The Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1860, March 15, 1860, Image 4

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|T sbt i!® w LOOK HifiEi IF TOC ‘’ £O. Buggy- Hack Wagon, Jersey Wagon,* PlanUtion Wagon, that will RUN LIGHTER, and LAST LONGER, than any you can buy IX THE STATE, go to WOODKI FF A FO., Griffis, Ga. t They k’ LARGE STOCK, and BELL LOW, especially for CA§II ■ Apri.ltf sims i snnsH stitciii i At W. J. McElroys, THIRD BTREET, MACON, GA. nAA nook lac Su.v. T 5 Bo* ut Putor SWref.- 300 SOTeWtWiGrate , ~v* fo.** ••*> •••ortmcnt of wrofcitt •* £2lie, a.o. K the* k> aU tnemtU ractrd M zm MtUlkctioii. Ala® Ik* Vmw luoa, madatn Aug -I **** Svftcgtft. Che*? for Caftft • good Hotel —ALK>.— house furnishing coons oamti-m, K oar. ol Northern and BaaUMrra Wcoa Vua. Brooaw, Brahe,, Oeaeter aad feather Dawen, Lao term, Lam pi, Steak Disk ca. Tea Crus, CLaffi-g aad feeak, Ac. . _ (in Fvrrua dons at abort Bailee. Ala*, plala Gaa j fixtures fc*r lilt Urn, Cistui and Will Pr*n, af tßa et ippr* ▼ad Patterns, tabbcr Horn, Lead, Copper, Mack Ta aad Iran Tabes of aU itaea. •* Vafrea, Whjfiiaa, Gaa*s, CjrUadar and Water Cock* * * kind*. Copper stills, aad Oftftpar Ftanbi r.g. Tin aad Shoot Iron work of a kind*,donita Iks very best styift. Lightning Bode put up at aft cri notice. Notice* On aad after this date, all work done to order wit be POSITITBIT CASH on delivery, aad al! aeconan “viz.szs*- w. j. Mctuo, FISK'S METALIC BURIAL CASES. ROSI WOOD,llafcof any, Walnnt.CeTeredandPlalt, Coffins. Bnilden are Invited to call and crafting lay stock or Mutlrnta im onaiK, liko, t*uio* *•, aad Blindi, Panel Doort, Windo* Glass, Mahogany Bi ti en and Newell. B. P. BOW, marlT—tf Ootton Av. Macoc.Oa. Oaus Fixtures. CHAJfftkLirftS, PSSDAKTS and BRACKETS of al •Kyles jus-t received >nd f. r sale by olyl I—S B. F. BQBB A Cos. Carpeting anl Oil Cloths A A ROLLS Carpetings et*vry ityle ladyalUn,of T 01/ peetry,Telreland £r-'se It. Three ply, Ineiain and Superfine Bugs -r and Mat*. Fluor oil Cloths of ail wlcii* from % , id to lo fe*t,aiUbi j or Hails and i>ln’ illLuui Cocoa and India stalling. In the above rotvls we can *ho he largest and best asso ‘ men! in the City. House keeper-- re requested to eraail’ ed ! tcck before making their Fall n rebate. B- T. RQiS * NEW FURNITURE. THE inbicriber has juit receir ed, and will continue to receive from tbe beat New York City duo- i factoren, a large and handiome as ■ortment of the lateititglei of ‘®pSsJ / FIRNITTRE, CHAUS. AC. ‘jg£ He also manufactures Pius.tare of (slsiß ’- - the very beat workmanship, and at W"*--?—Uhyy the ioweat market prices. The fol- -A. lowing liat comprises a part of ihe articles always on hand: Tete atete, ‘ ’ ““ Rocking chairs of every atyla, Parlor chairs, Mahogany, Walnut, Oak and Cane teat chain, Office and Window chairs, Cottage chairs, Bedsteadsfrom 15 to SIOO, Side Boards, Wash stands, Corner standi. Wardrobes, Safes, Bureaux—Mahogany,Walnut and Ross Wood, Dining Tables, Folding and Plain Tablet, Centre anti Side Tables, Conches,Trnnnell Bedsteads, Cradles and Cribs, Secretaries and Book cases, Hat stands, Looking Glasses, .Childrens’carriage! and cabs, Window shades, Feather dusters, Cnrled hair and cotton Mattrasses. f, T Q*B FRESH ARRIVAL OF DRY GOODS, O,w CASES PRINTS. -S doGmrha” s, a'J ii Canes Printed Mustics. 15 do Sti ,j e-% IS Cases Bleached .-hirt :<<s and SheeiiLga, 5 Cases Organdie aad Barege Bolt*, S Cases Printed Jaconet, and Swiss Jfuslinst The above, with every other article ust-aily kept is the DRY GOODS LINE, Having been recectly parehas <1 in NEW TORE, at the PACKAGE AUCTION SALES, To Purchasers of GomL by the Quantity, we would say that l Our Prices trill Induce you to Purchase, AS WE ARE OFF RING GREAT BARGAINS! July 14—ts. J. B. A W. A. ROSS. FOR SALK 1 >IWI SACKS SALT. IOUvF SO Hods. Mu'asses, 290 Hid*. Bacon. 20 Barr*!* Lard 60 Barrel*Vinegar, tt Iwiiea btcoaij, 26 doi. StcveisjjidFpa i *>J and -x. Bucith, 25 doc. Axes. Juli 14—ts. J. B. AW. A. ROSS. I Paints, Oils, and Glass. T K niWk Pw-ft-ps PURE J.F,TfIyVr a.‘iO pound-. fmra u: No.l Zinc. 7 100 llix.* Ulaaa, •0 R.reel* Ul. AIL KI NT'S. 4'th all klud* of Ci for ut low by I. 8. * W. A. ROS. Oxnaburgs hms hersfjx, be. 150 ?- ALKS \ our< j si ' iu *^ 175 “ Oeotgi, Karaev*. IJO “ Mac- • •‘tiding, • Id “ “ * Ring. •* f- SklrAia*. MO i mm a. Fni Sale it Factory Priest ty 14—tfr J. B- tV. A. RO*. FOR SALE. 0/l ROXK CAXr LEA. At)U 30 IkM Soap, UO Boxea Mdi, M Bm Miwtrr'i, 8 Bt It** Powders,, N*Hozt. Ptcfcie*. . . _ 75 Hniaikar k. Jaly W-ts. J. B. a w. A. ROSS Hats, llats! *7f> £ ASKB * B*t. ell kind*. will b* avid AT COST to j * • Merchant* pu.cJuucog ay IbeOse. JTI-tf. J It. kW. *. ROSS. , tonr, A Me*a* a g*ruA Georgia Telegraph t. py. New Goods. FBESH COHFEGIIONAEIES. Henry Horne HASJMaif ryure4 bog,tbe Northern M*rketa.n<! bu ! Wreeaiclag cnMvi r t very er . ice ! ■■■ Unilt*to wkirb ka ‘ ■rltrt lAr *U*ot. LO of We Cituetu of Moo. *ad orr< and ■g country. I’TJuuilr*t*? 1 1***?**’ tor f tat p&St BlSf Vtar . I I®* 1 ” lty htc f*r toi hi ihi* •f Uaaoa*. pi on.!**# tw >Ui> ta ZrSLn : to at pWtr-.eto >.? Ihrtr Ikror. ** PIES, TARTS 4\ II UE§EBTB Wise Cream Tart, o*>->*ebrrryart. Mince Pits, •>#. ant Cwatania, Rbabatk He* L a.* M ac. Pica, Prut,* TatU •twouSea. Penck Torts Apple Tarn, i’kmtkotte da I Jam** of all atria*. Cabinet P*Mh CT, He. Faiei irt destrlßg Dtaaaru, wil; p!. oee leave orderz tat* 9 o'clock, a. si ,tt HENRY 11QRTR COWncrnoyAßT. Preserves. MTtRXSR aad of undoubted *d Make. Among Item i S' r \’2 l •* Spoubab paaacr. ea. fICKLES —rnndrwood'a bait, ail kinds. Best .Joshes butter, EIK.I.XnH DIAiiY CHEKS ... cowlrs crram CMEEXK. MfW TORE STATE CHEESE. Bridal Cakes. * * cor> p 1 A N 0 31 <) **r- >4 °r ;>ntth: la eccbavge. apr akwt I”GARDEN SEEDS. I’ gyiBCKT Blue Crass, IA C o.\ UiN'fc ETT3 AC, Ac . fre-h and fursah by ZAILIN 4t ’ILIvT. .! .1.,;.. J -ts “latest HEtfS BY THE I mm hbuh: TO aii wln*m 1! cij concerTi, ILM U to nctUy th. pabli til At ISAACS isat Lomea^tin.and begs toaaeun. .'■> putr< aatbst his 8a Iwc is not a ihii gos a day. Citizens tbe travel:ng pn! Ik will find ILeir eatablishm.ut open, not tor the Season only, ! but all Seasons of tbo year, : and thoe* cm'ling oc us, will at all Lunrs, ttnd ocr larder sup plkd with all that lhe Ktw York and othei tea, te* will idl ‘d. In the way of eatahie* and aomeUdng geod . to drink, and six day* out of *ven. more thiui can 1 1 Curd In any house lb tow a. E. ISAACS A BKO’. Under Ralston’s Hall, Cherry St. Hi* Rlil Ik Fart e!l! every diy, 1 lieiusttheC* lugfeiltilet.y; Ann tboae. wnu at their pJ*.e tiy eat. Win 2nd in it all cmnplete— And S'-'.eg i nee, thei the:, wi.l know. That ISAAC'S, u the PLACE ip g . We shall te happy to *ee f.ur friend*,esirii th<-n. that i, | aiU be our unit :u:ll.i,z care to piacae tneTer} :e putt, a* we Sutler oenelvee, vefc vr don* till now. It may !