The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, March 26, 1925, Image 7

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V r .., 1 £ THE 31 :.ri t z i s £ OFFICIAL Fort of Valley the ORGAN KIWANIS KALL and Get Full Value t a A !' an SR r •r, •* Kiwanis Club Published Weekly Thursday by the Kiwanis Club of Fort Valley, Ga. for Your Mon \ on SR £ £ SFi .3 Vol. 1 THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1925. Number 30. s Here’s the beverage that delights The Fort Valley Oil Co. taste, satisfies thirst and refreshes. Every buttle is sterilized insur- S Manufacturers of ing absolute purity COTTON SKK1) PRODUCTS Fort Valley Bottling Co. £ FORT VALLEY, CiA. l>. C. STKOTHRR * K. M. WHITING. KIWANIANS W. G. HHISHNIMNE. KIWANIAN 3 J. W. Woolfolk W. I.. Snow Ralph Newton There’s Music in the Air £ Bring free entertainment into your home with •I. W. Woolfolk iV Co. a Radio Receiving Set. See the Radiola line we are showing. bR Spray Material, Peas & Peaches GREEN-MILLER COMPANY GI.KNMORK UR KILN, KIWANIAN Fort Valley, Georgia 1 £ EVANS CLARK CO. Inc. LET’S GO! Georgia Agricultural Works £ QUALITY — SERVICE Marketing and Dealer, in Asparagus HARDWARE & FURNITURE and Peach Crate, and Supplie,. £ A. J. Evans E. G. Clark The Peach Blossom Festival is not ti We’ve Cot It £ merely an event of a day or a week. F. 0. MILLER, Kiwanian 1 Kiwanian Kiwanian It is a symbol of the Spirit of Fort Valley and Peach County which ev¬ For % ery Kiwanian, as well as every other SPRAY MATERIALS Your account, whether large or small, citizen, should breathe and sing ev¬ v respectfully solicited on the basis of day in the SPRAY MACHINES I ^ ery year. a PARACIDE >» £ sincere appreciation. my PROMPT COURTEOUS We have just begun to BUILD! s Call on EFFICIENT Em Let all members be in their seats 3 3 SERVICE O 5 promptly at SOUTHERN F. W. BROKERAGE Withoft, Mgr. COMPANY £ £ Bank of Fort Valley TWELVE O’CLOCK FRIDAY Kiwanian £ Delegates to the International £ Convention will be elected at this C. HALL $ Manufacturers of week’s meeting. £ CHILDREN’S UNDERWEAR The Program Committee promises $ J to present some fine features of in terest. i KIWANIAN F. O. MILLER, Pres. A. J. EVANS, Treas. & Gen’l Mgr. LET S GO! £ T. F. KIWANIANS FLOURNOY, Supt. THE TIRE MAN £ J ISM ■ lamfiuiiiBjarcfljaniR Fi y asffiaiaitfitfKiaai i i nrafi^^ 1 CLOPINE CLIPPINGS I ■ i W * Miss Marie Lassater and Miss Bel! of Indian Springs, Ga„ who visited Miss Hexie Castleberry for the Peach Festival returned to their homes Sun¬ day. ❖ V ❖ Miss Opal Celia, her mother and sister, who are staying in Atlanta now, are visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Capps for several days. + * After several days’ visit tothe home of Miss Vera Cheek, Miss Alma Cheek returned to her home at Ogle¬ thorpe Tuesday. 4* 4> 4 Mrs. E. E. Cheek’s visitors for the festival, Mrs. Vernon Grant, and Mrs. McFadden of Troy, Ala., re¬ turned home Sunday afternoon. 4* 4- 4 1 A good many members of the Fort Valley Methodist church are coming I out to Providence the 2nd Sunday in April for the purpose of helping to organize the people of this section so we may have special meetings our ing the spring and summer at our little church. We want to thank the good people who are going to help, assisted by their pastor, Kev. Thos, ] H. ’Thomson. ❖ ❖ 4 A_ain we have to report some of the lovely visitors for the festival; going home. Miss visited Eva Biggers Miss Vera of | Forest Park who j Cheek for several days left Monday for her home. .;. .;. .;. Mr. Robert Tuggle motored to Churchfield on a sight seeing trip Sunday afternoon. * * * Mr. Vernon Tuggle, who has been for some time connected with the Gulf filling station at Perry, will now be glad to greet his many friends at Heard and Evans Drug Store of the city. fHE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1925. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Foster visitors on their farm Monday Tuesday. Mr. Foster reports pects of having one of the peach crops in Peach county. * + * The people of this community are sorry to learn that little Elmo Will¬ iams is ill. * * * Mr. Bob Harper spent, the week end in Columbus on business. * * We are glad that Mr. E. B. Fa¬ gan is improving after several days of illness with flu at his home. •J- 4> 4* Miss Annie Ruth Butler of Tal botton spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. R. C. Slappey, at Church Grove Fruit Farm arid attended the Peach Blossom Festival in Fort Va;~ ] e y. * 4* 4> Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Melvin enjoy¬ ed a delightful trip out on the Church Grove Fruit Farm Sunday afternoon. i I SULPHUR ’ IS ' BEST | ? 