The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, January 29, 1925, Image 5

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< rw ‘AUfEO < > • • <• . > , Conducted by - ALICE D. SHEPARD 200 Everett Square £*4H~M*+*H'+++++****+++++*+***+***********+****-KM*vv** Mrs. C. S. Taylor spent Sunday :;yron. Mr. Harris Neal, of Atlanta, e week end with his family ♦ Miss Christine Evans has Mm a visit to Atlanta. * 4- * Mr. C. M. Rayborn of Pavo •latives here last week. * ❖ * Miss Doris Williamson spent - inday with relatives at Butler. ❖ 4* ❖ Mrs. Lula Sullivan has om a visit to relatives at Roberta. ♦ ♦ ♦ Miss Pauline Oak, our •.d popular Pageant Director, is pected about February 1. ♦ ♦ ♦ Miss Dee Wilson went to Athens ,st week for a visit to her Miss Thelma Wilson. .5. -j Mr. Lawton Culpepper and Will 7'ftarpe made a short visit to Miami ••■st week. ❖ *S» *5* Mrs. Steve Wilson spent Monday id Tuesday with friends in Barnes Jle. Mrs. ,T. R. Marshall has as her _• jest . her son, Mr. Charles Marshall Nashville, Tenn. Mr. J. A. Bedingfield has returned Dom an extended trip to western -lates. 4 *5* 4* Mr. H. MoskoviHz has returned om a business trip to New York 1 Pniladelphia. •fr 4* 4* Mrs. Mattie Skellie, of Montezu • a, is the guest of Mrs. Lula Sulli n. * ♦ f Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Hasiam and 1 ughter, Elizabeth, of Marshall *• .le visited friends here Monday. ❖ 4* 4* Mr. Virgil Fagan and Mr. Ran ! Iph Hartley of Macon were visitors f Monday. +*• *J* Quite a number of Peach eounty - went up to Macon Sunday after • con to hear Bishop Ainsworth on • e question of unification. 4- 4* 4* A number of boys’ books were en to the library last • week by annon Hammond. Robert Titus, J. B Bartley, Jr., and Mrs. R. A. Hiley. 4 1 *? 4 1 Dr. A. M. Pierce, editor of Wes ■- van Christian Advocate was the i est of his sister 1 , Mrs. Geo. P. Greene, last Sunday. ♦ 44 Mrs. C. W. Shepard and Mrs. J. S letbetter returned last week from a visit to friends and relatives in At¬ lanta. * ♦ 44 Among visitors expected for the Slappey-Maddux wedding will be Misses Odille Ousley of Albany, Carolyn V’ance, of Athens, and An¬ nie Taylor of Thomasville. ♦ 4 4 Quite a number of music lovers enjoyed the recital given by Misses Louise English and Ruby McConnell •on Monday night at the school au¬ ditorium. 4- 4> 4 Miss Gladys Slappey spent sever ai 4'S(S in Atlanta this week. G. B. Culpepper, Jr., and F. T. Houser were business visitors to At . ta last Friday. AS-YOU-LIKE-IT CLUB The As-You-Like-It club had an in¬ teresting meeting last Friday at the home of Mrs. Louis Smisson at her -virburban home. The guests enjoyed progressive rook, after which a salad course was served. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Jack Underwood. ROOK PARTY Miss Jessie Harrison was a delight ■;;1 hostess on Monday afternoon vrhen she entertained a number of young friends at a three table rook part'^ After an interesting game re ireshments were served and a birth- \ THE LEADER-TR1BUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1925. 4 ♦ 4* ❖ <• *:* *;• ❖ ❖ 4* »:• * •;* ♦ THE DEPARTMENT 4 EDITOR’S WINDOW LAUGHING LAZINESS? They say it takes only thirteed muscles of the face to make a smile and sixty five to make a frown! Do they insinuate that laughing is a form of laziness? “ECLIPSE PARTIES” We have listened at opportunity but have failed to catch the slightest whisper of any “Eclipse Parties” on last Saturday. We understand that it was being done in all the larger cities. There were breakfast parties, too, in connection with the eclipse with names alluding to the phenomenon decorating the Menus’. Let’s don’t overlook this .again. Perhaps there won’t be another eclipse, hut we can have Pageant Parties, Festival Frolics and Blossom Breakfasts. Such a dandy chance to nee, and discuss the arrangements for the coming big event. - : - day cake was cut. The guests includ ed Misses Lottie Norton, Cornelia Brown, Sylvia Shepard. Laura Hou ser, Evelyn Anderson, Lillian Eber Shepard, Louise Lifsey, Murray and Catherine Steed. -- D. A. R. SEQUOIA CHAPTER MEET FEBRUARY 2ND The Sequoia Chapter D. A. R. will meet Monday afternoon, February 2nd, at 11 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Alice Crandall. Mrs. Fred Crandall will be hostess. This is a most impor tant meeting and every member urged to be present. MRS. A. A. WILLIAMS, Organizing Regent. BIRTHDAY DINNER A charming affair of the younger set was a five course birthday ner, last Friday evening given for Miss Annette Shepard by Mrs. ton Shepard. The decorations were in pink. guest list included seven young la dies and seven young mem BIRTHDAY PARTY Miss 'Jane Prator entertained fifty { young friends on Tuesday afternoon, in honor of her twelfth bfrthday. A cross word puzzle proved the most interesting of games while eu pids attached to peanuts were used as favors. f The young folks enjoyed several musical numbers given by Samuel Jones. Dainty refreshments were served during the afternoon. FOR MISS SLAPPEY Mrs. Almcn Williams and Mrs. Ben Fincher were joint hostesses Wed¬ nesday afternoon entertaining for Miss Gladys Slappey, a charming bride-elect. In the receiving line were Mrs. Williams, Miss Slappey, Miss Ruby Harris and Mrs. Fincher. The home of Mrs. Fincher was attractive color scheme of pink predomm-*' A dainty salad course was served. Mesdames Williams and Fincher were assisted by Mrs. Geo. Mathews, Mrs. Henry Harris, Mrs. Cliff Prator, Mrs. Jack Rundell, Mrs. Farmer , Mrs. Sanchez, Mrs. John Vance, Miss Wil¬ ma Orr and Miss Katie Mae Williams. D1FLOMA FOR MIL BURN The many friends of Mr. Alberl Milburn, who is in the shoe depart¬ ment with Edwards Brothers, are congratulating him on passing a suc o.ssful examination issued by the American School of Practipedics— Dr. William M. Scholl, president, of Chicago. Mr. Milburn has been studying the science of correct shoe fitting and foot comfort for several months. But not until after standing several ex animations and making a general av --rage of 96 per cent was ho awarded •- diploma, and recognized as a grad uated member of the American School of Practipedics. CLOPINE CLIPPINGS * .t. .T« A J. A J. J. J. A .4. .V. .t- .V. ■». A .t. The many friends of little Bussey ave very sorry to learn she Is confined to her home with severe case of pneumonia. 4 4* Mr. and Mrs. W. (!.' Griggs of con were recent visitors pf Mr. Mrs. IV. J. Cheek. ❖ *:• ❖ Master William Anderson, son ■ Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Anderson, the misfortune of having the during this week. * * * The State Highway lias recently scraped the roads out this community and them in fair shape. 4* *> 4* Mr. Morgan Wilson is at with flu, however his case is not vere and hopes to be out again 4* 4* * Tourists passing this route some trouble in finding the road leading into Perry. One coming from California recently ed the Diamond Fruit Farm by off at Clopine to the right, Mound himself in the land of 1 frees instead of the town of Georgia. Advertising pays, Perry. SLAPPF.Y-MADDUX The marriage of Miss Gladys Es¬ telle Slappey to Mr. Henry T. Mad¬ dux of Atlanta on Wednesday, ruary 4th, is of cordial interest to a ' wide circle of friends throughout Georgia and the South. Miss Slappey is the youngest daughter of the late Jacob C. Slap I’ey and Mrs. Stella Neil Slappey ■ On both paternal and maternal sides jshe fluence is related to families of wide in and prominence throughout this section of