The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, May 07, 1925, Image 6

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IN MEMORIAM Mr*. W. C. Carter. Soft the winds of night are requiems where loved one: Jgcid stars fair ea rns of light. vigils keeping, At rest her tir< d heart, mortal- are destined to part, The gentle spirit winged its with the shadows de< penmg. 'Tis the earthly tie is severed, unvasers (lod is true. Another link in the chain i gone, 'tis missing, The time worn rocking chair, fondest memories duster there, Clinging to the silent home, and hallo them for keeping. T see the dear familiar path, winding 'round the old front step, Up the hill ascending often we did wander, Abandonment with grief, daily cares are sometimes brief, Sunny hours and purple shades, we did count them but to squander. Hope within my breast is kindled, pressing upward to the goal, Through the goulen bars there is no sin hequileing, Heaven is without alloy, unquench able eternal Joy, Free and open to the King, to the slave and hireling. Iri sweet communion with my thoughts when the twilight hours are spent, Stealing oVr me an insatiable yearn mg, A picture of the past shadows indeli lily cast, Upon the walls of memory scared, and constant burning. Angel faces I discern them, through a mist of tears and pain. Hush! listen to their voices, methinks I hear them speaking Like unto a dulcet strain, gentle as the summer’s rain, And the silence 'twas so sweet, I hushed my timely weeping. Holy reverence, love sublime, are trib utary to the dead, Be resigned, when they are in our deur Lord's keeping. Live with this endeavor, meet them in the vast forever, Bid them “good-bye” for awhile and leave them in peace asleeping. MRS. HUGH L. ALLEN, Powersville, Ga. Wife and Husband Roth III With Gas “For years I had gas on the stom¬ ach. The first dose of Adlenka help¬ ed. I now sleep well and all gas is (signed) gone, it also nelped my husband, *> Mrs. B. Brinkley. ONE spoonful Adlerika removes GAS and often brings astonishing relief to the stomach. Stops that full, bloated feel¬ ing. Brings out old waste matter you never thought was in your system. This excellent intestinal evacuant is wonderful for constipation. — Cope¬ land's Pharmacy. —Adv. “COMICS • • A colored customer walked up to a table of B. V. D.’s in a Fort Valley store, held one up and asked, “Lady, what's the price of these A. B. C.’s. Hyprr'r tgugii-irieii-ir-ir XXXXXXXXXXXXW !& HAIL AND TORNADO jfj INSURANCE Gf City Realty Company X SAM PATTON, Realtor 565 Mulberry Street Ip X Macon, Ga. , ** x KXXXXXXXXXXXX • ■ ! & .. ' Bk • » / £ * • •• LA o • » r ■ • * < ■ I » Why advantages carit y or of ewwthe Balloon < > < * i» lITCS t it cant v'fefne (svi^dyearkaHcoij pnee oecanse <» you tires (few owj Aoont the straw* price ■ • present tires A < ’ yea p*jr Vii A! ror take vow c'd tacs * w as mri paymtut ~ Let ns make you a bid on changing over to Balloons. t THE 64 TIRE COMPANY Watch for Next Week’s Ad SOl'THKRN EXPOSITION TO HE HELD IN NEW YORK MAY 11-23 Atlanta, (5a. That the Southern Exposition to he held in New York May 11 -23 should he the greatest ex Ihibition of the South ever shown and J that the vast financial resources of the east and north should he drawn way by the displayed opportuni¬ ties of Dixie as shown at the big event, was the opinion expressed here today by A. it. Daniel, passen ger traffic manager of the Atlanta, Hirmingham and Atlantic Railway, who has just returned from a meet¬ ing of the Eastern Railroad Presi¬ dent's Conference, Committee on Pub¬ lic Relations, held at the Yale Club in New York City. “If the South makes a great show¬ ing at the exposition it will be hard to estimate the benefit which will accrue in an industrial, commercial and agricultural way,” said Mr. Dan¬ iel. INCOME TAX TO BE REDUCED Atlanta, Ga.