desideratum. Our toil is rewarded and we submit the result without fear of competition. IW~ our pianos ate warranted to give entire satlsfactior, whether ordered from us direct, or sold by snv of our sgfo's throughout the country ; and we solicit a continuance ot tha patronage which we have enjoyed for the last twenty fie vears. A. B. GALE Sc CO., j une 30 wly 107 East 12th St., New York, 41 E R; I A.—JOKES COUNTY”. —Whereas X M Isaac Hardeman applies to me for Letters of Administration, with will annexed, on the estate of John C.Sloeuinb. lat<‘ of Jones County, dee-ecsed. These are therefore to cite mid admonish all. and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to Ih‘ and appear at my office on or Itefore the second Monday in January next, to show cause, if any they have.w'hy said Letters should not Ite granted. Given tinder my hand, at office this sth day of De eenitier. lcc'-t. (.’HAS. MACARTHY, Ordinary, dec TO liiiliMl pm. sr r T' , HF. undersigned are agents for the stile of Reese’s 1 Manipulated Guano, are now prepared to supply planters m any quantities at tlie same cost as if or dered by themselves. Are also agents for the sale of Mape's’ Nitrogenired Stijter Phosphate of Lime. — Will also have a large supply of tlie genuine Peruvi an Guano, all of which will be sold as low as parties can lay it down in this market. AYERS, WINGFIELD, A CO. Nov. 8. [COPY.] Movtiiuha, Oct., 24th, 1859. Messrs. Ayers. Wingfield and Co s: Dear Sib— Yours of the 13th inst., has l>een received its contents noted, Ac. In reply to your enquiry in regard to the Manipulated Guano as a fertilizer—l am well pleased so far as I have tested its use. I ap plied altout 100 lbs. per acre on land that was liadly worn, and not of the l test when fresh. The product ofthe field where tlie Guano was applied is over 800 ll>s. of seed cotton per acre. The same kind of land without the Guano produced about 400 lbs. per acre. Mv mode of applying the Guano, was by depositing it In the drill before bedding up the land. I nave not tried its use on corn, but have no doubt but it will succeed well. I shall use it pretty extensively on my next crop. Y'ours Respectfully, [Signed] REUBEN YVRIGHT. Btromvtlle, Oct. 20th, 1869. Messrs. Ayers Wingfield £ Cos.. Macon. Dear Sir:—The Manipulated Guano bought of you last Spring (Reese’s, 1 think it was.) I approve ofvery much. At this time, as the crop is not gathered m I cannot say w hat per cent, it w ill pay. though the use of it on poor land pay* a considerable per cent. 1 shall continue the use of it. Respectfully yours. [Signed] W. H. BYROM. Nov. 9,-tf. SAVE FREIGHT AND COMMISSIONS Carhart & Curd. [\ p\ SOLS AGENS FOR i fr% , FAIRBANK S SCALES. \FULL Assortment of Platform and Cottnlsr Scales now in store and for sale at their prices. NO FREIGHT ADDED. Outers token for Railroad Ware-house and other large Scales. We will see them properly put up. may 11 —ts. M If yV jLk rv P* - ■ S. W. COLLINS’ AXES, \ WEED’S AXES, TOWNSEND’S AXES, \ fenn s axes, \ I BRADLEY'S AXES. \ To Merchants. Swede* Iron, Refined Iron, Fngl ! *b Ivor Ploneb Steel. Tart German and Blister Stee>, Poontou Nails.JHorse Shaes, Horae rime Nalls. Axes, f hovelv and Spade*; Hatnea, Rope Trace Gbaius. Curry Comb*, At Vila, Vl*e, Bellow*, Hun n era. Store True! A Counter P'atfonn Beales, Don Sale*, Copying Freeses. Pocket and TANARUS; ble C ‘•-y o New Yotk prices adding freight. NATHAN WLiXf