10 wLEAR _ _ UP _ UGLY, f ! I ? t ^ BROKEN CUT SKIN r l Any breaking out or skin irritation on fare, neck or body is overcome quickest by applying Mentho-Sulphur, says a noted skin specialist. Because of its germ destroying properties, noth¬ ing has ever been found to take ihe place of this sulphur preparation that instantly brings ease from the itching, burning and irritation. 4 . Mentho-Sulphur heals eczema right up, leaving the sk'in clear and smooth. It seldom fails to relieve the torment or disfigurement. A little jar of Rowles Mentho-Sulphur may he ob¬ tained at any drug store. It is used like cold cream. SALE OF LAND Georgia, Peach County. By virtue of the Power of Sale in a Security Deed from T. M. Anthoine to E. L. Fountain, dated February 14, 1918, and recorded in Book 24, folio 467, Clerk's Office, Houston Superior Court, and transferred by E. L. Fountain to Paul Stallworth on the day of December, 1923, and transferred by Paul Stallworth on the 25 day of April 1924, to Jones Motor Company, the undersigned will on the third Tuesday in April 1925, before the courthouse door in said County, sell at public outcry, within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following des¬ cribed property: That lot in the City of Fort Valley, Georgia, fronting east GO feet on Anderson Avenue and running back 146 feet to 10 foot alley. Said lot being more particu¬ larly described as follows: Beginning at the corner of Anderson Avenue and Vineville Street, running thence North along the western line of An¬ derson Avenue a distance of sixty feet to Nettie L. An¬ thoine lot, thence West at right An¬ gle a distance of 146 feet to center of alley, thence south at right an-! gle a distance of 60 feet to line of Vineville Street, thence East a dis-j tanee of 146 feet to starting point. Said lot having -located thereon a house now occupied by T. M. An¬ thoine as a residence. The balance of the debt secured. | which is $435.10 is hereby declared - due under the terms of said deed. tones motor company. Strozier & Deaver, B. Cubbedge Snow, Attorneys for Jones Mtr. Co. 3-26-4t. The Mississippi River taken witk its upper tributary, the Missouri, is 4,200 miles in extent, the longest river in the world. Miss Victoria Willette, of Phila¬ delphia, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Will Carithers during the festi¬ val. STOP THAT BACKACHE! Many Fort Valley Folks Have Found the Way. Is a dull, nerve-racking ache wearing you out? Do you feel uder and slower than you should? Are you tired, weak and nervous; find it impossible to be happy, or enjoy the good times around you? Then there’s something wrong and likely it’s your kidneys. Why not get at the cause? Use Doan’s Pills a stimulant diuretic to the kidneys. Your neighbors recommend Doan’s Read what this Fort Valley resi¬ dent says. Mrs. Wm. Stembridge, 608 Orange St., says: “Attacks of back ache came on due to a weakened condition of my kidneys. Pains settled across my kidneys which felt like a knife cutting through me, every time I breathed. 1 became stiff across my my hack and felt weak and worn out. My kidneys acted irregularly, too. I used Doan’s Pills and they cured me.” Doan’s Pills and they cured me. 60c. at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Mfr.s., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv. Boost Fort Vailey to Build a City. : Twwmtn RED PEPPER HEAT The heat of red peppers takes the “ouch” from a sore, lame back, it can not hurt you, and it certainly ends the torture at once. When you air suffering so you can hardly get around, just try Red Pepper Rub. and you will have the quickest re¬ lief known. Nothing has such concen¬ trated, penetrating heat as red peppers. Just as soon as you apply Red Pep¬ per Rub you will feel the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Pain and sore¬ are gone. for jar of Rowles Ask any druggist a the Red Pepper Rub. Be sure to get with the name Rowles on each ADVERTISING CARS BOOST STATE One Georgia and two Florida ad¬ vertising cars of the Brazie Advertis¬ ing Association assembled at Fori Valley and were in attendance at the Fourth Annual Peach Blossom Festival and were an attractive fea ture in the parade. These cars are en route north where they will spene the summer spreading advertising matter and general information with a view of bringing capital and home seekers to share our splendid climate and the fertile lands of Georgia and Florida. Mr. Brazie has been engaged for a number of years in making an¬ nual publicity excursions throughout the northern states and Canada in behalf of the State of Florida and has this year placed in service a Georgia car which will visit 18 sta*< during summer and Florida tourist season next winter. Arrangements are in the making whereby this section will be repre¬ sented this year by the Brazie Or¬ ganization. Boost Fort Valley to Build a City. Rub Rheumatic Pain From Aching Joints Rub Pain right cut with small trial bottle of old “St. Jacobs Oil. »» Stop “dosing” Rheumatism. It's pain only; not one case in fifty require, internal treatment, Rub soothing, penertating “St. Jacobs Oil” right on the “tender spot,” and by the time you say Jack Robinson—out comes the rheumatic pain and distress. “St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheu¬ matism liniment which never disap points and doesn't burn the skin It takes pain, soreness and stiffness from aching joints, muscles and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache and neuralgia. Get small trial bottle Limber up! a Jacobs Oil” of old-time, honest “St. from any drug store, and in a mo¬ ment, you’ll be free from pains, aches and stiffness. Don't suffer 1 Rub rheumatism away. Professional Directory Claude M. Hauser Samuel fv*. lvta,hews HOUSER <V MATHEWS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice in nil the Slate and Federal Courts Loans made upon City Property on, monthly payment plan and rogu.ui loans upon farm property. Woolfolk Bldg. Phone 107 Fort Valley, Ga. NORMAN E. ENGLISH ATTORNEY AT LAW Brown Building Fort Valley, Ga. C. L. SHEPARD ATTORNEY AT LAW Woolfolk Building- phone 31 Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts. Loans Made on Realty Louis L. Browi R. E. Browrs Louis L. Brown, Jr. BROWN & BROWN ATTORNEYS AT LAW Wright Building. ’Phone 9. Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts. Loans on Realty Negotiated. GEO. B. CULPEPPER, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW Citizens Bank Building Phone 374 Fort Valley, Ga. W. H. HARRIS ATTORNEY AT LAW SECOND FLOOR HARRIS BLDG. Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the Courts Office Work and Income Tax Appeals a specialty Enrolled to practice before U. S. Treasury Department DR. W. L. NANCE DENTIST Miss Florence Taylor, Assistant Citizens Bank Building Fort Valley, Ga. ’Phones: Office 82; Residence 115,, DR. W. H. HAFER DENTIST Office over Copeland’s Pharmacy. Fort Valley, Ga. ’PHONES Residence 50-J Office 14-X We Insure Everything Insurable KENDRICK INSURANCE AGENCY Woolfolk Fort Valley Phone Bldg. Ga. 58-J John T. Slaton FIRE INSURANCE Woolfolk Bldg. Fort Valley, Ga. Phone 283 666 is a prescription for ‘ Colds, Grippe, Dengue, Headache*,, Constipation, Biliousness. | t ; s t j, e most speedy remedy was know. RESTLESS SLEEP DUE TO STOMACH GAS Oas pressure in the abdomen caus¬ es a restless, nervous feeling and prevents sleep. Adlerika removes gas in TEN minutes and brings out sur¬ prising- amounts of old waste matter you never thought was in your sys¬ tem. This excellent intestinal evacu ant is wonderful for constipation or stomach trouble. Don’t waste time with pills or tablets but get REAL Adlerika action! Copeland’s Pharma cy. *..;.•*.*y -.*»** *;-*;• -** y •;* i- -1-*’**!*-’- -.-'I’ -1- T Houser’s Mill Will be ready for operation again Wed- ■[ nesday, April 1, and all of our customers :: are cordially invited to renew their pat- :: Linage. ;• We thank vou for..'vour patience and :: * *■' « > 4- kindness during the last few weeks and \[ s 4* assure' you t-hat our appreciation will be £ shown in prompt,'. courteous service at:: ■*» all times. •1 * t + * 4- E. L di ,»?, ,v ^ .% ***.% )*» »Jr 4 N 8 M l M iM M 9 > l H W t M # l l