The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, February 19, 1925, Image 2

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ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN’S FURNISHINGS and SHOES ON SALE FEB. STARTING UNTIL l3th--Gontinuing MARCH FRIDAY 1st REAL BARGAINS SALE Lasts Only Eight More Days 15c Lot Men’s Shoes, values up to $10.C3 to go Earl & Wilson Collars, soft and linen Assorted colors Knit Ties at Work Shoes to be 10c Overall Jumpers, sizes 36 to 38 for . 95c 1-2 price sacrificed Blue Chambray Work Shirts in sizes 14 Yg Table of Men’s Felt Hats, sizes 6 % to 7>4 All $9 and $10 Bostonian and $4.95 to 17, sale price $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 values to sell for All Sweaters Emerson Shoes............. 48c $2.95 33 1-3 per-cent Off Good grade Heavy Union Suits, sizes 95c 36 to 46......................... 75c Boys’ Union Suits, sizes 24 to 34 19c Overalls.................. Heavy Blue Denim 220 grade $ 1.45 penders, All small Collar notions Buttons, as Garters, Cuff Buttons, Belts, Col¬ Sus¬ I ■ Pajamas of good quality percale . . Bands, sale. Best Hapgrade Overalls, all $1.85 One lot small size Ribbed Undershirts 50c lar etc., on sizes .................... $1.00 quality for.................. All Earl & Wilson Shirts to go at All New Goods arriv¬ One table Men’s Oxfords and Shoes, real values All Summer Union Suits in stock, most¬ 69c 1-2 Price at ly small sizes $1.00 and $1.50 values $2.50 $2.95 $3.95 Table of collar band and collar attach¬ 75c ing will be reduced ed Shirts, values up to $1.50 to go for SHOW JOHN VANCE SHOW WINDOWS Next Door to Turner’s Hardware Store WINDOWS Fort Valley, Ga. : i PEACH COUNTY PEEK By Bitcuit Bill Two Fort Valley Girls out for Athletics. We know two Fort Valley who are out for athletics. They violent exercise every day. One the phonograph—it’s electric, has as automatic record turner and uses tungsten needles. The other bites her finger nails. Almost Broke Art: Are you doing any work in nude these days? Tiste: No! but 1 will he soon if 1 don’t sell some of my pictures. Fort Valley Men, Take Notice It’s a wonderful thing for the women Fort Valley aR tfi Crate &Lumber Co. £ Manufacturers of Fruit Packages & Exclusive Manufacturers in the South of the E. Z. Pak Bushel Shipping Basket for £ Peaches, Apples Oranges and all kinds of ■fi Fruits and Vegetables. £ fcfi This package conceded to be the best and $ bR safest package on the market £ JLjCj The popular permanent wave, Now it’s up to some struggling ventor To get out a permanent shave. A Square Real Estate Deal How did Sammie come out that fortune he inherited a while hack? After he had finished with the bate fees, the inheritance taxes, lawyers fees, traveling expenses, real estate transfers, lost a month’s salary looking after it, he bought himself a ham sandwich and called it square. The Shoe Business. How is the shoe business? It's very trying—off and on. A Bit Mistaken. It was reported recently that Bill Smith committed suicide by drinking ox blood polish, but it was all bull. THE LEADER TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1925. On a Fort Valley Street Lady (at Citizens Bank “I certainly shall cross that officer, I’ve evry bit as much on that street as that truck has. ’ • Chief: “Sure you have, lady, leave me your name and address fore you start.” Of All Things. Courtesy is the quality that a woman smiling when a guest stands at the open screen lets the flies in. Sweet Old Age. \It’s a hard world. By the time a man gets old and prosperous to sleep late, he wakes up at in the morning. In a Fort Valley Market A butcher haw read about the "Milk from Contented Cows” and wanting to keep up with the times, placed an ad in his window, sage from Pigs that Died Happy”. Warning: Those who wish to escape mony should not play with One to Carry. One and one are two, But if one and one should How is it, in a year or so, There’s two and one to carry. On the Florida beaches you find many beautiful breakers blondes and dark. So carry a big roll. Speaking of Dumb-Bells. My girl is so dumb sho thinks a tonsorial parlor is a throat doctor’s office. Remember George Washington’s Birthday. George: “1 cannot tell a lie.” “Well, thunder, what kind of a business man do you expect to grow up to be?” In Fort Valley There was a young man named Sloan Who thought he could leap o’er a stone, But he landed, kerplunk! On the back of a skunk— Now he talks to his friends o’er the phone. Giving You the Inside When 1 see a pair of red lips I know they are to be kissed. When 1 see a library table 1 know there is a revolver in the draw. Wise Words They sat on the porch at midnight, j Their lips were tightly pressed. The old man gave the signal j And the bull dog did the rest. A Peach County Favorite I Young man to house wife: “Good morning, madam; could I interest you > n Hr. Bing's marvelous hair restor er? Its high alcoholic content is a wonderful stimulant for the scalp and “Nope; we don’t want any. My husband is off that stuff. He’s drink ink perfume now.” GROWING OLD TOO FAST? Many Fort Valley Folks Feel Older and Slower Than They Should. Are you weak, tired, all worn-out? Do you feel years older than folks of your age. Then look to your kidneys! The kdineys are the blood filters and if they weaken, the effect is quickly felt. You have constant backache, headaches, dizziness and urinary troubles. You feel lame, stiff and achy—all piayea out. Don’t wait! \ r Confidence Performance The as knows to owner what what he of his can a Ford expect will is never in do service. and in doubt how He car sturdily»it will do it. When bad weather and roads put other cars out of > The Coupe commission, the Ford car will stay on the job. It *520 will c rrv through slush and snow, over frozen ruts, newly constructed roads—anywhere. Runabout S260 Touring Tudor Sedan Car 290 580 Yet Ford benefits can be yours for the lowest prices On Fordor Sedan - 660 ever offered. This is made possible by the efficiency open cam demount¬ oi Ford manufacture, the volume of and able riuis and starter arc output $85 extra practically limitless All prices f. o. b. Detroit resources. * ' Detroit SEE THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER I •T V ■V - •x m A Y A / / -A \W\Wa / r. "t a tlm fin } m . VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT ALL FORD PLANT8 G n i Use Doan’s Pills stimulant diuret ic to the kidneys. Read what this Fort Valley resident says: Mrs. J. W. Culpepper, Alberta St., says: "My back gave me a lot of trouble and sharp twinges stabbed through me. When sweeping the floor sharp, shooting pains me across my kidneys and I became dizzy and specks danced before my eyes. I felt weak and tired and my kidneys acted too freely. Doan’s Pills rid me of the trouble.” OOe, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. —Advertisement.