The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, February 05, 1925, Image 2

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Popular BIBLE CLASS Notes THE BOOK OF GENESIS Chapter 19 By J. W. SMITH The Destruction of Sodom In this chapter we behold the good ness and severity of God (Rom. 11: 22)—goodness towards Lot who was delivered, and severity towards the Sodomites who were destroyed. The try of the righteous brings God down to deliver (Kx. 3: 7, K); the cry of the wicked brings God down to des¬ troy (18: 20, 21). The visitation of God’s vengeance upon the wicked titles of the plain, in its swiftness and overwhelming power, is a pic lure of the sudden and unexpected judgment that will come to this sin¬ ful world at the second appearing of Jesus 'Christ. ’’As it was in the days of Lot, even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is reveal id” (Luke 17: 28-30); and in 2 Thess. 1: 7-10, we read that “the Lord Jesus shall he revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, n flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and obey rot the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; who shall he punished with everlasting destruction from the pres¬ ence of the Lord, and from the glory . f His power; when He shall come to be glorified in His saints, and to he admired in all them that believe In that day. rl 1. The Two Angel*. V»*. 1-3. The henVenly beings were two minister¬ ing spirits sent forth by the Angel <f the Covenant to warn and deliv¬ er Lot. They found him sitting in the gate of the city, the place of author 1 ty, who, seeing them, rose up and bowed himself before them. The same angelic messengers who gladly ac¬ cepted the hospitality of Abraham had to be constrained to spend the night with Lot. Hospitality means fel¬ lowship. Lot was worldly and not in close communion with God. Angels, according to the teaching of the Bible, are created beings; therefore they cannot create. They are incorporeal; therefore they are invisible. They are superior to man in intellectual faculties; therefore mun is lower than the angels. They ere neither omnipotent, omniscient, nor omnipresent; for these are pre¬ rogatives peculiar to God. They wor¬ ship God, carry out His will, and min¬ ister to those who belong to Him. 2. The Wicked Inhabitant*. (V»». 4-11. The Sodomites were guilty of all the abominable sins on which are laid the curses of Deut. 27: 15-26. All the inhabitants, young and old, (Lot excepted) were completely un¬ der the control of Satan. Every thought was saturated with impurity; every imagination was drunk with iniquity; every tongue was an in¬ strument of cursing; every person •was a mass of corruption; every home was a lair of uncleanness; and ♦very city of the plain was a heap of loathsomeness, ready for the flames of vengeance. Every unsaved soul is treasuring np wrath against the day of wrath. While the impenitent man mav he boarding up riches in this world, wrath is accumulating against him in the world to come; while his fame may be soaring high in this life, wrath is towering against him in the next; while his social connections may be widening on this side of the grave, [Have Examined Kidneys Your By Doctor Take Salts to Wash Kidneys if Back Pains You or Bladder I Bothers Flush your kidneys by drinking . quart of water each day, also take ,-:i It - occasionally, tells says a noted authority, wT us that loo much rich food f. ►rm acids which almost paralyze the kidr C*\ in their efforts to expel it from th blood. I hey become sluggish an weaken; then you may suffer with dull misery in the kidney region, RIUl! pains in the hack or -ick headache. <!i ness, your stomach sours, time uc coated, and when the weather is you have rheumatic twinges. The u Pels gets often cloudy, full of sediment, the cl :tn get sore and irritated. ohM: ft you to seek relief two or three ti > Curing the night. To help neutralize these irrit.uii acids, to help cleanse the kidney s an flush off the body’s urinous waste four ounces of Jad Salts front any p!:,;r macy here; take a tablespoonful in . glass of water before breakfast for a few days, and your kidneys may the: ' act fine. This famous stilts is made . from the acid of grapes and lemon juice combined with lithia, and has bent usco for years to help flush and stimulai sluggish kidneys; also to neutralize the acids in the system so they no loneer irritate, thus often relieving bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive: deligfitfitl can not it jure and makes a efferves¬ cent lithia-water drink. By all means have your physician examine your kid jievs at least twice a year. THE LEADER TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1925. wrath i> spreading against him on other side. Every oath ho utters, ory lie* that ho tolls, and every ed stop that ho takes increases store of wrath. He is now poorer love and richer in vengeance, er from Heaven and nearer Hell he was twenty-four hours ago. 3. The Gracious Deliverance. 12-23. The angels had a purpose in visiting Sodom; viz., save Lot and to destroy the city. the fire cannot fall from heaven on the accursed plain until Lot is a place of safety. In connection Lot's gracious deliverance we (a) Warning. V»*. 12, 13. destroy this place.” Just then it gan to dawn upon Lot what a investment he had made in All his earthly possessions, ing the accummulation of years, gether with his wife and some of children, were to be destroyed, he was to be left forlorn and less in his old age. Sodom is still the world, and numerous Lots pitching their tents towards it. (b) Teatimony. V. 14. Lot the word of the angels, took the sage to heart, and lost no time warning the members of his hold. It is a great privilege to be nected with the righteous, even unworthy sons-in-law were not cluded from the household ant. Seeing no sign of destruction, they concluded the man’s head was a little for “he seemed to them as one mocked.” Though they were on verge of doom, they continued treat his testimony with and his warning with lightness they were engulfed in the flames despatched their vile spirits to al perdition. There are many today who are doing the same thing. (c) Urgency. Vs*. 15-17. “The an gels hastened Lot.” Lot, whose was commendable, and who the solemn warning to others, disposed to linger in the doomed city, which shows that he was over about the things that are when his life was in danger. strong, but loving, hands, they led out of the city, commanded escape to the mountain, and not tar ry in all the plain, neither look hind. Though Lot believed the mes¬ sage of the angels, he would have perished in the flames had he been left to himself. “E’en Lot himself could lingering stand tims’Free A } Flower/ Seeds/ Hastings' is giving away Absolutel) Free, 5 Seed Packet* of Beautlfu Flowers to each 1925 customer. Hast IngB’ beautiful, new 112-page, 192E Catalog shows these flowers In full natural colors. The front cover pic ures the great Stone Mountain Confed erate Memorial This Big Seed Book is the Standard Planting Guide, with valuable cultur* directions and accurate deacrtptloni of all kinds of seeds, plants and bulbs. It has over 250 pictures froir actual photographs and la bigger and better than ever. Brim-full of informa tlon, it’s the most useful Seed Bool ever published. You need it for ready reference al most daily. Be sure to write for i’ today; a postcard will do. It comei to you entirely free by return mail. H. G. HASTINGS CO., SEEDSMEN, ATLANTA, GA. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ $ £ £ £ £ will convince that know HARDWARE ORCHARD £ A visit to our store you we AND £ SUPPLIES. For the proof—see the lines we carry and the arrangement of our store. £ With a sales organization who know HARDWARE AND ORCHARD SUPPLIES you £ £ are assured of Quick Service and Perfect Satisfaction with every purchase. is IN MACON CARTER’S is the most conveniently located Hardware and Orchard ffi Supply establishment. The Opportunity to be of Service Will be Appreciated CARTER IMPLEMENT CO. Hardware and Orchard Supplies Wholesale and Retail 553-555 Poplar St. Macon, Ga. Phone 4803 When vengeance was in view; Twas mercy plucked him by the hand Or he had perished too.” (d) Prayer. V«*. 18-21. “Oh, let me escape thither!” Lot’s faith was mingled with fear. He thought he would be safer in the little city chosen by himself than in the moun¬ tain selected for him by God. How¬ ever, he acted wisely in pouring out his doubts and fears before the Lord, Who granted him his request, though it contained much infirmity, and for his sake spared the city of Zoar. (e) Security. V*. 22. “I cannot do anything till thou come thither ” The salvation of Lot, though at times not a close walker with God, was secure. I cannot see that the Scripture, when rightly divided, teaches by example or parable, or in any other way, that the man who is regenerated by the Holy Ghost can be lost. 'The repeti¬ tion of regeneration is not, as far as I know, found in the Bible. 4. The Complete Destruction. Vs*. 24-26. “The Lord overthrew those cities.” The destruction was so com¬ plete that all the homes, beauty, and fertility of the plain were consumed, and the land itself buried under the waters of the Jordan; while Lot's wife who lingered behind and looked hack, was overtaken by the storm, the nitro-sulphureous matter forming a sheet about her body and congeal¬ ing into hard crust, so that she ap¬ peared like a pillar of salt. “The warning was spoken; the right¬ eous hud gone. And the proud ones of Sodom were feasting alone. Hark the growl of the thunder, the quaking of the earth! Woe, woe, to the worship, and woe to the mirth! “The black sky has opened,—there’s flame in the air,— The red arm of vengeance is lifted and bare. For the fierce flames went lightly o’er palace and bower, lJke the red tongues of demons to blast and devour. * • What led the Sodomites into such depth of degradation? They had wealth in abundance, which produced idleness, pride ,and haughtiness, rr- ■ Ulisl ORCHARD « ► 1 1 M SPRAY MAII RIALS I V«*! For money crops, proper care and culture are essential—and spraying. The practical value of >}\ this depends on the chemicals |SS> ’ you use. The most efficient sulphur spray is ORCHARD BRAND Dritomic Sulphur Similar in its virtues to our popular Atomic Sul¬ phur but made in dry form. Used to combat the pesky rust and brown rot. Gives fruit the well known sulphur finish, but without injury to foliage. Easy to use, highly effective, most economical. You can depend on Orchard Brand Dritomic Sulphur, with the Quality Shield on every package. Sold by J. W. Woolfolk & Co. f Fort Valley, Ga. GENERAL CHEMICAL COMPANY. 40 RECTOR ST.. NEW YORK suiting in abominable sins and in their sudden destruction. Eze. 16: 49, 50. It cannot be emphasized too much that these are the sins, which threaten our country at this time. When the young and the old, like the Sodomites, forget God, we may be sure that judgment and burning ven¬ geance are near. 5. The Sympathetic Intercetior. V»*. 27-29. Abraham was anxious about the city, and especially Lot. He got up eariy in the morning and looked toward the land of the plain, and saw that the fertile, smiling val¬ ley was utterly destroyed arid thai the smoke of the country went up like the smoke of a furnace. The sign-, was awful: it was a type of the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone into which all those who neglect God's great salvation will be cast to be tor¬ mented forever and ever. 6. The Solitary Habitation. Vs*. 30- 38. “He dwelt in a cave he and his two daughters.” Prof. Ellsworth Huntingdon, of the Yale Expedition to Palestine, reports that they found, "not far from Hoar, a cave 20 feet long by 15 feet wide, carefully hew¬ ed out of limestone rock near a spring.’’ It is probable this was the cave in which Lot dwelt. While in the place of solitude he, who kept sober in Sodom, got drunk and brought dishonor upon himself and children. Lot s soul was saved, but his life was a failure. Had he been a whole-heart¬ ed servant of God his name might have been written with those of the great worthies mentioned in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews. With all his faults and failures, grace fol¬ lowed him to the end and his ('oven ant God did not forsake him. We learn from this portion of God’s word that—(1) It is by God's grace we are allowed to live. ( 2 ) The holy angels defend the righteous. (3)God rescues