The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, January 15, 1925, Image 4

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KraJi rr - tL AND PEACI1LAND JOURNAL Established 1888 Published every Thursday JOHN H. JONES Editor and Owner "A» * Man Thinketh in Hi* So 1* He.” ( r itered n d-c matter at the post, office at Fort Valley, Ga., under the act of March a, 1870. Subscription Prices (Payable in Advance) 1 Year ... ........ 6 JHonths $0 75 3 Months .........$o.4o Advertising: Rates: 30c per Column Inch lc per Word Lrg*l Advertisement* Strictly Ca«li in Advance THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1923. Taylor county is out of debt ■ ButRr Herald. We’ll bet Editor t harlie Benns did his full part in the achievement. W. H. Harris wrote from Jackson¬ ville on Tuesday: "Ate a hot chick ( j. breakfast at home this morning aid attended a seven-o’clock oyster supper here tonight. Roads good,” Evidently the sun is not the »n!y thing that “do move." We hear that the Woman’s Club and Kiwanis Club playmakers are go ire to give Fort Valley a captivat¬ ing revelation in artistic production in the play, "Mrs. Temple’s Tele¬ gram,” at the Austin theater tomor¬ row (Friday) night. that c. L. Shepard should consent for tne s“c< nd year in succession to make the sacrifice of tint.' and give in s.e.h an extreme measure of h's | conspicuous talent and executive! ability to the general chairmanship of the Fourth Annual Peach Blossom Festival is our idea of profound civic loyalty—love—heroism. i 'ongratulations to Peach county upon her bright prospects under the a -.ministration of such a splendid corps of officials .as are now putting the government into operation in the Slappey. or Austin theater build¬ ing -now the court house. Every citizen should extend an encouraging hand and smile to these citizens who are undertaking the arduous, solemn task of establishing a government for the reaii/aMon of your fond dreams ■ i the last It n emirs. t DR. BILLY, H. H. Judge A. (. Riley surpassed even himself in his genius as a gracious humorist and philosopher at the Peach Products dinner Tuesday ' evening. He qualifies for the ,, pro tension of H. H. ,, Healing Humorist, ,, . He is , hereby , authorized , . , to send , at , least one man, care a bill for raising him from almost the dead. It took that princely presid ing master of any occasion to give ex jm.-eion to just, that love and esteem i. which such an elegant gentleman and philosopher a .Judge Riley is naturally held in the hearts of those who are so blessed as to know him. That g< es lor Judge Riley. It would be folly to attempt in the same breath a statement of the for the Gov- 1 ease Treutlen Chapter ; ernor D. A. R., whose members gave such artistic touch and spirit of genuine hospital) ty to an occasion which brought. forth a new and higher vision of the future glory of Peach county. THE ECLIPSE ON JANUARY 24 Elberton Star: If clear weather prevails on January 24, the people of the United States will witness the finest heavenly phenomenon of a gen oration a total eclipse of the sun. While the path of totality will be confined to a strip of territory run¬ ning roughly from New Haven to Du Juth, the eclipse will be partial over most of the Eastern half of the coun try . Elaborate preparations are being made by scientific men for taking photographs of the eclipse, which will be caused, of course, by the moon’s passage between the earth and the .sun. At the western limit of visibility the sun will rise in eclipse, while farther east the total eclipse will oc¬ cur shortly after sunrise. When one reflects upon it. the fact that astronomers can predict eclipses with such unerring accuracy is derful, but like many other wonders j accomplished by the minds of mer, it no long".- excites any particu'ar 'n terest. Nothing is more certain than the movements of the heavenly bodies. THE LEADER-TRIBUNE. FORT VALLEY, CA., THURSDAY, JANUARY IS, 1925. PUBLISHER’S “ ^ STATFMFWT * ' * ■ ■ ■ Aft<fr deliberate thought^ in my detire to make The 1 rib me a transcendent medium of *ervice suirtcient , unto . the .1 city ■ , of c its •. blood and .... pride, it . and seems wii« al for ct*r I editions t paper, and other special pub or wi h have n anticipated n rec t statei nents, to be ) ed from The L eader-Tribune's pres |«mt plans however, for expansion. within the If it should Pf ipar, next two or three days, that conditions are fa¬ vorable to a change of niind f mature plans will be thrown into gear and work will proceed happily and “snap p‘ | y” JOHN H. JONES, Publisher. MR. WALTER GASSETT DIES AT HOME NEAR ZENITH Mr. Walter Gas.-ett, aeje 48, died his home, near Zenith Friday, Jan. < , a >r several wee ’s illness. j,, j ( j f .. w jf ( . he is survived by four daughter *s and two sons and one i-ter, Mrs. K. Hanford, ’ of 9 tw brothers, W. S. of Byron and G. A, Gassett of Fort Valley, Route Interment was at Benevolence Saturday. MRS. HALLIBURTON DIES AT HOME OF DAUGHTER Mi". R. ('. Halliburton died at 12 o’clock last Thursday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. G, M. Johnson on Persons street, after an illness of several weeks. Mrs. Halliburton was 05 years of age, a native of Tennes¬ see, hut she had lived in Georgia for 15 years. She was a member of the Methodist church and a devoted Christian. Mrs. Halliburton F survived by her husband, a daughter, Mrs. G. M. three sons, Thomas If, and R. L. Halliburton, of Macon, S.'S, Halliburton of Lukehurst, N. J. and grand children. The funeral was conducted at the of Mrs. G. M. Johnson at 1 Friday by Rev. J. H. Thom¬ pastor of the Methodist church.) Interment was at Hawkinsville,) the family has lived for sev¬ , years. A large number of rela- i and friends accompanied the' to iIa\vkins\ iIle. BELMONT HOTEL IN ATLANTA UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT W. 1 . Chambers, who was six years agt. for the City ^>f At having resigned sometime has taken over the old Bol Hotel at 34% N. Forsyth St., next door to t ity Hall, and him about tfim pi.,tc«d renovating and painting the entire interior of it. New Furniture and Rugs are also , being installed m every room, in fact , who . . has . been ... it would anyone ever m . hardly ,, it ■ recognize mnv. Mr. Chambers ,,, , s he is trying make the old place clean and at Ihe same time maintain a low charge (or service, "We know there are thousands of people in Georgia who visit Atlanta veeasionlaly who don’t want to pin fancy t . prices for negro bows etc., hut who want a decent place to stay while they are here. It is to this cla s we i are , catering. w are located right in (lie center of the City convenient to everythin?: and are making a specialty " of COUIt-1 TESY. CLEANLINESS, COM FORT I ;nl( i CONVENIENCE AT $1.00 A I DAY ‘ >! Voticf This ad will admR | 1 people to single room for $1,00 if 1 presented by April 1st. W. K. CHAMBERS. lAdvt. Mpd.'i As surely as the sun rises on Janu¬ ary 24, so surely will the moon ap¬ pear direev’.y between the earth and the sun, causing the temporary eclipse of our solar system's g> eat b.iminaiy. Th->r” is no guess work in the calculations of our astronomers. Too r.quiy people g.t their eight hours of play mixed up with their eight hours of work. • * ' V ' THE KIMBALL HOUSE • i $ .. • • Atlanta «* • • •» The Home of Georgia People ,, *» 400 Rooms of Solid Comfort * 1 .. The House of Courtesy \) Ed Jacobs & Lige Maynard, !! Props. « ■ • ! Free Garage Service 1 Terminal Hotel, Macon, under same management WIT AND WISDOM There Is not a moment without some duty. | ™ would t ornpare two men you must know tUina both. ! Jh( I - artlNt is often the orlgl- b i nfttor of vilJaJnous . designs, , Character J« tiie diamond that j stTUtchfi every other stone. j The marriage ring and the prize ring often lead to the stage. j Money talks and the average man prefers It to u garrulous wife. According to court etiquette the prisoner comes before tiie Judge. (’lotlies don’t make the man who doesn’t make enough to pay for them. A genius is u niiirrled man who has a new excuse every time he stays out lute. Whoever has a good work to do mast let the devil's tongue run as It j pleases. Nature has appointed the twilight ! IS “ ' t0 |,afcs 118 oul of nl « ut into day. All Ignorant men tire superstitious,, hut Superstitious men are not always, Ignorant, Hoar ! one side and you will tie in (lie dark; hear both sides and all will be clear. | Don’t think that the man who enter¬ tains ids thoughts is always proud of Ids guests. It’s bad form to drink too iniieh wine at dinner and It’s bad taste die next morning. Murmur at nolhing; If our Ills are reparable, it Is ungrateful, If remedi¬ less, it. is Vain. He travels' safe, and not unpleas¬ antly, who is guarded by poverty and guided by love. l Many Things Have Been Subject to Tax Levies Carriages were the first subject of a tux levy by the federal government, according to the researches of the c<m gres.sional library. Snnff and refined M| F" r came next, followed by sales at auction. By 1813 retailers of liquor were made a source of governmental revenue, and retailers of foreign mer c | mn(Us0 as well, in 1*15 mumifnc tured iron, candles,' hats, umbrellas, and shoes, were taxed along with playing cards. Coal, paint, cement, marine engines, and screws were among tiie articles upon which the government levied in the days of the Civil war. In these times, too, architects, civil engineers and contractors had to settle with the collector of internal revenue. Be¬ fore the war ended, lawyers, physi¬ cians and dentists had been added to the list and about every one else, in¬ cluding all manufacturers. Noise That Annoys Not Liege is, at tills time of the year, the center of a sport which has no followers elsewhere. Attending cork crowing competitions Is one of the ways in which the Bel¬ gian artisan spends part of his leisure. Special roosters are bred for these contests, and that which outcrow s bis fellows Is adjudged the winner, The roosters are place.! in "ages, ^ * Have You Any ’a W.S.S/S a Si or Treasury Savings Certificates? Sfi SI Then, s tfil Keep This Money At Work! Sfi - Treasury Savings Certificates and War Savings Stamps both Series of 1920 due January 1st are now p;fy- 31 able. No more interest will be paid by the Government upon these obliga¬ tions. Are you one of the many who will benefit financially by receiving cash from the Government? as If so, you will again want to invest your money safely, wisely and prof¬ a itably. ffi Put it in a Savings Account Here at * 4% quarterly or a Certificate of De¬ posit at 5 % yearly. m CITIZENS BANK OF FORT VALLEY £ Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 tfi Keep Your Money Earning More 35 ' Money With Safety” eu or oil set an Ii nr so from Its neighbors. This proximity, il seems, produces that spirit of rivalry without which the affair would full I Hat A nnrker Is appointed for each bird, \ his Job being to note the number of erd made. As a rule a mutch lasts an hour. I Too Much Acting D.sie .Tunis, at a dinner in her his* fork* colonial mansion in North 'i’ar* j rytown, which was recentJy damaged ; lire, fold a story o, the $t . t | manager,” she said, ‘‘refused the other j day lo engage a young married couple ; for a new piny he was putting on. | ‘They’re good people,' lie said, ■and I’ll engage one or the other of them, hut not both.* 'Why not both?' said the I day vright, a young man. They're both clever.' ‘That may be,’ said tiie manager, ‘but the public don’t care to see a man making love to his own wife.’ ‘Why net, I*vvenderV’ said tiie playwright. ‘It look too much like ueting,’ waid the manager.”