The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, May 21, 1925, Image 9

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PEACHES NORFOLK, VIRGINIA Give our house on and this live market a trial. MELONS JOS. H. BAKER CO., Inc. REFERENCES: 1 our Specialties BONDED COMMISSION MERCHANTS BradstreeCs, Dunn, Bint' Hook, The Packer. _ U i * Legal Advertisements: * Cf-Kgia. Peach Count*. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Mrs. Leila R .Hartley, of said state, hav¬ ing applied to me for letters of administra X\cn with the will annexed, on the estate of Bennett A. Hartley, late of said county, de¬ ceased. this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of said Bennett A. "Hartley to be and appear at the June term, 3925 of the court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if any they can. why let¬ ters of administration, with the will annexed, should not be granted to said Mrs. Leila B. Hartley on the estate of Bennett A. Hartley Vitness my official signature this 4th day ot May, 1925. M. C. MOSLEY. 5- 4t. Ordinary. Georgia. Peach County. TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN '-Votice is hereby given that John H. Holl •in-nead, a * administrator of Annie Claude Walker, deceased, having applied to me by petition for leave to sell the real estate of »aid Annie Claude Walker, deceased; and that an order was made thereon at the May terra, 1925 for citation, and that citation is- 1 T$e Friendly Hotel Invites you to ^/Atlanta RATES: M Circulating i c e I water and ceil¬ One Person ing fans in every $2.SO, $3.00 room. *3. SO. $4.00 % $5.00 Atlanta's [.0 newest Two Persons Wi; and finest hotel. $4.50. $5.00 4 $6.00. $7.00 * m \ Magnificent a p - «j poiatraeats. The best place in Atlanta to eat. Special arrange¬ 5 and dining al fresco rooms ments ling (or hand¬ ter¬ automobile race. parties. Garage. The HENRY GRADY Hotel 550 Rooms—550 Baths Corner Peachtree and Cain Streets JAMES F. deJARNETTE. V P. Sc Mgr. TH.03. J. KELLEY, A„o. Mgr. The Following Hotels Are Also Cannon Operated: GEORGIAN HOTEL JOHN C. CALHOUN HOTEL Athens, Ga. Anderson, S. C. W. H. CANNON, Maaag-r D. T. CANNON, *fan,g-r Hi Valley Crate &Lumber Co. Fort Manufacturers of F r u i t Packages Exclusive Manufacturers in the South of the E. Z. Pak Bushel Shipping Basket for I Peaches, Apples Oranges and all kinds of * Hi Fruits and Vegetables. This package conceded to be the best and safest package on the market * Hi Delaware Street. WAREHOUSE. 132-134-136 S. Delaware Street. OFFICE. U8-120 S, W. H- ROBERTS & CO INDIANAPOLIS. 1ND. Jobbers of PEACHES OUR SPECIALTY in location FRUITS & VEGETABLES Car lots only 25 years one , THE LEADER TRIBUNE, FOP.T VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY, MAY 21, 11)25. sue : ail the heirs at law and creditors of the ■ sai-i Annie Claude Walker. deceased, will take rotiee that I will pass upon said ap plu'.itioT. at the June term. 1925 of the Court of Ordinary of Peach County; and that unless cause is shown to the contrary , at said time, said leave will be granted. This 5th day of May, 1925. M. C. MOSLEY 6-3-4t. Ordinary Peach County. i NOTICE TO PE8TOH.S AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of C. K. Jack son late of Peach Ciunty. deceased, art hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned, according to law. and all persons indebted to said estate arc re¬ quired to make immediate payment | May 4th 1925. H. C. JACKSON. Adm. Estate C. H. Jacksua. 5-7-61; Georgia. Peach County. Wtl! be sold on the second day of 1925 between the usual hours of sale, in front of the Council Chamber in the City Fort Valley, Ga., the following property, to satisfy City Tax Fi-Fas issued from the City of Fort Valley, in favor of the City of Fort I Valley, the following property, to-wit:- one house and lot on the South side of East Church street in the City of Fort Valley, levied cn as the property of Fairfax Estate. the house where Ed Jones now lives, \ Also at the same time and place, one house and lot on the west side of ( street in the City of Fort Valley, levied a* the property of Fender Wiggins, hone of Tender Wiggins Griffin Line | fa,,t Also lot »*■ ' h <‘ th< same north time lle and of place, Hinton one m ' ‘ s ' I in the City of Fort Valley, levied on as property of Johanna Jordan Estate. M. L. SHE ATS. 5-7 -It. City Marshall. I.LORI.IV PEACH COUNT! Will be *old before the door of the House of 1’eaoh County to the highest der for cash, between the legal hours of on the first Tuesday in June the following described property, to-wit: Al! that certain tract, lot or parcel land, situated, lying and being in the of Georgia, County of Teach and in the city of Fort Valley therein, fronting forty feet on Marshallville road and running back for a disatnee of one hundred feet, more or less, said lot being the one deeded to Carrie l.ou Henderson by V. L. Brown. Said land levied upon and to be sold to satisfy an execution from 628th. U. M. Jus. tice court Houston County in favor of V. L. Brown vs. Carrie Lou Henderson. • Sheats Special Con¬ Levied on by M. L. stable, and turned over to me for sale. C- l> ANDERSON. Sheriff Teach County, Ga. 5-7-4t. NOTICE of FIRST MEETING of CREDITORS lti the District Court of the United States Cor the Western Division of the Southern District of Georgia. In the Matter of Robt. H. Trippe, Jr., Bankrupt. To the Creditors of Robt. H. Trippe. Jr., of Fort Valley, in the County of Peach, a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on April 29. 1925 the said Robt. H. Trippe. Jr.. duly adjudicated bankrupt; a n d that the first mectinc of creditors will be¬ held at m.v ot'fire. S04 Grand Buildinit, Ma¬ con, Georgia, on May 2t>, 1925 at 8 o'clock in 4he afternoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, ap¬ point a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may proper¬ ly come before said meeting. The bankrupt is rcum red to be present on that day for ex animation. Macon. Ga.. this May 13, 1925. J. N. TALLEY, 5>-2l-Uv>. Referee in Bankruptcy 6 PER CENT FARM LOANS 1 6 PEK CENT AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF MONEY To place on desirable Peach, Hous¬ ton, Macon and Crawford County farms By N. P. BASSETT fort valley, ga. Phones 22 and 2001. ; <v% 10 YEARS 6 % , IN MEM OKI AM Mrs. Sam T. Hurst ; | j In the midst of a busy day of plan , rung—of plans perfected and plans i projected, we are brought to a sud¬ den pause. In the haste of pushing on, there are things we must remember lest we \ Inse sight of OUI* goal. Success may sometimes carry us j father apart or struggle separate one from the other but there is ope shadow which falls on all alike and j when we realize that in the death on April 27th of Jule Hunter Hurst, this shadow has flung itself across the lines of our W. M. S., we turn to ward each other with silent lips and quivering hearts to close ranks once ami ‘ more step steadily forward. For, thanks be to God who giveth us the victory, though “dead, she yet speaketh.” For her the victory is won and her crown of life assured. Her ilfe radiated gentleness, restful ness and holy quietness of spirit, and the influence of her noble character will live on and on. And though this loved one d.vs not now come in And sit among us as oefore, we sense her presence Close beside us still and cannot feel that she is far. HAIL AND TORNADO j INSURANCE City Realty Company SAM PATTON, Realtor 565 Mulberry Street Macon, Ga. M aaa a aaaaaa^ ■ \ We 1 ^0 c Hoc* © o WOULD BE GLAD TO HANDLE YOUR . «! t •irt & ** t» • ... Peactties ^Watermelons i In Car Lots Only PROVIDING: 1 ou wire us and let us say when and hmv man v. RICHMOND . VA. i And as we feel, once move her pres¬ ence near, We still ran smile and say “She is not gone, She too, is here.’’ Memorial tribute of Woman’s Mis¬ sionary Society, Fort Valley Bap¬ tist Church. Mrs. C. N. Rountree. Mrs. J. D. Duke. Mrs. H. P. Sanchez. Murray Taxicab Company—brand new cars. Drive i( yourself. Located ; <t Murray’s Garage. Rhone 394-J. 6-21-2tp i | . WHOLESALE I FRUIT AND PRODUCE CAR LOTS A SPECIALTY Meyer Sachs, Philip Leshine, Pres. Sec. & Treas. Due to our superior location with our own private siding, the largest receivers of peaches on this mar¬ ket, wc solicit your business. Reference: Produce Reporter. NEW HAVEN. CONN. SULPHUR CLEARS A PIMPLY SKIN Apply Sulphur as Told When Your Skin Break* Out Any breaking out of the skin on face, neck, arms or hotly is overcome quick¬ est by applying Mcntho-Sulphur. Th<; pimples seem to dry right up specialist and go away, declares a noted skin Nothing has ever been found to tain the place of sulphur as a pimple m>. mover. It is harmless and inexpensive Just ask any druggist for a small j*c of Rowles Mentho-Suiphur and use it like cold cream.