The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, May 14, 1925, Image 5

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++ ♦ ♦ » 4 ‘4 , ‘ M '4 "H l 4 "H l 4 , ’ t ' < ll l 144 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 44 ' H * 4 ' H ' i444 44 v 4 v 4 < •t 4 t 4 ■ 4* I* W/i • ■ > :: 4 f 4 :• 1 * | ♦ •P \ •’ ■ • t ^ 3 * * 4* t Conducted by * ALICE D. SHEPARD 200 Everett Square \ j 1 ii Air. 0. T. Cardell has returned ?. business trip to New York. 4 4 4 Mrs. A. Hedinghant and son, are the guests of Mrs. O.^M. Tift. 4 4 v Mr. T. J. Shepard left Monday -A: lanta. ♦j. .j. Mrs. Sutton of Macon, is the this week of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. •I* *> *$• * Miss Meeta McDonald spent stek-end with Mrs. Edwin Mr. and Mrs. McWaters spent Sunday with Mr. McWaters’ in Macon. 4 4 4 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jones of lanta, were guests of Mr. and Richard Jones last week-end. 4 4 4 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCarty George, Jr., attended the meeting at Hebron last Sunday. vlrs. T. J. Shepard has returned M fter a two week’s visit to relatives and friends in Atlanta. 4 4 4 Rev. A. R. Woodson of Stoekbridge, was the guest of Mr. \\ . R. Harwell last Sunday. 4 4 4 Mr. H. W. Shepard and son, John, of Bellville, were guests of Mrs. C. W. Shepard this week. 4 4 4 Judge and Mrs. H. A. Mathew's -pent Sunday in Ashburn with Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Mathews. 4 4 4 Mrs. Julius Glass and Mrs. A. M. Solomon spent several days in At¬ lanta last week. 4 4 4 Mrs. ur \\. w w W. Reed ». a of f New York, York the charming guest of Mrs. Lizzie k. Jones. 4 4 4 * vs. Claude DuPree and Miss Maizie HeYiin, of Montezuma, last week-end. DuPre w r ere the guests ot Mrs. M. . 4 4 4 Mr. and Mrs. George Quick, of New Smyrna, Fla., were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. J. i!. Broadrick. 4 4 4 Miss Jessie Harrison spent last week-end In Macotl with Mrs. Doro¬ thy Truman. 4 4 4 Miss Frances Branham was the *guest of Miss Margaret Branham at Wesleyan, last week-end. A •*« A Members of St. Andrew s Sunday school attended the Pilgrimage ser i’i* at the Appleton Home in Macon on Tuesday. 4 4 4 Mrs. G. P. Green was hostess last Wednesday at a sewing party, com- j plimenting Mrs. Lizzie Jones and York, her j guest, Mrs. W. W. Reid, of New 4 4 4 Mrs. J. E. Broadrick and Mrs. Ho- 4 mer Avera were joint hostesses at a 5 table rook party last Thursday aft ernoon, given at the home of Mrs. Broadrick on Macon, St. * ♦> <♦ Miss Oma Goodson, general secre¬ tary of the Y. W. C. A. at the Geor¬ gia State College at Milledgeville was the guest of Mrs. Lawrence Houston several days last week. 4 4 4 Mp# and Mrs. Frank Harrison en tertained the church conference of St. Andrews last Thursday evening. After a business session refresh merits were served the guests. \ ♦> *;* *> Mrs. J. S. Ledbetter, Mrs.' C. W. Shepard, Mrs. F. A. Vance, Misses Sara and Frances Vance, motored to Savannah last Thursday, Mrs. Led better- will remain in Savannah for the summer. -t- *1* ^Ir. and Mrs. Frank Harrison, Misses Jessie and Catherine Harri- 3on and Frank, Jr., with Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Eberhart went to Macon Tues¬ day to hear Bishop Michael at St. Paul's. 4 4 4 Mr. Geo. Mathews, Jr., went to Ashburn last Thursday to visit his father, hiev. Geo. Mathews, who was injured in an automobile accident on Wednesday. 4 Mr. H. Moskovitz left Saturday for a two weeks’ buying trip to New York and other eastern market cen¬ ters. 4 4 4 Mrs. K. K. Hunter with Miss Jule and Master John Hurst, left Monday for e Charlotte, ...\r N. n ( where i ^i they will ., ' spend , i the .. summer months. 