The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, April 02, 1925, Image 8

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\ me m l % m 1ft/// PAINT 4 / li not merely « matter of look*. mr It edd* YEARS to the LIFE of any building. HEALTH It* i* wonderful; influence it upon indi¬ m cate* and encourage* cleanline**. In buaine**, it attract* CUSTOM¬ ERS. Paint i* a pricele** a**et, an invaluable factor, in domestic or business life. NOW IS THE TIME TO USE IT. Our line i* among the BEST and CHEAPEST. Our *erv ice i* expert. Let u* advise you. i GEORGIA BASKET A LUMBER COMPANY Fort Valley Ga. ’Phone 38 1" ./&, i r J 4 ||||f CLOPINE CLIPPINGS Mr. and Mrs. I). II. Anderson tored to Macon last week. + * * Miss Alma Cheek has returned her home in Vienna after some time with Miss Vern Cheek. + + * The many friends of Mrs. T. Glover of Birmingham, Ala., pleased to learn that she is ing after a severe illness. Mrs. er is the mother of Mrs. A. I. gle at Myrtle. ♦ + * In keeping with the spring Mr. G. D. Anderson iB having wouses, hotel, packing house and re-painted in bright colors. ♦ ♦ + Master Jack McRae, who was ported having chicken-pox, is hack in school. + + + A magnificent road sign has been erected at Clopine, the gate city Peach county, carrying valuable way information and will be read thousands of tourists returning it Flowers in Their Beauty & PI Speak of Easter A most fitting and delightful way in which to express I the message of Easter to loved ones is through Flowers, I; t especially those so rare and fragrant from Dahl’s and the Idle Hour Nurseries, which we shall be pleased to supply. i 1/ WHITMAN’S and NORRIS CANDIES Delicious I® Xlf/ — , Candies in dainty boxes—an Easter Gift that it is difficult m equal. Leave order today. m to your '\\I m I KODAKS —A Kodak will make ira * Si I EASTMAN perma¬ , I//I fy nent many of the joys and beauties of Easter. ¥ !/ i I COPELAND’S PHARMACY 1 1 I, V Phone 140 t si i I Florida, stating the fuct that this point in Peach county is Central Georgia’s foremost watermelon cent¬ er. Nine Fort Valley merchants have very attractive ads on this board which space was sold for one year. * + + Mr. Albert Milburn was unable, to go to work at Edwards Bros. Wed¬ nesday on account of a sore arm from being vaccinated. * + * Asparagus shipments are in swing throughout this community. Col. L. L. Brown and Duke Singleton are the largest shippers. ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH EPISCOPAL Rev. E. J. Saywell, Psitor. Holy Communion 7:30 A. M. Holy Communion 11:00 A. Church School V :30 A. M. Y. P. S. L. 6:30 P. M Evening Prayer 7:30 P. M. PALM SUNDAY All arc itivifrM to attend. THE LEADED TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA„ THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1925. FORT VALLEY S PEACH FESTI VAL (Montgomery Monitor) Wc huve arrived at the opinion that the potential possibilities of our state are as great as those of any sec tion of the world. The world, too, is arriving ut this sume conclusion and Georgia’s resources are steadily and surely being developed. The economic conditions in Geor gia are, no doubt, equal to those of any state. A survey of wealth, debt, taxation, population ai.d the general trend of business reveals the wonder ful opportunities now open in Geor gia. And the fact which should thrill the soul of every citizen of Old Mont gomery is that our county stands to day a land of golden opportunity, rich in citizenship, in climate, in soil, in scenery, in government, in all that goes to make a land desirable. We need pride, ambition, desire. vision. We need to build; to build for beauty, for endurance, for hap piness; to build so that we might be “loved at home and rever’d abroad.” We attended the Peach Festival in Fort Valley last Friday. This annua pageant is one of the most marvelous advertising schemes ever developed Georgia. It is an event the fame of which shall not be limited to the narrow confines of our state. Neith er shall its praise bj^ sung within the bounds of America alone. But rath er, "The Trail of Pink Petals” shall lead around the world. Even as the Goddess Pomona de sccnded from her throne among the dizzy heights of Mount Olympia and placed an eternal blessing upon her favorite fruit, The Peach; and even as this blessed fruit has wound its magic course down from the pagan land of China into India, and on through the Persian. Grecian and Roman Empires, through sunny France and Old Spain, and at last over the Atlantic to America and to Georgia, following the course of civi lization; even so, now that it has reached its destined home, it grows strong and famous, its trail leads on until its fame will soon resound throughout the world. Even unto the foot of the throne of its gracious Goddess and benefactor the Pink Trail will again wind its way, and Pomona will know that she did not bless the Peach in vain. But it is no longer the trail of the Peach. It is now the trail of the GEORGIA PEACH. Its fame is Geor gia’s fame. It honor Georgia’s hon or. Fort Valley is bringing to Geor gia honor, fame and prestige. It is opening the way and clearing the debris so that Georgia might pass on to the hights sublime. Those folks at Fort Valley are dreaming dreams. They are building air castles and making them real. They say they are building a city over there. We say they are building a state here. Would that the three million souls in Georgia would catch the vision! That we would see the opportunities thut are ours and with steady per serverance aid Fort Valley, that we might build wisely, justly and mod erately, but on a plane equal to our ability, a plane far superior to our present meager station! Hall’s Catarrh Medicine is a Combinec Treatment,both local and internal, and has been success¬ ful in the treatment of Catarrh for ovet forty years. Sold by all druggists. F. J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo. Ohio ’ 1 j “1 ■ “ ■ I J ? 1 e ] . J ] I s £ * j i_iy K!__- •] I I ( a j ■ 1 \ A £ % C i [ ] V n i > J s ■ J g i I | f 1 a J V c? / ? J 7 £ ■ J c ■ J a % y t w. m 5 J J .l ■ ] ] _ J • 1 I ■ j. | | J j ■ ] You have time to make your Easter frock yourself, and think * ] how inexpensive it will be. J ■ ] 1 /" ■ j Prints the favorite silks of spring and have the silk I j are we ( j[ J and cotton crepe that has a lovely silky finish that gives it the £ * P 3 | J appearance of an expensive material-lovely printed designs— % _ 1 >$ “ I j A wonderful variety to choose from at 98c yd s < £ | f J i ■ 2 English broadcloth in colorful stripes at 69c yd. £ £ - J „ J jj I ■ I 1 j i Mercerized cotton crepe in beautiful colors 48c yd. g * 2 Cotton in all wanted colors 25c yd. | j g | crepe £ j J - I | I £ £ l £ IE ( * \JbLj g ■ 3 r New S ■ 3 I Charming Under¬ « Millinery *s / I? | I and 1 ( ■ 1 wear £ g ] It is to easy ] look well in these Hosiery J stylish hats. Indian Head in colors ■ ( j 39c yd. Radium Silk Ted¬ p * ■ 3 dies, lace trimmed f !i 3 Pajama Checks in $2.98 J colors 25c yd. Crepe de Chine £ "" j Teddies, lace trim- v a i! 3 ( \ Pajama Checks in med $1.98 3 E H i white, 15c and 19c yd. Crepe de Chine L i Gowns ■fsi f E 5 ■ Printed Crepe Dresses $2.48, $2.98 and n E $3.48 E border effects $19.50 E and $24.50 Radium Silk Princess Slip E double faced, color peach £ i » $2.98 E \ Silk Jersey Princess Slip l i ! Hats of with fine high quality all wanted colors $2.98 4 i crown Silk Jersey Petticoats $1.98 ! braid. Brim covered E with fine taffeta silk. Silk Jersey Knickers $1.98 E J Flower trimmed. i ^adies’ full fashioned Silk Hose 0 Beautifully made Nacobrown, cinnamon, nude, E in all the new shapes thrush, beige, avalone and E and shades black $1.48 L $4.95, $5.98 and $8.50 v Ladies’ fashioned hose u Gloria Swanson Poke A* E all colors $1.98 Gun metal, log cabin, tanbaiftt, i beige, white and black 98c L * E Fort Ihe Fort LEE -V Valley CHAIN 8. Valley DEPARTMENT STORES FOR LESS DEPARTMENT STORCS 1 m TP .4 25 Trrr ;( X' \\ 4