The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, January 22, 1925, Image 7

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* YOUR INCOME TDK r (Continued from Last Week) In making out his income tax the year 1924 the business man, fessional man, and to use Form 1040, regardless whether his net income was or not in excess of $5,000. The * form 1040A is used for reporting in¬ come of $5,000 or less derived chief¬ ly from salaries or wages. Forms have been sent to persons who last year filed returns of income. Failure to receive a form, however, does not relieve the taxpayer irom ms obligation to file a return and pay tne tax within the timt prescrioeu, on or before March 15, 1925. Copies of the k orms may be obtained from offices of collectors of internal revenue and branch offices. The tax may be paid in full at the time of filing the re turn, or in four equal installments, due on or before March 15, June 15, September 15, and December 15. The taxpayer must include in his income-tax return for the year 1924 .11 items of gross income specified by .aw. in the case of a storekeeper, gioss income usually consists of gross profits on sales, together with income from other sources. The return must show the gross sales, purchases and cost of goods sold. The professional man, lawyer, doctor, dentist, must include all fees and other compensa¬ tion received from professional serv¬ ices. The farmer must report as gross income the proceeds of sales or ex¬ change of products raised on the farm or whether purchased by him f end resold. Ho must report also gross ■come from all other sources, such as rentals or profits from the sale of farm lands. Net income, Upon which the tax is assessed, is gross income less certain deductions for business, expenses, losses, bad debts, contributions, etc. To take full advantage of the deduc lions to which entitled taxpayers should read carefully the instructions on the form under the heads of “In come from business or profession. Net income, upon which the income tax is assessed, is gloss income less . ertain specified deductions for busi¬ ness expenses, losses, contributions, bad debts, etc. A storekeeper may deduct as a business expense«amounts spent for rent of his place of busi¬ ness, advertising, premiums for insur ance against fire or other losses, cost of water, light, and heat used in his place of busines drayage and freight bills, and the cost of main¬ tenance and repair tot delivery wag ons and trucks, and a reasonable al lowance for salaries. • A professional man, such as a law¬ yer, doctor, or dentist, may deduct the cost of supplies used in his pro¬ fession, expenses paid in the opera¬ tion and repair of automobiles used in making professional calls, dues to professional journals, office rent, ost of water, light, and heat used in his office, and the hire of office as > istants. The farmers may deduct as neces sary expenses all amounts actually expended in carrying on the business of farming, such as amounts paid in the production and harvesting of his crops, cost of seed and fertilizer used, cost of minor repairs to farm buildings, and cost of small tools used up in the course of a year or two. The cost of farm machinery, equipment, ■md farm buildings is not deductable as expense. Deductions -for personal or living expenses, such as repairs to the tax¬ payer’s dwelling, cost of food, cloth¬ ing, education of children, etc., are not allowed. ^Continued Next Week). R. W. R. BROWN The drop curtain of time has again v been lowered in our community and > great life has passed from the stage of action going on to his re¬ ward. I write this tribute to the memory of my friend, Mr. W. R. Brown, not that it will affect his eternal destiny but because having ueen the beneficiary of his helping hand I would be an ingrate to re¬ gain silent and let the world go on m ignorance as to his many virtues. I have known Mr. Brown for more than fifty years and during that long period I never knew him to withhold a helping hand from anyone who tyas worthy of his aid or assis¬ tance. Nor have I ever known him to take advantage of any mans misfoi tune to benefit himself. I know there are those wno criti ci ised him for the manner of his liv¬ ing but I accord the right to cen .sure him to those only whose lives ^^vere superior to bis and not to a At of self-righteous pharisees who never did anything but sit in the mar ket places and find fault with the fellow who by his energy and econo- Xi $ £ OFFICIAL Fort ;>! Valley the ORGAN THE KIWANIS KALL and Get Full Value £ £ £ * Kiwanis Club Published Weekly Thursday by llie Kiwanis Club of Fort Valley, Ca. for Your Money on Si Vol. 1 ll Here’s the beverage that delights | ^ taste, satisfies thirst and refreshes, l « livery bottle is sterilized—insur jj_ ing absolute purity jV i £ ? } 1 Fort Valley @ggj(&2& Bottling So. - “ j w. o. krisendIjSB. kiwanian £ | |r J.W. Wool folk W. L. Snow Ralph Newton J “ £ ■ 3 .1. \VV Wool folk & Co. r - Sfjj ] Spray Material, Peas & Peaches * Fort Valley, Georgia EVANS CL, ARK CO. Inc. i Dealers in Peas, Potatoes, Hay, and other Farm Products. A. J. Evans E. G. Clark Wi Kiwanian Kiwanian GAttAHER HALE GROCERY CO. Distributors Purina Feeds (i Feed from the Checkerboard Ba£ WHOLESALE GROCERS R. D. HALE, KIWANIAN I Manufacturers of CHILDREN’S UNDERWEAR FORI VALLEY KNITTING MILLS F. O. MILLER, Pre». A. J. EVANS, Treas. & Gen’I Mgr. T. F. FLOURNOY, Supt. KIWANIANS my was doing something for humani¬ ty and making the world richer for his having lived in it. He has made it possible for quite a few who with¬ out his assistance would have failed and it was always just 8</, without commission, and after forty years of lending thousands and thousands of dollars he never foreclosed on a single man or woman who borrowed of him. There has been many a one preached to heaven who did not do half as well. There were a few tears shed when he died and those tears moisten the eyes of I those who loved him for his kindness to them and not tears of regret that he died indebted to them. He “visited widows and orphans and did not forget to keep himself unspotted from the world.” His visi¬ tations always left them richer in¬ stead of poorer for his having gone. I can understand why Saul of Tar¬ sus had such a terrible experience on his memorable .trip to Damascus— but why so many modern apostles were allowed since his, day to go on ■■IX, d persecute the saint, is beyond my can but I am reminded that God moves in a mysterious way His won lers to perform. Mr. Brown’s crowning virtues were his fine sense of honor and his be¬ coming modesty. No man can ever say that W. R. Brown ever took aught from him unjustly or over failed to pay a just debt promptly. ‘yy-!' y.vy W'J'i' v > -V 'V •v ^ | OPEN NOSTRILS! END 4 A COLD OR CATARRH J 4 x 4 t How To Get Relief When Head % and Noise are .Stuffed Up. <«x«x Count fifty! Your cold in head or catarrh disappears, Your clogged nos trils will Often, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more snuffling, headache; hawking, mucous discharge, breath dryness or night. no Get struggling small for bottle of at Ely’s Cream a Balm from vour druggist and apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic through cream in vour nostrils. It penetrates soothing every air passage of the head, and healing the swollen or inflamed mu¬ cous membrane, giving and catarrh you instant yield like re¬ lief Head colds magic. Don’t stay stuffed-up and miser¬ able. Relief is sure. THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, JANUAR Y 22, 1924. He was very modest in his demeanor. He never felt that God wanted to draft him for some political office but was content to move and have his being in the humbler walks of life. His life was constructive rather than destructive. He helped rather than hindered and those who found fault with his supposed lack of charity be¬ long to that great army who would be charitable if they were able but who were never able. I can not indulge in a more help¬ ful wish for the young men of today t j,, m that they will emulate his vir¬ tues, forgetting his faults. I deem it a great honor to he able to subscribe myself as his friend, O. M. HOUSER. The site of Portsmouth. N. If., was once involved in a unique law suit. Samuel Allen, London merchant, lat¬ er governor of New Hampshire, had bought a 60-mile tract. The settlers disputed his claim and the matter re¬ mained in the courts until all of Al¬ len's family had died. He died in 1705. Ah! Backache Gone Rub Lumbago Away Rub Pain from back With small trial bottle of old “St. Jacobs Oil. II Ah ! Pain is gone I Quickly ?—Yes. Almost instant re¬ lief from soreness, stiffness, lameness and pain follows _a gentle rubbing with “St. Jacobs Oil.” | this soothing, penetrating oil . Rub right om your painful back, and like magic, relief comes. “St. Jacobs Oil” is a harmless backache, lumbago and -ciatica remedy which never disap¬ points and doesn’t burn the skin. Straighten up! Quit complaining! Stop those torturous “stitches, In a moment you will forget that you ever had a weak hack, it won’t hurt or be stiff or lame, Don’t suffer! Get a small trial botle of old, bonest “St. Jacobs Oil” from your druggist now and get this lasting relief. THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1925. D 3* a S3 FRIDAY Jan. 23rd Anniversar7 Program Committee Ralph New ton J. D. Duke F. R. Crandall SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES MARDI GRAS CELEBRATIONS New Orleans, La., February 19-24, 1925, Inc. MobilCj Ala., February 20-24, 1925, Inc. Pensacola, Fla., February 22-24, 1925, Inc. Fare and one-half round trip, tick¬ ets ori sale to the poblie to New Or¬ leans, Feburary 17 to 23, inelusivfe; to Mobile, February 18 to 23, inclu¬ sive; to Pensacola February 20 to 23, inclusive. Final limit of tickets March 3, 1925, except that tickets may be ex¬ tended to March 18, 1925, by depos¬ iting them with Special Agent at destination, and upon payment of fee of $1.00 per ticket. Apply to any ticket agent or re resentative for total round trip fares, schedules, sleeping car reser¬ vations, and any other information desired. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY THE RIGHT WAY I -22-5t. When you are suffering with around rheu¬ matism so you can hardly get will just try Red Pepper Rub and you have the quickest relief known. Nothing has such concentrated, pene¬ trating heat as red peppers. Instant re¬ lief. Just as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through, f rees the blood circulation, breaks up the conges¬ tion—and die old rheumatism torture is gone. Kowles Red Pepper Rub, made from red peppers, costs little at any drug store. Get a jar at once. Use it for lumbago, neuritis, backache, still neck, sore muscles, colds in chest. Almost instant relief awaits you. Be sure to get the genuine, with the name. Kowles on each package. ^ Wj £ The For* Valley OSS Co. £ s Miiiiufm-t iirrrs of £ COTTON SEED PRODUCTS £ £ FORT VALLEY, GA. £ 1». C. STROTIIRK & H. M. WHITING, KIWANIANS £ There’s Music in the Air £ Bring free entertainment into your home with £ £ a Radio Receiving Set. See the Radiola line £ we are showing. £ GREEN-MILLER COMPANY GLENMORK GREEN. KIWANIAN !h Georgia Agricultural Works m F QUALITY SERVICE \3n HARDWARE & FURNITURE » hi We've Got It F. 0. MILLER, Kiwanian For SPRAY MATERIALS SPRAY MACHINES << PARACIDE H Call on SOUTHERN BROKERAGE COMPANY F. W. Withoft, Mgr. c THE HALL KIWANIAN TIRE MAN ‘t WHY THAT LAME BACK That morning lameness—those sharp pains when bending or lifting, make work a burden and rest impossible. Don’t be handicapped by a bad back look to your kidneys. You will make no mistake by following this Ameri cus resident’s example. Mrs. J. P. Braswell, 901 Elmo St., Americus, Ga., says: “The first symp¬ tom of kidney trouble in my case was lame back several years ago. When I ran the sewing machine, severe pains shot up from the small of my back and I could nardly keep working. I tired easily and everything seemed Drugs Excite the Kidneys, Drink Water Take Salts at First Sign of Bladder Irritation or I Backache The American men and women must guard constantly against kidney trouble because we often cat too much rich food. Our blood is filled with acids which the kidneys strive to filter out; they weaken from overwork, become sluggish, result the eliminative tissues clog and the is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; your back hurts or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; if you suffer with sick headache, or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or if you have rheumatism when the weather is bad, begin drink ing lots of good soft water and get from your pharmacist about four ounces of J.a'd Saits. Take a tablespoonful in a , glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys may then act fine. 1 This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com billed with litliia, and has been used for j years to help flush and stimulate clogged | kidneys, to neutralize the acids in the j system -o they no longer relieving are a source blad- 1 of irritation, thus often der disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive; can not in- . iure, makes a delightful effervescent iithia-wnter drink and belong in every home, because nobody can make a mis take bv having a good kidney flushing any time, ... Bv all means have your phy sician examine your kidneys at least twice a year. came easily upset. I read about Doan’s Pills and bought a box. Doan’s cured me of the attack and I i’elt fine.” Price 60c at all dealers. Don’t JOHN T. SLATON INSURANCE Fire, Tornado, Automobile, and Surety Bonds. Any business en¬ trusted to me will have my personal attention. I represent seven reliable fire insurance companies. OFFICE WOOLFOLK BUILDING f t INSURANCE REAL ESTATE . • < > «' < • Fire or Life Large or Small \ j ■ ■ , < J THE . ■ J JNO. A. HOUSER • > . ' ■ INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE AGENCY !. • * • • J J Office Woolfolk Bldg. Phone 236-J j •• | £ || ■ ■ We Will appreciate ANY PART cf INSURANCE ■ * your * I • • .. business. • ► .. •• Cansummating REAL ESTATE deals quickly, on a small “' J | ■ commission basis is cur purpose. • • I w ) j 11 WE Bits FOR YOUR BUSINESS GUARANTEEING .. , < ■» | • SERVICE AND SATISFACTION , • ^ *i**f**f**j'**£' •p •£« *1 ?•?**£* *}**f M 2* *5 , Number 21. £ simply ask for a kidney remedy—get; Doan’s Pills—-the same that Mrs Braswell had. Foster-Milburn Co.. Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.—Advertise¬ ment.