The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, March 26, 1925, Image 4

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Something More Than Pink Petals for the Hungry Soul, Cod Bless Them! Mr. John H. Jones, Leader-Tribune, Fort Valley, Ga. Dear Johnny: Permit me to express the thanks of my Committee to you individually, and to every member of your staff, for the won¬ derful spirit of cooperation shown in making the Festival such a success. t We are also under undying obligations to you for your as¬ sistance in getting the interest of the members of the Georgia Press Association so thoroughly aroused. Cooperation has been the key-note of the Festival from start to finish, and it has certainly been exemplified by every newspaper and by all those who could in any way contribute to the publicity necessary to make the Festival a success. With kindest personal regards, I am, T. F. FLOURNOY, Chairman Publicity Committee. March 21st, 1925. <2% ftraftrr • AND PEACHLAND JOURNAL Established 1888 Published every Thursday JOHN H. JONES Editor and Owner it A* • Man Thinketh in Hi* So I* He. • * Official Organ of Peach County, of Fort Valley and Western Divi¬ sion of the Southern Diatrict of Georgia Federal Court. N. E. A. Feature Service Advertisers’ Cut Service Entered as second-class matter the post office at Fort Valley, Ga., under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Price* (Payable in Advance) I Year ......... ...... 6 Months ..... ...... 3 Months ....... ....... Advertising Rates: 30c per Column Inch lc per Word Legal Advertisement* Strictly Ca*h in Advance 1 THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1925. May first will be Child Health Baby Peach County will the event with her first health officer under the Ellis Dr. M. S. Brown. REPORTER THANKS CITY Roy E. White, a reporter on tin Atlantic Constitution, write this tor: "I wish to thank those in of the Peach F’estival Association the courteous treatment accorded while in Fort Valley on Thursday Friday of last week. . . . There nothing but the highest praise the way in which everything handled and I especially want thank those good ladies who so faithfully with the little folks order to present such a treat to public. They are the ones that serve the praise for the wonderful showing of the pageant. 1 have spent a more profitable two days in my life than Thursday and of last week in Fort Valley. It was great.” Mr. White wrote a story in the Constitution “telling of the courte¬ ous treatment that the Atlanta visi¬ tors received while in Fort Valley.” This is just a sample of numerous lettesr received this week by The Leader-Tribune dditor. TO PAT GRIFFIN Of Bainbridge, Charlie Bonus of Butler, “Uncle Jeems” Williams of Greensboro, Mark Ethridge of the Macon Telegraph and a lot of other editors who have been crediting us with the report that a Fort Valley negro boy “can rake red coal* from the fire place and eat them with as much relish as a nice roast potato,’ we beg to advise that several weeks -of vigorous investigation have failed to reveal when, where and how The Leader-Tribune said any such thing, dad gum it ! If we were guilty, we wouldn’t blame Pat Griffin for say¬ ing last week: Intended going to Fort Valley this week to the peach festival until we 'read about Johnny Jones seeing a nigger eat fire. When an editor drinks that kind that makes him see fire eating niggers, when he lives there all the time, what the name of thunder would a visiting editor see if he got filled up on ‘some of tlu A same? He never would get over it. Nope, ’J'raid to risk it. >> p. s. —Linotype operator aay« he think* maybe Joel Man n Martin, former editor, started the report. Our column* are open for hi* defense. INITIATED! This editor has now been initiated. He has taken the first degree in the mystic order of the Peach Blossom Festival. He has ridden the goat, the rail and the stars, crossed the hot ■sands, trembled and thrilled, run the whole gamut of romance and adven¬ ture with gods and goddesses, fairies, the elements, kings, princes and rob¬ bers. No pledge of secrecy is required in this order. Nothing can be told It defies description, can only be ex¬ perienced. We lie awake at night: thinking about it. In our initiation we did everything except get actually shot, as happened to us in joining another order once upon a time. Aft¬ er all, among the high lights in our returning memory were the perfect interpretations of their parts by Miss Nora Rountree and Judge A. C. Ri ley ,ns Indian and Chinaman respec¬ tively, in the pageant—and, oh: Leighton Shepard as the “Voice of the South,” broadcasting'Uiver WSB for the Atlanta Journal. As in other arts and sciences, he a master. And Dave Strother as Persian prince, and Cornelius Hall as Spanish don— ah-h-h! Our only way to stop this thing is to think of Miss Charlie Matthews as the peach. The words just won’t come. PEACH FESTIVAL PERMANENT Macon News: The Fourth Peach Blossom Festival at F'ort ley fulfilled early predictions that would eclipse anything that had before, and it is gratifying to know that steps are being taken to insure this great event as a permanency. From the time the first, festival was given there has been but little doubt that it would be held again ii successive years, and yet there is a certain advantage in knowing abso¬ lutely that this is to be the ease and preparations maybe made accord¬ ingly. Fort Valley citizens have purchas¬ ed an attractive plot of ground on '”1 ich the festival is held, and the stadium has been built to last for many years to come. On this basis still further improvements will be made and the entire country will be Put on notice from one year to the other that the blossoming of the peach orchards will be duly cele¬ brated. Weather conditions have always been nearly ideal. For a time the skies were a little threatening on the first day this year, but on the whole there was nothing to justify com¬ plaint. and in the course of the two days the largest crowds were in at¬ tendance that Fort Valley has had in all the history of the enterprise. The capital of peachland has won wide and lasting fame and v o con gratulate her on the decision to make the annual event permanent. AW, G'WAN! Commerce News: Johhny Jones, down nt Fort Valley, is wearing his beaver hat and dress suit during the festival. After all. it may he that editor Jones is not so much con cerned about the peaches on the trees as he is about the other kind. Observation of Oldest Inhabitant ■I kin rememeber when ihe corset makers made more money than the rouge manufacturers. Cincinnati 1 have just looked over your rial edition and in all sincerity it a Peach—beautiful, luscious and lectable—and on a par with the er fine varieties that have made Valley and your section throughout the land.——Ernest Editor Walton Tribune. 1 desire to congratulate you on youi splendid special edition and plement of March 12th. It is a nificent stroke of enterprise and People should appreciate it as well as the improvement you have made in 1 he Leader-Tribune since coming to Fort Valley.—T. L. Bailey, Cochran Journal and Cochran Lumber Co. Congratulatings on this week’s is¬ sue of The Leader-Tribune. It is a masterpiece and merits the genius of an editor. —J. C. Prather, La Grange, Shuttle Publishing Co. Congratuiat oils on yotv “Trail of Pink Petals” . mr.i n. It is fine and should prove a wonderful advertise 'i. t’l of Fort Valley and Peach Coun¬ ty.—-Henry D. Bul l's, LaGrange. Congraluiai: ms on your wonder¬ ful issue abj i* uio Peach F’estival. —J. J. Mi, LaGrange. The Festival number was a Pencil of an issue, worthy of and a credit to you and the. good town of Fort Valley. Heap big congratulations. Lov Warwick, Valdosta. Mrs. Lon Dickey, in an expansive, brilliant article on the Peach Blos¬ som Festival, in The Fitzgerald Lead¬ er, says in part: “Only lack of time prevented us form dropping in The Leader-Tribune and Peachland Jour nal office and greeting Mr. John FI. who once edited the Fitzgerald Press. His “Peach Blossom Special,” published March 12th, in its peach colored covering, was not only an triumph, but a very helpful THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA„ THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1925. Dear Mr. Jones: Circumstances prevented my getting down to the Festival this year; the first load of happy travelers have, returned however, bringing stories of a wondrous entertainment, and a charming hospitality at all of which we do not wonder, but bemoan our fate at having to wait till next year to attend. On page 24 of your Peach Festival Special Supplement, I see you found space for my little verse “Springtime In Fort Valley”—in between the story of Houston and the recipe for a peach meringue—and who could find a choicer place than that, I ask? The object of this short note is to ask that you oblige me, for remit¬ tance enclosed with a few copies of this supplement, since all my friends who brought back copies, refused to give theirs up, and 1 want a couple for my files before you distribute the whole issue. On March 7th I read this little verse over the Atlanta Journal’s “WSB” radio station and we got Responses from as far as Birmingham, so no wonder the Peach Festival draws crowds from far and near, as it is known by its previous reputation. This issue of The Leader I consider a work of art. With best wishes, I am Yours, etc., DAVID EDW. UNGAR Atlanta, Ga., March 20, 1925. MORE BLOSSOMS In his seventeen years of per experience this editor has issued many special publications, but before has one received such a measure of praise from near and as is being showered upon our cent Peach Blossom Festival Edition of The Leader-Tribune. In all modesty we may agree that this edi¬ tion was excellent in artistic propor¬ tions and wealth of the real sub stanc of this wonderful town and county. Such was due, not to this editor, but to the high ability of those wh oassisted us in the edition. It is a striking fact that numerous visitors from other cities called lipoil us. while at the Festival last week and urged upon us that they be given opportunity to buy space in next year’s edition. It appears that the high merit of the beautiful Festival Edition has completely sold the ides i as one of such worth that our big problem will be in living up to the anticipations and requirements of tin 1926 number. However, we shall plan throughout the year for a pub¬ lication next year which will embrace all ambitions nml desires in bloom. Parts of some ow the comment on the edition are published herewith. Some wore published last week. Congratulations on your special editio n. It was a peach!—Quimby Melton, Editor Griffin Daily News. I received a copy of your paper commemorating the Peach Blossom F'estival and congratulate you on it —F. L. Adams, County School Supt. and Editor Pike County Journal. Harris County Journal: Mr. ny Jones, editor of the Fort Valley Leader-Tribune, sure issued an edi¬ tion of his paper for the peach ldos om festival that is a ga ». Magazir 6 form and a rare picture of the town Dalton Citizen: The Citizen is in receipt of an invitation to attend the Annual Peach Blossom Festival to be held in Fort Valley Thursday and Friday, March 19-20. This is a great event, and one that not only adver¬ tises Fort Valley and Peach county, hut the entire stale of Georgia. It directs national attention to our great state and its marvelous re sources. Augusta Chronicle: The great suc¬ cess attending the Georgia Peach Blossom Festiyal ought to insure that attraction as a permanent institu¬ tion in the state, hereafter, and it should be even more widely adver¬ tised than ever before. Washington News-Reporter: At this writing the Georgia peach festi¬ val is in full swing. Johnny Jones in¬ vited all the editors of the state to be his guests on this novel and note¬ worthy occasion in Fort Valle, Peach county, Georgia, and many of the alleged molders of public opinion are today feasting the eye on miles and miles of beautiful pink orchards and dozens and dozens of beautiful j eaches of womanhood, who annual gather at this middle Georgia publicity feature of the Fourth An¬ nual Festival. ' I Sandersville Progress: Editor John¬ ny Jones of the Leader-Tribune, at Fort Valley, issued a “Peach Blos¬ som Festival Edition” last week that was a credit to Georgia. Butler Herald: Hon. John II. Jones, editor and publisher of the Fort Valley Leader-Tribune, has the distinction of issuing as a supplement to his most splendid paper, the first magazine edition of its kind ever published by a weekly in the State, ' It is souvenir of a the fourth annual Peach Blossom Festival being held this week at Fort Valley and is re plete with fine articles relative to the peach industry in the new county of Peach, the growth and rapid ad i vancement of that section, its relig j * ous > educational and civic advan tages, attractive advertising matter and splendid Illustrations. The cover is in color work and is a very fine piece of art. It is printed on an excel It nt grade of paper, Elberta tinted, and looks as good as peach ice cream. Thousands of these copies, selling at 25c each, are being spread through¬ out the 1 United States and will ere atl ‘ great interest about “The World’s Peach Paradise” wherever received. Our hearty congratulations are extended Editor Jones and his co-laborers in this great and very successful undertaking. Sander*ville Progress: Fort Valley held the spotlight last Thursday and Friday when the annual “Peach Bios some F'estival” was staged. Those in attendance state it eclipsed by fai¬ l'll previous efforts. It is now a state event and in time will be a national event. Harris County Journal: Thanks to Home Brew in the Enquirer-Sun. Your kind rt ipinder to Johnny Jones had the desiiYd effect. We have the invitation to the great peach blos¬ som carnival. Of course we’d rather accept a Fort Valley peach, yet willing to receive only a peach’s blossom, and are wearing the soles off our shoes hunting a vacant seat in a car going that way on the 20th. Adel New*: The Peach Blossom edition of the F’ort Valley Leader Tribune last week was a “peach” of a paper, with the color of peach cream and with an abundance of news, attractive advertisements and splendid contributed articles telling of the glories of the peach section. Editor Johnny Jones gets out a good paper all the time. Dalton Citizen: The Peach Blos¬ som Festival edition of the Fort Val¬ ley Leader-Tribune is a peach of a special edition. It L printed on peach colored paper, and tells all about' , peaches Fort Valley and Peach i county. In fact it is peaches cream i\< m first to las 1 page. We congratulate vou, Johnuv LaGrange Graphic: Johnny J.Hirs’ Peach Blossom Festival editio’ a Peach. Rockmart News: Editor Tl.o. H. Jones, of The F’ort Valley Leader Tribune has again proven his abili- 1 ty as an editor, and demonstrated the co-operative spirit of the business enterprises of Fort Valley in Lis spe-1 cial edition promoting the Peach; Blossom Festival. The regular issue! and supplement were published on P eactl color paper which produced novel and attractive appearance. Me¬ chanically and editorially it is a meritorious piece of work, of which Mr. Jones and the people of Fort Valley may justly feel proud. , Editor and Mrs- Johnny H. Jones, Fort Valley, Ga. lly Dear Frit nds: We thank you most heartily for the very ki 1 and cordial reception given t s and our Press party on yesterday and wish to thank you for .11 the newspaper folks there. It was so good of you to make such an elaborate feature of this event for the Press. I wish, also, to compliment the people of your city, county and section for their ma nmoth success in this year’s most beau¬ tiful pageant. It was wonderful in its entirety and you hav^ prov¬ en to the world when you start out to do a thing it will be done. With my best regards, 1. m, Fraternally yours, 0. D. ROUNTREE, President, Georgia Press Association. Wrightsville, Ga., March 21, 1925. . town, and, incidentally, feasting the innerman ,n Georgia barbecue and other delicacies. And we couldn’t get there! Oconee Enterpri»e: We are invited down to Eort Valley today to be the guest of the Peach Blossom Festi¬ val, but for the want of ready cash we had to decline the invitation. However, Johnny, we thank you just the same. Augusta Chronicle: The Georgia peach festival held at Fort this week has proven one of greatest attractions of its kind ever inaugurated in the South. A « Peach .. of a Paper Montezuma Georgian: The Peach 1 Blossom Festival edition of The 1 Leader-Tribune, edited by Johnny j Jones, of Fort Valley, reached our desk a few days ago. The cover design of this special edition is a picture of the King and Queen of the Pd*ach Blossom Festival, which was held in F'ort Valley this week. The edition carries (he program for the pageant and several pictures of those playing the important roles. The paper on which this issue ,j s printed is peach color. I A list of the Peach County offi¬ cials, names and the account of the first court held in Peach County. Interesting articles on adjoining counties appear in this special edi- l tion. Enough praise cannot be ten 1 dered Mr. Jones on this peach of a 1 ^ newspaper in Peach County. Cuthbert Leader: The Fort Valley Leader-Tribune’s special Peach Blos¬ som Festival Edition is a handsome publication on pink paper with tasty typography. It is a cred , to Editor Jones and his associat s I Millen New*: Those artistic invi¬ tations, and the equally attractive supplement to the Leader-Tribune— "The Trail of Pink Petals”, and a number of other things we have read and heard about the Peach Blossom Festival at F’ort Valley this week, ikes hungry to attend. Quite 1 us a de'egation from here will go, how e cr. Calhoun Times! Unless all signs fail the Peach County festival is go ing over big, and Editor Johnny Jones’ Leader- Tribune gave a little for good measure in its contribution to the cause. “The Trail of Pink Pet¬ als” edition was not only a work of art, but it carried a refreshing air of dignity too often missing in boost i er editions. DonaIdsonvillc News: The metro politan issue of the Fort Valley Lead er-Tribune issued last week reflects g . , credjt upon tHe editor and the ()f y ()rt y a ;] ev ^’ e }, a( ] hoped t(> tlu , .. Tra j 1 Q f pillk petab" and enjoy a day with Johnny .lone during the festival, but, man'- pro posing was about as far as we were able to advance. Brother Jones, and thanks for the good time we are certain to have hud jf we cou i(j have only gotten to Fort Valley. Jackson Progress-Arguh: Editor John H. Jones issued a special Peach Blossom Festival edition of his al ways interesting Fort Valley Leader Tribune. This edition presented in a striking way the resources and possi bilities of the F'ort Valley area. It was a splendid effort and reflects credit on Editor Jones and the en¬ terprising business men of that sec¬ tion. Covington New*: Johnny Jones’ peach-blown issue of The F'ort Valley 4 i Certainty i ! • ■ • • of •> T •> . Satisfaction I < * 4* | [ ♦ j1 * * • • \ i * j \ * • ’ + Banking at an Institution like this, . ! with every service facility, experi¬ * | ♦ enced Officers and broad connections • * give* a feeling of satisfaction that <• + * invariably adds to one’s confidence. * • | Satisfaction is claimed by our host of depositors to be worth a great • deal. You, advan¬ too, can enjoy this • t tage by opening an account here. t i | Come in today and * $ get acquainted. * • t * | CITIZENS BANK OF FORI VALLEY t T t * Capital & Surplus $150,000 * », •J* 5% Interest 100% Service 100% Security r L< ader was the most attractive spe¬ cial issue to reach The News office in many a day. The only thing it lacked was the flavor of peach brandy to make it real. Early County News: The Peach Blossom Fe. tival is being held in Fort Valley today and tomorrow. Editor Johnny Jones, of The Leader-Trib¬ une has issude splendid edition of his paper in con memoration of the 1 big annual event. ' ---------- —..... . - i PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH j J. W. Smith, Minister T! < ro will he preuchi.'g next Sab hath by the pastor at 11:00 A. M. ami 7: :o P. M. At the morning serv ice the Ruling Elder-elect will be or dained. • Sunday school and Bible ■■^'ss ai | 1:1 ” ^ 1 HUFF DALAND AIRPLANE 1 DUSTERS AT FESTIVAL One of the outstanding features , f the Peach Blossom F'estiva! was the appearance of Huff Daland air¬ plane dusters at the pageants, where they added much to the beauty of the finale by showering pink petals upon the stage. On Friday they dis¬ tributed a special edition of “The Duster Dispatch" with greetings to the newspaper editors who were guests of the occasion and showered them with pink petals. Roger W. Riis, genial advertising manager of Huff Daland Dusters. Inc., was very much on the job.