The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, May 14, 1925, Image 3

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THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY. GA„ THURSDAY, MAY ' 14, 1925 '44444444444 444 4444444444 +444444-1 v-i'r'I'vtWvv 4444444 1 ) m »- m V V V*{* y*.», • v*f* v •?**5**{* 4 * *?*•{* *{•••• 4* *i* *5* *5**5* *•**£* 4* 4* 4* 4**1 -:• •:- v I V X - * # -:• V v GROWING COTTON STALKS WITH * *> V V * *• V J V 4 - » NO COTTON ON THEM IS POOR BUSINESS W 4 * n fil \\ *Jb ^r TO ARMS THEN! >4* 4 * * 1 * * C * * 1 * 4 * * ' 4*4* 4 * 4 ' 4 * 4 * * ! ' v v 4 * 4* v 4*4* 4*4* 4* 4* 4 * 4* 4 * 4* 4*4* 4* 4 * 4 * 4* 4*4*4* 4* 4*4* 4*4* 4* 4*4*4* T » * 44 And Shoot To Kill 9? V * - 4 ••• + +- ’V" 14*4* 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 - 4 * v 4* 4* *5* 4* 4* 1 .in '!*vvvv < 4*4* ’•* 4* 4* 1 1 ****** 4*4* 4 * * ? * 4*4*4* 4* * >' 4 * *» * * + •• ! 4 t ♦ -:■ 4 Successful cotton growing this vear will Iikel\ depend upon successful poisoning; This vear the farmer who fails to provide himself w ith such a supply oi poison a~ 4 4 and thi.« ran only be done by those who are prepared-r—have the poison ready, knoiv he needs to protect his cotton, ami use it properly, is simply staking his cotton eroj i 4 when to poison and how to poison. against few hours’ work and the cost of poison. a necessary . t The weather conditions during 1924 were abnormally good for cotton produc¬ It i.- tin 1 belief of the Association of Southern Agricultural Workers (composed m tion. and weevil infestation in the early season was very low. This was due mainly to of federal and state investigators, State Agricultural College and extension workers, re¬ three factors: search workers of the State Experiment Stations, and representatives of commereia Defoliation of by the leaf large concerns interested in the agricultural development and prosperity" of the south) that M (1) rot ton worms over a area the cotton farmer is this year in greater danger of having his crop damaged by the wee¬ ♦ the preceding fall. vil than ever before. t Peach "s and Georgia's he saved. A cannot aflord fail¬ : (2) A low of hibernating weevils. countv cotton crop must ou a 4 ♦ jwrcentage ure this vear. Not how to MAKE cotton, hut how to SAI E it from the BOLL ft EEt tlj t (3) Effective weather control until late in the summer. is your concern. We. therefore, earnestly appeal that the recommendations here given, * which have been approved and decided after careful consideration and actual t 4 upon ex¬ : This unusual combination of conditions will in all probability not occur for many perience as being the most effective method for the control and extermination of the ♦ 4 4 weevil, be adopted and rigid!v adhered to. t years. t % How to Use Calcium Arsenate 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 <• 4 4 4 4 in Boll Weevil Control ♦ 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 4 R % /' / R> I APPLICATIONS: I hirtv (lavs after cotton is planted mop THIRD APPLICATION: l se four to six pounds of Calcium Ar¬ applied dust five days after second 4* 4 or dust it with Calcium Arsenate. Use either mixture of senate per acre, as a . 4 - 4 * one gallone of water, one pound of Calcium Arsenate ant application. 4 * V * * molasses FOURTH APPLICATIONS: Isefive to six pounds of Calcium f 4 4 - one gallon of mopped in bud or dust at rate of Arsenate per acre five days after third application, then V * • ■*:• *r three pounds of Calcium Arsenate per acre. stop dusting and pit h uj) and burn all squares for 10 days. V V «r A v ♦ T SECOND APPLICA TION: 10 days after first application, about WARNING: DO THE JOB THOROUGHLY EACH TIME. If any 4 v 4 application is washed off in twenty-four hoars, apply *• A ❖ time first repeat of the above meth¬ A * % squares appear, one again immediately. Do not use a mixture of Calcium A *: <r ods. mopping dusting. Arsenate and water (done. or I m % 4 4 NOTE: A safe war to determine the presence of a crop of new weevils is to pick up a few of the first fallen squares from each field 4 4 4 4 and put in separate labeled glass containers with perforated lops. When weevils begin emerging from these the first 4 4 squares, 4 4 4 4 4 4 brood of weevils is batching in the fields. Dust again immediately. 4 4 ■v : 'i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 KEEP DUSTING UNTIL YOU ARE SURE 4 I 4 4 4 V m OF A GOOD CROP *r * 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 This advertisement is published in cooperation by * ■ * ■ v 4- v * 4 FORT VALLEY OIL COMPANY BANK OF FORT VALLEY 4 4 # m * 4 4. 4 4 4 j . W. WOOLFOLK & COMPANY SOUTHERN BROKERAGE COMPAXi 4 4 4 4 4 4 >:■ : 4 j , 4 .^^.^. 444444444444444441 ) m s 44444444' AAAA ................ /11/ f ^ 4 IM: