The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, March 08, 1860, Image 4

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Bf ehy boo it JRE! *9 .‘ u ‘“ Hack Waon, Jersey “WagOD.T Plantation Wagon, that will RUN LIGHTER, and LAST LONGER, than any yon call bay IN THE STATE, goto ; U’OODKTFF & CO., Griffin, Ga. They a LARGE STOCK, and SILL LOW, especially for CASH! A prtlltf. STATES! STITCH STOVES!!! At W. J. McElroys, THIRD STREET, MACON, GA. nAA Cooking Store*, 15 Bo x and Parlor Stoves.- •flltl Also * fine lot of Orates, comprising the finest andmost vaaiaD assortment of Stores erer offered to public among them the old favorite laus Witch, war ranted to giro satisfaction. Also the Viorom Cook, made In Augusta, Georgia. Cheap for Oaaa or good *° tM - -ALBO.- A well (elected assort me tef HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS consisting ( part of Northern and Southern Wood Wun, Brooms, Brashes, Counter and Feather Duster*, 1 Lanterns, Lamps, Steak Dishes, Tea Urns, Chaffing and Steak Dishes, Ac., Ac. Gab Fimsa does %t short a otic*. Also, plain Gas futures for sale. t ffoaca, Cisraax and Wax Pnn, of the meet appro red Patterns, Rubber Hose, Lead, Oepper, Block Tin and Iron Tabes of all stses, Steam Valres, Whisties, Gaages, Oylender and Water Oocks of all kiads. Copper Stills, and Copper Plumbing. Tin and Sheet Iron work of a kinds, done In the very best style. Lightning Rod* put up at short notice. Notice. On and after this date, alt work done to order wil be POSITIVELY CASH on delivery, and all a<counts due when presonted. Macon,oett-tf 9 W. J. MoKLROT 1 FISK'S METALIC BURIAL CASES. HOSE WOOD.Mahogany,Walnut,Covered and Plain j CoSns. Builder* are lnrlted to call and examlng my (took of MaroleiaMl iron Uhimney Pieces, Winnow Bash and Blinds, Panel Doors, Window Glass, Mahogany Balus trsandNswsU. B. f. ROBB, marll—if Cotton At. Macon,oa. Gras P^ixt-mres. CHAND AUERS, PENDANTS and BRACKETS of a! (.ylesiust received utd for sale by nirtl-6 B. T. ROSS A Cs. Carpeting and Oil Cloths / A ROLLS Carpetings ot every style and qualities, of T t)U poetry, Telvet and Brussels. Three ply, Ingrain and Superfine Rugs ■> rg Mats. Floor OU Cloths of all widths DomX y id to 16 feet, suitable orHalls and Liiui is Rooms. Cocoa and India Matting. In the abovegoods we can stow he largest and best asso ment In the City. House-keepers: re requested to examined lock before making their Fall purchase. b- fTrobb a CO. NEW FURNITURE. | THE subscriber has Jost recelT ed, and will continue to receive from the best New Tork City m facturers, a large and handsome as \toES&’ sertment of the latest styles of FI RMTI BE. CHUBS, AC. ->T s He also manufactures Furniture of (jHDbg* the very best workmanship, and at the lowest market prices. The fol lowing list comprises a part of lha articles always on band : . Tete-atete, Rocking chAirfi of every style, Parlor chain, Mahogany, Walnut, Oak and Cane seat oh airs, Office and Window chairs. Cottage chairs, Bedsteadsfrom S3 to 9100, Bide Boards, Wash stands, Corner stands, Wardrobes, lafee, Buroaus—Mahogany .Walnut and Rose Wood, Dining Tables, folding and Plain Tahtea, Centre and Side Tables, Oouehes,Trannell Bedsteads,’ Cradles and Cribs, Secretaries and Rook cases, Hat stands. Looking Glasses, Children*’ carriage* and eaba, Windowibadee, feather dusters. Curled hair and cotton Mattraaseo. B, f. ROBB. FRESH ARRIVAL OF DRY GOODS, k)K CASES PRINTS. 9Sdo Omghaiaa, 11 Cases Printed Mutlms. lb do Stripes, It Casee Bleached Shirting* and Sheeting*, i Cases Organdie and Barege Rohes, 1 Cases Printed Jaconets and Saws Muslins. The above, with every other article seaaJ’y kept la th* DRY 6000S LINE, Having been recently purchased in NEW TORK, at the PACKAGE AUCTION BALKS, To Purchasers of Good, by th* Quantity, we woetd my that Prices will Induce you to Purchase, AS WE ARE OFFRIKO GREAT BARGAINS! July lt-tf. J. B. A W. A. ROSS. FOR SALE I.’TAA SACKS SALT, *)UH 50 Hhde. Molasses, US HM. Bacon. *U Barrels Lard SO Barrel. Vinegar, *# I> tea Broom*. 40w doc. Buckets, 55 Ale.. Jail 14—ts. J. B. A W. A. ROtftS. Paints, Oils, and Glass. IK AllA POrNDB PITRE LEAD. VtVUV S.COO pounds Pure andEo.l Zinc. ” 100 Box** Oraas, SO Barrels Oil. ALL KINDS, 1 WIU all kinds of Colour*. For aale low, W I. B. A W. A. itASS. Osnaburgs, Yarn”, Kerseys, 4c. i 150 s^*.° J OSHA .? trßoak ITS “ Georg’ ■ Kerseys, 10S “ Macon ri nesting. SO “ ~ lirUUng. 4= - \vsr** Foi Sel* at Factory Pricw n iy 14—tfr J. B. A W. A. ROSS. FOR SALE. 250S^££ Dfc “‘ 100 Boxes Sola. to Bowes Mustard. 50 **l 10 Box** Tee, ‘•fiPoxt* PtehV i. JfiylMt * J^B , . **w‘‘a. ROS3 Hats* Hats! 7 K UIBIS of Hats, all hinds, will b* sold AT COST to •vgL FUKh-lng bj Dw Csss. Jaly l-tf. J. B. A W. A. BOSS. g^°_AJ(sre a sOTaaS Georgia Telegraph copy. New Goods. FRESH COMFECTIOV ARIES. Henry Horne Stort of Con'ectlonane* aed y^StStSm mmrn the aUaaUo. of Ura <*si?a?s22li2d Os country. FiSteSsi set* *- * of the tun*. promlei of that 1118 *y *f<sru h>* U aay latrooato merit their faro.-. ** oJr * c *M PIES, TARTS A\D DESSERTS #lpgggp2SS JSfr™? wl “ H*— .e orders bdfors HS&gT HOKHK- POXFTCTIONAItT. Preserves. fcSaMaB a, ““ fc anrw tork state chkxs* ™?.„ eoun. Bridal Cakea, “~SS>lE3!iSgi;.“ • ar PIANOS! r Eeaactiy car-ed Rosewood, and all the plain varietke V) just received, and fat tale on the best itrn^-if. __ J E 3. JOHNSTON ACO. I jay Aid Pi JousUken in exchange. P* ‘ “ wt * GARDEN SEEDS. Kentucky br* o**w*. LUCERNE. . . . , . by srrTS ‘iiMTuvs* Jan. 27—ts latest news by the nunc TEMPI TO all whom it may concern, this Is to notify th; public that ZSiVACS last home sgnln, and begs to asruit V* patrons that his Ba loon is not a thing of a day. Citizens m.J the traveling public will find their establishment opes, not tor the Season only, but all Seasons of the year, sed those calling on us, will at all boors, find our larder sup plied with all the delicacies that the New York and other market will afford, in toe way of eataoles and something good to drink, and six dsysout of seven, more than can be fouad In any house in town. E. ISAACS A BRO’. Under Ralston’s Hall, Cherry St. Hi* Bill of Fare will every day. Be just the thing for little pay; Ami those, who at their place may eat. Will find in it all things complete— And going once, they theu will know. That ISAACS, is th* PLAC E to go. We shall be happy to see our Mends, ensuring them that 1 wil’ be our unremitting care to please in every respect, a* we latter ourselves, we have done til! now. It may M generally known that we hare, to meet the with es of the Medical Ibcnlty, imported by oui selves, a very supe rior quality of Pale Brandy, fins old Port. Sherry and Made ria, possessing all the Medicinal qualities, so much desired by them. Look at this BUI of Far*and choose lor yourself: OYSTERS, From New York, Savannah and Brunswick in Iheiwil or by Uu measure, raw. fried, rwtd. or In any way you want them. Also, Shrimp* and Crabs, WlldO ame of every variety, A Venison and Beef Me* as, Mutton Chops and Veai Cutlet*. WHM Ham and Eggs. DovU Ham and Deviled Tenpins, MjL, MOUNTAIN OYSTERS, TURTLE SOUP, Wood-Cock Grouse, Mountain Geese. Squirrel*, j Wild Duck*, Fish, and every thing that an epicure wants, can I always be had when iu season. Confectionaries & Fruit ISAACS, also keeps constantly on • Asad a good assortment of Confect to uarics, ORANGES, APPLES, BANANAS, PINE APPLES, Various descriptions of NUTS, amxmzzm AU of which can be purchased at low prices for C krill. Be sure and call at. K. ISAACS d> BRO Zeilin Hunt, are now receiving a very large assortment of DRIbS, CHEMICALS. LYSTRIMEATS, PERFr ■pry, Ate., which they are selling for cash at extremely low prices. Wholesaling Exclusive! y for Cash, ami a pen do other term*. Dni/g:sK Pkytf c s an§ and Medline IValen jrwemllv will *1 th!e fTe * tJjr 10 tiie!r to purchase ihelr article* CASH DRUG STORE. xpt M HENRY’S Extract Jamaica Ginger. ACEIIT ATN safe and effectual remedy for Dysentery, Diarrhoea or L oaeae**, cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint,Cbodc. Griping Pains, Sour Stomach. Sick and Headache, pain ,r sick ness of the stomach, wind in tbe stomach and bowels, h t sterics. cramps, nervous tremors andtwarn.:ags. sea sickrees, fainting*, melancholy arid low- fretting amt crym got infanta and forallb.>w. el affect), n- and nervous diseases. Made from the Jamaica (singer Rie-t, in a superior manner, and taring composed of GjDger.snd that alone, carries conviction at once to the mind of an intelligent people, as to tu efficacy in all the diseases , aboveentrm*rated. It is no Patent or Secret remedy, belt g mach used and highly recommended By the Medina! Faculty Prepared by ZKU.IA A HUNT, I'ruggUti, tW. 14> csots a bottle. Mac oh, Oa. luly 7 FRENCH and American Zinc. For sale by sept >M ZEIUN A HUNT. TR.4I.Y, SPERM, .YE4TSFOOT and all other OILS. SPICES. MUFTARD, (’loves. > utmeg , Pepper, Ac . which article we have beet) extremely cartful to eeleet h) personal t st-ecti-jo ; the purest, fre.-neet and ch-anest that can be oh tatned which we shad* always keen on hard. fceptM.W, ts ZKILIN A HUNT. FALL OF 1859! : now mscEirixa A Magnificent SV>ck, anti will be sold at Prices ts O'fy Competition, at HAIRII’S CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY! FREEMAN h ENGLISH HAVEoa band a goed aseortment of CARRIAGES an HAHNEHb, ouaaudiag of all the s( yie* generally kep la a Reporitory. We are also maLufacturing a neat style o Side and Eliplie Spring Jluggles, Both light and heavy which we warrant a* good work as la made anywhere. Also a general aseortment of CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, HAR iuibb Hardware, Whips, Leath er, Carriage Tarnish and Paints. Klil* A I ltl.\iii iit all brt-Acbes don* at short notice. CHARLES is on hand at the Flnr.*etxn ~-k and Horse shoeing a*usual. tt. S. AAKMAN. B. T. kJSQI.IBU. ILLUMINAITEP show carps ■jHJUFraiulng, hand, ome.y printed, onlv at Id ANDREWS* JOB OFFICE, Kaietoe Hall HARTFORD I.ViTKAAtE O O 3VfIC P A N I B B. The Hartford Incorporated 1&10. o A.riTA.L. *500,000 The Springfield, Capital 8150,000. The JlamaeoH, at SprlugOeld, Capital (100,000. With a large sv -plus securely invented. FollcJssle U above trri Class Cogseies Issued, and ios ess promptly adjusted by E.J. JUHNSTUN ACO. janslfi—tf Agent. Gold Pens Warranted IN Gotri. Hilver sbi Wucl holrleN. An elegant ae eortinect jitat ope ml Slid for sale hv L. J JOHNSON A CO. N >. s,lS6A—tf WATCH WORK. II “E are prepared to have promptly and a ell done * at.-hort noture sad I I El, \ WAKHAN TI. for out- yar. E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. Pianos, Watches, Jewelry, k ! W * • w oriMsng a NEW and 815- II LEOT Stock of Elegant iT-X-! *H PIANOS, > K * C i l , rk 'dtoeraiaker*. *Mraatedtpea . ri#, r- M^S Uoam - ** **” ° ’nia ftniß;it kept lfi our lice. Strings, iiirtruaiou Books, fjkrot Gold and Silver Watches, Os th* moat approved maker*. JEWJtLRY AMb FANCY AIITICLES, SUverro*k-iaDd Spoons, equal to reta. H alches $ Jewelry Repaired and Warranted Mr J. A. A 8. 8. VIRGIN. NEW & SELECT GOODS. ~ CALL at our old stand on Cutton Avenue and les-W Wm et ->ur line aaaorunoat of WATCHES, JEWELEY S| IVER M'OOYN, IOKRN, MIYKB PLATED TEA *KTS, CASTOII*, du*l a truly ot Panov .Articles! ‘s*?s3s3SsJs?W= swsaSSK man empetent to uo ... haTe * Wt>rt: WAN O F( >RTBS from iiTETfELIL. v CUHt. and linres’ Patent ownmento. The world can , excel Y toll as. Plates, Accordnuu, Brou i **, vai-ous kinds, Pheet Muau, tostJSj^JSST*^ *“*-"*• ■•••- No, i, *.a*aavnwm. JACOB’S CORDIAL 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes 10 r OOO Negroes Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Planters Take Notice Planters Tale Notice Planters Take Notice ’ ‘ x Jacob’s Cordial Jacob s Cordial Jacob’s Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedv And Positive Remedy Before The People Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, And Flux. And Flux. And Flux. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Sale in Macon, by ZKILIN & HUNT. SAXCHfiZ’ SPECIFIC THAT GREAT UINETT THAT GKKAT RIMBDY THAT GRKAT Kli.Klv THAT GREAT KEV I.OY THAT GREAT REMEDY THAT GREAT REMEDY THAT GREAT REMEDY SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SI’KCiUC EANJIIIZ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC SANCHEZ’ BPECIKIC BANCIHZ’ BPBCIFIO SANCHEZ’ SPECUTC THE ONLY FOSTTH E CURE the only positive cure THE ONLY POSITIVE CUKE THE ONLY ITISITIIE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CURE THE ONLY POSITIVE CUKE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BKEoKK THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLM BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE PEOPLE FOR QONORRIKKA ft GLEET. FOR GONoKKHtKA * GLEET. FOR GONORRHCKA A GLEET. FOR OONORP.HUCA A Oi.KET FOR GONORRHOCA A GLEET. FOR GONORRHOEA A GLEET. FOE GONORRHOCA A GLEET. SAVER A 810 DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A 810 DOCTOR’S BILL BA VE6 A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR’B BILL SAVES A BIG DOCTOR'S BILL HAVES A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL BAYES A BIG DOCTOR’S BUX 13 EASILY TAKEN is easily taken IS EASILY TAKEN u easily taken is easily takln is Easily taken is easily taken • HAS NO BAD TASTR HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS SO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE BAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE WIIX EFFECT A CURE Wil A EFFECT A CURK WILL EFFECT A CUKE WILL EFFECT A CUKE WILL LFFECT A CURE WILL KFFMUT A CUB* WILL EFFECT A CURE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBIJC Willi LKad TROUBLE WITH LESS TROUBLE WITH IJSS TROUBLE WITH LF2M TROUBLE MOKE SPEEDILY more speedily MOKE SPEEDILY MOKE SPi.EDILY MORE RPLFDILY MOKE SPEFIDILY MORE Si'EFJHLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PEKMANENTLY * AND IKRMANFJKTLY AND PFIRMANFCNI'LY AND PERMANENTLY AND PERMANENTLY AND PEKMANENTLY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY TtUN AMY KNOWN KENEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY MIAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY MIAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY TEST ON* PACKAGE Tiorr ONE PACKAGE TF>T ONE PACKAGE TIBT ONE PACKAGE TEST ONE PACKAGE TEBT ONE PACKAGE TKST ORE PACK AG ■ ■vary rtimat aad Coeatrr M.rebsot abould kooa a •apply of thm ValaabW IGuosot oaly from tb. pror- It* that asaanss from its sataa, bat as as sea of pbiWa thropy towards sell.ring hamauity. It w>U ha mad* to tha aspacial and pocuaiary inWrast of all DragcMa to pmehaso by W. v. BUSS It CO , PROPRIETORY, Set RBOADWAY, NEW TOitß. IW Brito la Macon, by ZKILIN A piTNT. ‘W'rongh.-t Iron nikxzj.xwa a. mcqueen, MACOKT, OA. f M ANUFACTURER of Wrought Irtou Railing of evory . dMoriiriiou, and for all purpooea, bath Plain Sc Ornamental Fra a Ibe lightest scroll I roe up tola* bsavisst Railing ussd. “■J jagsnsndless variety of dorigns. garahaasse oauaM toll B lag eotirely of Wrought Iron thcU *Uu.lh saunotU fi** tlsasd, aixl Her toaaty Ui.y ceneot be .urpasa.4 say sr,i jianaesaraa- ~ Goometrical Stair Railing. NOTICE. *V IHK sabaertber ku opened a Houae In Maooa, on U M comer nest below the “ Brows House,” aad near the f* anger Depot, (hr the Purchase and Sale of Negroes. ! *°5 and •'KP*** of Mltaly Toeing . kept ooastanUbr an taod and for wale. Purchaa-n wad Traders are Lon ted he ■a* afcd runlet for themselvee. i IJH) a hi. 1 Macksmitt. B yean old. aadwoHo.l Co*a. sabers and lronem. M years oW.O. V. ftTDBBh. 1 MW., Dee. 14.4* ts At Cost —(Hosing Out I. R.J.JOHRBTOK * CO. 1 Horse for Sale. A good family. Boggy or Rocka way norse oatmotv be Bought at pri tl. tjA vate sale, for oeo third Ws than his slril m. ri ** ,Mr: rtn dayw time, if det-ired fl riTWYTr animal will hie warranted sound sold only for want of use. Apply t this office. Feh.l7 L. F. W. ANDREWS. WANTED Y7OUR first class Tailors Steady emt loyim-ntand hlgb JU ett price j.ald. W Jl. R, ARNOLD, oct IS swAwtf Hair “VV^ork, IN )KWEI.KY AffiO DEVICE to order ■ Over 4Oil new designs fpr selections. E.J. JOHNSTON A CO. Rubber Shoes.^^ A LARGE assortment of Gent’s and Rubliers. Also, LadieSlli>perandSn dal RnldicrShoes of Goodyear's celebrated patent. Ju elvpeKDd for sate low by MIX A KIRTLAND. SAVE FREIGHT AND COMMISSI DNS Carhart & Cu rd, Agy BOLE AOKNB FOR SCALES. A FULL Assortment of Platform and Counter Scales now Xa. in store end for sale at thmr prices. NO FKEIUHT ADDED. Orders taken for Railroad. Ware house and other large Scales. We will see them properly put up. rnvU— SPIRIT GAS For the NEW FLUID GAS LAMP. ALSO Burning Fluid and CAMFHINE. For sale by ZEILIN <ii HUNT. FIVE FURNITURE. FINE Parlor Belts, Ros* Wood, Mahogany and Georgia Walnut Purnlture. Secretaries and Book Oases, —, Desk* and Book Cates. Bureaus of Rose Woop, Ms- Sofas,Tete-a-Tetei,Divans, U Sociables, Ottoman*, in Hair win —ST u Oloth, Flush, Brocstel, Ac. Arm, Rocking,Nurse, Sew ing, Parlor,Bedroom, Dining, Hair Oloth. Pluch, Bro cMel.Oans, Split Bottom,and every kind of Ohalrknown to th* trad*. BEDSTEADS. Rose Wood, Walnut, Maple, Mahogany, Beash, Gun. a., High, Low, French and Cottagt. Wad robs* of Rose Wood, Mahogany, Walnu and Pine. Safes of all Pattern*. Tables. Mahogany, Walnut, Cherry, Pine, Extension Folding Leaf, Square, Round, Ac. Mattresses of Hair, Cotton, Most and Patent Spring, feather Beds, Plllais and Bolsters, fine Mirrors, common Looking Glasses, Looking Glass Plate*, Picture Gist*. Window Shade* and Hne Oornices. Bucket*,Tabs,Dipper*, Broom*, Brash Brooms, feath er Duster*, foot Ms’t ,Ac. for mile on th* moit reason able terms. Lumber taken in exchange, or Lumber made up In the xiost fashionable stTies of PurD’ture to order. Wehaveonroftjelargestrtocks of FINE FURNI URE la the Btate, and w* tre constant) j manufae ring, and wish to sell. Oallajdsee us. April 14—ts WOOD, BRO. Sc CO. C. 11. FRI2EMM & CO., Cotton Avenue, Nacon, Ga., Offer, as usual, at their Old ritand, a Choice As sortment of t'AHLY GROCERIES, OF every description and of the best quality, fresh and good, being constantly lu receipt of new supplies from the Northern Msrsets, Sugars, Spices, Wh'te Fish, Syrups, Citrous, Herrings, Coffee, Green Fruits, in cans, Hams, Teas, Condiment* Lard, Sweetmeats, Sauce*, Flour, Nuts, Cheese, Butter, Raisins. Mackerel, Pork. And other article* too numerous to mention, comprising the whole range of Family Grocery supplies. We particularly invite the attention of dealers and other* to our large and complete stock ot Candles, manufactured by ourselves, of the very best material*, and warranted to retain their hardness and brilliancy, while the imported Candies soon lose Ixith and become worthless. We offer unrivalled nducemeuta to pure!laser*. Cakes, Ornamented A Plain Os every variety, and made oi choice materials. Families and parties supplied at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Oysters, Crabs, Shrimps, Fresh Fish, in their Season. OUR OYSTER SALOON, Wlllbeopen forth* reception of visitors, where we stall keep constantly on hand duringthe Fall and Winter, Fresh Oysters and s hWHIHi Filb. native and Imported, V J eat qualities, and respesthdly In vita or. tiers, which shall be faithfully filled. oct9—tf IEW HOOT SHOESIdRE! MACON, GEORGIA. We are now opening a large and well f\n 1 selected Mock of Boots and rihoes, fijf f in the Bto-c on Sscottd Street, next I. jlfjßbrrlß Mr., Dessau'*, and nearly opposite Ma an! Mechanics’Rank Agencies.— 3(iut Mock having been puichared by one of our firm Diascr raou thx Eastebn M a:iu a. ti uxks roa Cash, We can offer great inducements tcTthose who v>ish to buy for Cash. We prefer small profits In IUoaA. rhtherthan large one* on time, where ILc go-id and solvent cuetumer* pay the lou on G<>d* *old to the doubtful ones. We aball keen ccnaiantij or nand a gen- , -re i re sral Stock tor LADiKn. Misasu’, Alcu’ii, Youths’, Boys’ and Ohi dren's ‘ esr, and /to also a large stock for Negrovs. We invite all who wish to parohare to call a> and see us, and we wtll cou vine* them that we cah aki> wii.l ski.i. as low as a(v nocsg in THE Btate. Our work Is guaranteed, and where it foils to give sail.faction, we repair free ol charge. W respectfully solicit a libera! share of public patronage. BEARDEN A GAINES. REPAIRING. We have oir .loved experienced workmen, and are pre pared to Repair all kinds of work iu our line with i.eatnea and desp Och. Match ‘s*—U B. A. WISE 13 NOW HECBIVING The Largest Stock of HOUSE FUVHIHG GOODS The Largest Stock of SILVER PLATED CASTORS, SPOONS & FORKS. The Largest and Beat SELECTED STOCK TABLE & POCKET CITIES Y A Splendid I.ut of GRATES, COOKING HTO.'KH AMD p. 4NOKH,, potß,* WAFKLE AND AVKK IRONS, IRON SHOVEL AND TONUS, aUASS AND WINS VENDERS, ROOD WARE, BRUSHES, MATS, CHAFING DISHES WAITEILB, TEA & COFFEE URNS FENDERS, COAL OIL AND riiUiD Ijamfs. Which I am prepared to sell on tha most favor able lens B. A. WINK, Macon, Oa. T* S. —Order* promptly attend ed to. sept 20 ts HORACE FITCH &CO a| TRIANGULAR RLOOK, HAVE on hand the l.irgret 'ie k of Uun'* ai.d Youth'* < LOTIII.VG, Trunks, Mats AMI MEIN’S FURNISHING GOODS to b* found in the Sta’e. And w* r/ould call epecl*l atUatlou to our asaortnent of - & Youth’s Clothing all of which we now propose to sell at Greatly Reduced Prices. Fleare give u a call before purchasing elsewhere, and ex amine our stock and ws will endeavor to *ull you In Good*, Qualit y and Friou*. dec 94 sw mi jk3'w nKOLJSiaa^y Selected by Prof Schreiner. FAIRY I’.EI.L, by Foster, 26 ctfl. Foator’a Music such us Gentle Annie, and otLi-ra, are all wellknoun. This song i* one of his beat LET MEKISB HIM FOK MOTHER, by Ordsray, 26 cents. Thin is one of the beat aongs wi have erer seen. •‘GENTLE NELLY GRAY,” Balfe. 25 cents. Balte is one the author f the Bolh rniati Girl. No further comment nece-aary. •HAKK I HEAR AN ANGEL SING,” Variation Grobe. 60 cents. “N ELLY GUAY,” with variation*, Grobe, 50 “EVER OF THEE,” with M Three of best arrangements on popular airs. Music received weekly from which we select the best and return the (rash which Publishers will never (ail to stick on those Dealer* who have no Musical knowledge. Music sent by mail, postage paid, on receipt of the petoeirirked. JOHN CTSCHREINER * SON. , AW* Telegraph copy. is< yss*(tic iteisiw! y , s ttil-'s py*p. prlc iti.wcuy Uli liiiutily lU’ Ikpsucplie liltiv Dyspeptic Kumiljr lluu’ l>yp'i>lK! Hi'imdjr KHm’ l)> Remedy Bliss’ i>ya)H'|itic llimnljf Bits*’ Uyapt'iMlc Remedy BUw’ l>y|H-|Mi<‘ ltminly Has tlc liiiynt Sale lias tln; Lai'gi'il !le lliis (lie at Sale Has (lie Lar|;iat Sale Hus tlu; Larmt Sale Han (lie >t Sale Has the f.argcst Sale Has (he Sale Has tile Isiig< si Sale Has llie Lurgiiit Sale Os any Meilielne In the World. Os any fllctllcuie in the World. Or any ilfectlrlm- In Die World. Os uiv Sledii lt*e In the Wsrldi Os any Ncdl< iue In the World, or tiny Meilielne In the World. Or any Medicine in the World. Or any Medicine in lire World. Or any Medicine in lle World. Os any .Meilielne In the World. 100,000 Pile Wage* 100.0IM1 Paetage* IUO.OC!I Packages 11X1,000 Packages 100,000 Packages 100,000 Packages 100,000 Packages liHI.ODO Packages 100.01*0 Packages 11X1,000 Packages Si.lei In Georgia and South Carolina Sold In Georgia anil South Carolina Sold la Georgia anil South Carolina Sold In Geo • gia ai i I >oulli Carolina Sold In Georgia and South Carolina Sold In Georgia and S,n:t!l Carolina Sold In Georgia and >ooth Carolina Sold In Georgia and South Curolina Sold In (Georgia and South Cntollna gold In Georgia anil Soul it Carolina In Koiirteen Months. In Pnurtecn Months. In fourteen Months. In fourteen Months. In Knurleen Mnuttis. In Knurtceu Months. In Koiirteen ilioiitln. In Kourtcen Months. In Koiirteen Months. In Kouvtecii Montlts. It Is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It is Warranted to Cure It is Wai muted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure If Is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It Is W’arruiitcd to Cure If Directions are Followed, If Direct ions are Followed, If Directions ure Followed, If Directions a.e Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Directions ure Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, If Dirrrtlons are Followed, Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of lyy ipepsla Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of lJy .pepsls Any Case 111 Dy spepsia Any Case of D> spepsiA Any Cuse of Dyspepsia Any Case of l>y spepsla Any Case of Dy*pc|>sla Any Case of Dyspepsia I.tvcr Dlsensc, I.lver Disease, I.iver Disease, Inver Disease, Diver Disease, I.lver Disease, Liver Disease, ldver Disease, I.lver Disease, Diver Disease, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice, Jaundice. General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, General Debility, Gencrul Debility, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Palpitation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Dlarrlkoen, Chronic Dlarrho-a, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Giddiness, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Dcpressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, Depressed S| lilts, Depressed Spirits, Depressed Spirits, I.ocs of Appetite, I.oss of Appetite, I.oss of Appetite, I.oss of A |.p< tite, 1.0..S of Appetite, Doss of Appetite, Doss of Appetite, Doss of Appetite. Doss of Appetite, Dos* of Ap|>ctlte, Pain In Side and Back, Pain In Side and Hack, Pain in Side and lisek. Pain In Side and Bat k, Pala in Side and Hack, Pain In Side and Back, Pain In Side and Hat k, Puln In Side and Back, Pain In Side anti Hack, Puln In Side and Back, (t Is Kspecluliy Adapted to It Is Kspeeiiilly Adapted to It Is Especially Adapted to It Is Kspecluliy Adap'.cd to It Is Kspccially Adapt etl to It Is Kspecluliy Adapted jj It is Kspct tally Adapted to It Is Kspecluliy Adapted to It Is Kspeeially Adapted to It Is Kspecluliy Adapted to Female Complaint*; Female Complaints; Female C'omple tuts ; Female Complaints; Female Comp'uint ; Female Complaints; Female Complaint* ; Female Complaint* ; Female Complaint*; Female Complaintsi . It Produces Hidundlly of form It Produces Kotuudity of Form It Produces Kotuudity of Form It Produces ltnttindiiy of Form It Produce* Kotuudity of Form It Produres Koliiinlily of Faint It Protluees Ilotundlly of Form It Protlures Kotmnilty of Form It Protluees Rotundity of Form It Protluees Kotu..dlly of Form In Females of u TSii.i nml Spare Ilabltt In Female* of a Thin and Spare llaldt. In Females of a Thin anti Spare ilabll. 11l Feiitulcti of u Thin and Spare Habit. In Femnles of a Tbln and Spare Habit. 11l Femalws of u Tlihi anti Spare Habit. In Femuies ol u Tliln anil Spare Habit. In Females of a Thin anti Spare llnblj In Females of a Tliln and Spare Habit In Females of u Tliln and Si* re Habit. Send a Postage Slump to the Proprietors lor their Pamphlet on “ Diseases of Stom ach anti Bowels.” W. w. BI.ISS St Cos., Proprietors. 30a Broadway, New Vork. For Sale in > *- Macon, by ZEILTN * HUNT. 330,000 SWEDES,” /\I) SJ *>ki 8f Barn of Sweden I ran, assorted from 1 I ) IV sitjotf t'l 12 Inches wide of our importa’lou. Is store, and tor sale by CAKHAKT Jt CUIID. dec 31—ts BOOTS & SHOES MENS’, Boysantl Youth’s fine Calf and Kip Peg (ted Knots; Mens’afoot Kip Hunting mid Mud; Boots Units lasting baiters, Monterey, Opera and Ties, si. I tine Calf Brogan.; Gents', Boys, ami Youths Patent and Link melted Brogans; Men’s, Boys, and Youths'California Kip Brogans, Llarge assortuient. [octl—tf] MIX A KIRTLAND. Peru Wine. I Invite the let judges of Wine to the above, which can not l e surpassed in flat nr and punty. Sherry Brandy, Ilnrmcnia hr .ltd. 1 ort Wine, of a very superior quality. Clarets,CbMeaula Hose, Mi u!or>, I’l.uilliac, etc. t suit luts, ol very Une braodF, at HENRY HORNR’B, Notice. WE have s number of accounts made in 1858 on onr book. books, which will be c-rtainly sued it not paid by the Ist of January. We intend to shew no favors. City papers copy. HARDEMAN A GRIFFIN. dec 3tf Negroes for Sale. A NEGRO woman and four children, are offered for sale on reasonable terms for cash. Woman 27 years old, a good cook, washer-woman and house servant. Children's age* from ft yearn down to 1 yr sold for no fault. Apply at this office. ts. To I^-ent. AN 8 roomed enure In a pleasant part of the city. Powes- MM'on.siven immediately. C. C. DANIEL, fan 23 *w ts Apply to M. 8. THOMSON A; M. Bininger & Cos \ (Establiflied 1//8,) SOLE IMPORTERS, No. 338 Broadway, N. Y. This DELICIOUS TONIC, especially designed for the use of the Medical Profession and the Family, ; possesses those intrinsic medicinal pro perties (Tonic and Diuretic) which belong | to an Old and PURE GIN. The business of manufacturing spurious gias, and offering them as beverages, under the titles, “Aromatic,” —“Cordial,” — ‘* Medicated,” etc., has become so com mon, that the public are justly suspicious of nearly everything that is offered under similar forms, and the trade has thus been brought into disrepute. It has I remained for our house (established in 1778) to supply the pressing popular need, and to inaugurate a new era iu the history of the Trade. We trust that our established reputation—found ed upon eighty years of experience abundantly vindicates our claim to public i confidence. KT. 73. 1 A comparison of “ Bininger's Old London Dock Gin” with others bearing similar names, will establish iu I superiority, and make other Caution unnecessary. Put up in Quart Bottles, in Cases of , one and two dozen each, and sold through out Ike world by Druggists, Grocers, &c. DruggifL and Dealers Supplied with Wines and Brandies, I Direct from United States Warehouses. For sale in Macon, by bubers in Lewis Cherry Street, and all prominent Druggists, Grocers, &e. oct 12 Sale. ONE of the most desirable residences n the city, when the subscriber now re .cornerof Oak and Second I Streets. | The Lot contains three quart* rs of an acre, and U highly improved will, choice varieties ol Beach, ApricotgOrapes and other fruits. Slid flowers. Tlu dwelling contains ten Rooms, Closets in sir, end Gas in all. Terms of pu rnent will be made easy. For particu lars. enquire of .I DeLoache or W.S. lirantly. If not sold before Christmas, it will be rented to an improv ed tenant. [dec. 14-tf] GKO. W. ADAMS. Celebrated Sewing Machines. Price from s£>s to $l3O 00. IT is na longer a question, which is the best Sewing its chine, bu where can i g I itlirover or Baser Msci.iue it i has long sime been given n;> that tlisy arc the only Sewing - machine mode that is adapted to all kinds of f-ewii g ai.d at the sauietime are so slinpletn construction th:.f a*ei | year old child, or any servant of common sense Can ander stand and work tlo-pr lth perfect success, hervants instruct* j ed free of charge, it sent to the store. j Uflice on Cotton Avenue opposite the store of George W. ! Price, sud bet ween Fea-s A awsnson and the Baptist Book ! Store. I als > have anew Slur tie machine. Till! ELHEKA, making'he same stitch on both ships—the t est machine of the kind made. Crllar.d see or send tor circulars Persons in the c juntr> can have .. < omp. Wnt person sent out with the mscitioe to instruct in its uo, on the trsvtling eipenses of the person lining |.aid bv the purchaser. nov 18 6in M. K. ROGERS, Agent. SEORSE PAYK£. WHOLESALE A RET AIL Druggist & State Licensed Apothecary Car. Mulberry St. and Cottri Irena*, Macon, G-a., IShsppy to inform his friends, patrons and thepobli# generally, that his Stock, is now full and complete, 1 which comprises every articld that should be found Is a ! First Class DRUG AND CHEMICAL STORE. Weekly arrivals of the Savannah Steairoi s e mbit! him to replenish his Stock Wskklt, with Fresh and Choice Good* which are bought with great Attention ton and j ,old as LOW as at any Drug Establishment in detrgia Physician*’ Prescription* Compounded at ail hours with care and neatness. Hts j stock consists in part of the following articles : Drugs, Chemicals & Medicines, Dyes,Paints, Oils and Colors, Glasswart Syringes Modern Styles, great variety, Windov Glass, Putty, Artist's Tools, Mechanical, Artificial and Natural Leeches, Fresh Hops and all other Herbs, Surgical Instru ments anl Medicine Chests, family Soaps, Fio 1 e tarch A Gelatines, Fine Cas tor Oil for Family use, Wines A L'quors j for Medical use only, Perfumery, Pomades and Toilet i Articles, Gold and 3ilver Leaf, Gold and Tin-foil and i ArtiflcialTecth, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, White Wash. Paint, Cloth and Flesh Brashes. TRIPOLI, a great article for aleauiog Metal A Glass Gras and Garden Seed, and all the patent Nostrums of the day, snrl 1 v JUST RECEIVED Landretli’s New Crou Turnip Seed of 1858. W’ HITE l LA T DUTCH TURNIP SEED. RED I ilf “ •* “ RUTA BAOA TURNIP SEED. LARGE GLOBE I UK.MP SEED. LARGE NORFOLK TURN'D SEED, lionliitky Uliie Dibxs Seed. RESCUE GRASS SEED. IiTJCEriNEI SBED. For at CKII I* \ Y ¥l>rng and (‘ltemicul 2stor* M July iaus.^B.—tf Livn'liool A: Loudon LIFE & FIRE INSURANCE mz: intbl a* m Office 5(), ir// Street, New NvrJc City. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, £2,000,000 or $10,000,000. Paid ;i|i l-’aiillal, F'diplua mul lirsenrd Funds, FIVK MILLIONS OP DOLLARS; SIOO,OOO Inverted in this Country DIRECTORS IN NEW YORK I JAMES Bil< i\VN, ‘ biiirman. I RANOIS “i ‘TTFN, Deputy ( GSOKGF. BAROLAY. Kq. EUGENE DC I ILK, fcq. JUSFBH GiI.LARD, Jr., Kq. JOSEPH FGWIEK. Cq. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Jr., Esq. ED. F. SANDERSON, Esq. W M . S. WITkOKK, Fsq. EDWARD M. AROHIHALD, Fsc. l'reAdetit Seretry. ALFRED PKIL, Esq. Counsel of tke RuarU, A. HAMILTON Jr E*o AYERS. WINGFIELD * CO., A^euls,” ir/m will take Fire Risks o'du. Macon, May 11th.—ts Osnaburgs, Yarns, &c. <>a Bales Osnaburg*. OVr 20 Bales Yarns, 15 Bale* Moron and Mllledgcville Sheetings, 10 Bales H Sheetings, 5 Boies Striiie.*, Fr - sale by AYRES, WINGFIELD A CO. u2S—tf Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, O A A Socks Rio Coffee 120 bbls Keflued Sugor, 26 ** Crushed ond Powdered, SO •* hds New Orleans Sugar, 30 bbls New Orleans Syrup, 10 bd* New Crop Molasses, too bushels Peed Oats, |0 •* Corn Meal, CasksSboulders, i 10 “ SMss, SOU Sacks Flour, For sale bv tan. Sf—tf. AYRES. WINGFIELD A CO. DAUT'fI AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKEY, For Medicinal Use, H AS now taken that position in the world’s estimation, which ju.diti.-sit* proprietor In claimhig fur it A SUPERIORITY UNRIVALLED, Producetl, s It is, by a process known only to the Manufac turer, and extracted from the cnoicest grain, which grows no where but In xfkvoted locally in the Valley of the Munonga hv-a, and containing no par icle of deleterious admixture; it has acquired a reputation for per't a, purity ar.d irtlriiih.eex cellc'-ce, oared solely upon Its inherent uieiit, which ti.e Pro prieior fl as m t intend, s long as he controls the mannfac luie, e'.aU ever lie foi felted, or iu any manner allowed to im peach the correctness oft be learned and Distinguished Chemists whose certificate* we publish berewi!h. ii has heretofore refrained from making public by adver tisement, the Extraordinary Medicinal Properties uhfch this article in to pnts&s: ai <lthi*Fifence on hi? li.k lmlnced by a fUkJtivts ilrtad tDja U s iyh>.st ,stipicion should crtnru liw name v/ith advcrtisii g aupyri cidin ami the . tgou of Q iack-iiO*tru#u L— but, fir !*owe liiue the profile tor has het-nii < oii stunt receipt ol un ol died Usumonials from all parts of the eoun- I try. emaua from Physicians of the hi hestreputation. and testimonials which speak with such onphatic and nn | ipiaL led approval of the unrivalled o; the Arot,mtic Valley Whiskey us a Medicinal Agent n all cases in which arU u clai stimulation has become requi riie—in oidtr to restore, r-pair or assist the function* auU eu- of nature— he (teems it his duty, even ht.ilie haz ard of wiiich he has t*poken,to make known to the wt-rid. ui the luifgt puttie manner ; u&sitie, these *r*i.p ry and in valuable prapcruen of ihisariicle of his maUMifactore. It la not his purpose to recite in detail, a iUt ol those CU e*ioes f the human system which have been kiiwo to be moct fav rally *tftcred by the use of this stimulant. ‘1 hey are particularly dracribed in the various lettlmonlals spoken of, % h eh are often at all times to the Inspection of our friends but which wc do not feel rt liberty, without special prrinis biou of ihc distinguished | orrens who have sent tLeiu to us, to par de In the public newspapers. .SulHie it to*av, that the diecaaca alluded to comprises all snch as are incident to Tropical Latitudes, to a change of Climate or Diet, or t ary other cause which disarranges or impairs the oper ant tunc Ildus of tat human system ; luducli g languor, lasrl tuil.and depression, and the multitudinous ills flowing from this source. iu an such cases the Aromatic Valley Whiskey Acts as a Jlcsiorutive, assisting the ua’uml organs, by a stimulant which, both in cliarac er an degree, seems to oe in all things most admirably tided to reinvigorate, and to call lack that tone and force ot uc ion iu the vital organs, so e-sei.t at to physical healib. It is t” this extent that the proprietor knows himself to be ustlfled in claiming forhis manufacture, Uygenic properties and virtues which cannot be overstated, nor over-va. Ucd. its universal use by The Medical Profession Is most urgently recommended. Already lias it found its way lino thepiiucipa! public and private h .pita's in tbe country, and whenever it haslxeu once used, it forth with be come! a leqnisite. I have analyzed a sample of “Daly’s Aromatic VsDey Whis key,” and tlud it to be a pure article, of tine flavor, and with out any deleterious admixture. JAa.K. CHiLTUo, Af. D., New York. ETjcti Assamn'sOrnck, 30 Somerset SL.] Boston, April ITU., ISuS. 5 Wm. 11. Pa it. New i „rk ;—inave .nude a chemical anal y.lsofyour An ..malic Nalley Whiskey and find ii a pure, it e flavored Kye Whiskey, containing no it jurious mailer ol ilny slnd. and 1 would recommend it ar ouitae'e tor medicinal aiiii public purposes. CHAB. T. JAt’JES'*N, Shite Assa> er, Wsi. II Dalv:—Your Aromatic Ya ley Whiskey Is re ceived, and alter careful examination, 1 find it Lnureiy tree from aidulteratuig ingredients, so irequentiy used. JAB. J. klAl'Lft, Annly.ical Chemist, N. Y". donsumerscan depend upon getting a pore article when they buy tbe Valley \t hiskey, asitiso-ld Ly the bottle aud case uniy. WM.II.DALY, I*J South wlilisra Street, NewYork Sole I'ropiietor- For sale in Macon by GREER A FREEMAN. nov iS— nov A leb Imported Genuine Havana Segars From 50 lo 100 Dollars per ‘lhoipaud. Cabanas Brev aa, very fine, Isidore, Descuberta, Rosalie, Albion, Tal. (-an, etc. loivite the best judges for atrial of these Segars. For sale at 11 Ui RT HoRN’K’S Porter and Ale. (>i | Casks .letters’ Jug Ale, m\f 10 Casks best London I‘orter, ustreceived, GUERRA FREEMAN Eugeno Champaign e Acknow lodged to be very superior by gc*>d judges. 50 Baskets, quarts and pints, direct Importation. rorsaleat HENRY H'-RNES.’ a-mas Eikjitsii, o. 0 . grades. (Tardewan s sparisT “ aWARE HOUSES COMMISSION 1 MEECHAKTS WlLLconttnce to give prompt attention at their FIRE PROOF WARE HOUSE, on the corner of 8d and Poplar Streets, to ail business committed to their charge. With th -ir thanka for past favors, and a renewed pledge of faithfulness to all the i ntereats of their friends and customers, they hope to receive their fnllshare he p lblfc patronage. Liberal advances made on Cotton and otherproda when required. PW - Planter's Family Stores,also Bagging, Rope, Ac furnished at the lowest market rates. Maron, Aug4—tf IMBR.S.AUDOJN, _ HAS just returned from New York with a oeaut.fui *nd veil soleitivl Fall and VI inter stock. PARISIAN HAT S ot every variety; LEGHORN ai.d fire STRA w BONN ETS , FRENCH FLOWKR! ; FANCY and OSTRICH FEATHERS : Head Dre-s- s ; Hilda] wreatli* atd Veils; Net and Grecian Caps ; Ornaments for the Hair; Sh. II and oru-roe. tal Tuck Combs; Rea! Lace Coiffeurs and Veils; beautiful Lue set’s and French EMBROID ERY ; Misses Leghorn, Piu-h and Beaver Hats; Bots Hats and Caps; 1 ress Trimnings ; Ze phyr Y*m for Knitting and Embroidery; Niileas Opera i taps and Mariposa's Wigs; Bands, Braids and Grecdan Curls; Fur t leaks ;VI u'Ts and Cuffs. Also, a flue assort ment of FANCY ARTICLES too tedics to mention. Fleas.- call aid examine fi r yourselves before purchasing Thankful fur past favors and solicits a continuance >f the same. All orders promptly atLndcd to. Sept. !4 ts ‘TatxoH s-HOnaad Gn Ihc European Plan, CITY OK NEW YORK. Single liooms 50 Cents per Day, City Hall Square, corner of Frakfort Street, (Opposite City Hail.) Meals, as they may 1 e ordered in the spacious Refoe ton'. There is a Barber's Shop and Bath Rooms attaches ‘o the Hotel. N. B.—Beware of Runners and Hnrkuim. who say we are lull. R. FRKKCII, rre prieior. August 9, 18-39. AND STAPLE DRY-EGOES. B.9GUF&IH, WOULD respectfully annouace to their friercK atid tl.e, thattiiey hf.veeu , jEr*it'<i theui eore, ahd ar* dow i'rupsMl to keep, u and rilmli kt p :.t all tit4ock oi GUIXJKKfEd and STA *LE Dlt V GOODS, mDd to none In tho citr, and t wldcb thtlr aitemloii la Kt c nhaliy In yittd. Tile /ollowing ib a list ot tl e leading articled: ‘l5O Eag3 llio, Java and I.asrilira Coffee. *2OO Barrels A. 15. and €. SI r G.4R. .‘tOO Boxes TOBACCO. 250,000 CIGARS, from $5 to S6O per thouptmd. 15 Bales Osnaburgs. 10 “ Kersey. lO “ Colton YaniN. 10 “ Kliutketk. 1200 pair of Hegro Slides. 100 Bales IIAGGIAG. 200 Coils Rope. USO Bbls. Liqaor of every quality and kind, from the finest Otart. l)u|tiiy & Co’s Brands,down to Rectified M’lii'sky They have l*o a large s’oek of CANDLES. CANDY SOAP. PICKLES PAIN r*. OILS. GLASS, a ut iu f*U e- ■ ry liiingtb.t the HanU ror Me.chart cun Grrsriee *n(r Stable Dry -Oerdo- D fail to c.ll *i,U ex. oiniue their sotex lefore iiurclixiing tl.-e *bcrc. [re[ t.2dtf Copartnership Notice. a-vioeiated with ire my brother, FRANK M. STOif &, for the purpose of cauUbuhig tiie Hat and Cap l>uMncv.. The hu-in-8 , will bo conducted berc.tffer under tiic firm j nanie anu fft> Ir* of CHAS, B. STONE & BROTHER.: Th under* vned. Ihatik til for the Hta-ral pa’ronagv cx ter.(!cd tn him I hr pa t vc;ir, would uost res; ectfully solicit coiiilnuatlon ot it or the new Arm. They will keep constantly m ham! s superior stock of Hat* iml Caps, which they Will felt as low a* auv lions, in tlw City or Mato. CHAS. B. SION E A 1.1'.0. April ID. 3PYTG-X-3E7& Gallery of Art. Triangular Bock. ITMN'K Pictures in any of the various styles can al . ways be obtained at the above ra- jl- jeme*; -mr* Pugli was awarded the premium at the late Geor gia State l-’uir, for the best Photographs, and he ean furnish these popular PMures, either plain or col ored. rtnd from the smallest to the largest size, at prioes from $3 00 per doz. to S2OO 00 a piece. Amhrotypes in tine cases at prices exceedingly low. 50 Gross Ainhrotypc cases, anil 100 Gold Gilt frames on hand, and niiist be sold with tine Pictures. Call and get your pictures and you wilt save from 25 to 50 per cent, nail still get the best Pictures made in the city. i. A. PUGH. Nov 5,1859.— if. • S's t BUttHELS DRIED APPLES forsale by *)U O.H. FREEMAN*CO. m.rrM IR_W Cotton Avenue. CONFECTIONARIES of ail Wholeaaie aid re tall by C. H. FREEMAN A CO. march—lttf Cotton Avenue. Ayers Barsanarilh A compound rcmcrly, in 1(1 bored to produce the'most J^ h Wc have i, that can l>c made. It i s q dtom; ‘ JUt Sn-ater.ltt'S,""” “ii, to allord au ejfeetvve antidot,. r Sarsaparilla is reputed to cu rc that such a remedy is waited bv Tv suffer from Strumous coinplS ts ‘J> which will accomplish their ? thut ’ > iTTfu strvice to ft* C alHicted fellow-citizens. H 0„ of o Ur compound will do it has been m cT °^ m ' dny of the • of the following complaint*: -1 ol * ;, *M Scrofula and Scuom.ora Eruptions and Eruptive Dv J , *** Pimplus Blotch f.s, bc.vLD Head, Stphil,* Kyj) l vIT Kutr* sections, Mercurial Deeasp’ iL" lUt,c a ‘- Ralgia or Tic Douloureux I)!e T ’ N ' e '- pepsia and Indigestion, Ei> y ,’" Uiv ’ llv '- OR St. Anthony’s Fir* and class of complaints arianu from t? h the Blood. “ ‘ I * p wuTr* l This compound wHI be found * moter of health, when taken in m '’ expel the foul humors which fl 1 ’> blood at that season of tbe year }uZ ‘ tllc ly expulsion of them many rankling 1 T are nipped in the bud. MultitmU the aid of this remedy, spare the endurance of foul