The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, February 10, 1860, Image 4

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noun & mu. MR. RUROTTARP ho* returned from New York with the 6nt*eiecUi; ot WATCHES. JEWELRY and Fancy Articles •er brought to Ge -“Xia, and thee are now opened and ex pored lie eur at oar Beantifnl Store on Cherry Street, Two doors from the Telegraph Building, at the Sign of the 810- WATCH, Therefore we melt* all to call and see the latest novelties.— Our selections embrace RICH, RARE AND GORGEOUS STILLS or OK\A.%E.tT\ PIKS, RINGS, BRACELETS, CHAIN'S, LABIfs ENAMELLED A DIAMOND WATCHES. DIAMOND. PEARL. CORAL, CAR BUNCLE and other full and half seta of Jewelry, some of new design just out. We desire to call particular atrentio. to our <<<-ek of Watch as. by the crichra.q nukm, C’owden.y, Hmlde , ntodoart, Tobiaa. Ac . made to order eaprawijr for u*. We have a!*o on baud the invaluable Jurgunsouaud Nardin C.iouometer*. A large variety ol cl.-cits— latest style. StarJng Stiver and Plated Tea Setta, Pitchers, Goblets Ac. Musical Instruments •f every description. Call and look at our varied stock o VIOLIN*. Wealsn cal! the attention of the trade to our stock of GOLDPDNa. The largest and best selection ever brought to this market BEPilillXG Promptly Done sod Warranted. menarp a burg harp, sept -.8 Sign of the Rig Vtauh. CALL AND SEE The Beautiful IVORYTIPES At Wood'* Photographic Gallery, Which cannot be procured elsewhere In Georgia, also a large •oilaction . f Photuoi apha, I‘i xtkait- i> Oil, Paa m AJB Aui aaai.t, Asuauiirci, Daoies cn rm, Ac., as renal. uov g R. L. WGOp. 0. B. RICE, TUNER AND REPAIRER Os PIANO FORTES. 18 Permanently located in Macon. f£T~ N amei may he left ai Meesri. Virgin's and at I. J. Johnston A Cos. uovfi—tf iTv fry hod y £O#K HEftEf IF YOU Baggy- “ Hack Wagon, Jersey Wagon,* Plantation Wagon, that will RUN LIGHTER, and LAST LONGER, than any you can buy U THE STATE, go to WOODRI FF A fO„ Griffin, Ga. They k *p a LARGE STOCK, and SELL LOW, especially for CASH ! Aprtlltf. Copartnership Notice. I HAVE associated with me my brother. FRANK M. STONE, for the purpoae of continuing the Hat and Cap business. The busin-ss will be conducted hereafter under the Arm name and stTle of CHAS. B. STONE & BROTHER. The undersigned, thankful for the liberal patronage ex tend.--! to him the pu*t year, would xaoet respectfully solicit a continuation of it lor the new Arm. They will keep constantly on band a superior dock of nts and Cam, which they will sell as low as any botisrfn the Uttvor.-rtate. CHAS. IS. SIuNK A liRO. April M. Bridal Cakes. I>reseed in new designs, of grest beautv. made by Heury Borne, are necessary to get married la sty la. OTISI OTIS!! STOVESH! At W, J. McElroys, THIRD STREET, MACON, GA. nnft Cooking Stove*. TS Box and Parlor Stove..— OUU Alto *ue lot of Grates, comprising the flnetl and most vast id assortment of gloves ever offered o public, among them he old favorite Ixox Wrrcu, war ranted to give satisfaction. Also the Victob Coox, made in Augusta, Georgia. Cheap for Casa or good Note*. —ALSO.— A well selected assortme tof HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS consisting x part of Northern and Southern Wood Vfiiß. Brooms, Brushes, Counter and Feather Dusters, Lanterns, Lamps, Steak Dishes, Tea Crns, Chaffing and Steak Dishes, Ac., Ac. Gai Frrrua done at short notice. Also, plain Gas Fixtures for sale. Foecb, Cirrxax and Wxll Pram, of the most appro ved Patterns, Rubber Hose, Lead, Capper, Block Tin and Iron Tubes of all uses. Steam Valves, Whistles, Ouages, Cylinder and Water Oocksof all kinds. Copper Mills, and Copper Plumbing. Tin and Sheet Iron work of a kinds, done in the very best style. Lightning Rods put up at short notice. Notice. On and after this date, all work done to order wil be POSITIVKIY CASH on delivery, and ail accounts due when presented. Macon, octF-tf W. J. McKLROV TROUT HOUSE, ATLANTA, Geo., By J. D. GILBERT $ CO. sept 2* dAwtf Fine Fresh Candies, FROM “MILLARDS. II NEW YORK 1500 ok** FRENUH CAMIHB CONSISTING apricot slices, Whlskev. Brandy. Wine Prop*. Pine Apple Cream. Pesrled Marbles, So. 1 Mixed'JaudySugar Almonds, Jelly. Gum Drops, Burnt Alnionds, Plain Gum Props, Jim Crow ChocnUto, Ice Cream, prop*. Fancy Candv Toys, and every vari.ty known. Our Mock cann.'t be excelled. We Invite purchvars to j call and examine. GKKkK A FKEKMaN. Telegraph copy. dec IT | Almonds! Almonds! FRESH MarM>ille.Lanqnedre. and Paper Shell Almond.-. splendid Filberts, braziiSutsund Coconut*.ail of new wh--le*l* and retail. HENRY HORNE. Me**. A 1 elegr&ph copy 1 rr oath. oU FISK'S METAUC BURIAL CASES.’ ROSE WOOD,Mahogany, Walnut,CovrdnndPlain Coffins. Builders are Inritetl to eallandsxamingmy stock of Marbleiaed Iron Chimney Pieess, Window Baa*, and Blinds, Panel Doors, Window Glass, Mahogany Balus *r. and Newell. *• F. KOBB, marlT—tf Cotton Av. Macon,Ga. Butt’s Map of Georgia. tar a few Copies of this new and elegant Map of Georgia For Sale, at this Office, CHEAP FOR CASH! Orders Respectfully Solicited For. 9,—tf. New Goods. FHESH CGEFECHGNABIES Henry Horne HAS l*el, re:urne-l from the Northern Markets.and has is More now, a:.d is re eiving constantly a very choice Stoet of Confei lionaries an! Family Goc-rleS, to which be ovitesthe attention of the Citixensot Macon and surround ng country. Thankful for the exceeding:*- litoral patronage enjoyed for the tost nineysri 1 nest re-p t ally l-rg f.ra continuance of the same, promising that all toy efforts shall be directed to my patrr.neto merit their fan r MONTPELIER FARM SCHOOL, MONROE COUNTY, GEORGIA. REV. CARLISLE P. B. MARTIN, PRES. H* VIXG purchased that celebrated seat ol learning. Mr. Martin ha- tn.ii*-erred Uither fate FARM S‘ HOOLtrotu Henry voufcty. No place in all the South possesses more facilities or more ecultar advantages than doe. thia for the successful educa Jon of youth. The tall Session will commerce on the SA-h of July next *or further informaUon address the President at Montpe _ may S4 u PIES, TARTS A \l> DESSERTS. Wine Cream Tart. Gooseberry . art. Mince Pies. Ceeoanot CoFtArds, hfcubarb ]“!, < n Mine* Tie#, l*ru:.e TvU enaouSee. Peacu Tarts, Apple Tarts, Oariolte de Rowee] Jwlm o* aJI \ l, Cmoiref Poridtajc*, rtc. *•] leave orders before to clock,a. tn ,at HENRY HORVE’ CONFECTIONARY. CHRISTMAS Holiday Presents At RICHARDS’ BOOK & MUSIC STORE. A great variety of Elegant Gift Book., R< -.-wood. Mai.ogany and Papier M u hie Desk*, Vkws. plain and colored, Go’d Pens, Portfolio* and Album*. A fine lot of duvenikand Toy Books, lKdle. Italia, Toys auu Games, lor sa.e low by ** J- J- * S. P. RICHARDS. LATEST NEWS BY THE ATLANTIC TELEGBAPiL X >-whom It may concern, this U to notity th publk is at borne agtin, and be*.- to awnie ‘ natrons that his Sa loon is net a ttuu|( of a tajr. Citizci m ptsblu will Uhl ihiir esUbLshmeLt oijcu. Dot for tLe Sounm oaiy, but all Soasons of tko year, and those ca'ling on ns, will at all hours, find our larfcr sup plied with all the delicacies that the New York sad other market wili aiford. in the way of eutaliles and something good to drink, and six da) s out of seven, more than can be found is’ any house In town. E. ISAACS A BEO’. Under Ralston’s Eall, Cherry St. Hi* Bill of Fare will every day. Be ju*t the thin* f rlitt!e fiay ; Al<2 Ikon, who at their I'Uut may eat. Will !• isd all thiQjr* CDiuj lcte And (tain* arc*, they then will know. That LsiAACtt, u the BLACK to *o. lYe shall be happy to *e oar friend?, ensmin* them that i will be our unrentiUingr care to please tneverv ie-*pect, as we flatter ounlive*, we Lave done till low. lt *^ sr %? ? ?^ ll TC* Ali> , ka^ Wll lLal w * meet the wish e of the Medical faculty, imported ?y out selves, a very snipe rior quality of P ile llramly. line old Pori. 8 ~-rry and Mude ria. punKsslng all the Medicinal qualUu*. ao much dee.rul Dy them. 9 Look at this Bill of Fare and choose for youraelf: OYSTERS, I From New I < rk, and Brutsswica m iLc orbv the measure, raw, fried, ewed. or iu any way Vuu want i them. Alao. I Shrimps ard f’rabe. Wild jt aice of every variety, A Venice and Beef Me* an, Mutton Chops* aisd Veal Cutlets, Hiu aiid k**r, Devil Haui ai.d Deviled Terapins, ■ * w MOUNTAIN OYSTERS, TURTLE SOUP, Wood-Cock Grouse, „. n , _ . _ . . Mountain G.<-se, Sjnlrrels, Wild Ducks, Fish and every thing that m epicure wimls, can si way# t-e had wLen in season. Confectionaries & Fruit, ISAACS, also keeps constantly on hand a good assrrtmer.t of Cnßfretlonarlea, ORANGES, APPLES, BANANAS, PINE APPLES, Various description* of NUTS, sffi.’ W “s All of whh-h can be purchased at low price* for (■ \ || Re wreMd cad at. E IxA.Uh A BHO Gold Pens Warranted IN GotH. Silver and Wimil holders. An elegant u sortmem just opend and for sate bv E- J- JOHNSON A CO. N >▼. S. i -.Ml—tf *- Telegrmph and Journal * Messenger copy. JUST ARRIVED, IK ‘ *9 20 yesrs .and. at NOLL’S. Negro Marl, | oel 13 i opiar htrtct. Me cub Ga. DRUGS FOR CASHi iMSst Zeilin <Sz> Hunt, are now receiving a ye,y large assortment of ORUCS, CfIEHIfiLS. IAiSTBIXE\TB, PKBFr fficry, &e„ which they are selling for ca.h at extremely low prices. Wholesaling Exclusively for Cash, and upon bo other terms. Druggist*. Physicians and Medicine Dealers generally will *t the * n-i * ‘ lu ,lu: ‘ r wl ' rm,, t*gc to pure hare ther aiticies CASH DRUG STORE. * pt *> New Candy Factory,and BAKERY. OKNAMKNTEDCake.and Plain, supplied to Fanlliei Weddings and Parties,according to order. Candyby the Box.fassorted for Mereh*nts,)orthbest quality, warranted, and at the lowest prices. Orders for the aboveor for Drug?, Garden deeds. Nut. Fruits,* c. promptly attended to by J. H. A W. 8. FI.LIB, 80 v*—ts Cherry Street. Gs IIERTTIY’B Extract Jamaica Ginger. VCERTAIX. safe and effectual remedy for Dysentery, Diarrhoea or I-eo-etc*-, t lc lera Morbus, Riin.mer Complaint, Cho Ic Griping Pains, r-our Stomach. Mck and hervun.s H .dache. pain or, of the st.,react, w'nd in thertoru .ch ind laiwe’s, h stcrics, c amps, nervous Iremors aadtwrchi. gs. seasickness. falMing-. mdsacholy and iow uess-,lap.n;i. f.vt ing and cry, tut ol infants, and for ail is w el affec-n-n. and nervous dUeases. Made fn in the Jamaica- Ginger R<a t. in a superior manner, and btii - comuosed of J that l-ne. earres conviction at once tot’lie mind ora., intelligent people, a to it? eflteacv In all the diseases aboveenun.srated. It is no Patent or Secret retnidy. bei, g uses Used and highly recommended by the Kedl- a! Faculty •repared by ZEILIN A HUNT, DruggirU, •-tice .'0 cents a bottle. Macon (,a luiy” • FOR SALE. OKA BOXES CANDLES, £0 IV*MSomp, 1U) Boie flo<ht 20 Mcftard, 30 ik iicf* Eat Powtlera, 30Box^Tea. •6li if Pick _ 7fl Boxen Starch. July 11 —TF. J. ,i. * W. A. ROSS TRAIN, SPF.RTI, KEAT.MOOT and all other OllalS. For side by [sept o] ZEILIN A HUNT. OF 1859 ! SOW RKCEiriXtt A Magnificent Stock, an>l trill be sold at Priceto Defy Competition, at KAIU tVN fra BUSHELS DRIED APPLES for sale by •I” O.H. FREEMAN A CO. _mar-i; I' —tf Colton Avenue. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY! FREEMAN & ENGLISH HAVEon band a good assortment of CARRIAOES an HASXES?. consinting of all the sty e enieially kep la a Rejiorttory. We a e also niamilscturingm real t) le o Side and Eliptic Sjrring Buggies, Both light and heavy which we warrant as good work as is made anywhere. Also a general assortment of CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, llAß ness Hardware, Whips, Leath er, Carriage Varnish and Paints. REPAIRING in all bn icbcs done at snort notiee. Sbc n ;rJ\ LES is , °“ hlnd the Plantation .k and ITorse n v IS.T** 1 ’ R - S - -tELVAN, ° ,T K u U. T. ENGLISH. UskURUNATEO SHOW CARDS FiOßrtmun, handsomely printed, only at ANDREWS’ JOB OFFICE, kslstcv Bali SPICES. BK!WSrai®S5StS5“* r ~ •*•• Bpt it, •#*, ts ZEIUN A HUNT. Mason, Q Family Flour. X (UUt Llk.’Knoxll.e Ci- T Mills Family Flour. 1 \w\w liala. H\c* n H a’.ik Flour, received and 1 Ral by [mays] QEIRmiEMAN JACOB’S CORDIAL 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Planters Take Xotice Planters Take Notice Planters Take Notice Jacob's Cordial Jacob’s Cordial Jacob’s Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Reinedv \ And Positive Remedy Before The People Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, And Flux,. And Flux. And Flux. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Plantations. ’ wv „, . For Sale in Macon, by ZEILIN & HUNT. t I SAXCIIEZ’ SPECIFIC , ; THAT GREAT RUfETY that great kuikdy THAT GREAT RFMEDV THAT GREAT Kh ViF.oY THAT GREAT REMEDY THAT GREAT REMEDY THAT GREAT REMEDY SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ* SPECIFIC SANCHEZ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ ’ SPECIFIC . SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHIZ’ SPECIFIC SANCUEZ’ SPECIFIC THE ONLY POSTTHE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE , THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE ! THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE , THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE j THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE 81-FORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE FOR GONORRIKEA ft GI-EET. FOR GONORKHOCA ft GLEET. FOR GONOI.R IHE A ft GLEET. FOR GONORRIKEA ft GLEET TOR GONORRIKEA ft GLEET. FOR GONORRIKEA & GLEET. FOR GONOKKUCEA ft GLEET. BAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL saves a big doctor’s bill SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL ■AVFB A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL IS EASILY TAKEN is easily taken j IS EASILY taken IS EASILY TAKEN is easily taken IS EASILY TAKEN is easily taken HAS NO BAD TASTE Has no bad taste HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFFECT A CURE WILL EFIECT A CURE i WILL EFFECT A CURE WIIX EFFECT A CUKE WILL EFFECT A CURK WILL EFFECT A CUKE WITH* LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WIKI LEsS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH I .ESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE MORE SI’EKDII.Y MORE SI KEDII.Y MOKE SPEEDILY MOKE SPEEDILY MOKE SPEEDILY MORE SPEEDILY iIOKE SPEEDILY • AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TUT ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE Every Druggist and Country Merchant should keep . supply of this valuable Remedy, not only from the prof its that .ocrue from it* sles, but as an act of philan thropy towards suffering humanity. It will be mode to the especial and pecuniary interest of all Druggiata to purchase by W. W. BLISS ft CO., PROPRIETORS, 3*3 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. For Hal. In lw“®~wi Macon, by ZEILIN & HUNT. ■W'rouLgh.'t Iron. 3r a. mcqueen, MACON, GA., \f AKCFACTURIR of Wrought Jnou Hailing of every lvl description, and for ail purposes, noth Plain & Ornamental, From the li*ht*t scroll Iron up to the heaviest Railing used. Having an endless variety of designs, purchasers cannot faii to be suited. B, Ing entirely of Wrought Iron their strength cannot be questioned, and tor beauty they cannot tie -urpassed any where. All kinds of Fancy Iron Work mad to order. Par ticular attention paid to making all kinds of Geometrical Stair Railing. Fresh Arrival! 1 Fk A Dried Beef Tongues, AIM/ s Casks new Pig Hama, 500 lb*, fine Urie l Beef, 100 Fresh Bologna Sausage*. 201-2 bbls. Pic* lei Beef snd Pork, 61-2 •• Pigs Heads, m matMcg new. I l In sttre, and for sale by GREEK ft FREEMAN 1 *pn-itf SPIRIT GAS for the NEW FLUID GAS LAMP. ALSO Burning Fluid and C AMPHINE. For sale by ZEILIN & HUNT. FINE FURNITURE. B,'’ I N E Parlor Bettg, Rose ft- Wood, Mahogany and Georgia Walnut Furniture. Secretaries and Book Cases, llwlmi Bureaus of Rose Woop, Ma hogany and Walnut. Sofas,Tete-a-Tttes,Divans, B<>ciabUs, Ottomans, in Hair VFX Oiotb, flush. Brocalel, Ac. 1 Arm, Rocking, Nurse, tew ing. Parlor. Bedroom, Dining, Hair Cloth, Pinch, Bro c&tclgC&a*, Split Bottom.and every kind of Chirkoo*vo to the trade. BEDSTEADS. Kow Wood, Wataat, Maple, Mahogany, Beah, Gun c., High, Low, french and Cottage. Wodroues of Kcse Wood, Mattorany, Wslnu aod Pine. Safes of all Patterns. Tables. Mahogany, Wainut, Cherry, Pine, Extension Foldim Leaf, Square, Round, Ac. Mattresses if Hair, Cotton. Moss and Patent Spring. Feather Beds, Pillars and Bolsters. Fine Mirrors, common Looking Glasses, Looking Glasr Plates, Picture Glass. Window Shades and fine Cornices. Buckets,Tubs,Dipptrsfurooms, Brc3h Brooms, Feath er Dusters, Foot Ms t ,Ac. for sate on the most reason able terms. Lumber taken in ekehanpe, or Lumber made up in the ‘nostiashionable jt rles of Furn ture to order. We have one of t.ielargesti’tO' s ks of FINE FU3NI URE Ih the Slate, and we ire constantly roanufac riug, and wish to sell. Call ajdsee us. *TM-tS lv T. A O Uffir l 11. Flll-KIHX & 10.. Cotton Avenue, Placon, Ga., Offer, ns usual, at their Old -Stand, a Choiee As sortment of i’AWILY (sIIOtERIES, Os every description and of the best quality, fre.-h and good, being coiis’antly lu receipt of new supplies from the Nortliem Maikets, Sugars, f-uicps, Wh’te Fish, Syrups, Citrons. Herrings, Coffee, # Green Fruits, in cans, Hama, Teas, Condiments Lard, Sweetmeats, Sauces, Flour, Nuts, Cheese, Butter, Kai-ius, Mackerel, J’ork, v Aod other article* too numerous to mention, comprising the whole range of Family Grocery supplies. 1 ‘Ht .THL iu SB 9 We particularly invite the attention of dealers and others to our large and complet e stock of Candies, manufactured by ouroeii es, of the very i-est materials, and warranted to retain t&eir hardness and brilliancy, whl.e the imported Candies soon lose both and become worthless. We offer unrivalled uduceiiient* to purcluuers. Cakes, Ornamented &. Plain Os every variety, and to ado ot choice materials. KamiMe* and parties supplied at liie shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Oysters, Crab3, Shrimps, Fresh Fish, in their Season. OUR OYSTER SALOON, Will be open for the reception of visitors, where we shall *%r., seep constantly on band duringthe Fall and Winter, Frvwfe Oyaters and /? if J Kish, native and Imported, V ‘ a t'lualilie-t, aud it-spectluUy invite or. ders. which shall lie faithfully filled. oety—tf CARRIAGE MAKER'S HABDWA RE. K. WIEd/J'Niw jF'\ \ Mac ° n t / f a? X s ca’\ /• \ / Orj r' v A I -O V -qreo-, . Wr „ :| ,Vl,ecb 4 l j \ qio’j r^o Itt J] \ ...3° / = : i ‘Ha / V / l % % v A Full assortment of Wagon and Car il. riage Maker’s Material for stile at New York [trices, adding freight, together with a full assortment of Hardware adapted* to the use of Planters, Smiths, Mechanics, &c. For Sale by NATHAN WEED, oct 14 Macon, Ga. If BOOT k SUM! M .ICON, GEORGIA. Jv* We are now opening a targe aril well selected .'took ot Hoot* and Mine*, - In the Sto-e on Second Street, next t* §fra| Mrs. De-s-iu's. and nearly opposite M:i- HB ‘ ri'--- a- <i'Bank Agencies ur M nk holing ;-een |iuretoi-td liy one. it oi.rkioi nioacT raott run East mis SIAXL-KACTLiitii run Cash, We can ojjtr great inducements to*those who wiih to buy for Cash. We prefer small profits in \Cath, rhtiier than large one* on time, where the *-> and aid solveut cu.-tunitrx ja> ihe io* 3 ol U"*ds eold to tiie dcmbt'i i ones. We t'lidl ke*t coiiHt:iitly on h ind :t eral Stock tor LAl>IE> . Miiwes', Youths’, Boys’ and I'lddren’a * er, amt •ftli*o ft stock for Nejfruea. We invite all wlo wish to purchare t*> chII at and iee us. and we will convince th* rn that oak and will hell a? LOW AS ANY HOI'SK IN I IIK STATE. < >!iT Work i* KHAr&nteetf. and where It fails to &\vt saiutactioii, we repair free ol chW. W respectfully solicit a liberal nhsre of nubile patron?|ce. iiKAKDKN X GAINES. It E PAIR! X G . V'e have cm-loved experienced workmen, and are pre pared t* Kepair alt kiudn of work In our line with i.enii.o* | and desp .toll. Muich 25. *s‘—it Osnaburgs, Yarns, &c. •>/k Balesrianahurg*. C> 2u B-tles Varus, * 14 It ih-< Macon and Milledgevllle Sheeting*, 10 D.iles rs r-heetlngo, 5 Bales .'itrioes, For sale by AYRES, WINGFIELD ft CO. u23—tf Osnaburgs, Yarns, Kerseys, <Yc. LSO n’“ BS I ?.°’ 1 OSNABURGS, ITS •• Georgia Kerseys, 1-0“ Macon Mieiisig, 10 “ “ Drilling, 2r, “ 7-!? hhir.ting, 2-M) “ “ Y’arus. F< i Sa'e at Factory Pricer n|y 14—tfr J. R. * W. A. ROSS. 336,000 SWEDES, /\j> Bar® *f Sweden Iron, assorted from 1 ” r *%* uOOl) to 12 inch’, s wide of our imporlaf lon, in store, anti tor .->hlc by CAHHAHT A I’UKD. dec :il—tf DR. GEO. G. GRIFFIN” HAVING permanently located liin.fvlfln Macon, respect fully tenders Ins professional *?erv to the public. OFFICK ou 2<l Street, in Washingibn Block may 20 wly Diaries and Almanacs for 1860. f' 1 KIKK’.s Oeori’l Almanac, In any quantity XT Diaries for IstiO, from 24 cent* to $1 fiOeach,. at dec 21 RICH A HD’S, NEW FURNITURE. subscriber has just recelv- jm,. ed, and will continue to receive | fi-om the best New York City m *n-/Sife*V\ focturera, a large and handeome as sortrtent of the late.t .tyle. of ‘aDßk FI KNITIKF., CHUBS, AC. f lie also manufactures Furniture of the very best workmanship, and at V, ‘*->*•> - the lowest market price*. The fob lowing list a part of ihe vrticles always on hand : Rocking chair* of every style, Parlor chairs, Mahogany, Walnut, Oak and Cane aeatchalri, Office and Window chairs, Cottage chairs, Bedstea-isfrom $5 to SIOO, t>lde Boards, Wash stands, Corner stands Wardrobes, Safes, Bureaux—Mahogany,Walnot and Rose Wood, Dining fable*. Folding nd Plain Tables, Centre and Side Tables, Ooiches.Trunnell Bedsteads, Cradles and Cribs, Secretaries and Book cases, Hat utands, Looking Glasses, Childrens'carriage* and cabs, Window *hads, Feather dusters. Curled hair and cotton Mattrasses. B. F. ROBB IIARTFOKD INSURANCE o o ivt r* a. 3\r i e s. ! The Hartford Incorporated ISIO. CA3PITAIj 58300,000 The Springfield, Capital $150,000. The Slaißiniolt, at Spriuetfield. Cftpitnl 3100,000. With a largesurplus securelvinvested. Policies in the above flrst U!&.-. Copmies issued, and lon es pr->ui| tly adjusted by E.J. JOHNSTUX ACO. June 18—ts A ent. Hats, Hals 2 <!• CASES of Hats, all kinds, will he sold AT COST to 4 *> Merchants puichas-ng by theCsso. July 14—ts. J. It. * W. A. ROSS. IW~ Jour. A Oeorgia Telegiaph ccpy. Preserves. FRESH and of undoubted good Make. Among them new lot of Spanish preserves. I’lCßLES.—TTundrwood's beat, ail kinds. BEST GOSHEN BUTTER, ENOUGH DIARY CHEESE. COWLEJ*’ CREAM CHEESE, KKYV YORK STATS CHEESE. CtustanUy cii haul at |ocUSJ 11, HORKi'S, Bliss’ Blsprpiic Remedy. miss’ Dyspeptic rtimfdy IE I !-'•’ Uyiprjillc HcMolf 111 I.s’ Dj-spi-pllc Knuuly ii Ihi’ Oyxjx-ptle Kciiutiy Illiss’ nys;M'|iflr llcmctljr’ l)y[ic\)(ic Itciunly Uy|itptlc Ituncily Bliss’ IlysjMiptic Koincily Bliss’ Dyspeptic Kt-nietly Bliss’ Dyipi'iilic lUmoly 11ns (lx I.m-iri-sf Sale Has (lie Largest Sale Has (lie l.urgi st Sale Han |he l>argut Sn!e Him tlie lairgtst Sale lias the I*urgest Sale Him the hardest Sale Has the finrgtat Sale Has the I,aig- l Sale Has the Largest Sale Or any Sleillehie in the TVnrlil. Os any Metllcine in file World* Os any Medleliie in the World. Os any Metlieine in the World. Os any !>CeiHelne in the Wot lit. Os any Metlieine In the World. Os any Medicine In the World. Os any Medicine in the World. Os any MrUieine In the World. Ot any Metlieine in the World. 100,000 Packages IOO.OiMI Packages 100,000 Packages 100,000 Packages 100,000 Packages 100.000 Packages 100,000 Pttel, ges 100,000 Packages 100.01'O Packages 100,000 Packages Sold In Georgia and South Carolina Sold In Georgia anil South Carolina Sold In Georgia and South Carolina Sold In Georgia and South Carolina Sold In Georgia ami South Carolina Soiil In Georgia anil South Carolina Sold In Georgia and south CarollSiu Soh! In Georgia and South Carolina Sold In (yt-orgla and South Carolina Sold In Georgia and South Carolina In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. Ik Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Mouths. In Fourteen Months. In Fourteen Months. It is Warranted to Cure It is Warranted to Cure It is Warranted to Cure It Is AVarranteil to Cure It is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It is Warranted to Cure It is Wat ranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure it Is Warranted to Cure If Directions are Followed, If i)irut>uii!i are Followed, If Directions arC Followed, II Directions me Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, t If Directions are Followed, If Dl reef ions art Followed, Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case ot Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case ot Dyspepsia Any Case of D> spepsla . Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case us Dyspepsia Diver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, General Delitllty, * General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, * General llchllliy, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility-, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpi tattoo, I Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrho-a, Chronic Diarrhua, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic lllnriliwa, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Dinrrliaeu, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, I)i pi ess til Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite. Loss of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, Pain In Side and Back, Pain In Side anil thick, Pain 111 Side anil l!<ch. Fain In Side and Hack, Pain In Mile ami Itark, Pain In Side and Itark, pain ill Side and lia< k, Pain iu Siiie anil Back, Puln lo Side and Back, Pali; In Side anil Buck, ft Is F.speeially’ Adapted In It Is Kspecinlly Adapted to It Is Kspeelally Adapted to • It Is Kspeelally Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Kspct tally Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to Female Complaints; Female Complaints ; Female Complaints; Female Complaints; Female Complaint ; Female Complaints; Female Complaints; Female Complaints ; Female Complaints; Female Complaints; It Produces Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotutidily of Form It Protluees Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotundity- of Form It Protluees Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotundity of Form It Protluees Rotundity of Form It Produces Rotundity of Fo< m In Females of a Thin and Spare Habit. In Females of u Tllln ami Spare Habit. Iu Fetnules of a Thin am! Spare Habit. j In Females, of a Tliin and Spare Habit. In Females of a Thin amt Spare llaMt. In Females of it Tliin anti Spare Habit. In Females ot a Thin and Spare llnhlt. Iu Females of a Thin and spare llablj In Females of a Thin anil Spare Hahkr. In Females of a Thin and Sp ue Habit. Send a Postage Stamp to the Proprietors (or their Pamphlet on “Diseases of Stom ach and Bowels.” W. W. BLISS ,k Cos., Proprietors. 3tiU Broudway, New Vork. For Sale in Macon, by ZKILTS * rttJNT. Carpeting and Oil tlollin DA ROLLBCarpetlnrHofevviy style and qualities, of T O"/ pestry, \* el vet and Brussels. Three ply, Ingrain and Superfine Hugs and Mats. Floor Oilcloths of all widths from % • *d to 13 feet,sultabU orHallsand Dining Rooms. Cocoa ami India Matting. In the above goods we can show he largest and be* t as so ment in the City. House-keeper- re requested toeFsmln ed , Stock before making their Fall j m-clu-n B- F. KOSS A <O, TO MEDICAL MEN. Gray a* Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical. Gr#s* System of Surgery. Thebe are new works—largf and import:int. Parrish*’ Practical Pharmacy. Daltou’n Human I’hyMology. Barclay’s Medictl Diagnosis, Watson’s Practise; new and enlarged edition. Dick-on’s ** •* “ *•* Erlchsen’s Surgery, “ *• Wilson's Anatomy, *• *• •* * For*il. by J. J. AS. P. RICHARDS', sept B HORACE FITCH & CO., TRIANGULAR ELOCK f UAVE on hand the largest stock of Men’s and Youth's < LOTHIXU, Trunks, Hats AXD MKVM FURNISHING GOODS to be found in the State. And we would call especial attention to our assortment of Children’s & Youth’s Clothing all of which we now propone to sell at Greatly Reduced Price’s. Please give na a call before purchasing elsewhere, and ex amine our stock and we will endeavor to suit you in Goods, ud Trie*. dec SI iw rinanrs-I—ti—ir-f-iirr rm-ns mo——min idmirrtni j A. M. Bininger & Cos (Establiflied 1778,) SOLE IMPORTERS, No. 338 Broadway, N. Y. This DELICIOUS TONIC, especially designed for the use of the Medical Profession and the Family, possesses those intrinsic medicinal pr perties (Tonic and Diuretic) which belong to an Old and PURE GIN. The business of manufacturing spurious gins, and offering them as beverages, under the titles, “ Aromatic,” —“ Cordial,” — # ‘ Medicated,” etc., has become so com mon, that the public are justly suspicious of nearly everything that is offered under similar forms, and the trade has thu3 been brought into disrepute. It has remained for our house (established in 1778) to supply the pressing popular need, and to inaugurate a new era in the history of the Trade. We trust that our established reputation found ed upon eighty years of experience abundantly vindicates our claim to public confidence. IV. 33. A comparison of “ Bininger'a Old London Dock Ghi” with others bearing similar names, will establish its •uperiority, and make other Caution unnecessary. 4 Put np in Quart Bottles, in Cases of one and two dozen each, and sold through out the world by Druggists, Grocers, &c. DruggifE and Dealers Supplied with Wines and Brandies, I Direct from United States Warehouses. For sale in Macon, by bubera A; Lewis Cherry Street, and all prominent Druggists, Grocers, &c. oct 12 “’•i ua* purchased th* Hi*ht to Ilowand’fl j 1 ’cut <- trriiges *ri/t Springs for Blank Account Book j whichhe will put on work when instructed tei*. } • raid hi wa- | mm GASSED SEED, 1 ‘ll EXAItD ,4 CASTLEN have hist received a large ami J 1 selected M. ck 1 f KI-.SH GAHL>£N SEED, of all kinds, warranted to l>e *h > growth of 185S which are equai .n quality amt as,heap is price as Mi v that can be fuund else here. Store under Kateton’s Hall. feb 4—tt’ FOR SALE. ISOOMK.SSS&* 2oJ iluds. Bacon. 20 B irr is Lrud CO I • rrele Vi n^gar, 26 Dozen Brooms. 26 do?.. Stiov” sand Spa 400 and /. Buckets, T ~ S5 d-z./xes. • JulA 14—ts. ,T. 15. & W. A. BOSS. Per Sale. OXRof tbo mos 4 dt- irablo residences in the city, where the subscriber now resides, corner of Oak and Second Streets. The Lot contains three quarters of an acre, and is highly improved with choice varieties of l'each. Apricots, Grapes and other fruits, and flowers. Ti e dwelling contains ten Rooms, Closets in six, and Gas in ali. Terms of payment will ts*. made easy. For particu lar enquire off IV Louche or W.S. Bnntly. if not sold before Christmas, it wiiJ be rented t an approv ed tenant. [dec. 14—tfj G •*:>. \V . ADAMS. RKNCII and A met lean Zinc. For snip by sew 0 ZKILIN A HUNT. GROVER & BAUER’S r Celebrated Sowing Machines. Price from 8 j.’> to 81:50 00. JP Is no longer a question, which is the best Sewing Ma chine, bu where can S g t n*nver t* Maci itic . li . a> 1- g since been given up that they are the only Bev ing machine made that :** adapted t> aii kinds of tau/ih Soy. Li g if and ai t lie fame tiu.e are* so simple in court ruction thataui ; year <>ld child, or kny servant -r common senile can under stand and worV them itb perfect success, Servants intrud ed free of clump*, it sent, to the store. Office on Cot'on Avenue opposite the store of George W Price, and F ars A >wai:son a* rt the BaptUt Book Store. 1 a:s • ha*e anew Shuttle machine. Til s7 CUREHA, maklr*'he rsme stitch nn bo'h aide*—the t-c-t machineo* ti e kiml marie. < all :n <! see i r send tor circulars. Persons m the country tan li-iv- i i.nip.l tit js r>..r\ scat out with the m>c .he to internet in its u-e. on the travi 111: g eapenres of the n beingpaid by the purchaser. uov IS Om il. K. ROGERS. Aeent. NOTICE! Selling off at Cost! To be sold withuut Reserve, thlaw and valuable stock of CLOTHING AND CISTS’ fURNiSHING Wliolosn lo cfc 1 Jotail, TO IT IH lU'ii ASLIW. I Sale to continue f* r 50 d.i\ from date. STORE TO LET. J. bTKAH AN, WulVrrv St eet, dec 7 Opposite Lanier Bouse, Macon, Ga. WATCH WOEK. Vi'E :ir’ prepare ! to liave promptly ami well done V 11. short no; n o and *1 Li V W \<l< A > TF for ono year. E. J. JOHNSTON A ( O. JUST ARRIVED. TIKKLY !'*tff Al.iryian ! and Vrgin’a NVttO'’, Plough \ vxY’*u!id GlrU Also few Go id VA-di.Ts.oid Iruni rs f\ ik . Their lives ai‘!: w ured cm* x ear. and for sale on it: !e ttrill,at NOEL'S BKK’K N EuBO HA RT. Pop lar Street. uov ii RUNAWAY my plantation in Sumpter eoiinty, twone- I gro men Hill ami Jordan. Hill is a Very dark copper colored or “a years and about 5 feet 10 iiu-lies liiirli, rather short Fuiili. Jordan is ais., copper colored, about 0 feet tall and is 30 or ;li> years old. Jordan lias a large sear on his face. They are snap .sed to he lurking about H -nder-on. Houston county. I will pay *.'o for the delivery of them, or s'lo 1 11- eitil -r I h1;;o iu Jail so I call vet’llioni. ANDERSON COMER. Macon. Jan. 13, ‘GO—It NOTICS. qmiE*ub*crlt>< r huh opo>e<l a H(ne In Macon, on the %. crnor iioxt htdttw the “ tiro\rn iloufe,” and near the Passenger LKspai, for the Purchase and Sale of ocgrocs. A good fiupidy, of llk’ lv Yonng Ncgrro*. Vo;*t r-onsttiitly on hand and for a tie. Purchaser and 1 rude ra r® inviltdto call and examine for timn.scive*. ALtSO a txo. l Blacksmith, y#ar* old, Hi.tinXo,l I j Cook*, V\ u*htrs w and lr. i tin, 23 years old.c. I. ‘* LB M uon. I 0-*.. I Gra,s Fixtures. CPA NDALIERS, PENDANTS and BRACKETS of al. --> lesJaM receivtd ands, rsaic by ulyll—S t!. f. ROSS A Cos. Notice. RXOTIOF Is hereby giver, that the Guard Havre Bill IX will be rune at 7 ~’clori. J’. M., anil a l e-r. tnnml in the street, of tee t'ity of Macon, after ill • ringing of the Hell, and etur- nVock in ti e morning, will be ta ken by it e i ~hce and Whipped. with , r wit Lout a pars Ami there shall be r.o collection of negroes in at > pait of the Cite. fur .uy putpose. Jan 20 O. O SPARKS. Mayor. Adininixf i-ntoiV TITILL t>o gold nt tho Court-house iu Macon. on rv Ist Tuesday in February. IBt>o. the large and extensive Law Library of the late T. I'. Stubbs, con taining 500 or 000 volumes. Sold uniler order of Court. WM. LUNDY, Adnt'r. jan 21—ids HOTEL IN COLUMBUS §Jt. s. kilfatbick,J§|§ T ate of the CITY HOTFL Maeon. has removed to Columbus. Ga., where helms opened a HOUSE on Oglethorpe Street, above the Perry House, where he will be happy to see his old friends aud custom ers. Jan-27. . (t-f-) ■ffnwrTmiiWM—■—nr hiivh anagisa j CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON I South-Western Railroad OVER WHICH PASSES THE GREAT 1 NEW YORK AND NEW ORLEANS MAILS. | EE’Hg! lsbsSJ! m* : -M& • -JB •••>..- ‘ft V-tV -sis Two Daily Trains between Macon , <$- Columbus IEA VE Maooo at 11 45. p. n.. and 9 45 a. m.. Arrive int’o j i lumbnsS S5 a. m., and 8 45, p. n. Lea’n Cn’uiahne 1 4a. m. sndS 45 p.m Arilvelti \m on OSO a. ai.a> and 95S | Onandaf-er Sunday. September 4th, the I’i a.-rand I Mill train for Alltuny and Culh's-rt will run as follow*; Leave Mac-m. at 1 40. A. M., arrive at Alto-nv a- 5.41 P M. ” AH ;uiy at 1 4h. P. M.. “ Mac mat 5.41 P.M. , The mall and l’ lseeng-r Train ‘cm Cnthtnri will coi nee ! ‘ilh’be Albany inni. truJn utMnitbvi.le.No. F * outn-\Ve ’em H. R. Le kvcchuhbertat 12.4-1. p. r.i., arrive at Smith vili*- at 3 15 p.m. ! siaHhvilleai 4.05,p.rn. iiniveatt uthhertsi fi.oo, p.rn. | Making the connection with llie up aid down A,'b:n\ nia: | ‘rain. Tir.ins to Columbus form a through connection to Mot t , .ornery, Alabama and Augusta, Knoxville, Wijnlugton. Sa en oh. Mih-Jgevllh- and Eotoiitnn. Post • ‘'riches run from Albany to Tallahassee, Uairibriiiyo I'tiouiasvtlle At., daily ; also, tri-weekly- to Cuthbert lo Fort I o .true -Ac. dad 4 run six times a wpek from Fort Valiev to Pern Ihj-i - vtlle and Hawkinsville. and tri-weekly to Knoxville -eorr a. i’a -er ,t<t-tor points below Fort Valley •brnid take tk •at Trains from Auanta.n:d S vanr ; .h to avo.ri detention :i j t-icon. Forother |M>tnls lake either Train. Fir-t class xt-anixji.i s ; eave Savannah :or New Tork, ot ne.d us. Thursdays and Saturdays. Pasnaue In the Calm 415; Seerase id. T'.rouxh'flci-etrcar lie procured from Rail K ad kgent t Montgoiiiory,Colundms and Allnny via bav"nnah to Ne rfe. try s’satneh'pa. in ( as toilot s : UoMx- mer •HO; < •Inribtis t2x. ’ f-nv ’.'l ?5. octD2— rs VIRGIL i’O ERS. Eng’r. A Supt., eSHTEAL PAIL BOAS, j f; ‘ “ - r ’ ku • $ CHANCE OF SCHEDULE* ON and after Thursday, July Isth, 1858, the I'rains wiii bt | run as follows: Leave Savannah 12.’5 P. M.and 11.45 P. M. [ Arrive in Augusta 7.30 A. Al. aud 6.30 P. V. I Arrive in Ma,0u....5. 11.00 I*. M. and U.UO A. M. Arrive iu .Milledjteville P. M. Leave Macon 10.40 A. >l. and 10.00 !'. Vt. Arrive in Savannah 7.40 A. AI. and 9.50 P. AI. Arrive in Augusta 7.30 A. At. and 8.30 p. M. Arrive in Miilel|jevil!e 1.10 P.M. i Leave Augusta 15 A. Al. and 2.45 P. M . Arrive in Savannah A. M. and 9.30. P. M. Arrive in Alacou 9.00 A. M. and 11.00 P. M. Passengers for point* tieyond Atlai.ta, on tne Western & Atlavtic nail Koad, will leave tSavaiiuuh on tne 12.15 train, ludarriveiu Atlanta at 7.15 next Passenger* loti ; and Eatoutoii will leave by tne 11.45 train. Both train* connect at Macon with tne Macon A We-tern Hoad tor Atlanta, anil with the South-W estern Rail Rood to Albany, Amerieu--, < olumbusaiul Monty . .cry,anil at Mlileu witn toe Augusta aud Bavonnalt i.aii i.oad for Augusta and ; he Noith. GtO, W.ADAVI-. lUlydO—tf General Buperui.cuuent. oms mmi tm>. o- O ‘*i jecs. HARDEMAN & SPARKS. a WARE HOUSER I MERCHANTS \V; ILaContinue to give prompt attention at their Ts FIRE P.S©OF WARE HOUSE, nn the corner of 3<l nod Poplar Streets, to ah nasiaeia co-nroitted to their charge. With th-ir thanks for past favors, and a renewed pledge of fai hfuluessio all the interests of theirfriends and customers,they hope to receive their fullshare hepiblie patronage. Liberal advances made on Cotton and otherprodu when required. Family Stores, also Sagging, Rope, An furnished at “.he lowest market rates. Macon, amc* —l s \ISW VORK liVB SAViiMAiI. Tae Amerlcan-Atimiitlc Screw €o.'s. 1 NEW AND ELEGANT STEAMSHIPS HUNTSVILLE, la of. John A. POST, ] 000 Tods Bcrthen. MONTGOMERY, Capt. F&Ei). 1,000 Tuns Carthen. Will leave NEW TORK aud SAS*ANN AH EVERY SATURDAY. PASSAGE sls. The superb accommodations for Passengers cn these Steam era are u* durpasH ii by any OceuQ Mc:imera in the World.— The SaloGiia and Sta e Rooiua are elegantly furniahet’, apa douasnd well ventilated. THfiOUSH RATES OF FREIGHT From FEW YORK to Knoxville. Nash ville, Memphis, Tuscnmbia and other places, including every expense, given when required. Merchandise consigned to the Aeent of the Central Railroad Savannah, will re received and forwarded FRKI OF COM MISSION. Mark Goods “CAUK AGENT CEN- j THAI* RAILROAD, SAVANNAH.” Shipr-er* areparticu !arlyxeqii<f‘.lto forward Bills of Ladiri r by she Steamer, thereby e:*£urin£ greater Jiapatc**. and avridin/? all delays. j Insurar* e rnav te etb-etc-J by these Steamers at tlie i>tf!ceß I of the und rp <ned at one half percent, wiili the Compu- . niea. Fn ,<i > have be reduced by this Line to Sand 10 cents per foot, a 1 other Goods at proportionate rateß. SV-FreghU takev -t ihiev-f -mtlisof cusmtuary ra BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO., Sat anti ah, H. B. CROMWELL A GO..Ga. a-jr 9—l v 86 We*t St., cor. of A ii-ai j, li. T. ‘TSIOH S.HONSSS On the EnrofiCnn Pirn], CITY OF XEW YORK. Single liooms 50 Cents per Day. City nail Square, corner of Frakfcrt Street, (Opposite City Ilsl!.) Meal*, as they may l.e ordered in the spxci >us F.efee tory. Tl err is a Barber's Shop and Hath Boons attached | io ti:e Hotel. N. 8.-Buvnrf of Ktiimers and Ilat-knieu, ( •vho say we are lull. It. FRENI 11, Proprietor. , August 9, 1809. GROCERIES STAPLE BBY-OOOES. KSJMPMSffIS, \y OPLI uily aiiLcunce t' the r trit-i ds, and tn vv pub ic, that tley thdi sorv, andar now d to keep, and shall k. ep ;.t ail times, a liotk o! GKtKjKKIES and STAHLK IKV GOOD" 4, second none in the city, and t * wi ich tin ir attention i m* s? c nlially in vited, The following is a list o! tne leading ardc.e*: *250 Bags Rio, Jat a and Laguira Coflee. 200 Barrels A. 15. and C. SUGAR. SrtO Boxes TOBACCO. 250.000 CIGARS, from $5 to |6O ner thousand. 15 Bales Osnaburgg. 10 “ Kersey. IO “ Coif on Yams. 10 “ Blankets. 1200 pair of ,Yegro Shoes. fOO BaiodBAGGIAG. 200 Coils ISope. 350 Bbls. laitjnorof every quality and kind, from the finest Olard, l>si|>iiy A CoS llra mis,down to ltectilied AV liiski Tliey liav.* :-Nn a I-irge s', ck of CANDLES CANDY S’ ).\r, Eli KLkS I’A IN IS, <li.S. CLASS, a-.d m fa. t e - erytli ngtlmttlre Hanitror Moicluu i cm vrat-tin llie litre-o. Grociriband SUole Diy-Gtxds Pin’! fa'll- c.ll aid amine their s.)tcs Uefore purel.oidiii; ttee where. [*ept.Jdif fiivcrpooC tt Loudon LITE a FIRS INSURANCE ql j: uai K” . -at Yk 9 Office. 50. Wall Street, New Xorle City. ACTHOIiIZhI) CAPITAL. e£2.000,000 or $10,000,000. j I*ll id ii|i t'aiiinl, SuriiiuH mid limrrvril Funds. ! FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS: 3i500,000 Inve:tel in this Country ; DIRECTORS IN NEVf YORK I JAMES UiluWN,,. ,n. bRANCIs ! EN. Deputy Chairman. OKOWiK UARt’LA’I, t-u. SUGV.N KDU i 11.11. K-n. iosm-ll fill.LA Up, .r . EM. JOSEPH FnlVi V K tsi, Al.l XiM'KR HAMI! TON, Jr., Esq. ED K. BAN D ► K.vN. (-sq. M M. S. u E t All >H U. ! V,, EoavAUD M ARf 111 Maid. Esn I're-bVit s,ervtarv. .lUrKP PELT,, fsj. CußLsei , f On- Ib arii. A. HAMILTON. At , Esq. AYERS WtNG.-IF !• V CO . Age its. Who toil/ take Fite Fisk.*, Wv. j Vfaeen. \| ,y jlt! ts FRESH ARRIVAL OF DRY GOODS, ’ .) *T CA-ES ! P.INTS. 25 do Ginghams. mm f} 05 ‘ huea Pm till Musliiid. 15 ,J, • Stupe*, li *'•*■* Bleached shirting , and sheetings, 5 Owes Organdie and Barege Robes, i <’ I*H, tel Jaconets ,n,l Swiss Muslins, The above, with every other artice usually kejt in the DRY GOODS LINE, Having Is eri recertlv purch*,d in NEW YORK, at the PACKAGE AUCTION SALES, To Purchasers of Goods by the Quantity, we would say thn’ Our Prices will Induce you to Purchase, AS WE AT.E OFFRING GREAT HiKCiAINS! July H—ts. J. R. k W. A. ROSS, Paints, Oils, and Glass. 1 t AAA PDFNDS TURK LEAD. I tL’MIU .'> |l (gi ]„>un,ls l ine and No. 1 Zinc. 7 100 Botes Glass, (0 H i re Is Oil. A] I, KINDS. M Ih a'.l kinds us <Jt leurs. For sale lew, by I. U. k W. A. ROS?. l^iahher \ LARGE assortment of Gent’s and Revs Rubbers. Also, Ladies Slipper an and San- *’* -eTwse dal Rubber Shoes of Goodyear's celebrated patent. Ju dvp eanu Rr sale low by JdlX 4 KIIUiLAND ! Ajer’sSarsaparj] bored topfoducethc^ottST^i that can be made. It .. e alt e -.. | of Para Sarsaparilla, so j sulistances of still greater a , and A !!° alford an elfective antidoteT*' 0 P - Sarsaparilia i, reputed to C uS f t ,h - -n i that such a remedy is wanted i ls L I .J suffer from Strumous comnV u 7 thl t which will accomplish their of immense service to this aidicted fellow-citizens, W 0... c * I'* 1 '* * compound will do it has be. -n rl° mp!tt -'-’ • I imen t on many of the worst P uVe n by of the following comS^^ ! -j- Bcr -OFULA AND f Ekcptioxs ANT) Eiicptim In. Pimples, Blotches, Tum;!