The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, April 02, 1925, Image 3

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HELPING GEORGIA (Milledgeville Union Recorder) For Va’ley and all Peach county have placed themselves among the bright lights in pageantry exhibitions 4 i \ • * / i /y • « I HOT < r^l h ■ • < ■ i, | 4 - • z!r I i 1 / / % ’ I I ” * ■ ll / // - (mlWill I * i ( I II • , F Now is the Time M - > I § lihowers Winter’s are fury here—ony is spent—Spring’s to be fol- t ■ & flowed by Summer’s blistering heat. ■ t Every storm takes its toll ■weath¬ «• ’ cn?’s home. There is er spares no on! , one thorough way to prepare it for the most strenuous sort of - weather—that is with good paint. <• Here are the paints that with¬ O V stand weather—brushes . any tha II facilitate one’s work and otner ne¬ + cessities which protect your home and keep it in first class shape. £ ♦ Special discounts on quantity 4 ♦ > purchases. ♦ •I* $ Green-Miller Co. 4 > I|I t> 4 4 COME TO C Johnson Brothers—"Macon’s Largest Furniture Store COME TO MACON MACON 7 ; I Porch Rockers f VJS Only I Swings n . VV*-U- LA L L vu V V VM/ -fl J r S’ Ifil f-m i i $ 59.50 WmM ♦ tOH-moHif MU i ir UkrivMHUtu .-7 /Y h *• I % I| | m-yyyyyy*' IS m id p l - --- "tO - u ► Ml m ' ‘M M u HfL X mt m ' T’;' Be miimA Solid struction Oak and Swings, built for bolt service. con Complete with chains. Regular I $5.00 value. Extra Special at -r - $3.50 t A THREE-PIECE FIBRE LIVING ROOM SUITE Solid Oak Porch Rockers. Cane Here la a beautiful Fibre Suite with full length Davenport, all steel auto back and seat. Very comfort¬ spring construction, loose cushions and upholstered in high grade tap¬ able. estry. Just like illustration, worth $82.£0. $59.50 Value Our Price, Special at ...................... Regular $8.50 $5.98 Order Several Today I !! V jKlAJdl I - ' ir i Q r. I v If mi I! Q Q ilj i ■ if fi i mijy 'uwau IlH fl mill ■ i i, mi L j Progress NEW PROCESS * sM' Ranges OIL STOVES v , One of th': finest makes on the "-V market. Large evenly heated The best that is made. THREE-PIECE VANITY BEDROOM SUITE oven with nix. caps. Burns wool very in this A beautiful suite fn walnut mahogany, exact duplication of picture. or coal. Regular $65.00 stove. Hundreds of them in use Full vanity with French or beveled edge imrrors, large chif- Our Price section. 3 and 4 burners. plnte roomy forobe and bow-foot bed. This suite was made to sell $ 112.00 $49.50 $24.50 Up at $150.00. Our price .................................. 4 C FREE Anywhere Georgia DELIVERY In J J0HNSC I BROTHERS ( FREE Anywhere Georgia DELIVERY In "'N J “THE . TJRNITURE MEN” j ^461-463 Second Street Macon, Ga. Near Poplar Street in Georgia. The thousands thronRed the little South GeorRia j “ St Thursday and Frid . «y came sin P'»>? the of these people THE LEADER-TRIBUNE. FORT VA LLEY, GA.. THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1925. the magnificence of the pageant in STeat acclaim. The writer was the guest of Editor Johnny j ones 0 f the Fort Valley Leader-Tribune along with other members of the Georgia Press As¬ sociation, and to Johnny and the pageant managers we bow in humble homage for the real treat and pleas ore we were accorded by these most hospitable people. To find the pleas ing phrases with which to depict the beauty, splendor and gorgeousness of this story of the peach, told in the pageant, “The Trail of Pink Petals” would be a task we would not at tempt. It went far beyond our ex pectations and the people of Peach county are to be congratulated, and they should feel proud of the most spectacular exhibtiion ever present¬ ed in the Southland. They accomplish¬ ed a great undertaking and to them go the praise, the honor and the glo ry. The Festival at F’ort Valley is a great advertising medium for Geor¬ gia, her products, her people and her climate. The eyes of the country in general were centered on Fort Valley { and the Festival last week, and un told of good was accomplished for . Georgia. Chairman Sueravd, m the Peach Festival told the thousands who had ga nertd in Fort V alley that Peach Blossom Festival was rot a Fort Valley enterprise but belonged to the entire state of Georgia, and ■ BE PRETTY! TURN GRAY HAIR DARK Try Grandmother’# Old Favorite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly natural color com¬ pounded. brings back the and lustre to the hair when faded, 1 streaked or gray. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make i it at home, which is mussy and trouble some. Nowadays, "Wyeth’s by asking and at Sul- any j drug store for Sage phur Compound,” you will get a large bottle of this famous old recipe, im proved by the addition of other in j gredients, at a small cost. | Don’t stay gray! Try it I darkened No one ! Cun possibly tell that it you naturally and | your hair, as it docs so j evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disap pears, and after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy and attractive. that every city and county in the Empire State were invited to join in and make this event the greatest in this country. YVe are for you at Fort Valley, heart and soul, and may you prosper, and it is our earnest hope and desire that Baldwin county join hands with you in whatever way she can to make this a great season.