eruptions antl b “ 1 n^thjoush.Ucklhe.V^SJS’ rid itself of corruptions, if not as* , i r this through the natural channels of f by an alterative medicine. Cleanse vitiated blood whenever you find iwmo bursting through the skin’ in pimple* SX"* or sores; cleanse it when vott find fltructed and sluggish in the veins; c I M Jr Whenever it is foul, and your feeling, K you when, tveu where no particular “ is felt, people enjoy better health, ami V longer, lor cleansing the blood. Rem 7 blood healthy, and all is well; butvitbw pabulum of life disordered, there can lasting health. Sooner or later somotw must go wrong and the great mcbincn S life is disordered or overthrown. ’ Sarsaparilla has, and deserves nuuk tu reputation, of accomplishing these emk u , the world has been egregiouslv deceived W preparations of it, partly because the dr alone has not all the virtue that is claim i for it, but more because many preparation pretending to be concentrated extracts oi ? contain but little of the virtue of Saisapaidk or any thing else. During late years the public have hem ms. led by large bottles, pretending to give a qa - of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Mst of these have been frauds upon the id f !t ! they not only contain little, if any, Saea, rilla, hut often no curative properties vhttm er. Hence, latter anti painful disappoibtuiui! has followed the use of the various extract? ,*f Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has be synonymous with imposition and cheat. Suil we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue he name from the lead of obloquy which rw upon it. And we think we hare ground fr believing it has virtues which arc breswible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend, ed to cure. In order to secure their cGTipi *? eradication from the system, the remedy ?!.* uld be judiciously taken according to diiectiocs oa the bottle.’ PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYE K and (0. LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle; Six Bottles foi jj, I Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself such a renown for the on o| every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, uat it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount th evidence of its virtues, wherever it has teen em ployed. As it has long been in constant * throughout this section, we need not do more tUI assure the people its quality u kept up to the lies it ever has been, and that it may be relied can do for their relief all it has ever been found to di Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, FOR THE CURE OP Costirencss, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Hmatk Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions anil Moi Dvum Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Jttmori a m Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, u i Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. 1 They are sugar-coated, so that the most kt.<i tive can take them pleasantly, and they ire tin best aperient in the world for all the purpose! oi i family physic. Price -Ase cents -pvt Beta; Tyva ho I, at feSIW Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, Stars men, and eminent personages, have lent rt* names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of ties remedies, but our space here will not pensrt tb insertion of them. The Agents lielow - nish gratis our American Almanac iswnictw are given; with also full descriptions of lie iw complaints, and the treatment that shou.a * > j lowed for their cure. . , . •. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealen nt other preparations they make more profit 8 Demand Ayer’s, and take no others. iW ‘', want the best aid there is for them, and tbejsMu have it. , All our Remedies are for sale by 1 Sold byE. L. Strohecker k Cos., Zeilir 4 Hunt, Macon, and by all druggists anti <W er# in Medicine everywhere. Haviland,Chichester & Cos., Augusta,Gs., wholesale agents. DK. JLITTLE’S VERMIFUGE In LARGE Bottles aud Vials. Nothing else is required to relieve chi.Jren oj Worms ; aud besides being oue of the elieat‘st best Vermifuges ror offered to the |iblic. 1 qnent nse iu families will Bare much Iren * ‘ expense, as well as the lives of many ““"“t. eight out of every ten cases generally require.. LITTLE’S ANODYNE COUGH DROPS. A certain cure for (bldg , Gonfy Asthma. Pain in the Breast; als* - u & Whooping Oonghs Ar., Ac, amongst Children. This ia a pleasant medicine to take, P rcJn< ’ | mediate relief, and in nine oat of ten ‘J , r , | cure. It exercises the most eaatwlliaK , over Couchs and Irritation of the Luo?’ 1 , | inedy known, often stopping the m>* “!„£*• ; few hours, or at most in a day or two. • j a • thought to be decidedly cousump.ive, - n ,jTue | promptly cured by using a few bottle*. 5 j expeetorant, without astringing the bowel®, I paramount to all cough mixture*. TITTLE’S : FRENCH MIXTURE 1 No. 2 for‘.he chronic stage.) and from > “ r .„ r success ia likely to mpersede eve for the cure of diseases of the or • Gonorrhoeal, Bteanorrtimal, and I* • ■ i Fluor Alims affections. This extern k! J combines properties fatally ‘ tle (sited : character from any thing to be States Pharmacopoeia; and in point cl I cieucy Is aot rivalled in America. LITTLE’S RINGWORM & TETTER OiNTVENT. FORTIS, No. 1- 1 ! Hundreds f cases of Chronic Tetters. : and diseases of the skin geuera ! iy. E‘’ mos |t , by this remedy; aad since the . * 1 i No. 2 preparation (being jj.^diesk i has been found that it will not, ,. jnt T r un-b ”* ! in a short time For the I j and Ulcers Kis applied i ‘ hß farß u ‘ 1 , • ia almost iufallibls. , GeorV’ ‘ ! In more than twe hnndred p!** ‘ ~c ; In the Southern States, they r **V' ter feiti*’ there are scamps about who are e* f SLlil .[b ’ remedies, by palming off thei p; | else, by using the same or slim r patent-', leut in wauted or secured aoaa WtJ il fur u ; ‘ the day,) let ail be cautionedlts■ signature of the Proprietor, thus. ted also bisnameblowa into the tJ ‘ jfJT All orders and letters to be a UTM & BS0 ” . Wholesale Dragg® 1 * . , ifcndNg For pule bj E. L. Castlen, Macon, and by gists everywhere. BOOTS AND SHOE® of every deaeiiptioo tor Ladle*. M ‘ _ HATS & CAP® Os Latest Styl^’ From the best. ” \VR ASH A.\ . NEW I^SS^ Molasdes Cream Candy, Osvcred Baattsa&et SKKSTiSS. „m,