The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, May 07, 1925, Image 3

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J Professional Directory Claude M. Houser Samuel M. Mathews HOUSER & MATHEWS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice in all the State and Courts Loans made upon City Property monthly payment plan and loans upon farm property. Woolfolk Bldg. Phone Fort Valley, (ia. NORMAN E. ENGLISH ATTORNEY AT LAW Brown Building Fort Valley, Ga. C. L. SHEPARD ATTORNEY AT LAW Woolfolk Building Phone 31 Fort Valley, Ga. Practice in all the State and Courts Loans Made on Realty 1 .ouis L. Brown Louis L. Brown, Jr. BROWN & BROWN ATTORNEYS AT LAW Wright Building. Phone 9 Furr Valley, Ga. Practice in all the State and Federal Courts Loans on Realty Negotiated GEO. B. CULPEPPER, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW Citizens Hank Building I’hone 3 74 Fort Valley^ Ga. 1)R. W. L. NANCE DENTIST Miss Florence Taylor, Assistant Citizens Bank Building Fort Valley, Ga. Phones: Office 82; Residence 115. DR. W. H. HAFER DENTIST Office over Copeland’s Pharmacy. Fort Valley, Ga. ’PHONES Residence 50-J. Office 14-J. We Insure Everything Insurable KENDRICK INSURANCE AGENCY Woolfolk Fort Valley Phone Bldg. Ga. 58-J. John T. Slaton FIRE INSURANCE Woolfolk Bldg. Fort Valley, Ga. Phone 283 A TRIBUTE TO MRS. RILEY In the passing on March 28th of our beloved friend and co-worker, Mrs. Lula Frederick Riley, out of the shadows of this life into the glorious dawn of a new day in the sunlight of the glory-land, there has gone one who was universally admired and loved. Not soon will we see her like again —though God doeth all things well. A woman—she was—of the old school, whose home was her universe, yet her benigh influence extended out to all her neighbors and friends. What a lesson was her life! Tranquil and peaceful as a summer sea! Yet I doubt if any one who ever lived in Fort Valley had a stronger hold upon the hearts of the people, or wielded a greater influence for good, jq ot with an aggressive force, but ty gentleness and love did she win all hearts. I think of her as she walked m and out amidst the flowers she loved so well, as the fairest blossom of them all, whose fragrance and charm will linger in our hearts forever. Mrs. Riley was a woman of wonder ful personality. Gentle, lovable, mod¬ est, yet firm, loyal and true. Many times has it been said of her, that she was the most loved woman in the community. The reason was, when our hearts were troubled, we knew where to find a heart full of sympa¬ thy—that beat in unison with our own. Ever ready she was to meet us with a warm hand clasp, and a mo therly smile upon her sweet face. She was closely identified with every organization in the city- social, ”*1 Now in Effect. Sweet Milk in pint bottle* ------------------- ______ 10c each Sweet Milk in quart bottle*.................... ______ 15c each Buttermilk ..........................................— ....... 5c quart Butter at market price. ________ 40c pint i Terms: Ca*h in advance or strictly weekly. I W. J. Braswell’s Sanitary Dairy Dairy Phone 3303 Frrt Valley, Ga. Fes. Phene 131 J £ i THE KIWANIS KALL £ £ OFFICIAL ORGAN BUY AI HOME £ of the and Get Full Value £ Fort Valley £ Kiwanis Club Published Weekly Thursday by the Kiwanis Club of Fort Y alley, Ga. for Your Money £ on j | Vo5. 1 i £ • -j-r p Here’s the beverage that delights * lastc » satisfies thirst and refreshes. £ Every bottle is sterilized—insur £ ing absolute purity £ £ Fort Valle; m W' 2 £ £ W. G. BHISKN1HNH. KIWANIAN £ £ J. W„ Woolfolk W. L. Snow Rulph Newton £ ¥ J. W. Woolfolk & Co. 35 £ Spray Material, Peas & Peaches Fort Valley, Georgia EVANS CLARK CO. Inc. Marketing anti Dealers in Asparagus nod Peach Crates and Supplies. A. J. Evans E. G. Clark ifi Kiwanian Kiwanian Your account, whether large or small, respectfully solicited on the basis of \ sincere appreciation. i PROMPT COURTEOUS EFFICIENT SERVICE □ jO i v Bank of Fort Valley Manufacturers of CHILDRENS UNDERWEAR FORI VALLE! KNITTING MILLS F. O. MILLER, Pres. A. J. EVANS, Treas. & Gen'l Mgr. T. F. FLOURNOY, Supt. KIWANIANS VR literary and religious. Although nev er seeking office for herself and al¬ ways preferring others—yet realizing her ability, her keen sense of justice, and her universal popularity, she was called upon to fill important offices in every society. Her advice, modest¬ ly and gently given, was always acted upon, and found to be just what was needed. Mrs. Riley had a keen sense of hu mour and could entertain in her own inimitable style, yet her wit was nev er tinged with malice—nor used for an y ignoble purpose. As a wife, mother, neigh iior and friend she was unexcelled. No duty was too irksome if she could thereby contribute to the comfort and pleas¬ ure of others. Her life was spent in doing for others. She possessed the secret of a happy life, and her motto was For Others. 75 The following poem seems to same been written of rare souls like hers. “Lord help me to Jive from day to Jay In such a self-forgetful way That even when I kneel to pray My prayer shall be for Others. Help me in all the work I do To ever be sincere and true And know that all I’d do for you Must needs be done for Others. Let self be crucified and slain And buried deep: and all in vgin May efforts be to rise again Unless to live for — Others. THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY. MAY 7, 1925. A Tribute of Love. To Our Valued Member, Mrs. A. C. Riley. Woman’s Library Auxiliary ‘None hears the door that opens Through which they pass beyond re¬ call Soft as loosened leaves of roses, One by one our loved ones fall.” When we last gathered together for the meeting of the Library Aux¬ iliary, Mrs. Riley was with us. As we think of her today, our hearts are saddened for we have lost not only a valued member, but each of us hero have lost a friend. The questions that arise in our hearts only God can ans¬ wer. That beautiful passage of Scrip ture, “Whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatso¬ ever things are of good report—-think on these things,” must have been a guide and favorite of Mrs. Riley, for truly it was exemplified in her beau tiful life. Mrs. Riley loved her club work. Al¬ though she shrank from positions of prominence, her strong mind, her sound judgment, her poise, fitted her And when my work on earth is done And my new work in Heaven’s begun May I forget the crown I’ve won While thinking still of Others. v. —A FRIEND. SULPHUR CLEARS A PIMPLY SKIN Apply Sulphur as Told When Your Skin Breaks Out Any breaking out of the skin on face, neck, arms or body is overcome quick¬ est by applying Mentho-Sulphur. Ihe pimples seem to dry right up and go away, declares a noted skin specialist. Nothing has ever been found to take the place of sulphur as a inexpensive. pimple re¬ mover. It is harmless and Just ask any druggist for a small jar of Rowles Mentho-Sulphur and use it like cold cream. THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1925. SQ£> ) \ THE CITY A Service Station • For Farmers (Jet this idea on straight,” advised Dr. Walter Burr to his audience at the Kiwanis Club’s city rural love-feast in El Dorado. 1 A town is a ser vice station for country people, A town’s trade territory is that era in which it can best give ser¬ vice. Don’t say ‘business men and farmers.’ Say ‘town business men and country business men.’ The farmer is as much of a business man as a mer¬ chant, and in some instances, he is more of a busi¬ ness man than many merchants. •• We can talk goods and prices until we g-row black in the faces, but not until we give our farmer friends a genuine neighborly service, will they be attracted to this town as a trading point. There is no barrier between the town and the country. Our needs are mutual, our aims are the same. The town’s one job is to look upon the farmer as a neigh¬ bor who is reasonable and entirely human in his outlook. He is willing to pay as he goes. He will make that town his home town which caters to his needs, which gives him a true service untarnished by any affectation of approach or insincerity of in¬ terest and attention. —Editorial in the El Dorado, Kansas, Times. NO MEETING FRIDAY Postponed on Account of Picnic tua OB for places of leadership which she jably filled in both her religious and civic activities. Hers was a beautiful nature—pure, sweet, unselfish. The spirit of gentle ness and kindness was in her every word and act. Perhaps after all, there is nothing so “kindly as kindness. ’ She was the type of Christian who thinks no ill; whose tongue speaks no ill; whose heart and mind had faith in the element of good in all. As mo¬ ther, wife, friend, her life was one of love and loving service. We all know how generous she was with her flowers. Many that she gave Have Kidneys j Examined By Your Doctor Take Salts to Wash Kidneys if Eack Pains You or Bladder Bothers Flush your kidneys by drinking quart of water each day, also take mi occasionally, says a noted authority, \vi tells us that too much rich food ton acids which almost paralyze the kid:; in their efforts to expel it from i blood. They become sluggish .. weaken; then you may suffer wi'b dull misery in the kidney region, so pains in the back or sick headache, di ness, your stomach sours, tongm coated, and when the weather i you have rheumatic twinges. The -• gets cloudy, full of sediment, the cli; nels often get sore and irritated, oldie: you to seek relief two or three tin during the night. neutralize these irritab To help acids, to help cleanse the kidneys ai flush off the tody’s urinous waste, g four ounces of Jad Salts from any pha macy here; take a tablespoonful in glass of water before breakfast for few days, and your kidneys may tin - act fine. This famous salts is ni:e , from the acid of grapes anti lemon juir combined with lithia, and has been use for years to help flush and stimuli!. sluggish kidneys; also to neutralize th acids in thus the system often so relieving they no bladJc lotiga irritate, weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive: delightful can not it jure and makes a efferve cent lithia-water drink. Bv all mean have vonr physician examine your kid neys at least twice a year. f The Fori Valley Oil Co. Manufacturers of / COTTON SEED PRODUCTS FORT VALLEY, GA. IK C. STROTHER St H. M. WHITING, KIM ASIANS There’s Music in the Air Bring free entertainment into your home with a Radio Receiving Set. See the Radiola line we are showing. GREEN-MILLER COMPANY Gl.ENMORK GREEN. KIWANIAN Georgia Agricultural Works QUALITY- SERVICE HARDWARE & FURNITURE 44 We’ve Cot It »» F. O. MILLER, Kiwanian For SPRAY MATERIALS SPRAY MACHINES CRATE MATERIALS Call on SOUTHERN BROKERAGE COMPANY F. W. Withoft, Mgr. Kiwanian C HALL KIWANIAN THE TIRE MAN me have bloomed since she left us. I see reflected in them the sweet spirit of her, whose pure thought in innate love of the beautiful, gave them so gladly. Her spirit will live hot only in her own flower garden but in those of her friends as well, We, too, may live again in flower, * n tree, in vine. Who of us but can recall even now Mother’s rosebush” or the crepe myrtle, or dahlias in the old home garden, or the tree that fa¬ ther planted. No matter how short a time we stay in a place, may we not leave a memorial so that others who | For AH m m The Family V • < We use Black-Draught py M <n our family of six children „ and find it a good liver and ” bowel regulator," Mrs. says ” C. E. Nutt, of Mineral W 1 '41 Springs, Ark. “Ihavetaken EH 4jj{ it myself in the last two or ^ qrj, three years for indigestion. I gp, would feel dizzy, have gas m <0 and sour stomach, also feel ^ ^ a thickness in my chest. I’d m take a good dose of m BLACK-DRAUGHT m Liver Medicine » m /M when I felt that way, and it a ^ i 48 would relieve me, and I I ‘ would feel belter for days. a zm 'r* “My husband takes it for A, ^ i ! 41 biliousness. He says he has Bw never found its equal. When , ,A he has the tired, heavy feel- A J ‘41 ing, he takes Black-Draught night and morning for a few wm \ ,A days and he doesn’t com- A 41 plain ‘‘1 any more. do ! sure recommend Ww gn Thedford’s Black-Draught.” A m Your liver is the largest organ in your body. When out of order, it causes many A 4SS . complaints. Put your liver in shape by taking Thed- a* ford’s Black-Draught. m Sold Everywhere KX-lll VBWWWWWWW *W live there in days to come shall know that it has sometime been the abode of one whose soul was alive with the love of God, of nature, and of human ity. Great-Heart is dead, they say! Nor dead nor sleeping! She lives on! Her name Shall kindle many a heart to flame, The fire she lighted shall burn on and .on, I Till all the darkness of the lands be gone, And all the kingdoms of the earth %A I, it ■m 1 IlltillflUp lMICA-KOTE ROOFING Workmen recognize its quality C OMPARED there is a toughness with roll that goods distinguishes of equal weight Carey Mica-Kote Roofing. This is due to the quality in the felt itself and to the greater amount of asphalt saturant which it absorbs. Samples and prices gladly furnished. FORT VALLEY LUMBER COMPANl FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA Number 36. be won, And won. 1 A soul so fiery sweet can never did, But lives and loves and worM through all eternity. ft Hall’s Catarrh Medicine is a Combined Treatment,bods local and internal, and has been sucres* ful in the treatment of Catarrh for oven forty years. Sold by all druggists. F. J. CHENEY Sl CO., Toledo, Ohld