The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, January 08, 1925, Image 2

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Popular BIBLE CLASS Note* THE BOOK OF GENESIS By J. W. SMITH The Word of Encouragement. Chapter 15. All true courage comes from jn God. The man who believes strong; the man who doubts is btrong faith precedes great Faith, in order to be strong must nourished by the word of God. Elijah experienced a season of ural depression and reaction the great victory won on Mount mel on the previous day; so A .mail amount of good .lock for talc. M. C. & J. R. Mosley ! Byron, Ga. :; i-8-tf ! ’♦4+*+++**++++*+++4-H-+44--H 1 **• »j» »j« *j. »*• TO SERVE YOU • . PROMPTLY, HONESTLY AND WELL • • To keep our promises; to do our level best to give you the greatest degree of Drug Store economy; that is the creed with which we match the quality of the drug Store merchandise we sell. i ANDERSON DUG CO. . • 48 Phone 48 .U .+4 4 . ; .4444444-444‘4 , 44"I*‘H*-K-4-44 , 4"H-44"H -H ,, >F4--;‘4‘4*4-4-4»-H-I-4 l 4"M-4 , v ii S 6 i $ 600 .00 CASH IN PRIZES The Atlanta Georgian CROSS WORD PUZZLES $25 Daily, $ 600 .00 a Month Prize Puzzles Now Appearing Daily. No Subscriptions to Secure fi § JANUARY SPECIAL R. F. D. RATE S £ During the month of January only R. F. D. patrons can get The Daily s tr Hi Sn Georgian and Sunday American tor the extremely low price of $ 6.00 mVfl w per year. The Daily Georgian only, one year $4.70. These rates not good Wi m outside of Georgia and only on R. F. D. routes or in towns where we do> It Bjjf Hi Hi not maintain a delivery agency. Hi Those living in towns where we have local agents should arrange for de¬ Hi Hi livery of The Daily Georgian and Sunday American for 20c a week. Ef: t-jj Hi Hi j^S Hi WIN A CASH PRIZE K LC Hi Hi THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1925. brave and noble deed, described in preceding chapter, was followed a time of spiritual reaction, so hr needed the special word of ragement, which came to him at critical moment. We read: these things the word of the nmr • unto Abram.” Vs. 1. The that is nourished by daily j meditation, and the humble | of the Holy Scriptures will the life, enlighten the mind, | the intellect, encourage the 1 and multiply good works. I The Vision. V»». 1-6. it' The word of the Lord came to ram in a vision.” The phrase so : found in the Bible, “the word I en U^e Lord came,” occur; here for first time. The revelation was not dream, hut a real message from Lord; for we read in verse five God “brought him forth abroad” commanded him to look toward ven. This vision brought - I. Encouragement. V*. I. 11 , natural , , for . Abram to , , was lieve that the defeated armies of tin East, which he attacked by would return in overpowering force and without mercy fall upon his clan. In addition to this he was appointed that Lot whom he followed him not, but went back the wicked people of Sodom. We readily see tha* he was east do'.vr • when the word of . came to him: “Fear not, Abram: I | am thy shield, and thy exceedin great reward,” Abram whose was weak, was not to he afraid of his fierce enemies; for God would take care of him and be his shield. As the shield is between the body and danger, so God is between His ple and all harm. Nothing can the saint but through God; for life is hid with Christ in God. shield is illustrative of (1) protection. 15: 1; I’.s. 33: 20. (2) j salvation. God’s favor. Ps. 1’.-. 5: 12 . (3) IK: 35. (4) f truth. Ps. 01: 4. (5) The faith. Kph. 6: 16. God was Abram’s reward ulso. rum honored God by refusing the offers of the king of Sodom; God rewards His servant. The reward was God Himself. In God he had all the gifts and blessings of heaven. The man who has God has everything he ! needs for this: life and the life to come. ' 2. Assurance. Vs*. 2-6. God had blessed Abram with rich¬ es and honor, but what would they all amount to? If he died childless Id; inheritance would be lost. He was at the point of concluding that Eliezer, his attached houseborn slave, would be his heir. There was no sign of the fulfillment of the promise con cermng , his . seed , though , he had been years in Canaan. The promise included the coming Messiah, and 1 he wanted assurance of his relation iship to Him. Being encouraged by the word of the Lord, he asked: “What wilt Thou give me, seeing I childless?” God assured him that the heir would be his own son, an<f led him forth to a place where he was taught the most glorious lesson in astronomy ever learned by any man. As he beheld the millions of “silvery eyes (we believe that Divine power strengthened his sight so that he saw not merely the five or six thousand stars seen with the naked eye, hut the 100,000,000 that can he seen through the telescope), parkling in the heavens, he was told: “So shall thy seed be.” The stars had been a familiar l ight, hut from that moment they constituted a sign, testifying to the faithfulness of God. Every time Abram looked at the stars he could see God’s covenant promise written across the skv. 3. V.. 6. “Ami he believed in the Lord and he counted it unto him for righteous ness.” This is the first time ,, the word , believed , ,,, occurs . the ., ,, Holy , Fcrip- ... tn ture. It is a translation of the He , brew word , araan, ,, - from which , . , we get ,, “amen, ,, . „ “so it is,” . ,, our meaning “it shall , ,, , he ,, .... it must , , be. ,, Under , the ., sky , God ... , to Ah- ., nzure gave a promise ram which included the person and , work , of , ,,, Christ. . , Though the fulfill ment of . tne . promise was impossible , , ' from „ , human standpoint, , . yet Abram a said. “Amen, and . a'l „ was settled ,,, , end I this instance . , of - faith - ... sure. was that , was chosen , , hv the ,, ,. Holy , Spirit. as the model for believing unto justi fication of life. Rom. 4. The word “counted” means “to think” and then ‘to impute,” i. to put to one’s account. The implies that Abram had no ness of his own and that he did merit a. How can a man be as righteous the moment he God? Because faith lays bold on object. God Who is perfection To believe God is to lay hold on perfection. When this is done believe) is regarded as righteous the sight of God, as if he had sinned. Godet says, “To impute the believer righteousness which does not possess, is at the same not to impute to him sins of which he is guilty.” Every believer is fied the same way as the father of the faithful was. Abram was fully suaded that, what God had promised, He was able to perform. "And fore it was imputed to him for right e usness. Now it was not written fo" his sake alone, that it was imputed to him; but for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on Him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead: Who was delivered for our offences and raised again for our justification.” Rom. 4: 21-25 In chapter 15, Abram is justified be¬ fore God; in chapter 22. he is justt f'ed before men. In the former we have faith, jn the latter we have works. Raul quotes from chapter 15; James, from chapter 22. il The Covenant. Vss. 7-21. When righteousness was imputed to Abram, God entered into a solemn covenant with him, by which the pa¬ triarch’s faith was strengthened and confirmed. God reminded him of jformer mercii and favors which were j u pledge of a glorious future. V s. 7. | The covenant included a— 1. Sign. V... 8-12, 17. | Abram said, “Lord shall God, inherit whereby it? shall I know that l 1 was not distrust in God’- wort! that |eausod him to ask for a sign, but a '^ire to have his faith confirmed, The sign God gave him was a typ of Christ in His perfection, strength ;lni1 sacrifice. The three animals were divided, and according to custom, a P ~‘‘ was form ‘‘ d - hetwepn th ° at ' h( ° PP ° S,t, “ •* tre metle8 of h,ch thc covenanting parties , en v ’ tered, and , meeting in the middle took the solemn oath. , . In this , • case God adne parsed between the , sacri f;oe. ’ showing that it was a covenant of The _ smoking , , furnace rep grace. ” resented God in His justice and holi while the flaming torch symbo- , ness, lized , ... Him ... His and . in mercy grace, ■ The sacrifice, ... from another , stand- , , point, ’ was typical ' of the oneness that , , existed , , between the , contracting par ties. . Kurtz says. “Ihe division .. . . oi ... the ' ■ ’ sacrifices into . portions represent; ... the two parties , , to ,, the covenant. A- . I these portions constitute in reality muma), the two parties to the covenant are joined into one.” 2. Ihe Frophecy. Vss. 13-16. In these four verses we have 400 -years of israelitish history written in advance. God revealed to Abram that Ins seed would he in exile, in bondage, and in affliction 400 years, after which the nation, holding them in slavery would be judged, and the chil dren of the covenant delivered, and enriched. The first fourteen chapter of Exodus show how completely this I prophecy was fulfilled. I Abram was told that he would go to his fathers in peace and be buried in a good old age. Going to his fathers means going to the abode of the de¬ parted spirits, and not his burial in the grave; for his fathers were not i buried in Carman. His happy ana peaceful end is recorded in chapter 25: 7, S. Every good man dies ii )tace. “Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of rhat man is peace.” Ps. 37: 37. 3. Confirmation. Vs. 18 I “In the same day God made a eot enant with Abram, saying “Unto thy seed have 1 given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates.” In chapter 12: 7 the promise given Abram concern¬ ing the land is, "L T rito thy reed will 1 Ouch! Rub Backache, Stiffness, Lumbago Rub Pain from back with small trial bottle of old • < St. Jacobs Oil. • * Back hurt you? Can’t straighten up without ... . feeling , sudden pains, sharp aches and twinges ? Now listen 1 | l That's lumbago, sciatica or mavbe from a strain, and you'll get relief the ; moment you rub your back with sooth- ; ing, penetrating “St. Jacobs Oil.” ! Nothing eae takes out soreness, qufckly. lame ness and stiffness so You simply rub it on your back and out comes the pain. skin. It is harmless and doesn’t burn the Limber up! Don’t suffer! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil” from any drug store, and after using it just once, you’ll forget that you ever had backachr. lumbago or sciatica, because your back will never hurt or cause any more misery. It never disappoints and has been rec¬ ommended for 60 years. give this land.” In this passage the promise is confirmed, “Unto thy seed have I given this land.” Some schol¬ ars learn from 2 Chron. 