The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, June 04, 1925, Image 4

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the southern serves the south Whose interest in the Southern is greatest? We who are devoting our lives in the service of this railroad like to call it ours. The investors who have put their faith and money into it to make it an efficient transportation machine they speak of it as theirs. And you who travel on it, whose goods it carries, and whose business depends on its regular service day in and day out—are you not entitled to call it yours ? We all have a feeling of pride and proprietorship in the Southern, and it is through the cooperative efforts of all of us that it has come to be the great railway system that it is. This spirit will build a greater South¬ ern to serve a greater South. ' SOUTHERN R A IL WAY SYSTEM 5 ' 4* •!•*:• •hi''i":’’*' f Legal Advertisements To the Citizens Of Peach The permanent Registration Book for County is now in the Ordinary's office, those wishinu to register can now do no. 1-4-21 M. C. MOSLEY. Ordinary. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Fait a t e of C. H. Jack non, late of Peach Ctunly, deceased. are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned, according to law, and all persona indebted to said estate are )•«• quirt’d to make immediate payment. May 4th 11*25. H. C. JACKSON, Adm. Estate C. H. Jackson. 6-7-6t GEORGIA, PEACH COUNTY Whereas, (Mrs.» Louln Wooddall, Executor of the last "ill of William Allison Wood¬ dall, represents to the Court in Her Peti¬ tion, duly filed and entered on record, that She has fully administered His estate: That is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, t show cause, it - any they can. why said Executor should not be discharged from her administration, and receive Letters of Dismission, on the first Monday in July, 1925. A!. C. MOSLEY, Ordinary $-4*4\vk. Georgia paid the federal govern¬ ment in income taxes last year four times the amount the state collected in state taxes. Fort Valley Crate &Lumber Co. 1 K Manufacturers of F ruit Packages i j tVTtTTt -V- - V. .f..t—f. -V. -* T.. e—V PVTTt-*• ■ j. Anfiifi■ t Tl if, AAqi 1YV Exclusive Manufacturers in the South if. of the E. Z. Pak Bushel Shipping Basket for Peaches, Apples Oranges and all kinds of IS || Fruits and Vegetables. ffi |l [1 This package conceded to be the best and safest package on the market THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT V ALLEY, GA„ THURSDAY .JUNE 4, 1925. 105 WAYS PREPARING THE MAGIC PEANUT FOR USE Atlanta, June 1. “How to the Peanut and 105 Ways of Prepar¬ ing' it for Use” and “How to the Sweet Potato and Ways of Pre¬ paring it for the Table” are the titles of two valuable pamphlets which are being distributed without charge by the Southern headquarters of the Hampton-Tuskegee Endowment Fund, 409 Palmer Building, this rit.y. These pamphlets were prepared by Dr. George Carver, of Tw.kegee In¬ stitute, whose remarkable work in ag¬ ricultural chemistry has made him a figure of national interest and has even attracted attention abroad, At the Southern Industrial Exhibit, held last month in Grand Central Palace, New York City, Dr. Carver’s exhibit, numbering hundreds of products de¬ rived from peanuts, sweet potatoes, I pecans, clay and other common raw materials generally supposed to have very limited possibilities, was the wonder of the whole show and at¬ tracted the most favorabl 1 attention. l)r. Carvel’ has lectured And exhibit his discoveries widely in the I South also, and his bulletins have i been distributed by thousands. Copies of those mentioned above may be had on application to the address given, Georgia runs from the mountains (within 5,000 feet altitude) to the seacoast beaches. TV BEE IN FULL SWING The 1925 season at Tybee, Savan¬ nah’s beach, is now in full swing and is proving the most successful in the history of the island. During the win¬ ter many improvements have been made and visitors to Tybee will find it more attractive than ever before. The Central of Georgia Railway of¬ fers sea-shore trains from Macon r.i 1 Augusta, special Sunday excursion rates, also week-end and season round-trip rates. Full information is to rates and schedules may be ob tained from any ticket agent of the Central. The hotels and boarding houses at. Tybee offer accommodations to a lit any purse. The Hotel Tybee has made many improvements for the season, The hotel offers special inducements for conventions and family parties, Tybrisa Pavilion nas been com pletely remodeled and repainted at a cost of more than $14,000. It has the finest bath house on the coast, and the remodeled dancing floor makes it the largest dancing pavilion on the South Atlantic, with room for more than 500 couples at one timi. A splen¬ did dance orchestra furnishe.