The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, May 07, 1925, Image 5

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♦W 4 » + * > n ' »■ 4 t\drE§ $ < i » < ■ ► • • I < • • Conducted by ALICE D. SHEPARD 200 Everett Square ! • Mr. A. O. Brewton was a visitor to Atlanta last week. 4* 4* 4* Mrs. Frank Smisson has rom a visit to points in Florida. * 4* 4* Mr. Brown Riley was a isitor in the city this week. 4 4* 4* 4* Mrs. Bob Berry is visiting :i Griffin this week. 4* 4* 4* Mr. J. Berry spent Tuesday in . -nta. 4* 4* 4* Mr. Robert Marchman, Jr., was .uest of friends at Pineview week-end. 4* 4* 4* Master Caughey Culpepper, of anta, is the guest of his tier, Mrs. G. B, Culpepper, Sr. ♦ ♦ ♦ Miss Evelyn Tift of Atlanta ^.e week-end with her mother, M. Tift. * + * Miss Emily Braswell was the f friends at Bessie Tift last od. * * Mrs. Harris Turner and Carl r were guests last week-end of T. J. Dennard at Pineview. 4* * 4 Mrs. Harold Saxon and son, returned from a visit to points Florida. 4* * * Miss Electra Weeks left lay for Atlanta to spend the vith relatives. 4> 4- 4> f Miss Miriam Fid wards will ■Iext week-end in Macon, the guest « -Miss Helen White. ❖ V < Mrs. Mattie Carpenter will ihis week for Franklin, N. C., when she expects to spend the summer. 4^ 4 1 4* Miss Margaret Pitts of Wavefly Hall is the guest of Mrs. O. M. H ouser. 4' 4- 4 Mrs. Luther Farmer and children will be the guests of friends in Grif 'in this week-end. 4* *;• 4 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crawford spent fist week-end with relatives in Moul ne. 4* 4* 4* Misses Fills Mae and Ada Wheeler 0 tre the guests of friends in Waynes ■1 » 4- 4- 4* Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Kendrick, Miss Mildred Kendrick, Mrs. Parba and Mrs. Brown Walker, of Macon, pent last week-end in Atlanta 4- 4* Mrs. W. B. Austin will entertain mxt week for Misses Miriam Ed wards and Helen Dasher, two of JUl • harming girl graduates. <♦ 4* Eriends of Mr. and Mrs. R. C Joy ner sympathize with them in tie ill ness of their young son, Lynwood, who is ill at a hospital in Macon, ar,d wish for him a speedy recovery. 4* * * Mr. and Mrs. John Temple Graves and daughter of West Palm Beach, Fla., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. M Housed 4- 4- * Mrs. Myles Green returned home Saturday from a visit to her sister. Mrs. George Armstrong, at Washing¬ ton, Ga. 4- 4- 4 Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Murphey and Mr. T. S. Murphey of Barnesvilte, were week-end guests of Dr. ami Mrs. €. Z. McArthur. * 4 * Va., ^frs. who Charles has been Hunter spending of Staunton, several weeks with her mother, Mrs. Mattie Brown, returned home Wednesday. 4 4 + Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Rumph and children, of Marshalville, were visi tors here on Sunday, coming over to «ee the Belle Bennett Memorial ( ' i dhe Methodist church — eant at * * * Mrs. Harris Turner went down to _. . last Friday meview to attend a re edition man, Jr., given who for Mrs. the Robert guest of March- Mrs was T. J. Dennard, last week. ) Mrs. Henry Maddux, of Atlanta, is .the jSlappey. guest of her mother, Mrs. J. C. j -f v Miss Annie Belle Ethridge wiU spend this week-end with Miss Lula Ree Ethridge at Oglethorpe. 4* <- *5* Col. C. L. Shepard, L. L. Brown, Jr., and John H. Jones, spent Wed nesday in Atlanta. ❖ * * Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Braswell, Sr., have moved to their beautiful country home at Nakomis for the summer. 4> * + Miss Adaline Bowie, of Rome, is in the city in the interest of the League of Women Voters. While here Miss Bowie is the guest of Mrs. Ben Fin cher. * <• 4* Regular services will be held at j .lay Providence at 3 p. church, m. Rev this T. II county, Thomson, Sun pastor of the local Methodist church, will preach. 