The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, June 11, 1925, Image 3

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OFFICIAL Fort of Valley the ORGAN THE KIWANIS KALL and BUY Get AT Full HOI Value Kiwanis Club Published Weekly Thursday by the Kiwanis Club of Fort Valley, Ga. for Your Money on ) #■ Vol. 1 ,z-yr Here's ^ le beverage that delights tastt « satisfies thirst and refreshes. Every bottle is sterilized—insur ing absolute purity Fort Valley GM&cia Bottling Co. W. G. B RISEN DINE, KIWANIAN t J. W. Woolfolk W. L. Snow Ralph Nov ton J. W. Woolfolk & Co. Spray Material, Peas & Peaches Fort Valley, Georgia EVANS CLARK CO. Inc. Marketing and Dealer* in Asparagus and Peach Crates and Supplies. A. J. Evans E. G. Clark Kiwanian Kiwanian Your account, whether large or small, [£ respectfully solicited on the basis of via > sincere appreciation. PROMPTCOURTEOUS EFFICIENT SERVICE Bank of Fort Valley A Manufacturers of CHILDREN S UNDERWEAR FORT IIILLEV KNITTING MILLS F. O. MILLER, Pres. A. J. EVANS, Treas. & Gen’l Mgr. T. F. FLOURNOY, Supt. KIWANIANS I The Lawyers “An eminent lawyer cannot be a dishonest man. Tell me a man is dishonest and I will answer he is no lawyer. He cannot be be¬ cause he is careless and reckless of justice; the law is not in his f Every Qood Quality You Expect of Your Tires You Will Find in US. Royal Cord and USCO Cord I F your requirementsdemand that the finest quality has | ever been put into a tire, you need the U.S. Royal Cord—the standard of value everywhere. If you know you do not need the extra mileage of the Royal Cord but want your money to bring you full service and fine appearance — the USCO Cord is the tire for you. Both are made and guaran¬ teed by the United States Rub¬ ber Company. Royal Cords —in all sizes from 30x3>/ 2 inches up. Royal Cord low pressure Balloons for ^ 20, 21 and 22 if inch rims, and Roval Cord Balloon- 1 Type Tires. jnw USCO Cord -in 30x3 inch and 30x3>/ inch clincher, and 30x3’/,, N 2 and 34x4 inch 32x3'/ 2 , 31 x4, 33x 4 ■ i straight side. United States Tires i t\V > $ i are Good Tires i Buy U.S. Tires from Imlt Mark Adams Tire & Battery Company THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY ,JUNE 11, 1925. heart, is not the standard and rule of his conduct.” Daniel Webster said that and he knew lawyers probably as few other men did. He was a lawyer himself— a great lawyer and a great American —and he was fully capable of sum¬ ming up in a paragraph his opinion of those who get their diplomas in the school of Blackstone. THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1925 s f i i The Kiwanis Club of Fort Valiev just hav¬ ing recessed for the months of June and July, it is thought fitting to express to the ladies’ or r anizations of Fort Valley, and their respective members, our sincere and deep appreciation of the very splendid and unwavering support and co-operation that they have extended to us, not only during the past month, hut since our or¬ ganization. Had it not been for the loyal support of these ladies, the Kiwanis Club of Fort Valley could not have reached the standard it now en¬ joys. All of the civic organizations in Fort Val¬ ley are unquestionably consecrated to a com mon cause the making of a better place in which to live, thereby meeting our Creator’s requirement that each of us should make every effort to be of real unselfish benefit to the day and generation in which we live. E. T. MURRAY, President. Savannah and Tybee are the hosts today to the lawyers of Georgia, They are here from all sections of the state and it would scarcely be possible to find such a large number of Georgians from any one profession more thoroughly representative. In¬ quire into the standing at home of the members of the bar who today began their annual convention at The Fori Valley Oil Co. Manufacturers of COTTON SEED PRODUCTS FORT VALLEY, GA. I). C. STROTHER & E. M. WHITING, K1WANIANS GREEN-MILLER COMPANY Peach Growers’ Supplies GREEN-MILLER COMPANY GLKNMORK GREEN, KIWANIAN Georgia Agricultural Works QUALITY SERVICE HARDWARE & FURNITURE a We’ve Cot It *9 F. 0. MILLER, Kiwanian For SPRAY MATERIALS SPRAY MACHINES CRATE MATERIALS Call on SOUTHERN BROKERAGE COMPANY i F. W. Withoft, Mgr. Kiwanian I C HALL KIWANIAN THE TIRE MAN their permanent meeting place and it will be found that their home folks look upon them as honest, honorable, men. Most of them are com¬ munity leaders. They stand for the best thought and the best of every¬ thing among those who know them most intimately. Georgia has drawn liberally upon her lawyers to aid her in the progress has made. You find lawyer-may¬ lawyer-legislators, lawyers at the of educational boards and law¬ interested in the work of the clubs. It is not unusual for a lawyer elevated to a respon¬ position on the bench to leave duties as a Chancellor to take up service in the pulpit and present Attorney General of we believe, is the active of one of the largest Sunday LUMBER ROUGH and DRESSED ALL KINDS BUILDING MATERIALS AN D BUILDERS’ HARDWARE WINDOWS AND DOORS CEDAR AND PINE SHINGLES GALVANIZED AND COMPOSITION ROOFING Georgia Basket & Lumber Go. C. E. MARTIN, President T. M. ANTLIOINE, Vice President PHONE 38 J. E. BLEDSOE, Sec’y-Treas. School classes of men in the state, It was a Savannah lawyer of the ’60s who led the Georgia hosts upon the field of Manasses and before him in the early history of the state lawyers of this city had taken prom inent positions in many public and patriotic movements. As those of this calling in other generations illustrat¬ ed their state in legislative halls, in fields of activity following the dic tates of peace or war so has the present generation carried on. The American Legion, with its record of achievement still fresh in the memory is, we are quite sure, liberally rep¬ resented upon the sands of Tybee to¬ day and the roll call of the Bar As¬ sociation will reveal that in its ranks are Ex-Governors, former statesmen, men of action and of ability. The Number 41. j Georgia lawyer has from the birth of the state to the present time com manded respect, aided his country ir* . hours of need and served his people with honesty of purpose and commen dable and patriotic zeal, We welcome again, to their play ground and their convention center; these fine examples of Georgians.— Savannah Press. ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH Episcopal E. J. Saywcll, Pastor Holy Communion, 7:30 a. m. Church School, 9:30 a. m. Morning Prayer, 11:00 a. m. Y. P. S. L., 6:30 p. m. Evening Prayer, 7:30 p. m. } Welcome all.