The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, April 23, 1925, Image 6

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GROWING OI.D TOO EAST? Many Fort Valley Folk, Feel Older and* Slower Thar. They Sho.ild. Arc you weak, tired, nil worn-out? Bo you feel year* older than other •' dks of your ag- Then look to your kidneys! Th< kdiney* are the blood filters and if they weaken, the effeet is quickly felt. You have constant backache,' headaches, dizziness and urinary trouble- You fee! lame, stiff i.nd achy all piaycii out. Don’t Use Doan’s Pills stimulant diurct jc to the kidney.-. Read what this Fort Valley resident says: Mrs. J. W. Culpepper, Alberta St., says: “My back gave me u lot of trouble and sharp twinges stabbed through me. When sweeping the floor sharp, shooting pains caught me across my kidneys ano i became d.xzy and speck danced before my eyes. 1 felt weak and tired and my NEW PRICES ON DAIRY PRODUCTS! Now In Effect. Sweet Milk in pint bottle. . 10c each Sweet Milk in quart bottle. 15c each Buttermilk ........................... 5c quart Butter at market price. Cream ____ V 40c pint Term.: Ca.h in advance or .trictly weekly. W. J. Braswell’s Sanitary Dairy Dairy Phone 3303 Fort Valley, Ga. Res. Phone 131 + + ; ANNOUNCEMENT ; To the People of Peach County: I wish to announce to my many friends and customers « 1 that I have purchased the interest of -J. N. Kalish and am ! now sole owner of the company. \ The same courteous treatment, the same prompt and | ! efficient service will he maintained. Frank H, Johnson. J EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED OCULIST’S PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED MACON OPTICAL COMPANY FRANK H. JOHNSON > 468 Cherry St, Macon, Ga. ! ATLANTA PEOPLE ARE *1 Can Never Pay D e b t Of Gratitude Owe This Great cine,” Says iW. A. Chewning. East, west, north, and south, over Atlanta, people are taking Karnak, the remarkable new med¬ icine now on sale here. Statements like the following from Patrolman Wm. A. Chewning, 80 Beni St., popular member of the Atlanta Police force for 21 years, are being made all over the city. “1 can never pay the debt of gratitude 1 owe Karnak," says Mr. Chewning. For the past eight months 1 suffered so terribly with my stomach that 1 would belch gas $ ♦ feC- ’• Z tt ' =5?tv if V A '■"■v. k. 3 T / V, ,• L— r S> V w / c •%> (D 'm A. * Jl ? 81 if <* 0 v) »’ ■''v m m L j : if yVA c, Hi s,, -v*'. ? ' " V 1 -T k >• » t 1 - r-^>. 1 MTSl £ A day of tribute to those who have departed! There is some one who lives with you only in memory— someone who was loved or honored. Flowers are the symbol of remembrance! \ £ £ A wreath or a bouqet will appropriately express your senti £ menu ANDERSON DRUG €0. Reliable Service Telephone 48 iifififififfi!filfSifiifiififififiifiifHM!fi!fiif!fHiH5ifif kidneys acted too freely. Doan's rid me of the trouble.” 60c, ut a 11 dealers. Co., Mfrs. Buffalo, N. Y. GAS ON STOMACH MADE MRS. COOK “For years T had gas on the and was nervous. Adlerika more good than signed Lola Cook. ONE Adlerika removes GAS and brings surprising relief to the ach. Stops that full, bloated Don't waste time with pills or lets but let Adlerika give your a REAL cleansing, bringing out ter you never thought was in system! system! Copeland’s Pharmacy. for hours after meals and fre¬ quently became extremely nause¬ ated. 1 was simply almost afraid to eat. Constipation caused me no end of trouble, too, and 1 scarcely, had any life or energy. “Well, sir, an old friend put me on to Ivarnak, and it was the be¬ ginning of a better day for me, for three bottles have fixed me up as fine as a fiddle. I enjoy every meal now and don’t suffer a minute afterwards. Nights I sleep like a top, and mornings I feel brimful of new life and energy. 1 have taken a lot of different medicines in my day but I have never seen anything that overcomes indigestion and builds a person up like<Karnak.” Karnak is Hold in ort Valley exclusive t by I lie Anderson Drug Co.; and b> live lending druggists in every town. THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VA LLEY, GA., THURSDAY, APRIL 2.3. 1925. Presbyterians Will Raise I - ’ Kemoval 1 C v^oiumbia 1 1 • ror or _ # __ - _ % Somina Y\T J IN O O !/■ f r\ f VaCOrgld. .OAYn'l a - PRESIDENT SEES SI Atlanta Already Donated 000 Site and Subscribed Over .$.‘100,000 Field Representatives Visit Churches. A field representative from bla Seminary headquarters will he this section at. an early date for purpose of making known to Presbyterians the facts connected the recent movement in the" ■ •: \ \ if: •mk i Ur* Lt mm m Dr. Richard T. Gillespie, Pre*ident Columbia Seminary. of the removal of Columbia now located at Columbia, S. C., to Georgia, where it was founded ty-seven years ago. It is planned rebuild and reequip the seminary its removal. Interested friends in Atlanta Decatur have already donated a valued at $40,000 and $314,000 been subscribed In Atlanta and tur for buildings and equipment. site consists of forty acres of tifully wooded land on the edge Decatur, five miles from the center Atlanta. It will be necessary, It announced, that a sum of not than $250,000 be subscribed by Presbyterians of the rest of the for an endowment fund and equipment, before the removal of ADVERTISEMENT RELATING TO LOST POLICIES To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that Auto¬ mobile Policy No. 1.34681 of the Na¬ tional Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn., requiring' for their validity the countersignature of a do 4 authorized and license 1 agent, have been lost. Since these policies have not been regularly countersign¬ ed, or issued, or accounted for, or any premiums received thereunder by this Company, they will be valueless and void in the hands of whomsoever they may fall and any claim thereunder would be illegal and fraudulent. If found they should be returned to the Home Office of the Company at Hart¬ ford, Connecticut. No claim of any nature purporting to be based upon them will be recognized by the Com- ; seminary be i.m aHhur»-d 1 "u i has at the present time only a small endowment, it i* stat-l Return to Former Home. At a formal opening of the campaign at headquarters, I? St... Atlanta. Dr Richard T. pie, of Lexington, Ky , newly j President, of Columbia Seminary, a Columbia alumnus, spok*- of Kreat and ^"'hiring love for and ty to his alma mater, and his deep de i sire lo bring Columbia back to i original home on Georgia soil ‘ through its great Influence, already first in so many things, could become a great center of spiritual ership. “Twenty year- ago, when I was student at Columbia,” said Dr pie, “ I caught a vision of a Columbia, larger and better and more centrally located, but I dreamed at that time that God, in great abundance, would ever give the great privilege of taking part in splendid task of building a forward-looking theological related to the church in all its interests. Losing Leadership, Rev. ,J. Sprole L-yous, D. D, of First. Presbyterian Church, of and chairman of the Georgia tee, spoke of the many vacant in the Presbyterian churches in gia and In the four other synods plied by Columbia Seminary; said this was due largely to the fact these synods were too far from the theological seminaries of church: said that young ministers variably accept, charges near they have graduated; and that was an urgent heed for Columbia Georgia, where It would he cally located to serve a territory miles square The Georgia campaign lias been thorized by tha synods of South Carolina, Alabama. Florida Mississippi, and Approved by the eral Assembly. The campaign is charge of a Synods Executive mittee of prominent Presbyterian* follows Dr. J Sprole Lyons, Chair man, Atlanta; Dr. Neal L. Savannah; Mr. J. T. Brantly. Black shear; Mr. J Bulow Campbell, Atlan ta; Rev. S, J. Cartledge. Athens; .1. B. Ficklen, Decatur; Rev K G Hartman. Washington; Mr. W. D Hooper. Athens: Dr K Tt Rome; Dr. J. H. Patton. Marietta: Rev j