The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, June 11, 1925, Image 11

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THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA„ THURSDAY .JUNE 11, 1025. SPECIALIZING GEORGIA s PEACHES Watermelons Cantaloupes R ESPON SIBILITY ELI ABILITY API!) RETURNS u SHIP TO JOE AND GET THE DOUGH / Wire For Market Inf urination Joseph Becker Co. - DETROIT , MICH. Route all cars via Michigan Central R. R. * PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION r The Crystal Bros. Co. CLEVELAND, OHIO GEORGIA PEACH GROWERS ! T Have invested the capital and labor in producing the luscious Georgia Peach. But, whether your crop is large or small, the important thing right now is not only to GRADE and PACK your fruit properly, but also to see that your fruit is WELL SOLD. Lxpcri ence has taught many fruit growers that best possible 4 returns are gained from The Crystal Bros. Co. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION * W.C. CRENSHAW CO., Inc. Commission Merchants RICHMOND, VA . 7 rade Members Car Lot Handlers Produce Reporter Co. PEACHES , CANTALOUPES and MELONS A. H. Covert 66 LIVE WIRES C. A. Covert COVERT BRO O ' AND PRODUCE FRUITS 299 Washington Street PEACHES, APPLES and - Commission Merchants NEW YORK - MELONS OUR SPECIALTY 169-171-173-175 Reade St. PRESIDENT L. A. DOWNS PREDICTS GREAT PROGRESS Groat progress in development in Georgia and Alabama during the next few years is predicted by L. A. Downs, Pesident of the Central of Georgia Railway, who basis his fore¬ cast upon the accomplishments of the recent past. In an interesting and optimistic statement the railway ex¬ ecutive points out that there has been both expansion and diversifica¬ tion of agriculture and industry. During the period from 1900 to 1923 the capital invested in manu¬ facturers in Alabama and Georgia in¬ creased 650 per cent and the value of products increased 688 per cent. Illus¬ trating the southward trend of the textile industry the number of ac¬ tive spindles in the two states has increased from one and a quarter million to four million. The value of textile products has increased from 26 million dollars to more than ten times that amount or 288 million dollars. The tobacco crop of the two states which sold in 1900 for two hundred thousand dollars was marketed last year for 9 million dollars. The value of live stock on farms increased from 68 million dollars to 267 mil- j i lion dollars. Indicative of improved methods of agriculture is the invest- j I ment of the farmers of the two , states in farm machinery which was j only 18 million dollars in 1900 and I which had grown to 98 million dol¬ lars in 1923. Individual bank deposits | which aggregated 48 million dollars j Ilars in 1900 had grown to 508 million dol in 1923. The President of the Central of Georgia says that adequate and de- ! ; pendable transportation is something ] without which no section can pro- j gross and upon which prosperity di¬ rectly depends. He says that his rail-1 road is continually improving all of its facilities so that equipment, mo¬ i tive power, track, shops and every part of its transportation plant may be ready in advance for the continu- j ally increasing volume of traffic. He declared that there is evidence of a sound public policy toward trans- ! J portation and offers assurance that the railroads of this section will not ; be restricted by adverse sentiment in ! measuring up to their obligations for i ; the development of their territory. i Hairs Catawls Medicine will do what we claim for it — rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. Sold by druggists for over 40 years ! R J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohic Members Thirty Years in Business Ratings National League of Comm. Merchants. Produce Reporter Co. XXXX American Fruit & Vegetable Shippers Assn. Packer Red Book * * * * Albert M. Travis Company PEACHES & MELONS We have specialized in these commodities for years. Reliable and conserva¬ tive market information , Real selling service and Quick returns. Complete store and track facilities. We ivill appreciate hearing from all interested peach ship¬ pers. PITTSBURGH, Pa. 4 Wo serve everything usually found at a first class restaurant, Home cooking—Sanitary. Copeland’s Tea Room. WANTED—25 pounds of clean rags, Will pay 5c pound. Leader-Tribune. THE KIMBALL HOUSE Atlanta’s Dost Known Hotel. 400 Rooms of Solid Comfort. 1 The Home of Georgia People. Rooms, Running Water, SI to $2. | Rooms, with Bath, $1.50 to $5, Free Garage Service JACOBS & MAYNARD, Prop. ESTABLISHED 1871 ii Inc. CHICAGO, ILL. 123 W. South Water St. We are commission merchants specializing in the marketing of PEACHES and all FRUITS and VEGETA¬ BLES. We Solicit Your Consignments WRITE OR WIRE FOR MARKET INFORMATION Establ ished I874 Geo. B. Booker Co. 102-101-106 East Fourth Street WILMINGTON. DEL. WANT 2 CARS GEORGIA PEACHES DAILY. TRY THIS MARKET.