4 4 4 ,, friends • , of - Miss r, Parmeiee » Cheves will be interested to learn that she has accepted a position as librarian at Paducah, Ky. Miss Cheves will visit i friends here before going to Kentucky tin June. 4 4 4 Mrs. T. A. Jones went up to At¬ lanta on Tuesday to attend the Dio Jcesan convention of the Episcopal church which was held at St. Phillip's Cathedral on Tuesday and Wednes¬ day. 4 4 4 Miss Miriam Edwards / spent last week-end with friends Wesleyan. Miss Edwards , is one of - the ., charming , . graduates of this year from Ft. Val J | ev high and will enter Wesleyan in the f a || Mr. A. L. Luce conducted the ser¬ vice at Wesley Chapel last Suntlay eV ening. Among those going out for ! the service were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Luce and children, Misses Beatrice Conna i and Miriam Edwards, Samuel j one8( Thomas Edwards, C. L. Shep ard and Mr. and Mrs. Houser Ed¬ wards. I 4 4 4 Mr. C. E. Martin was called to At¬ i lanta last Sunday on account of the illness of his mother, who died on last Tuesday. 4 4 4 Mrs. W. W. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. K W - R<>bertS ' MiSS Ma,garete R ° b ' erts and Migs Edit h Collins, of Balt. nlore? Md., arrived in Fort Valley Monday evening after a pleasant mo¬ tor trip. They are putting into opera¬ tion the canning plant and other peach interests of Roberts Bros., a 1 which has been identified in Ja concern powerful way for twenty years with j the peach belt. 4 4 4 Mrs. J. W. Joyner and J. W., Jr. ■ Atlanta. spent last week-end in W. M. S. TO MEET TUESDAY The regular meeting of the Busi¬ ness Women’s group of the Metho dist W. M. S. will be held next Tues- j day night at 7:30 in the church par- j j lors with Mrs. Neville Bassett, Misses M. T. Wilson and Connie hostesses. PICNIC-SWIMMING PARTY Miss Sammie Katie complimented her Sunday school class of young girls and a number of their friends with a picnic-swimming party Tuesday after¬ noon at Houser’s Mill. Those enjoying the outing were Misses Sara Thomson, Sylvia Shep ard, Theresa and Marcia Murray, Frances Vance, Lottie Norton, Leo- j nora Murray, Frances Brantley, Lau- 1 ra Houser, Marion Horne and Sammie Rail**. WOMAN’S CLUB MET TUESDAY -——— I The Fort Valley Woman’s Club met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Julius in her beautiful home on An- I Avenue. Mrs. Frank Fincher chairman for the afternoon, and program was an observance of Music Week. The spirit of Day” was continued the meeting, the members to the roll call with quo on Mother. ■ Mrs. Walter Allen. Mrs. R. A. Hi and Mrs. C. N. Rountree gave pa on famous musical composers, Mrs. Ruth Smith entertained the with two beautiful reading, Mama” and “The Little I Geo. B. Culpepper, Jr. and Connai and Mrs. Glenmore redered appropriate volacl so¬ and Mrs. Chester Wilson gave the National Anthem as a pi¬ solo. Mrs. Luther Farmer and Mrs. Morse assisted the hostess in a delicious ice course follow- i the adjournment of the meeting. t THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY. MAY 14, 1925. *’• <• ♦ ♦ + ♦♦♦ + + + 4 4 4 4 THE DEPARTMENT EDITOR'S WINDOW 4 4 4 4 4 4 ❖ + *:• 4 WANTED—A real live -Cupid, erpep, for the new county of In planning for the new needs a Cupid was overlooked, quentlv Peach'this we've had no weddings year, except those couraged by the old Houston j t'upid that we used before the county was made. THE BEE A LOAFER? The departnVnt of agricuWure has camping on the bee’s trail - that she isn’t the busy now assures us little insect that has been held up „ us as a model of thirft, etc. In fact, ft. they claim she i : is a loafer if and i only . makes . .«! trips away from the ,, hive , . in her lifetime. Next thing they’ll be attacking the ant an, ‘ puncturing tbe beautiful bubble we v * bcen blowin * about i ner industrious habits. If the scientists j would really f go * to work instead . of running after new ideas they’d learn something worth while, • Clopine Clippings The many friends of Mr. Joe Evens, engineer on the Perry train, are glad to learn that he is improving after be ing in the Macon Hospital for several weeks ] from having five ribs broken in the wreck which occured on the Perry branch, near Wood’s crossing, several weeks ago. 4 4 4 Mr. W. J. Milbttn visited friends in Davisboro last Sunday. ' «|* Mr. 1). H. Anderson will begin ™e “peach season” throughout this com in shipping Sfeveral crates of Mavflowers Wednesday. Mr. J. W. Davis, section foreman on the Perry branch bgean extending the side track at Clopine Wednesday by placing cVossties at the south ' portion of the track. 4 4 4 Scattered May showers here lues day night accompanied with a severe storm helped the farmers wonderfully. 4 •> 4 The many friends of Miss Mildred Wilson are pleased to learn that she is enjoying her visit to her brother in Miami. She will stop over in tral Florida on her return trip. ^ to reach home aroun d first. 4 4 4 The passenger train engine number 1903, on the Perry division has re turned to serve the trade, after being repainted, polished and placed in first class condition, after the wreck which it was in recently at Wood’s crossing, which injured Mr. Joe Evans, the man at the throttle. Jim Mathews, the negro fireman was in the wreck, has not yet courage to ried the “Iron Mas¬ again. IN MEMORIAM j On the morning of April 24, 1925] death angel came and bore the of B. A. Hartley to its ever place. Uncle Ben, as he was mostly called, a Deacon and member of Fort Primitive Baptist church and as such ever since the church constituted in 1916, with the ex¬ of last year and he was not to be there. The Lord’s afflicted was laid upon him and for a he was not able to attend his During that time what he suffered mortle tongue can tell. God alone and when his work on earth done and his suffering was over Blessed Lord called child come ' We believe his spirit took its . up to a better and brighter than this. Three years ago last October he married : to Mrs. Leila Avera, who him a kind and loving compan one who never tired or complain one who was ever at hi3 side, to do every thing she could for pleasure and comfort. But, alas, is gone, his place can never be He was kind hearted, always d y to help the poor and needy, he good and kind to those who were and in distress, always ready to a helping hand. May God bless and cheer his be ones. “A FRIEND” GREEN—ROGERS Friends of Miss Blanche Green, of Fort Valley, now of Lis¬ Fla., are cordially interested in announcement of her marriage on Saturday to Mr. Eugene W. Ro of Lisbon, Fla. » i ] Listening In On Marshallrill<> By KI TH [MON('KIKE The District inference met at Methodist church here last There was 8 ,ar *° number of 8 and visitors ht ’'' e a " d Uu> se! vices were well attended. , Dinner served on the church grounds Tuesday . <• 4 Mother’s Day was observed on Sunday at the Sunday Schools churches with appropriatee xercises. The juniors of the M. H. b. tained the seniors with . . a picnic Houston Eactorv on Tuesday , night, . ‘ . . j Mrs. Black, who has been in for several weeks, has returned ■ 4 4 4 Mr. Joe Riee, front Salem, is visiting his brother, Mr. W. H. 4 4 4 Miss Nora Roundtree is Mrs. J. E. Haslam, on East street. «j» i Miss Frances Hargrove, who been teaching in Fort Meade, Georgia Kiwanis , j ^ f J)CCl(t 'll l 1 1 I'd * .7 ■me TO CONVENTION . IN I Al!h, .HE * 2(K » j Much interest is being by Kiwanians throughout the . \State the , Annual . , Convention _ ot in Club International takos place jn St Minn., , 22nd to 25th. It