—May 5.—Good news ,for business comes from Washington, according to Frank Hempstead, coun¬ | cilor in taxation of Atlanta and Washington. At the next session of • Congress, beginning in December this year, the income tax will again be I reduced. The original Mellon bill, nroviding for a cut of 25 per cent in the sur tax, will be revived in a modified form, Mr. Hempstead says. Other re ductions on small incomes will be in eluded. The promised decrease in the tax, with the hint that, further reductions are likely to follow at intervals un¬ til it is wiped out altogether, business experts here say, should draw much capital that has sought immunity from taxation in exempt bonds back into business channels. “Such a return of money to hard work for progress, instead of idling in security like a man on a summer vacation, will begin at the time when business financing may be needed,” Mr. Hempstead. I JUST A WORD You would not burn your home just because the roof leaked, would you? Well, Listen, there is no reason WHY you should throw away a pair of Shoes just because a small hide has been worn in the sole. If you will let me repair them you will be glad that you did not throw them away— Yours for COMFORT and ECONOMY Dixon's Shoe Shop Opposite Water Tower i FORT VALLEY ! For Real Optical Service SEE US Scientific Eye Examinations Glasses that Satisfy. mmm XXXXXXXXXXXXX THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1925. FORT Ihe ♦ FORT ¥ LEE CHAIN VALLEY X X VALLEY DEPART hi ENT ' - : : STORE S ] [ FOR d SS~1 DEPART M ENT STORES J X VACATION lime will soon be here. You will want a new travelling bag, bat box or suitcase. h f fu K U U }(f M V Jkt A m i I? tF <rj ! Dl TRAVELLING BAGS $1.98 70 $11.95 LADIES' HAT BOXES $4.95 SUIT CASES 98' 70 $12.50 BATHING TIME IS HERE! A vision of clear, cool waters, pure air and the companionship of fun-loving folks. The very spirit of out of doors in spring per¬ vades these attractive Fi ft i a BATHING SUITS R made of fine quality wool jersey, a com plete line showing all the new and fancy shades $2.98 AND $3.98 Fort Valley L Fort Valley fi X X l DjfARnmcr stores ; X ;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXLtXX£XXXXXXXX COSTUME SLIPS All colors and white Jersey Silk Slip!-. $2.98 SHADOW PROOF UNGETTE SUPS 81.69 SATIN AND UNGETTE SUPS $1.00 JERSEY SILK PETTICOATS $1.98 HAM) EMBROIDERED AM) LACE TRIMMED TEDDIES AND STEP-INS $1.00 / i \ \ '?/ - ■J \ i I Dresses for all Summer Social functions. Adoralde frocks for end-of-school wear, colors and styles that give youth, charm and gracefulness. Crepe de Chine Dresses at $16.50, $19.50 ANI) $24.50 Figured Crepes and Striped Silks at $5.95 ' m > $7.95 VOILE DRESSES AT $4.95. $7.95 $9.95 Lovely white Dresses in Crepe de Chine and Flat Crepe . $9.95 A ”? $16.50 LADIES’ HATS The purchase of the entire stock of a Milli¬ nery House in Macon prepares us to offer unusual values in WOMEN’S HATS * Hats that were originally priced from $8 to S20. reduced to $4.95 X I v -.....--- \ N 3 \ I a x IXV ♦ A i HOSIERY Full fashioned Chiffon Hose in white and fashion t black and all the shades that says are smartest, including Blush and Freckles $1.48 PICNIC "" HIKING To he comfortable anti smart in the out-of doors, whether von are planning a camping | trip or a hike. Knickers worn with separate or sleeveless jackets are tremendously smart t KHAKI KNICKERS $1.98 WHITE DUCK KNICKERS $1.98 COTTON TW EED KINCKERS i $1.98 P LINEN TW EED KNICKERS $3.00 KNICKER SUITS in KHAKI for GIRLS, ages 6 to 11 years — $ 2.00