4- * * The Fort Valley Chapter I). A. R. will meet Wednesday afternoon, May 13, at 4 o’clock, at the home of Mrs. R. S. Braswell, Jr. v j ivannah, Mr. and Mrs. the C. A. Mayes of Mr. of and Sa are guests Mrs. E. H. Coppedge at the Winona Hotel. Mrs. Mayes is a represent*• tive of the Southern Cotton Oil Cpm pany and will make Fort Valley his headquarters in the future, Rev. Albert Howard and family left Tuesday to visit relatives at Au gusta. Mr. Howard and Albert will return about Saturday. Mrs. Howard and little Miss Winslow will remain for several weeks. : 4* 4* 4* Miss Crystelle Fenn of Cordele, the (harming guest of Miss Emily Braswell. Miss Fenn was a guest bf the Junior Woman’s club at the home of Mrs. Robert Marchman, Jr,, on Tuesday. Miss Marie Parham stopped over for a visit with Mrs. J. I). Kendrick last Friday. Miss Parham" was en route from Nashville to Thomasvilb . where she will teach in training school. From Thomasville she will go to Aarkansas in the interest of train ing school work. -a jj. ' Mrs. Frederick Sutton ami young ! son, William, who have been the , guests left last of Mr. Thursday and Mrs. for F. W .Withoft, day ' j a ten visit to Mr. and Mrs. William Sut ton; of Asheville, N. C., before return ; ing to their home in Middleport, V Y. ■ i---- j MR. It. M. HOUSER RETURNS. j - Mr. It. M. Houser will return this week after an absence of many weeks, Mr. Houser underwent an operation at the Middle Georgia Sanitarium in Macon, which was followed by a des illness. His condition was crit- ! ical for sometime but he is very much improved and rapidly regaining health. He will be warmly received by his many friends ;upon his return home. MEETING OF W. M. S. The regular meeting of the Meth- I odist W. M. S. was held at the church Monday, May 4th. The program I began with a song, followed by read ing W. R. of the Scripture lesson by Mrs. { Edwards. The minutes were read by Mrs. W. B. Norton. Short talks were given by Mrs. Helen Wright, Mrs. Mattie Flournoy 1 and Mrs. J. M. Jones, who attended district conference last week. Mrs. Geo. Johnson reported that the box for the young girl who is at tending Young Harris is ready. Mrs. Bledson gave a favorable report of the young lady’s work at school. Mrs. Lawrence Houston gave several plans social service work including edu cationai work, relief work , and , county \ jail. Picnic dinner was discussed. Mrs. L. Gray told of the love offering that had been given to Mrs. Geo. Mat- f tbewSi Sr Mrs Mattie Flournoy read a resolution on the death of Mrs. A. Riley; closing prayer by Mrs. Ed wards. t THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY. GA., THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1025. U. I). C. MEETING I The U. D. C. will meet next | day afternoon, May 14, at 4 • at the home of Mrs. W. R. : All members are urged to be I as matters of importance will be ’ cussed. \ BEL!. BENNETT MEMORIAL The W. M. S. of the church gave a memorial service Miss Belle Bennett on last evening at the church. The was in the form of a pageant, ed by Mrs. Ruth Whiting Smith, cast as follows: Miss Bennett, Mrs. A. A. Sister Sue, Mrs. Frank A. Cousin Jane, Mrs. Ben Fincher; Olmstead, Mrs. Louis 1 rator; of Prophesy, Mrs. Laurence Missionary Voices, Miss Miriam wards; Doctor, Geo. B. Culpepper, Salesman, Mr. Houser Edwards; or, Mr, Oliver Snapp; Lawyer, Mr. M. Mixon. Other members of the W. M, took the parts of countries and mittees. Miss Margaret Whiting flounced the scenes. At the close the pageant Mrs. Russell gave the audience an interesting on the purpose of the memorial, er which every one was given chance to contribute toward splendid cause. --- MEETING OF THE WO; MAN’S LIBRARY AUXILIARY Very impressive was the meeting he Lihrary Auxiliary on Friday ™n at the home .of Mrs. Frank Fincher. After the business was dis pensed of the meeting was then de voted to the memory of one of the Library’s most faithful, unselfish and influential members, the late JVlrs Lula Frederick Riley. Beautiful tri¬ butes were paid to her by Mrs. L. L. Brown and Mrs. A. A. Williams Miss Adeline Bowie, field secretary °f the American League of Voters * or Women briefly outlined her work concerning this organization. The Auxiliary enjoyed a song by Beatrice Connall, a piano solo by Mrs. Mosley of Byron, and a se lected reading by Miss Audrey Fa gun. After the entertainment pro gram war concluded, a delicious sal course was served. The next and last meeting be,fore for the summer months be held at the home of Mrs. If Baird’s on May the 27th. 1'REi TLEN CHAPTER I). A. it. Mrs. J. E. Davidson will be hostess the Gov. Treutlen Chapter I). A. on Wednesday, May 13th at id Mrs. John Allen and Mrs. Glen more will bring reports from the congress held at Washing April 20-25. As this will he the last meeting of year, report of year’s work will made and officers for the coming will he installed. CLUB MEET WITH MRS. STEVE BASSETT -- Mrs. Steve Bassett was hostess to Woman’s club of Fort Valley at lovely country home on Tuesday, fifth. The rooms were attractive spring flowers, the roses and peas adding much to their beau Mrs. J. M. Green presided over the portion of the meeting, arid following standing com mittees the ensuing year were announced Mrs. Chester Wilson, the Secre of the club. Program—Mrs. F. O. Miller, Mrs. L. Duke, Miss Wilma Orr. Music—Mrs. F\ L. F'incher, Mrs. B. Culpepper, Jr., Mrs. T. A. Mc Press—Mrs. C. N. Rountree, Mrs. A. Bassett, Mrs. T. J. Shepard. Civic—Mrs. A. M. Solomon, Mrs. C. Mathews, Mrs. W. G. Brisendine. I Legislation—Mrs. H. P. Sanchez, | j J. H. Allen, Mrs. Helen Hume. Child Welfare—Mrs. C. E. Martin, j C. L. Shepard, Mrs. W. Or Alien. I Mrs. W. J. Baswell gave an inter- j report of the 12th Dist. eon held at Cochran, this report ! the day’s business. j Mrs. Cornelius Hall, chairman for 1 afternoon, presented the program. ! Miss Wilma Orr , gave, a splendid; on the “Newspapers of Japan,” Miss Miriam Edwards delighted club with a reading, “And the ; Lay Between Them.” After a comment by Mrs. Hall on Japa- [ poetry, the meeting was adjourn , After adjournment t dainty . . . re ments were served by the hos -— The regular meeting of The Wo Club will be held Tuesday, May, at the home of Mrs. Edwin Mar- * THE DEPARTMENT ;• EDITOR’S WINDOW 4* <• 4* 4* <• -> 4> <• 4* <> 4* 4- 4* ❖ 4* 4 What are little « irIs made of ? Su » ar and 8 P ice And everything nice. And if the parts are adjusted suitable proportion you’ll find are made mostly o£ “spice” A number of the high school . who believe in the new for K ° od loo k3: “ A <1a >’ out " f iioor with a real, , genuine sweat, hiked out to Svlvan about 5 o’clock Saturday had breakfast in the woods, trees, waded in the branch and ' everything that girls think of ''joj’* t ” t .' Thoso' oIiarmi!i'^*"hiker.s cluded: . , Mlsses ... M,nam .... Awards, . nette Shepard, Edwina Houser, trude Brown - Charlie Matthe ™’ Mar jone Brown, Margaret Frances Brown, Laura Houser, .abeth and Fanny Little, There are oodles of Spring, but somehow none of express s what pops into our when Spring is mentioned. To the mention of Spring u-l tigs thought of gardening or some it means get fishing tackle gether. There are those who looking over golf clubs and still who begin to clean up the iiin court, and none of these 'among Mr. Webster’s definitions jSpring, Most everyone has a hobby. And it would be a great time w.mlVTelVa ^ wUh ^ of their special hobbv . A vvho ,s duf y about K ° l( doesn ’ t to he asked when he starts ott if he is . going out to get a nibble. wise the fisherman would feel in¬ sulted if he were accused of going out on the green for his catch. GREEN AM) GOLD The school 1 of the Metlio I Sunday ,list church has a contest on for the j month of May. The school is divided, one half being green and the other half gold. The contest is for the pur pose of increasing attendance during the month. An old fashioned social will be given at the end of the month, the losing side furnishing refresli mi nts for the occasion. So get busy and work for your side. Help make it interesting and increase the at tendance by being present each Sun dav. METHODIST ( 111 R< it Rev. Til os. H. Thomson, Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m„ Judge II. A. Mathews, superintendent, Preaching by the pastor at II a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Epworth League at 6:30 p. in. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 (i. m. To all services the public is cor dially invited. Prosperity claimed to he on the way, and many are lying down wait ing for her to com • along and give them a free ride. a isr foe TENDER BORE, TIRED FEET * %*S ,nnnl\ V «4 i Just put those weary, shoe-crinkled, ( aching, burning feet into a Tiz bath. When your feet ache and burn, Tiz, and only Tiz, will bring relief. Tiz is grand, glorious for tortured c" 6 !‘ rav ! s d;c swelling and ' pain f .p uts your f eet ! x a , 0 corns iiito perfect condition, Get a box of 1 iz now^at any drug Have^ert'that never hurt''never get tired UI y* Test Tiz tree. Send c t tins coupon. q Wihw 593 Madison Luther 0tntf Ave. e C#. Free New York City Trial l hm MaflMewtuj»le"TIZ” A 2 Clopine Clippings Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cheek and Vera Cheek were among those attended the Singing at Salem neal Marshallville last Sunday. *t* V 4* Mrs. T. D. Castleberry will Wednesday to visit relatives at dian Springs for several weeks. % .> Master Parker /Bussey spent last Tuesday with W. P. Castleberry. I -y Mr. Jim Arnold, driver of Use 8cho ° l trucli for the Myrtle section, which carries children from this com , munily to Fort Valley to school, will stop after tiiis week unless he is paid ) )V the t i ie parents'of parents of the the children children. 4* 4* 4> The many friends of Mrs. A. I. Tuggle sympathize with her in the loss of her mother, Mrs. T. G. Glover, who died last week iu Birmingham, Ala. *£• Messrs. Morgan and Denzil W ilsoit Robert Tuggle and Thomas Cheek feuded the Singing at Salem last Sunday. <• 4 Actual work has begun on extend “'k the railroad side track at Clopine. Mr. Edgar Beckham of Perry, is in charge of the grading and placing the material. The side track at Clo ! ,ine will be lengthened to accommo date fully ten more freight cars and w 'h be finished with a double switch. , j Due to heavy loading of peaches and watermelons at this point caused the Central of Georgia to extend the HI( •. . a . T , • FT • •^recognized - • , as V l be center , of Centra! Georgias j watermelon district, A side track 200(1 feet long, ex tending from Myrtle almost to Clo I I'ine is being built by the railroad. It will be used in passenger trains pass¬ ing freight trains along this road. Freight shipments passing over the ' ' , .... ' " ° " AM 1,1 0 Georgia, has lncreased wonderfully in the last T ears - During 1924 figures show that a total of 2,281 ear loads of freight was handled, W atermelons headed withSOO cars, while peches came sec¬ ond with 600. « % Summer Clothes , . That Reflect Your ■ T t J| Personality \ < <, • ■ ,. ! Iir easy-litting, stylish IbngJish ’) Lounge Suit? A Or one cut along more conservative lines? >% 4 Here yon II find a model lo meet exactly vmir 4' style itl^as. Ti + a® *:• Tropical Worsted am alien (.rash Summer 4 I Suits. The Season's latest Styles and Fabrics. * X $16.50 $27.50 70 ir v * 4- 4 + Seersucker and Suiting Summer Suits I y They $12.50 give you a 70 smart $1 appearance o 50 Mf rvmh 6 frsj 1 LjfYU j O • * > ■ ) La-r r : >T Y V ! ■11 'Vi M > Golf Knickers Just flic Style and Snap that ♦ smart dressers demand $4.75 to $8.50 u 4» Imported Golf Ilose SI.00 to .35.50 1 V % I * Full Lino of S/)(Jtl(Jinfi s Coif Hulls and Clubs. -£• t % I Edwards Brothers Fort Valley ia \ 44444444«H4fM4“F44444iH+444-44':.M4'<44.44>44<M'444-’W , 4'M44+44 NEW BOOK AT LIBRARY