The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, April 30, 1925, Image 4

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r THE PEACH IW.DS.SOV/ /’ IV/ Its BROWN < V R ITUMRS Editor The Leder-Tribitnc: My interest lay chiefly in the Now that the Festival is history 'ant. The floats and the once more and one can reflect up- were beautiful enough, but it is yi orifitn)l> ui a rival. . an< manner, I pageant that is the body and oul went to add my modest praise to 1he .the whole enterprise. There were pemre* of other who in their unbound* Idreds in that vast stadium, like *4 enthusmm have hurst into print. elf wno were > eing the Friendly Hotel Invites you to cyltlanta KATES: / Circulating » C t Onr Person water and .til .. vr l ' IDE fans in every 52. M). *3.00 tT '• room. 50. $4,00 ' 1 ' \m Bi t\ >5.00 r ■ Atlanta'* : fuwttt Two Vruons ■' * j ami finer! hotel. »>‘ ! t,v J S«.so 15.00 V: r i n r. x j; r- w t » ? w / 1 i $ 1 , 00 , * 7.00 r ;; *■ Wi ; ' M.ij-nifK c tit a p - j.omtmerm. The Atlanta br t plate 10 eat. in mi Special arrange* 5 dining rooms mcnt» (or hand rul nl ftfhto ter- 9 fe> i ling automobile rut i parries. G..' »j;c. The HENRY GRADY’ Hotel 550 Rooms—550 Bath ; Corner Peachtree ami Cain Streets JAMES t ileJAKNLTTi: V P. t. M( THOT. J. KELLEY, A w. Mri. The Following Hotils Are Also Cannon Operated: GEORGIAN HOTEL JOHN C. CALHOUN HOTEL Athens. On. Anderson. S. C. I W. H. CANNON. Manner ]). T CAM NON. Manaf er J > m I i 0 ■Kir i I i i % 1 irggsI Sf’ '/rj F.O.B. DAYTON, 0. . Www/- flllSiil mm * A S THE world’s largest manu- modern engineering—millions of ready to turn on the lights—will addition * facturers of farm electric dollars worth of machinery—re¬ cost you only $53, in itself. to plants, we have been working for search and invention—have pro¬ the price of the plant months oil the development of a duced the Delco-Light that can A Small Down Payment lighting plant that could be sold make all farms electrically lighted —Balance on Easy Terms at a low radically that lower price a price farms. that so it would bring elec* Finally, we have arranged tricity within the reach of every A 600 -Watt Non-Stor- this new low cost for Delco-Light, farm home in America. age-Battery Plant completely installed, can he paid We knew that a million farm The plant is genuine on terms so easy that anyone can « homes were ready for electricity— new a take advantage of them. The that a million farmers realized Delco-Light in every respect— total cost is only $248, including a the money-saving, time-saving sturdily full 600-watt economical capacity, in strong, freight (a little more west of the £ I value of electricity—that a million built, oper- Mississippi). But you make only i farm women had learned that , ation. , It is equipped with a a small down payment. The bah electricity would lighten the bur¬ standard Delco starter and an ance is payable on easy terms, £ dens of farm life and bring new economical starting battery. And arranged to suit your convenience. £ 1 happiness and new opportunities its price is only $195 f. o. b. I to their families. Dayton—the lowest price and the Ask for Details i I ) greatest value ever offered in a Never before has such olfer i A Price That Is Revolu¬ Delco-Light electric plant. been made. Never before an has S i tionary Complete Installation Delco-Light buy. cost It so little and that been £ % I We realized that a small reduc¬ at a Remarkably so easy to means any I tion in price would not be enough. Small Cost farm home —your home—can have It must be revolutionary—drastic. Delco-Light today. And we wanted to be able to offer In addition to this, special At the bottom of this advertise¬ $ } this plant on very easy terms—so arrangements have been made ment appear the name and ad¬ 1 that every farm home, whether whereby the Delco-Light dealer dress of tire Delco-Light dealer