The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, April 16, 1925, Image 7

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Professional Directory Claude M. Houser Samuel M. Mathews HOUSER & MATHEWS ATTORNEYS AT LAW t'jactice in all the State and Courts Loans made upon City Property monthly payment plan and regulai loa«,s upon farm property. Wcolfolk Bldg. Phone 107 Fort Valley, Ga. NORMAN E. ENGLISH ATTORNEY AT LAW Brown Building Fort Valley, Ga. . C. L. SHEPARD ATTORNEY AT LAW Woolfolk Building phone 31 ■ Fort Valley, Ga, Practice in all the State and Federal Courts. Loans Made on Realty Louis L. Browr R. E. Brown Louis L. Brown, Jr. BROWN & BROWN ATTORNEYS AT LAW Wiight Building. ’Phone 9 Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in ail the State and Federal Courts. Loans on Realty Negotiated. GEO. B. CULPEPPER, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW Citizens Bank Building Phone 374 Fort Valley, Ga. W. H. HARRIS ATTORNEY AT LAW SECOND FLOOR HARRIS BLDG. Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the Court* OH ice Work a»d Income Tax Appeals a specialty Enrolled to practice before U. S. Treasury Department i DR. W. L. NANCE DENTIST Mitt Florence T.ylor, Assistant Citizens Bank Building Fort V.lley, Ga. 'Phones: Office 82; Residence 115. DR. W. H. HAFER DENTIST Office over Copeland’s Pharmacy. Fort Valley, Ga. ’PHONES Residence 50-J Office 14-J We Insure Everything Insurable KENDRICK INSURANCE AGENCY Woolfolk Fort Valley Phone Bldg Ga. 58-J John T. Slaton FIRE INSURANCE Woolfolk Bids*. Fort Valley, Ga. Phone 283 Hall’s Catarrh Medicine will do what wi claim f r it — rid your system of Catarrh ot De mused by Catarrh. Sold by drwg&isti for over 40 years F. J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohi. “OUR EPIDEMIC OF GOSSIP" Ha! and Macon is a city of human beings, just like other towns where some folks grow fat as character as¬ sassins, hiding their own rotten hearts behind the smoke screen of gossip and oily faces of jiu jitsu be¬ nevolence. . Under the startling heading, “Our Epidemic of Gossip,” the Macon Tele¬ graph unburdened its soul in this manner on Tuesday: “One note of encouragement comes out of the epidemic of vicious gos- j .......— Stop al FULTON The ROBERT Atlanta's Finest Hotel 300 ROOMS—300 BATHS r Circulating Ice Water Servidore Service In Each Room Equipped with Shur-Re*t Inner •pring»~the world. most com fortable bed* in the i Convenient Downtown Location Rooms $2.00—$2.50— $3.00 Other Hotel* operated by Baron & Wilton Intere»U: MECKLENBURG HOTF.L Charlotte, N. C. HOTEL Birmisebain, A to. HILLMAN Montgomery. Ala. EXCHANGE HOTEL Ga. 4 ’ TERMINAL HOTEL Augusta. Lock* and Cone St*. HARRY P. ZOBEL MIT. iriri^iriPiVir JlJlHlHlHl-iI-il Sfi £ SS is THE KIWANIS KALL £ » OFFICIAL ORGAN GU! HI HOME £ tfi £ Sfi of the £ Fort Valley and Get Full Value £ Kiwanis Club Published Weekly Thursday by the Kiwanis Club of Fort Valley, Ga. for Your Money £ on £ s s £ £ Vol. 1 THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 192. Number 33. £ £ * Here’s the beverage that delights The Fort Valley Oil Co. £ tS^xPCUl ,astc Every » satisfies bottle is thirst sterilized—insur- and refreshes. .Mjinufm liircrs of ing absolute purity COTTON SEED PRODUCTS Fort Valley FORT VALLEY, GA. 1>. C. STROTHER & K. M. WHITING, KIWANIANS W. G. It RISEN DINE. KIWANIAN J. W. Woolfolk W. L. Snow Ralph Newton There’s Music in the Air £ •I. W. Woolfolk iV Co. ( i Bring Radio free Receiving entertainment Set. See into the your Radiola home with line ! I £ t a 1 \ we are showing. Spray Material, Peas & Peaches l GREEN-MILLER COMPANY £ K GI.KNMORH GKliKN, KIWANIAN i Fort Valley, Georgia DEATH! Georgia Agricultural Works EVANS CLARK CO. Inc. Lurks in every tin can, garbage pile or other £ breeding-place for flies and mosquitoes. CLEAN UP QUALITY SERVICE £ M&rkftlng aodl Dealers in Asparagus premises NOW KEEP HARDWARE & £ arvd : Peach Crates and Supplies. your and THEM CLEAN. A. J. Evans E. G. Clark Handle enter the the summer garbage without with greatest inviting care. diseas Thus j and we death. will at We’ve Got It £ £ F. 0. MILLER, Kiwanian £ Kiwanian Kiwanian SPEAKER S’ £ SPRAY MATERIALS For £ £ Your account, whether large or small, £ у. ак. e ^ sincere respectfully appreciation. solicited on the basis of PROGRAM SPRAY MACHINES u PARAC1DE 99 £ PROMPT EFFICIENT COURTEOUS Friday, April 17 SOUTHERN BROKERAGE Call on COMPANY £ £ SERVICE F. W. Withoft, Mgr. £ Bank of Fort Valley At Noon Kiwanian £ I s J. H. Baird, Come E. L. Duke early and and J. D. Fagan full will direct share 1 £ the program. get your c FORI CHILDREN’S VALLE! Manufacturers KNITTING UNDERWEAR of MILLS of Kiwanis* ladies Hear the will eloquence, Tom luncheon serve, Flournoy as song in usual. New and tell York delightful about last attending week. luncheon It was the the HALL £ £ £ £ Treas. Gen’l on the fourteenth story and ought to hi* even bel¬ KIWANIAN £ F. O, MILLER, Pres. A. J. EVANS, & Mgr. ter, if possible, lhan (he preceding thirteen Tom has £ T. F. KIWANIANS FLOURNOY, Supt. told. THE TIRE MAN A sip that is sweeping Macon just now It has reached the point where it is no longer fashionable—where it is not reserved for the select few, but is bandied around on the tongues of all of us and has become ridiculous of its own weight. It is too general to be novel; it concerns so many people and so many people are re tailing it that it has lost its savor. Ask any man or woman acquaintance, ‘Have you heard—? and the reply will he, ‘When did you wake up, Me thusaleh?’ “Most of us have learned, within the past to weeks, all bad things that are true and all the bad things that are untrue about our neighbors of the city. So many tales have been borne around from mouth to ear that ail of us have reached the point where we don’t believe any of them. Rumor breeds as fast as the fly. Hatch up a little story about someone’s in¬ discretion and next day we have a million rumors flying around. It fin ally reaches the point where we are THE LEADER-YRIBUNE. FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1925. all ridiculous and the only thing to do is to laugh about it. “Women- -and men— must gossip, of course. It’s a deadly dull here— a perfect dumb Dora, as our jelly¬ beans say—who can’t keep up hei end of the conversation at the after¬ noon bridge party. It is indeed a poor dumbbell who can’t think of some¬ thing catty, or insinuating to tell on the neighbor’s daughter. The serious¬ ness of it comes in fact that the in discretion is magnified a thousand times before it comes home to roost. And there are some who have heard it and believed it and relayed it as fact., when they knew nothing about it, except that someone told them who had been told by someone else who had been told by someone else, “Aujuring people not to gossip is the exemplification of butting one’s head against a brick wall. The Tele praph hopes it has more brains than a biliy-goat. There are some things about gossip that we might consider, however. One is that the person who talks about others may expect to be talked about. In baseball games, one team doesn’t stay at bat the whole BREAK CHEST GOLDS WITH RED PEPPER Rase your tight, aching chest. Mop the pain. Break up the congestion. Feel a bad cold loosen up in just a short time. "Red Pepper Rub” is the cold rem¬ edy that brings quickest relief. It can¬ not hurt you and it certainly seems to end the tightness and drive the con¬ gestion and soreness concentrated, right out. Nothing has such pene¬ trating heat as red peppers, and when heat penetrates right down into colds, congestion, aching muscles and sore, stiff joints relief comes at once. The moment you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. In three m inutes the congested spot is warmed through and through. When you are suffering from a cold, rheumatism, backache, stiff neck or sore muscles, just get a jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from red peppers, at any drug store. You will have the quick¬ est relief known. Always say "Rowles.” time. One team must be on the re¬ ceiving end. The person who dishes out scandal must expect to be scan¬ dalized. “Another thing about it is that the person who spreads vicious talk about a neighbor is worse than a thief. A thief steals a trinket, or even a dia¬ mond. The person who viciously and maliciously scandalizes another, steals a name. The diamond can be replac¬ ed, but the name is tarnished until the grave swallows its bearer. »» The Record We Leave Even a fern-leaf or stem leaves its trace in the fossils of the coal-beds* of Its bygone time. Even the smallest human life leaves a record of good or evil behind it. Selected. !: ATLANTA AND WEST POINT RAILROAD COMPANY • • I’ THE WESTERN RAILWAY OF ALABAMA * * GEORGIA RAILROAD • * The West Point Route operates thru Pullman ears ■ > between New York, Washington, Montgomery and New • * ■ ■ Orleans. Tourist car all the way from Washington to San !! Francisco. ■ ; Also dining car ,parlor car and observation car ac | commodations on certain trains. < Close connections at New Orleans for the West. * The Georgia Railroad offers the most direct service • to South and North Carolina points via Augusta, includ ■ ing thru .Pullman sleepers. Use the “OLD RELIABLE.” Ask any Ticket Agent for information as to rates, ; routes, etc., or write to the undersigned. We will be glad * to assist you in everv way possible. I J. P. BILLUPS General Passenger Agent * Atlanta, Ga. 4* B. W. M. U. INSTITUTE Mrs. Idus Robertson, vice-president of the West Central Georgia B. W. M. U., has announced the Spring in¬ stitute of that body which will meet Tuesday anil Wednesday, April 14th and 15th at the Central Baptist Church, Manchester, Ga. She requests that the names of all delegates, who wish entertainment, remaining over night, be sent in as early as possible to M>-s. H. A. Jones. By notifying the committee, the delegates will be met at Warm Springs, if necessary. All A. B. & A. trains, coming into Manchester will be met day and night. Lunch will be served each day at the church. Everybody is urged to be in the church by 9:30 Tuesday morning, for the opening session. F 7 L2* £ I* i! r i? I' II 5 r: ^.SHINGLES ASFALTSLATE Big Size The Shingle that never curls TP HE pleasing effect of homes roofed with the Big, * Carey Asfaltslate Shingle is due, first, to the attractive red, green or blue-black crushed slate with which the shingles are surfaced; and second, to the shadow effect which is caused by the extra thickness of the butts. They are laid with a five-inch ex¬ posure to the weather which prevents over-formality in appearance. Big Size Carey Asfaltslate Shingies are much heavier and more enduring than so-called standard shingles. They are water-proof, fire-resisting and have impor¬ tant insulating qualities. Carey Asfaltslate Shingles never curl, or crack, and they cannot fade. They require no upkeep for either painting or repairs. Call on us for samples and prices. FORT VALLEY LUMBER COMPANY FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION J