The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, March 12, 1925, Image 10

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**++++++++++++++*++++++*++++**++++*+*+++***- H \ < • LISTENING IN ON MARSHALLVILLE ■ < * • < > 11 ■ • By RUTH MONCR1EF < • ■M-+-F++++-M 1 tWW-H't'H-W'W'hWHHtt'I’ FH'W aj The Peach Belt Tournament gan lust Thursday. Twelve were entered urnl ten games Marshallville and Montezuma tied for the finals and Montezuma The tournament is considered a success and the best of the that have been held in Marshallville. * * * Mrs. F. .1. Frederick gave a tea Friday afternoon after the The honor guests were Misses Cheeves and Brooks of Montezuma. After tea a delightful social was enjoyed. * * * Miss Minnie Massee entertained her visitor, Miss Hargrove from Ella ville, Saturday afternoon. After ir-rul games delightful refreshments were served, and the guests enjoyed themselves thoroughly. * * + Misses Fort and Curtis of Anieri <eus visited Miss Niles during the tournament. WantAds RATE: 1 cent per word. No »«l pertiiement taken for lesa than 25c for first insertion. Each additional consecutive inser¬ tion ordered at time of placing first Insertion, if less than 25 words, 1c a word; if 25 or more words, 20 per jeent discount. Black-face or capital letters, dou¬ ble rate. Cash must accompany orders front those who do not have regular monthly accounts with us. Answer advertisements lust us ad 3 £ v V* s T \ i £ ■0 >■ i FOR SATURDAY and MONDAY I I 250 Men’s dress shirts, neckband and collar attached, asst, colors, ea. 75c £ 12 doz. Blue work shirts, size 14 1-2 to 17, Special each 48c £ 20 doz. Men’s sox, fancy and plain colors, assorted sizes, pair 25c £ £ Special lot of shoes for $1.98 $3,98 £ on counter to go .to £ 25 doz. Boys, Summer Union suits, sizes, 6 to 12 years, suit 15c £ s £ H a? | Many Other Specials Will Be On Display For These Two !fi £ Days £ 1 S | FORT GEORGIA VALLEY JOHN Ti5CE FORT GEORGIA VALLEY K & i SI l a i»t r*h yi m . ft I: Miss Massee of Macon spent the week end with Mrs. J. C. Walker. * *♦ The visitors were welcomed to Marshallville at a reception Thurs¬ day night, given by the athletic as¬ sociation at the home of Mrs. S. H. Eumph. The house was beautifully decorated in gold and black and the visitors soon became acquainted with the youth of Marshallville and some of the neighboring towns. + * * The District Sunday School Rally was held last Sunday afternoon. There were many uplifting and prof speeches given by some of the 1 best workers in the district. * * * Dr. Jasper Massee, pastor of Tre | mont Temple, Boston, Massachusetts, J filled the Baptist pulpit last Wed ! nesday evening. He chose as his text, “What Thou Seest, Write!” vertisers request. We cannot furnish names of advertisers or other mation not contained in the nuver- ; isements. i When replies are to he received care this paper, double rate. i While we do not accept advertise nents which we have reason to be ieve are of a questionable nature, ve have no means of ascertaining the responsibility of all advertisers. FOR SALE —First class Peavine Hay and Ear Corn. Geo. H. Slappey. 3-5-2t FOR SALE —Pecan Trees. Lot of unusually fine, smooth, well rooted pecan trees, 3 to 8 feet. Ready for immediate delivery. Schley, Stuart and Moneymaker varieties. Prices THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1925. [very reasonable. Address: H. A. I Mathews, Fort Vulley, Ga. 3-5-3'.. FOR SALE —Large Dahlia Bulbs 50c each. Supply limited. Otis Jones, 3-12-21 j FOR SALE —We have a nice supply ! of selected Whatley and Hastings seed corq. It. Flournoy. 2-26-tf. FOR SALE —Cornet, long model, silver plated, gold bell and case, low pitch, $40. Also Baritone, gold plated, $85. Both “Conn” make. Box 44, Fort Valley, Ga. 3-12-ltpd. FOR SALE —Porto Rican Potato Plants from certified stock grown at l’avo, Georgia. Let us book your order now. Evans-Clark Co., Inc., Fort Valley, Ga. 2-26-4t. WANT TO SELL all or part of my home and farm, located in West End of Fort Valley. E. L. Avera. 2-12-6tpd. FOR RENT Store building on Church street. Apply to C. T. Eber hardt. 3-5-2t. WANTED —Several good, fresh milch cows. W. .1. Braswell. Phone 131, or 3302. City. 3-5-tf THOROUGHBRED J ersey Black Giant Eggs, $3 per setting. Bred from some of the best Northern stock. J. H. Wright, 224 E. Main St., City. 2-2G-4tpd. FOUND KEYS— Bunch on safety pin. Owner may obtain same at Leader-Tribune office by paying for this advertisement, 3-l2-2t WANTED —Rooms or house, now or as soon as possible. Call Fort Val ley Motor Company, 3-12-1 tp The public is eusily pleased if you do what the public wishes. The great American idea is that the law was made for the other fel¬ lows. LOST—1 disc wheel and Miller tire off back of Dort Sedan car in Macon or between Fort Valley and Macon Tuesday. Reward. Mrs. J. S. Ledbetter, Fort Valley Ga. 3-12-lt MISS EUNICE THOMSON TIES FOR WESLEYAN STAFF PRIZE Eunice Thomson, of Fort Val ley and student at Wesleyan College, tied with Miss Mamie Harmon, a former resident of this city, for the prize offered by the Wesleyan staft for the best familiar essay. Miss Thomson chose for her subject "Par nonages” • • while Miss Harmon wrote ‘‘Bugs.’’ Miss Thomson is a senior at Wes leyan and was author of the stunt which won the prize on annual stunt night last fall. She is a member of the "Scribes and Pharisees,” Wesley¬ an’s honorary writers’ club, as well as editor-in-chief of the annual, “The •Veterropt.” She has served as critic of the Debaters' Council and was made a member of the senior debut ing team. Miss Thomson is also a student assistant in the English de partment. As an athlete Miss Thomson ex¬ cels. She has won a Red Cross Life aver badge, has played basket ball two years on the class team and is ; i im i i i m t ! ! I goes from our yardi every hour in the day to various destinations, and everywhere is welcomed because of its superior and uniform quality. We handle only the best well-seasoned lumber, for every conceivable pur¬ pose and supply it to builders, car¬ penters, contractors, etc., at lowest prevailing prices. FORT VAltEF LUMBER CO. Georgette’s Famous Swiss Bell Ringers At Franklin Theatre on Saturday, March 14 i ; : ■-'.■si ■y. is / k - s* .. wm I*® r...... ssfcssa : i 3 ■M : S' i ; ; ■ i * 4 ! . 8 ■ > ■ _ Georgette’s Famous Players of Mu¬ sical Novelties and Swiss Hand Belt Ringers will be the attraction day, March 14, at the Franklin The¬ atre. Too much cannot be said in fa vor of this talented group of artists • The program ranges from classical to popular jazz on a great variety of instruments. Mr. Georgette seems on the Athletic Association Board. She shared honors with Miss Ruby Tanner of Wrens in the swimming contest of last year. Miss Harmon, too, has made an en viable record in school. She also is a member of the Athletic Association Board; is manager of minor sports, has mai j,. the varsity team in basket hall for three years, as an officer of the Dramatic club she has done cellent 1 work. In the recent play,. ti Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Aus¬ ten, she played an important role.. She was recently made a member of the junior debating team of the De haters’ Council, which she serves as secretary. She is a member of the Y. W. C. A. cabinet and represented Wesleyan at the World Student Vol¬ know just what his audience \ ants and he gives it to them. Miss Georg¬ ette nn h r beautiful piano accordion is an artist of great „oility. She also plays some of the jazziest jazz music * the big Xylophone. on Her violin and dulcimer solos are unteer convention in Indianapolis last year. Miss Harmon is also a member of the Scribes and Pharisees. Last year she was the president of the Macon Girls’ Association. This is the time of the year whe* most people raise their best vege tables- while looking at seed cat» _ Hall’s Catarrh jNvCSCE 1CJS81© is a Combined! Treatment, both local and internal, and has been success¬ ful in the treatment of Catarrh for ovei forty years. Sold by all druggist?. F. J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohio