The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, January 15, 1925, Image 8

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MAINTAINING THE PRESTIGE OF THE PEACH A. .J. has received the following letter from 1,. S. Wal¬ ter Commission Co., of Kansas City, Mo., “which if we can jjet thoroughly fixed in the growers’ mind would he worth a great deal to the fruit industry,” says Mr. Evans. KANSAS CITY, MO., January 10, 1025. Mr. A. J. Evans, Fort Valley, Ga. Dear Sir:— In regard to the marketing of 1925 poach crop if there will be one—kindly allow us to suggest. Put in force a regulation that no small nor unripe fruit shall be packed and shipped. When such fruit ar rives in a market, the handlers naturally want to get it sold at the best price they can get. When the consumer buys this unfit junk and fraud, then eats or tries to eat it but finds he has been heat or defrauded out of his money, he does not buy any more. The result is the dealers can¬ not sell much or but little. Therefore, the peaches do not sell, but speck, rot, and then go to the dump. The result is the markets glut up with unfit fruit and react on the peach grower, causing him great loss as it did in 192-1. The jobbers that were eager to get the first cars of peaches, highly recommended by the Southern brokers or dealers, now can turn to their books and red-ink ihe * * Peach Account”. This unfit-to-eat fruit, that should lie condemned on arrival so as not to practice fraud on the innocent consumers, comes at a time when the markets are full of delicious berries. Th .retort*, the tint il-to- 1 at peaches are let alone and Rood fruit bouRht. We would like to handle Rood, ripe peaches, when they are ready for market. Such which we sell to hitvh class trade; they will come back for more and comment on the quality and beauty of the fruit. Can you Ret good, interested people, to see 1 hitt such peaches will be offered to the consumers this season? Yours truly, L. S. WALTER COMMISSION CO. L. S. WALTER. c RATE: 1 cent per word. No ad¬ vertisement token for Ie«# than 25c for fir«t insertion. Each additional consecutive tion ordered at time of placing first insertion, if less than 25 words, Ic a word; if 25 or more words, 20 per cent discount. Black-face or capital letters, dou ble rate. Cash must accompany orders from those who «o not have regular monthly accounts with us, Answer advertisements just ns ad tertisers request. We cannot furnish names of advertisers or other infor¬ mation not contained in the adver¬ tisements. When replies are to he received rare this paper, double rate. While we do not accept advertise¬ ments which we have reason to be ieve are of a questionable nature, ve have no means of ascertaining Ithe responsibility of all advertisers. FOR SALE—Several houses and lots in town; also small farm near town. E. L. Fountain. Phone 210-J. Fort Valley, Ga. 1-15-ltpd. FOR SALE—Budded Stuart and Schley pecan trees, all sizes. Write for prices. Eagle Pecan Nursery, Cor dele, Ga. l-15-4tpd. FOR SALE—Dark Cornish eggs, $1.50 per setting. A. B. Young, R5, Phow* 4202. l-15-3tpd — LOST—Thursday or Friday, one white gold bar pin set with two sapphires and one diamond. Reward for return. Mrs. Geo. W. Mathews, Jr., teltphone 135-J. 1-15-ltpd. FOR SALE—Lloyd baby ourriare. 'Phone 170. l-8-4tpd $10,000,000 Coptpany wants man to sell Watkins Home Necessities ir Fort Valley. More than 150 Used daily. Income $35-$50 weekly. Expc lienee unnecessary. Write Dept. 11-5. The J. R. Watkins Company, 02-70 West Iowa Ave., Memphis. Tenn, 1-8-4t-p. FEDERAL FARM LOANS (Farmers in Peach County desiring loans 34 years, 5$a per cent can do! so through the Macon N. F. L. Assn. GUY TAYLOR, Secy.-Treas. j R. 1, Macon, Ga. FOR RENT OR SALE—Farm five miles east of Fort Valley. W. C. 1 Fagan. 1-7-tf.; FOR RENT—Large front room con- j nected with toilet and bath. Furn ished. Enquire Mrs. W. S. Connal,: telephone 397. 12-4-tf i WANTED—To rent by January first five or six room house. Southern ; Brokerage Co. 12-11 -tf. j ANOTHER PIANO SACRIFICE— Due to inability to keep up pay¬ I ments, we have had another high grade piano, in the best of condition, turned back to us. This instrument wo can sell for a rare bargain, giving terms to responsible parties. For full particulars address Ludden & Bates, Atlanta, Ga. 1 - 15 - 11 . SALE OF LAND Crorgia Peach Couffty. Under and by virtue of ,a power of in a deed to secure debt, made and delivered by E. \Y. Bowman to «1. L. Brown, dated August ^2th, 1919. recorded in deed Took 21, in the Clerk's office of Houston Superior Court, the undersigned, as transferee from J. L. Brown of said debt, secured by said deed and of Lie property securing the same, will 1111 *he l_'th day of I'ebruary, 1-J2a, be to re the court house door of Poach county, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, between the legal hours of sale, the umowing des¬ cribed property, to-wit, That ^ tract or pared of land situated and being in the city of Fort Valley, t.eorgia, and more fully described, as that tract or parcel of land, with 1 *600 .00 PRIZES CASH IN - Sfi £ Q* 2 • The Atlanta Georgian w r tfi s "JJ ifi k ^ CROSS WORD PUZZLES L [ I * » £ 1 -1 $25 Daily, f 600 .00 Month ffi | | a a Sfi L J £ ! - Prize Puzzles Now Appearing £ 2 : • J 1 $ Daily. No Subscriptions to Secure 1 i L ; £ 1 JANUARY SPECIAL R. F. D. RATE tJl m During the month of January only R. F. D. patrons can get The Daily f-C! Georgian and Sunday American for the extremely low price of $6.00 wJ I I jT\l per 'to year. The Daily Georgian only, one year $4.70. These rates not good iJR !N' < T 5 outside of Georgia and only on R. F. D. routes or in towns where do fK 1 we 1 1 ! ii 1 “$■t not maintain a delivery agency. fii :1 I ■w 1 Those living have local should - in towns where we agents arrange for de¬ v e ' * i livery of The Daily Georgian and Sunday American for 20c week. -• J a ■i H. 1 n) •dl WIN A CASH PRIZE Sr? l; k *«■ : --•* ;wci 1 THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1925. all improvements thereon, in the West End Addition to Fort Valley, in origi irially Houston, now Peaeh county, ' being 50 feet front by Georgia, and one hundred and fifty feet deep, and known and designated on the map and plan of said West End Addition made: I by J. H..Powers C. K. and attached to a deed of trust from Fort Valley Realty and Development Company to A. C Riley Trustee, October 27th, 1906, as Lot number Three in Block I B”, bounded on the North by pub- j lic alley, South by lot number Two,! same Block, East by Knoxville Street and West by public alley. The debt! <■( •ured by said deed being past due and unpaid, the power of sale con tained in said deed to secure the has become operative. Said sale w ill be made for the purpose of pay the balance principal of said debt of $1021.95, with interest thereon from December 12th, 1921 to date of sale at 8'/f. per annum, and costs of saiil proceedings arid $310.00 tax (*s and the balance if any will be paid to said E. W. Bowman. MISS JENNIE EVANS, Transferee. A. C. Riley, Attorney. M5-4t. Early bicycles had front wheels j five feet high and could negotiate 1 00 miles a day on good roads. i aiom Kraft CffEEBS BASKET BALL br m FRIDAY NIGHT 7:30 y Marshallville (i. M. (L hi vs Hi Lfi SATURDAY NIGHT 7:30 ifi Marshallville vs Shellman iU Admission and 25c If. 15c m FINE CENTRAL RECORD Ninety-eight per cent of the pas senger 'trains of the Centra! of Geor gia Railway were on time in 1924, according to a statement issued to day by President L. A. Downs. ing the year the Central of Georgia operated 37,289 passenger trains, of which 36,509 maintained schedule. In discussing thi topic President Downs states his recognition of th * f act t j at the public has a r ; .:ht to ,. gatisfactor M , rvic( . an(? t . * ——_ m Sideache Backache "l have been taking Car¬ diff,” says Mrs. Lillie Bol¬ ton, of Lake Providence, La. I got down in bad ■ health and lost In weight until I only weighed 120 pounds. I had bad pains g in my sides and back and my legs hurt me until I couldn’t walk. I stayed In bed half the time. I tried all kinds of medicine, hut ■ it did mo no good. Finally I tried CARDUI Tire Woman’s Tonic “It seems like It did me good from the very first. After I had taken half a Dottle I noticed an Ini- ■ provement. I continued its use and I got better and better. The pains in my legs and sides disappeared and I began to gain in ■ weight until now 1 weigh 1 pounds and feel better than I ever did in my life.” Cardiff should help you. too. Why not give it a fair trial? EX-103 on-time operation of trains is a fac tor in such service. He lists as other factors, safety, modern eqtnpmei ', a smooth roadbed and efficient and courteous employes. J Referring to safety he cites the rec ord of the Central of Georgia which i \ | has handled in the past 8 but years 32,-1 000,000 passengers with one I tality and that was an individual who fell from a platform on which he was i standing and was killed. j Fq-t freight the Central’s service is operation. also a fea- In j ture of j 1924 the road hauled 5,399 through ■ or manife ' freight train . of which 5,033, or 93.2 per cent were on time. i Mr. Down HH V s that it is the purpose CREAM FOR CATARRH i OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How To Get ((uirk Relief J from Head-Colds. It's Splendid! A In one minute your clogged nostrils will open, the air pas.-age- ‘ ! vour head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, -nullliogp Mowing, headaciie, dryness, > o st ruggling for breath at /light; your told r catarrh will -be go im*. Get a small bottle of Fly’s Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply hea.I a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, ing < ream in vour nostrils. It p fil¬ trati-s through every air |>i—age of the head, soothes the inflamed r swollen mucous membrane and relief comes in etantly. fine. Don’t stay stuffed-up It’s just catarrh—Relief wnth a cold or nasty Domes so quickly. t .> i i SPsSLl sp A % f 3 a % I a PLUG J? s-+ * ••• v 1 * * * X PLUS IVSeans Somsthing *: j if. i X ! A Additional and Our Idea * 4 * t of That Something is % * ♦ BETTER QUALITY, MORE COURTEOUS SER • * * , X t *;■ VICE and FRESHER GROCERIES, Shop “PLUS”-The| where f You Are Assured of Lower Prices % A &PSTORES ¥ ♦ -r f t BROOMS When Others Go Up We Go * ■* Down on •:> ii FLOUR I BEAUTY On Best Market, 5 String ea. 89c ♦ Tough 63c a a p 12 lb. ;ack 77c 4* and durable, ea. 24 lb. sack $1.49 f I Quality, Reliable 49c 12 lb. sack 64c I ea. 24 lb. sack $1.23 * v ROLLED GATS * * ! 10c 25c V .. Sultana CHERRIES No. 2 23c 4 * • • Red Pitted Can % r ❖ oU PEAS • 5 * ii IONA” BRAND No. 2 14c Can m # i Red ( ■ 3 A 1-5 lb. Can 8c 4 Front , 1-2 lb. Can 15c t t Encore SPAGHETTI Prepared with Sauce 12 l-2c ! :: Erand and Cheese, No. 2 can * < > You try it and it al¬ r/~ | once use Selected by ways our experts from choice Oriental gardens t Coffee 55c \ THEA NECTAR TEA Hi Supreme, lb. i 1 Selected, Especially lb. 50c India-Ceylon 2 oz. pkg. 10c ! n'PinPlf 45c Orange-Pekoe V 4 lb. pkg......20c % 0 Q (J ULUUH Smoothe Mixed 1/2 lb. pkg, 39c 4* and Mild, lb. & t 4* Sunnyfieid FLOUR Pancske cr 10c *X» * Brand Buckwheat Pkg. ; 1 2 New MACKEREL 15c 4* Fat Each 4* * * * * t * ».« $ i -I Mb i it '4 .i « & v. 4 fe *5® : VI 'X ... V'. x . 4* rM P >-4( % -V > #>i A -> -■ a * .•» u - m - 4> I of the Central of Georgia to develop the highest degree in organization, equipment and facilities for satisfac too' aervice. Agates were first found in the Riv er ^ c j, ate s (or Dirillo), pj.' in southern accor ,jj tQ ; For Sale SCHLEY m STUART PECAN TREES Any Quantity Desired MIDDLE GEORGIA OUi HERBERT VJN1NG, Manager. Fort Valley, Ga. If Kidneys Act ’ Bad Take Salts*, Says Backache Often Means You Have Not Been Drinking Enough Water if i When vod wake up with backache and dr l' i ery in the kidney region it mav mean you have been eating foods which cy, ye acids, -avs a well-known author ltv. \n of such acids overworks the kidneys in their effort to filter it !r< i the bh >od and they become sort ot i zed a id loggy. When your kid uggish and clog you must “ relieve your relieve tneni. ’ like vou urinous b. i iving all the body’s sick waste >e iU have backache, stomach ^ che, dizzy pc IF ; yotir - r tongue is cos d and when the wc r is bad you. have rheumatic ft’If The urine is cloudy, full of get sore, water are t ii to seek relief two or three t during the night. physi t a good reliable mn o t froi vour pharma- Salts; ut four ounce of Jad ible-pooniul in a glass of water breakfast for a few days Thi- and kic mav tneii act fine. li salt* i' rr :c rent the acid Of and lemon juice, combined with titlff and ha^ beet i used for years to can and sti imuiate sluggish kid i] =o to neutralize acids in the so'iaev n t :er irritate, thus . n g Iff hier weakness. i- r .’Miensivc, can not m n ; delightful, effervcs- of Ant ffrink. Drink lots a K means have vour s it* tan nuit • your kidneys at least •*.