—J. N. M. PEACH BLOSSOM FESTIVAL NOTEWORTHY EVENT (Houston Home Journal) Tlie Fourth Annual Peach Blossom Festival has come and gone leaving a pleasing impression on the thou¬ sands who attended it. Each feature of the two days’ entertainment was well carried out. The program of the day began with the coronation of King Samuel and Queen Ruth amid all the pomp and stately ritual of mediaeval roy¬ alty. Following this magnificent spec¬ tacle was the parade of floats from several Georgia cities and corpora¬ tions. The prize winning float was Montezuma’s, which portrayed more perfectly the spirit of the occasion. The Centra! of Georgia’s float, a miniature pullman car beautifully decorated, won second place. Thomas ton, Ga., had the most unique float, a large I crate containing a full pack of fhomaston “peaches”. Albany’s float received honorable mention. Houston County’s pretty float was in the shape of a boat, and contained eight of Perry’s prettiest girls, namely; Misses Martha Cooper, Martha Jor¬ dan, Georgia Ruth Harris, Martha Sue Woolfolk, Frances Crowell, Lau¬ ra Gilbert, Chloe Traylor, and Louise Houser. At noon a well prepared barbecue was served to the thousands in at¬ tendance. The “Trail of Pink Petals” was presented in the afternoon. This pag¬ eant, directed by Miss Pauline Oak, ably assisted by all of Fort Valley, was remarkable performance. There were 1,000 characters in the cast, who though amateurs, gave no suggestion of amateurishness in their acting. The clever lines of the pageant were written by Mrs. Mabel S. With () ft, of Fort Valley, and were lead by Mr. Leighton Shepard, general chairman of the festival. , The music as played by the Twen¬ ty-ninth Infantry Band of Fort B j ning, Columbus, Ga. The selections were taken from the most familiar classics and semi-popular composi¬ tions. Each scene was in itself a thing of baeuty, rich in color. The design of the scenes and costumes through¬ out adhered strictly to historic detail. The finale came with the marriage of “Miss Peach” to Fort Valley. The bridesmaids in this wedding were girls from counties in the peach belt. Miss Martha Cooper, of Perry, rep¬ ressed Houston. During the wedding scene, peach petals were dropped from two of the greatest airplanes of the Huff-lJa land Corporation. The pageant, “The Trail of Pink Ptalsc” is a magnificent dramatic spectacle. It reflects credit to the people of Fort Valley who through hard work and close co-operation ac¬ complished such a noteworthy event which advertised not only Fort Val¬ ley but all of Georgia. Clean Kidneys By Drinking Lots of Water Take Salts to Flush Kidneys if Bladder Bothers or Back H urts Eating too much rich food form, may pro¬ duce kidney trouble authority, in some because says the a well-known acids created excite the kidneys. Then they become overworked, get sluggish, clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly backache and misery in the kidney region, acid rheumatic twinges, constipation, severe headaches, stomach, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irritation. The moment your back hurts or kid¬ neys aren’t acting right, or if bladder bothers you, begin drinking lots of good water and also get about four ounces of Jad Salts from tiny good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water and before breakfast for a few days your kidneys may then act fine, This famous sails is made from the acid 1 of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and lias been used for years to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activity; also to neutralize the acids in the system so that they no longer irritate, thus often relieving blad¬ der disorders. Jad Salts can not injure anyone; lithia makes a delightful effervescent water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to help keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus often avoiding serious kidney dis¬ orders. By all means have your physi¬ cian examine your kidneys at least twice a year. i IJfc § \ in Si i if! s i j f m / ■* ’ \ Mif TI ji/i I / t- •i i m \ s#? m «I: j ! % I J i W JiiA \\, f&m. 1 | ■ ■ f 111 i i|(jl S; i j 1 s \ w tillUi \ i illi il i ~2F U ,c ipj JL; k: ■f — i ■ ■ l fi in. am 3 ■ i MIW > i fniwJ mi i rmmfJ- pn'iil i i; I | ( u r l I t I ; ■ I r : And therein lies the difference 3 A hard task is often made pleasant and simple by adopting the right methods. In gardening, as in other things, there is a right way —goad tools. A spade or a hoe that is worn by use and age brings on fatigue result—a congenial task is rendered unpleasant. 3 But then try a spade, or any other garden implement, of just the right weight and grip, properly fashioned for hard service—gardening then becomes a pleasure. We specialize in such tools. They cost no more—yet they give bet¬ ter service. *■ t 'A GEORGIA AGRICULTURAL WORKS Q cvua s !fi mtmjl ^ W. O. W. MEETING Peachtree Camp 767, Woodmen of the World, meets every first and third Thursday nights at eight m S' V? m M & .#)?S J -V 2= H ‘ ' ft' m. t d/Jr Wi - "ly . . %£ : f: I IS r I £/l| iv i. dM l My -’4 Your roof can’t be satisfactory without this qualit 3 ^! i I JNLESS ' then your matter roof lies how flat, unless other it stays qualities as you it put it on, no many may have, it cannot be satisfactory to you. First, get “The shingle that never curls, ” the Carey Asfalt slate Shingle—and you’ll get permanent satisfaction. Carey Asfaltslate Shingles have proven their worth by many years of satisfactory service. There can be no sub¬ stitute for “Trie shingle that never curls. The roof is the most important part of your home. Don’t slight it! Carey Asfaltslate Shingles are made in three colors, Blue Black, Red and Green. We will be glad to furnish samples and prices without any' obligation on your part. fi U&/W A *1* 11 •Tt; // i rn? m, <suji. ; »HY JB&r ft•• v ■'A'" '* r 'V 5»LS FORT VALLEY LUMBER COMPANY FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA o'clock, third floor Evans building. Visitors cordially invited. E. M. McAFEE, Council Commander.. 4-21tp4.