The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, June 04, 1925, Image 7

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i ni ^ \^V¥ 11>i# __ rpX i m i * i w/* * ♦ 01 ■p t t F Conducted by - ALICE D. SHEPARD 200 Everett Sq u»re Mrs. W. G. Brisendine is th« of relatives and friends in 4- 4- * Miss Eugenia Hahr of is the guest of Miss Wilma Orr. ♦ •> Mr. v\ . D. DuPre of Macon, visitor in the city last week. 4* «J» Miss Dora Poole was the guest relatives at Byron last week-end. Miss Charlie Mathews is the of Miss Louise Marsh of Zebulon. * •« * Miss Nora Rountree spent days in Marshallville this week. ’• ♦ * ♦ Mrs. J. S. Ledbetter and Miss lyn Tift will leave this week fc-r vannah and Meldrim. 4-4-4 Mrs. Jesse Davis of Mossy Hill, the pruest of her mother, Mrs. Jiiley. 4* -J* Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Woolfolk last week-end with relatives at than, Ala. Mr. Henry Durr, of Miami, the guest last week-end of Judge C. Riley. ❖ * * Miss Ruth Evans has from a delightful trip to Seattle and other points in the west. 4* v * Miss Roberta McDaniel of Augus¬ I ta, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lee. + 4> 4 1 Miss Lillian Braddock of Atlanta, spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Braddock. 4- <• * Mrs. A. Ledingham and son have returned from a visit to friends in Atlanta. 4.4,4, Miss Ocie Ray, of Moultrie, was * week-end visitor to her mother, 1 Mrs. E. Ray, on Knoxville street. *> *b 4 * > Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jones of At¬ lanta, will be at the Denard place for the seach peason. 4> 4 1 4* Miss Mattie DuPre, of Byron, was the guest of Mrs. C. J. DuPre sev eral days last week. 4> 4" 4“ Miss Hazel Houser, who has been teaching at Raymond returned home last week for the holidays. + 4> 4 Miss Miriam Edwards was in At¬ lanta and Macon for a short visit r this week. *:* 4- 4 Dr. and Mrs. Wiles Pierce, of At¬ lanta, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Greene. . 4- 4- 4* ~ Mrs. Price, of Albany, is the guest •f her daughter, Mrs. W. B. Austin, on Oakland Heights. Mr. D. A. Howard and children are in Augusta this week to spend some time with Mrs. Howard, who is there •onvalescing from a recent illness. ♦I* * 1 * 4 Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hudson enter tained number of Montezuma a a friends at dinner Sunday evening at Copeland’s tea room. 4- ed Mr. Pierce Greene had his knee fractured last Monday when some freight being unloaded at the yard fell on him. Miss Margaret 4-4-4 Branham -returned from Wesleyan last Friday and will £ spend the summer with her parents day ’ Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Branham i *** ** | Miss Mae McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. I 1 ed Sanford Hartley and Misses Eliza beth and Martha Hartley spent Sun- scb day with relatives in Walden. -J- 4- * Rev. Albert Howard, Miss Wins¬ low and Albert, Jr., left Monday to spend several days with Mrs. How¬ in ard in Augusta. * * * Mrs. B. Brown and Miss Jennie Parham returned to West Palm Beach Tuesday accompanied by Misses Marjorie and Gertrude Brown. * Miss Louise Campbell is among the charming college girls ceiving a welcome home. •b ❖ 4 * Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cohn of ,en route for Miami, stopped a j last week as guests of Mr. and Julius Glass. -I- *t’ of I Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Killett of I dele and Mr. and Mrs. G. L. of Macon, wore week-end guests j Mrs. A. G. Hutto, •J* «J* «j» Miss Greta Smith who 1 i attending Clucora Collee-e iV 'i i bia S C returned s t w, i spend the holidays at home + + * Misses Miriam Edwards Quests a p ces Marchman were b s w ,.. , .. homeYey Before returning it friends in Atlanta J t ^ ^ Rev and Mrs 1 T U .r Sara Jta Macon Monday to be presont at graduation of Miss Eunice at Wesleyan. 4- 4> * The college girls home for who will return in the fail Misses Ruby Duke, Brenan, Campbell, Athens, Margaret ham, Wesleyan. 4* 4- 4 The charming young ladies have graduated from college and returning this week include IdelJe Bryant, of Agnes Scott, beth Everette, of Shorter, Carter and Eunice Thomson of leyan. 4- 4> 4* Miss Thelma Wilson, who has teaching at Athens returned week for a short visit to home folks. Miss Wilson leaves this week for 1 visit to New York and points east be fore going to Chicago to study dur¬ ing the summer. 