is hoped that the from Georgia will be for a special train, which is being arranged by the Southern way System. This special train is t< be known as the “Georgia Kiwanis 'Special" and is scheduled to leave lanta at 9:00 a. m. Saturday, June 20th, spending Sunday in Chicago and gt Pau , Monday morning, (June 22nd. Special excursion fares have been granted by the railroads from all points in Georgia where Ki¬ wanis Clubs are located. The entire delegation from Georgia will ble in Atlanta and move in a over the Southern Railway on morning of Saturday, June 20th. O. A. Pound of Jackson, Ga., Chairman of the Transportation mittee and he, in conjunction with W. .W. Munday of Cedartown, Ga., Dis trict Governor of Georgia Kiwanis Clubs, is putting forth strong efforts to send a large delegation of Georgia boosters to the St. Paul C6n vent ion. A Missouri man was shot as he reached for his hip pocket. If it was some of the modern article, the shooter probably will plead self-de fesne.- Detroit News. FRANKLI1\ THEATRE FRIDAV. MAY 1925 IVach lllosBom l-'eHlival 1'icture UK BE DANIELS IN “MISS BLUEBEAKD” WILLIAM DESMOND [N First Chapter "THE RIDDLE RIDER" AKSOPS FABLES COMEDY* Admission 10c & 25c SATURDAY. MAY 16th I <*25 Peach Blossom Festival Picture JACK HOXIE IN “FLYINL HOOFS” Also BEN TURPIN IN "PITFALLS OF A GREAT CITY" Admission 10c & 25c 44444444444 ATLANTA I AND WEST POINT RAILROAD COMPANY • THE WESTERN RAILWAY OF ALABAMA GEORGIA RAILROAD ’ The West Point Route operates thru Pullman cars •' between New Yor r\ . Washington, Montgomery and New *• Orleans. Tourist car all the way from Washington to San G Francisco. 4i Also dining car .parlor car and observation car ac- | commodations on certain trains. ;; Close connections at New Orleans for the West. ;; The Georgia Railroad offers the most direct service < • to South and North Carolina point's via Augusta, includ- •’ ing thru Pullman sleepers. Use the “OLD RELIABLE.” Ask any Ticket Agent for information as to rates, routes, etc., or write to the undersigned. We will be glad to assist you in every way possible. J. P. BILLUPS General (Passenger Agent % Atlanta, Ga. f i* at home. After a few weeks , here , she will return to Gainesvdle, Fla., .he will enter summer schohl. The South Side sewing club met with M rs. S. M. Timberlake last week. After a very pleasant social hour, delicious refreshments were served. Miss Ida May Timberlake is visit¬ ing in Macon this week. 4 4 4 Miss Lizzie Clyde Ware has re j turned home, after spending several j weeks Dr. in A. Toomsboro, D. Ware, with her bro- 4 4 4 Mr. Bailey Ware came home to spend Mother’s Day with his mother. - 4 4 4 | Mr. Tom Brown and spending family have the returned home after winter in Florida. «g» «g» Miss Bassie Booton and Miss Susie Darley were at home for the week end. They ave teaching in Montezuma. . SUMTER COUNTY CLOSES SEASON’S HOG SALES Americas, Ga., May 13.—Sumter county wound up her hog shipping unti , „ ext fa „ 0 „ Thursday> 1 when one car of pure-bred porkers 'was shipped to a Moultrie packer for . 10.20 per pound. The car weighed 12, 539 _ 0 . t pounds. , When Germany ojins the League of nations in September, wouldn't you like to be there to see France perform the initiation! j Accident is flushing this week. A i : man lost control of his car. He could n’t keep up the payments. New York American. V -i •J* \ \ i ^ 3 \\ M V & ! vJM Jt ; V j TENDER FEET JICHING, burning, s’.vol leti, shoe-chafed feet. The minute you put your feet into a “Tiz" bath you feel pain being drawn out and comfort just soaking in. “Tiz" draws out the poisons and acids that cause foot misery. It is almost magical. "Tiz" takes all the soreness out of corns and callouses. Get a box of “Tiz” at any drug or department store. End foot torture forever — wear smaller shoes, keep your feet fresh, sweet, comfortable. Test “Tiz” free. Send this coupon. W»lltr Lather Doi$t C*. H Q 59,’* Madison Ave. r ree New York City Trial - Mali Meftample “TIZ” Bb V a I H4 : + 4444444444H <1 • NEW PRICES ON DAIRY PRODUCTS! t t !«• Now In Effect. •• i ± 4 j Sweet Milk in pint bottle* 10c eacli ....... ----- J Sweet Milk in quart bottle* ..... !5c .each ....... Buttermilk .............................. 5c quart 1 ....... Butter at market price. 4 1 1 Cream...................................... .......... 40c pint 4 + | J ermi: Ca*h in advance or strictly weekly. 4 . J. Braswell’s Sanitary Dairy Dairy Phone 3303 Fort Valley, Ga. R«3 Phone 131 W*# RATI*.: ! cent per word. No advertisement taken tur leas than 25c fur first insertion. Each additional consecutive insertion or dered at time of piscine first insertion. if less than 2.» words, c a word ; if 25 or more words. 20 discount. , per cent Iliaek-fat’e or capital letters, double rate. Cash So? iuist accompany orders from those who .not have regular monthly accounts with us. Answer advertisements just as advertisers request. We cannot furnish names of adver¬ tisers or other information not contained in the advertisements. When replies are to be received care this paper, double rate. While we do not accept advertisements which we have reason to believe are of a questionable nature, we have no means of as¬ certaining the responsibility of all advertis ers. t SALE—Several milk cows and young calves. Also 15 or 20 tons of peavine hay and 3500 bushels of ear corn. Geo. H. Slappey. 5-14-2t man wants job driving truck or mules. Have had months’ experience driving Write E. J. Jackson, R. 4., Bos Fort Valley, Ga. 5-14-Up Friday, May first, an old fashioned breast-pin. set with an Finder please return to F. G. Withoft, 206 Everett West, or the Southern Brok¬ Company, and receive reward. 5-14-ltp SALE CHEAP—One Mule. Fort Valley Lumber Co. 5-14-lt ALL OUTDOORS INVITES YO U IT’S PLAYTIME NOW Sand golden in the s n n I i g h t. cool green water J f rippling at your feet , and a blue, bine sky above. m V _ 13 * . t 9 SLIP INTO A BRADLEY iS BRADLEY BATHING SUITS 4f) Brilliant Plaids. Bright (- "T Checks and Stripes I 83.50 § 8.50 to 1/ \ / inv Toddle Children Brad - J lev Bathing Suits t 82.50 to 83.50 If' \ Headtjuarters lor Spalding .? c . VJ Athletic Bonds. 44444' MW 1 4 4 <444444 4 » EDWARDS BROS. Home of Bradley Peach City Bathing Suits FORT VALLEY. GEORGIA — SING SUNDAY The public i* cordially invited to attend a singing in the Court House Sunday afternoon at two o’clock. WANTED—Someone to represent the Original J. R. Watkins Co., itt Fort Valley. You can supply tidily neces ¬ sities to regular customers and make $35 to $50 a week easily, Write J. K. Watkins Company, Dept. J-l, Memphis, Tenn. 5-7-4tp FOR RENT—Desirable home, centra). location. Sej: E. T. Murray, Bank of Fort Valley. 4-24-tf. Rub Rheumatic Pain 1 / From Aching Joints Rub Pain right out with small trial bottle of old “St. Jacobs Oil." Stop “dosing" Rheumatism. fifty It's pain oni); not one case in requires interna! treatment, Rub soothing, pencrtatuig "St. Jacobs Oil right on the "tender spot,” and by the time# you say Jack Robinson—out comes the rheumatic pain and distress. it St. Jacobs Oil” is harmless rheu< a matism liniment which never disap¬ points and doesn’t burn the skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiffness from aching sciatica, joints, lumbago, muscles backache and bones; and stops neuralgia. bottle Limber up! Get a small trial of old-time, honest “St. Jacobs Oil" from any drug store, and in a mo¬ ment, you'll be free from pains, ache* and » stiffness. Don’t suffer I Rub rheumatism away