The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, April 23, 1925, Image 7

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THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, C.A., THURSDAY, APRIL 2:!, l!)2. r ». I £ 1 APP».. < 26tK. * S £ MAY 3d.r £ 35 S* i V * i / £ * v* ‘ a 55 i % i - $ (r 7$ ^ - '#i/ // ✓ P -v' ) / * \ $£&M ah. « v\ : fr r 7 / If £ # i i £ 1 , , - -. , , ,, i 4 I *?• + •>■ # * ♦ iffowte i< * ftp + */ V / , ♦ ♦ * p A ■'C. £ r > f •j'bfiLw £ V 4< ■ ;<5 4*p * f i raw** 1 M||/. £ ■ H O ,€? ■ *r * ' m s ft >• i 4 *r ' Si T * dh -r j. ■ SN \V "^f T W&M “P f! . I * •:• £ * • 1 - >T % 1 *f 3 .* ' ■:• r / I J#:V ! •: ; l| m A r HAIVH •r A \ 7 •3* 3 \ * / ,'r* > : 4 # ffi A 1 />< * ❖ 3 v* f TTl 111 I •.* *r * + The Man of Tomorrow! + ! \ * ; «i i * V w 1 Has he already substantial X a start + =5 -1 % on the road to success? •f ■V * + To inculcate in the hoy the habit m •f ! T * of consistent saving is render him •> to ! * * * invaluable service. * * an t * * # i f It is a habit that will stick with him •r + + 4* 4 I v through life a habit that will carry X 4 £ a * + him to happiness and prosperity! •h £ * ♦ + * During Boys’ Week, him with £ ♦ start I + £ 4 £ 1 a bank account! i 4 i £ I Bank of Fort Valley * « 4 £ 4 •> 4 ,£ + 4 + + •I- 4 ♦ + ,.y.j..j..X-'W-4-4-4*4-4-+*4-4**4-4'4 , **^4-4-4*4-*4‘4 < +-L*4'4-4*4"K'*4*4'*4-4-4' BOYS |—, __ _ _ri_ •3-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4v4-4-4-4-v4-t-4-v-c4-4-'j-4--h4-4-4-4-4-4’4‘4 < 4- 4”I"I ‘4 , - h 4-4- YOU war V W WE ARE FOR - ■A r »4-»-44"»-»4-!-44-4-»4-:-;"3”3'4-4-4-K-4'4-S-4-4-4-4-4-4“H‘4" l - 4 -- H -4- 4 - I i J YESTERDAY, TODAY and ALWAYS it A 1 *? i. So We Are Headquarters for Gamp Supplies and Equipment M A I! f f/ / l. T Baseball Equipment Fishing Tackle V y 'tr„ i < * \ >u.- 1 rv •; ■■ if haven't what YOU want, f X we we i *. UA . . y< .j. . / will gladly get it for you. y ,^V t v l A ■/ < ^ - \ t / GEORGIA AGRICULTURAL WORKS 4 \ A M».i Mt l: ■ I i \ lO I «P- y_ - i L * ; l i •“Hi ■A / I / / r | l \| v Just JJJe Cjjathevs He is proud indeed of his first watch! Somehow, it introduces him into the world of adults —starts him on the road to manhood, It is with a feeling of im¬ portance and responsibility that he glances at his new time-piece. Make Boys’ Week the time for your manifestation of pride and confidence in him by the gift of a watch. Have your hoy’s eyes examined. N. HAUSER Jeweler and Optometrist I 1 4* / v I / ■ r I w t 4- ✓ y V 4* lf'« V 4 ;v; T * •j* •:• V '/mSs b t I Wm s A * :=: w + i 4 A*. ❖ As solid A IWSIN basis ESS for TRAINING! nothing i * a any career, is * of more value to the young man than a knowledge of business essentials. A practical education such as this serves to steady and concentrate his efforts—to steer him in the right course. He Knows Where He Is Heading! The policy we advocate is thorough in¬ struction in the fundamentals of business and finance. i Citizens Bank ■ • ■ * Of Fort Valley ■ • Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 Resources $1,000,000.00 : • • : • • ■ f