The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, March 12, 1925, Image 7

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< ■ • ■ SfP ■ , " • I 1 I I I «i r 'NOTE 11 11 * - ^9 II Conducted by > ALICE D. SHEPARD 200 Everett Square ■ • . i ***' Mr. W. D. DuPree of Macon « genial visitor last Wednesday. * ♦ * Mr. and Mrs. Houser Edwards were guests at the Wynne-Edwards wedding in Macon on Tuesday. 4- * Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Walters went up to Macon on Tuesday to attend the Wynne-Edwards wedding. ❖ * * Mrs. Annie Laurie Ayer, who has been spending the winter in Florida returned home Tuesday. * * * Mi. J. G. Webb has bought the Southall home in Oakland Heights and will take immediate possession, •F + * Mr. and Mrs. Lee Houser have re¬ turned from a visit to Rev. and Mrs. Willis Garrett of Miami. ❖ ❖ * Miss Lois DuPree, of Macon, was zhe guest of Miss lone DuPree last -week end. 4* ♦> 4* Mrs. F. P. Baldwin of Marshallville -was among the shopping visitors on Monday. * *:• ❖ Mrs. J. M. Bass and children, Macon, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Braswell, Sr. * * * Charlton DuPree, of Macon, was ■the guest last week end of Carter Matthews. * ❖ Mr. and Mrs. Call Davis, of Ma -eon, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Braswell, Sr., on Sun -day evening. ❖ ❖ * Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hardie are re¬ ceiving congratulations on tire ar rival of a daughter Mildred Lucille, Friday, March 6. Mastei ■ Frank**Ned*spent the week end in Atlanta with his father, H. C Neil. Frank says Atlanta is sonic own. •5* »> ❖ Mrs. F. B. Holly, of Lowndesboro, Ala., will be the guest of Mrs. C. T. Eberhardt during the Peach Blossom Festival. * * <• Miss /. 'Li Braswell retained Sun day aftei i most delightful stay in Falmc’ . Tampa and St. Augustine, Florida. ♦5* ❖ Miss Martha Matthews, who will represent Upson county at the festi val will 'a the guest of Mrs. C. H Matthews. * * Mrs. J. L eDnnard and Mrs. J. A. Fischer o f 1'ineview will be guests ox Mrs. Harris Turner during festival week. ❖ ❖ ❖ Mr. Bill Lester, Judge and Mrs. A. L. Franklyn and Misses Bessie and Evelyn McDaniel of Augusta and , ,, Mr. • and Mrs. G. Lloyd Preacher of At lanta will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Lee during festival week. ❖ ♦ Friends of Mr. C. B. Ryle are con -gratulating him on being appointed to assistant superintendent with the life insurance company with which he IS connected, but they regret that this new position will take him and .his family ^way from Fort Valley. ♦ »> •> Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Persons an , of Monticello. and Dr. A. F. J '.Vhite of Flovilla will be guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. S. White during 1 ageant week. Friends of Miss Florence Smith will be glad to learn that she has re¬ covered from the flu and has resum¬ ed her duties at school. The young warblers who have been silent so long have found their voices and wu have music on Everett square again. ❖ v *5* Little Miss Andrea Houser had a bad tumble in playing about last last Sunday and fractured her leg. She was carried to a hospital in Macon for treatment. While the fracture is not serious it is very inconvenient for an active youngster, but Andrea bears it very stoically and amuses herself by interesting others in what -hifc.calls her “boke leg. 4* 4* Out of town relatives and friends THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1925. - *;• <• *• ❖ + + *:• * * * * + * * * + * THE DEPARTMENT + ♦ EDITOR’S WINDOW ♦ *:• *;• * *:• + • • HIGH" FASHION Some of the city shops advertise " fashion ’ in new spring frocks. We thought at first they were speak¬ ing of the prices, but after looking at the illustrations we decided on Mr. Webster’s definition of high—reach mg, situated, or passing upward con¬ siderably from a given point and we settled the point on the floor, but Mr. Webster has a whole lot of defi nitions for the word high. Perhaps you would like some other—alright— “every one to his taste. • • - OPERA OR FESTIVAL As the days pass we have new evi¬ dence that the world is very eager to I meet Miss Peach county. j An Atlanta matron who was I pecting visitors from Chattanooga naturally wanted them at some time when there would he unusual attrae tion. She gave them choice of the op era or Peach Blossom Festival and they preferred the festival. So when Mrs. Atlanta Matron’s guests come to make her a visit she will bring (them down to “The Trail of Pink Petals.’ BUSY AS A BEE There’s something in the air these days which urges us to say something nice about all of these “workers for the success of the pageant.” There are so many we hardly know where to begin and we couldn’t pos¬ sibly name them unless we shut our eyes and pick out somebody like Mrs. Lalia Whiting Fincher who is busy as a bee all morning, sipping sweet- 1 ness here and there at costume head¬ quarters or committee meetings anil in the afternoons and evenings at the practice hall, playing the piano for the dances of the Peach, the Gar lands, the Blossoms, the Winds and in fact making music wherever music is needed in the pageant. A queen of patience and endurance. Mrs. Fincher is one of Fort Val¬ ley’s most gifted women, beloved and influential in all affairs of impor tance* her work in the annual Peach Blossom Festival has made her one of the most outstanding figures "The Trail of Pink Petals. " BROWN CARITHERS WILL ATTEND FESTIVAL Brown Carithers, of New York will be among those home for the Festi¬ val. Since his last visit here Mr. Ca¬ rithers appeared for a seaso ll on the stage with Emily Sle-. vans , but has lately been devoting his time to writing. One of his one act plays will be produced this spring at the Carnegie Lyceum. — who were called here on account of ^ death of Mr M A Edwards, in Misg Kate Edwards an d Mr. j. Lee Edwards of Atlanta, Dr. W. C. Lovett, of Marshallville, Mrs. E. K. Braselton, of Washington, D. C., Mr. an d Mrs. Ernest Vance and Ernest, j .Jr., of Eufala, Ala., Mrs. H. II. Riley, Welch, W. Va., Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodge, Mrs. John Hodge and Mr. Paul Hodge of Henderson, Ga. 4* 4* 4* CRAWFORD-HADDOCK i The marriage of Miss Grace Craw ford, of Wrightsville, to Mr. Lucius Haddock was solemnized at the home of the bride Tuesday, March 3. Rev. A. L. Harris, officiating. Mr. Had¬ dock is a rising young merchant of this city and Fort Valley welcomes Mrs. Haddock into its midst. v i THE KIMBALL HOUSE v • • ■ ■ Atlanta • > ’ of Georgia People 11 The Home ! 400 Rooms of Solid Comfort J | The House of Courtesy • • • • • • • • Ed Jacobs & Lige Maynard, * ’ ” Props. n * ; ! Free Garage Service , Terminal Hotel, Macon, under \ \ i same management CAST FOR PAGEANT (Continued from page one.) W. Botvman, Willis Vaughn, Mrs. English, Mrs. Norris, Mvs. Coppedge, Mrs. J. W. Alien, Newton Jordan, Gordan Wallace, William Crawford, Marvin Kilgo. BELGIUM Mrs. J. C. Smith, J. C. Scarbo rough, Ella Mao Holly, Miss Tripp, Miss Fields, Mrs. Hardeman, Mrs, McAfee, Paul Wilson. SPANISH GROUP Spanish Ladies: Mrs. J. W. McCoy, Mrs. Frank Morse, Mrs. J. D. Ken drick, Mrs. S. J. Steed, Mrs. Sanford Hartley, Mrs. Ben Fincher, Mrs. Har ris Turner, Mrs. Frank Harrison, Mrs. Louis Smisson, Mrs. John Griggs, Mrs. T. II. Smith, Mrs. C. Hall, Mrs. J. Wright, Mrs. John Den nard, Mrs. A. J. Ticus, Mrs. H. McMichael, Mrs. S. Halprin, Mrs. Frank Morse, Mrs. W. B. Austin, Mrs. John Lee, Gladys Newman, Florence Smith, Annie Bell Ethridg Pearl Brown, Annie Bell Doles, La rinne Edwards, Mary Yoemans, Alice long, Mae Wilson, Florida Clark Mae McKenney, Sara Jenkins, Mrs. Amos Murray, Mrs. C. H. Sammons. Spanish Gentlemen: C. 11. Prater, p usge ji Edwards, Hershel Williams, Clinton Hutto, T. H. Smith, Pearce Green) j. L . Long, Bass Vinson. Horsemen: J. J. Griggs, C. B. Grimes, Russell Murray, J. F. Irby, B. F. Smisson. Water Venders: Chester Wilson, H. O. Queen. . Pottery Maids: Mrs. Grubbs, Helen ’ Gassett. Fortune Teller: Mrs. W. D. Mur ray. Basket Weaver: Miss Nora Roun tree. Troubadors: William Wilson, Quin ton Gassett. •■■‘$4 P > - ■ <■ ye £ .<5 ■ i a The Trail of Pink Petals FLORSF r ’ , ' l ' , c F’<r»FS SHIRTS * •• i mmm V : *S ■ '■ G. , II!!! $: m • - m ’•'P f -- •i* m 33 * I Wsm w m .. - ' ♦ i %. A '•'P ■ £ 4> M* ,5 ■■mmm . 'V ... I ' i : l i A t V-U A : 9» - u •r- : : TT a, r< A. 5 ; , ■: m . t W?% X. jj.'r ' H mm: V u :% ■ r i ¥ t: l '' Vrii-f'-i, m m f .5 ■ j ,,, !3 c : < ' I A : 4f. i". r ..... m mmm lyiTrrj W Tr ♦Jo r,. ->v: it • k: i * <■ f; m ,7.. '/A- . ; \ \ ^ i. t ‘ P: VM - S .! . : •• '•••?- • llPPli 7 - - ^ •v I > * ❖ •> W 'm/ »¥ »■>' •> mt jm iw a. « w * V mm J::. i * .. t m, * **• WM •v jSSgj ■ : - m i % A am ffm: w i -> m m ■ • m i ■ ■mm S L : :* A :: MICHAELS-STERN CLOTHES STETSON HATS . - < * I r or sixteen years we have journeyed abo- : t The Trail of Fink Petals. % Having the greatest confidence in Fort V alley, and with the coopera¬ tion and patronage of the people of this wonderful town and-communi¬ n- ty we have developed and established the largest and finest Men’s ruo ’ nishlng and Shoe Store in Peach County. 7 Having the most complete stock of high quality Merchandise and one i X «• cf the most modern equipped stores in Middle Georgia. *:• % Fort Valley * :: Fort Valley Edwards Brothers * - V 'j ' -A. Georgia Georgia ft ■ 'F - g s*# 4’ 'Fo 1 v T' I* v a* ■ 2* c J* 4* ’b 4*4*4* 4’ ^ 4“ 4* '1* 4* 4“ ^ ^ 4* T % -1‘ ‘l* 4- 4* *Z* v 4* ‘14‘* -l* *!’ 4' ‘i” * J* F v i ■ smm= v'v i / Aztec Ladies: Mrs. Julian Gassett Carlese Gassett, Clyde Hardison, Bell Hallman, Olga Israel, Maxie Gilmore, Sara Martin, Earl Wilson, Helen Hardee, Mazie DuPree, Sara Jen kms. Aztec Men: Mercer Cliatt, L. B. Moody, W. I> Cardin, Jar,. Mining', Mr. Cofield. Wiley Greet Walter Windham, Wilbur Wright, Walter English, Clyde Wilson E. L. Palter son, Rudolph Lankford, Chiu, Eber hardt, Royce Bartlett, Fred Hall, Frederick Solomon. GREECE Mrs. Me Waters, Mrs. E. G. Thoni as, Evelyn Smith, Mrs. Bob Berry, Gena Riley, Mvs. Chas. Vance, Mrs. s. J. Crawford, Carrie Cravey, Sam niie Davis, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Mrs. Grubbs, Mrs. T. F. Sheats, Mrs. Lester Wilson, Mrs. J. W T . Joyner, Mae Wilson, W'illie Maud Cowart, Mrs. Jay Windham, Miss Giles, Dora Poole, Carlese Gassett, Miss l’ooio Royce Bartlett, Mr. Shealy, Bennet Rigdon, Albert Milburn, Mrs. Grubbs, Mrs. T. F. Sheats, Mrs. J. W. Craw ford, Grace Broadrick, Misses An drews, Clara Durden, Frances Vance Wesley Green, Frank Kilgo, Albert Connell, Minus McElmurray, Mr. Singletary, Chester Wilson, Fran f Fincher, Willie Snow, Onan Houser, Nell Wilson, Richard Bowman, Mar tha Gray Carithers, Sara Sanchez Elsie Gray Sanchez. A Rome: Jonas Hillyer. Attendants: Catherine Henry, Mrs. N. Hauser, Mrs. Sandefur, Mrs. Wal¬ ter Bowman, Miss Scavbro, Louise Melvin, Mrs. E. L. Butler, Mrs. Good¬ rich, Abram Glass. Gaul: Dr. Titus. Attendants: Mrs. W. M. Franis, Mrs. C. H. Francis, Edith Sullivan, George Dance, Paul Newell, George Epting, Lillian Cliett, Euford Causy, Alice Newell, Mrs, Arthur Horn. FRENCH GROUP j Ladies; Mrs. Ed Eubanks, Mrs. Al bcrt Evans, Mrs. H. P. Sanchez, Mrs. John H. Jones, Mrs. Louis Singleton, Mrs. Lizzie Jones, Mrs. R. I). Hale, Mrs. Myles Greene, Mrs. Farmer, Mary Vinson, Jeanette Nichols, Grace Broadrick, Helen Duke, Eliz¬ abeth Newton, Elizabeth Woolfolk, Annie Dee Wilson, Clyde Braddock, | Deris Williamson, Susie Gieen, Wil- t ( »»« Orr. Gentlemen; Edward Vinson, Louis, Rigdon, Julius Mathews, Mr. Persons, Sidney, McMillan, Jr., Lester Eng¬ lish. Monks: James Kemper, Z. T. Will¬ iams, Wyman Braddock, Arthur Vin¬ son, Fred Goodrich, J. W. Robinson, Wiley Green, William Alien, Minus McElmurray, Rudolph Lankford, Ko land Hiley, Frank Harrison, Cavl Jones, W. L. Nance, Walter Wynd ham, Inan Bryant, Mr. Bryant, Ralph Connel. Children: Ruth Brown Helen Wright, Julia McAfee, Emily Duke, Linet Duke, John Shepard, Wullacc Hardeman, George Johnson, Jr., Chas. Martin, Jno". A Houser, Jr., J. W. Anthoine. STATES Louisiana, Mrs. L. W'. Gray. Iowa, Mrs. Chester Wilson. New York, Mrs. Hazel Bassett. Massachusetts, Mrs. Chas. s. Vance. California, Mrs. W. S. White. Georgia, Mrs. W. L. Nance. North Carolina, Mrs. A. A. Will¬ iams. Idaho, Mrs. G. W. Mthews, Jr. South Carolina, Mrs. F. L. Fincher. Arizona, Mrs. S. J. Crawford. Connecticut, Miss Florence Smith. Oregon, Mrs. R. A. Hiley. Delaware, Mrs. F. A. Vance. Indiana, Mrs. Frank Titus. Alabama, Mrs. II. P. Sanchez Maryland, Miss Katie May Will nuns. Kansas, Miss Louise English. Mississippi, Mrs. A. M. Solomoh, West Virginia, Mrs. C. H. PratoR Illinois, Mrs. J. H. Allen. Utah, Mrs. Herman Avera. Colorado, Mrs. ,T. E. Broadrick, Washington, Mrs. R, L. Marchmaru Kentucky, Mrs. .1. W. Woolfolk. Michigan, Mrs. J. H. Davidson. Ohio, Miss Eva Stamper. Missouri, Mrs. Bessie Green. Texas, Mrs. J. A. Bedingfield. New Jersey, Miss Eugenia Riley, Florida, Mrs. S. A. Bassett. Tennessee, Mrs. L. 1*. Singleton. Arkansas, Mrs. W. 1). Murray. Oklahoma, Mrs. J. E. Davidson. Virginia, Mrs. J. W. Rim dell. Pennsylvania, Mrs. ,T. B. Vance. ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH EPISCOPAL Rev. E. J. Saywell, Pallor, Holy Communion 7:30 A. Wt Church School 0:30 A. M. Morning Prayer 11:00 A. M, Y. P. S. L. 6:30 P. M. Evening Prayer 7:30 P. M. All are invited to attend. SULPHUR CLEARS A PIMPLY SKIN Apply Sulphur as Told When Your Skin Breaks Out Any breaking out of the skin on face, neck, arms or body is overcome quick¬ est by applying Meritho-Sulphur. The pimples seem to dry right up and go away, declares a noted skin specialist Nothing has ever been found to take the place of sulphur as a pimple it mover. It is harmless and inexpensive. of Just ask any druggist for a small jar Rowles Mentho-Sulphur and use it like cold cream.