The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, January 08, 1925, Image 5

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t f t -> U * iNOTE ml * s r + * * : Conducted by - ALICE D. SHEPARD 200 Everett Square T Miss Gladys Slbppey is : <iends in Tampa. 4> 4 1 4* Mr. A. Shirley has returned * ?sit to friends at Charlotte, N. 4* + 4* Miss Louise MeCowen left ’•r Milledgeville wh re sh • is a «-:nt at the G. S. C. V.. «5* *}* *J* Mr. and Mrs. Amos Murray Muss Ann have returned from a relatives at Bronwood. •J* * * Miss Beatrice Connal and tarming guest, Miss Medora ton, returned to Weslyan this ^ «|» Miss Stella Hogan, of Bessie Tift nited her sister. Miss Cora Hogan last week end. 4 4 * Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Singletary and - .by returned this week from a visit > relatives at Meigs. * 4- * Miss Sammie Davis of MoUna ar AJh--.' Lv'ed Saturday and is at home with M. Green on Everett Square. 4* 4- 4 Bill Marchmann returned las Sat v .day to Washington & Lee, after spending the holidays with his par • As, Mr. and Mrs. R. I,. Marchman 4* 4* 4* Mr. and Mrs. L. Houston spent sev •al days during the holidays at C av n, Ala., the guests of Mrs. W. E. Houston. 4* 4* 4* Miss Claudia Dykes of Montezuma tas the guest of Miss Roberta Hovv rd and Mrs. Mattie Flournoy last week end. 4 . 4 . 4 . Mrs. Mattie Flournoy is visiting f*4 . and Mrs. J. A. Flournoy at Rivo this week before going to Florida I:or the winter season. 4 1 4- 4* Miss Jeanette Nichols and Mr edeman Nichols returned Saturday :;om Griffin where they spent the rolidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. I’. Nichols. 4- •? 4* Miss Claire Green, teacher of Eng -n in Albany high, school and Miss Louise lanta, Green week who end is teaching o'i in Mrs. At-j j were guests R. M. Houser. I j ^ Miss Rosa James of Albany visited iss Estelle Kinney last week end.! Miss James was on her way to For-| -yth where she is a student at Bessie I Tift. | ■^liss Thelma Wilson, a meml t-r of : the faculty of the State Normal at I ihens, left Monday after spending; the holidays with the of her ! parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. L. Wil son. 4* 4* 4 Miss Oma Goodson, of Dawson, yiho is general secretary of the Y. (W. C. A. at Georgia State College ■'■'or Women was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Houston during the holidays. * *> * Misses Eunice Thomson, Pauline Carter, Vilula White, Helen Bran urn. Beatrice Connal, Mamsye Oous xy, Roberta Howard, and Claudia I ykes .^i,\Iontezu ma were dinner guests ■paying ■ jt'llrs. Mattie Flournoy on L vida at Wesleyan dinner rty. Mr. Russell Houser left Sunday to :-sume his studies at Georgia Tech ter spending the holidays with his .(rents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Houser. 4> 4* 4* Mr. an 1 Mrs. Tom Reade of Route 5 have m) ■■d to Chicago to be with -.heir sons’who went there some time reo. Fr'ends in Fort Valley will miss 'g!-,.>se good people and wish them Lsfalth and happiness in >heir new Tome. 4> 4- 4> Miss Eunice Thomson, while en¬ joying the holidays at home, had as her guest Miss Laree Farr, of Mil¬ ledgeville. 4^4 *J* 4 J 4 Capt. H. T. Holst of Cuthbert was a visit^Ahis BurnsjVvt ho week has to been his brother, sick Mr. but I>. real m present is much improved. THE LEADER-TRIBUNE. FORT VALLEY, CA., THURSDAY, JANUARY S, 1925. I Friends of Mrs. J. A. Houser delighted to see her out again a recent attack of influenza. ♦ ♦ + Mr. Claud DuPreo has been lined to his bed since Jan. 1 pneumonia. His friends wish him early recovery. 4- ❖ 4* Mr, and Mrs. Charles Vance moving this week into the formerly occupied by Rev. and E. J. Sa.vwell. * ♦:* 4 * Rev. and Mrs. Saywell have into the Geo. Wright home on St. 4* 4- 4* Mrs. Stafford Brooks of Dalton the guest of her mother Mrs. Branham. 4 * 4> Mr. W, P. Harwell, of Stockbridge is visiting relatives here for several days. BURDEN-BROWN A quiet home wedding that was of cordial interest to many friends was that of Miss Mary Ellen Burden to Mr. Brooks Brown, of DesArk, Ar¬ kansas, on Saturday morning, Jan. 3rd, at 11 o’clock, at the home of the parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Burden. The marr 1 :e came as a surprise to their friends, as no announcement of it had been made. Only immediate relatives witnessed the ceremony, which was performed by David Albert Howard, pastor of the First Baptist church. Mrs. Brown as Miss Burden was quite popular as a member of the younger contingent in the city. Mr. Brown holds an important position with the government. He was form¬ erly associated with the Poach Pesti Laboratories at F’ort Valley, but was transferred to Arkansas from here. Immediately following the cere mony the young couple left for their home at DesArk, Arkansas. EBERHARDT-STROBERG The marriage of Miss Louise Eb erhardt to Mr. Emory S. Stroberg, Macon, Ga., was solemnized Wednes day morning at ten o’clock. Imme diately after the wedding ceremony, the happy young couple left for a ten days’ trip to Florida, visitin r Jacksonville, Daytona, West Palm Beach and Miami. Mr. Stroberg is a popular young business man of Macon and the many of Miss Louise Eberhardt wish them much joy and happiness. BREAKFAST PARTY Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Thomas enter¬ tained on Christmas morning at a lovely breakfast in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Houston and Mr. D. C. Strother. ’POSSUM HUNT An event unusually enjoyed bj younger social contingent was th« planned ’possum hunt on New night, given by Miss Mildred D. A. R. MEETING Governor Treutlen Chanter D. A. will meet January 14th at three at the home of Mrs. Alice with Mrs. Hume as joint Mrs. J. E. Bledsoe chairman program for the afternoon. „ WEEK OF PRAYER The Baptist women art holding annua! week of prayer for mis¬ with a meeting from two to o’clock each afternoon at the A different circle of the W. M. U. charge of the program each after¬ The meetings are full of inter¬ and are well attended. W. M. S. MEETING The Woman’s Missionary Society quite an interesting and enthus¬ meeting on Monday P. M. in the Class room at the Method¬ church. Program as follows: Prayer. Talk by Mrs. R. Edwards, president. Song, Mrs. Underwood. Message from corresponding letary, Mrs. Frank Fincher. An explanation of pledges, Helen Wright. Introduction of new officers. Talks by group leaders. Report from students at Harris. Letters from hospital thanks for Christmas boxes, read a member. Prayer specials from Mrs. W. Fleming read by Mrs. Wright. Song by Mrs. W. S. White, terhood of Service. •' Closing prayer. WORKERS’ COUNCIL ELECTION A meeting of the Worker’s cil of the Methodist Sunday was held last Sunday at 3 P. M. following officers were elected : Superintendent, Judge H. A. ews. Associate Superintendent, C. Martin. Secretary, John Vance. Superintendent Cradle Roll, W. B. Hardeman. Superintendent Beginners’ ment, Mrs. C. H. Prator. Superintendent Primary ment, Miss Wilma Orr. Superintendent Junior Department Mrs. Ben Fincher. Superintendent Intermediate Seniors, Mrs. Frank Vance. Mr. Ben Fincher who has been retary for the past ten years resign¬ ed to accept his new position as sec¬ retary of Board of Stewards. WOMAN’S CLUB TO “CARRY ON • > The fjrst meeting of the Woman’s Club fer 1925 was characterized by a full attendance and a community spirit for which Fort Valley is so noted, and the labors of such a group will surely redound to her glory and prosperity. The New Year brings a time of review and a time of resolu¬ tion, and as the club women look back over the things achieved and the things left undone, they find in both an incentive for renewed endeavor. That which has been accomplished f< 1 the progress, of our city and for the promotion of . the happiness and welfare of many proves the virtue ol persistent effort, and that which is hoped for and not yet realized is but a challenge to our courage and faith, and a clear call to “carry on.” With gratitude for the good gifts of the old year, the Fort Valley Wo¬ mans Club will pvfch on into a reali¬ zation of greater things for the New Year upon which we are now enter¬ ing. MEETING OF WOMAN’S CLUB The Fort Valley Woman’s Club met Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 6 , with Mrs, A. M. Solomon as hostess. The first part of the meeting wa devoted to business, Mr? .T. M. Gr< en presiding. The secretary, Mrs. J. C Wilson, read the minutes of the last meeting, also a report op. the Christ mas box sent to the Veteran’s Hos¬ pital in Augusta. Mrs. Cornelius Hall reported that rehearsals for the play to be produc¬ ed jointly by the Woman’s Club and the Kiwanis Club, are now in prog- 1 ess. The play, “Mrs. Temple’s Tele¬ gram” will be given Jan. 16, the place not yet decided upon. At the close of the business ses¬ sion, Mrs. O. D. Williams took charge of the program. Two very in¬ teresting papers were read: “The Russo-Japanese War” b\ Mrs. T. J. Shepard. “The new Woman in Old Japan” by Mrs. Edwin Martin. The roll call, answered by facts concerning women, concluded the program for the afternoon. A most delicious salad course wat then served by the hostess, assisted by her little daughter. The next meeting will be held Jan. 20 . * ♦$» *> *> ♦*. V ROUTE ONE NEWS 4* *!» Miss Allene Todd of Perry spent last week with Misses Emmie and Claudia Belle Bryant. *-t« Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Aultman on tertained a large crowd with a dance last Friday night. 4> 4* 4* Miss Lillian Bowden has returned to Macon to take her regular job aft er the Christmas holidays. 4“ 4* *7 Messrs. Gurvis and Joe Hancock, Willie Patt Sullivan and Rome Dent and Misses Elfair and Myrtice Hort man motored to Milledgeville Satur¬ day. Cigarette puffs, ear puffs, powder puffs and cream puffs, alias the mod¬ girl. Most anybody’s favorate colors are old gold and long green. 4>4'4 , 4 , 4 > 4 , 4>4•+❖ + ❖ + + •!« + THE DEPARTMENT * EDITOR’S WINDOW ♦J* «$* «$• ♦$* «$* *J* «J* ♦$. «J* **. *** The New Year brings us and rumors of weddings. A little veils us that one of Fort Valley's popular and charming young is to be married next month, hut haps you are keeping the secret All those attending mass at the auditorium Tuesday night hearing the Glee Club were of the fact that Miss Florence lad returned from her vacation .vas on the job. We experienced quite a thrill day night at the auditorium in over the crowd and realizing the sibility that (here was a Ling Queen among them. GOLF “I hear, Si, that.while ye were the city ye took up this here How d ye like it?” "Well, tol’able. It’s a leetle than hoein’ corn and a leetle than diggin’ potatoes. Legion Weekly. Golfer: “They’re all afraid to me. What do you think my is.” Girl: “Oh, I don’t know. It be your face, or perhaps it's yt ur general Bulletin. K1WAN1S We have never hear the tion of Kiwanis guaranteed and nearest thing to it in our is Kiwi: a New Zealand bird with a long bill. So we thought we’d try out a few rhymes and decide which pro¬ nunciation we like best. The pleasure you give to us, Kiwanis Is greater, by far, than any price. If grouch should take place of your cheer Kewanis, Every cook would turn to a demon s On ladies’ night, Mr. Kiwanis, Each guest feels like a Baroness. You’re s’posed to be models in your town, Kiwanis, And we follow our leaders, just like this. After trying them out, we like best Kiwan’is— Fach lady who owns one thinks him an Adonis. But in all our days we’ve never met The female Kiwanis, the Kiwanette! HARMONIOUS PEACH Sometime ago Mr. Charles W. Wood had an article in one of the magazines suggesting that America has an “inferiority complex.” We are inclined to believe that Mr. Wood has not looked around so considerably as he thinks he has. Iri fact we guaran¬ tee that he has never visited Peach county or attended one of her mass meetings. Or he would acknowledge a rare exception in the home of the peach. Peach county does not boast to cover some defect. Peach county is always sure of herself. Peach county has shown the world that she is not apologetic concerning politics. If sju throws out her chest it is because she is justly proud of herself. And when she brags it is always collectively and about something. Criticism does not annoy her for the simple reason that she never hears any, in fact all visitors are so magnanimous in their praise and good will that it would be an impossibility for Peach county to have an inferiority complex. Peach county tells the world that has no money, furthermore she is proud of the fact that she accom¬ big things without money or little money. She caiims thrift, and good management along co-operation as the secret of ier success. STEWART HERE Willima E. Stewart, of Macon, as¬ general freight agent of the of Georgia railway, was his host of friends in Fort Val -last Friday. He was being ‘•on upon the placing of fl at the Main street crossing Fort Valley, the building of an bridge between here and and several other larg¬ marks of co-opeiative development which the Central is showing great faith in Peach county. It isn’t autos that frighten horses fcL’s another horse. A man’s word is just as good as I. 0. U.—if the I. 0. U.’s any A lot of little children come to at the end of the school term, a lot of others flunk. * LISTENING IN ON ■ b < By RUTH MONCR1EF ( .S-H-H-M' 4..;. .p-t-.j,"ti.j, {,.5.4. j Marshallville high school opened on Monday the fifth after two weeks’ Christmas vacation. *j* *J* Miss Adele Dennis of Macon has taken the work of Miss Arnold, who did high school work here last fall. Miss Arnold has gone to North Caro¬ lina, where she will continue her school work. * ♦ * The Marshallville young people had a barbecue last Friday night. After the barbecue they went to Fort Val¬ ley to the picture show in a truck. After deciding that “the longest way ’round is the shortest way home” they rode around by Perry and from there home again. The barbecue was a suc¬ cess was the declaration of all as they parted for the night. ❖ <5* 4> The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Baptist church met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. A. Ware. •F ❖ 4* The Marshallville quintet played Macon Wright Way team Saturday night. Marshallville conquered 35-13. 4* 4» 4> Marshallville won over Cherokee Heights basketball team Tuesday night 49-25. Willis from Macon ref¬ ereed the game. 4* 4> 4> A dressing room with private lock¬ ers and hot and cold showeds has been added to the gymnasium. Why does a pedestrian cross the street? Wc give up. People do foolish * 'lings. - It’s great sport to skate out over the open spaces if you don’t pick one that a danger sign on it. Too many girls who wear goloshes dont’ seem to know what the buckles arc for. Spring Opening Tailoring t Display January 8, 9, 10 Come In and See The New Woolens < > and Fashions on Display < • «• Special Representative of * 1 Mr. Wheeler Tolbert in Charge TRADE Shirt MARK ♦ Begins January 7th and Ends Janu Z* -4 3 * y 20th > m ♦ ♦ «• All Manhattan Shirts Greatly Reduced. V •v $”.50 Manhattan Shirts Reduced to $1.85 57 > * 3.50 3.00 Manhattan Manhattan Shirts Shirts Reduced Reduced to to $2.65 $2.15 /'■ v \ t <:• I •t\ •F 4.00 Manhattan Shirts Reduced to $2.95 *> Ik \ 5.00 Manhattan Shirts Reduced to $3.65 pjlxiuy \t Buy Your Shirts Now for Spring The Season’s Newest Styles and Colors ' E DWARDS FORT VALLEY, BROTHER GEORGIA £ • -l* •> * »4|» 1*1 »|« » | « «|» 4^4 I Miss Nellie Mae McRae visited Joe Rogers at Perry last Thursday. * * 4* Mr. Vernon Tuggle spent last end at home. V **« V *♦« v Mr. Morgan Wilson visited in Hawkinsville last Sunday. * ❖ ❖ Mr. Oscar C. Cheek of Lilly, Geor gia, visited friends here Tuesday. ❖ 4 . Miss Alma Cheek has home after spending some time Miss Vera Cheek. Congratulations ♦ ❖ * to our sister city Myrtle, in furnishing the first sheriff of Peach county. 4* 4 . .j. Mr. S. H. Harris, who has for some time been living at Botan, is now in Fort Valley. 4* 4 . . 5 , Friends of Mr. Geo. D. Anderson are pleased to know that he was elect¬ ed sheriff of Peach county in nesday's election. 4* 4* A storage side track, sufficient to accommodate fifty or more freight cars will be built of the Central of Georgia railroad company on the Perry road. The side track will extend from Clopine to Myrtle. Heretofore the passenger trains on this road have been delayed, especially during peach season and watermelon season. This extra siding, double track from Myr¬ tle to Clopine can be used in trains passing daily. *1* The people in this immediate vicin¬ ity are especially anxious for the side track at Clopine to be extended to accommodate fully fifteen more freight cars, while other work is go nig on, on this road, this extending of the side track can easily be done. 4* 4* 4* People of this /community whr are interested in the movement should write to Mr.. Henry Baldwin, super¬ intendent S. W. Div. Macori, Ga. * 5 * *J* *{♦ Reports given out by the Central PEACH COUNTY 1 C. M. Peach County is in Georgia, boys; In growing fast and great: And rightful means today employs Mankind to elevate. ' For her there is a higher room By right divine to take, And reap the fruit born of the bloom That honest efforts make. Gaunt famine, boys, can never coma To him who faithful tills he soil of his allotted home Just as the Father wills. I The value of our real estate Is more than tongue can pen: Consists of women pure and great, And noble, godly men. No limit in the field of growth Can ever be assigned To any county loyal both To God and all mankind. With progress we shall keep abreast If we but dwell in love; Shall rise to heaven’s endless rest, And dwell with saints above. W. C. CARTER. NEW TEACHERS The new teachers arrived lass week and received a warm welcome. They are: Miss Cawthon, of Florida, who fills Miss Posey’s place, and Misi Sammie Davis, who takes the place vacated by Miss Duncan. of Georgia railroad show that a great¬ er number of cars of watermelons tnd peaches were chipped from Clopine than the total rumber of the six oth¬ er stations on the Perry branch. 4- 4* 4* Clopine had the distinction of be¬ ing named the fourth city in size in the Peach county area in a recent write-up in the Atlanta Constitution. ♦J* *}♦ Peach county roads are improving. A ride “out our way” will convince you. A welcome for all, even if we have the sheriff.