4* 4* 4 1 Miss Elizabeth Drayton of Wash¬ D. C., will arrive on the 22nd this month to be the guest of Mr. Mrs. C. L. Shepard. Miss Drayton the daughter of Mrs. Gertrude Drayton, who has been a fre visitor to Fort Valley and has number of friends here who will delighted to welcome Miss Dray¬ 4* 4- 4* Mr. Julian Hiley returned from Tech week for a few days’ visit to his before going to West Palm for the summer. for miss McDaniel Mrs. J. Lee entertained at a love¬ bridge party Friday morning in of her guest, Miss Roberta of Augusta. MARRIAGE LICENSES Marriage licenses issued for the of May are: 1 White. Colored. FOR MISSES BROWN * Annette Shepard entertained 4! of friends with dinner at + tea room Monday even- * in honor of Misses Marjorie and Brown. The guests includ Misses Marjorie and Gertrude |f Elizabeth Rundell, Edwina T and Annette Shepard. MISS ORR COMPLIMENTS HER VISITOR * A Wilma Orr complimented her £ > Miss Eugenia Hahr, on Tues evenm S with a lovely card party. + WC '' G USed to form a 4* for the happy young 4- * - - - . . An ice cream course was serv- ^ the evening. The guest list -f* the members of the high i set. — MEETING W. * M. S. * June meeting of the Baptist t Missionary Society will be T of the Norton Circle. £ college girls and the young of the church who have been teaching will give the program, is expected to be of unusual who will take part will be the LEADER-TRIBUNE. FORT VALLEY, GA„ THURSDAY .JUNE 1, 1925. +*♦< |** + + * + **^. + + + < + . . + THE department *| ** EDITOR :: ’ s window f Now the since sleeping porch the weather man promised us a good hot summer, the boys and girls are home college and everyone is keep cool nights and there’s one little 10x12 sleeping , porch lowed each family what are we to do about it? Do we draw' straws or take tur , The sleeping . I Porch has always an unnecessary apartment on of it not having sufficient room for the entire family—of we mean the average sleeping If it could be arranged with re- and lower berths and all of space used it would mean otherwise, we prefer to turn it an outdoor living room. Misses Joe Allen, Mary Grimes, Duke, Florrie and Elizabeth and Maxwell Taylor. MR. SLAPPEY ENTERTAINS AT DINNER of Mr. Geo. Slappey entertained at beautifully appointed dinner at Hotel Dempsey Sunday evening ,lonor Mrs. H. C. Neil, "!i blrthday !t was - Covers were Mrs ‘ H. C. Neil, Ruth* Whiting Smith, Dr. and Moss Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. J. S ° n ’ ° f MaC ° n and Mr Sla PP<>y ' HUC.IIES-VINING Mr s * ^ xcle Baker Hughes, resident . of Sparta, announces e "P a Sement of her daughter, “ *• >W, Hcrb.rt Va,iey - ti! ° wedding church'^ 30, at the Baptist BIRTHS Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. L. (nee Mildred Anderson) street, May 30, a son, R. L., Jr. Born to Rev. and Mrs. Willis rett (nee Ruth Houser), of Miami, May 21, a son, William Lee. ,. I omanek At I Mr ” r ’ Home - J. Y. Tomanek arrived Sunday ' fr0m Tani P a where he is municipal band director, having got ll three months’ vacation, which time he will devote to his photographic work here. ^ r ' ^ omane * c also contemplates giv * ng some time to the direction of a J band bere if enough local musical tal¬ ent is interested. June is the month to plant White Spanish ’eanuts. I have them for sale i in any quan¬ tity wanted. Price right. 6-4-11. J. L. EVERETT. y" ' 1 i ’ ! Bathing Suits \ ‘ ■ • \ and Caps > Joy! t > Summer time is here and you can join the merry croivd in a cool , ref resiling plunge. A f pretty, com for table Bathin tr Suit , and a charming Cap add f x i * ± 4* , T f much to the delight of a swimming * party You will x t % t . find them of unusu- If fdly good quality at “LEE’S FOR V LESS” f l if r 4 All-Wool Bathing Saits Best Styles 1 1 , £ $ 2.95 $ 3.95 ft x to f £ Delightful X f v f Batkins Caps , Helmet 4- + <i> 4- 4 , 4 Straight and * Other Effects f 4. I f 4 ] O' 4- 4 - to f)9c f 4» 4- 4- t a> * f n f DEPARTMENT STORf-s FORT FORT VALLEY VALLEY ♦ WWW WHW WH II I H it + 11 + » Clopine Mrs. S. C. Slappey of was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. has Rigdon last Tuesday. and 4 - + <• The many friends of Mrs. T to Castleberry are glad to she is improving after an al- for appendicitis at the Clinic in ' con. ❖ * * ? Mr. W. G. Brisendine has work to build a nice country near Haddock’s store. have almost completely torn the old home site and will begin on the new house some time in near future. j | Packing house S ire * being ed, trucks s oiled and hotels are | lng prior to t,le beginning of | soason tbat will soon begin in the cinity ’ Duke Brothers, Anderson Ward and the L uxury Fruit have already loaded cars for this son ' ! Mr- " * * I , G Mosley is having a - * , ollnty ronds worked well | b ’ s community. Especially the <<llling 110 m Myrtle to , lurcb ! ‘ at tbe Church Grove I Parm ’ * * * Mr ’ ^ ernon Tuggle of Perry X h ° me f ° lks at Myrtle last * * * With the store and filling