3: 26 that the complete boundaries of the Prom bed Land have never been realized, and that this promise made to Ab¬ ram awaits its perfect fulfillment. Palestine is the land of the Jews. Prof. Israel Friedlander says, The thinking Jew realizes that the Jew:; still have a land whieh is theirs, theirs j by right of Divine promise and his i’orica! tradition. But, above all, they rely on the promise itself. They be lieve that tht covenant between God and Abraham which assured the Jew ish nation of a land even before it v,a> born, will never be broken. For the mountains may depart, and the hills oe removed: tart my loving kind - j rr ss >hall not depart from thee, j neither shall My covenant of peace btf removed, saith the Lord, ^hat hath mercy on thee’.” The time is coming when God will assemble Ihe outcasts of Israel and either together the dispersed of Ju¬ dah, and cause them to return to the land of their fathers, where their own Messiah, Whom they now reject, v ill appear as their Deliverer, re¬ move the vail of unbelief, and the tit e of the Gettile ' and reign over ays RED PEPPER i HEAT STOPS PAIR IN FEW MINUTES Rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis, back- j ache, stiff neck, sore muscles, strains, 1 . sprains, aching joints. When you are suffering so you can hardly get around, just try Red I’epper Rub. i Nothing heat has such concentrated, pene trating as red peppers, and when heat penetrates right down into pain and congestion relief comes at once. Just Rub as soon feel as the you tingling apply Red heat, Rep- in j ' per you I three minutes the sore spot is warmed I through and through and the torture is gone, . Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made trom red peppers, costs little at any drug store. Get a jar at once. Be sure to get the genuine, with the name Rowles on every package- 1 £ To Our Out of Town Customers v US HJ BUY AT HOME WHEN YOU GAN 1C 31 a -— £ WHEN YOU CAN’T— JJJ BUY AT CARTER’S Hardware and Orchard Supplies £ This is our New Year Message to our thousands of friends and customers in the great territory of Central Georgia. In sending this message we have no desire to usurp the trade of your home merchant, it is our place to supplement him and to m supply you with the many articles of merchandise which it is im¬ possible for the merchant with a limited patronage to carry. It will pay you to make a trip to Macon at this time. You will find our stocks are new, everything is conveniently dis¬ played which makes selection easy. £ Everything that is possible to carry in a Hardware Store !n can be found here. Our Orchard Supplies include everything from the small¬ est to the largest items. We are Wholesale Distributors for the following lines and carry complete stock at all times K Southern Fence, Red Top Posts, Clark Harrows, Acme Harrows, Hardie Spray¬ is ers, Hudson Sprayers, Rex Spray Materials, Cummer Crates, Edgerton Baskets and nu m merous other lines. is Phone, write or call on us for prices The Opportunity To Be Cf Service jp Will Be Appreciated r ^ [£ riJ tn ^3 * IMPLEMENT COMPANY! Hi Wholesale and Retail JC Hi =-j- 553-555 *j| Poplar Phone 4803 IVSaGon, Georgia thorn, according to the terms of the covenant with David. There shall “tno earth be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters covers the sea." From this portion of God’s word we learn that—(1 ) God is the De¬ fender of His people. (2) God’s peo pie may come to Him with their bur¬ dens. (3) God's promise and provi¬ dence seem hard, at times, to recon¬ cile. (4> God makes His will known to those who patiently wait for Him. t o > God justifies those who take Him at His word. (6)God requires saeri f,ce for sin. (7) God r . , never fails , to , fulfill His promise. Too many people follow their nos into other people’s noselRDLLII e- into other people’s business. -_ “I will” means something v only when you can say “I did” later on. By this time most Christum-' pres¬ ents will have been exchanged. . The weather is about the only ‘ thing ... ,,, that hasn’t , ,. , be n blamed , , on the movies. * •> RADIO! i 4* 4* *> ♦ m * We wish to announce that we have taken on the agency 4 ? for the Atwater Kent Radio Equipment in this city and j ❖ will be pleased show and demonstrate of * to to you one * their sets at any time. We will be pleased to come to your 4 residence, whether in the city or neighboring county an^ give to you a free demonstration. Let us hear from you. 4 Just phone or drop us a line what night will suit you best * 4 for the demonstration. THE 64 TIRE COMPANY ? 4 v Formerly FORT VALLEY VULCANIZING CO. Watch for Next Week’s Ad BE PRETTY! GRAY HAIR TURN DARK ] J A Try Grandmother’s Old Favorite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly com pounded, brings back the natural color a nd lustre to the hair when faded, or gray years ago the only way t0 gct this mixture was to make it at home, which is mussy and trouble¬ some. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for “Wyeth’s Sage and Sul¬ phur Compound,” you will get a large bottle of this famous old recipe, im¬ proved by the addition of other in¬ gredients, at a small cost. Don’t stay gray! Try it! No one can possibly tell that you darke/vd your hair, as it docs it so naturally softj an® evenly. You dampen a sponge or brush with it and draw this through vour hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disap pears, and after another application or two, vour hair becomes e* beautitully ^ glossy and attractl¥