—Pittsburgh ( 'hronicle-Telegraph. j Quebec Planting Trees j A eoiitraet for planting 10,000 trees on the Montntul-Ouehec highway was awarded to a PoJietfe nursery by the provincial department of highways and roads. Half of these trees were to he planted tills spring and tiie otlter half next fall. This number is j„ addition to tiie 2 , 0 <xi trees to lie planted | M tiie lands and forest tie parttnent for the account of the j roads department. A total of 200, Ood plants will he necessary to Improve j the scenery along the principal high . ways in the western .section of th« province. Wasn’t Overworked “The Dubblelgbs had a mind reader at their house the oilier evening." “What u dull time lie must have hud.”—The Progressive Grocer. The youth who tries to grow a mustache finds it isn’t so easy to keep a stiff upper lip. Senator Wesley L. Jone. , of Wash-, j ington, is reported to be the earliest riser in Congress. He sometimes gets j 1 up at 4 and plays a game of golf, and by K is often at bi.^ office. Before friends of Senator Jones put in a | claim for him, it wa believed Pres¬ ident Coolidge held the palm.. SAGE TEA DANDY TO DARKEN HAIR It’s Grandmother’s Recipe to Bring Back Color and Lustre to Hair You can turn gray, faded hair beau¬ tifully dark and lustrous almost over night if you’ll get a bottle of “Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, improved bv the addition of other ingredients, arc sold annually, say well-known drug¬ gists here, because it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell it has been applied. Those whose hair is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise await¬ ing them, because after one or two ap¬ plications the gray hair vanishes and your locks become luxuriantly' dark and beautiful. This is the age of youth. Gray haired, unattractive folks aren’t wanted around, so get busy with Wyeth’s Sage aud Sulphur Compound to-night and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful ap¬ pearance within a few days. WH W4WWHWW ! THE GREAT AMERICAN PEOPLE BY STANLEY *?* ** * I '(L f * I || < dad'' mister JONES is * - W// m THE TELEPHONE HE W&M, ON ii •• t p f v;ANT5 AV.’AX THE vmim M \fifl fb % / - ONE YOU f T VA ':/// borrowed HURRY UP HES last \WAmN£ti|M\l s«iito;v||n gp 1 , Y A ; 7/ *:* *f* 77] /, ' f!/!!//" 7JW //. ■ 2 •=* ii’i ' v 4* / tth f s. \\* \\ % / Wj/i tffj W01 - 7 /!" ///' J, / ’'//'"La if f 1 7 /// ^ Am * •£ •> I lm/' ■///'> /C i W* -5 % «£t i / M (/ ml i . T £s/ J 74 v f /j * — K-V / / f / 0 * s? v / 7 (/ ■■ u *»* i If / f/m \ * :• VII a .. V fkmi * \ S . V * •5* 7 /, Vffj /Z / > ■ ^ ••• * ;• ■ZZSr ills. ,j t will/h fl jjj IiB /// i ym, I ll Jill! i \ I S V , I /ft 7 / 7 r -I- 3! 0 5 l * . 0 V U ! / a ’ S A * u f 0 i kN + i* X 1/ u ! J 0 4* 1 ! s Is * x J I/ - I s * * 4* ..c" ii r / >*. ii \ x * A •> ©M24~ P ♦ V a a iv'n C . <r : 7 X V ;* :• X V X ■p \ PEN—PENS 1 __ Lord has given you a Pen which to bless the sons of men, And burning tears wipe from their eyes. your great bounty freely give, bid the desert bloom and live With flowers born in paradise. Pen should for expansion bleed scorn the world’s destructive creed, . Its wars for loot and sordid gain; vise heavenly heights sub¬ . to lime, ring, through all the years of time, The bells that tell of Jesus’ reign. Pen- should be a fast express, to relieve and dire distress In ev’ry land wherever found; — from the King of kings should bear blessings of His love and care That life and peace shall more abound. Pen should cry from year, +•— ■+ I PIRATES AS BOLD AS KIDD'S MEN OF i I I l OLD HAMPERING COAST TRADE 1 * A 801 IOONKR, viiwnim; < ly back infi forth, sails and slapping in fhr* hroev.e, is tSlRhtod by * **na st spKird cuttm off ♦ he Florida Keys OufttM pulls alortijs],It* -a f\v hoards th»* uppai>’Mtiv 1 111j>Ii 1 a• ■ 1 1 <’iafi No one dt red with blood. l\Vf |v» dead ll.'.i*. a m t bo st upi>* i t Piracy is <>ru * »r$* fleu is hit) g on rh«* -\r hint 10 >. a I» » ■ •.!' Tho foret;mni; is n«* figntont of the imagination I’ is an aouial happen¬ ing. rtqmrtcd bv oast tiuurd ofUeuite. Piracy, they say has never been fimivlv stamped out lr has con¬ tinued m envatei or less < 1 cgrce since the days of Kidd ind Morgan Of late, however, n has profitlv m ■ •K-ased stimulated h\ the fact that ?iurb a lAi ge part Dt the '"oast guard’s <trength eoneenrrated on 'Rum Row •• HIJACKERS HuacRms has been anothei stimu ins a band of thugs fits out u sea coing moioi boat, lies in wait for in expected rum runner eaptures her, takes ofl het stock ot fire-water— then feels like Aloxamk i the Great, sighing fm new worlds t<» eomiuer AtTri finishing with the rum ship, a eoastwise trading ship is sighted in the offing’ Events 'then happen in logical .se liut'lli't- The rum ship was easy meat—win ltol i in trader 7 N’lghr fulls, and the uttr.. !< is m.’.rlc i I : ndor covet of darkness th«* motor hoar pulls silently alongside The man on watch is shot down before he eon give the alarm Taken it a disadvantage bv the Iden ind furious onslaught the traders -rew is easily disposed of, sometimes bound hand and foot, sometimes slaughtered m cold blood Then to so*Ke the loot, pull uwmv— “Humanity may anchor here In love’s vast sea as heaven wide, And rest secure for mind and soul Through H m Who doth all world., control, And tempests wild and surging , tide.” God’s temple grand shall stand corn plet-s i When all tne Pens within it mete The measure given f ron; ibove To huila a .great republic f: Who. . conerstone i liberty, And every pillar changeles W. C. CARTER. / Relieve Coughs, Colds, Headache, Rheumatism and All Aches and Pains with m All dru^tfista— 35c and65ciars nntl tuScs. Children's Musterolc(milder form! dsc. Better than a Mustard Plaster > r V ' <-£ *. / * - fi.-A hi if 'Art mm i < 1 ft ‘X a eJf 2 hr mm it! ' ■ It \ 1 k ft i 1 wu MS O ,1 v : j A ; <;fl •7 - X' / ♦ - t ; / w 4 ■ 7 mmm pa It&m- J'-'-stH A ' V i!^; "fk } . 477 ? h &$£:•'■ A ■ v,- u 7- i - mbyjj- •I s' "V *\ X - r •*< X X- V i \s the I’ttKvv is easily disposed of and the hijacker;-, have owoiiib real pirates tor fair’ C XPTl RF TWO BARGES The pirates work up and down the Atlantic seaboard Thev loot N’ew England -md New F-iundiand fisher : ies uni- Of fhi'ii latest exploits was] the of j capture two "oal barges tn 1 New York harbor' I Senator Thomas F. Bayard, Dela¬ ware Democrat, is the fifth member of the Bayard family, originally fam¬ ous in French affairs, to occupy a scut in the f - s i Senate. | Rub Rheumatism or Sore, Aching Joints Rub Pain right out with 6 mall trial bottle of old • - St. Jacobs Oil. • • ; Rheumatism ir “pain” only. Not nr.e case in fifty requires tntcrnal treatment. Step drugging. Rub sooth¬ ing, penetrating “St. Jacobs Oil” right into your sore, s:iff, aching joints and muscles, and relief comes instantly. ’St. Jacobs Oil" is a Harmless rlieu mTUism liniment uhich never disap points and cannot burn the skin. Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle of old. honest “St. Jacobs Oil at any drug store. and in just a moment you'll be free from rheumatic pain, soreness, stiff¬ ness and swelling, Don’t suffer'! Re lief awaits you. , St. JacobWlli] has relieved millions of rheumatism suffer ers in the last half century, and is just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lura bago, backache, sprains. Bm then mam stronghold—even as m Morgan s days—is in southern waters They lie m wait in the ‘•oves and inlets of the Florida Keys* the Tortugas and Barbadoes, swoop ’*ng down on ships in the coastwise. * yr, d South American trade Then craft are fast motor boats. carrying from ten to twenty desper ate men—mostly of foreign extrac¬ tion rhi dp.'sjs of southern Europe, i