The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, April 16, 1925, Image 8

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I FOR SALE r3 s 5 5 OYt SIX-ROOM STUCCO BUNGALOW * ! All modern improvements and equipment, built on three lots in Oakland Heights. Fart Valley. Fa. $ i $500 cash, balance in monthly payments. Y\ / tLSO SIXTY LOTS a ; I*rices from $50 up. 10 per rent first payment. bal¬ s i ance 10 per cent per month. This is the best loca¬ tion in Fort Valley and must he sold at any sacri¬ ffi i fice. H1L 201 See H. owner. at hotel C of E Fort SEARS- Valley. WEEK (,a. OF AP- S' s 1 J s Hi * Hi «e #sA® Nt ftATK: ) reM P*r word. No nd (taken for Ipkp than 25r for find insertion. K«ch additional cnnueeutivo Insertion dered at time of placing fimt inBcrtion, feus than vr» words le » word; if 2f> or ,words, 20 per ««*nt discount. HI ark* fare or npital letter*, double rate. Crtth must neeonipahy orders from why <1 q not have regular monthly tvith UR. Answer „adveri isrrnenl* just an request. Wc cannot furnish name* of Ifsers or other information not contained (the advertisement*. When rep lit* art to be received care paper, double rate. While wc do riot accept which we have reason to believe art' of fUOstionable nature, wt* have no means of ecrtaininK the responsibility of all ers. FOR SALE—Asparagus Se^d. G. Cleveland, Phone 19015. FOR SALE—Few tons mixed and crabgrass hny. Petty and Brodwells double jointed seed. M. B. Lee, City. FOR SALE—Baled Johnson Hi t 1 A J.____ \ v\ x\ . ■ f, ill! I a / / m I! / j . i \ i HI •• ' > . li J «&1 J s t 1 ! i 1 t i I - ■ • - What a nuisance-—I can't get in! =P: No welcome here—they evidently mean to keep me out! - Bt Bt “Come to tliink of it. I tried this same place yester¬ I::< day. hut my efforts were in vain—foblish to try forth B: ! er. \ fcW I’ll dash off to some other house where there are I tfi S s no harriers to \\ indows and doors! s ., Happily for me. there are still lots of people who jS Hi don’t make such a fuss about comfort or health. % z\k Are you one of those of whom Mister Fly is speak¬ ts s ing? If so. take heed while there is yet time, and let us m li s V* screen you in." doors, porches. 1 Screens for w indows, and L .v- & «jri i!i (GEORGIA AGRICULTURAL WORKS \ Eli a ) ‘J* # * l Hay and Corn in any nuantilies. LlqUl. ;u CiiJlV. 0 U L liill,, , .1 .5221 , Roberta, On. 4-9-2tpd. LOST One I’eail Stickpin at Pag¬ eant grounds. $10.00 reward. D. C. Strother. 4-9-2t. BOARDERS WANTED—Apply 207 Persons street. City. 4-9-2L FOR RENT Apartment to couple without children. One furnished room with or without meals. Apply Leader-Tribune. 4-9-2t. FOR RENT- 1 large front bed room to gentleman or couple. .‘520 Central Ave., close to meals. 4-9-2tp WANTED—Mattresses to renovate. We also make new ones. We call for and deliver. T. F. Sheats, ’phone 2828. 4-9-tf. FOR SALE OR RENT—Will sell or rent my house on Persons street, after June 1st. J. S. Slappey, 285 Virginia Ave. Atlanta, Ga. 4-9-4t. I THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, CA,, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1925. SEED VELVET BEANS Ninety day speckled velvet beans for need- Two dollars ($2) per bushel f, n. b. here. Cash with order. No order for less than one bushel. Sessions Trading Co., Enterprise, Ala. 4-16-2. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine will do what wc claim f'jt it — rid your system of Catarrh or Dtafnesi caused by Catarrh. Sold hy d*vggi*tf for <ner ytett E J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohic SWEET RELIEF ELIMINATES ALL INSECTS MANUFACTURED AND Gl \ RANTEEI) BY Wheeler’s insecticide Co. Fort Valley, Georgia \ mm S \ » \ 4 & \ r: , y OUR ‘•'Si. •iSr NOME PIPER r / Belongs In YOUR \ \ A f.. / / . *•• 4: ■ - -v ! Clk % m (t $ .‘1 *«‘ - \ \ E i S 7. fi l