His own in time of danger. (4) It is the duty of the righteous to warn the wicked. ( 5 ) God has power to spare and to des¬ troy. ( 6 ) Judgment upon a wicked is sure to come. (7) God's burning vengeance hangs over this guilty world. ( 8 ) It is dangerous not to ae cept God’s appointed Refuge. (9) 1 hose who are on the verge of per¬ I dition will scorn the solemn warning of the righteous. (10) The wicked are spared from day to day for the sake of the righteous. (11) Those who spend their day for material things will have nothing in the even ing but smoke. (12) God bears with the infirmity of His chosen people. ***** ***** * * **** ********* * !■ THE KIMBALL HOUSE ;; 1 > Atlanta ■ 1 1 ■ , , . ■ The Home of Georgia People ! I j 400 Room* of Solid Comfort ' ' ' | The House of Courtesy jj ' * Ed Jacobs & Lige Maynard, . ■ < * Props. , i j I i > <, ! I Free Garage Service \ JI !I Terminal Hotel, Macon, under J [ I 1 ! same management \ 1 ' ■ 11 *************** ** * ** ****** Ouch! My Back! Rub i Lumbago Pain Away Rub Backache away with small trial bottle of old “St. Jacobs Oil." When your back is sore and lame , or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up. don’t suffer! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it r:ght on your aching back, and by the time you count fifty, the soreness and lame ness is gone. Don’t stay crippled! This soothing, penetrating oil needs to be used only once. It takes the pain right out and ends the misery. It is magical, yet absolutely harmless and doesn’t hum the skin. Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica, backache or rheumatism so promptly. 1 It never disappoints! Change of 4 4 Life 3 4 “When change of life be¬ gan on me,” says Mrs. Lewis LIsher, of Lamar, Mo., “I suffered so with womanly weakness. I suf¬ fered a great deal of pain in my back and sides. My ■ limbs would I r cramp, didn't feel like doing my * work, and there are so A i many steps for a woman A to take on a farm. I was A M very anxious to get better. A t A friend recommended A i A V R R ► CARDUI l 4 4 V, t; The Woman's Tonic ri to me and I began using it. I certainly improved. y I went through change of life without any trouble. ! I can highly recommend Oardul.” At the age of about 40 to 50 every woman has to pass through a critical time, which is called the Change of Life. If you are approaching this period, or are already suffering from any of its troubles or symptoms, take Cardui. It should help you, as it has helped s' r>'| others. At all druggists. EX-98 _ Sfi if! K Fort Valley Crate&Lumber Co. s Manufacturers of Fruit Packages * * K K 5 Exclusive Manufacturers in the South of the E. Z. Pak Bushel Shipping Basket for s t Peaches, Apples Oranges and all kinds of $ Fruits and Vegetables. £ K * This package conceded to be the best and £ safest package on the market 4 m & \ > •« ‘ I! j JOHN T. SLATON <• ! INSURANCE ' ‘ j | Fire Tornado , ’ Automob.le, and Surety Bonds. Any bus.ness en . ! . trusted to me will have my personal attention. I represent seven j reliable fire insurance companies. ' 1 ‘' OFFICE WOOLFOLK BUILDING „ Now In Effect. > : Sweet Milk in pint bottle* ...................... ______ 10 c each Sweet Milk in quart bottle* ..............—...... ....... 15c each Buttermilk .......-.....................................- ....... 5c quart Butter at market price. Cream ......................-............—..........-.....— ...... 40c pint Term*: Cash in advance or *trictly weekly. W. J. Braswell’s Sanitary Dairy Dairy Phone 3303 Fort Valley, Ga. Res. Phone 131 jk ********•********•:************************** ********** t * . EASY TERMS 4 . <» < * * ■ j 4 . T KENTj ATWATER "*• < * - RADIO * . • ■■ 4* * ■ ■ < ■ THE 64 TIRE COMPANY • * • • Formerly < * FORT VALLEY VULCANIZING CO. Phone 64 E. B. Adam*, Prop. Watch for Next Week’s Ad .. ITT ** + * Fort Valley t Tourist Camp Grounds f h Convenient and comfortable. In Avera’s Grove, near road from Barnesville, just inside city limits. Any citizen of Fort Valley will direct you. . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 ^M-H-H**F-H^"H- 4 H"»» 4 H-i* 4 -H-t- i - 9 - 9 ' H . l - j. p 1 fl 1 . j. |. * ,|.»