t A new book on the subject of slut jtering and stammering has been add ■ the collection of information <'«' to on the shelves of the Fort Valley Public Library. The new work is entitled I “Stammering, Its Cause and Cure.” It was written by Benjamin Nathaniel _ recognized .... authority the , a on .subject of stammering and author of 'several volumes dealing with imper i factions of speech. I Until he was twenty years of age, i Mr. Bogue was himself afflicted with stammering. He relates in his latest book some of the experiences of his j j t;arl aut y stuttering, 1,fe whcn inability handicapped to talk his with- . cf- , torta 10 S aln a foothold in the world of business. The author’s cure of himself of the stammering affliction, after years de voted to scientific study of the hu man voice and the causes of impeded 'speech, is told in the new book. Since} he overcome his own affliction, Mr. j study Bogue of lias stammering devoted his and life its to the j cure, The facts related in the book just ' re ceived b >' tbe Pub J lc Llbrar y are based u P° n his personal contact with 20,000 stammerers ami information gained through correspondence witli approximately 190,000 others sirnilar SAYS RED PEPPER HEAT STOPS PAIN II FEW HIES Rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis, back¬ ache, stiff neck, sore muscles, strains, sprains, suffering aching joints. When you are just Red so you Pepper can hardly Rub. get around, try Nothing has such concentrated, pene¬ trating heat as red peppers, and when heat penetrates right down into pain and congestion relief comes at once. Just as soon as you apply Red Pep¬ per Rub you feel the tingling heat. In three minutes the sore spot is wanned through and through and the torture is gone. Howies Red Pepper Rub, made trom red peppers, costs little at any drug store. Get a jar at once Be sure to get the genuine, with the name Rowles on every paekage _c_ !y afflicted who have sought his ad¬ vice during the twenty-four years he has been the head of the Bogue In* stitute for Stammerers in Indianapo lis. The Bogue book discusses the harassing affect of stammering upon the mind and body of a child and of grown-up stammerers. It contains ad* vice for the guidance of , stammering , children, warning them against pa tronizing unscientific and “fake" ad¬ vertisers of cures for the affliction. ST. ANDREWS CHURCH Episcopal Holy Communion, 7:30 A. M. No other services this day, as the congregation, young and old, will part in the pilgrimage, with other congregations of the Diocese, t° our Orphan’s Home in Macon, leaving Fort Valley at 8:15 a. m, of thereabout. After service in Macon, the pil will spread lunch on thft grounds of the Appleton Home, f he children of the Home extend ft most cordial welcome to all who would like to visit them at this time. “ LADIES! DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR Use Grandma's Sage Tea and Sulphur Recipe and Nobody Will Know The use faded, of Sage and Sulphur natural for re¬ storing gray hair to its color dates back to grandmother’s time, She used it to keep her hatr beautifully dark, glossy and attractive. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded of streaked appearance, this simple mix¬ ture fect. was applied with wonderful ef¬ But brewing at home is mussy and out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for a bottle of “Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound," you will get this famous old preparation, im¬ proved by the addition of other ingre¬ dients, which can he depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. Well-known druggists say it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied, brush You simply with it dampen and draw a sponge this through! or sofil your hair, taking one strand at a timfc By morning the gray hair disappears and after another application or two, it to (Mms 1 to. : r,,((,/ <t«rte and glossy.