owned or rented, could have the in your community will install for your community. Cali on benefits that are so much appre¬ your plant and wire your house him, write, or telephone for full ciated on the 200,01X1 farms where for five lights, to be located wher¬ information spe rifieations of the Delco-Light is now in use. ever you specify. You will re¬ plant, illustrations of the fixtures ceive with the plant five beautiful that come witl it, details of our And Now It’s Ready spun-brass lighting fixtures com¬ complete installation and wiring 1 Today the new Delco-Light is plete with bulbs. plan, and the figures that show £ ready. It is more than we had And all of this—plant, installa¬ how easily you can now get S hoped. Quantity production— tion, wiring, fixtures, everything Delco-Light. ff r Delco*Light Company, Dayton, Ohio, Subsidiary of Qcneral Motors Corporation i E. T. \Y vtson DELCO LIGHT CO. i? % 318 BROADWAY ATLANTA SALES BRANCH 168 SPRING ST. g i MACON, GA. ATLANTA, GA. N % i i THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA , THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1925. for the fir; t time. They had come he shown," I admit that I was j.inly shown but left just about less the end of the thing. I racked m.v brain for adequate jlatives (ghost and with eventually the conviction gave up that Mr. Webster had failed to record elusive won!. 1 hopefully asked an quaintance who lives not far the Valley what sin; thought of production. The reply was enough, "Right pretty wasn’t If I had had a custard pie on my son at the time, I would have fully crowned her with it! Which leads me to say, judging from some of the simple and inane com¬ ments 1 overheard among the specta¬ tors, that the pageant in itself is head and shoulders above the larger portion of the audience before the presentation is annually made. The rare aesthetic beauty of the episodes, together with their historical signi ficance, marie much of an im pression on many as an advertising circular of Miami would on the Macon Chamber of Commerce. Of course it’s the privilage of any seat buyer to ap preciate what he pays for in his own individual way. The fact that the full meaning of the pageant doesn’t even begin to seep through the surface of his various faculties isn’t the fault the management. Still, on the other hand, no one can begin to estimate the cultural value of such an exhibition to hundreds of people who have never before seen anything of its kind. xi But ... the cast . of „ ,, these pageants, . fort , . to are becoming . . year year more and , more r* finished. • u i ,.'i'i The >n Trail i of c Pink »■ i S'etals disclosed , a production ... .. that . was positively i professional. .. is*. No town in the whole country could do as well, other pageant centres excepted. . , They couldn t attempt in ^|ie slightest to do i it as artistically because of the laek previous intense training, to I nothing of community spirit. The art of pageantry, as fostered by the inhabitants j the town, has grown from a peach to a tree in full bloom. The -drawn mainly from within the ra of the state, are for the mo.-t not growing with it. When the 1 of the spectator has been reached, you attempt to soar from beyond it. is only so much additional worry j«*>'i ! < n. <*. A n .• nf supplemented I an inexpensive Indian ma saeri would jfiee just as well, topped off, of 'W the hand playing Dixi< It would leant create spontaneous applause, thing which wa- lamentably and indifferent both days of the (lva ' • There are to many people thc an<1 without it, who more thoroughly appreciate the * of such a pageant's yet I'ttle dream it is at their i Snore | doorsteps. Encourage the ! P onf,ive uml aesthetically apprei iativi ''dements f rum Atlanta. Macon, A, l Savannah, and other neighboring ( an< * towni ' t0 “ttend. people *hink they have teen about every thing in dramatics that’s to be A pageant like that of “Pink Petals’ should have an audience that ciates art for art’s sake, rather than ; ne * suffers th» al of for ° w 1 ° i" art barbecue's sake. And though they may c<,rr “‘ with a laugh up their sleeve it the very inpudence of a THtle one i horse town to dare make such cx , travagant ... claims, they . will return ' quite .. subdued , , and with naught but | praise, provided ... their tongue.