The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, April 02, 1925, Image 10

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I 0» »»M *»444444»♦♦♦♦»< 'I - H ♦ 4 »» ♦ +♦, EASTER P l STRIES ■■■ « ••• i 4 4 4 J 1 ore you spend the time and ef- 4 baking your own Pastries for X 4t r, inspect our offerings. Our I » .0 s Cakes, Pies, and other * works of Ba'iery Art will r Easter table one of ideal v s» and loveliness. 1 4* 4, •• < 1 T # a Ti. ii CITY BAKERY t . + 1; W. H. HARPER, Manager •f QUALITY ND FKRV1CE FORT VALLEY, GA. 4 4 ❖ »4+++++*+*‘K: “THE TRAIL OF PANIC PETALS” (Dublin Messenger) The trip to Fort Valley last Fri day was a revelation to us. The beau tiful day and t » '.onderf i roads, the splendid homes that we passed signifying something out of the or* dinary, growing more attractive as we neared the City of Fort Valley ell engendered a spirit of expectancy that prepared us lor something unus ual. Wc “trailed” the pink petals all the way as greeh foliage on most of the trees greeted us instead, but we were not disappointed in the least as we When the Takes V •■i f^TlICK | U So TURPIN rode James. a horse. E9p^ vafikt When pay-roll, the however, modern he bandit starts high-powered on the trail of a fat uses a motor car, and in his efforts to keep pace with the fertile brains of the inventor and the business man he may soon take to armored tanks and aeroplanes. Pitting his nerve and ingenuity against business and science, the bandit apparently recognizes no limita¬ tions, and American business is watching with keen interest the effect that transportation of money by aeroplane and armored motor car will have on the rising tide of business crime. Transportation of pay-roll through the air is a logical ment in the progress of aviation, an oaatern contractor has blazed the way by making up his pay roll and transporting il to his build tug operation hy aeroplane, joat in time to pay ofT. The that has been attracted to his ■lay t>e expected to result in a •T leas extensive use of this •f transporting large sums of Ud a* a consequence police •re already beginning to ■hat steps can Ite taken to combat the air bandit. Bandit Careless of Life The pay-roll bandit cares little human life, argue the police. •very day's news carries a story ■ pay-roll robbery, with its grim ac ■ompaniment of death whenever re ststance is offered. Therefore, it is ■ot without the realm of probability to contemplate a modern lliek Turpin taking to the air with machine gun mourned on the fuselage and forcing down the pay roll plane with the saute technique that lie has exhibited In forcing mouey-carrying automobiles off the road at pistol's point. Even as the freebooter of old lay to wait behind some headland for the richly ladened treasure ship, so does the land pirate of today ferret out the pay-roll messenger and strike at a strategic lime iftul place. It may be on a swiftly moving express train, as demonstrated recently when $4(t. 000 Intended for a Pennsylvania mine was taken front a messenger who los; fcie life Itt defense of the money Or It may be as carefully timed u another very recent holdup, Itt which the weekly pay-roll of a New York manufacturing plant was taken to three armed bandits a moment after It was delivered to the offices of th« plant from an armored car. j Strategic Point Selected Sonteiim - the route of the treas¬ ure is so carefully checked that th > one unsuspecu d weak point in what was thought to be a perfect defense Is discovered by the bandit to be In a passenger elevator, or some other equally unusual place Chicago fur¬ nished the most recent case of an ele vator robbery, in which the operator pf the car was clubbed into realized that we were ju*t a few days nearer the peach, the goal to which the whole world is turning, looking towarda Fort Va lley and Georgia 1)1 r,sF ^ "” r 1 s ‘ he glorious day of achievement that was staged by Fort Valley should be looked upon as one for all Geor gia and surely it is. Last year when the early and late peach matured so nearly together and so congested the markets that the peach crop was not profitable and 'heir section so greatly suffered, we wondered what effect it would have r Hi H ■h T v & k m lihi f ii lUU « ijTjk, IT / il M ar . •fi i5ii.ll |jp4' i -IC-L F i . i. ' IU” L Ii':,; Iff' r ^ HI r. iii] i ; ; .. ;l| -1 f/o, ax -^r f Armored cars for the transportation of currency, equipped with machine guns, and cash boxes which can be automatically drawn back to the car by an attached chain are among the recent devices for the protection of pay-rslls from bandits. ! ity when he attempted to escape the hold-up men, the ear run to the street level by one of the bandits and the getaway made. The vast majority of pay-roll roll heries have one outstanding charac¬ teristicthey show knowledge of the j safest place to strike. Frequently (here is evidence of "inside" cooper ution. but more often the success of the bandit Is due merely to weeks of checking up on the specific pay-roll he intends to steal. Few "Water Hauls” It Is Indeed seldom that a bandit I stages a hold up where there is no money The information on which he acts is almost il’.vttr ably correct, and if he lose, out it is because some d|tail overlooked in bis or car- those fu! pirn guanlinv has boon th > money exhibit more than the average nerve For Ihe bandit lias secrecy in his favor, He knows to a certainly when and where he will strike, and takes full advantage of his assurance that Iris victim will he unnerved hy the surprise attack Th. foliowing extract from th - newspaper account of one of the re cent pay roll mlibiu ie- illustrates dra¬ matically til - strategy oi the bandit. j ! “Tin’ robbery was p uTcctly timed The armored car. which only a few minutes before bad brought the the leaDer tribune, fort valley, ca., Thursday, april 2, 1925. v .. • • * by RUTH MONCRIEF i » \ t V. 'i he Men ivan e.i-tic c»ub me,, )>u t cnurch ounday after noon at 2 o’clock. The Baptist Ladies' Mission Study n u ,, i\i. fe. vv.itre tvxoutlay afternoon. * v <• Miss Elizabeth Willis of Macon f>t lit la.ic ween end with Miss Laker, . . . Mi-i. Pinkston, who is tecahing in the public school at Cordeie. the week end with Miss Swindle. •5* •§• 4» The M. II. S. quintet are attend ing the National Tournament at Chi cage. They left Marshallville early Sunday morning. The Marshallville bo prcsqulpd a crate of asparagus to he served on the Dixie Limited. The pa senger expressed their ans- ami v.isneu our uoys luck. Marshallville considers this incident a ver ood advertise ment, of gia asparagus. The team played their on the fine spirit of the people of Peach County. Houston county had been divided by an act of the Legislature termi noting a fight that had been 0,1 ^ or sev< ' lfd years between Fort Vaiiey and 1Vn /' S ' nct ’ \ hv div,s,0n ; 1 there has been found in the “ruined’ I section of Houston county, minenu deposits and there is now being (.j g million dollar cement plant. In (he City of Perry, they are erecting ( , ne 0 f ^e most beautiful school buildings in the state. They have also erected more new dwellings than had been built in Perry in probably 20 years. From the ashes of disap pointment she has discovered a new power and greater worth and stands money, tad just disappeared when the robbers entered the oflleo. The cashier was ubout to put the box con¬ taining the money into the safe when it was snatched from h r by one of the robbers who pointed a pistol .if her. He then back d out of ihe of 1 - and was followed by his companions who had tine timed o .hers in the office with pistols, Th. whirl of a motor outside an in :, ut later indica' ed that Ihe men bail made their get away in an automobile." Bandits are not sneetacular mcanse they crave publicity. Some of their most daring exploits have a far more businesslike foundation. They know for instance, that on a crowded thor¬ oughfare the pay roll is likely to tie less carefully guarded. They know also that the average Innocent by stander is not going to take a chain on being the central figure in a first class funeral merely for (he privih-g of saving somebody vise's money A rohherv that might have furnish¬ ed a movie thriller was ree fitly con eliminated on a Lusy down-town stree m Chicago. Six bandits in nvo auto mobiles trail ’d an automobile coni: in-, ing $10,000 pay-roll for v. ’ a ■ blocks. Kina’.> b y maneuver, d iln pay-roll car to •:> • curb by the simp! expadi'-nt o . i:g it and b’o 1 the way with their larger machines, The pay roll car was wrecked, and before th- occupants could colic their wits r,;oi..y and bandits were but a cloud o. mist In the dietc.u. Th.* crowd v. ,-h immediately gath ered h id seen i.otlilng but ill ■ wreck and did not realize for several lain utes that a robbery had taken place. Another tin re of the manner in which (lie hao-'ui capitalizes ihe et feet of surprise attracted nation-wide attention a f. w weeks ago The pay roll of a large industrial plant had been made up, and the paymaster was first game Tuesday afternoon St. George, Utah and won i bey win play Durham, N. C., nesday nignt. ^^4 Mrs. A. J. Hargrove and her daughter, Miss Eugenia, are ii M. Hargrove Mr. Donehom pastor of the list church, made a very talk to the school children Monday morning. Mr. Wight has asked sev | end citizens to conduct chapel exer cises while he is in Chicago with the basket ball team. ❖ * + Mr:-. S. C. Rumph is supplying Mrs. E. A. Wight while he is away. t Mrs. J. C. Lee has been called to A .I, er on account of the illness.of Mrs. Sallie Boswell, her sister. ; bailie s” many frieifTI here are to hear of her illnc-s am hope she will soon be better. before the people of Georgia as | demonstration of the real value confidence and courage. A year ago Fort Valley suffered a great loss and in that she saw a new need the need of the power to carry over her perishables for a brief period. | Today they are finishing their new million dollar plant for that purpose and they will not suffer again so much, Thay ga 1 e t > the world the great¬ est pageant of all this yeur and it is a credit to the intelligence and cou¬ rage of her splendid people. Every white family and even some negroes had a part in the production and we were glad to see that there i . ■M m2 , m f. .; v. * m Yvt i Ws ■m Mr Site. mm EM: r TH _ % ■>- mm i&v*i ffw i, I if' f V- 35; ■E. & si?? m ml il 'j:- %A l\ j. * * m m 1, leg I 1 % Ti m A ■fl m H u & V ;v y fl N ii </ * O: mm Lv making his rounds of the building, paying off. At the foot of a stairway a man was standing, apparently en¬ grossed in a newspaper. As the pay¬ master passed him the stranger drew his pistol and demanded the money. Two other bandits suddenly appeared with drawn revolvers, and the pay¬ master ami two oiiic -t employees were forced into a small room while lie hold-up men escaped with $8 000. And so :lie slorj goes, the lertiio brain of the bandit ever active in his quest of easily won wealth Somo im s hi- work lias a touch of ihe usual as he strolls into an office, un a few thousands and walks leisurely out Again he comes almost oviili a blare of irunipets. like ilv robber baron of old. But alvyays he Uses th method best . irulated t) result in a tr.msfe o£ possession ot :l ■on si ra.HP sum iz ten.y 1'verv Bay -roll is fair f him and it L i!'(!, «] an opiiinl ; c prophet, who re-cast bis .1. i lent l ise oi .planes * ■er st - ship,. Business Has Now Plan lian<i:.,y lies eontini I in ii a. •• with the expansion ol nidus.. and lie eoi:-. .iu-'ii. lucre-. il. bity for tiroiiiable I: types of criminnIs vvho p-c y on l-.u ; ness have not had such easy however. For in t;im-. , tit i las found his I'nnn : Iv . V liveti Iiood s rinusly me o- Ch. ck wr't ng ma h.nes. remarkable develop ment In safety paper and the activkv of insurance c.unpanl - and bai vs' arganlr.ntioaa have made his .-ailing hazardous in the extreme Taking advantage of this greater safety of is at place in the world where co-operation is not a mere name. We do not know how much it will cost the citizens aiiove the actual income in cash, but we hope it will be noth whatever it may be, however, the city of Fort Val’ey should have a provision in her Charter to provide the authority to levy a tax to cover \ it if necewary. In t’-e ultimate, the pro pert r.wri' T f ‘bat sect 1 )• »t<‘ to be the beneficiarie . In return for t' hf* nefit derived to all Georgia we should be lavish in supplying flor.ts s-nti patronage, that there y. jld h no <: far •: po sible and it would be 1 a real good ; investment if we should divide the 1 financial responsibilities. To furnish j the tbe Production timo and the of ener great ^’ inciden pageant * to so a i should be enough for Fort Valley j and her sister cities. Val Ju “ l as we were leavin|? Fort ' ,ey we stor) P ed at a drink stand and ' wcre served fr< " h P each J u,ce <not fermented) and this wonderfully Palatable drink was crushed from the I i<,ach last vear and has been camed - I over until now. No wonder the peo PC >r. of Fdrt VaPev were amon the first to see the wisdom of a State Port. To be able to carry fresh peach juice and to take it from the off Krade and sizes of the peach crop would make the people of the peach belt richer and the world happier. To be able to furnish twelve month m y ear the crushed peach juice through all the fount of the world would indeed be a great power and true to the characteristic of her people, they saw it. We brought a bottle of that peach juice home with us, paying Si.00 for it, and the taste of the peach “fur” still in it. What would it have been worth last year to save every sound peach of the or chard of Georgia? The boldest flight of imagination cannot tell. The State Port would give that power. But in the meantime Fort Valley is spend ing time, money and effort in build ing a plant to take care in some de¬ gree, of Georgia’s great crop. The Peach Festival is the greatest advertisement Georgia has ever had and the cities of the entire state I should offer their aid next year to I help the people of Fort Valley stage the production. 7M, (Pm i. IP S. lx mu WM I SjijfllfeM L'x' '-Ug h zf i }%ss. M mm V NrtP -s 1 •x-: z ■■ m m :■ ■ y/'N. <■ Hi ; > < m :V &0Z ■ 5 ■ ■ A. t l w< fc Hi-' •A. - .-»AI ii ■mi A Wmms .4 Photo by P. & A. A New York construction firm is using an aerop’aee to transport its pay-roll doect to dr.ant building operations. Occup-nts of tne plane go armed in event of possible forced landing or attempted hold up. the ch-ck. burlcess rnrn are o ii ,i m. ans of avoiding til hail • . i ,i,i-g ■ sum i of pay-roll si: ; to." most Improved check writ machines and suf tv paper tic <i by processes that make suc check alteration t in po - e, they ar-' defeating the .mi . by leaving their cash in hank i atiLs. For years the hartr.l of forgery I hindered the use of the pay-roll ich. ck. Science and invention have i largely solved this problem, anil tlie business man Is able to j * X 1 X DONT WIS^ > JorTHEM LUXmgK T SAVE * X fSSf I S I ^ I V •i* \ \ -* > y % ij ,\V V u 4" r T •> * * 4 / | -m / tffl st .T * ^ X A -x I X ♦ X X t % .j. 2 When we urge you to start a vings Account with I * giving straight from the 4 this Bank today, we are you som ♦ + *;• 4. shoulder advice that will ;ha f later years. T you us j 4 »> •> £ The successful men of today are succ sful because they V •3» kne w how to save money. Those who e e luxuries •• .> J which you envy today are those who mat U i: heir nest eggs ,1 4 T *a* f !! of savings hatch interest and accumulate. *> J | * 11 , , .. 4 ] \ BANK OF FORT VALLEY 3 I J| 3 ,. • • i J \ Where Your Account Will Be Appreciated ♦ ♦4i*4 4 ‘ 4 44 4 444 4 444444444 i 4444‘ 4 4 4 4 , I m 1 i 444 i F i 1 -4^«H~ I“H »4‘4' F4 4 , F 44 1 The height of ignorance is sitting . p all night because the washwoman has your pajamas. It is estimated that not enough i ound the currency which he by signing his name to a check wit l safeguards as effective as those i ployed by the government in produe | i paper currency. N’ot all checks I are protected adequately: for if they were the forger would b" out of a job for all time But such protection is possible, and as a cons. , lence the roll of industries paying off with check instead of cash is growing wi’h remarkable rapidity. Collateral Benefit A collateral benefit of the pay-roll check is the encouragement of the people are saving for vacation time. Congress reminds us of an alarm clock. It always gets cussed for doing the best it can. use 4 of banks by the employees of con ^ corns adopting this pian. Once the employee understands the check sys tem lie is almost invariably in hearty accord with it The hold-up man is the only one who loses. If the pay-roll check does finally displace cash payments, American business will save millions of dollars | now being spent annually to protect money in transit between banks and industrial plants, which is an ijfciied reason why the bus'ness man is seiz ing eagerly upon the pay-roll check as a way out of a serious dilemma.