Georgia, ! It is a matter of deep and univers :»1 regret that, Miss Slappey’s mar riage will take her away from Fort Valley. It would be impossible to j find here a young woman more gen crally loved and admired. Her iden tification with the social, civic and religious life of the community has I been so active and valuable as to make her removal from Fort Valley a distinct loss. j Many friends throughout -Georgia will recall Miss Blappey’s strikingly i beautiful appearanaes as the Queen the Second Peach Blossonf Festi : ’val and also last year playing the part j of in the Pomona, Pageant, one Peach of the of,the leading World. roles , On both occasions she was heauti [ fully and appropriately costumed and •her personal charm and beauty cd her as one of the most beautiful women in the whole South. As a member and officer and a recognized leader in the'Fort History Club, the Charles D. Ander son Chapter U. 1). C., The Governor Treutlen Chapter D, A. R„ the Li Auxiliary and other local ganizations, Miss Slappey has 'such conspicuous service as mark her as one of the most gifted j, n( ] brilliant members who ever societies. S e r yed in these patriotic and civic Miss Slappey is a talented reVler and she has always given generously and unselfishly of her time to a worthy causes, arranging and taking part in many beautiful and impress¬ ive services in the Methodist church of which she is a consistent member, aiding in the work of young people, in the Sunday school and Epworth League, and responding so uniform- We have received a new ship¬ ment of hats that are de¬ lightfully smart and effective ■ Tailored shapes and hats for dress occasions MRS. WISE'S SHOP I Our line of wedding gifts is complete now with the addition of a beauti¬ ful line of sterl¬ ing silver 4 < > ■ ■ t a b By RUTH MONCRIEF " *■ ; j The Rook club met with Mrs. G. N. Perdue last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Alma Jones spent last Sun¬ day' in Macon with her son, Mrs. An¬ son Jones. »> »> Miss Willie Rice spent several days in Macon fast week, she was the guest of Mrs. Ross Chambers. + * * Mrs. Annie Black went to Macon Saturday to attend the funeral of Mrs. L. E. Bragg. * ❖ Mrs. S. M. Timberlakt is v.siting her daughter, Mrs. Victor Johnson, near Leesburg Fla. •5* 4* The mission study class of the W. M. U. of tlie Baptist church met with Mrs. M. H. Rice Monday afternoon. •I* 4 4* Miss Nora Rountree, who has been visiting Mrs. J. E. Hasiam, Sr., has returned to her home in Fort Val¬ ley. «*♦ * «$» Mr. and Mrs. W r . E. Slade of Gay. Georgia, are spending a few days with Mr. Slade’s sister, Mrs. If. M. McKenzie on East Main street. •I* 4> 4 Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Frederick entertained a few friends at a bridge I party Saturday afternoon. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. S. C. j iRumph, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Rumph, i and Dr. and Mrs. .T. E. Ilaslam. i ❖ *1* 4* M. If. S. basket ball team played G. M. C. Friday night and won 45 to 37. Saturday night they played Dawson and were again victorious, with the score 57 to 18. ❖ 4 Dr. D. B. Frederick, Mrs. Fred¬ erick, find Mrs. W. S. Lester have returned from Florida, af‘"- ‘pend¬ ing about two weeks visiting differ¬ ent places. Marshallville High played Monte¬ zuma in Marshallville Tuesday night, i Marshallville won 47 to 33. Mr. J Charlie Morgan of Macon refereed the game. Procrastination and efficiency are horn enemies. , ly and capably call i to every to serv ice as to endear herself to all the people of her home town. j | For several years Miss Slappey largely of her time to foster nig the work of the United Daugh rs of the Confederacy and the Chil-. • dren of the Confederacy and when 1 the Reunion was held in Washington City, Miss Slappev was chosen Georgia’s Sponsor. The present flour j.^ing condition of the local U. D. C. is largely due to the terest and zeal of this patriotic and ■ ] 0 y a j Southern girl j j Wesleyan Miss Slappey College k and a Kraduate of , the Emerson ' School of Oratory in Boston. She has recently given a brilliant and high ly artistic recital in Atlanta, the oc Casion being the completion of special course of study under Miss Carolyn Cobb. Possessing so many graces and gifts Miss Slappey as Mrs. Maddux will be a distinct acquisition to all of the worthy interests in Atlanta. . By W. A. HORNE 1 The many friends of Mrs. Walton are sorry to hear of her re cent illness at her home near Byron. Mrs. Walton suffered a stroke of ap¬ oplexy early last Sunday morning, and owing to the fact that this is a second stroke during the past two years, her condition is grave. 4> 4 4t It is reported that Mr. C. D. vy’s condition is much better, he hav ing been very ill at his home near here. *5* *$* Little Woodrow Davis, son i f Mr. H. M. Davis, is resting well after several weeks illness, du ing which time he underwent a minor opera¬ tion at the Middle Georgia Sanita¬ rium. Ai • • Continuing / Our Winter ■ * Clearance Sale of Men s a • • • ■ Suits, Overcoats and < • I a * Sweaters t Until Saturday, Feb. 7th i » GREAT REDUCTION ON V * ALL WINTER SUITS IN¬ ■ » ■ * > * CLUDING MICHAEL-STERN , , ’’ AND GRIFFON . «> J] v • 1 :: % t •• 1-2 1-3 °* 14 off 11. % i A + Bradley Sweaters % ,> t t * I > 1-3 off ? ] ♦ Complete Stock of Overcoats 1-3 off 4* . * ► 4- Schoble and Stetson Hats Greatly Reduced * These Values represent the finest quality of t t v merchandise. V i They be sold sacrifice -4 must at a to make v • room for the new spring goods arriving daily • • ■ Edwards brotherS •S’ - A ■ A - • FORT VALLEY GEORGIA ' , 4 , 4’4 , 4*4 , 4 i 4*4 , 4’4 , 4*4 < 4^ i 4’4’4 > 4’4’4-:-4-4‘4 > 4’4’4’4’4 , 4’4’4^’4*4’4’4 i 4«'I>4“F4^“S"4’4 > 4 i 4'4'4"H*4”J-i'4’44*4*4«44-4-J’4‘4‘4"i"!'4>4‘4>4<i>*;*.t«:«g‘ An eight and a half pouod boy arrived Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adair of Clinton, S. C Mr. and Mrs. Adair are visit'ng the lat tor’s parents here, and Mrs. Adair will be pleasantly remembered by the | younger set as Miss Marjorie Bush, before her marriage to Mr. Adair, The boy will be called Ralph, Jr. 4* *>♦ Mr. and Mrs, 0. B. Lineberger, with Mr. Freeman l'oolo, motored to Macon and spent las*week end with relatives. Miss Thelma Clinkscales and Miss jperkle Mary Joyner, with Mr. Ramsey, Mr. and Mr. Cranford, of Macon, | spent Sunday with Misses Louise and Robbie Adair. The man who gives way to evil passions weakens himself much more than he injures others. No man’s mind is so fine and ef¬ ficient that further study and disci¬ pline will not improve it. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT BY COLLECTOR J. T. ROSE Attention is invited to the fact j that under the provisions of Section, 227, of the Revenue Act of 1924, the Commissioner of Internal Reve nue only is authorized to grant ex* tension of time for filing all classes of income tax returns. This authori¬ ty was formerly vested in the Col¬ lector of Internal Revenue for each of the Districts. Any request for an extension of time for filing a re¬ turn should he addressed to the Com¬ missioner of Internal Revenue, Wash¬ ington, D. C., and should embody specifically' the reason for the re¬ quest being made such reason ordi¬ narily being on account of unavoid¬ able absence or illness. Such applica¬ tion should be made before the final filing date, March 15th, otherwise there is no authority of law for granting the extension. A man of weak will i.r.d feeble de¬ sire is foredoomed to failure.