The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, May 28, 1925, Image 7

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% I # # 4- b JTC . WOIEO ! Conducted by - ALICE D. SHEPARD 200 Everett Square Mr. Lee Feaginbush, of Tampa, is spending some time with friends here. 4 - 4 - 4 * Mrs. Gates of Florida, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Marehman, Sr. * * * Dr. J, R. Kinney spent last week with a fishing party in Florida, 4 > ❖ *• Mrs, Mary Wester of Millegeville, is the guest of Mrs. A. J. Wood. •»- 4 - * R. D. Spruce spent the week-end in Atlanta. * »;• + Mrs. Mattie Flournoy and Miss Al lie Houser left last Friday on a mo¬ tor trip to Coral Gables. ❖ 4 - 4 » Mrs. C. B. Poole was the guest of relatives in Warwick and Richland last week. 4- ♦ * Miss Emmie Williams of Detroit, arrived this week and will be the ' guest of Mrs. W. M. Blewster. •fr 4> + Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hudson of Or (ando, Fla., are with Mrs. J. M. Green for the peach season. *> 4- A Mrs. Claude Woodall and young son, of Miami, are guests of Col. and Mrs. Emmett Houser. 4- F F Mrs. R. L. EarneBt of West Palm Beach, is visiting her sister, Mrs. O. L. McWaters, on College street. 4* 4 Mrs. J. S. Ledbetter, George B. Culpepper, F. A. Vance and J. S. Mc¬ Millan left Tuesday morning on a motor trip to points in Florida. * * ♦ Miss Fannie Belle Gray of Colum bus, was the guest of Mrs. J. S. Crawford last week-end. * * * Miss Evelyn Tift of Atlanta, was the guest of Mrs. O. M. Tift on Sun day. ■ I 4- 4* Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ansley and children of Americus were guests of ■ Miss Lucy Finney on Sunday. 4 * 4 * 4 * Miss Beulah Davidson is among our home coming girls this week. She has been teaching at Tate, Ga. + 4- * Mrs. W. G. Edwards of Perry, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Edwards. .t, q. Dr. B. J. Harrison, of Atlanta, was the guest of his brother, Mr. Frank Harrison last week-end. 4- 4- 4* I Miss „ Lucy Luck „ was called to Fan bum last week on account of the death of her uncle. 4> 4' Mrs. J. C. Merideth, of Atlanta, will arrive this week to be the guest of Mrs. M. T. Wise for some time ' Mr. and Mrs. 4* E. 4- Stroberg, 4* of Ma- j con, were dinnerg uests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison last Sunday, ♦ * * Mrs. Helen Wright and Mrs. H. A. Mathews, will entertain on Thursday afternoon complimenting Mrs. Brad Brown, with a home-coming party. 4-4-4 Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kendrick have as their guests Miss Jennie Parham of West Palm Beach and Mrs. Joe Williams and son of Buena Vista. 4 . 4> 4> Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Lifsey and Miss Louise Lifsey were the guests of Mrs. D. C. Jones of Leslie several days last week. 1 * * * Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Crawford, of Moultrie, will be the guests of Mr. and Mr 3 . J. S. Crawford during peach season. Miss Sammie Raile was hostess at a swimming-picnic last Saturday at Houser’s Mill. The gueste included the pupils of the sixth grade. , * * * Mr. and Mrs. H. L. McKinney and sons, Frank and Linson, of Walden, were guests last Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hartley. j * 4 . * Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Kell, Mrs. Erie White and D. F. Patterson were the guests recently of Mr. and Mrs. Lu ther Farmer. 'We W^i^TRfBUNE, Tort valley, ga., Thursday, may 28, ms | Mrs. A. J. Evans spent several days in Atlanta this week. * * * Miss Elmer Tripp will leave Sat¬ urday for her home in Dublin. 4- 4- *5* Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Eberhardt left Monday for Alabama for a two weeks’ visit to relatives and friends. <• v 4 Miss Ella Eberhardt will leave Sunday for Eastman to visit friends and to attend graduation exercises, ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. Veltrie Pearson entertained the members of the graduating class at Houston Factory Wednesday evening, * * * Reports from Mrs. Albert Howard, who is ill at Augusta, are very en couraging. 4» Miss Margaret Branham returned from college on Tuesday and will spend the vacation with her parents here. Misses Lucille Farmer of Thomson, and Virginia Cooper of Demopolis, Ala., who have been attending Wes¬ leyan, are guests this week of Miss Beatrice Connal, en route to their homes for vacation. 1 * 4 + j Mr 3 . J. L. Frazer and little daugh ter, of Greenville, N. C„ and Mrs. L. F. Blasingame of Hawkinsville, were ! guests of Mrs. Sanford Hartley last Saturday. 4- 4- + Mrs. Frank Vance, Mrs. G. B. Cul pepper, Sr., Mrs. J. S. Ledbetter and Miss Carrie Culpepper motored to Atlanta last Saturday to spend the week-end. ; ♦ 4 * j Mrs. Brad Brown arrived from West Palm Beach Tuesday to be present at the graduation of her daughter, Gertrude. Mrs. Brown is the guest of Mrs. John Brown on College street. , »J* ij* Mrs. Steve Wilson, Misses Carolyn Harrinell Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Berry and Mr. John Berry, at tended the funeral of W. O. Walker, at Barnesville last Friday. Mr. Walk er, whose home was in Fulton, Ky., was a passenger on the M. E. Nor man. | - I MISS ENGLISH TO ENTERTAIN AT LUNCHEON Miss Louise English, of the expres sion department of the high school -will entertain Misses Elizabeth Run dell, Miriam Edwards, Samuel Jones and Floyd Car.thers, „ ... who , are her senior class pupils, at a pretty luncheon „ Copeland', Tea Boon, Fnday at one o dock. MISS HILEY WINS FIRST PLACE Frie d 8 t° f Mi * H tlft iley W be interested t t d to know k that she h won f’ first place in a city-wide contest of Bible story telling recently held in Wash ington, D. C. She was also awarded first place in her own Sunday School contest. Miss Hiley , was a graduate of Fort Valley High before going to Wash ington, and her work in the expres sion department was especially good. BIRTHDAY PARTY Miss Harrinell Wilson entertained on Tuesday, which was her tenth birthday, with a charming party. Games were enjoyed and pictures made Miss of the Wilson guests. During the after-1 noon and her guests en Joyed refreshments at Copeland's tea room. Thirty-five young friends were invited. ——--— - PHILATHEAS WILL GIVE CHICKEN SUPPER The Philathea Class of the Baptist church will entertain with a chicken supper on the church lawn this even ing a 7:30. The guest 3 will include the Baracca and Bible class and officers of the Sunday school. The supper is the reward of an in teresting contest between the Phil atheas and fiaraccas which ended last week with the Baraccas one point ahead. Mrs. W. J. Braswell is teacher »nd Mrs. W. H. Hafer president of the Philatheas. Prof. R. Newton is teacher of Baracca and Mayor Robt. Hale president. 4* <• 4* 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4 * THE DEPARTMENT * * EDITOR’S WINDOW v *> 4- ■M 1 <’ l M> ♦ 4- v t CONFESSIONS OF A DIME I am a smooth-slick dime. I am too small to go to the movies. I am snubbed at a soda fountain j I have little prestige in a candy v oh, boy! when I go to Sun¬ day School—I'm a big league per¬ former.—Oconee Enterprise. FAIRIES FOR GRADUATES The most interesting, the most im¬ portant event of the week in the clos¬ ing of school, and the graduation of fourteen charming young girls and seventeen fine young men; and the old question comes up again, What will they do?” The girls no longer "stay put” as their grand mothers did. The girl of today wants to do things. She wants to go out into the world to work or have a career, just as the boy graduate does. Some of them, we are sure, will go to college before choosing their life work. But there are those who will not have the advantage or opportunity of training j themselves for a higher calling. j These young people are apt to choose i their work by guess or chance, and become square pegs in round holes. Wouldn’t it be fine if some Good Fairy would walk beside them and show them the right way and help j them stand over the the threshold hard places of their until chosen they i on career? Since our Fairies are on a vacation we will do the next best thing. We pat them on the back for their splen did work and wish them happiness and success in this new, strange life that has no school bells and is with out report cards. VVOlVlAIN Mrs. Monroe Green was hostess to the Woman’s Club Tuesday afternoon at ^ er lovely home on Everett square. Mrs. W. J. Braswell opened the meeting with a short prayer, after w h>ch Mrs. Green presided over the business. Mrs. C. N. Rountree, chairman for the afternoon, presented the follow program: Fujyama, the Sacred Mountain, Mrs. O. D. Williams. Japan’s Bible Famine, Mrs. C. H. Matthews. How Japan Learned Medical Sci ence, Mrs. Frank Miller, Miss Audrey Fagan delighted the club with several readings. Mrs. W. J. Braswell gave an in teresting talk on “A Trip to Japan, Miss Evelyn Duke concluded the program with a reading “When Love and Duty Meet.” One of the pleasant features of the afternoon was the presence of the Junior Club which has recently been organized. During the social hour the hostess served a delicious ice course. -—— MRS. FAGAN HOSTESS TO WOMAN’S AUXILIARY The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Ed. Fagan. This meeting took the form of u birthday party given for the Charlotte Kemper School in Brazil Mrs. Brown was in charge of the program. _________ The work and needs of the school, «r. told moat b, Mr,. ^ . .. 8 o7olk anie H0U8er and ^ e a d bet£ Wo Woolfolk. The program was concluded by a song by Miss Carolyn Lloyd. | A contribution will be sent Miss Kemper’s school. Mrs - Fagan, assisted by her daugh ter > served a delightful salad course, which a social hour was enjoy - HONORING MISS EDWARDS Miss Miriam Edwards was the at the Senior Art Social giv Frances Marehman on afternoon, when she en the high school class of 1925. “Book making” was the form of that proved most in The books were made of and green, the class colors, each with the makers individual! being the young graduate in 1 and retrospect. 1 The finished books I j were creations art and W >U serve as beautiful \ of graduation season. ! The for m of entertainment was and entertaing and will be long by the class as a lovely 1 Attractive place cards were ar £ ed on the tables where refresh ments were served > carrying out the m °tif in decorations. Bright spring flowers adorned the °°T throu S h <> ut the parlors and porches at the lovelv Marehman home, making an appropriate setting for happy youthful graduates and their friends. Clopine Clippings Miss Vera Cheek is visiting rela¬ tives in Macon this week. * ** Miss Mildred Wilson has returned home after spending the winter in Miami, Fla., with relatives. * * * Mr. J. W. Davis, section foreman on tlie Perry branch had a surprise j last Wednesday in gathering his eggs for the day when lie found a nice White Rock "freak" egg in one nest which carried the picture of a cross and angel upon it. * * * Mr. Edgar Beckman began grading the extension side track that will run approximately 2,000 feet from tie toward Clopine last Saturday morning. This track will be used to handle the increase freight shipments originating in the intermediate points , from Perry to Fort Valley. 4 * 4 - 4 - Approximately 1 1-2 inches of rain fell here last Sunday which broke a dry spell that has lasted for about nine weeks. Farmers throughout this section . optimistic after the are very ram and look for fine peach, water¬ melon and cotton corps. «£»«£•«£* The many friends of Mrs. T. I). Castleberry are sorry to learn that she , was operated , on last . Tuesday morning at the Clinic Hospital m Macon for appendicits. Reports state that her condition is fine, and she is expected to be able to return to her home some time soon. 4* 4> 4* Mrs. W. M. Bussey of the Luxury Fruit Farm visited relatives in Fort Valley last Tuesday. 4- 4* *F i rl!L* C !?! ITy #ndl l r,T ' ft . Castleberry went to ii Macon Tues day to be with Mrs. T. D. Castleberry who is in the Clinic Hospital there, ❖ v •** Efforts are being made to have the Perry train stop at the interection of the Diamond Fruit Farm road and , I the main highway at the station of Clopine on the Perry branch division * * * Mr. T. P. Green who . is express messenger on the Perry tram, suf fered a severe knee sprain last week. TEA ROOM BANQUET FOR SENIOR CLASS Copeland’s tea room was the scene I of a beautiful banquet on Monday evening, given by Dr. H. M Copeland in honor of the Senior class of the Fort Valley high school, v/hich is composed of thirty-one members, the largest class in the history of the school. The tea room was artistic in its decorations of lovely cut flowers. The entrance was featured by tall pedestal baskets of Radiance roses. Baskets of roses adorned ihe court ters and wall vases filled with roses and sweet peas reflected in the iriir rors set among the electric wall lights made a beautiful setting for the happy bright faces of the young folk, who were the central figures. The school faculty were also guests. Individual place cards, embossed with sweet peas, the class flower, symbolizing each character in verse, were an attractive decoration for the tables j everv J table beimr ,L. centered ! „ ith V „ ,.cot F ood — «<•>«> <*». - ed as toastmaster and put on some fiTuRy WRlir AlU'wL^ par- ^ ticularly clever The verses on the place cards were featured, proving an enjoyable part of the program. Johnny Jones res ponded to a call, making a brief after dinner talk and paid tribute to the class who