The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, March 15, 1860, Image 3

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HINES and VMhMnntk-al Inscru iirM and adjusted, and new pwrt.. mad<- S7’ Tenwua Pal*. ftc.. foroW machines. v K. J. JOHNSTON ft CTX f —~. ”. an H elegai-t b* of i'nicterinei ts 4 Mnt4tmrjfS, ami IT. En-dte’s. j fie 4 ~TI aitotoft prices. For sale by m • F- J. RolXmfX ft m. IBS k GEBTLEMEK TTk e sotice. jjiiis Einstein H - II>! * *pb<lHl kit of „CH * WACNIFICiHT DRESS GOODS, *- b\heok organdy and JACONET ROBES j. f, , *!., irt, i Jure* md 3 to i j POINTS, LACE Ac BAREGE miNTIILAS. s.i.ks. mi suns, i M W*EGES, TRAVELING PRESS GOODS, in arent v r.&y. ■ u.lkf-- f **■**• Hani, K-igings. Insert- 1 &*’ ■ _attf 4 \ Odieoea, klrtL-litd 4 Hoorn I ■s’ ~'in* 9-K !•'-*. H *- 12-4 vide. 3 IO’PEiINU, in E"jfli-h Bicssells. *, from * etslo 11.50 per yard. HEARTH bd&s, &g., .S DAMASK. LACE AND | EMB D. certains, tas- SELIA Aic —.mnior Clothing, a £4opmed. f vil, lrentn. un i for ! W n'low &I.A le* in great variety.— g ; filling HiHU.Stirb. tM Tap? llorlrr :. | rV T\ thing nauailv kept in firm i ia^a -wr*. Gwt ndjiMiir h* Tnunlna i EUift FJNHTMX, | Triangular Bbs-k. Macon, lia.’ m:DI( AL CARD. 08. SAMUEL TARVER, * trier** Turn Out. JEFFERSON CO„ OA. • r ygfi * wi n.-cs to Ihfnlllirtiri. in all caes-eof |r, iV -. .-(w ally inf hues- olironk'fiafa which v • trii?- : the aatllfif the Medic*] Profession. . .. ’**-*( and preacnptioafieMi !*• -ml by mail to . . ~n a : pf.nation tothe l*>ct. the*• ■’ ltt- . ( arui rva*nal4e. JOEL R. GRIFFIN Attorney at Law, MA cox aA. [_ p rj . nee fit ib cuiintiea of Macon and mr >btnißZ counties. Also, in the ••••untie., tm tad 8-sith-Weat (ieorgia. aceeasuhle by Rail w f,n rjtktr attention fsrem to r flfrtiaff a,.witho. A l/K-hnae, Dairwur'* _ t ; Metfnii-'t Bia.k I<epoi! >rj . feb. 27. Hair AVork niraUHV .4310 lM ME to order f Mff *•) new d.'dsn* for selection'-. K. J. JOHNSTON ft CO. flߣ tNGtNE FOR SALE. ,rjft.‘T<'laeiPrr Kaalae bailt by A gnaw. nf Phil* m tw. *art i *hH rttv t A ogoatai by ibe t, r. It >i.i I ..1 at a mettHee ; only rm I ib‘a**a>tt >• nu . A4lrrta ¥ rra Rnuncar. •Van -. Ac.. A,a ta. Oa. CENTRAL HAH ROAD, CHANCE OF SCHEDULE. j f \Ja .Vr Satantar. Feb ‘atb, lf#>. the Traina will be j HmUnk aßab. ICO* P If 1 VP M and 11.10 P. M. r~ v S.*ft A. M. had ll* r. M. sr-s Kan 6 JO A. M. aal tM P. M. i m !. Jr-mila. IS * P. M. m- laa. - 10.UU A. M.and IOM P. M. Saaaaat.*.*.a A M and lSp. M. >. *vuu It *i A. M. ana *M P. M. Saaaaaak TANARUS. A. M. aad 10 W. P. M. AH. and 11 00 P. U. ‘Si a- m a- naa a i Ib.tft a. ra . oalv ran to !*■•; Hw at 3 M*p aa, euMtaoHac wit h to a . fcri • la t.. tcgjwa. eet iitiig the 11.-0 p. m. train at Augntti, wll! •an .. iii. ai .t arrive at Savannah at l*.<U p m V .•. ‘t liipn, tmm Savannah wUI *•> thioagb M 1 VWC. be-irnmr 1 S‘or 10,’iip m italaa trra S.vat 1 j -n. r>r> Oryout will n.l o’ with no Avtea I auihw n. hi> .war A- rta, or ; • ’ata havoad. oa Werirrr. a | 1 out, .Vvr Sav-Uinah on the I'4 pm traia; ] , K|.’ - e.i kaxoxon on t J” p m la'a : tor : I dl*-! fdlrui [jei.'.w Fort Ta’let, i-n It 10 p m i 1 a. j f Montgoatrt.. I'clnaitnaa. Ae_ by rttbet a v-*- - r A ijm-ta. for . ntb-OT. -t.rr OwtFt. i I . .in train to avte>l doteatinaat l(acL ; |Wb(..!ii -. Raitpinaiy. at. may take elthe i Hkattucaerta: Mscoo w3h Macon ft Wewrrn traia* j cl. 1 A - .f f<t ,l 'r w-*t ■ a!v* will. Soath %'• *t ■ ■m* t A any. Cetbbcrt. Aulhal*. ¥•■* Oainea I - M'l'ikJae. t. Ac_ and at Milien wll!- I **l >; *. - ‘lih K. r-wd t.> A'rg".*a and the noftk; j -•r. ueekly rteum-biiw to Nrw Toth: I awtSe aaiip. to PhiUdehthU ind Ba.’Umo-o. Saner . Sche|ii|. the ouium. toe. both way*. at -x v r tar .- ‘Uth ‘ ’ar .llna Railroad U **cored. ■■oetre-au have no detention J .ali-'itlor Milfen 1 •f 6UX W.AIMM*. I p-; -ts General itaperuitendeat. | FURNITURE, FURNITURE,; Themoet extensive and finest Assortment ever oflered in ih:s market, At Prices that Defy Competitoin. CALL AXI) SEE FOR YOURSELVES. T ’ tzv s-i. 0 f t hf. Very tinert stm-ks sn-r ..fferesl In M.-v-oti. Tht incest fa-tulion* taste, can cull for *az m the :..niture linsf bnt that we ran tuniiab. Our stock of fas. bedsteads, TFTE AT ET ES, DIVA NS, Bucking a easy chairs, PARLOK CHAIRS, PIER, CENTRE, TOILETTE, IUMNG AND EXTENSION TABLES, WASIISTANDS, PORTABLK WARDROBES, LOrNGES, PATENT SPRING BEDS, Ac, Ac. ■ - pn. r,an.i should he if for nuhingel*e than m* a matter of c-uri..uity. Th. c itvot , * - Uaide u* to make it to the advantage of all wh". wish to rairehaee to give ns a ealL il we . ’**m n*d to sell as low as can be wild in thi markeL Next to the Lamer House. Macon, Oa- Wood, Bro. & Co* Mat'on. Ga., Feb. 23—ts *NKI,I,I\<. OFF AT COSTS FOR cash: C jm Thio is your time to pitch in for ft W inter Garment. A By leaving vour order at ft WM. R. ARNOLD'S fm vou can depend on getting it ‘DATs, vests, and pants Cut in the latest style and made by first class workmen. COME ONE COME ALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. -'SO SHIRTS. 1 _ m irr > TF pants, ! SELL FOR 30 DATS AT CO.sT HII SJ s ’ I For C'ash. COLLARS, i MU. R- ARNOLD, l\rY j 0 jo** -HI! 10 Ul AKIT RS JOHN N. KEIN, 1860 ROBT. KEIN. DRESS GOODS. IOHN N. KEIN & CO., are now opening at their “Head Quarters, SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS’ SILKS, DRF.SS GOODS, LACKS * EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, MANTILLAS AND SHAWLS PARASOLS, HOOP SKIRTS. Jfcc. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, CURTAIN STUFFS, CARPETS, RUGS, itt of the Ud!m of Mon tod 1^1 t 0 famine our * fiICH AND MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY hove Goods ah ch are altered on the moat favorable terms and at M ** b 7 wiy House in Ga. Prompt and particular attention given to orders. u John N. Hein St Cos. “Leon, Ytb. *23 ts Late Bostick, Kem A < ° G. W. EMERSON, D. D. S. DENTIST, jQBk OPPOSITE THE LAE IEE HO March l, ‘6o—if IRUXIDAaLftMAR. f O.J WILLIAMSON DRY GOODS! FANCY GOODS! r T t^aiair^vii! l rJri r^r 1 •* ,k * ®*•< ®r >n. ry “"•**•* *** “** wtU ••‘•cted * oca f hlapk aad Fan innnte k P ßY GOODS Airgwtt **lk Kobe,fmm lli.l Voiauu A PP> Rede-! napeuo. < r.undy Kobe-. *„ m , U ]j \ oianta. Or 4. “ all price*. Jatonet* ‘* > tty; Plain aad Sgnted Raregee. Lneeand tw. ics^.. Pwiwa-d Liala Andin fact every tbin* that cm he f-ond la any Dry Goods Establishment God- ranaM . amity tive •* * Maean either in pile* or ’ “'• ti\e te it dl *r 4 d wr fur vocraeive* , Wry rerp-ctfullv 1 LAMAR ft ILLIAMSOH. SOUTHERN DEPOT. Hor tlie Grenuine KEROSENE OIL) ATTHfc LOWBiT PKl< Es. \ THE BARREL OR fel\GL£ ctliny BEING SUPPLIED Dlretil) fru the Wrkj f the KEROSENE OIL CO. 1 THIS OIL Does not Smoke While Burn ing, AND IS OF UNCHANGEABLE LEMON CGLOR And will not explode. *'** R PALK HI THE >\Ll API*OI.\TED Agents in Macon, ZEIIIN & HUNT, v% HOLKm.ILK %M HF.TAIL DHI bbl-IS, Macon, O-a, LOTTEHI I-:s! SHIVERS’ LUCKY OFFICE rooe^, dated Lrieriearrf.,enria-HodcP, Dark wSzsr*i,R? iuh ,o, *’ ou, ’ *£**^*>* A r Fr —** Lottery—W. C. Ihiwroti d!lui^ , A!^ M A”’ WOu * *Mft* and J'TZftbl'ZE:’' * ouW and returned, more .MSHf ,Xr ,UD ** ‘ nV ° ,hW I J^°!L. t,,e y e *“ ad }'**?. fTJrrn to Shiver*’ Lti ity lifficr, Flxv.i Hnurr Building. a- w a. SHIVERS. Jr, Agt. _ Sueon. <>a, Feb. 23'Ao. i-. * X otiee. South Western R. R. Cos. r P*JJ® r '**’ •* n, P open fur hoaineer io fnleman. 1 10 truler we,t of l ..n ii„. Kurt (..tines line, and tu Murria II mile* west oTt'utbhert ..n the S'tt^r.Ari* 1 *! *? ‘tr so Hatehera. IS, on the Eufauta line by the lMh day of Mnr. h next. tod ami aej-nre natiun htdiaea have la-en ere.-t ----tijTi .l‘" luts for the protection of merchandise fruu tlie weather. wT \ M-e-on. Ag T n f • ‘J” "•* at Morn*’ Station **l„ MwfceM ***** on the Fort • lamer Ime. aom .** 1 , **ctr>an. ail) attend prompt It to tlie for warding ,4 cotton over the Road and —rrhamlwa i2J7J’ru f T r ,i<^‘n *‘i < >n “ fact aa augona shall of •nt fr tkifit parfbt^. Cotthtt connect daily with tnui.r liettre.n Fort f .alliesand Coleman, l-etaeen Kufaula and Morrir. u fi'W ERH. Kng. 1 Sipt. Macon. Fe*i_ lath. IfcHU * PILES l PILES !! PILES!!! Exlrreal aid Internal. THF underdy.;-) -ear afflicted for fifteen years aith that distrerring disease, PILES; and by mere accident discovered a r-m-dv which i mu ‘TV’ fi twenty-rive cent- and one red stamp he aUI send still particular- for compounding and oainc the medicine. Thousand* havecxncri intant relief an.l pernunent curen. WarmntH n rm* in all ra***. Addre. BRAI'T ft CO, Cliarleatou, Ma>-. rn. iW—if JUST ARRIVED ! IEEKCES! IlfifiUSf IFGBGES! FROM VIRGINIA Jt CARoLINAS. HftVIWJ leased the nea and well arranged brick >cgm Mart taint by Mr. Xoel. ex;. r ,e|y f„ r ‘ Die security and comfort of I take tbia • methe-l of informing th<iee that aish to purehnse or i sell Negroes that the lai-ine-- a ill he continiuvd at ! ihe new Brick Mart on Popular Street, where tliev can find at all times a likely lot of Negroes at reii sonaMe pra-es. I wiH aba. pay liberal pyi-e- in cash ‘ for all yontig negroes offered for sale. Mr Noel t will continue in the trade and hare full conrrol of the ! business ; I nave also employed Mr. Bngbv to assist in the Ixismess. IUVIS fcMITH. 1 Feb 23 ts GARDENING Implements. PPTTXTTV/l Unplement* in setts coin- I ♦ lit \T plcte, Pruning Knives, Bud Pruning Mbeara, long .and short han ■ P™niag Hooks. Pruning Snas, Garden and >eed H*a-a. Garden Hoe and Hake, <,ar<ien Trowel*. | ’Kfieti ipadi-s, Spading Korku, Potatoe Rakes,tiar ■ aon Plows. Garden Barrows, for vale by i NATHAN WEEJI. PT.fIW ft No. 10 andlll Cast plows. Hteei ft AAJ Jw O P’-int *4-lf-aliAr|teniiig Plows. Steel now*. BaKaoil Plow a. (*ide Hide Hill plow*. Pitch ,mg P ow*. Garden Plows all sine*. 1 and 2 Fnr , row Plow*. Harrow s. Mattocks for sale by •’ NATHAN WEED. • IIAPO ofall the treat makerv, compsising Bco vd *. Brade s Patent und Crown. Weed's warranted Bradley * l a-t ritc l GruWang. Cane j Hoes. Seed Hoes. Flower Hoes, for sale by * t NATHAN Weed. SHOVELS Si. asSX2C"rjg | 1 -Socket Hirks, tot ton Pro'? w *** * r <bb Sheep Shear*. Curry Combs. Horse 1 Brushes, for sale By NATHAN WEED. Rers. Corn Mill-. Btraw and Hhuck vvlVfl Cutter-. Grain Cradle*. Berthe Bl.eles, Gram Heve*. Kan Mills, Thrasher*, HJrse Powers. 1 S"f **ad Beaver traps. Wheelbarrows, lor wood, I Coal and P.rt, Churn*, *c., for sale by N. W. IRON & STEEL. Refined “ Ir<m! Hwedeslron, Bniwlte Iron of .-.I! kinds. Her* shoes. Horse -hoe Nail*. Wow, C a . Germ*. Blister and Sjrrmg steel, sheet Iron, Mraler Iron. Jack serews. 1 rolstr*. screw Wrenches. *<•.. ftc . all for -ale by i “ fc trl NATHAN WEEI>. W. T. BLACK. ORDINARY AND ATTORNEY AL LAW. eutA-viwue, Sobloy Do., O-a. Feb 10—ly w* F. H. BURGHARD. WATCHMAKER. IEWEI KR, DI/.I.KK IN FANCY wares, id a roncs am> PRK*,:(rs ktonks, IN ttKXKKAL. ARTICLES or VRRTU AND MIMCAL INSTRCM ENTs, CT TLKKV, FINEST IMII>RTED AND AMER Ican watches.time;pie- CRs.CLOt KS.CHRONOM- T E KS. ( HlK> Ki K A I- ti le IMPLEMENT-, I *C . Cktny St r Jfiiroo. .N rr>*id door ACotr the Telegraph Printing House. THANK rn, for past favJrs, mulkli the public that all the mort farhion.b'.e, elegant ai .1 rtesjrable gn-J- at this l-ue will coatlau. to be found in thia elegant itand In ttu-griateft varlrtv. W tm >hle to how goods F. 11. BCUIiUARD. Keb. IT MU ! FOR NEW YORK Ag&v icki’ FREIGHT and m low at by any utL-r >unieri. Cabin rawaiic, in 15 Stecrajje “ 7 By the splendid and commodious steamer- of n i■ericai-At!antic Screw Steamship Ce.’§. R. R. CUTLER, (aea) fait. F. Crocker. MONTOOMKRY - W.O. Berry. HCKT3VILLK *• J. A. Pfct. These steamer* were built e*f reeslr hr tte trade, asd lu p. ibt of comf rt. *| ced. and accommodi.lon-, cannot be ex celled by any steamer or, the eoert, Tt e-lenmers HUNTwYILLJC and MONTGOMERY, of tbl* line, wlii sail every Thursday, ar.l <be K. K- CTTI'LKK • v.ry other Saturday BRIGHAM, BALDWIN ft CO . Agent- for Sav.m ah. H. C. CRO.M WELL ft CO.. March 1 Ageti ta for K> w York. REMOVAL, REMOVAL. CARHART & CURD, HAS REMOVED T<* THEIR NEW IRON-FRONT STORE Chorry atroot nearly opposits- AYERS, WINGFIEI D & CO T\THERE can be foundn large, and well assorted VV stock of DAtll •* ARE. IRAN ANII hTLKL. ui any article adapted to the use of MERCIIA STS, PLASTERS. RLA( K SMITHS. CARPESTEHS. BI’ILDERR, CARRIAGE AKD WAGoy MAKERS, and will be sold at the lowest market prices. I>OVT FOROET THE I RON FRONT. WAy Uo DR. J. 801 EC DODDS’ IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS ? BECACSE for the cur* of Inripient consumption, weak lungs, w. :ik tromnchg. general iietnllty. aim for Jrity ing and enriching Ihe Mood, ifaey s-e iV .lately un- lrpn—- edbv ary ether remedy. To hearsuined of Ibis it L only aecewnry make ihe trial. The Wine ibe-If is of ave y superior ‘i*ia : ity—nearly doub'e the u-ual Btren,th of It her wiuea—warimag auu luvigoratiux the w hole-vetem, ftoui the bead to the fe,t. Athe-e hitter-are tonic and iter na Ive in tiei ••'laracter. ao they strengthen an<l lnvl* irate tfe- whole -v-t. r0,ai..l give a USK TOES ASIA ft ill THYAVTIOX t > all it* parts, by etnaii* ng the ci eola tion. removing obstruction*, and producing a gc aerai warmth. They are alao excellent for and *eaua and weakness oeci j ! ar to female*. *h’re at <ntc i* requlrol to STRENGTH- j EX AND nKACI THKsYsThM. No lady who l-mibiec’ tc i-nntude or faintnes* should be without them, a* the> are revivifying In their action. The** litters will not oulveure but prevent disease, and i In thl*re-p ct arc doubly valuable to the person, sick or ‘ who may use tin ni. For proof of the t mh of th - s-e full particulars and . re-fc rueesto per < n- eamd on the circular inside tne wrap peraccoo penying each L tile. „ I jKinisier- oi the gospel, lawyer*, lecturers,and all public j speakers should use I 3_)i*. J. Dodds’ ; IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS. WMY 7 IVc iuse they rtrengthen the lutgs. quiet and soothe the Berets, promote digeeii’ p, strer.glben and brace the whole m Aside from their metioinal v'rtue.-, th* v sreun -urov a st as a deiighllul beverage, pn.ducltig rllibeeshll araiing itfU of mainly cr wine, without iheir iujnrii us revnrs To that unlortalia'e cla-- of Individuals ad dieted p.ibe use > strong drink, these Bitters will if ve Invalua ble a* they prevent the sudden rcac urn which invsriab.y follows a -mfmx.” and. acting as ao sitemativc, amove from the •vura the in ison wh'ch Is Inil ibed by all who in- : •lute in the u-e of toe sdnlteiaUd Uqu-W to be found m | most bar r oms of the eoiniCy. Inebriates who wish to fer.-rm. and yet re-.; ulre a st'inulant. by these lii-terslor the ni red wines and liqums ut the ih inh'i* sa loons, can in a abort lists refrain entirely from Ibe nsa of ntilfitlltllL*. Try <jae bottle, and the Bittera will till Iht-ir own atory. Jts- JEC WB S*k. m WBZS^g* Bo b married and ■ ngl*. tut especially mothers, shoufd j iinj • keep on hoed a *jppi>’ of dr. j. nm ee Dunns’ Imperial Wine Bitters., For ll*ra*r Peculiar lo Females tber “wet II e a charm.” thev prevent latitude nr faintness, ana In aileMi wl ere a tone i required, these Bitters HAVE \0 M'PEKKML CHARLES WIUDIFIELD A GO., Proprietors, MS and Kru.ttlvrav. New Totk. Form* by E-LSTKOiIECKER. Macon Os. Mtlt !▼ W JtwW ________ ! £4IOO Reward!! THE at-nve reward will ie paid fer my hoy At.