* g- n. r*l*y known eviuir, to .n*et tea wrah ea of the Medico faruilv, ‘.apujted ty eri relees.a very upe i roriinalit) of Pale B andy. Cue ild rart, 3 :erry and Vtude- * 1 rim. yirntra ‘-gs'i qkahic,comoch and ty At*. Lock at thU Biß of Fare erd chouse for yocrw ft: OYSTERS, Fnmßww lwt,tuv> —i. u■- erh’. Ilwctwiav, saw. ft: and. ‘k m In nnv way you want the*o. Alw. Muimps ud Cra’w, if ild ♦ mine of every rnit'j, . it anam l; P* *m^ W \ Hal C utieta, r f&K H-m aid Vgw.. JLU Da.hllxu. and UvvUedT-repina. —"— | MOUNTMN OVSTTRS, TURTLE soar, Woe*?-C>*rk Grow, M (ieeae. SB; ijvehi. WEd Ctch. Fish, and evert ILL.* that an epicure wania, cat alwnyc lia bad w.e* ba arm*, a. Confectionaries & Fruit ISAACS, also keeps constantly on hied a good male, at of t'otiA-riiuriarirs, ORANGEY, AI’FLLS, BANANAS, PINE APPLES, Various deseriyfkme cf BCTB. • A■ Cv Bn *ESL ATXIiv 1 ZBof which eta hr pemLaaedatbiv-yHce.'rri-11. R, I *urv aid cwli at. U. |w AA4 .* A HKO | t—M—ganiwrw 'm mr. m * DRUGS FOR CASH! ;I. . | Zeilin S& Hunt., •re lav rtCNti?ig • fciy MO -nirt of races, CHGSICILF, nSTai RKYIS, PlKll nifry,SSf. | wh‘ch th*r are reflng I r ea.-h at cv'rewrc'y T*,w price*. j Wholesaling Exclusively fur Cash, ai.d upon no qtbu terms. Ptys’c'jia aad MttTctcv P peli m 1 ’v win 2a<l it to tu*r LdvaLtsf to purelate lie r mtSc.M Hike CASH DKUG STORE. j sept jo nrirF’s” Extract Jamaica Ginger. \ CERTAIN pvfcand cftcttial nmsifv for Pyittilsfy, Diarrhnvt or 1. oeen** . < L drra y’.irbm, j Complaint, Oho ic G i.lng iV :.s bout Sm.i.cli. Mck aid j I :i. fcrv ‘'“* .d-cte. pjin oridvlmasofthe l."rach. wmd.n * , the id'>tii<chai,d howe \ h *t.‘.: c amps. Dem o, ’r* i I aou twitching*, aeariekmur. fainiiug-, holy ,rJ low- | ne.s.jf.-p.iit-. fret Ing.nd .rjii.g ol infantf. an J fur ail b w el affection* and Lemtu* <ll-. a>, *. ft u ihc Ijjtmici- | Ginger Rift, in a super;, f ma’.ntUL g cesnt tnrdOf ! iMnger.arjl U si al .j: ci<re- < o-ivicti. n al niict tut! . n.ta.d *faainUl.iget:t ie<i|U-., i . all lie dienwm 1 aboveenuriHrated. Ill*nti ittutoreeeret retoedv. ititg 1 •U'.e:m-*daidLigi..y recon.n . • -d < i the MeUt a: rao.liy. i p l>l*red f>> LULU i hl'.M, h, ‘ •-rice o cents a bottle. M. t u Ua, ~~ IIRIM'I! aid A.iicilcac Zinc. For valel.y ■ ve;a to zmus i nrsr. TRAIN, Ui’FK.N, SKATSItiOT and all ether 020QS. For sale by [*syt V"3 hi::UX iIIIJiX. XI'KFX MrsTAßP.iiovts, T fine,'*. P* pp, r, .v:. whjcliaiticle vemtlMin Mi.efy t lif'-lio ae < thy jierwu. .1. *< ecTion : the pure>t I rvsliv.-’ i.ud c'cunrn iIk;! c. n been teii.rd which ‘* e ihaUalwaji.tep on l and. ZEILIN i-TU NT. Macon, C, FALL OF 1859! ® rR.” * JH K Nk T <T 0! o A’OW PXCKIVIX J A Magn ‘> ‘i.'rnf ffat, an t still be &c ?. f at Pi ■<’ <c ! J>'fy < 'wtkfuUtiun, at h<ii ii i*’s I CARRIAGE MAHUFACTbhrT FREEFIAN & ENGLISH HAVs„n handiigood muonment f CARRIAGES an j 11 \ Nh>-,;-'jns. :i.g ofai: itic - t~ gvtitn! > kep | in a Kep<* itory. M e a ea.'sw a ce*l sijle o i .h'irfd and Efijilic Spring Knag ■rs. Roth Rg! t and heavy which We wa.T-tt a* y an rk as Is I made an; a here, A-Co a£• nera! a*.-.>rir,ei t .f CARRIAGE IRIMMINCS, llAli dc*ss Hardware, Whips, Leatii tr, Carriage Varnish and PaintH. REPAIRING in all Uri -lAe.s done at short notice. CHARLES is on hand at the Flan'af g>n ,-k ar and Ilorrcv ■ Shoeicgas u*ual. K. 8. F ..t iikJ N, novldtt It, T. EftsUhU. ILLUMINATED SHOW CARDS I JORFraiuing, hanc OEteiy j-r.tttd, onlt at 1 A L>KKM S’ JUri l*>> It K. ► * Had L ——— ■ tram- -x 1 lIARTFOBD IYM IUML C O JVT P A N I E 3. - - The Hartford Incorporated I£lo. i CAPITAIj 81300,000 j Th Bprtugt*.ld. Capital SISO,COG. • Tlac .>lax*u*cit, at Springfield, CnpltAl 8180,000. tMltkaUfzeau'viusaccurcn invalid. talici,. ia lieabove aret Ciacs Ow.ore, ii-'iM. and !o ae* prozr.{ti> adjured by fc.J. A'jIINSTuN ACO. j j-aaelS—U Ag.ig. i Gold Pens Warranted TN GnlL Silver and Waad lioMt*. An 1 nortiiK-nt just ; anil for l,y It J. JwHNdOX A < O. X T.S. I*s9—tf WATCH WORK. UJT, are- to hart- protnuU) and util ,lone atj.ii >rx and e t l.i.i \\ uU A X ru fr aj year. L J. JuU&ruX t < o. Pianos, Watches, Jewelry, k, \\T I. arr nw oflkr:njr a NEW and SE , II LLCT f* Aof El*.’ •- PIANOS, 5 TVT? Frm Xenn'* * Clara, ind at bar maker'. ‘■'Mr.WeifV i.'*ar. I Outtaa*. VMlaa. bltnaa. Acouignm*. aamll 1b rtrumests kv* la uurline. iintiucCou tksek*. bkM | But, Ar. Gold nd Silver, . Os the mod a, peur. .1 n.aki r*. jkwaluv and fancy articles, , bLraa I k< ru.e, Kyoo-,i.ju*i ta<i ‘. II ntrhet .j JturrJry Jltjitwvi am Warranted NEW & SELECT G9GDS. C\I.I. at uttr old stand fon.ti Ateiiue and look 1 at our tin* ursortimnt of WATCHES, JEWELBY sn.ins spoozs, ■ <>iik.. SILVER PL ITI’D TEA , SET*, CANTORS, And a metY nf Fancv .Article**! fbpUanrt silver Hpe. *■!. * wkli * lock-and Jewelry, d jn tin K-et imanrr. Hew partarepLv- i ujr>oda rjie origm- f I Wia.-li-iMaker>. can law iJnu duf.otih Jotmdoiv. at *l,ort a. u t-n -u have a Vk . rk- Pi AXO VtiRTKS frorn'tha IMisw of >'u:in. A Clark. P<tOw;.w Pauju Pinnu, wiaui* t[M.ak tiieir i owu merd*. ll.e wgfll[run t ez.s l I'am. Guimra, f V Kbtiini. Flot*wAr.-<r.itt*. ißatrutaputs. ol yarn u* kind*. Mw*t Musk-. instru. Uon V*o- 1 JUrM * t *** tW ° m! I •TACOB’H OOIIDIAL j 10,000 Negroes 10,000 J\ r egroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Saved Yearly Planters Take Notice Planters Take Notice j Planters Take Notice Jacob's ( oidial Jacob’s Cordial Jacob’s Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure V And Positive Femedy And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy Before The People Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, * V • lii Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, Diarrlioea, And Flux. And Flux. [ lux. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. It Never Fails. Packages of Half Poz. , Packages of Half Pox. Packages of Half Doz. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Plantations. For Sole in Macon, ly ZfiILTX & HUNT. SAXCREZ’ SPECIFIC niAT GRP IT r<'VPTT TIIAT LKEaT RiLE.'iV that RKAt suin'’ that great Rf>iry THAT GUEaT KiJKDY THAT great KKI.JkUF THAT GKKAT KKJ.EOY SAN’OIIi-7/ srtxjyic SAXCitiX’ 81'F'!MC SASTIJ7, ot'KTiTC SASCUE/.’ Si’E< IHC cAM tliZ’ SWEATEtO SANCHt7. 3EKCIFIO SAXCiIEZ’ bjECIHG THE ONLY POSnitE CURE THE ONI.Y rOSMUT CURE iMt OMT runrriiK ckiie THE ONLY FGSITU K OtKK THE ONLY rtr rriVE CURB THE ONLY POSITIVE CUES IHE ONLY FO.-im.-: CUKE BEFORE THE PEOPLE I'.EFuRK THE PEOPLdJ BEFORE THE IT.OPEE BEFORE THE PEOPLE I BKR'Uh th:-’ PEOPLE KriOKK THE PEOPLE iShPuRE THE VkJOriJt FOR QOXORRHKEA ft GLEET. FOB OONoi.ltllillA A 01 ITT. For GONO .RIJGCA ft GI.FJ.T. Foil GONoKKHUCa ft GLEET FOR Gl NOKKiHEA ft GLEET. iUK OONOiIRHU-.A ft f.t.hkT. I iOR GONoR.GiIEA ft GLEET. BAVi>S A BIG DOCTOR’S BILL ‘ E*VJ*b A illU DOCTORS KIEL 1 BArpjs; a mo dociok’s hill EAVijj A PIG DOCH'R’3 HILL Mavis A Dig DLHTOit’rf DHL Raves a big Dot tubs bill SAVES A BIG IXXTUUd BILL (S 1-ABILY TAKEN is r.v-n,Y Taken 18 KaHI.Y TAKEN 18 EAirii.Y TAKEN I IS rY TAKEN I EASILY TunL.s is easily Taken HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TASTE HAS NO HAD TASTE HAS NO BAD TA'TE iJ.S No BAD TASK LIAS NO CAD TASTK WILL ErFfcCT A CURE WILL RttiCT A LIKE MILL iPTlur A CUBE MILL EFFECT A CUKE MILL PEiErr A CURE WILL EFFECT A CURB ** 11 j. Finer a cuke WITH I.Fsy TROUBI.K WITH I.E!4> TKOUUI.E it 1 MTTfI LESS TKOUBI.E Ml 1.1 l.E.'d IKOfIBLK WITH IJCSS TRot BIJ Wilt If*-* TROUBI.K WliH LijdS TKOLKLB MOPE SPEEDILY MOPE Sl'fcE.T'll Y HOUR WB’ WI.Y JtOXfc MO U'H.Y MORE S KfWI.Y MOKE SK. FI It V HOKE SLEEIIII.Y AVD PKRMANK\'TLY iM I PUiHAKfcMTLT AMI ib.iaiAXfc.bTLY AM) IKItMA.NK.VILY AM) IriiMAKKVII.Y AM) I KRVtAVKXTI.T AM) I’U-k.XENILY m.VX AXV KNOWN* REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN PJJMKDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY TUAN ANY KNOWN j EMKOY THAN ANY KNOWN KEMEnY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY TEST ONE PACKAGE T>yT ON K PACKAGE TV>T ONK PACKAGE ONE PACKAGE. l TEFT ONK . A(K AGE TIE! ONE PACKAGE IK. X ONE PACKAGE Every Dmysfial *n<! Country Marclinnt fliaaM leap z • uj.plj of Ibis valuable Bmmty, not oalv from the i ref it* that accrue from i • sales, but a* an art ol jitiilim. ’ thropy towards sulTerin/ lie na-iity. It veil bo irad’ to the .special aad pecuniary iaterral of ail Druggnt. fco purebaaa by W. W. BUSS i CO., PROI'RIi.TORS, •e'* bkoaijWay, new fork. Poe Sale In J ‘ m *~ N* Macon, ty ZF.ILIN A HUNT ■Wrouglit Iron DFL^XX^XTV a. McQueen, MACON, GA„ \rANCK.t TI ItKK ot Wro -phi loon Halilr* of ev*r .11 dtri iipti. n. and for all purpovea, both Plain & Ornamental Er. m • be lizbU-it ncml! Iron up to tbe bo*vle.4 Kallltif nwrt. If*’ if g,n t rwlloaa vartety .f und/u*. purchj*. r. caul ‘<• 1 .1! U. 1 suite*). J lleinc oi,tin ly of Wroupht Iron tbelr rtrrngtfc cannot la qU'sM.ued. ei.d lor tamuiy they Carnot le .Hrjia-led niy krt. All ktnc* of Eaviy lr-n. Wirk n,ad to<Ader. Par tUn!*r attet.tion , a'd t< n.akina all Mi 6 t Geometrical fctair Bailiner. .ae—arjuwisns ■ ini.TKrff ■ ■ r i ■ n—rMwiHia NOTECS. • fVH K duharrlls r lias opr >d a Tton*e In Macon, on thy 4 e rrinvnexl *. > the “Urown Hoints,’* end Bear U-* l**'ecpri<i- p'A. for the PurchaxT and Sale of Negroes. A go. danpiAy, of likelyTonrp Negroes kept cnitaitiv j on aril f rs.l -. Eurckeicr and Trad.ra are Invited t > , cad and examine f. r tt • n iwleoa. , , AI.W . mi 1 HI a.k ml'b, Sf> year* o’d, andwoNo, I I Co-kv. Wimlh rs giid Ir iiais, .3 vram o!d.C. F. , TL ! IiHB. Mvbn. I t*c. 1, 89 ts At Cost. —Closing Out. OCR entire I ll;\,h, CL \>H Bud THY’ iklaatment. 1 wi'h suahy othrr d,.*tmMe goods, arc otwr.d at and up- i frr coftfor the Ro;ld. *. 1 E. .T. JOICNnTON * CO. ‘ Horse for Sale. <tT J JJPdj uimily. r.uxret’if lo.oha- < ftAisb niittiow I* l At pri- . £f ••rW ‘! imlv* Ivt’ o.t iliM’ti .Uv** tiuui hi* —*-*/ jJ vuln: <>n C*> <la\s tone, if •Mb-iivK . itudiml uiii Ko v, wrauujti gotlml I MS sold only for Want ofliepj Aplav to thin oltico. IvfT.'lV L. P. W. ANDREWS. WANTED ■ Eict class Taj’.ur* Steadv cm; loynant aial l.lgli . c.-l prtc<‘ 1 aid. M’Jt. K, AKNOLO, oct 12 swftwtf Kiibber^ AI.A KG E ami'rtinant of Gens sand Bov? r . Kubberß. Also, LiillEsPPpperandSan- TO **■ ’ dal of Goo"!) car’s cc'iTratad natent. Jll eiv(>caud for sal* low by’ kll.X ft KiKTI.AND. - SAVE FREIGHT AND COMMISSI CMS Carhart & Curd. ‘IN “ SOLS AG INS FOB FAIRBANK S SCALES. \E’U BB Ai*- •T’lment of Platform and Com ter Scab .now I in store and for ale at Ihe.r price*. No FREIG HT ADjjE.T*. Onlcr* taken for Kailroud M are-la ate and ocher large Bcl*a. W’e will vec them pioperly put np mac 11 —if For the NEW FLUID G.\S LAMP. ALSO Burning Fluid and O AMPHINE. For sale by ZEiLfN A?. IIUNt. l n.Fiu:oii\ & I’o” Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga., OIT.-r, as nsual, at !ht*lr Old Klnnd, a (hnier An* sort input of ! I'AIIILY GROtERIfiS. O- every dc-crlpKon and of the best qttali'V. fr**!i and g-Vkl, Udns omi *tal|’ of new t>i j plies from tiie NoiUivrn Jla sits, cog r,, Wh trFhh, syrupy t'ltu-ns, Tlcrr,..^ t'-Bce, Or on Fruits, In cans, llams. Teas, C'oniiiueiiU LtinL S -e- tmaata, BatiOcS, F'.;ur, Nut ;. C he e, Itut’or, rial-in*. ktauhfrrt, i'ork. V -d i>!h<-r.trtlc'c too ruri.rrou. to metitlon, comprising tht 1 whole riutfe of FaribJ (ir.*s.-r> supplies. rk jw mm ■ m+ntsmn We pariUidarlj Invite the a’teußoS of dealers .u.,1 other to ourlargt and c .aiplt-i* -.t <*of < undies, u.a iufactur. ii ay to* very.bos; nis‘c-.*l*,and warranUd to r. .a.n tfti'ir'lniritsr ~ Slid t ilßlai-cv, ahi e th* imported Caudle* s* n low bo'.u and hcjo.ue. w„uuiei. \1 c offer unrtvallco DflMtaetils to purchasers, ( Cakes, Oinamented &, Plain Os every variety, mt made 01 choice matertuls. FamUie* and paries mi pp led at tin ihortctt noUcS and vu tin most re.aauftl.Ue le: to*. Oysters, Crabs, Shrimps, Fresh Fish, in their Season. OUR OYSTER SALOON, , WHibsopcn for the reception of vl.-ltors, wln-re w* aha! infcr-. seep eafttajly oft hand duriugtii* Kali and M iut r.Fri -h OystiT* u>’ *. —. WO ) V^2) f- l ell Baltic and Imported i \ / ol ih* eatqna'Ul'-sftndreapatUuiiy ttiviie,r. Jer*. wliiol. d.all f* faithfully filled. uet9—tf ilSToof & skoestobeT 32 ICO.V, GEORGIA. wtar-*, V.'e S'* in op, n-.g a ’Sr,-P ard well selected Mock of Httfif. and uhnes, Lia %. _ . _ in the -fill e .u fRy i-. ecu •. •„ \t :. ~l® Mr*. Lt-fsau’*, and *■= y<m ~*.tc Jia ;F~a aid , ur ,tnL having ha puieWsd l.y I ] :*ie of our iirui loan 1 run r.i K-ieiJianui A, ruru roa Pint, 1 We co\ offer great inducement* fa*fhoe who wish ‘ to hv j for Vasli. >V<- prefer afT—U p.nfU'HX'*/.. thtlerlhau : .rje ones on ! time. liire ti c go 4 and .4yc..t co-t muupay tuc loastfo Yii’ ll ki-dj’-or s'ftkilt s L ind a gen- w*, erl Bt. jk fpi J.AI <: h-> . Men's, Vou'be’, Hip aland 1 M diku’a or, .00 ,*H also a U for >**. We invite ka iil wto Wisil to [Oird. ~e t<. Coll tk and so, u*. atid *e witt e A rtv'i'*,_ th tt- th 4 * r.‘.y A yy> witi. *ki.i, as I now 1* ANY n-.i-.s in Tits fir A. S. tint work ii*'inriit:tei and, m l wl ers it foils to gUO? n, we tep. ir fies 1 i I etorae. V w--ga -~c . M „ .1 I We respectfully solicit allbera! share of pufi'lep-itronnge. | Bi-ARDEN ft GAINES. REPAIRIAU . We have em-loved experitnvid wirin'an, and are pre I j ; ar >llO Repair aii k.nd* ol Worl: i.i our line wuh i eUjfc 1 and de-P .tch. MatHV'. s* J I “bTaTwTse” IS 3NT0X757- HECEIVIIJG | The Largest Stock of HOUSE WISHIS HOODS The Large*! Stock of SILVER PLATED CASTORS, SPOONS & FORKS. Th- Largest and Beat SELECTED STOCK TABLE k fjflff UriU T ; A Spli'uilkl Lot of GR \TF W . cddxtNA Ktofes tyr> I BAjtasd, ovts.i, poTd, .mains Wkri i.E AN! WAKI.J’ IBOSS, ntiN SltOVEt I ,U>. r ) ICMi'iS, BftASd ASCI) WISE FYSi'fißg. \V •! 1 W illL. Bm-MHES, HATS. JKSTfUS I WuS-ITET 1.0, TEA & COFFEE ÜBHB FENDERS, COAL OIL AND PIrUID It A M W . Which Ia a prepared lukeli u the most favor al l- ; tirr, ‘ 11. A. AYi.'.H, .V on, Ga. —Orelord promptly attond -1 ed to. sept 20 ts TRIANGULAR BLOCK., , UAVE on luuid the large-t idock <<f Men’s aid YoutU’t I 1 I.OliilSK, Tmnlts, 1 lots A.XB MKVn FURNISHING GOODS to be found ht the Stale. An Jwe would call especial ™ attention to ouriKsartn.-i t of, . . *| Children’s & Youth's Clothing allsf which ws now prop, no to fell at Greatly Reduced Frires. l’l* mr glviwus aca i U f ptircli-.tii’ *>*. nw.f tt ihi!'.* cur .s'i'c'; ui <1 we vill eidcaior to -nil vm in fined*, y.i lliy and i’rle. *. i.c-ciltw .mi tibVb. ata * Selected by Prof Seliroincr. | | FURY rrr T l y font or. & ftie. J'oFfi'l •.-* ilu4o 1 j sill'll as Ix Ulir Anal.', aiidoliicis, tire ft’i v. ill kfania. j ’ Tins s.iuj. is oil- of ills K, -t , ** KHT AJ H IIIM i't )J{ MOTHKU, liy OrAvny, A3 Bonis, ‘i'liis iijonc of tltv Lc-st iflya v.. LftVr over , 1 ‘•t iRNTT NRIaTTY f• if AY.” JV-tlfo. 25 c< n{. Halt* j iis uuu tin; i.dUnii 4 vi the Ihd.vmlitu Girl,. Jiv/iirtJn r i j coimnoat n.a ossarv. a ••hack i irruft ,\x Axnrr, •ixa,” Yubtioit i I firrti.. Mkocnte. ‘ . “N I'.'T.T.Y <T! AAV* Ahwiiiliou <. flrrlx*, -M} 1 •• r.vnii oYTiicrv” uith •• •• &.> ; Threw ol bnibe# UeH arrangements on popular nils, t Mii'i.* r*rNived tv.'v'hlv wLtoh no .s!set the best un i return tlio ferwfi wliieh I'nl.lishers will never ; (nil to Jta-k OB ltuise if,a*'nrs ul.oliu.e nv j | nto •iod£o. . V f ilu-*ie sent ity nviil rvoutajto paid, on reoofpt nf the 1 . prim tnttrki I. JOHN < . SCIIKCIMKH a .VI.V t *g • Tolejtraph e ipt. , HSwlcE H3DSSL i m &-ME1I: jiAVi’ nriLT a NEW ICE HOUSE _ • AT THE rASSKNGKH DEPOT, j iR if ■ i>-rjiwrf of rece'vliK and n < v iipi hir, aid livve ’ 111 nV m.-iair tOL'Miira ato fitriu.ii lita us cby ‘be | 111. ■ 1 nr n_ar Joiiri, at an l, ngmc aaay , thcr hnuaa cau.r ) all.. OUR CITY EXPRESS W!!'run In ftirnnc bm with “II l’a ;-uf r Tra ne and de liver i Incite bi uzlit o/uafiee of nfiiKa, to -u.J I'ralt.a. CHOICE FAMILY GftOCEr.ES ljrectvel vock'y by Httu tnor. Pure Brandies and Wines, ! HALTS AIiOMATIC WUISivLV. Ih i beat kriuu n. A ail ail viler aiiidw u t ill. il'iaak .qna't* . tvnf Lir'l re* tue• fth irp ‘ 4 * Cai; f* dpa a*- 1 v..nna rViv-, ‘•’ ■Hit rlrtn* a’l ft -f • r!. hr luN) .... r o’ f. n,; ju ue go >. Apt!.. or*,.*,. L>m MdH, 11’-e Ap, lea Nnte.fl.iMi.iia, Rat -liw, Mpf. Irtltin anTVdti c and till rtt li'vt .alt | i'Ciiuhh. -1 he t*y of K#mihfc Tiavk'dlVe. -Mis ir.<> !• .** and Haifa Ayro;* Plf llaßi', Isied tV’ f arid T a*ei:v.< Uolognn .sav..-a*,as ilnwr aad tiicaled F.cii, Ac. . , . f , Co*!><*’ Superior Crrani 7,7 g cac. j P;m grt>'a an<l SUt * Uheuu, Pore LAf Lord aud the Shad and. Oysters la any qniotily rut up n err. To. ond I Ire T/orfen a ia'Acari'.iruiK'iit ofeicy U.'iaaiptlon madr. I A e 1.4) enrq It of ev.ry zrtlc c li*tifiliy Ycot In a firF Ha'X Faiu.iy Uftcvti rt re. W•■ *n .ran *esau-faoi <U in qani'y an pi ire an-! ••!’ -i* a c u.tlnuskie of the pur-lia paTaiiage rtfnijpeueuit, pay nnnlhtt. Cherry St., Mnmn Ga. Fob \ put w , ‘ Illiss’ IMsjjepflc JiScincdv. jitiv ‘uNrwpH*: iitacdy Hi*--* i, Sl.nn iy BM t > I’emnly . is I J;ilw‘ Dc*i>-;>llc Heuxtiy Pi Ktim <iy lUik’ itmirily litiss’ liilHCily ltll ..<* j>> *}.:*(’ i<- Ki-nfljr IlilM’ Ui ji. |>Ue ii. ai.dy linn s>c ae*Ljnl lias fSn: Sole ’ lias tin. Largest Sale tl.i. tli’ Lurg(.si frdle H.-.sfm- ‘SfrsfKt Nle li.ui 1 >*c L.ii—t-i Sait lias life ttrfi'St Sale Ilns Itic Largest *nlc Has. the Lari(i t Sal * Has Hit Lai'ii<v<t Sale Or asiy .'Tcriieliie In !lic AVorlft. Os any Medicine la.tlie World. Os any oiitUt lilt ia lilt World. Os atiy St. lji. iat’ In lUc AVorlil. Os any lUciili lac In the World* Os my lUtdie'm- in the World* Os any I'll'li ‘liM 1 Jn the W orld. Os any Htilldtit In the World. Os any .Hi'iD.iu*’ in I lie World. Ol uny Mealilm- in tire VV ‘oriel* HKJ.OOII Paetiajjc* HKI U'IO 10 oO< IVka"f Io,uoo Partia-'r! I(M,OOt> ‘ l*acka.4ea 10-l.niK> l*a< knifes l tU.WJ Pi'kagaa IC'J.Ot t> C’uckngc* Htlt.OW PurWage* Sold In t.ioi .Ih nnd South t nrollna Nolo In Geo ruin and South t'nrollna Sold In Oi oriff. and S .iilh Oarotlna Su’d In G-orglu mid -onili Carolina Sold In G oi':;ia ami Suutll ( arulliia Sold to niid Suiitli <’ tvoJina Sold 111 (. tui n i.i au.l .*outU Carolina Soul In Oeoikit iitnl •'ou.’i < arollnu Sold In (iforfln and South Cmollna Sold in cto>.;l.*\ and ■south Carolina In PVmi l. i h ?Ji- iflu. In l- ntilmi HiiiiUu. In fouiltui .ilonths. Ir. f oili-tcrn ‘dlniths. In I’Viiirn i ii Months. In Fourteen Mouths. !ti I'oiiiii in M ath*. In Fourteen ,'lmillu. in luiiiliiii Moat lie. In t'otirtccii Month*. It is Warranted to Cure it Is ai i .dill .1 to Cure It l< AVairunh ti to Cure It is TV am m ted to Cure It is V\ afniitid t > turo It i. Wnaaiiicil to turn I! 1* Winraiilul to Cure it is Vi lirant'-d to Cure It Is 1\ ni routed to Cure it is V. an an ted to Cure If Illtci ilmu are FoMaivtd, If Dinriiuun me Followed, If lit ret tiuiu arc T’ol lowed, il Uiiu noun at Foliotved. If l>h(. turns are i'ollowed, If LHrccif mg are 1 oiiuweit, * If INricUaus are Followed, II hiritiloiit an li’utuued, II Diittlhtu eire Endowed, it Ihin tlOMi art Followed, Jtiiy Case of Dyspepsia Any t art of liysjt|sla Auy ( nst of hj A. y t of I>yje|i.t Any Case id llysjirpsla Any Case ol U> s|k jMia Any t n*e of l?y s |Hlu Any of lly.s;e;i .la Aur ( ii 9 c of lij tis ;>sla Any Cast of liy ijM jnlu layer JdUeasc, I.iv. r Disease, ii v. e Oiscastt, 1 iver Ui.’. int, I.ivee I.‘ltlftv, Liver iHsense, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liter likiuct Jaundice, Jaundice, da undire, .liowUer, •Taitndiee, •Jaundice, •lanunici, Jaundice, . i Jaundice, JauiulUc. • “, - u | ... ‘ > | (linntl Dcldilty, General lii lilllty, so nei al Debility, Debility, Genctal Urblthy, General Delilllty, General Deld’lty, Oeneeat I>eh!lty, General Debility, General Debility, Palpitation, Puipltalin i, Piil)dtall(kn, I'nljdtalinn, I'llli>ltuti lit, I*a!idlatl jn, Puti’dlmloß, Pal|df nllan, Palpitation, Palpitation, CUronic Diarrhoea, Ciuvuie Dliuriiuia, Chronic Diariba-ii, Chronic Dlari-lura, Chisnile IXnnhau, Chroute Ili.u.iiiin, Chronic Ul:iir!i(r.i| Chronic Dlarrho-n. ClusMitr iMtrnittt, Clrroidc Diarrhea, Giddl.u *, Gld'llnes j. Gin! 10t*.,. Giddiness. Giddiness, Gift dines*. Giddiness, Cltl.fines*, Giddiness, Giddiness, T>< ,nes< t! Sjiliits, Dcjiress. ■ i.rit*, D. l>rts ed lilft, Depressed Sj*trM*, Di pressed MpitH*, Depressed oMf , Depressed . j.lifts, Depressed h| iritis, Depressed ■•pirit*, Depressed Loss of A pin flic, laws of Appetite, Iju.s of i\ft)H;ite, IjOss of Aj petite, Loss of \jvetifr, I.Os, of Appel lie. Loss ol \; ;M .it t, I.oss cl ;r, , £ , I.IMS of .l|!,ieli(, Loss of Apr life. Pain In RMo rod thick, Pain In Side and iloek, Pahi l i Mrt. and 15 eh, l ain in ‘ lisle and Sim I-., Pain Li Side and Rr- k, Pain In slide a. and hack, t’alu ii Snti and Dark, Pain hi Mdt- nnd ll.iek Pain Ii SI h oiiil lioeir, Pali: In Shit anil Dark, ft Is K,|xi ial!y Adapted to It I* tssp.i iul.y A.tapfe.l to It Is KspetLilly Id, • ! to It U I sptcla: •> .i.A.pttil to It Is I i;k. inliy Adi.p".ed to It I r. pteh iiy I to Il Is K.|)n laliy Vh|ile l to It is i’.:a>eelu.iy ‘..ui;iud to it Is J>per-l.tliy A(laptHU tolA It Ih I*letf.all y Vdndle.t to Kt i.utic .Compinlnts; Kexu.iie ComplaL.ts; i'l*i:llt Cosujdeii t.s ; I’emnle i'nrtpltt'iHt Feiiinh- liim'ecifil ; Fctuatr i;d hit s ; - !•’ mnlt < i ‘• i .t.; I'sn.idu ( unip u- i>; r. ine.le Ciniipt&L'.ts } IVmr.te Com p aints; It Prudurt* lie{nudity of e.nil tt Pr :'tf>, ‘{iitn • of Form It Prwlntet tt I.H ; ..y of I'm m It Produces Until <i< y of Form It. s"rod at. s llyt si.dilj of Form It rpuliifti Kdunuhty ot Form It* liotu lily of F >rm i! Prndttte* Hnt ’p lly of Form it t .., I'jiUii.ilij el Fofpt It P.oda e* Uottti.tlif, of Pc.ri T>i Fi uir.ff s ff r> ‘ li* : fuel ‘'pore In Yiuali ,v:.. ‘1 ■ < mill S|ixii>; KiibK In I'Viiiulid nf VUJU uml Sjmcf Haiti*. t,i I'Vnulr of a , i .1 i. ~I it] r. I:s Fmiiilrii of a ‘i t:I i ,>:rc I'ntitt. In'* .fa . J i ti ‘-c> ire Habit, In t'Yiu: -i- iof .tn uml **;i,tic Haiti!. In I'YmnNi. us n Ti.ln t. < ;1 [MM HaWj In I‘YiUulex 111 u ’l l! II jti.rc Until t la bViwalta nl u a;n ...m .> ic Habit. Sfii'l a I’ail.v.'f NTatiiy t > the Pliiprltlun (nr Hu ll’ Pmu|i’ li l on *■ Ll.,ka of Slum* •ell unit Bauus.” W. XV. Uf.l-s ill Ct*., P eillltlT;. :ti.J Bioail m)', Xen Voik. For Sale in Macon, by 7.KILTX * iIFNT. \ mwr wKnaw 336,000 SWEDES, f \ *T J ’v* oflkfruU* Ir-'u.assorted fro* ] \“ fl *Joo) to Uluchts vide *f <• n iinrj'Hin i , iii stur**, jbfet4ui Okie by CAUH&KT Jr vi'KDji | •lee -il—tf ~boo7T&?hoes fii MKKs\ Ik)vr \luilV* fine ('alt and Kip . iiouU; Mci.a'btout Kifi 14 ng und Mud; Cuote ient- Tasting r . V.r-iit r*v \ <>j • ra una I W\ Mid tine i nil lirnytam; CenW\ l yi* and Youth? I'atcut and J£u .unotted Brogffita; Mhu's, Doyn, jukJ Youths’ CaEfrißiia Kip Dn^na, v ik U l I.A.N .. Peru Wine. linvlt* thr* !*M j rDi * • f Wine to the abuirf, which can * not e ft!-u and 1* fl iv. r• n pis it)\ Sfcwv Tirandy. Httrtn uHb Dr nd. | ♦ rrt Wi v nl a verv %w|.prl*r ijtta3fy. I Okret.(lrU i au!t K‘ Menu r % fVUilMac,tc. Miuttlnts, •){ ?e>T*he Inanirf, :\t H*t]fßY HORNR'B. Notice. \TT K have a mnhbr ■.faccoun'smail * <r. lSVtonov.rlioek* books, wi.l.dr wUU c-ii .i .-i *i.. J lj uot p*.d ly tie l.tfJamiurf.’i. w 0” I:; era ijiy pa|~r* uipy. H.UiLEMAN 4 GKIFFI . Negroes for Sale. VXEGIIO woman mwl tour children, are offered for Ml'* on iv;lieniable terms for cash. Woman I , -7 yrnivolfl. n cook, w.ishor-wnmiiu and I;utter l iKii vims. I'liiltireii'a ages f:vmlean. down to Ivr sold f>r no roils. Apply flit ffilsritflod. ts. n —■’—lll, To Kent. AN'S r >ome.) nouio In |.lcaaiu.l yar oft!.telly Pome#- i aaraloiisifivoiilimaeillule'v. C. r. VANH'L. i lan ?S *w ts Ai fly to SA. 8. THOMBOX [ A. M. Bininger & Cos (Establiilied 17/8,) SOLE IMPORTERS, No. 338 Broadway, N. Y. This DEIjICIOUS TONIC, especially designed for tlie use of tho , Medicai. Profession and the Family, ‘ possesses those intrinsic, medicinal pre perties (Tonic and Diuretic) which helun/ ! to an Old and PURE GIN. The business of manufacturing spurious, and offering them as beverages, under , the titles, “Aromatic/’ —“Cordial,”— Afeuicated,” etc., has become so com mon, that the public are justly suspicious of nearly everything that is offered under similar forms, and the trade has thus ; been brought into disrepute. It has remained for our house (established in 1778) to supply the pressing popular need, nnd to inaugurate a new era in the history of the Trade. We trust that onr established reputation found ed upon eighty years of experience abundantly vindicates our claim to public confidence. W. 13. A comparison of “ Bininfrif'* 01.1 Land .in Dodc Chi” witU otiiers bearing aimilur names, will establish it* superiority, and make other Carnott unnecessary. Put up in Quart Bottles, in Cases of one and two dozen each, and sold through out th * world ly Druggists, Grocers, &c. DiriggifL and Dealers Supplied with Wines and Brandies, I Direct from United States Warehouses. For sulo in Macon, by buDers Jc Lewis ’ Cherry Street, and all Druggists, Grocers, &e. oct 12 T'or Sal©. ONE of thr .11 at decirahle resi.J. aces i: th? city, whei* the satwstibtr now re , corner ot UK !n* Sccuzui -itreeU. T he Lot contains three g’tartirs of an ac-e, and Is I.Lhly Improved ith < -arieuesol I’r.ich, Apr:cais,Or.ijH-e eL(i ; oUi i and fluivciii. The (ltli;i sc. utniiie tru R< oms,C'.oae'* in .-;i,aiidGa> In el . T.'iaii. . runner wll! L. made easy. For partiea i of l O.Loai ho or W. S. Urautly. If uot s dil f'hr 1 Aina*, it will be re .tui t as neprov ; ea tenant. flee. U—if J oEu. W. ADAMS. GHOVEE &~BAKEffS j Celebrated Sewin? Machines. Price from $55 to $l3O 00. [T Is no longer a question, which I the best Sewln* Ma e lilts-, iVI W'.efc m, >c ttv . -vuA Uh i.r .'IOC. 1.,f i has 1 mi** i given up hHt.lliv are the only feewing machine t.-, adapted to alt kina* of family ;g ttd at the ►anie tiac simple in construction that a tci year .‘Ui child, 0 r any eervimt o t cotcriiou >euFe cau unGer fand ami work t run dth pet fed fee rvantsinsiruct d f 'ree iH’ cli .rge. 11 .sen*: to iton * ore. Office on < ot*b;i Avenr-v opposite the store of George W s'<ke uul f otv'ecn K. ais A and the liaptift Book feline. 