- aren’t paralyzed , , from , the revelation. Unfortunately, so few "ho take part in the presentation ' hav< any real conception .. of what tremendous , a thing they are putting over, F rt Vai lev, in the hectic grind of creating it. is so close to the machinery there is no perspective. It is hard them to be convinced that has been established which is in America, not merely Georgia or United States. Annual pageants jthe magnitude and brilliance of this lone .just aren’t done. Hollywood, boast., one only remotely similar Lexington, Mass, has one ’hut Fort Valley can safely world in being the smallest anywhere on earth t o proouee one it: so large a scale. j And last, but not least, the sh. * r beauty of those lines by Mrs. oft! It is difficult to choose any one group a being lovlier than another but whotfun forget the idevernes - u . pure wit contained in the lightly ned lines to the Apple? ,Yea, thou daintily demure Thou crown of pink and white ‘ fair; Hut Eve s sore heart was never coi-. forted By wearing apple blossoms in her hair! That Miss Oak is -’•mo of tht* for** i most pageant directors on<* quickly concedes in the light of aeeomplist - (better, . ment. Personally. I would go that one in saying that she has m eior. Whatever was responsible for the perfect harmony of color in ! ing deserves a most generous slice j of credit. Outside of tin* Hippodrome, the Follies, and some of the stage spectacles, 1 have never ■leen such a gorgeous display of color, ft seemed as if the rainbow had imbibed too freely of peach brandy and guru on a spree. . it has , taken words me many to -. i that it was all astoundingly magifi cen( In 1 nlain ,a,n New York* i orh« so m , it u <j -imply mn | v knocked my eye out. BROWN CARITHERS New York f’ity GET AT THE CAUSE! The Advice of Resident of This Locality Shows a Wav. There’s nothing more annoying than kidney weakness or inability to Drink Water to Help Wash Out Kidney Poison If Your Buck Hurts or Blander Bothers You. Begin Taking Salts Wiu-n your kidneys hurt and your back, feel- -ore don’t get scared and pro¬ ceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and irri tate the entire urinary tract. Keep your kidneys clean like you kta p your bowels dean, by (lushing them with a iniid, harmless salts which helps to re move the body’s urinous waste and stim¬ ulates .them to their normal activity. The function of the kidneys is to filter blood. In 24 hours they -train from it 500 grains of acid and waste, so we can readily understand the vita! impor tance of keeping the kidneys active. I'-ink lot- of good water—you ran’t drink too much; vtiso get from any phar nun ist tablespoonfui about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a in a glass of water before breakfast each morning for a few days ttsd your kidney- may then act fine. Tins famous -alts i- made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for wars to help clean and stimu¬ late clogaed kidneys; also to neutralize the acids in the svstem so they are no longer a source of irritation, thus often relieving bladder weakness. Jad Sails i- inexpensive; can not in¬ iithia-water jure: makes a delightful ,effervescent s drink, which everyone should their kidneys take now clean and then to help keep and active. Try this; also keep up the water drinking, and no doubt you will wonder what I became ache. Ry of your all kidney have trouble your and physi¬ back- j means