The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, June 18, 1925, Image 10

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BIG VALUES IN MEN’S APPAREL FOR SUMMER NEW ARRIVALS SOCKS OXFORDS EXTRA SPECIALS inion sl its Newest Styles here One Table Men’s Oxfords and Shoes. Values Large Assortment to select are $6.01), for choic wm'/a Silk, I,isle. Cotton, up to Full stock of High from. Plain and fancy colors. $ 2.95 88.00 to 82.50 Grade Underwear, SHIRTS Topkis, Otis, Hanes, White Duck Men\s Blue Work Seal Pax. Princeton, B. c c 45c Each S] V. D., etc.— Pants / i • -AS'*-? / 1 A complete line of High Earl & Wilson Collars 50c, 75c. $1.00, $1.25, m gf' ' Grade Duck Pants.-All lb All $1.50, $1.95 Sizes— (I)iscontinuing this line) $ 2.00 Tennis Shoes $1.00 to $3.00 l()c Each S STRAW HATS EXTRA SPECIALS EXTRA SPECIALS SHIRTS One lot Men’s Dress Shirts, collar attached Collar attached r. NECKWEAR and collar band. Values to $1.25. Asst, colors and collar band i W • ye NEW ARRIVALS EVERY WEEK Each 69c Shirts. m ported * M English Broad* \ I NEWEST STYLES cloths. Pongees, ' f WEAVES PAJAMAS 10 doz. Boys’ Mesh Union Suits, small size, Madras, Percales, \ f 'll AND Each \ U \> 15c etc. Assorted col¬ am Comfortable, Flexible. 75 c to ors and stripes. Fancy and Plain bands OVERALL JUMPERS \ V CAPS 75c, $1.00, $1.25, ‘ \ t $1.00 to $5.00 MEN’S Sizes 36 and 38 $1.50, $2.00, S2.50 4 1 I ■ $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 75c Each $2.95. ■ ■ n ■ Rr'W ts $ A Full Line of Notions In Stock, Suspenders, Belts, Garters, Handkerchiefs, Arm bands, V Cuff buttons, Collar buttons, Etc. SEE Fort SHOW Valley, WINDOWS Georgia JOHN VANCE SEE Port SHOW Volley, WINDOWS Georgia W m Alibis The road to great achievement is peopled with cringing alibis, whining, winking, enticing, whispering of easier by-paths, tempting by then insidious allurements, to divert the traveler from his objective and prom ising to excuse his failures. To the boys and girls just graduating it is ■well to remember that HOMER colud have squatted in the dust at the gates of Athens. The rich would have pitied him, and tossed gold into his cap. He, like Milton and Prescott, the historian, had the of alibis. He was blind. DEMOSTHEOES, the greatest of great orators—who could have ed him from waiving his and settling comfortably in on the remains of his father’s tune? His lungs w-ere weak, he had harsh, unmusical voice and he tered. JULIUS CAESAR, first statesman, and historian of his and excepting Cicero—its orator, a mathematician, jurist and architect—he had an IT EVEN $!5 H BOTTLE | | | Most Remarkable lueut 4 1 Cl 2 . About Remarkable Ldnn Hint Pomes v onies l FV,».n lOIll \t lanta Woman. Many remarkable reports of covery to health after taking nak have been made since its troduction here, but the from Mrs. Dora Turk, 437 Crew Atlanta, is without a doubt greatest tribune yet paid this derful medicine. « Money couldn’t buy the Karnak has done me,’’ Mrs. Turk. “For 5 years I had worst case of stomach trouble any¬ one ever had. My husband $3,000 on treatments and trips to health resorts for me, but would help me. For 10 months I lived on celery, peaches, crackers and milk, and even these would nauseate me and make miserable. I was always up blood and water. **I never could get a good night’s sleep, and I had no more strength THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY .JUNE 18, 1925. for leisure and indifferent. He was an epileptic. BEETHOVEN, the ultimate genius of the classical schools of music, be yond whose creations, as Wagner said instrumental music can never go, became stone cleat before middle age, and never heard by the inward j 1 ear, his own great symphonies. Here , was an alibi, surely. 1 CHARLES LAMB, prince o essay ists, Elizabethian scholar and chum of Coleridge, spent his twenty-first ! year in an insane asylum, and the rest of his life as a clerk in the ac- 1 (supporting j counting rooms his periodically of East India demented house, i sister. Here would have been an alibi. | LORD BYRON, more interested in ’ being athlete than a poet, became 1 an a boxer of unusual skill, and was one of the few who have ever succeeded in swimming the Hellespont at the point where Leander is supposed to have drowned. Yet, he had a club foot, j POPE was a hunch-back. CAR i LYLE had chronic indigestion and melancholia. ROBERT LOUIS STEV ENSON was a consumptive, and than a kitten. Life was just a , hopeless , drag 1 ior me, and if I even tried to sweep the room 1 would s .‘j on be g as P in s for breath and feel like , 1 , was going to smother. Host weight continually and became so discouraged I had given up hope of ever seeing another well day. II About two weeks ago my hus¬ band bought me a bottle of ICar nak, and you can just imagine how besides myself with few joy I was when, after taking a doses, I I began to feel better. Why, first ac¬ tually ate a real meal for the time in five years, and it didn’t hurt me a bit. x, Now, since taking two bottles, I feel entirely well. I have gained 10 pounds already and feel at least 20 years younger. My neighbors are all marveling at praising my recovery, Kar and I will never stop nak to my dying day. My husband feels just like I do about Karnak, and he wouldn’t let bottle.” me stop taking it if it cost $15 a ivurnack is sold in Fort Valley exclusive y by the Anderson Drug: Co.; and by eading druggists in every town. 27,300 TONS NEW RAIL PURCHASED BY SOUTHERN W ashington l Ax 17,-Con- | ’ ‘ ^ tem J lhe i r-------------j . ( r ;;00 tons of new raii wrote most of his books in bed. D ^j IEL WEBSTER was too timid 10 rec ite in school. E. H. KARRI MAN> at the time of his greatest bat ties and achievements, was a physi cal invalid. ALIBIS! ALIBIS! ALABIS! BUT NEV ER USED. NEVER THOUGHT. T(u , re ; is really no excuse for an ali¬ bi in school or business. If we fail to fulfin our mission in i ife it will be due to “pure cussedness’’ and laziness —and not to any alibi that we really can't overcome!—Washington News Reporter. nfflfflaaaaaaaan «S Frequent m m m •i m Bilious Attacks U m “l suffered with severe ('(§1 pj bilious attacks that came on gp ms two or three times each month,” says Mr. J. P. • ;; Nevins, of Lawrenceburg, BP tit | Ky. “(would get nauseated. 19 |§§ 1 would have dizziness and §§j| ufu couldn’t work. I would take jap pills until I was worn-out (; with them. I didn’t seem to W _ get relief. i • A neighbor told me of BLACK-DRAUGHT m m Liver Medicine ® £g and 1 began its use. 1 never m ™ have found so much relief 91 as it gave me. I would not i» iEH be without it. it seemed to 91 Tj? and cleanse made my me whole feel like’ system ™ i» I new. IP would take a few doses— » 91 get my rid usual of clear the bile head, and feel have full jj® |p fBg of pep, and could do twice ™ the work.” sonal” Bilious with attacks are “sea- ® Millions have many people. Thed- 5® 9S taken 19 ford’s Black-Draught to ggi ward off such attacks, and m 9S the good results they have !® reported il should induce you HP 9! t0 tf y - AU Druggists' EX-,09® delivery during the last half of This is in addition to 55,000 ordered for delivery during the half of the year and makes a ou <lf new rail f or year> enough to lay more than hundred miles of track. Q{ the present ord er, 23,200 tons iU be rolled by the Tennessee Coal, and Railroad Company at its Alabama, plant and the re j n der by the Bethlehem Steel and the Illinois Steel Com¬ As the new rail is laid, an equal of lighter section rail now /A Sweet Breath at all times / THE \LASTSi FLAVOR , 'ANA 7 I V* ‘ After eating or smoking I Wrigley's and sweetens freshens the breath. the mouth j Nerves are soothed.throat ts refreshed and digestion aided. So easy to carry the little packet ! j 9 Be |[ - after every meat /„jjf Laborers Wanted for king Cars HIGHEST WAGES Restaurant ami Sleeping Quarters on Premises. PAY OFF DAILY REPORT AT ONCE * Atlantic Ice & Coal Company FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. Y service in the main lines will be which are now etfhlpped with lighter for use on secondary lines rail. -f Where OreenBreezesBlov?" REDUCED ROUND TRIP FARES 5 C* C-J 1 I ft r) f -■ - /■ H ... a? k v. ; P*** i y - jr Cektral u JGlorci Way" aRailway ’ flight .