- © A XuLD, who run away fioui me a’,ullght v* 1 * iun,. | Wittes c ,uutv Ga., and who 1 hove reason o believe i in n lapOOsa county, or n foti.e ibe adjoining counties as he has a wife and cli> 1 Ursa lihmgirg t> Mir. ihirad .se. tome eight or ten nines j North of Loachap. ka.ia that county. . Kali boy lsabiUt thirty-five <r six years nfage.G amula ru has sir i.ght, black, cart*-hair ; h'gii ch me t'ones; tall un'l S'euder ; rather incl :;etl to he stool liouidered ; ha. a mark on his f-co. not certain, but tb'nk it on the right vide: has a tear on one iff, rear the kuee; doujt recollect which j tea • weighs u*i’ !><•'pounds. i tioder-rar. ! that a mgro whs avres'e-l at Opelika. Ala., on the week Iwfore Chris’mar. who answers the deserip .,f iu\ bay. and wno wasaUemptlng to pa*r hlmslf iff white man by the name of Levi Britt, and who waa lodg and , „ jailor Rusveil nourty. but s-br-equeui.v r -leased. X have Str! ng reasons for bel’.evb g il at this was tuy netcro. I will pa the above reward for bis apprehension and de livery to meat West 1010t.0a., ore.Vi'f lod ed in anv jail „ l can f t bim. AMOS HUOUi-EY. Jan 18- up w Mlii'&llHC Corner of Green ami Morgan Streets JOHN B FULLER, Prop’r. Iw m r'tHtlt VOULDINGS, Beads and Architrave*, con ll rtantly on hand, and worked to order. Also i’EW Rails and Hand Rails. lhsisl Trimminss of every y Ar >.t . Brackets, Trasses, and all kinda of Scroll and Hoiw Curving, #c. Any dewred worked to* or4tf at ilmrt lotlce MOOD TCRN rtS’ln ail Its branches. I lain Bannelled, and Ortafon ISO iu . , , e |0 <w ,i r . Ba,voters of all rises rtJtcTl *- Mahrg-u.y. Hlark Walnut, ; ‘cherry’ aim Fine Mai r Kail*, sawed or worked to order rWwrteeJiaarked on each pattern of toe bookssent toorder n ypartM the L'uiud Statea are for cne hundred feet ‘ u £“ “nbe insert stocks of Moulding, and Trim .mi greate-t variety of patterns, rnsuu actured of tbe wi i afways he i— this eatabliab , p’aniu* with uealneasand dispalch. “ICIS JOHH B. KULLKK WUI also manufacture iud K iv particular attention to Work, * c - Wl “’ Hound and Square Picket Fence, rfr., Also, dealer in Hoorn. Sashes and Blind*. ru mvrufsrtured of the best material, and etouMiT Builjers - Hnrdware. and every *rlid4jn thui Imc rurntekrd *t the low. gt cub prices Marble, Mnrbleiztd Iron and Slate Man tles, Terra Cotta , Brackets , Trusses, Window Caps ke. 1 nr Designs and Drawing, furnishwi a* short ntff'.c v •ng 4-JS Bavan nnh Route! TO New York. Great Reduction li Rates of PALBOA.GFX3 New irraagentoc of Thron?h Tickets. Ivbom. raoM. New Orleans, - - . AH 73 Memphis AM 7 M(d.ile, 85 CO Nashv Ue, *7 75 Mon’gomery, - - . . 25 On Chattanooga Columbus, - - • -M 00 Knoxville, . - • -fiM Albany ..... 38 0u AtUmts. fl <W Nton. !0 00 Augusta. - - • - -17 50 Baggage checked through by the Manhattan Ixpres* company on the Central Railroad Cars, and delivered where in New York vicinity.. By the splendid and commodious Slde-YTlieel Steamer* AUQCSTA ijoo tons Opt. M.B. WoodhuU. ALABAMA 1.300 “ “ Gen. R. Sctenck. Leaving Savannah eviry SATURDAY, Carrying the Cui ted State* Mall. These steamship* baton* to the old established anr favor it line, known a* the “New York at and Savannah Steao - •Alp Navigation Company,” and were built exi-re-s’v f. r this line, they are commanded by experienced, ski lful, j asrefnl aad polite offl. ers ; tnd In comfortable ai com mod* tlon* and fare, caonol be excelled hyanv vessel* on He ciast , _ Through Ticket, are sold in New Orleans by K. Gkooes, 90 (Jravur *t. *’ Mobile •• Cox. Hbaisaup ft t o. •” J. M. Biviks, Rail-m t icat t Agen'. and at all other poln'4 byconm.cling Ra.lroad Ticket Agents. JOHN R. WILDER ft QALLIE. _ Agent:, Savannah. BAM UEL L. MITCHILL ft BON, B irl -M Agents. New York. SANFORD’S LIVER INVIGORATOR, N VBR DEBILITATES. IT is compounded entirely from Gums, and has become an established fact, a Btandard Medicine, known and appiwv- j by all that have used it.( : conSdence in all the dm < j mended. ( It h:i cured thousands! i sho I ad riven up all hopes ( j nmol clt* 1 certificate* in; The (Jus.- must be adiifit ! I the iudividual taking it,J i as io act gently on Ihe bow ? Let the and elates of y< ur? ua* of the LI A EH IX will cure Liver Com-; tack*. Dyspepsia ( riutnmer Coniplalnla. I Spur Moniarh, llrijil-i ic, Cholera, t'holrrai i fa n tu i, Haiiileiu-f.i VA eakneam-*. aid ina>) Ordinary Family) alt K hkadaiiik: In twenty mluulrs, II scoonfiill* are laker ) • tack. 5 .All who uae It are) it* favor. 1 LIVER INVI3ORATOR, . MIX W ATER in the moitii w ith tub IN AII.OK ATOH, AND aWALLOAV BOTH TO GA. THEM. Price One Dollar per Bottle. ALSO SANFORD’S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLd, COMPOI'NDhD FROM Pure Vegetable Exlraeu, and pul up In ftL ABB CAbKB, Air Tight, and wilt keep in any Climate. The Family Caihar-; live Calhart c which the; practice more than twenty; The constantly ilicraa*-’ 1 who have long used the; lion wLich all express Inr ! dueed tee to place them) The ynftWn well know; i act on different poniot.s of! i The FAMILY CA with dec reference to this) compounded from a varfe-. i Extracts, which act alike, j meutary canal, and are! ! where a Cathartic is need ! inenls vfihe Wtomavh.,’ the bark and Isdris,; i Soreness over the) ilen cold, which frequent-; ! long com*; of Fever, low; ing (renaallon f Cold; lewnes*. Headache, or; liitlainmaiory IHsraa-: or Adults, lilteitma-j the lllood and u'-uv dir-J too numerous to u .-ntlon Done, 1 to S. CATHARTIC PILLS. PRICE SO CKNTsi. The Liver Invlgoratorand Family Cathartic Pllla are retailed by Druggists generally, audsold wholesale by the trade in all the large towns. S. T. W. SAND FORD. Manufacturer anu proprietor, MS Hroaawav, N. Y. Retailed br all Druggists. Sold also riy ZKILIN ft HUN , EO. PAYNE, aud MENARD ft CASTLEX. Macon. Gune it. | It is Not too Much to Say SINCE ALL. 010 AND YOUNG, Affirm its Truth, j Alt: that Professor Wood’* Hair Reatoraiivr i Will preserve infalibly the growth and olor of the balr j i* u.ed two or three times a wiek.lo any Imaginable age— ; Perf, ctlv. restore the gray, cover the bald with nature'* own < •lmamen*. tLe hear; make it more s <tt aud beautiful than any i-i . and preserve the scalp free from all disc use to the , greatest age. Statesman. Judgts, Attorney'* lKs tors, Oler g) man, l-ndesei ual ueu anil (ientk-m n and Ladie*, of all . classes, all oi er the wi rid, hear testimony that we do not say , ioj much in it* favor. Read the following, aud Judge : Hicaogr (laoVK. SR. Charles Cos., M., Nov. 18, le&7. 1, •**•>■•—Or.* s>* : s*a ‘in •*■- sennit, rwe were j induced to u,-e some of your Hair Restorative, aud it* es ! r< cts were ao wonderful, we feel it our duty to you and Ihe afflicted, lo report ir. Our it le iou'i head for some time bad been per'ectiy cov ’ ered With sores, and some call it rcald head. The hair al mo*t entire y tame off In e ti sequence alien a friend, seeing hi* r-ffeilaga. advired ua lo Ut- your Kcalorallve, ve did so 1 with little nt pe of success, but lo our surprise and that of all our frier ds, a very f w appHcati- us removed the tlis ;ise 1 entire y and anew and lu.xur.aut crop of hair soon started | out. and we can now say that our boy lias as healthy a scalp, I ami as luxuriant a c-op of hair as any other child. We can, ( h erefore, *isl do hereby, reccoguneml y our Restorative, as j fupertert remedy for all dLewes of the scrip aud hair, \Ve : are youisreapetltully. Gko. W. UioaiKnontag, SsKAIt A. lIIUOIKHOTHAK. ! Puor. W<s>D,—Dear Sir: My hair liad, or several years, i been m-comiug prematurely gray, ceonipanld bv a harsb , ue swhk-h rmdereo tfce (ousianl appllcat ou ot oil necessa ry in dr .-sing it. When 1 commenced using your Hair Ke- I st. rative al>out two montlis ago it was in that condition ; and having continued its use tilt within tlie last three weeks it hui turned to its natural color, and ass lined a softness • and laser* glvatly to be preferred to those produced by the .ippiica'ion at oils #r any other preparation I have ever ; used. 1 regard it as an Indispenwb e article fhr eveiv lady's ; toilet. whetbe*to lie used at a Hair Restorative ot for Ue i simi'le purpose of dressing or beautifying the hair. You have permission to refer to me all who entertained any doubt of its performing all that is claimed for it. Mits O. Syuinds, i Cincinnati. 0., Feb. 10,1857. 114 8.1 rt. Wxi.i.iKOToN, Mo.. Dec. 6, 1857. raor. Wood—DesrS ; r: By the advice of friend of ertae. Who l.:id been using your Hair Restorative, 1 was inrtsc-ed o trv It. 1 had tne f<-ver. some time ast May, aud newly every hair in my head car e udt. Now mvhairLa* I e.une in a great deal thicker than ever it was Nothing bul a duty and sviupatliv that I feel to couimunicde to others whoase vfflic'ed as I have beep, would Induce me to give ibis pnWic acknowledgi inent ot the beneflt 1 have received from Prof. Mood s Hair Restorative. Vours respectfully, A. R. JACOBS. | The Restorative is pul in boiliesof three site*, viz: large, medium, and small; the • mall holdsX pint, and reiullrd lor one dollar per l-o tie; the medium holds at least twenty per cent more in proportion than therniall, retni s tor two dot ’ars per bottle; the large bolds a quart. 40 p.-r cent more in proportion, and retails tor three dollars per bottle. O. J. MOOLI ft CU.. Proruietors, MS Broadway, N. Y.. (In the great N. Y. Wire Railing Kstahlismert,) and 114 Market Street,St. Louts. Mo. Ami- solo by ann noon Pi>kmts Fawct Goona D£ai.ku*. Jan. 6.3 m. STATIONERS WAREHOUSE, N. 75, Jobs Street. N. T. W. &C.K. HERRICK, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN j FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STATIONERY WE are now prepared lo offer to the trade, from all pari of the coun’ry, a full and complete Monmt of a goods in our line comprising the newest and met de irab 1 stock of . STATIONERY n the country. We rerpettfuily request of buy era an lttspec ; ion of our stock. Our new ILLUSTRATED TRADE CATALOGUE , W Mail on application. TARRANT’S EFFERVISOXNT SELTZER APERIENT. I Thi • valuable and popular Medicine, prepared In conformity . with the anvil > si. of the waters of the celebraled Spring, In <}> rmany. In v mint c tnve lent aud por table form, has uiiivers .lly noi-ived live mot Fa vorable recommendations of th>- Medit-al pro fession and a Dlucernlng Public, a* the | MOST EFFICIENT AND AGREEABLE Saline Aperient ( In use, and as being entitled to special preference over the [ ruanv Mineral spring Waters, h'e'dlilz Powders, and other ; similar articles, b<-th from l>s c-nn pact ness and greater efflea * -y. jt may be used with the beat effect In alt i bit.iors ban rtacii.z iuseaheh. an * ttEiDAcni, t.oas or APrffTITK. irwwsrws, AKI> ALL HIITILAH I'OM ri.AisTs, proi i.iasi.v i.ncii-f.xt tothk SPRING and SUMNER SEASONS. It is pvr*lcularlv adapted tothe wants of Travelers by Sea ! and Land. Resident., In luff climates, j ersonsof be. deutary Hnbps, Invalid, and Oonval. scents; Captains of vessels and Planters will And it a valuable addition to their Medicine Che Is. i with those who have used it. It has high favor and Is deemed ‘"uPT*TORPID STATE OF THE LIVEB-It renders i ores! service in restorer healthy action. IN GOUT AND RHEUMATISM—It glvesthe best sat : i-faetlon. alias Inga 1 ii.fltimn an tv svn pt mis, and in many ; I laws ffeetuallv curing thoee afflicted. ITS srOt'ESS IN CASES OK GRAVEL. WDIQE-*- ! 1 TION. HEAKTBUKR AND COSTIVKNEKS— Proves It t to be a Medic'ne ot the yrenteat uti itv. 1 Ad Dirk OF THE -T ’MA< H. ANDTHE oISTRVS ; INGSI’ KNILbS SO USUAL DURING PREGXANCk— I ’ Yields speedily, and with marked success und< r its h*altb;ul | lMflfirtiff. IT AKKORDS THE GREATEST RELIEF TO THOSE ; AKFLIGTESf WITH OK SUBJF.CT TO THE PILES— | t Ac lug gent.y on the bowels, neutrahrlng all Irrltallnf >ecrs- j 1 tloa*. aod thereby removing all inflammatory tendencies. i I\ FACT. IT IS IMVALUBLK IN ALL CASKS WHERE ! A GENTLE APERIENT OR PURGATIVE lA I REQUIRED. It is in the form of a powder, carefully put up in bottles, to ! keen in any imste, and iner ly requires water pound up ’ on it to produce adeligh'ful effervescent leverage. Taken in tbe morning. It never interferes with the avoca tionsof tbe day, acting gently on the system, restoring tbe digestive powers, exciting a healthy and vigorous tone of the stomach, and creeling an elasticity of mind and flow of spirits which glee zest to every enioymeat. It also enables'he in valid to eu oy many luxuries wllh impunity, frrin wb ch be oi> at otherwise be debarred, and without which lfel.lrkaome ! and distrcaw’ng. Numerous tesfamntilais from pro'essionat and other gentle men ofthehlghirtstanding'hn ugheut tbe country, audit. I * radiiy Increasing populailtv fr a series of years, stN-nglT gaa antee its efficacy and valuable cliaracter, and commend it to the favorable noUce of an intelligent public. Prepared aa.l sold. Wnolesale and Petal) bv JOHN A. TARKANTAOO., I‘EtooiTa. No.S7SGreenwich St., cor. of Warren, N. T. June 14— If WANTED FOR 1860. 250 Bushels Corn Meal Monthly. SEAL proposals will be reclved bv the South Western Kail Hoad ('"ptpiny, ot Ml the 90* bof December 18i, I lor the supply of B shels Fresh Com Meal 1 be delivered at their |tewd, in Macon, by the 3Mb of rach i m nth. begialng with the 35th of January lro. and continue tor one year. Address VIRGIL POWERS, Supt. 1 Neiffiohwliffh.lsW. !UUI ! or HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COM POUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, I I'or Zbsraavso/ lA* Bladder, Kidney., (travel. Dropsy, h c. knew, Obstruction*. Seenl Disease*. Feneui* CuiHplatnl*. and all Direaett of the Sexual Organs, Arising Excesses and ltnprudenc'ei in Life, and rt . moving a 1 Uni r..per Dlsch rite from toe Bladder, Kid neys, orhexual Organs, whether existing la Male or Female, From whatever cause they may have originated. And no Natter of How Long Standing, ; Oil ing Health and Vigor to the Frame, and Bloom to j the Pallet Cheek. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED!!! It cures Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers, and remove* i all the Symptom*, among which will be found, Indl-p sition to Exertion, Loss of Power, ho*, of Me i.orv, 1 itUculty of Breathing, lien era- Weakness, Htrror ot Dis ease, Wiak Kervc-s. Tre b'lug, 1 retd - ful lorrorc.l Death, Mght Sweats, Cold Fee*. ■ atefulners. Him nea- of V'ab n. Languor, Univer sal Lassltu.o! of lire Muscular ‘•ystem. Utter. Enormous Appctbe. with DysiM>pticSymptoms. Hid Hands, I Flushing of the Hedy, lirvues* ot the hkln. Pallid Ouut.-nauce aud Eruptions on the Face, fain in the Back. Hea vine-sol th* Eyelids, Fre q .c-n'lv Fiji tic before ihc-Kyis, withTeirpornry Suffusi-n and 1,.-wof Sight; Want of j o teotion. Great llobilliy, Rertle**nrns, rh Ilurrorot Soetety. .fotiiiug Is m ic lb si ruble >o such Fa- i lien's than Solitude, and nothing ihey more Dread for fear of themselves ; l o Ke poae of Manner, no Earnest nt-sa, no Speculation.but a Hurried . Transition, from one question te an other. The** aym toms, if allowed to go on—which this medi cine Invariable removes— < on follows LUSSOF PuWKK. FATUITY, AND EPiLKPTIC FITS-ln one of which ihe patient may expire. Who can sav these excesaes are not frequently followed by those direful diseases I .SAN ITY AND (KiNNUMPTION ? The records of the IN SANE AsYLUMh, and the melancholy deaths by CON SUMPTION, L-ar ample witness to the truth of these as sertions, Id Lunatic Asylums the melancholy exhi bition appears. The countenance is aitua ly redden anu quite destitute-neither Mirth or Grief, ever visits It. - should a sound of the voice occur. It la rarely articulate. “With woeful measures wan des; air Low sullen sounds his grief Beguiled.” Pebil.ty la moat terrible; and has brought thousand* upon thousand* to untimely graves, thus blasting the am bition of many noble youths. It can be cured by the use or this 1x113.111131© Remedy. If you are suffering with any of the *!>ove distressing ailments, the FLUID EXT RACT BUCHU will cure you. I Try it and be convinced ot its efficacy. ‘ BEWARE oi QUACK NOSTRUMS ft QUACK DOCTORS. ! land la now resorted to with • J eases for which it is recom- I 1 within the last two yean p (of relief, as the numerous ’ {my possession show. ’ tea to the teiuuerament of , {ai.d used iu suen quaulities I {els. ) nudgmeotguide you In the l ;YK;uH.\T(lli. and it i ;plnlnta. Biiloua At* . :<’h route Diarrhoea, ■Dysentery, Dropsy, , ;ual ( oahem-w. ( hoi > Morbus. 4 holers li>- Jaaaiire, Female ;be used successful!', as an \ ;Vledlelue. ll will cure ((as thouaai>dscan testify,) ;iwo or three Tea ■at commencemeut of at 1 ‘giving tbeir testimony in in EXTRACT 11 I* prepared directly according to the Rules of PHARMACY AND CUI£>IITHY. Caees of from one week to thirteen years’ standing have been effected; The mass of VOLUNTARY TESTIMONY j in possession of the Proprietor, vouching it* virtues and curative powers, ia immense, embracing name* well known SCIENCE AND FAME. Perronaliy appeared before me, an alderman of the’ lty of Philadelphia, H. T. HELM BOLD, Chemist, who being duly sworn does say, that his preparation contains no Narcotic Mercury, or Injurious plug, hut arc purely Vege table. H. T. UKLMBttLD, Sole Manufacturer. Bworn and subscribed lx fore me tills 28 J diyof Novetn ber,lfiftt. WM. P. UIUBAKD, Aide-man. Prior #I per Bottir, or six for £5, Delivered loany Address, Accompanied by re Table and responsible Certificates from Profetsor-of Medical College*, Clergymen and others. Prepared and sold by H. T. HELM B->LD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, No. 52 Booth I Dili Rt., below Chestnut, Asaern bly Uiiildlnga, Phila. Iff To be had of DU. STHVUECKKR, Wholesale and Retail Agent Macon, Oa , and all of all Druggists anil Dealers throughout the United Btatc‘\, Canadas and Brit ish Provinces, Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold’s- - -Take no Other. Fl'R KB ftU.AR A XTRKD. Sold by E. L. STKOECHEK, Macon. Jan. 23 was-wly. WOOD, EDDY & CO/S fiEOAGIJI All DELAVABE STATE LOTTERIES! GRAND CAPITAL PJiIZE t3T*n*{* oo 9 om The extraordinary Draw log of Wood. Eddy A Co.’s s ugle N umber Lotteries will take plaee iu public, under the superintendence of Sworn Commidoners, at Augusta, Ga., as follows: c:jK-dvm.sss*ss 9 Draws on Saturday, Deb. 25 th, 1860. /WNT NT Draws on Saturday, Mnr. 31.5/, 186f* • lie Pill Is a gentle hut ar il r>prietor has used lu hi* tycys. ling d-mand from thoee IPH.LB and the satisfac tregird to their use. has in (within Ihe reach of all. It hat difTeren’ Cathartic* tthe bowels. (TMARTIP PILL has. C well estaoliahed fact, been |ty of the purest Vegetable (on every part of the all ,good and aafe in allcasea • ed.surh as Ue rame ■rileeplueaa. Pains In [( ‘uattven.-M, Pain and (whole Ihi.iv, from aud ;ly. if neglected, end in a (of ApiM-llie, a Creep ;OVer (he body, Real ; weivhi in Ihe Head,all ;e*. Worm, in Children -lism, a great Purifier of .eaaesto which fiesn ia heir, •in thia advertisement.— /m. wag a£o m 9 Draws on Saturday. Aprl. 2sth, 1860, | GRAND EXTRAORDINARY DRAWINGS To lake place as above specified. 1 Grand Capital Prize of SIOO,OOO. 1 IM,.*( SMI lOOfrlsasTof. *1 000 2 Prize of 20,0 K) I 170 Prizes of 500 2 Prize of. lU.OK) 61 Prizes ot 100 2 Prizes of 6 00c 65 frizes 0f.....„ 75 2 Prizes of 3,000 I 6>Prz*so! o 3 Prizes of 4.0(4) I M Pries of So 3 Prizes of J-.OOt- 4 810Pfiteof 40 j ? Prize* ot 1,000 | 57.040 Prizes ,t 2 1 32.396 Priz.esam<>uuting to fi1.Te6.766 Wh-ie Tickets fi-JJ.- Halves *10: Quarters tb; Kightst&.b j Certlfl cat<s of packages will be sold at the following ra ter. uhiih is ihe lira : Cer 11 floatcs of Peckages -6 Wide Ticket!. fi?V'J oo ” “ 26 Half “ 149 6o ** “ 20 Quarter ** 74 73 •j “ 2* Eigl.ths “ 37 27 THE ORDINARY^DRAWINGS of Wood Eddy and t’o.s B;nglc number Lotteries will tgk, plac • in public, as follows ; ('las, SB Draws on (Saturday, February 4, IN6O “ AM “ “ “ 11, “ GO “ “ “ 18. “ 44 61 ** “ “ i, “ “ “ ** March , “ “ 3 •* “ •’ 10, •* 4 “ “ * 17, “ “ “ 111, “ “ “ “ 31, “ “ 7 “ “ April 7, “ “ Gw “ “ - 14, “ “ #• “ “ *• *i; *• “ 70 ** “ “ 28, “ Nearly One Prise t every Nine Tickets. ORDINARY DRAWING TUTAKE PLABE AS ABOVE BPKBIFIKD. 1 Grand Prize of $50,000. 1 “ of 20,000 1 •• of 10,000 t 1 “ of 5,000 ! 1 “ of 4,0i : l •• ■f *,OOO l •• of IJSOO 50 “ of W*> 100 •• of CPtt 100 •• of 800 lo© •• of 180 IbO of Ifo APPROXIMATION PRIZ ES. 4 prises of S4OO approx, to 050,000 prise are $1,600 4 •• 000 *• 20,000 “ are l,*co 4 •• *3O “ 10,000 “ are 1000 4 “ *J “ 6,000 are 900 - 4 “ *to “ 4,000 “ are 800 4 •• 160 “ 8,000 “ are 000 4 “ IrtO “ 1,800 “ are 400 0,000 •• *0 are 100/100 6,485 Prises amounting to $890,00 < j_ 0 | Tickets $10 —belte s6—Qaartery |f SO. | Certiflcates of Package*luthe Ordtruiry, Dr awing*willb i sld at Hie following rates, whk ,, i t* ttoe risk ; ; Cert.dealt lof Package*of |ii W bole Tiekeu, fion I “ “ Id Half “ 40 ” “ 10 Qsiarterj “ iff i•• “ lOHghth “ to Il or4rii< Tickets er Certtflcates. Inclose the money to our address for the Tioketo or dered, on receipt af which will be forwarded bj . first mall. Purchasers can have tickets ending In any ; figure the; may designate. The List af Draws Numbers and Prices will be senttt { purchasers immediately after the drawing. pf Purchasers will please write their signatures 1 plain, and give their Post Office. Oonnty and Htate. Keinoniiter that every prize is drawn and payable j in full without deduction. ff~ All prices of $1,*)00 and under, paid Immediate- ! ly after the drawing—other prices at ths usual time of : thirty days. All communications str* .-tty confidential. Orders for Tickets or Cerdficate*, by Mall or Express lobe I direct, (1 to WOOD, EDDY & GO., AugrntaGeorgia, or, WOOD. EDDY AGO . Atlanta. Georgia, or. WOOD. EDDY A GO.. Wilmington. Dcbw j E. C. BULKLKY, AGENT FOR WOOD, EDDY II CO.’S Celebrated Lotteries, JkCAOon, O*. See Advertisement. nnv 11—w _____ • U. & SOUf, MACON, &A. INVITE tbe attention ot the Sporting Public and others, to tbelr large select! -q ot Double Guns & Rifles, Pistols and Revolvers, Pocket and Sporting Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, Walking Sticks, HIM & DOMESTIC iIMIIHI. And every article to be found In the first-class Sportsmen's Emporiums, either North or South. I 1 By a care'ul attention to business, and by keeping, always on hsad, a choice assortment ofthe best good* In our lias, wa ert<tcd*tlo CO, ' tlnUktloD ofl * le Überal patronage here- rtKPAIHI\(i carefully attended to, as bsret l W**| ton ~ [ocf.fifi-tfj D. G. H. AEON. Washington Ball. B Y E. R. SASSEEN, (STOCISBOR V) J.J. THRASHER.) Alla Ha Ga. K. SAMSES, Farmer Preprletar if the } “SUPPER HOU'K” it'tlhouii Ok, Old friend-, tta Cut- Dotitv thereof, an J gove yourrelvesace-iidl ply. Much 1-,-ia i Dr. B. A WILSON’S FAMILY PILLS. Ai a Family Pill, Wilson's are particularly recorn- I mended—simple and harmless, but highly medicinal in ! their combination. One Pill a dbee, with mild but oertain effects. The robust man and the delicate child ! ÜBe th * m “like, with