R. F. Simpson. Americas Mr j Watkins, Atlanta puny. The pblic will please take no tice accordingly. National Fire Insurance Co., Hartford Conn. P>y Hugh T. Powell, General Agent. John T. Slaton, Local Agent At Fort Valley, Ga. 4-16-3t. Hall 9 s Cataarrfi Medidne will do what we claim f it it — rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. I Sold by for over 40 year. F. 7- CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohic ! IEEE RELIEF ELIMINATES MANUFACTURED AND GUA¬ RANTEED BY Wheeler’s insecticide Co. Fort Valley, Georgia ifir-»t-ir-ir-n-ir-ir-»r-ir-tr-ir-ir HAIL AND TORNADO % INSURANCE City Realty Company SAM PATTON, Realtor 563 Mulberry Street Macon, Ga. if yw £ &Hiifiif if ifif £ ififfiffiifiifiifiifilfifiififiifif | THE KIMBALL HOUSE J • • ’ Atlanta t ' * i ■ The Home of Georgia People . ■ , 400 Roomi of Solid Comfort \ ' The House of Courtesy > ■ ■ ; Ed Jacobs & Lige Maynard, ■ Props. V Free Garage Service Terminal Hotel, Macon, under | same management o ■« o SHOES ARE GOING I ''—WHY? „„ up , vou ; are throwing away good shoe uppers j that ought to be saved, of you can I reduce the slaughter calves now by not throwing away tho.-o old shoe* which shold be resoled for many weeks and moths of additional wear. . j ( j 0 )U |( now t,F ta t a resoled ,ooks , . P ract,eal, ... y as * ood as a new shoe and that is far more com¬ fortable? Have your shoes rebuilt here. We will save you some money and at the same time give you foot comfort and good appearance. DIXON’S SHOE SHOP. Shoe Rebuilders. 4-16-21. m Frequent 9 * m * Bilious Attacks |f * “I suffered with severe §p i§ bilious attacks that came on |g| m two or three times each » month,” says Mr. J. P. * Nevins, of Lawrenceburg, 9 Ky. “I would get nauseated. m I would have dizziness and gjp couldn’t work. I would take pills until 1 was worn-out with them. I didn’t seeni to get relief. “A neighbor told me of BLACK-DRAUGHT Liver Medicine j gi and I began its use. I never ■H have found so much relief HP as it gave me. I would not be without it. It seetned to cleanse my whole system ■Btj and made me feel like new. HP m I would take a few doses— get rid of the bile and have US my usual clear head, feel full HP of pep, and could do twice the work.” HP ■Ss Bilious attacks are “sea sonal” with many people, gw W? “®j?j ford’s Millions Black-Draught have taken 'Died- to HP gm ward off such attacks, and gm the good results they have IB reported should induce you gg to try it. All Druggists’ KX-I iiiiiiffin iHfii FOR SALE ON/; SIX-ROOM STUCCO RUM,ALOW ill modern improvements and equipment , built on three lots in Oakland Heights. Fort J alley. Ga. & SHOO rash, balance in monthly payments. m ALSO SIXTY LOTS & Prices from 850 10 rent first payment, bal¬ £ aft. per $ £ ance 10 per cent per month. This is the best loca¬ 4 if tion in Fort I alley and must he sold at any sacri¬ if* if fice. See {]. |<\ SE4KS- WEEK OF AP¬ £ oivner. tf RIL 20TH. at hotel of Fort Valley. Ga. y* if Uj s i LUMBER * if £ if ROUGH and DRESSED if if if if £ ALL KINDS BUILDING MATERIALS AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE if .3 4 WINDOWS AND DOORS i GALVANIZED CEDAR AND AND PINE COMPOSITION SHINGLES ROOFING « £ Georgia Basket & Lumber Co. C. E. MARTIN, President T. M. ANTHOINE, Vice President PHONE 3s J. E. BLEDSOE, Sec’y-Treas. 4 4 v gEADraoonxGS i YY S 7 : r , y / . X i. iM* %\ Keep down the cost and give good service T HERE are many styles, each for a particular purpose. Slate sur¬ faced (red, green or blue-black) ready roofing for good looks, and spark proof safety on steep roofed build¬ ings. Cheaper roll roofings for small temporary buildings. Extra heavy Carey Flexible Cement ready roofing with the patent Carey burlap lap—a roofing that has given good service for over thirty years. Our experience in suggesting a roof suited t<p the building and at reason¬ able cost is at your disposal. i • A Roof for Every Building” FORT VALLEY LUMBER COMPANY FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION