The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, March 12, 1925, Image 11

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9 ii 1 s j !i £ THE KIWANIS KALL £ 9 I OFFICIAL ORGAN S i £ Fort of Valley the and Get Full Value s s £ Kiwanis Club for Your Money £ £ £ Published Weekly on Thursday by the Kiwanis Club of Fort Valley, Ga. 1 ffi £ - £ 1 i j Voi. i THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1925. Number 28. £ £ £ Here’s the beverage that delights The Fort Valley Oil Co. £ £ ^ n-tj. £ £ taste, Every satisfies bottle is thirst sterilized—insur- and refreshes. S Manufacturers of £ £ £ £ ing absolute Fort Valley purity 0 COTTON SEED PRODUCTS £ i Bottling Go. a FORT VALLEY, GA. I>. C. STROTHER & K. M. WHITING, KIWANIANS £ i W. G. HRISKNDINB. KIWANIAN *2 There’s Music in the Air £ J. W. Wool folk W. L. Snow Ralph Newton Bring free entertainment into home with £ your £ •T. W. Wool folk & Co- a Radio Receiving Set. Seethe RaOiola line I. V we are showing. ft Spray Material, Peas & Peaches GREElN-MILLER COM PAN Y bfi GLENMORH GREEN, KIWANIAN jn Fort Valley, <Georgia LET’S BAT A 5fi 9 £ Georgia Agricultural Works £ EVANS CLARK C O. Inc. THOUSAND! QUALITY S t. K V | £ £ Marketing and Dealers in Asparagus HARDWARE & FURNITURE £ and Peach Crates and Supplies. £ A. J. Evans E. (». Clark In the National Attendance tb We’ve Got |* U £ F. 0. MILLER, Kiwanian £ Kiwanian Kiwanian Contest. Be in your seat £ £ promptly at- SPRAY MATERIALS For £ 6ALLAHER HALE GRUCERY CO. TWELVE O’CLOCK SPRAY MACHINES £ £ Distributors Purina Feeds it PARACIDE” £ «< Feed trom the Checkerboard Bag » » Call on £ £ WHOLESALE GROCERS FRIDAY, Mar. 13 SOUTHERN F. W. BROKERAGE Withoft, Mgr. COMPANY £ £ R. D. HALE, KIWANIAN Kiwanian £ £ FINE PROGRAM £ £ £ FORI CHILDREN VALLEY Manufacturers S KNITTING UNDERWEAR of MILLS Being OF arranged SPEAKERS by this week’s program c HALL £ £ F. O. MILLER, Pre.. A. J. EVANS, Treat. & GenM Mgr. committee, F. W. WITHOFT composed and of A. A. L. M. NORRIS. SOLOMON, KIWANIAN £ £ T. F. KIWANIANS FLOURNOY, Supt. THE TIRE MAN £ ■l! ft'l " ! I l ttf l 1 t i TT f ****** ************ 'S', j? SIMM JUS) BBI f 4 . ■ * Superior Court * » Peach County We the Grand Jurors chosen and sworn for the March Term of Peach Superior Court submit these, our presentments for the term. As an aid toward minimizing tins expense which the county will incur L court cost we have fixed the per ,. . : ury ser vice during this term at $ 1.00 and recommend that this policy be continued during the year 1925. Baliff services at $2.00 per diem. We examme • i th t Sneeial ‘P Tax book „ submitted by tax collector . 2 ndTnd found the amount collected deposit to be $610 00 This fund is ed in the Citizens Bank of Fort Val ley. We find an excellent .. . system of books and records stalled by the Ordinary j , and that their recoil s • efficiently kept. After a thorough discussion of the duties and responsibilities which we realize will develop upon Mr. M. < ■ Mosley, our Ordinary, who will also be our co “" t ^” a " a ^’ W e salary at $ o P y ear T hi s . ■ amount is to b* P d ^£ Mly deriveTthrough ° Mb office of Ordi na ry. In addition to this the county is to nay his expenses only when his ■work i necessitates his nts bein d ’' without the county. We elected as county school com “S'SuVr- • • nt-rc tr, tprvp for a term of four r > w E Vinson; for a term of two "TbThjf w t rhppk and J. T Hancock. of Peach County we ex tend to Mr. Geo. H. Slappey our sin cere thanks for the generous donation of the cppnnri floor of his building • u evidence of our appreciation recom mend that the county taxes on same for the year 1925. no THE LEADER-YRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 192S. We feel at present that it would not be wise to take advantage of Mr. Slappey’s three or five year option in the hands of the Ordinary for the rental of the space now being used at a monthly rental of $125 00 per month as no doubt before that period °* tlrm ‘ our prosperous county will have a home of their own. We recommend to Mr. Mosley that he make no arrangement at present as to the employment of a County at torney; but that upon occasion ans i n g that he employ such counsel as he necegsary / We appointed a committee ing of B. F. Smisson, E. M. Z. Hays, O. J. Bateman and A. W. Tabor which shall constitute an ad visory board to confer with Mr. ^ ^ t<> roa( , problem8 . It is the duty of this committee, working wit h Mr. Mosley, to devise plans provide means for working roads. This committee has generously of fered to serve the county without remuneration and wili function during the year 1925. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ing the prisoners at sixty cents per diem while they are kept within the county When prisoners are fed by . another county the actual cost of their upkeep is to be allowed. In comjiliance with Code Section 4649 that the Grand Jury recommend one Notary , p„h! Public : e ex ox officio tt cto J • P for » each Militia District we recommend the appointment of the following men p - °“ * Fincher, tort Valley district, t s &. »• Hartley, Powersville district; ley Hardison Claude district; C F. Hays, Byron district; and A. I. lug gle, for the Myrtle district. We inspected the jail and found >«»'««j- \\ e recommend that all J.gnts be replaced in the windows and the windows be immediately and a screen door provided. We told that the roof leaked and mend that same be repaired as as possible. We suggest that the be swept out and fumigated at twice a week. We recommend that sliding lock system be installed connection with the doors within jail as the present arrangement is sa f e f or the protection of officers j pjlacinpt prisoners ’n custody. i yr e recommend that j E. Davidson and Ordinary M. Mosley examine the records of Houston My Court and t! e Superior Court for the part y ears determining from same revenue which has been derived cases originating in Pearl: and with these figures what amount shall be n to the Georgia legislature for Heitor's salary with the that the salary of the solicitor exceed $1800.00 per year. We recommend that Peach have an all time Health Officer. 25 cases have been presented j t his body during this session; 18 bi!Is and 7 no bills were found. i„ conclusion we wish 1 o H. A. Mathews and Chas. H. Garrett for courtesies assistance given our body in its j liberations. We recommend that these ments be published in The ; NOSE CLOGGED FROM I A COLD OR CATARRH i Apply Cream in Nostrils To Open Fp Air Passages. Ah! What relief! Tour nostrils open right up, the air , ^ yo|jr , 1VU dear and you breathe freely. No more hawking, ,, r co id or catarrh is gone. • | >on > t s( . iy 9 tuffed-up! Get a j hotter ^ ; Crejn P Balm from aHti o ptic c' r cam in your trite, let it penetrate through every and passage of the Lead; soothe jj a j m j g j U8 t w i la t every cold and gu jf erer has been seeking. It’s splendid. Tribune of Fort yalley to be paid for at the cost 'of $ 10 . 00 , for advertising by Ordinary M. C. Mosley out of the county funds. Respectfully submitted, J. L. Brown, Foreman G. W. Mathews, Jr., Clerk J. K. King G. A. Fagan J. D. Beeland W. 1). Murray A. M. Solomon R. G. Blewster J. T. Hancock G. H. Fincher Z. Hays E. G. Fagan J. H. Edwards D. C. Strother J. D. Duke W. S. Gassett J. A. L. Wilson R. E. Jones G. G. Adams G. D. Hartley C. H. Matthews W. T. Pearson Jasper Hardison The foregoing General Present¬ ments of the Grand Jury of Peach County for the March Term 1925, co nsidered-. Ordered that these pre¬ sentments be spread upon the minutes of this court and be published as therein recommended. * REO PEPPER FOR Red Pepper Rub takes the “ouch” j from sore, stiff, and aching it certainly joints. . . stops It can- that no t hurt you, old rheumatism torture at once. When you arc suffering so you Pepper can hardly get around, just try Red Rub and you will have the quickest re lief known Nothing has such concen trated. penetrating heat as red peppers. I Just as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you will feel the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Pain and sore r;r ness are y gone. ^ jar of ©Ask any good druggist for a Rowies Red Pepper Rub. Be sure to get the genuine, with the name Rowies | on each package. * I This March 5, 1925. H. A. MATHEWS, Superior Court Macon Circuit. ('HAS. H. GARRETT, Sol. Gen. Georgia, Reach County: I, Emmett Houser, Clerk of Su¬ Court of Peach County here¬ by certify the above and foregoing be a true and exact copy of the Jury Presentments for March 1925 Peach Countjr Superior as same appears of record on minutes. Witness my official seal and signa If Back Hurts Flush Kidneys Drink Plenty of Water and Take Glass of Salts Before Break¬ fast Occasionally When your kidneys hurt and your back feels sore, don’t get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a bt of drugs that excite the kidneys and irritate the entire urinary :t. Keep vottr kidneys clean like yr |; ep vottr bowels clean, by flushing them it n a mild, harmless salts which helps rcmoi e the body's urinous v. -etc d -tiiTUdatc them to their n or.! activity. function of the kidneys to I he :■ filter the Mood. In 24 hours thci 'Gain i ai if 5'.*) groins of acid and wa<te. ,.o vve can readily understand the vital importance o keeping the kidneys active. can’t Drink lots of good water—you from drink too much; also get any pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts. Take a tablcspoonful each in a glass of water before breakfast morn mg mr a few days and your kidneys may then act fine, This famous silts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and lias been used for years to help clean and stimulate clogged kidneys; nteo to neutralise the acids m the system so they arc no longer n source of irr.ta tjon, thus often relieving bladder weak n ess. Jad Salts in inexpensive; can not m jure; makes a delr-htful effervescent hthia-vvater drink which everyone shou.d take now and then to belt) keep their kidneys clean and active. Try this ; also keep up the water drinking and no doubt you will wonder ^liat bccai-ne of vour kidney trouble and backache. Uy all means have your physician examine your kidneys at least twice a year. * ture and seal of said Court this 9 fch day of March, 1925. EMMETT HOUSER, Cierk Superior Court. The older a person gets the less certain he is that he knows anything. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine Treatment,both is a Combined local and internal, and has been success" ful in the treatment of Catarrh for ovet forty years. Sold bv all druggists. F. ]. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohio Sideache Backache “I have been taking Car dui,” says Mrs. Lillie Bol¬ ton, of Lake Providence, La. 'I got down in bad health and lost In • weight | until I only weighed 1-9 \ pounds. I had bad pains in my sides and hack and my legs hurt me until I couldn’t walk. I stayed In bed half the time. I tried all kinds of medicine, hut it did me no good. Finally I tried CARDUI i The ! “It seems like it did mo ) good from the very half first. : After I had taken a i bottle l noticed an im¬ ; provement, 1 continued i its use and f got better and | better. The pains in my legs and sides disappeared and I began to gain in weight until now 1 weigh 155 pounds anil feel better than l ever did in my life." Cardui should help you, too. Why not give it a fail trial? • EX-103 |