1 ;4*s i have t new Shu’tle iuaehine, TlsS*t LriiLk.l, nmklnv'he Kirae rtiteben Ixfh niJnn—tlie le.t raachlneof ti c ki:ti! t:...d0. r llai and seelr *e:id ler cireuterr. Perscji* in Uv o m-itr.- fan i rump, tent jiersdn eont out wi>h tlu mac di:.. t.i Irwin ct !n Its n<e, on the tiav.iihj; expenses of the )> lie n puni b> the jMirchae|. no- i': B.n M. tt. HOtJERS, Agent. ”S£?rlS£ PAYgtiE, WHOLESALE ft RSI UL # Druggist &state Licensed Apothecary Cor. St. and Cotton A renue, Blacon, G*a., J S r.?i y to inferm his tri ads,patrons and the public i generally, tt:at fils Stock is now full and complete, whk; i-ompi Ises every article that should be found in a first Class DisUS AND CHEMICAL STORE. We.;.l, anive'i of ti e N-.vannvb Stoairei s e table* h!tr. to replenish his Stock Wkkelt, with Fresh and Choice Gooor which are boueti: with ttreat Attention toil ard sol ia* LOO’s 1 ’ at any Drus? in Oeirp'c. I*Si>slfiann’ I’rfNcripliouii Oompooi ds-dat al! h.-crswtth care and neatness. Hit stock contests ic part cf the following articles: Druga, Chcruicrtl3 & Medicines, Uye*. I’aiutb,Otis and Cciom, Oiassware, dyringes Modern Styles n rr *at rartity, Wiadow Ola;.*, Rutty, artist’s Ttiolr.M'fchißical, Artificial and Natural I ethes,Fresh Hops and all other Herbs, Surgical Instru ment.. and Medicine Cheats, rsmilr .-.nap*, Ein ; stsirch a Oelntinea, Fine Gas tor Oil for Family use, Wines ft Liquor* for Medical use only, Perfumery, Pomades and Toilet Articles, Gold and Silver l eaf, Gold and Tin-foil and Artificial re?th, Hair, Tooth nr. 1 Nail Brushes, White Wash. Paint, Cloth and Heah Brushes. TRIPOLI, a great article for cleaning Medal ft Olast Grass and Gcrdea Seed, tnd allthe patent Nottrums of the day. “ Is u W£' rbcetved” Landreth’a New Cron Turnip Seed of 1858. AV” HI rs 11 AT HVTOH TITtNIP SEED. KEO leu’ HUT A I'.AOA TUENII’ hF.ED. LAKUL <J! ut K t UKMP I ARC K NORFOLK TURNIP SKKIJ. HiDiiicli.y l!tuc (iiasi Send. RKBCI K (HiASS SEED. rjUCKH3VH SEE r>. for Op i: (J ICO P\V(tiV liruK Stor. . .*l tW Jal> 1( .axfs7sar..’ ZTFrrezttvn~*aEza£jmnM.’ ‘yj^^marrxMsag^Mtmttmßam Ijiverjrool & l.on*!cn LIF£ & FIEE INSURANCE aLJ2TVi>® Oih''f 5(1, Wall Street, New Nurk City. ADTllOitlZkU CAPITAL, £2,000.000 or $10,000,000. riil up IkiJlal, Imrpiiu and l.esrrvid Fundii FIVE MILLIOINS OF IKILLAUS: iSiSOO,OOO Invpotf'ti in tLii Country IURS.CTORB IX NEW VOKK ; JAIIBI BRtiW.i hulrnan. |iUNtlf> <s ‘TTEN, Ucj oy fiKtiKtlK HSRCLAA, Saq. CCUHNE UU tILII, Emj. IOUKi'H f* I 1.1.A Kl, .Jr.. FH. AISEPH 1-MWi EH ta.j. ALEX AN HER, H .IMIL I'OS, Jr, Kn. El) t". SANDEHMjN, Kjq. 4 WM. S. E I'MnKK, Fso. EliWAllU It. ARCHIIULD, r-q }’ c I lent feueturv. ALSi.EI) PILL, Era. Cuui sri if ih” H erO. A. tIAMILIUN. Jr Em A V E i .S. W 1 N G f l BLI > A CG., Agouu, Who mil t<ike b\rt Risks, o'sly. llaeoii, M iy llth.—tf Osnaburgs, Yarns, &c. Q i l IJa i*. • iHualuiff,. OU 20 Bl* I arng. IS IS .tea Miu-on and MUledgerille Sheetings, 10 Bales \ NJirctiiijm, S Ha c Sollies. rnrraleby AA'RES, WINOFIELD 4 CO. ! nW -ts Sugar, Coi!ee, Molasses, k)nn Sacks Klo fuS e _ , ski ‘*/ flO ek, Jr.Taund Tjir. Coffee, I U 6 Mile Ki-CaeJSugar. Ih •• (.rushed and Powdered, r 0 “ he's New Ur eans Siigai, .10 tibia New Oil tun* Syrup, Id t and New Crop Mulaate,, fi-0 Liuauils Seed (hoa, (0 •* t'ore Me:U, C esksStiou'dara, 14 ‘ Side*, XOO Sa.ka EiO'ir, For sale by mH.f—W- AYRKS. WINoriELPAPO. DAVY’S AROMATIC VALLEY WHISKEY, For medicinal Use, H now tafce, l l:la'.j,v•t'<*l^ , thaw or!d'se*:u,it;on, nli-cl, its p It. pi ia or in ciatpi ng for it A bUPHUIOK/TY IN RIVALLED, QpduuljkAit ti, hyanroce* knowu tolbAJljme.f,*. ; turer.itnc e.ftrec ed fri in ihe eu.4 l ect ersue, vbieli ;ro-. - .-0- j • here but hi a f. vor and loc.di% Jt the Vilify of the j held, and • MRi-tolrg nop,r tefcofilet- ttrianstii.. : it , tcisaripurida rej u:a'|o:i for pcr'tfct parity and tiatips ce.v ----i cet.Chcu, o:oed 3-*!■ ly 11;.< ■!! it; iiihervnt nieii’, wiueh tuc Pie l 1 prlerord xs n,.tlnt-iK!. s> l„<g .he icmrols the n iwtuf f ’ lure, -bail ever be fuifi-lted. or in auy manner aLowe* toiu.- pencil the*, f tie icari-ed and Distinguished Chemists *hore certificates wc puolish herewi-h. i II h.,s iieretefure rcfiaiucU from Braking public by advtr tlMMM, the Extraordinary Medicinal Properties i vIPcU this arncte is n wntopusers; ai dihlssHeiice ontl I part ha* bet ti induced hi a sen itive dread ttiaf the sdgb ■ .-t ■mspiciou shonidcount hi* name vritii advertising en!,,jri I oiaw auil ItlU DTISrOUSi . (goo cf U i..ofc-no: ‘.rum t l|CUl.lfS. I I f,.r some lime pa-.t. tbe pra,<rte(„r ta- :v.-n iwMomu.i, j i-ecctpt ol on oi.cited tesUraoniuls lr.m all pulls of thecoun ny. cm ,na ini from Physicians of the hi best reputation. | • and testimonies which speak with such cu.pi nPe and an- j | nusL ittl approval of lire unrivalled e.-ot the Aromatic l ‘alley Whiskey as a Medicinal i , Agent i a alieas sin which sdinu.atfon hue become rtqn ) I -ile t igicsdfiiuMre—ti.S.> lit deems It Us duty, cvea at he tar .roof a:,Ln lie lias spoken, to mabe m- writ, the .wirid. i • ihc a- si 1.-uid.c manlier ) ost:-le, llirse i .vin- rdn r\ amt in j ! .a unite properUefio?; Itti article of h>s mauuiaclure. il is not Ills pu:ioas to In cetaii, a ibt ol tt.os.-dis i : iatc--. • f the linaui > sy .-teui which have been th ■ n to U I mint lar mwv .sh e v,l nr the use <-f this sUmuiairt ‘lhrt j [ ne j articular,> d.scriiad tn tl, various testimonials •; -k.. ■ I of, heh are open al ail t.mcst-jihe .tijac iuoofuui i, :e <t ; i !nr which wedu not feel , t iitsaty, without epic al p nuts -io.i ul Ice di-uitguisi--. i perac-ius wno have arul tkeu. too. m lire fftldic newspapers. i Subi cu to say, that ua ai.udcd to eompti-cs al < a h us arc incident to Tropical Latitudes, to a change of Climate, o / Diet, i -r to a’ y other cause whteli dlsarfenftes or impatrstfee ope - j lilt till-ettons of the human sy-t-em ; ihducir g i.,u*nc-r, ia.--! i udeai.d uip.w-sios, ard tae multlmdiuous g fro:: I source. i in airsuch cases heArotntd'c A :*. !• y iVh.skey Acts as a Restorative, ; insisting the un‘ural t-rgai s, ly a stiuiulaut which, bot* i -1,,c or tu decree, stems to re in ali_thir.-/s ur ii adi.i’iai-fy i ri.u-d to rciuvig-.rate, tnd to tail t-ac* that lone and rce el I .e lon in the viulocgsi.s, 90 e-s- i.f *1 lOfLytUa! health. Il ls to liilsexiett. mat Osc pr. prjea, knows r.r.t,;t to U ustified in daioiing fur his araiiWuetare, ii > genic pi i-perti-i j and v.r ues wh'.th cani.-:,t ed, n. r o>er-,a.iKd. ali , uidreismus. by The Medical Profession > i urgeri‘'e r*-C< uiTeii-HiT. Air--mi;’ h.slt f wrtd it.- i r.,y i olhw|iuc ; a public au-t private u -p.ta■ ilt ’ coual y, swi -.teiio-.ei .1 u.Ji* err of,-.* hrJisltb ie re-inf tte. i I haveitaalvt-yJas.iaa}-ieo#“i.a y'sAr-miVic VdUy Wt.l , tey,’*i- i ,,,l find ti to K a plre a-lich ,of hue tla’ r, at.u >V.;I - ottt any (Uteleii •u.-aunovtuie. Jus K. vtuLToN, At. D., y (-V dork. FtATE AisATOn'U’rnca, f-i eivt St .1 ih staD. r.jrUtTth. I#'d ‘ ) Wm H. Pali. Siw Vi rk:—Hm-c m-d* * cLtmlcri! ana: yaaof your Aiomar.c .vtilwy Wni-tey, m l find it ter , j-v flavored V.’MsSey. contain noi }*ini>'tmatte- <f auyaiinl irl I— *’ ‘ 11 *- . - lf ’- -'*- vyi- u Inal j anil public purposes. CHA6. X. JAtKooh, Elate At a, er, | Wx. H. Palt Your Aromatic Va ley V> LUkey is r i e:ved, and ari r careful eammnation. llt ,-j R Emu, ly Ire roai adnlu rat mg lugr.d.CMts, m> tr.qnc,.ly tied. JA&. J. ilAi mr, Aumy ica.Chcadsl, N. s. tfr Coßsum r rsc ui depend unen v* ‘M-p- a pure e al. u they buy the Vaiiuy VI iaaaey, as it is sola by the nott.e md case only. WM. il. PALY, 1* Sots'h a Ilii. m s-irc-t, Newt oik fc. k- t-n-pi’.cur- Frirsn eln Macor, by GREEK A F i.EEMAN. nov cM— tinv A let, Impoited Lennins Havana Segsrs From j> to !o<i liatiars per ‘ibon-soti. L ('atmtias iftevits, \ ery tiae, [ I;M i. , I Deect.berta, ! Kuvtl.e, Albion, T-.ttpaii, etc. imv.te the beat judges for atria! offhese Fepars. I Forsa’eat iitNKY Ui'IlNE’S Forte* v and Ale. DA f’ask* Jefcrs.’JugAle, wU to casks best Loudon Porter, Uitrccsived, liiiaai.t FREEMAN Eugene Ciignott Cli*4mpaig;u A cktiowi, dged to he veiy sup, rior by p,'d Ul Haskits, quart , and pinto, direct tmbortnrioa. or aa eat ■ K.\KY liitRNES ’ 8.-.*AS SADMiI. o. G. Si-Ahiis. HARDEMAN & SPARKS. ”” B WARE HOUSES^ SOISISSIDF MERCHASTS WlLocontiiiuo to give prompt attention attheir FIRE PROOF WARE HOUSE, on the corner of 3d avd Poplar Streets, to al! busines coxmitte.i to their charge. With thrir thanks for past favors, and a renewed pledge of faithfclnessto all the interests of theirfriends and customers,they hope to receive their fullshare he public patronage. Liberal'advances made on Cotton and otherpredu required. afr*Plot.r',Fsiayßtor.,tw Ragging,Hope, ft .urnithed atthe lowed market rates. Macon, Aag-f—tf i’Es.s.AiJoml^ -jr HAS jc4 reHfuod from New y ( ir> vithr- it *, j „•* eel- sol ■ t,d • ofl - Set*, an t w Inter -lock. PARLUftN JIAlb o-vcry ..aric’v: T.FGIHMtN n:.d n( -: iAji% k p htlt A W i.IAX TS : FRRX’H KI.OV.> It-'; K... N v and USTKMtfI , ‘.'a, 1 ’- : difs’ iy l’ E A Til k. It- ; Heal 1.1s; Bii ’al J BppfivVi j wpeatt t.d Vriit; Fit end 0 recur 3 T , U'df Caps :Or .iin-erd-f-r the h ir- il ‘N* ini oru K.c 1,1 Ti..!, c - ; i ... ■t jj I.u* e Co.Ueurs and t')J •f L"WC M--!, and French EWP.KoIP ERY Mit e* Leeh- -n. I’.Urir and , reaver Hats- Hors H-.tsand C.i, --; 1 r Trio i, ; i„ -: Ze ph>r Y:ns for Kuliting and LmhroMcn ; F uhesu.Op-ra 1 u.ap* and Marpisa's Wi.cs: H >r.,'s. 1; .-IdJ aid'Giedau Curl*: Fur (’leaks; Vuis apd Cuff- .*'*•>. a line assort n.mtof KANOY aR rjOLih too tid’o- * to n.ei.tioti. PfeasecaH a, il examine f< r youneli e* before pi.rohasifig riisulttul f-r justfavoi* and .-oiioi: a enuttenanoe < f the 1 same. l AH order*prompttvatttn-ied t-v tept.*!* ts ‘laiOH sjiOiiSHi Ca the European Fisa, CITY O ‘ M.W YORK ! Single Booms 50 Cents p< r Daj ; City Kali Sqr.arc, comer ts Trakforl Street, (Opjineire City II;,il.) Meats, as they m*v be ordered in the spacious Kefee. tory. Ti-ore ia a l’arber s Siip nnd Hath Kei :us attnclirt I to the II *el. j Jr. B.—Par.-si r of Knmu'rs tml I!a(kuau j who any wo arc fall. U. FltENit 11, I'r,priitc . A at;list 9, 18h9. fills STAPLE MV-ECOEB. Kiwr&iii, liyorLl* restwctfullr announce t > the’r frier d.-n *.d tie II pub.ic,tiaiiu,ey h,\een argid thoii ■n, al.d ar cow prepared To keep, ad shall k,ep :t h’! lime-. -, -t, eh iiKi HJ S’. KIES and t, f \ PLE i. it V 1,0. -i>>,*. eoyd t. - r one ;T:i the citv, and t<wilb th ir attgmicn i- m- s’ c nb.hy ii, cited, The mil ,v?rng is alist of the leading nr;*e e& ■ a.iO Bags Rio, Java anl Lapilra Cofliie. 200 Barrels A. 15. ami C. Sl GAll. 300 13< xoB IX) 21.4 f'CO. 250,000 CIRCUS, from $5 to S6O per thouiiatid. 15 Bule.-s OknaburgN. 1 lO “ Kr*r. IO “ Colton Yarns. 50 “ Ulauket*. 1 “100 pair ofOjfro Nlioc. 100 Bales 12 aoo Cods iiopo, J?i>o Bk>R E. 5 fin or of-everv euli(r ftid kind, from the liue-t Ofard, Dnjpay & €o\ 15 rands,do ah t u iim.fied Whisky W e *' i:V ,r A MILES. CONI*V. SOAP. IM NLESPAIIT.I, MILS. GLASS, a-d in faite'.- I Jl r ) ‘ll J'lilhl.l 1 lie i'dll'l* lor M c ell e . e:Oi w, ■: i. ... Groceries and Slade TVi-ffts ?. Pi t .** f,-t c: Pa; ,! ct i.nilne their note, ‘-ef.ire Yurchsaiug tl-e il ee. iaci-t.ldtf ‘ ■■■■ Copartnership Notice. IU^JBEr^S 4 ! W4lJ ‘ n < n >>- I r..(her. FRANK 11. iMlnSr *■* * ur purpopc ol the Ha; aoj t'up ! The Sfisia m 1!I be condueUd hereafter ? der the iriu name and Nifleot CHAS. B. STONE & BROTHER. The U’ dri-a mied. thank t.l Kir the llbcnil patronnie ex (ended to him th pa l year. \ uid l-ul mq cci.i.ii) aoiicit . • ConUi>nate4i of It orthenuw lirui. They u ill keep emistantiv on ?.tnl a oipcrt- r < f Hat. i atiil Caps, ivliieh they will *cl! a* law us uj.v houwln ih, | ‘ Uy or - tate. CL As. li. S IC.N h, A LUO. 1 April J 9. 3PTCrCS-X-X y^ Gallery of Art. Triangular Bock. FINK pictures in r.ny of tlio virions style* .-an al n.'iys be u'ltainoil at the above m m ii:ie w# ’ Pntrli was a'.varrtpil the promiuiTi at tbe lute Geor | gia Mtate Fair, for the Ik st Ptiotoftraplu.'nnd lie-euit I nirnish these p.p. Piet urea, either plum or eel i : oretl. ftjvii from tho ptiinWesl to rii Inrye-1 size, at prices from #3 00 per <to. to SdoO 00 a piece. ; Ambrotypes in tine eases at prices i low. 60 Gross Ambrotype cases, atjil Ua) << *ll (lift ’ frames on lioiul. unit must b. sold w ith tine Picttfars. Cal} a;i<l g.'t your pictn -esanil vwtt will s ; -ve from ‘.'s 1 to 50 percent, a .id stiil ect tlie best Pictures made in i the elty, J. A.pC'GH. j Sov 5, I‘JO.—tf. ’ amm i .I—i i——■ i■ 11 ■i■ —n ■! ■■ ■ m Ki\ BUSUkLS UKUCI) AFCLLfc female by •Ml (I. H. FREEMAN A CO. i “wll l H “ss •y.t, . I (lONFItOHOfIA BIAS of all klt." :t W huleati e aid re J taR by C. H. FREEMAN * CO. I mTCh—l2t( ‘ CMton Arsi.rt*. ija'sSt saparHi, A cemiround remedy, j u , Vs 1 Imred to produce Ujc’tuost -r* 1 ' 1 v '° Lav* • that can lie made. If / u ;‘ r . ot Pari so W ,°" < - e ’ l lEu h t taiLstanceg ts etiil greater a’‘e, nt ’ *“ 5 to alien'd au aatilw/? 11 ’ 2 p 0... iSarsapitrilla is r-rmr.