reflected honor to the fac¬ ulty. Orchestra music was enjoyed throughout the dinner period. With flowers everywhere, music and laugh ter, mingled with joyous youth, the scene was one never to be forgotten by those who attended. The tea room has already been the scene of a number of social affairs and is attracting wide attention by its unusual beauty, immaculate cleanliness and splendid service, un¬ der the management of Mrs. Pierce Creen. RECITAL FRIDAY The pupils of Miss Ruby McCon nell will appear in a recital Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. D. Hale at three-thirty. -_ EPISCOPAL NOTE Mr. C. C. Harrold and Miss Kath erine Smith of Christ Church, Macon, representing the Department of Re ligious Education Diocese of Atlanta, will address the congregation of St. Andrews next Sunday morning at 11 a. m. Listening In On Marshallville i;> WITH MONCHIEF’ Tlu; last edition of the “Gold and Black" appeared Tuesday. This edi¬ tion contains the pictures of the stu¬ dents of tlie graduating class and also a summary of the past year's work. It is said that this last copy is one of the best of the year, The Baccalaureate services were held at the Baptist church last Sun day. Dr. Lovett preached the sermon. Mr. Harrell, pastor of the Cherokee Heights Methodist church of Macon, had agreed to fill the pulpit at that time, but owing to sudden illness, unable to do so. However, many people agree that Dr. Lovett gave us one of the best commencement sermons ever preached in Marshall ville. Tuesday night witnessed the clos¬ ing of M. H. S. for the term of 1924 ’28. The literary address was de¬ livered by Dr. Lane of Macon, and, as is always the case with him, he sent the audience into roars of laughter 0Iie minute alld carried them to the height of eloquence the next. There were seven in the graduating class, two of which were girls. The stage was beautifully decorated in white, green and pink by the Junior class wjth the he , p of the and Mrs. Richard and Mrs. Rambo. The faculty of M. H. S. for 1925 '26 will remain the same, except for two changes. Miss Dennis, the princi¬ pal, will be replaced by Mrs. Dudley. Miss Cox - teacher of the third and fourth grades, is leaving us to go to Columbus. Her place has not yet been filled. We regret the loss of these two teachers and wish that, being they must Ieave us - they wllt find -r > • - ! \ The De Vilbiss ' ’ •• Guaranteed > When you have a cold, or throat trouble, you need an atomizer. You ! ! j; have a guarantced piece of merchandise. The De Vilbiss No. ; I | I „ wiH meet your requiremettt8> and can be obtained at < > <« COPELAND’S PHARMACY IHIIDHtWWH H ' | I ■ J Distinctive White ' > • * Oxfords For > ■ J J i j; • > Vacation < > !! 11 n* ] • * • • ■ !! As cool as the drifting snow * | [ ■ > I if l a pleasing variety of Summer Styles .. H ] ' | • $4.00 to $7.50 > | ’ Blonde Satin , Patent Pumps and ■ * Strap Oxfords The Season’s most popular Styles i 9 < > ' .. II rv>s>v J J </c • * * •» $5.00 $9.00 •: »• 1 to «. •» O • • O < < > ■ Ladie s Silk Hose • > 4* >• 4- The Newest Colors for Summer * « • V I» < • $1.00 to $2.50 < • • • • • >» •» ■ ■ Edwards Brothers ■ 1 :: 1 > ■ ! Fort Valley Georgia new work even more pleasant the old. Mrs. Dora Dunwoody of Stacon, several days witli her brother, H. M. Hargrove. Mr. Doriehoo, pastor of the Baptist preached at a meeting at last week. Miss Frances Hargrove visited her Prof. A. J. Hargrove, in Zebulon and Mr. and Mrs. P. 3, Langford in Thomaston. The Epworth League gave the Senior Class a barbegue at the Out* ing Club Monday night. Mrs. Glawson of Macon, spent A few days wtih Mrs. Philips. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Langford, Mrs, Langford will bo remembered as Miss Marguerite Houston, who taught here several years ago, visited Miss Ida Mae Timberlake and Miss Frances Hargrove last week. Miss Ida Mae Timberlake enter¬ tained a few friends last Saturday af¬ ternoon for Mrs. Langford. President of Albert M, Travis Co. Visits City George Lafbury, president of Al¬ bert M. Travis Co., fruits and pro¬ duce house of Pittsburgh, Pa., visit¬ ed Fort Valley and other parts of the peach belt last week. He was delight¬ ed with conditions existing in the peach country and said the indica¬ tions were for very happy results from the 1925 crop. His company, thirty years in the field and enjoy* ing the confidence and large connec* tions of numerous important peach (-'rowers, is one of the country’s most extensive distributors of fruits and produce