- l ’u3 Scald Head, Syphilis AXd c Ut Kki-, fectioxs, Mercbrial Diseasf ■ KALCIA OR Tic Dodloukeux I,'^-h I rnrsiA AND Indigestion-, p kv M “ L,TI . Ir or St. Anthony’s Fire, and i- L class of complaints arising th the Blood. B This compotmd will be found , motor of health, when taken A* ** PJ expel the foul humors which e I blood at that season of the vL ‘,f U i lv expulsion of them many raidd’ a" 31 are nipped in the bud. M-ilbi ? the aid of this remedy, spare’ 1 the endurance of foul eruntin. ‘” | torn, through which ,ho ,™ “ S i; - nd itself of corruptions, if not 2, Hnvt this through the natural channeffj by an alterative medicine (% lbe ,JOl vitiated blood whenever you find ou: \ bursting through the skin’ hi pimnlis ‘ m?urit or sores; cleanse it when Sfe'’ strutted and sluggish in the wins -V’ “ 1 • whenever it is foul, and von* li : ’ you when. Bm’vbiKggJl. | B felt, people enjoy better health , longer, for cleansing the blood v 1 blood healthy, and all is w .ii. i , tf P I I Pabulum of life disordered, them lasting health, booner or W T 1 must go wrong and the great mS Lfe is disordered or overthrown Sarsaparilla has, and deseries much reputation, of accomphshing these cuf the world has been cgregiouslv dmL preparations of. it, partly because the and | alone has not all the virtue that if i • j for it. but more because many m J? 1 pretending to be concentrated'extr-U- ‘f contain but little of the virtue of <s,!T or any thmg else. : ' ar: During late years the public har P . twi . i led by large bottles, pretending to rive a of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar V of these have been frauds upon the siik j they not only contain little, if any L’ j rilla, but often no curative properties vld er. Hence, bitter and painful dfrapp-vlrtn has followed the use of the various amici Sarsaparilla which flood the market,'ui -il name itself is justly despised, and li - jl synonymous with impi.sition aid da - we call this compound kndii to supply such a remedy as shall rc-cu'e I name from the load of‘obloquy übici upon it. And we think we hare grornu believing it has virtues which ate invite by the ordinary run of the diseases it is i n ; ed to cure. In order to secure their con: eradication from the system, theremedv ; : be judiciously taken according to dun’fi.: the bottle. prepared by Dll. J. C. AYER A ( LOWELL, MASS. Price, SI per Uottle ; Six Boltinfo; Ayer’s Cherry Pecton has won for itself suc-h a renown for the >• every variety of Throat and Lung 0 it is entirely unnecessary for us to re;u.i: evidence of its virtues, wherever it has h-ei ployed. As it has long been in cocstan throughout this section, we need not and : assure the people its quality is kept up to tk | it ever has been, and that it miyb* relied do for their relief all it has ever been wu.a Ayer’s Cathartic Pii FOE. THE CERE OP I Costircncss, Jaundice , Dyspasia, 1 Dysentery, Fold Stomach, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions anil Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Teller, 7r.i* Salt* Rheum, Worms, Gout, Aeiim- B Dinner Pill, and for Purify my thr . They are sugar-coated, so that the | five can take them pleasantly, and u.e best aperient in the world for ail UK':-’ j family physic. Price 35 cent3 per Pox; Five bote’-^H Great numbers of Clergymen, PLyu men, and eminent personaees, have names to certify the unparalh led i remedies, but our space here will not : insertion of them. The Agents below nish gratis our American in - are given ; with also full descriptions o; complaints, and the treatment that -k lowed for their cure. re Do not be put off by unprincipled other preparations they make more SK Demand Ayer’s, and take no others. want the best aid there is for them, and have it. ■ All our Remedies are for sale by B Sold hyE. fa. Str<ilieck<-r A Sunt. Macon, and by nil druggi-!-.: ers in Aledicim* everywhere. B Havilaiul. Chichcsti r A Cos., A- - wholesale agents. H Dll. LITTLL> I VEElIiriiGU In LARGE Bottles and ViakH NotMnjr i required to relieve Worms ; and besides beinir one of the ch ; best Vermifuges ever otf< red tthe fnh . qnent use in families will save wncii ’r V|| expense, as well as the lives of nuuy c;. • out of every tea cases generally re, LITTLE’S I ANODYNE COUGH SiCfl A certain cure, far Cold*. Cm fa # Asthmn . Pain in thf Breast: urvo Whooping Coughs. &c., amongst Children. JH This is a pleasant medicine to ta*'. T[ mediate relief, and in nine ont of ‘co y- 1 ”'” . cure. It exercises the most controißns, over Coughs ami Irritation of the Lie medy known, often stopping the few hours, or at most in i day or two. • thought to be decidedly consumpity* “ . promptly cured by using a few bottle. • ■ ‘ expectorant, without astr.ngin..’ the ho paramount to all cough mixtures- LITTLE’S J FRENCH MIXTURW ■ No. 2 for th chrome stage, audb ,II ‘_ . . success is likely to supersede fur the cure of disea-es of the K ; . Gonorrhoeal, Blennorrhceal. * na , L '",’ .. Fluor Albus ati'-ctions. This W|e combines properties totally k.u character from any thing to be.-•- , States PharicacopseD ; and in p'-u-o W| cieucy is not rivalled in Amenta. LITTLE'S I I RINGWORM & TETTER FOKTISt So- *• _ Hundreds of cases of b- : and diseases of the skin genera.■. i by this remedy; and since ue _“ 1 \ r . ir1 .,..v • Xo. 2 preparation (.belec trJi n *.,y i has been lound that it ml* f , .., : r r I In a short time Ter the f : and Ulcers it is applied in the -- is almost iafaliibie. , .inGeff-’ In more than twe hundred f’ . j,d; in the Southern States, ty ari “ r .,,; , there are scamps about who are ‘ ‘, r . n , remedies, bv palming off their ’ else, by using tho same or ~.o ra tent is wanted or secured amid l ‘ the day,) let all 1* cautioned w ■■ signature of the Proprietor, thus.- ■ and also his name blown iuto the All orders and letters to be ad IS little & * Wholesale DruglP s - For sale by E. L. Strohetk I*’ 1 *’ , Castlen, Mttcor. and by Alt-rcha 1 --- gists everywliere. H St pt 23 _ DB. ABBETFS ■ VEGETABLE LIVER AW Motlicia; \s?AFE and eff.-ctusl rem-dy ***■■ - - H eases and tndbtmsltbu-s *>* ■. g; Ante • r Inactivity of the Live ;■, yi’ H and of Zeitin A Hunt. Druggis J p tf c ■ Cel WaVsW — ly Lost or Stolen- ■ | AST Wednesday night, at or near ■ L the passenger depo.. > Por.TMO.xiE. containing about - i-^h dollar hills, on the Marine Bank H tain note of hand drawn *'> * j n a,i<’ *I.OOO dated first Jaunaiy. L-AJ’ one dav after date-besides A H rauda. of no use to any_l>ut the p.--k H J2O w ill be paid fur the dehven tnd contents to the Editor tn g. A tlh or to the undersigned. leorit’** jau —AS 9