-d to ’■■- ... that such a rnmedv is 1 1- Avhich will their^r of immense servi-e to fhi: ]-■ afflicted fellow-citizen;, n’-, v - : *’ compound will do it has W. ‘^dt. ’ fment on many of the v. ‘ T of the following conm;.. . ‘x Scrofula and Sc:o Euptoojts axb EttrPTivr ii’? ’ ‘ PmPLE-t, Blotcues, I'” „ Savto Head, Syph:t. s U FiicrtoNs, MuueVitTAf. ry T e “‘'httnc iiALBiA on Tic ‘j.;/ p •’ PERSIA AND IxiUOKS-nov 1 OR St. Anthony's Fire, irndYid-^V' ’ i claas of complaints arising I tkk Blood. ® ‘ a ; This comjximul evill m. ry, , , | motor of health, when ta\i expel the foal humor- whH i blood at that season of tfin v / o' r ly expulsion of them many m’k’i ‘ ? ! we nipped in tlie hud. it/,,., /j | of this remedy, ! j the endurance of foul eruptions a:ri .’ : : I sores, thpwgh which the system rid itself oi corruptions, if not , ; t ‘ this through the natural channels 0 by an alterative medicine. Clean*. vitiated blood whenever you find “ : buvstmar through the fkia ia i or sort" 11 cleanse it wh strueted and slupgi-h ia the vv‘7- a ‘ whenever it is foul, and your f/i;// i y° u when. Even where no is felt, people enjoy better lottger, lor cleansing the hlo and Y ‘ blood healthy, and all is well; W T ? :j pabulum of life disordered, there o ‘ j lasting health. Sumer or later Y 1 mu<t go wrong and the great hie ls disordered or overttirown. • 1 .Sarsaparilla has, and de-etY , repulation, of accbmplishuig fh-sc Pr \ 1 the world has been ogreginusiv 1 preparations of it, partly lecaii*.- alone ha* not rill the vinue that h F for it, but more because many / pretend big to l concentrated cxti4-ts contain but little of tlie virtue of YY or any thing eL e. i During late years the public have h*, >- led byh'rgt- bottles, pretending to *i v of Extract of Sarsaparilla lor onedY of these have beeu frauds upon th-t “< i they not only contain little, if am! s’ rilla, but often no curative pn-ncrtrY l ■! er. Hence, bitter and painful i has followed the use ol the vrkri*.’(utrs. j Sarsapariila w hich Hood the market, n:l ; itself is justly despised, and . ! synonymous with imposirion raid chest, si j we enll this compotn and sad -i to supply such a remedy as daJi’ic-.o'• name front the load of’obhejuv wldelY upon it. And we think we have sr.a-'. : believing it has virtues which arc i hv the ordinary run of tin <li-cate,iit biz a ed .to cure. In order 1.) stctirc their c: eradication from t lie svs;--m, the :v; •ut ■ be; judiciously taken an iciing tu dam.:... the boiile. PREPARED BY DR. J. AVER & CO, LOWELL. MASS. Price, SI per liottlt-; Six Boltltiferj Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral hes won f.r ifFrif prxA e renowsi fer tV ovciy variety cf Throat and Lung (’ aij.’.; ,J it is entirely unr.cccssarv for u- to u ;1 evidence of its virtues, wherever il has t plovcd. As it lias long been in con- I 4 throughout this section, we need rot tt- I as-.ure the people its < t u.:lin is kt pt tip t I it ever has been, find it way ke tfi: I do for their relief all it lias ever been kuauJ Ayer’s Cathartic Pil:J FOB THE CURE 0? j Costiccnns, Jaundice, Dysytn k, hw; I Dysentery, Pent Stomach, E.ytiytki, Es.• ■ Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and f-rtnft-iJ Liter Complaint, Drop-y, Tetter, Luicrsl Salt P.htvyi, Worms, Gout, AVit’-y, 1 Dinner PiU, and for Puiifpmy the f I They are sugar-coated, so Ant the n-est J ’ tive can take them pleasantly, rid they s:J best aperient in the world for all the purpox* family physic. Price 25 cent3 per Box; Five beJ for isl Great nunjle’i sos Clergymen, T'opitisiy. ‘■ men, and eminent pcrsoncats, 1 --’ l names to certify the unparalleled aseiliiMoiß remedies, but our space here will not insertion of them. The Agents below ua-'B nish gratis our American Almanac in™ ■ are given; with also full descriptions o. - fl complaints, and the treatment ts . --x-- fl lotted for their cutc. I Do not be put off by unprincipled dcLenß other prena rations they make mote ; Demand Ayers, aud take no othtrs. t ■ want the best aid there is for them, ana K’ -■ have , . I Al! our Kemetues are for sale I c e>'d l>v E. L. Strolieek -A <i I , Hunt, Macon, and by all drusrtp -a ah* | er- in Medici tic every where. 1 Huvihuid.f ‘hichester A Cos.. Air: -i I wholesale agents. I I>g?. LITTF*!yS | V E It MIFCfII In LAHGE Bottles and Via!'. I Xotlf'nr el<D is required lo ft H * * and Asides b6h£r one of t!* c: ra t bet olwred Jtj the i ,: ; H in will 1 exjvusft, hs wfU $ the lives of wa. v r; H y e ghr out of every tea cases general!; i-Y’ B LITTLE’S I ANODYNE GCUOH BOPi ! A errtrri* cure for Colds. Concur, f jj Atilt act. Pain in th- Rr np; a * H 1 Wknspi-uj Oovyhs. a ■ I amongst ChiUlres. JH i Thl* i* a pl-asant *cJiciii tu t:--’-. 1’ ‘“ V I 1 m-diirt* rlfcf,ii ia nin*cat of tuty- I '■. V H r cure. It exireikes tho ffl-'i touin ■ t I o\ -*r Coaftbs and Irritation of the ■ ‘ m'-fiy known, often stoppini: the ® o> - : sow hours or at most in a day or f* J : . thon-ht to bo deoidedly r.-t-urpny. - H promptly oart-d by Kaiaß * few •; ■ j expectorant, without ta€ do B j piuauiouat to all Ce)Ugh mixture?- LITTLE’S 1 FRENCH MIXTURE! i This is prepared from a F:'-** J‘” H frirrns of No. 1 and 2; trio hr>t-w *•■ .. ! No. 2 for :h* chrouic stasre, and ; snccess is likely to supersede . lor ihc cu re of off 1 •* ..Jr. Bl (> •f?(n ha*el, BM-üßorin'Xai. nad l _-‘ c | M Fluor Aibus affections. ‘lbb f combines properties totally k eTtanictai fi m a:.y thing to l> Y aa< .', v _. States Pharmacopccis ; bud in . cieucy is ttoi rivalled ia Aiaeritii* S IIITIE’I I RINGWORM & TETTER CW®|| FOrtTIS, No- 2 ’ Hundred* of rase? ofChroai* . •• I and diseases us ihs kia genersi j, ‘ ,f - this remedy; u! aiuco lil * tnm .; > ’ No. 2 preparation < boiojf Bus ‘ has been found that it will not ‘ £, ; *s in a short time For the f ar ‘‘ l ’ , * . aud I'Jceta it is ai ru tue L 1 is almost infallible. i. Or. ri>* In oiyje thur. two hunured par ~.j. s • in the Soi thorn IstAtas, they ar ‘ ; (heroare scamps (#>ot * ko , *” ] : reoiodie*. by iwlmin? ofi tk. .r ow . else, by Usinir tue wiaeor •• * , , lent is wanted or secured sm-iL ■■ the day.) lot all he utiooc>; m loo* | signature of the Preynetor, uus. aud !*o hiansnie blown into the . .u ’ fj • All order* and letter* to le • LITTLE & 2^“ Wholesale Drutf? ;s t 5, * F. 6nlo by £. L. &.$ i’ Casilfcn, Macon, and by Merc j gists every where. : Sent 23 BOOTS AND SBCD of every desc ii Bo” f T Lt<iUS ’ ‘ ft KATS & CAPS 1 Os Latest S'X; | Frcul the ***’ ... NEW CANDffS;.. Mo’.is-ies Cream t ‘andv, lawfod”' 1 i'*t cy ‘> mb Candyy b sttoher . lu i"d NmicaL are tcuil Candy. .._ T n ,l" v Gno ndpea icr.g.t,t *EN* T ”