every assurance of entire safety. With Wilson’s Pillo, ev.ry Mother in the land be! ■ comes her own physician. They have proved themselves | irsoino. and stand without a rival for the following - affections: ’ HEADACHE, FEVER I AGUE, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COIPLAIST, BEADACHE, PEVII k AGUE, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COIPLAI.VT, HEADACHE, FIVER k AGCE, DYSPEPSIA, UVLR COIPLAIJT HEADACHE, FEYEE k AGfE, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COIPLAIST, Costiveness, Biliousness, Neuralgia. Costiveness, Biliousness, Heuralgia. Costiveness, Biliousness, Neuralgia. Costiveness, Biliousness, Neuralgia. MOTHERS, Watch well your children, and when their trouble* arise from that great bane of childhood, Worms, ascribe their illness to its true cause, and removl it by prescribing B. L Fahnestock’s Vermifuge, A sate and sure remedy, prepared from the pnrest'mate rials, and has proved itself the most effective antidote for Worms evor offered to the public. For sale in Macon by KEILIN 4 HUNT, an ! GEORGE PAYNE, and sold by dealers everywhere, jan 13—ly w NEW FJRM. THE undersigned having taken the I. I V K K gW<B ST ABLK formerly pied bv H.M. Lind-ay. intend carrying on the business *ii all Its branches We .hall always keep Phaetons’Oarriager, Buggies and Horses, to hire on as good terms as anybody. W e also have the most ample ac commodations for Drove Stock. We would say to the public that we have takeu the i/f into our mouth in earnest, and can always he found with our har ness on ready to serve you; r lnteud ov keeping a straight tongue, pulling together, and by buckling down ciossto bus- Incas, to succeed or break a trace. W e shall never tire fellows iu Utchin op for you so long as you come up to the lick log andscttle Now it you want usto wag-on, to rock-a-way not be sulky, in fact if you don't want us to check up too close, put your shotdder to the w heel, give u. a share, and if you find a <iugle it act of ingratitude you may halier us. Very respectfully, ADERiIuLD A JEFFERS. V&-Oppo site the Passenger Depot andneaa Brown’s Hotel. apr 29—ts. National Police Gazette. THIS Oreat Journal of Crime and Criminals is in its 11th Year, and Is widely circulated throughout the country— It contains all the Great Trials, Criminal Cases, andappiop.-i ate Editorials on the same, together with Information on Cri minai Matters, not to be found in any other newspaper. HW" Subscriptions, *2 per Annum,; hi for Six Months, to be remitted by Subscribers, (who should write their names and the town, county and State where they reside plainly,) To K. A. SEYMOUR, Editor A Proprietor of the HaUom.fPoUce Curette, spruit d—l New VorkCitv. ■TFII L IH ■ KJ H 80. PETER LORILLARD, Snuff and Tobacco Manufacturer. 16 A 18 CHAMBERS ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, New York.) Would call the especial attention of Groeers and i Druggists to his removal, and also the article* of his : manufacture, viz: BRONX SIXTH FF. Monahov, Demigros, Fine Rappee, Pure Virginia, Coarse Rappee, Nachi inches, American Gentleman, Copenhagen. YELLOW SNUFF. Scotch, Freeh Scotch. High Toast Scotch, Irish High Toast, French Honey Dew Scotch, or Lundyfoot. TOBACCO. SMOKISG. FINE CUT CBIWINd. SMOKING. No, 1, P. A. L. or plain, St. Jago No. 2, Cavendish, or sweet. Spanish Nos. 1 a 2 mix'd Sweet Scented < ironoco. Canister Kitfoot, Tin Foil Canvetidish, Pure turkish. Circular of Prices will 1* sent on application. N. B.—Note the new article of F> rsh Scotch Snuff, which will be lound a superior article for dipping tan o—3m w Spectacles, IN Gold and Steel frame*.', Gold, Silver, Steel and Common Specks. A splendid assortment just received, bv E-J. JOHNSTON ft CO. NEW GOODS GEORGE R. BARKER Has lust rvtarnm from rrew Torfc witn a large aiwl rtcaii •lock of Staple ami AeaaoL-able DRY ROODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCK ERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, &c., Suitable for both CITY AND COUNTRY TRADE. Most < f which haue been bought low for Cash, and will be sold at the lowest Azures. Call ands e ice. G. K. 15. tr WOVII.i.K A UOOIIKLL’S Double Lock Stitch SEWIAU MACHINES. Sc mething new and complete for ale,* a. K. R. uov 4 tl S2OO REWARD! I) negro man named Irvin Chester, wi o claimed t.. i.c fr.e, a horse al-oul 10 years old ; shod on the f re foot, with his Ibgi top cut off. Said negro is about 5 feet high, and A > I of age. I wi 1 give the abuse rewarn forthe hurse and negro or ♦•VO for the horse alone. SAM'L McKENZIE, nov 26 —if Montezuma, Ga. Valuable Plantation for Sale. IAA now offering for sale my plantation in Jones County a veu miles above Macon, on the Ocmuigee River, cou aining 12U0 acres ot laud. Attached to the place is 300 acres wantp Lands, (river bottom). Terms one and two years’ credit. Mny one wishing to purchase valuable Lands, will do well call and examine the above as I am determined to sell, aprl KOUEKr LUNDY Dissolution Copartnership. STRUNG ft WOOD hereby give notice, that their firm was dissolved tins day by mutual consent.— Either party in authorized to it-e the name of the late firm in settlement of its affair*. Those indebt ed willntake immediate payment and those having claims will present them tor settlement. LEWIS I*. STRONG, CHARLES V. WOOD. Macon, Jan. 2, 1860 jan 3 3m Hi NEW FIRM. W*. L. P. STRONG & SONS. LEWIS P. STRONG tender* liit* grateful thanks for the lilieral patronage extended to him for the last twenty-seven years, and respectfully an nounces that he has associated with hint in the fur ther prosecution of the business, his tao sons. ED GAR P. STRONG ami FORRESTER W. STRONG, under the name, firm and style of L. P. STRONG. AND SONS, and will continue to keep on hand and offer, a large and select asscrtmekt of Boots Shoes and Leather of ail kinds, and finding* for Country manufacturers | He respectfully ask* for the new firm, a contiiiu anceot the lilkthl favor extended to the old. | Macon, January 2,1 %o jan 6—ly COATES & WOOLFOLK Milt m ms &Jmerchants&^ A RE now open and prepared for the reception o'Cotton [ A. *• their NEW HKE PKO*F WAKEHOI'SE, ippo [ ite Hardeman A Sparks. W'e will endeavor to prove cnrsel : vre worthy of the patronage of hose who will favor us wit > her business. Liberal advances made on c.tton whea Ct Ired. Macon. Sept. SI, 1854 14 t FERTILIZERS! GENERAL AGENCY. THE undersigned revpectftjlly announce to Plan'er* and otherslnterested, that they are constantly rveelvii.g di j rect front the Islands and from the mentifacturers, the fol■ low ing most approved Firtilitcrt non, in<>ten, all of w hich have been thoroughly and aalisfactoriiy tested,viz: No. 1 Peruvian Guano, Sombrero Guano, i Rhode’s Super. Phosphate of Lime, National Fertilizers, Ground Plaster. j These articles, which will have our brand, and be gnaran ! eedaagenuine, we shall, at all time*, be prepartd to furnish n any amount, required, and at thelowestprices. The"Su | er Phosphate,” and Fertilizer,’ at manufacturer.’ rates, with 1 xpettse of transportation added. Savannah Mayl-ljr. PATTEN A MILLER. PIANO FORTES! A.. SC. OAIjE cfe 00. TAKE pleasure In L_inviting the attention of Artiste, and the Puhiiv gem rally, to th e 1 lEMsJ&Jif LMn EW SCALE PA NO FORT K. just In fj j U I 111 induced. Jhe grew, ingdetdre for a Square* “ J “ Piano Forte t list eh a P approach the Grand in volume of Sound, and at the feme time, avoid the ungainly appearance of that ihree-corntied la struner.t. directed our energies to the-p'od'.ction of tuck > desideratum. Ourtoll Is rewardedand we submit then suit without fear of competition. (■f our pianos are warranted to give entire satlstaef>#r, whither ordered from u* direct, or >id by any of our agems throughout the country ; and we solcil a continuance of tha patronage which we have erjoved for ih last twenty Sr years. A. H. GALE A CO., | juue 30 wly IST East 12th St., New Y*rk Wanted Immediately, 1 /\ 0 OD Tinners, 10 Roofer* and Job Workmen, can L” have steady employment! nd goes! wages. None but 1 Good Workmen need apoly. W, J. XcELROT. Macon, Oa„ Sep*- fl. d4w. NEW FIRM! HAVING purchased the Stock of the late firm of Carhnrt A Ross we will continue the Grocery bu { sines* at their old stand, where we will lie plensed to see the friends of the old Firm, and as many new : ones as may favor us with a call. Macon. Jan. 10, tfo—l’m * ROFF, SIMS ft CO. < DR. A. P. COLLINS WILL tte: and promptly to all tails fen Oil cr at his Office over Hrvy ft Heath s Store, or at the residence 1 abrits Collins. net 15sw—4if rmnrmnr , undersigned are agent* for the side of R.-ese's j A Manipulated Guano, arc now prepared to supply I planters in any quantities nt the mine cost as if or ■ derod by themselves. Are also agents for the sale I of Manes’ Nitrogenizcd clupor Phosphate of Lime.— W ill also have a large supply of the genuine Pertivi atj Guano, all of which will be sold as low as parties 1 can lay it down in this market. AYERS, WINGFIELD, 4 CO. Nov. 8. [COPY.] Montezuma, Oct, 24th, 1849. , Messrs. Ayers, Wingfield if C>>: j Dear Sir —Yours ofthelSthinsL, liasbeenreceived j its contents note.!, fte. In reply to your enquiry in ; regard to the Mnnipnlated Guano its a fertilizer—l | am well pleased so far as 1 have tested its use. I ap plied alsmt loti lbs. per acre on land that was badly worn, and not of the best when fresh. The product ! of the field whore the Guano was applied is over SOU lbs. of seed cotton per acre. The same kind of land without the Guano produced about 400 ll>s. per acre. My mode of applying the Guano, was by depositing it in the drill before bedding up the land. 1 have not tried its use on corn, but have no donU lait it w ill succeed well. 1 shall use it pretty extensively on my next crop. Yours Respectfully. [Signed] RETURN WRIGHT. Uthomvii.i.f’ Oct. 20th, 1849. , Messrs. Ayers Wingfield <t Cos., Maeon. Dzvr Sir:—The Manipulated Guano bought of yon last Spring (Reese's, 1 think it was. I approve of very ! much. At this time, as the crop is not gathered ii. ! I cannot say wlml percent it will pay. though the use of it on poor land pays a eousideiiilJe per cent. I 1 shall continue the use of it. Respectfully vours, [Signed] ‘ ‘ W. H. BYROM. I Nov. 9,-tf. JOHN T. SMITH, WITH G.W. & JEHIAL READ, MANCEAITVREH3 AND WHOLXSALI PEAI.EES IN HA TS, CA PS, ts- ST PA TU GOODS, Paiii Style Bonnets, Flower*, Um brellas, Parasols, &c 120 Chamber sand 50 Warren Streets. IST ew York. 4th and sth Sts. above the A star House. Jan. 27, ’OO Cm 8. B. DAT, X. MAI'SeEXIT* DAY & MAUSSENET, Watchmakers and Jewelers, MULBERRY ST.. MACON, QA., HAVE now In store and daily receivings r ch and varied ase..rinient of goods in their line, consist ng in part of Fine GOLD and SI! \KR WATCHES, Ladies’ GOLD I FA TCLIKSfrom #so to #220, Diamond Breast Pirn, and Finger Hinge Jncelry of every desci ijitioii ( ’locks in every e.-i riety Silver anil Fluted it are of rare and costly design and finish. Besides a fine assortment of FANCY GOODS, CUTLERY, &C., &C., such as are usually kept in the best establishments. Also a complete supplv of Musical Instruments. YIOLI.V* ■ from £5 lo£?5, HAN JO* from @l. SO to *2O. N. B. — Watches and Jewelry repaired at \ short notice. oct 12—swAw 6m* Dr. 11. JAMES discovered while in the Eats Indies, a certain cure for Consumption. Bronchitis. Coughs, Colds, and General Ilebilits The remedy was discovered by him when his only child, a daughter, was given up to die. Hiy child was cured and is now alive and well. Desirou. ofbenetitting his fellow mortals, he will send to those who wish it, the recipe containing full directions I for making anil successfully u*fng this remedy. M free, on receipt of their names with stamp for I return postage. Address. / O. P. BROWN 4 CO., 32 4 34 John St. / dec 23 6m w* / ATTENTION MECHANICS. Findlay Iron Works, > Macon. December 17th. 1849. j ft No. 1, PATTEN MAKER. AND FOUR GOOD j\. Machinists, accustomed to Steam Engine work, can find steady employment by immediate applica tion to the undersigned. General latmrers also wanted. J. N. * C. D. FINDLAY. Servicing Partners of the late Firm R. FIND LAY ft SONS. Telegraph t'opv one month. Dec. 17, 1849. LEOX \Bl> T. DOYAL, Attorney At Zjaw, Oriffln, (in. OFFICE on Hill Street, between Woodruff's Carriage lie poitoryand BeuhaniV Furaiture Store. Get. 16— ly Reference, L. T. DOYAL. MY AM Pift#. MORE PRIZES DUN BIIMtS BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Oj the I'ian of Dingle Nionlers. CONSOLIDATED LOTTERIES OK GEORGIA. Authorized by a Special Ac*-of the Leg's&tcre, f or the bene tit of Academies aud for otuer HODGES, DAVIS & CO, Managers, Blacou, Ga. CAPITAL PRIZE SS' 7O,OOO. TICKETS ONLY $8 00. Halves 61 CO-Q*iaiters f-2 ft)—Eighth* 61 00. Prizea Pavalde in Full, without Deduction Purchnscrs in buyii g 19 Tickets, when the numb- rs end in 1 2,3, 4,4,6,7,8, 0, ft. are zuarauteed a i rire cf 6 5.0 J Class 7 Draws Oftobrr, 2, 1859. tt g u tt 99 ti “ 9 “ November, 5, ’59. “ 10 “ “ 12, “ tt U tt “ |9, “ “ 12 “ “ 2tt, “ 26,220 FRIZES AMOUNTING TO #271,200. Will be distributed acc >rding lo the toll- wing GRAND SCHEME : To be drawn every Saturday. 1 Prize of 70.0C0 1 Prize of. 90.0*0 1 True of 10 00U • t I*r ze of. 5.000 1 piize 0f...- .'tout 1 Prize o'. 2,00 r. I | s Piize*of. 1.000 5 Prizesof. 50i 10 Prize* of. I’OO 20 Prizes of. 100 100 Prizes cf. ;o HO Prize*of 27* 25.000 Prkzve of. 5 Approximation Prizes. 4 of *-'Z apyr-ximalmg to *To.f<o are 11,300 4 ot 200 ap,-r ix'niatii g to JB.OO si*. riJl) 4 of 150 approximating to 10.000 ar 600 4i f 110 iopr. xiiiiatinx to a.neo ui( ...- 400 1 4of ‘<> approxtmutii gto il.OOu are .'6 4of ‘■() approx ina'lng to 2 006 an 810 12 of to apprr.zimaling lo 1.006 are 7.0 26 ot 56 approoimatii gto ioo are 1 Ouu 40 of 36 appr x mating to 300 aie I,M 80 of 20 appioximating to 100 arc. 1,6*1! 40!) of 15 approximating to 50 an 6.006 400 of 10 approximate gto 25 are 4,000 24 220 Prizes, amounting to *271.2*10 • ertificates of Packagesol 10 Whole Tickets, ."5,0 lt> Half “ 27.6 “ “ “ 10 Quarter “ 13.7 “ “ “ lOlUlith “ 6,87 I Thii< the risk, and w hich entitles the he ldertc all lie draw I over *25. Tbe Combination Lotteries on the Three Knmber Plan Are Drawn Every Day. Ticketsfrom $1 to sl6, each. THE EXTRA CLASS ■ On the CITY PLAN bi/ which purchasers can select their own Numbers, and pay any amount for Tickets , are Drawn every day. In Ordering Ticketo or Certificates Enclose the monev to our address for the tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by 0 st mail. Pur chasers can have tickets ending iu any figure they may desig uat. The list of drawn numbers and prizes will be sent to pur- Cfaers lmmedistelv afier the. drawl* g. All prizes under *I,OOO payable Imn edlately afier the drawing. Notice to Correspondent*: Those who prefer not sending meney by mall, can use THE EXPRESS COMPANIES whereby money for Tickets, In the sum of Eight Dollar* and upwards, can be sent ns At Our Risk and Expense, from any city, or town, where there is an Express Office. The money and order mutt be enclosed in * Gwveramrnt Pr-t Oftirt Stamped Envelop*, or the Express Oompahies cannot receive them. All Communication Strictly Confidcn toil. Purchasers will please write tbelr signature* plain, n<l give their PostOffloe, County and Slate. OXRCUXiARG Containing full explanation* our Schemes, Ac., will be forwarded, Dy mail, to auy one sending u# Iris address. A List of the numbers that are draw* from the wh* cl, with fbe amount of tbe prize that each one 1* entitled to, will be published after drawing in the American Aiymoi c. Macon iH.,aspecimen oopyof a hich win he sent to every purchaser. , AU order, tor Tickets shouldbe£‘, s * <*, 1 ’ Mason Georgia. GBO. w. ROSS, [ SAWVKZ, T. OOVSMAN. Spring Trade, ISTE'W” FIRM mew mmS a THE undenigned havingpurchafed of Wm. K. Ross, Mi —dnilv’l^ lnUleo! m ° f knil, ’ c °l*u:iu ft Ross will STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS ** ,lle , old -''tDd. where by the lutli of this month ZZ*2lL ope J‘.t }mo a, ‘ enVn&f new stock of p-oae, having ■edLted our fall sroca mmjually low. Every effort will be A LITTLE CHEAPER ian any other will rs.w be more than maintained. We de- [ > ‘ Cr '’ n 5 ou r “lock eeveral limes during the year thereby avoiding the anuo T * noe , ftfn Ty i Our Stock and Prices, ‘eeling confldeLt it will be to the interest of all who wish Goods & Cheap Goods, t .calland xembefore purchasing. Very Respectfully ROSS ft COLEMAN. Feb ft ’6o—swftw Just Received sioKkDßEtr* VrNIBOJ * ha VS, Pio HAMS and 10 Firkins host Tabic Butter. 10 Extra nice State Cheese. 1 Barrel French Chesnuts. 10 Boxes of the very bej-t Italian Macaro ny, ditferent styles. 10 Barrel* of assorted fresh KUTS, ALSO, 3,000 “Mount Vernon SUGARS” some thing delightful. AliSO, 15 Barrels of beautiful clear Cider, bettor than some champagne. AI*SO, 14 Casks of Genuine Imported MPIR & SON’S AT,"K, to arrive and in Store. All for sale at reasonable prices at HENRY HORNES, mar 1 3t Confectionary! DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. N'OtlCE is hereby given that the Copartnership heretofore existing under the firm nntne and style of Menard 4 Burghard was dissolved by mutu al consent on the Ist instant. All debts due to aisd 1 all obligations of the late firm will tie adjusted by K, 11. Burgliard, who retains the books and account*. L. R. MENARD, F. H. BEKGHARP, Nlncon, Fc >. 17. 1860. NISBETS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA. ti A. AND.I. A. NU4BET, having associated Jas. a. T. Ni.-betiththem, will attend the Courts of Monro*!. Crawford. Macon. Dooly, Sumter, Houston, Bildi, Twiggs, Jones. Wilkinson. Baldwin and Put nam counties. They will also take eases in other •ountie* within their reach, arid in the Supreme Court at any ot its sessions. jan st—ts DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE. WITH seven rooms and aa necosrary out buildings fur merlv occup ed by the kubteribtr. Apply to Feb Ist .tel __ I). C. HODGKINS. SIXTY KEGROES FOR SALE. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED ;• lot of l’kely young I Negroes from Maryland, and offer them at rea ! -enable prices; pureliasers will please favor nief >vith a call. Also, wish to purchasers good men and women for the Western market,for which j will trade women and -children or pnv cash. Office on the corner of Tbinl and Poplar Street, near Harde man 4 Sparks’ Ware House. W. R. PHILLIPS. Macon. Dec. 21, “49. NEW ElElvd:. jTEAM SASH. ELI 10 0300 FACTORY. HAVING purchased Air. John Knight’s Steam Factory in this city, we are prepared to furtii-li Sash, Blinds, Doors and all other work done at simi lar Houses, at short notice. We will pay particular attention to the business, personally and punctually, and promise to strive., at lease to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor us with their custom* lx>th in regard to the quality of work done, and prices. Flooring. Ceiling, Weatherboard 4c., worked and prepared to order. ** Give us a call. R. G. WILDER, 4 Cos. Macon. Jan. 28th, 1860. (ts) LONOSTREET, BRADFORD k GO. M.VXCFACTUREIUI OF AND WHOLES\I.£ DEALKKs IX CLOTHIN Gr, 87 .Chambers St., & G 9 Roade St. Between Broadway and Chnreh St., NEW YORK. r.T. LOXOSTBEET, C. H. m ADFORD, C. H. WELLS, W 211 l J. r. GILBERT, MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. I ? 1 ’i R MISS M. KING, who his had manv yearj successful! cx l<rieutein tiacli !:* the Pianc-Foite, ard respectfully -itftri lier asivicea to tbei Hlreui of Maflon, assuring tberit she will give her most zt aious attsuUoL to any Jiui.iiw cn i rafted to her charge. Witiioutondue praise she is inTij wsm. peteut. and modetUv c’aims share of patronage, pledging MMetfto the advanccuitiit ofter pupils, ~,d , 0 Impart a iho ough knowltilge us Music. Terms modeiute. l'leasc apply at Menard ft Eurghard’s Jewellery Store B*tisfae ory references given. Feb 3 s -l-m. UEKRINti’S PATENT CH AM PR OA FIRE A.Mb lit KGIrAR PROOF SAFES, With Hcll's Patent PownEK-Pneor Locks, the slims that were awarded separate medals at the world'* Fair, London, MM. and the World’s Fair, New York, 1853,and ARE THE ONLY American Safes that, were awarded me.lnis at the Loudon World's Fair. These Rates form the most perfect security against Fire and Burglars of any Safes ever offered to tha public. §I.OOO REWARD Will he paid to any person that ean show that a Herring's Patent Champion Safe ever failed to pre serve its contents in an accidental fire. S. C. HERRING A (Yu, Manufacturers. 251 Broad way. cor. Murray New York, and 52 A 54 Gravier ,-t .. N. t *. Auents.—B. W. Knowles, Richmond, Va.: R. F. ! Lester. Petersburg. Va.; Rowland Brothers. Nor f ilk. Va.; J, H. Thompson A to. Lynchburg Va.; J. R- Blossom. Wilmington. N. ;W. Herring A Son, Atlanta. Ga.; La Roche A Bell. Savannah, Gju; J. M. * B. F. Reel. West Point, Ga. ; Holmes A Go., Charleston, 8. C. jan 13—3 m PLANTER’S HOTEL, Broad Street* Col-umtovis, Ga. cpHE undersigned liegs Iravo toinfom his old X Mai-on friend- an*l the public generally that lie lias taken the PLANTER'S HOTEL. Broad St., 1 Columbus, where he wiken.leaver to maintain his long established reputation of keeping the best Ta i l.le and the laist accomodation which the country affords. His house is in the centre of business and lie will always Ire ready to see the Planter and Tra veller ami treat him iu a way that w ill give satisfac tion to the most fastidious. P. s —line,ibu* will convey passengers to Planter’s Hotel, free of charge. T. 8. KILPATRICK. Columbus, Feb. 10—ts STONE’S HAT 1 ‘6 jffl l VP’ •: ‘‘. 3^ - ‘ ‘ j 1 m \ ■ : HPfir * r i CIiMSTI)! ORO, opposite noise. WOULD c’l attention to their complete arid ££teixsive as 9onraent of Hats and Caps for the Fall 8c Winter Trade, ; To which constant addition* will be n ado through the Sea ! eon. i All those in want ot really Fashionable and cheap Hat* ’ and l aps, would do we 1 lo give them a call beA ra Buying i elaewherc CHAb. B. tTONi A BRO. oct 59—ts WliO SpealES against tiie I3RIOCJM I^IA^OP N’ “OT one of those who have purchased them, or anv disinterested persmi who knows anything I about them, but thoee interested in the iiianufac ; J lm , or sale of other Pianos are w*>rking against ‘them for dear life. They know that when these Pi- I uifrs are known, they will -upert eue all others us sure as the sun shines. Those w.ho purchase these 1 Pianos, and disinterested persons who know w hat 1 constitutes a gotsl Piano, are tlie proper one* to eu f quire of, and not l>- ijo> atvi by the ridiculous lies told by the manufacturers *4 other Pianos. We have i sold six of these Pianos, and any one wishing to know how they are liked, can find out tire names | of the purchasers by calling at the,Messrs. Virgin’s. We invite all who wish to buy or hear a tine Piaiio to | call and see them/ ja 20 ts w*w O. B. RICE. STEREOSCOPES. ALAP.GEard Ireaotlfsl s*er*rbent of Stcrc*.scopes, with s large numjer of views of all kinds, for sale,singly or by ’ ll*edoen.*t J. U. BOARD MAN'S, dec. 17—ts _ Wsst-higton Blo*lt