The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, March 19, 1925, Image 2

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THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1925. If you are interested in an easy way to own a Ford now or at some future date—see the nearest Au thorized Ford Dealer for facts regarding a conven¬ ient plan of pa yment, or r write us direct.) [ Ford Motor Company, Dept. N. Detroit, Michigan Pleace mail me full particulars regarding your eaay plan for owning an automobile. Nanut Street I li t: Town IT IS EASY ... TO OWN A CAR THROUGH Siatf-___ THIS PEAN i : Professional Directory Claude M. Houser Samuel M. Mathews HOUSER & MATHEWS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice in all the State and Federal Courts Loans made upon City Property on monthly payment plan and regulai loans upon farm property. Woolfolk Bldg. Phone 107 Fort Valley, Ga. NORMAN E. ENGLISH ATTORNEY AT LAW Brown Building Fort Valley, Ga. C. L. SHEPARD ATTORNEY AT LAW Woolfolk Building phone 31 Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts. Loans Made on Realty Louis L. Browi R. E. Brown Louis L. Brown, Jr. BROWN & BROWN ATTORNEYS AT LAW Wright Building. ’Phone 9. Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts. Loans on Realty Negotiated. CEO. B. CULPEPPER, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW Citizens Bank Building Phone 374 Fort Valley, Ga. W. H. HARRIS I . ATTORNEY AT LAW SECOND FLOOR HARRIS BLDG. Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the Courts Office Work and Income Tax Appeals a specialty Enrolled to practice before U. S. Treasury Department DR. W. L. NANCE DENTIST Miss Florence Taylor, Assistant Citizens F>ank Building Fort Valley, Ga. •Phones: Office 82; Resident-# 115 DR. W. H. HAFER DENTIST Office over Copeland's Pharmacy. Fort Valley, Ga. ’PHONES Besidence 50-J Office 14-J We Inaure Everything Insurable KENDRICK INSURANCE AGENCY Woolfolk Fcrt Valley Phone Bldg- Ga. 58-J John T. Slaton FIRE INSURANCE Woolfolk Bldg. Fort Valley, Ga. Phone 283 LOCAL CAPITAL SHOULD LEAD IN EXPANSION OF INDUSTRY “Georgia right now offers to Geor¬ gia people more opportunities to in¬ vest in local industries which ulti mutely will grow to great industrial plants than any state in the union. i his is a sentence sermon preach ed by Frank T. Reynolds, former newspaper editor, prominent Kiwan is official, good roads advocate and now serving as resident manager of the Ansley hotel, Atlanta. Mr. Reynolds declared that the movement waged by The Week and other organizations to bring about industrial expansion in Georgia hand with agricultural growth is most timely and one that is hound to bring direct, beneficial results. “Our state is alive with chances to build up big fortunes through the establishment of industries,” he said. “We should not sit down and wait for some people from other states to come here and erect these industries, We have a lot of Georgia money that can he used for this purpose and there is not a town in the state with more than 1,000 population which is not right now able to finance and establish some paying factory on a small scale which later will grow in¬ to a big worthwhile plant." Mr. Reynolds said we should not cease encouraging foreign capital to come here and should assist this by throwing safeguards around such | capital and in cooperating to the full¬ est extent with the men who bring this capital to Georgia. "We want to get Georgia adver tised to the world as a state which is ready to welcome foreign capital :nd , protect ... front confiscation, ... al- , ; it | lowing it to earn a fair and reason able increment on the investment,” | he continued. “At the same time, however, we want to show that w have confidence in our state by pro muting and building industries and factories of our own no matter how small they may be at the start.” Mr. Reynolds said there are hun. TRY SULPHUR ON AN ECZEMA SKIN Costs Little and Overcomes Trouble Almost Over Night fiery, Any itching breaking out of the skin, quickly even eczema, can be overcome by applying Mentho-Sulphur, declares a noted skin specialist. Be¬ cause of its germ destroying properties, this sulphur preparation instantly brings ease from skin irritation, soothes and heals the eczema right up and leaves the skin clear and smooth. It seldom fails to relieve the torment without delay. Sufferers from skin trouble should obtain a small jar of Rowles * Mentho-Sulphur from any good druggist and use it like cold cream. dreds and hundreds of big industries in the South which were organized by local people, began on a modest scale and are today tin outstanding factories in this part of the South, “We have somewhat slacked up in creating industries of our own al¬ though I can't recall a single indus try of this kind which began on a firm though small basis and which handled intelligently that did not succeed,” Mr. Reynolds continued. "I recall the ease of the ( rown cot Ion mill in Dalton.* Years ago that mill was organized by Dalton people and financed by Dalton capital. To day it is one of the best plants of its knid in the country. In one year that plant paid a dividend of 93 per cent. When it was organized I had a friend who scraped together $500 and into the plant. Today his widow pos se: $10,000 which accrued from that one investment. “Georgia has lots of money which can he invested in Georgia and pay greater returns here than if invested elsewhere. “Every day 1 hear of some friend i PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tells How To Open Clogged Nos¬ L trils and End Ilcad-Colds. J You feel line in a fed 1 moments. Your cold in head or catarrh will he gone, Your dogged nostrils will open. The air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more dull nese, headache; no hawking, sniillling, mucous dischargee breath or dryness; no strug gimg tor at night. Tell your druggist you want a small 'Tv 4 Cream Balm. Apply a little ot this fragrant, antiseptic ' cream in your u pv;vu ^ n u - through every air passage of the head; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous mem¬ brane. and relief comes instantly. It is just what every cold and catarrh sufferer needs. Don’t stay stuffed-up and miserable. RED PEPPERS END When you are suffering with rheu¬ matism so you can hardly get around just try Red Pepper Rub and you will have the quickest relief known. Nothing has such concentrated, pene¬ trating heat as red peppers. Instant re¬ lief. Just as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Frees the blood circulation, breaks up the conges¬ tion—and tire old rheumatism torture is gone. Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from red peppers, Get costs little at any drug store. a jar at once. Use it for lumbago, neuritis, backache, stiff neck, sore muscles, colds in chest. Almost instant relief awaits you. Be sure to get the genuine, with the name Rowles on each package. who has invested in some factory or project in North Carolina or Florida. This money should be kept here. The investor knows personally the peo¬ ple who club together wl.h him to establish an industry. He knows the operatives and he knows where his money is all the time and what it is doing. He knows nothing of this in foreign investments. »♦ Mr. Reynolds said there are more than 500 towns in Georgia that should at least one new industry this year. “That would give us a maximum of 500 new industries,” he went n. “If we were to build 500 new indus¬ tries in Georgia between now and next March you would see a boom in this state, based on a firm founda¬ tion, which would start the great ball of prosperity rolling and it would grow to such an extent that Georgia soon ould get up there among the leaders where she belongs.” Mr. Reynolds said the case of the Crown Cotton mill at Dalton has been duplicated all over Georgia. “In Atlanta, in the smaller cities and towns there are splendid indus tries running now which have not lost a day since they ere established and which were originally formed by local men,” he said. “We somehow have just slacked up. We ought to keep right on adding to these indus tries or building new ones. There are at least 1,000 kinds of indus¬ tries which will pay as well in Geor¬ gia as in any other state ol the union and which will have an even chance at the world markets. There are 500 Georgia towns that need these industries. In these towns there is idle money now drawing low rates of interest which could be used for fostering these new industries and which would receive handsome re¬ turns on the investment.” Mr. Reynolds cited the ease ot Gadsen and Anniston, Alabama, as two towns which developed rapidly through the plan of building small industries with local capital. “Gadsen and Anniston Alabama are centers of the soil pipe industry,” he -aid. "I remember when they built the first plants in those towns. Local men built the plants and later they | doubled and tripled the capacities ,and built additional plants. Doubling ] a plant now in operation is just as j good as getting a new industry and these local men realized that. As a ■ result the pipe industry developed on SU( .^ a scale that combinations were formed with other pipe interests and those two towns doubled and re doubled in population and wealth, This is only one of a thousand ex amples that could be cited of the success of the plan of using local cap jtal to build new industrial plants. 1 would suggest to the community leaders in all towns in Georgia to look over the situation in their town ' pick list of industries which out a can be successfully operated in each particular town and then get busy --— Hastings'Free Flower/ / Seeds. Hastings’ Is giving away Absolutel) Free. 5 Seed Packets of Beautifu Flowers to each 1925 customer. Hast ings’ beautiful, new 112-page. 192£ Catalog shows these flowers in fill natural colors The front cover pie ores the great Stone Mountain Confed crate Memorial This Big Seed Book is the Standard Planting Guide, with valuable eultun directions and accurate descriptions of all kinds o{ seeds, plants anc lmlbs. It lias over 250 pictures frotr actual photographs and is bigger anc better than ever. Brim-full of informa tion, it’s the most useful Seed Bool ever published. You need it for ready reference al most daily. Be sure to write for t today; a post-card will do. It comei to you entirely free by return mail. H. G. HASTINGS CO., SEEDSMEN, ATLANTA, GA. Ah! Backache Gone * Rub Lumbago Away Rub Pain from back with small trial bottle of old si St. Jacobs Oil. M Ah ! Pain is gone 1 Quickly?—Yes. Almost instant re- - lief from soreness, stiffness, lameness and pain follows a gentle rubbing j with "St. Jacohs Oil.” Rub this soothing, penetrating oil right on your painful back, and like magic, harmless relief comes, "St. Jacohs Oil” is a backache, lumbago and sciatica remedy which never disap¬ points and doesn’t burn the skin. Straighten up! Quit complaining! Stop those torturous “stitches, In a moment you will forget that you ever had a weak back, because it won’t hurt or be stiff or lame. Don’t suffer! Get a small trial botle of old, honest St. Jacobs Oil” from your druggist now and get this lasting relief. and organize the plant. It makes no difference if it starts with five or ten employees; eventually it may grow into a great factory. Mr. Reynolds said in the develop¬ ment of pottery plants alone Georgia should lead the world in the next few years but as yet no movement of any kind is afoot to build such plants. Macon and Atlanta ought to be¬ come new centers of the pottery in¬ dustry and eventually will take that position,” he concluded, "The time to do new things, however, is right now as the greatest period of gener a! development is ahead for Ameri ea and Georgia should get in on the ground floor.” ARE YOU ALL RUN DOWN? Many Fort Valley Folks Have Felt That Way. j Feel all out of sorts? . Tired, achy, blue, irritable? Back lame and stiff? ( k kid j t may ), e story 0 f wea neys: 1 i Of toxic poisons circulating about Upsetting blood and nerves. There’s a way to feel right again. Help your weakened kidneys with Doan’s Pills—a stimulant diuretic, Doan’s are recommended by many people in this locality. R. A. Seales, farmer, Route No. 2, Box No. 4. Hawkinsville, Ga., - \ C0 |<J which settled on my caused a lame back. When I went to lift anything, a terrible pain struck me in the small of my back and 1 was down and out. The kidney secre¬ tions passed too often, getting me up at night. I read about Doan's Pills and two boxes which 1 used, cured me of the attack.” 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. ! 7 . «tc US SHOW or? BHHKp £ * >> i V yf ‘The World’s Best A by Every Test i ir. :Yr -6 V*. •J m '$L:£ . v. r, ■ ■ 4 sz&m j - -i-MV !?& r- j" i V n .j -fiy $ Ji v dJ** V; i * v \ CHEMICAL VALUES versus CROP VALUES While the chemical analysis of a fertilizer shows the percentages of its plant food elements , it does not indicate its actual crop value, as it does not dis¬ close the materials from which the chemical ele¬ I ments are derived or the mechanical condition of the fertilizer—two very important factors in the crop value of any fertilizer. H AA QUALITY” FERTILIZERS are scientifically compounded and are so blended iji as to furnish the greatest crop producing values, and their perfect mechanical condition insures easy and even application of the plant food. To produce the largest yields and best quality of all crops use only »» AA QUALITY” FERTILIZERS BEST KNOW N TO YOU UNDER THE FOLLOWING BRAND NAMES AMERICAN BOWKER'S Manufactured by The American Agricultural Chemical Company Atlanta Sales Department 1C1 MARIETTA STREET, ATLANTA, GA. Ou rural Service Bu ■ecu will help solve your farming problems. A Semi heir Crop Bullet? e«* 92 State Street. Poston, Mess. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH J. W. Smith, Minister There will be preaching .next Sab¬ by the pastor at 11:00 A. M. 7:30 P. M. Sabbath School and Bible Class at 9:45 A. M. A welcome for all. Drink Water If Kidneys Bother Take a Tablespoonful of Salts if Back Pains or Bladder is Irritated Flush your kidneys by drinking a quart of water each day, also take salts occa¬ sionally, says a noted authority, who tells us that too much rich food forms acids which almost paralyze the kidneys in their efforts to *pel it from the blood. They become sluggish and weaken; then you may suffer with a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, dizzi ness your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the chan¬ nel- often get sore and irritated, oblig ing you to seek relief two or three times during the night. To help neutralize these irritating acids; to help cleanse the kidneys and flush off the body’s urinous waste, get four ounces ofjad Salts from any phar¬ macy here. Take a tablespoonful m a glass of water before breakfast for a few fine.’ days, and your kidneys may then act This famous salts is made front the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com¬ bined with lithia, and has been used for years to help flush and stimulate slug¬ gish kidneys: also to neutralize the acids in the system so they no longer irritate, thus often relieving bladder weakness. lad Salts is inexpensive; ran not in¬ jure and makes a delightful efferves¬ cent lithia-water drink. Bv all means have your physician examine your kid¬ neys at least twice a year.