cian examine your kidneys at least twice LUMBER f $ * ROUGH and DRESSED yi K $ ALL KINDS BUILDING MATERIALS AND BUILDERS’ HARDWARE g WINDOWS AND DOORS CEDAR AND PINE SHINGLES GALVANIZED AND COMPOSITION ROOFING Georgia Basket & Lumber Co. Sfi ♦ jj; i C. E. MARTIN, President T. M. ANTHOINE, Vice President f; i PHONE 38 J. E. ELEDSOE, Secy-Treas. ' ] * properly control the kidney seere Night and day alike, the suf ferer is tormented and A'hat with the journing and scalding, the attendant backache, headache and dizziness, life i indeed a burden. Doan’s Pills ' -a stimulant diuretic to the kidneys I- have brought peace and comfort to 1 Fort Valley people. Profit by many 'this Matron resident's experience: *0 M. Hudson, 31 6 Giles St., Ma jeon, Ga., says: 'T think that expos* ure while in the army weakened my kidneys. Sharp, shooting pams ir. my kidneys caused much distress , The secretions wi re highly coior ! ed,'containing a brick dust sediment and burnt-i ir. pas.-ay. Headache dizzy ■■*••!.* ■ • »»»t>* o :et me and appeared before my eyes. i (hat! been attended by doctors 'out diil not get relief until 1 used Doah’s l.!. Doan’s rehe.v*. n>t ( 60c, at all dealers, Foster -Mi!burn iCo., Mfrs., Buffalo, X. Y. Adv. j T t TIRED, - lP fl-FEET- ACHING I V\ - r* m •• TIZ II makes F" sore, bunting, tired feet fairly dance \ with de j light Away goYhe aches and pains, the corns, callouses, blisters and bun¬ ions. “TIZ” draws out the acids and poisons that puff up your i feet. No matter how hard you • work, how long you dance, how far you walk, or bow long you remain on your feet, “TIZ ■f brings restful foot comfort. Your feet iust tingle for joy;. s.toe* never hurt or seem tight. Get a box of “TIZ” now from any druggist or department store. Test "TIZ” free. Send this coupon. g Wliter Latta [M|* Cl. Free S ass Madison Ave. Mew York City Trial l M»U Me sample "TIZ I ♦ . Macons Net v Millinery Shoppe Invites You to Macon to Inspect *• A new and complete showing of • > Summer Hats t i $7.50 $25.00 to EASTERI)AV SHOPPE ar.B THIRD STREET MACON, GA. Next to Macon Shoe Company 4444->44.i-4»fi»K-44*h»- , f-F*M*H..l.;-:-.:-i-F4*}^-4.S4» »»4 .1.. 1 .. i . < . » . l .»4444444 4 Now In Effect. i Sweet Milk in pint bottles ........... .... 10c each Sweet Milk in %uart bottles ________ 15c each Buttermilk .............................. .... 5c quart Butter at market price. Cream ............................................. 40c pint Terms; Cash in advance or strictly weekly. t \Y. J. Braswell’s Sanitary Dairy Dairy Phone 3303 Fort Valley, Ga. Res. Phone 131 I! THE KIMBALL HOUSE j: ■ > Atlanta I The Home of Georgia People !! I 400 Room* of Solid Comfort J \ | The House of Courtesy ( Lige Maynard, ' ■ Ed Jacobs & ■ Props. ' 1 . t» ! Free Garage Service \ \ \ Terminal Hotel, Macon, under J J V same management 11 i • k. x ft ■ ft» ft • ft * ft A ft a ft^A Pains m « Very Severe f “I suffered from womanly m troubles which grew worse * ™ and worse as the months W* ^ * Cantrell, went by,” of says R. Mrs. F. D. L. H. 9, ^ 0 Gainesville, Georgia. ""I frequently had very ,tn severe pains. These were J a ' J! so bad that I was forced to “ go to bed and stay there. It seemed to me my back ** would come in two, m 1 <h CAR 0 U : B * For Female Troubles f <a “I taught school for a m * while, but my health was so * m bad 1 would have to stay out Wr « sometimes This went on • v 3 j till I y;ot so bad 1 didn't know V • what to do. “One day (rend about the |j| m merits of Cardui. and as 1 ^ “ _ had been some helped friends by it, I who thought had ^ * I would try it. I began to get *' 48 better after 1 had taken half « a bottle. I decided to keep * 4| on trial and give 1 did. it a thorough p* • and 1 took in all fc about perfectly 12 bottles and now 1 # am well. I do not ^ - suffer any pain and can do “ * ail niy housework.” * « At All Druggists’ EX-nJft WITITIW