built by Louis Rigdon at f nearing completion, Mr. D. H. ” « ana.uaiiy ....... ut L ' lc co, aec of his orchard the same station. It is also that a large brick house is to built where the home of Mr. O. Cheek was destroyed by fire December, which will add to the pearance of this community I much, which might be stated that are building a city here.” 1 ♦j* *j* Mrs. R. M. Webster of Atlanta ited Mrs. J. A. Wood during the last week-end. 4* ♦? t Mr. R. M. Foster of Macon visited his peach farm last Tuesday and ro¬ ports that his peach crop is in ex¬ cellent shape and expects to beg hi shipping about June 10th. MOODY DISTRICT SUPT. Mr. H. L. Moody, who has been manager of the Rogers store here for some times, has been made dis¬ trict superintendent of the company with headquarters in Fort Valley. Mr. Lee Drew Wilson ta kes Mr. Moody’s place as manager of the here. GREENS WIN PRIVILEGE OF ENTERTAINING The attendance contest M the Gm ’ n and Gold of the Sunday school 6 " ded " St enter^n with the rv th7 ;n:X; n R % T D ^hioned s — to he given even,n * at 7:30 on the spacious Ma- of Mr ’ and Mrs C. E. Martin - 1 Church street. C. L. Shepard, j of the “Green" in extending the vitation held to the color scheme promising to serve “greens”; but have in mind a number of the n contingent who are noted for beautifully managed social the and a number who are well known j fun directors. | The officers of the Gi f een spent the S reat «’ part of the conferrin g with various menu perts and wo feel assured that vi- good was accomplished by the change of ideas and we may forward to plenty of good eats ’ I I M »u. r oneparu, Shen n-d representing j Greuns vvin be expected to deliver [address of welcome to the Golds. evcnin S will be attended with Hght s ‘ n £* n g> speech-making and strolls on the lawn. Everyone is looking forward to a roadi 'ig or vocal selection to be given j by Mr. Robert Marchman, Sr., and a piano solo by Mr. George Johnson. j Tbe wi feature » be of the evening, how ever - the climbing by two of the “Greens” an imaginary water ‘ tOW6r in pursuit of prospective Greens. W T e have not been requested to literally thx-ow dignity to the j winds ba t we are offered a rollicking N time. As to the color scheme, the feast "'ill probably be served by charming I young ladies wearing fresh crisp ' Crocks of Green with trimmings of I Sold. ELECTRIC SIGN AT SPIELER’S Spiller’s Barbecue Stand at the ^ 00 H°lh corner will have a gorgeous | electrical sign. It will be 3 1-2 feet wide by C 1-2 feet long. This sign was stdd b Y I- N. Royal and is of . the famous convex type. Hurry Mr. Spillers, we know your 'Cue. *» 6-4-ltp I a****«i inn , urn m„i , i|^|| IW MWH| Special Introductory Offer on ■» < ■ A- m > '/ I m % • > Allen 4 ’/t V) ■i SP ■ • • • if ’.y v JrX* « • First Qualit o m * *» • y ' V , ■■■ V. ' Pure Silk Ch iffon I/osier 1 ■ y i". ■ • • • at K C f t ft-;. l vty J % i * ¥ v t * / he Season's Newest Colors. ON SALE FRIDAY & SATURDAY t l o introduce to the women of /' orl Valley this Pure Silk Service Chiffon Stock ing, we make unusual offer. this These hose are free from all imperfections, pure silk sole interlined with lisle, mercer- < • ized tops doubled, reinforced heels, toes «> and soles, - > silk liigh-spliced heel. It is a hose you have been wanting for a long time. ■ Edwards Bros • 4 « :: • . <« JUNIOR WOMAN’S CLUB The regular meeting of the netrlff organized Junior Woman’s Club vras held Tuesday afternoon at the homft of Mrs. John H. Jones £ | “ ThiTuwh.* N ° ^fT* carried ‘° **7* out. the 1 ed: * ° fflCers were elect “ President, Mrs. Paul Murray. Vice-president, Miss Susie Green. Secretary, Mrs. Robt. Marchman, Jr. I reasurer, Miss Beatrice Connal. The various committees were nam ed and their chairmen appointed. I No definite work will be taken ' up ' ho i n,„ Ult club until fall. However, at an early date a play will be given under the direction of Miss Rubye Duke '; A l ter the conclusion of the meet Itv? i ^ mee ‘ mfi: ^ Wllt servetL be held T on uesday, , June i 16, with Miss Marga ret Whiting as hostess. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Thos. H. Thomson, Pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m., Judge II- A. Mathews Superintendent. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Epworth League at 7 p. m. Meeting of Board of Stewards^ J UNIOR WOMAN’S CDLUB Prayer meeting, Wednesday at 8 p. m. To all services the public is cor* diaily invited. Mrs. W. R. Berry will entertain the members of the As-You-Like-It Club at her home Thursday after¬ noon. KEMBRANT’S STUDIO JSoiv prepared to make l 1 lash light Pictures Fine Portraits, Commercial Work of all Kinds and Kodak Finishinjr.