-, music, and band concerts will J>e given each Sunday afternoon during the season. Tybrisa has 530 bath rooms; new shower baths and many other con¬ veniences have been installed, while new bathing suits, towels, shoes, etc., have been purchased for the use of bathers. The two pavilions over the bath house have been converted into laige auditoriums, enclosed in glass. This makes it suitable for picnics, con¬ ventions, private parties, etc. Ar¬ rangements are being made for the operation of a tea garden, and there are ample refreshment stands operat¬ ed at reasonable prices. Dewitt Poole, who successfully managed the pa¬ vilion last year, is again in charge. The management is planning to display motion pictures on Sunday evenings during the season. | | Tight Uneas}^ Feeling 2 2 I “I used Thedford's Black- 2 Draught first for constipa¬ 5 tion,"said Mrs.C. E. Buntin, l of R. F. D. 5, Starkville, 5 Miss. “I would feel dull, 5 stupid, headaches, and even have feverish. severe I B „< 4 had an uneasy, tight feeling 5 •2 in my stomach. I read quite 5 3 a bit about H BLACK-DRAUGHT 5 Liver Medicine 5 9 5: I began using it and soon my 2 5 bowels acted regularly and 1 2 it was greatly relieved. I used 5 every once in a while for 5 2 about 18 years. found ‘‘About I two having years ago 1 2 5 tion, was tight indiges¬ 2 5 chest, a then smothering in 2 especially rny after severe pain, 5 sweets. 1 commenced eating tak¬ 5 ing Draught just a pinch of Black- 2 alter meals, and by 2 s thing. doing this 1 could eat any¬ 2 2 children gave Black-Draught for to SI i IS my colds and 2 headaches. I can certainly 5 recommend it.” 2 5 with Black-Draught satisfaction, is used, S by millions. 2 Get Thedford's. I l Sold Everywhere 2 <9i ■n'TrTTTTmTTTTTTTV FX-in; 9 ® <W I 0 ONLY] 0 mjO tm / l j MB TV F.O.B. lAYTON.O. Everywhere this New Delco-Light has won an Instant Welcome A month ago we announced a new Delco-Light electric price—Delco-Light plant—Delco-Light in¬ at a new low so expensive in cost that it could bring the blessings of electricity to every farm home in America. Thousands of farmers have found, in this new Delco-Light, the thing they’ve always wanted—a genuine Delco-Light plant that they could have, completely installed on their farms, at a cost that was really low. Thousands of farm women have found the Delco-Light that would lighten their burdens and bring new happiness to their families—all at a very economical cost. We Want You to Know About It Here is a brief description of the new Delco-Light, and some general informa¬ plan tion about our remarkable new of complete installation and easy time pay¬ ments. Read every word of this informa¬ tion. And then write or telephone immediately for the details of our com¬ plete offer. A 600 -Watt Non-Storage Battery Plant The new plant is a genuine Delco-Light in every respect—full 600-watt capacity, strong, sturdily built economical in oper¬ ation. It is equipped with a standard Delco starter and an economical starting battery. And its price is only $195 f. o. b. Dayton—the lowest price and the greatest value ever offered in a Delco-Light electric plant. Complete Installation at a Remarkably Small Cost In addition to this, special arrange- Delco-Light Company, Dayton, Ohio, Subsidiary of Qeneral Motors E. T. WATSON 318 BROADWAY, MACON. GA. Delco Light Co.. Atlanta Sale* Branch. 168 Spring St., Atlanta,Ga. We (f \ake-Guj>/ e leCo G © o W OULD BE GLAD TO HANDLE YOUR G e Peache Watermelon In Car Lots Only PROVIDING: You ivire us and let us say when and how many. RICHMOND , V A. * M merits have been made whereby the Delco-Light Dealer in your community will install your plant and wire your house for five lights to be located wher¬ ever you specify. You will receive with the plant five beautiful spun-brass light¬ ing fixtures complete with bulbs. And all of this—plant, installation, wiring, fixtures, everything ready to turn on the lights—will cost you only $53, in addition to the price of the plant itself. A Small Down Payment Balance on Easy Terms Finally, we have arranged completely that this new low cost for Delco-Light, in¬ stalled, can be paid on terms so easy that anyone can take advantage of them. The total cost is only $248, including freight (a little more west of the Missis¬ sippi). But you make only a small down payment. The balance is payable on easy terms, arranged to suit your convenience. Ask for Details Never before has such an offer been made. Never before has Delco-Light cost so little and been so easy to buy. It means that any farm home—your home :an have Delco-Light today. At the bottom of this advertisement appear the name and address of the Delco-Light Dealer for your community. Call on him, write, or telephone for full information—specifications of the plant, illustrations of the fixtures that come with it, details of our complete installa¬ tion and wiring plan and the figures that show how easily you can now get Delco-Light.