The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, May 14, 1925, Image 2

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♦♦4-*-M-f , ;; Legal Adverti se merits * h*b* r**e h Uotinfy. TO WHOM IT M A > CONCERN: 'Mr#. J^jJa H Hartley. of -a -tal. •tuff »pplx » to me for letter- * i ,ort with tb«* will annexed th ► l«tO 1*roY)rtt A Hartley, Inf of county, 4 «M*d, thi* i* rile all it rid iotr«il nr •(•editor* and nwt if kin • * id Boo not A Martl* to l»* and Bpjiosr at the June ***26 f tho court of Ordinary <>t «»uf • « fund ©how cam •, if any th*y can, why 1erg of adminiM ration with tho will should not Im granted to »aid Mr* Leila Hartley n the estate of Ilenn*tt A. Wiin<*«« my official aittnature thu* 4th ,f May, .M r MOELKV f -fy-4t. < trdinarv fieergrin. Peach County. TO WHOM IT MAY C ONf KRN: .......... — Notice ir> hereby iriven that John H Joihfad. i>- administratior of Anm* Walker deceased, having applied to me !•> petition for leave to aell the real •■state «aid Anno Claude Walker, deceased (hat »n order whm made thereon at the May term, 1925 for citation, and that citation MIJC all the heir* at law and creditor* of said Annie Claude Walker, deceased, will take notice that will pass upon said ap* plication af the June term 1925 of the Court of Ordinary of Peach County . and that flnnl#ws eatiM< in shown to the contrary, at wild time, said leave will he granted. Thi* 5tk day of May, 1925, M. C MOSLEY Ordinary lv*»ch County ■NOTICK TO DEBTORS AND » RKD1TORS All creditors of the iantate of ( H. J.. k non, late of Peach County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demamJa to the undersigned, according to Jaw, and ail persons indebted to said estate are re* -Hured to make immediate pay no at. May 4th 1926. H. ( JACKSON, A<lm. Estate (’. H. Jackson. 4 8 -7- 6t 4>*oTfia, Peach < ounty. Will be sold on the second -Say of June. •1925 between the usual hours *f sale, in 1 ft low ® <z> m * <f 0 fam flO <pejc°" H95 , f.O.R. DAYTON. O. •« & * * : ^..... - jFV- V 4v *«N T HERE is a new Deico-Light—a Completely Installed at a i > Delco-Light that places electricity Small Extra Cost ■within the reach of every farm in In addition to this, special arrange America. It is lower in price than any ments have been made whereby the Delco-Light Plant has ever been. And Delco-Light Dealer in your community it can be bought on terms so easy that ■Mil install your plant and wire your no farm family need wait any longer to house for five lights to be located wher¬ give its home the wpnderful benefits tf ever you specify. You will receive with . , electric light. the plant five beautiful spun-brass light¬ All that electric light merits in Com¬ ing fixtures complete with bulbs. .. convenience, safety and economy is And all of this—plant, installation, fort, million farm homes ■wiring, fixtures, everything ready to turn now available to the on the lights—will cost you only $53, in that have always wanted electricity, but addition to the price of the plant itself. have felt that its cost was too great. Payment— ■ ■ A Small Down -* An Amaxingly Low Balance on Easy Terms Price Finally, we have arranged that this For months we have been working on new low cost for Delco-Light, completely the development of this new Delco-Light. installed, can be paid advantage on terms of so them. easy of experience the world's that anyone can take Our years as The total cost is only $248, including «* largest manufacturers of farm electric freight (a little more west of the Missis¬ plants have enabled us to design a plant sippi). But you make only a small that will give dependable electric light down payment. The balance is payable to any home. And our enormous manu¬ on easy terms, arranged to suit your • * facturing facilities enable us to build this- convenience. plant at the lowest possible cost, and to Ask for Details sell it at a price that makes Delco-Light offer been a real economy. Never before has such an A Non-Storage Battery mace. Never before has Delco-Light cost so little and been so easy to buy. It Plant—600 Watt means that any farm home —your home have Delco-Light today. < • Capacity —can At the bottom of this advertisement ■ The new plant is a genuine Delco- appear the name and address of the Light in every respect—full 600-watt Delco-Light Dealer for your community. capacity, strong, sturdily built, economi¬ Call, write, or telephone for full in¬ cal in operation. It is equipped with a formation—specifications of the plant, standard Delco starter and an economic al illustrations of the fixtures that come starting battery. And its price is only •with it, details of our complete installa¬ • > SI95 f. o. b. Dayton the lowest price tion and wiring plan, and the figures and the greatest value v > er offered in a that show how easily you can now get Delco-Light electric plant. Delco-Light. Delco-Light Company, Dayton. 'Ohio, Subsidiary of Qeneral Motors < • E. T. W ATSON DELCO LIGHT CO. 316 BROADWAY. ATLANTA SALES BRANCH 1*6 SPRING St. MACON GA. ATLANTA, GA. < • Tort Vftlh-y ft H i 4,v I* i.v Ti. • (/. > < rt Valley. r fa-or *f th«* City of Valley, the follow fop property, to-wit :• hoUM* Hfltd lot * ft* South > ide of Church Klffrt ,• Lity of Fort lev i<-d ih« j • r > of Fairfax the bouM- w he r» } <1 Jones now live*. Also at th* tl time and place. vTit feo> arid lot went le of j r< in the < Sty *i Fort Valley, ■vied on the ptotrt tty Render VVippinf, place of Pent Wiyyir. riff in Line. All ht th* time and pine*, one va* rant Jot or, th* id r r. mo of Hintoti strut in the (ity f F hlie levied on an the property of John* t .. roan Ertau, U, L SHE ATE, 41. City Marshal). i.EiittdlA Vf.AC-H COUNTY Will he Mold hefoi he o r of the Court H.i.lhe O, ,r to the hitrhegf bid* <;* r for -cir h«tv.e*«' th. . * al hour* of ale ■ the ^<r*t TufMlfc.v ' June the followinK h«ffccribcd property, to-wit: A If that i «rtfcin t ract, Jot or paro l of gw ‘ituatod. lyinf? und hfirit? in the State <if Giijruft, County of Peach and in the city n f ydn Valley lher*->n. ^r<.T*tirijf forty feet # or, MferehnJlvjlle rut.>l running back for a dih.atnoe of one twodred feet, more or lewH, ~«irl lot being the one deeded to Carrie Lou H <n ,|,. rto0n ily v I. Brown. Said land levied upon arid to he gold to satisfy fci execution from f>2Fth. (>. M. Ju# tiee court Houetiiri Ci<*untv in favor of V, L. . Brown vs. Carrie Lou Henderson, j Levied <n by i/i L Frufat* for Special sale. Con stable, and turmd i * • ;<• me L ANLFRSON, Sheriff Leach County, f.a. 5-7-4t. Georgia, Peach County. All creditors the <>:ate oi Will¬ iam Allison WooddaJJ, late of Peach county, deceased, are hereby noti¬ fied to render m their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate pay¬ ment to me. April 6th, 1 925. MRS. 10ULA WO ODD ALL, Executrix, Will of William Allison Wooddall. Geo. B. Culpepper, Jr., Attorney at Law, Fort Valley, Ga. 4-9~6t. THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA.. THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1925. Fight The Boll Weevil I j FV Istvt-t ut. t>< i.l* *<fiu.i#i (run* , . Oi nothing i 20 uuund§ ye» ; Clamp- ( tru Wink' Far, toft rung on Lb', » «.*. Rubber Nozzle Tin nit lo any i*i* ition Rwiiiy** hi> or down for any 1.1 iglii of (ilarii (Can’t donl or hrenk Will not orio»le WITH THE ROOT HAND GUN fPATfNTED) T HE Foot Hand Gun i« built up to highest standard «J quality. Vou can buy other hand guns for slightly If ss money, some arc much I ci.* apef hut wr know that most farmers apprecatf the line enmomy of quality and t>* Foot Hand Gun will appeal to ihem. From the standpoint id service it «. th* lowest priced hand duster on the market. 1 1 operates easier than any band dtiPtrr <-n the market. Runs in hall hearings packed in grea #. Thr gear* are hronze (wide flanged) and also packed in grease. The gun requires no lubrication dur¬ ing ts life, VS ED l\ EVERY COTTON STATE The RtKrt Cun « have the full endorse ^•rrtent of the U S Delta La bo - , /atones, Tallulah , La Southern Brokerage Corn party FORT VALLEY, GA. DISTRIBUTORS FOR GEORGIA Georgia Rural Folks Live Longest Rural residents of (Jborgia are longer lived, than their city brothers, it is- said. There are fully 84 per cent more deaths per hundred thousand population in the larger cities than in having less than 10,060 pee Analysis f mortality statistics Georgia brings to lijrht sonic ii facts concerning the health both the r ity man and the «rr.ali resident., asys the Foundatibn. are nearly five times the mim of deaths from appendicitis in cities than occur in the rural dis Measles and dipththeria are not fata) in the outlying sections as . are in the crowded centers, and 4444»44 »»»»» 4 4 e*e44-a44444e444"W-e-l" y - H"l~y » 44»4» 4- H-P4 ». |M|HM . » .M.4-W " l "» 4 »»4 » 4 44 4 . > 4» 4 4-W-i-»444444444. •M-H-hv-r*i--i“r-g++4+ What are the Protestant * Churches Coming to? * + + * * + X ARE YOI \ PROTE^l \M CHI RCH (MEMBER? \re you aware of tire fact that American Protestantism i> fast 'li|i[ting trom the rockv heights of true Bible faith? Do you know that score* of theological semina¬ ries. where your future ministers are being trained, have ruled out an infallible Bible: that thousands of ministers are preaching a nian-made gospel: ami that literally hundreds of thousand- of church members are being swept along bv this ever-rising fid** of "modernism ? Do you know that this country today is thickly dotted with churches that are mere shell- of their former -elves? Do you know that a general collapse nf American Protestantism wa- actually threatening some time ago: that a mighty counter-movement has started: and that we are I.A THE GREAT FRISIS right now? We want to reach L\ ERA MOD) that calls himself a church member—also those who do not read a church paper, and they are legion. Hence this general announcement in your secular paper. Men and women, are you in favor of retaining the Bible that your fathers believed in and that your mothers tru-ted in. that was 4 their hope and stay in times of grief and sorrow, that gave them cheering visions of a heavenly rest the rest that your liberals do not believe in because it belongs to tin* "supernatural * and. therefore, "unknowable”? Will you join us in saying “Whatever you do. or don't do. but HANDS OFF THE BIBLE?” Will you help save the Bible for America? Will you join in the fight for its integrity? AA ill you. too, denv modern scholar ship the right to rob us of the only sure foundation upon which our feet can stand, in these shifting .-ands of time? 1 hen you are interested in the news that we are now able to eonvev to vou the greatest piece of news her¬ alded lor a long time. It is this.THAT A ISEW 7 REFORMATION IS COMING! There are rumblings everv where of the approaching battle—the battle between faith and unbelief, between true religion and false 1 i-cience, between FUNDAMENT A1JSM and LIBERAI ISM. And there is vet more new-. It i- thi?—that \ GREAT GENERAL M YG AZINE is now being published, for all Protestant denominations, edited by great t* leaders of conservative Protestantism, which is here to keep it;- readers promptly informed of every new de¬ velopment in the "new Reformation’ movement, anil which i> blazing the wav to a “new Prote-tantism” in America! The magazine is bigger than any denomination: it has nothing to do with this sect or that. It is interdenominational. It is here to light, on a huge, nation-wide scale, for the sanctity of the Bible! It is here to place the Bible where our fathers placed it—far above alt the thoughts, and philosophies, and imagina¬ tions, of mere men! And it is here to adore a DIV INE CHRIST in that DIVINED INSPIRED BIBLE! That is the only ( firist men and women would want for their Saviour in the hour of death; that i i- the only Bible they would care to rely on when the chilly waves begin to strike their feet, weary of travel. i TO KNOW W HAT IS GOING ON IN THESE MOMENTOUS TIMES. READ A The New Reformation J Monthly Magazine for All the Churches . Representing the Nation-Wide Movement • ■ against Modernism and for the Positive Recog¬ > nition of the Sanctity of the Scriptures. ■ ■ EDITORS: JOHN CLOVER MONSMA. editoiMn-rhief; WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN, former U. S. Sec¬ retary of State: HORACE M. DUBOSE, Bishop Methodist Episcopal Church. South; LEANDER S. KEYSER Professor Lutheran Divinity School: CLARENCE EDWARD MACARTNEY, Moderat or Presbyter i a n ■ Church. U. S. A.: MARK A. MATTHEWS. Minister of largest Presbyterian church in the world, Seattle. < ■ W ash.: GEORGE M’CREADY PRICE, expert Geologist, of England: L. R. SCARBOROUGH. President . > Southwestern Baptist Seminary; JOHN ROACH STRATON, Minister Calvary Baptist Church. New York: < ■ GEORGE W HEATON TAFT. President Northern Baptist Seminary. Chicago; .MARTIN LUTHER THOM- * ‘ • AS, Minister First Presbyterian Church. San Pedro. Cal.—anil numerous contributors of note. This is not a church paper! it It is unlike anything you have ever seen. It is bold, but not radical. It is fearless, but not rude, is powerful in its true, deep, clear faith, but not bigoted. It is conservative and yet sanely progressive. Comment ,, One of the paper's greatest features is the Practical on the Sunday School lessons, by the edi¬ tor-in-chief, Dr. Monsma. It's unlike anything else ever published in the Sunday School line—not an ex¬ position (you will still need your lesson helps) and yet something that will enable you to grasp the les¬ ■« sons and to apply them practically like never before. "Practical Comment” is written in a snappy style, reads ilke a story, and goes right to the heart of every lesson. ORDER THE NEW REFORMATION TODAY! I* Two Dollars the year; 25 cents per single issue: Bl T —a trial subscription of three months (ordinarily 75 R cents for three issues) for onlv < i 50 CENTS i * SEND YOUR ORDER TO ♦:: The NEW REFORMATION. 5 North LaSalle St., Chicago. ML ■ ' (Please do not send postage stamps. On account of the large influx of subscription orders we would ask you to write • your name and address very plainly, so that your order can be handled with accuracy as well as dispatch.) * t -, .« 1 , x , t T i m h | ; f< j t neither cancer nor diabetes are as deadly in the open spaces as they to residents of cities. Deaths j heart disease, too, are much mere common in the cities, and bronch tis and pneumonia do not take their toll in the rural districts to the same ex tent as in the cities. Death by suicide is a more frequent occurrence in the city than in the smaller places, and the same is found to hold true for homicide, the Foun dation reports. Accidental deaths, too are fewer in the smaller towns and in the country than in the bigger places. (Jn the other hand, typhoid and malaria are found to take their heaviest toll in the more isolated le¬ perhaps because of lack of by wienie conditions and the difficn medical aid. The lower death rate of the rural sections of the state as compared to cities is no doubt due in a large to the more normal, natural life that *he rural resident leads a compared to the man in the large cities, -tates the Foundation. And it is especially remarkable in that only three per cent of the country's run,! residents are estimated to observe the fundamentals of health in the disposal of their sewage and the safe guarding of their drinking water sui - ply. As rural health work is expand td, a big change may be looked for in the prevention of premature death human illness as well a* promo ti 0 n of public health and economic savings. . p 1 BREAKS IF SKIN • ITCDSC j OUT AND ITCHES 1 : APPLY SULPHUR tm -■ Igtt the moment you ;.pplv Mentho Sulphur to ltching. burnings and or ^ broken ist -kin. the itching stops - - uis ... say s a noted skin spe cialist. 1 hi ulpiiur preparation, made . . such into a pita nt cold cream, gives a quick relief, even to nery eczema, r,'.ihi:;c ..a- ever been found to take its place. of g'-rm-destroying Because ts prop er.ies. :t quickly subdues the ittlimg, coo;s the irritation and heals the eczema right up, leaving a clear, -mooth skin m place of iglv eruptions, rash, pim¬ ples or roughness for improve¬ You do not have to wait ment i Jt quickly shows You can get a little iar of Rowles Meutho-Sulobur it any drug store. —■ -art