The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, February 12, 1925, Image 8

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AT FORT VALLEY H. 81. With a free barbecue and addresses by noted educators and prominent business men and planters, on Thurs day and Friday, March f>th and 6th tin Fort Valley High and Indus trial School, the negro farmers and farm wives of this section w ill hold their ninth annual home cured meat show with an exhibition of canned fruits and v> etables. This event will he in tie Iqrm of a demonstration mass meet¬ ing, in which both the white and the colored people of this section lave developed much interest. 500 fine hickory smoked hams, 100 pure bred chickens and 200 quarts of canned fruits and vegetables will be on display to show the progress made in the home and farm, 100 hams will be for sale. Money crops, farm crops, insects on the farm, health and sanitation, marketing, poultry recreation and play, live stock, home and farm ini provement will he some of the topics for the conference. Farmers from Houston, Peach, Crawford and the surrounding coun¬ ties will attend, take part on the program and tell of their experiences j i making money, buying land, build tng homes and schools and coopera¬ tion with agencies to improve the community. Each community will furnish one bog and two hens for the great bar¬ becue and Brunswick stew. Among the speakers will be Prof, Geo. W. Carver, scientist on the po Cato, pecan and peanut, of gee Inst., Ala.; W, T. Anderson, Following the Mayors I ■ $ PROCLAMATION S To ‘I CLEAN UP and PAINT UP 1 jj! rfj I Your attention is invited to our Hard¬ Eg a ware stock in which you will find all the required implements to carry out this plan. For the Inside we have Mops, Oil and Dustless s Brooms, all Grades s Enamels and Varnishes il Johnson’s Wax (Paste, Liquid and Powder) S O’Cedar Oil for Floors Liquid Veneer for the Furniture Xi i Our complete stock and of LOWE we know Brothers you can paints find no is bfi $ ! better paint anywhere for your house. bfi a We can furnish any amount desired from £ P* our stock and price is right. We also carry a complete line of « Garden Rakes Weeding Hoes Latvn Mowers Garden Hose Shovels Spades Forks I It is determination give the our to peo¬ ple of Fort Valley and community the H very best to be had in Hardware and SERVICE. We deliver anywhere. < Phone us your Order and it will be at your door in just a few minutes. H Georgia Agricultural Works Hardware Furniture THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA„ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1025. PEACH COUNTY PEELINGS By Bincuit Bill The Wont 1» Yet to Come We can’t recall a single recent stance where a woman Shot at and missed him. A Knock-Out for Stiff Neck. Next to the guillotine there nothing more cruel to the human neck than a tiff collar. Di.tingui.hed Pair Fort Valley Fort Valley was honored last week by having two of America’s ‘most distinguished citizens pass thru the con Telegraph; A. .1. Evans, president Citizens Bank; E. T. Murray, casli ier Bank of Fort Valley and prsei dent Kiwanis Club; C. E. Martin. vice president Citizens Bank; Col, S. A. Nunn, Perry; T. M. Campbell, field agent Tuskeger Institute; Dr. J. T. Hall, presiding elder Macon dis¬ trict; Col. A. T. Walden, Atlanta; W H. Lord, C. S. S. Houston Co., and Ralph Newton. ('. S. S. Peach Co.; Prof. K. A. Williams, state agent, Savannah, Ga.; M. C. Gay, specialist in marketing, Athens; Prof 0. I. Snapp, peach laboratory, and others. $ 100,00 in cash and merchandise will be awarded in prizes for the best display of home cured meat, poultry, and canned fruits and vege¬ tables. The outlook points to the best show of home cured meat and poultry, can¬ ned fruits and vegetables, and the biggest and best meeting and barbe¬ cue ever held. Two big days when practical farm ers, along with government experts and educators will meet and disemc plan ways to improve the home, school and the community. Peach City at an early hour in morning. Hon. Defunct Ex-Senato' Andy Gum'p and hi wife were their Pullman on their way to “Land of Flowers.” A punctured Tin Lizzie recentl; I came our way, and before town he was forced to C Hall. How about these fellows who in the post office lobby and the rainy father, and the time of thi next full moon. A Peach County Farmer Young Lady: “I am having with my car. Have you a spare plug?’ Farmer: “Sorry, Miss, 1 chaw, hut I got an old cigar you can have.” Spring Notice: : Give the grass a chance, folks. Fort Valley la Full of ’Em A little girl was playing with some little kittens. She picked up one and said to it: “Ive seen your brothers and sisters and I’ve seen your moth¬ er, but I have never seen your fath¬ er. Maybe he is a traveling salesman like mine. ’ ’ Not a Bit Wrong Now that they have closed the sa¬ loons to save our boys and since they cannot close the garages to save our girls, they might at least close the side-roads. And Then Said: Of all sad words for girls rtt* The saddest are these, “It’s half-past ten.” And then he said: Of all sweet words of girls or men, The sweetest are these, “Kiss me again. tt And then we both said— Aw, you can’t shy anything at a time like that! Professional | Directory Claude M. Hou«er Samuel M. Mathews HOUSER & MATHEWS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice in ail the State arid Federal Courts Loans made upon City Property on monthly payment plan and regulai loans upon farm property. Woolfolk Bldg. Phone 107 Fort Valley, Ga. NORMAN E. ENGLISH ATTORNEY AT LAW Brown Building Fort Valley, Ga. C. L. SHEPARD ' ATTORNEY AT LAW Woolfolk Building phone 31 Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts. Loans Made on Realty Louis L. Browr R. E. Brown Louis L. Brown, Jr. BROWN & BROWN ATTORNEYS AT LAW Wright Building. ’Phone 9. Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts. Loans on Realty Negotiated. GEO. B. CULPEPPER, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW Citizens Bank Building Phone 374 Fort Valley, Ga. W. H. HARRIS ATTORNEY AT LAW SECOND FLOOR HARRIS BLDG. Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the Courts Office Work and Income Tax Appeals a specialty Enrolled to practice before U. S. Treasury Department DR. W. L. NANCE DENTIST Ml»» Florence Taylor, Citizens Bank Building Fort Valley, Ga. Thones: Office 82; Residence 115. DR. W. H. HAFER DENTIST Office over Copeland's Pharmacy. Fort Valley, Ga. ’PHONES Residence 50-J Office 14-J We Inaure Everything Insurable KENDRICK INSURANCE AGENCY Woolfolk Fort Valley Phone Bldg. Ga. 58-J - John T. Slaton FIRE INSURANCE Woolfolk Bldg. Fort Valley, Ga. Phone 283 RATE: 1 cent per word. No ad¬ vertisement taken for less than 25c for first insertion. Each additional consecutive inser¬ tion ordered at time of placing first insertion, if less than 25 words, Ic a word; if 25 or more words, 20 per cent discount. Black-face or capital letters, dou¬ ble rate. Cash must accompany orders from those who do not have regular monthly accounts with us. Answer advertisements just as ad vertisers request. We cannot furnish names of advertisers or other infor¬ mation not contained in the auver tisements. When replies are to be received care this paper, double rate. While we do not accept advertise nents which we have reason to be- ] ieve are of a questionable nature, j j ve have no means of ascertaining the responsibility of all advertisers. I FOR SALE —Several houses and lots in town; also small farm near town. E. L. Fountain. Phone 210-J, City. l-29-ltpd. LOST-—One balloon Ford tire, tube and rim. Goodrich make, same had lock and chain. Reward. G. A. Wal¬ lace, Leesburg. l-22-4tp. CASH REGISTER—If you have one to sell at bargain, address XYZ, 1 care Leader-Tribune. 1-29-1 to J. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS If you want to save money and get guaranteed work, call on I J. C. WILSON & W. H. ALLEN, JR. Contractors and^ Builders Fort Valley, Ga. Box 114 NOTICE I will be at the Woolf oik building, in office next to that of Mr. John T. Slaton, on Saturday, February I 14th, for the purpose of collecting state and county taxes. * C. ('. PIERCE, Sheriff, Houston C. C. PIERCE, Sheriff, Houston County. . 2-12-Itpd. See our splendid line of Nainsooks, I Longcloths, and other white goods j j which we have just received. R. S. i Braswell & Son. ( 2 - 12 - 11 ) 41 WANT TO SELL all or part of my home and farm, located* in West End of Fort Valley. E. L. Avera. 2-12-6tpd. WANTED For Peach Blossom Fes¬ tival 500 hogs for barbecue pur¬ poses. Will pay market price. Glen more Green, Purchasing Agent. 2-5-4p-tf. PEDIGREED PAPER SHELL PE¬ CAN trees grown so as to over¬ come the pecan’s natural tendency to shyness, developing heavy bearers* through scientific line breeding. W. j H. Harris, Fort Valley, Ga. 2-12-2t. LOST —Black but-headed cow and yearling. Kindly notify J. A. Wilson. 2-12-11. FOR SALE—1 counter and two show cases. A. J. Houser, City. 2-12-2t LOST —Automobile box containing camping outfit in or near Fort Val¬ ley. Reward if returned to Thomas H. Marshall, Route 2, Fort Valley, Ga. 2-12-2tpd. ROOMS WANTED Desire to ren two rooms, furnished, at once Hi AT LEE’S S « A Wealth of Charming New Spring Dresses The right Styles and the right colors to .ytlTv bfi meet the demands of a smart spring wardrobe. Simple straight lines or Front Flare effects. 1 ► •• MATERIALS: ■ in Crepes, Printed 1 V •and Striped Silks * a \ / and flat Crepes A5 \ j \1 bfi / Ay- Y> / » \ / ’• £ A S • | \ \/ VJ Y . U A tj bfi bfi II* ' 1 V * & • n- Prices * : • l - • ' * | t « T*' \ • > $ 9.95 $ 12.50 / HT dm & U K rw $ 15.00 $ 17.50 bR K $ 19.50 s Ls\ 1 i £ K ► Don't Miss Them * ffi 1 he bR LEE Sfi CHAIN Sfi DEPARTMENT STORES FOR LESS DEPARTMENT STORES I Sfi good location. Can give referenc . P. O. Box 446, Fort Valley. i 2-12-ltpd. L . ■ ... Mb Traded Our a; * Having tfi I LG Farm We are Offering Si b& All Personal Property SS for Sale Cheap. Partial List Below 4 Good Mules and 1 Horse bfi 1 Good Milk Cow !fi 250 Bushels Corn bfi 10 Tons Hay and Fodder (Baled) bfi 40 Bushels Petty tool c-s. bfi 25 Bushels Portorican Seed Potatoes bfi 5,000 Stalks Seed Cane bfi 1 Bean Spray Tank, with new engine bfi 1 California Tree Harrow, new discs bfi 1 Mower and Rake 1 Top Buggy, good condition Wagons, Harrows, Plows and other farm tools of all kinds jjj bfi Must Sell at Once bfi HOUSER bfi F. T. £ $ t Route 2, Fort Valley, Ga. bfi BOARDERS WANTED ( an sleep and feed four nic- men. 314 Ce:* tral Ave. 2-121t