The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, June 18, 1925, Image 7

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\/Y ■ A/* B ■ TO r % t * 9 ;• * I Conducted by . ALICE D. SHEPARD 200 Everett Square .> •m Miss Kate Winslow is visiting sister, Mrs. R. Flournoy. * <b * Miss Mae Wilson is the guest friends in Perry. ❖ * Miss Mazie DuPree is the guest Miss Marjorie DuPre in Macon. a a Horace Rundell returned from lanta last week. "b •b Miss Louise Marsh, of Zebulon, the guest of Miss Charlie Mathews. * 4* •> Miss Bessie Hartness of Macon, spending the week with her Mrs. Hermon Avera, near the city. * + ♦ Mrs. Geo. Mathews, Jr., and ter, Mary Ann, have returned a visit to relatives at Wytheville, * * * Mr. M. Wilkes of Orlando, Fla., is with the American Fruit Growers for the season. 4* * * Mrs. A. Newton and baby of States¬ boro, will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Greene next week. ❖ 4 4 * A. O. Brewton left last for Atlanta, where he will make his home. 4. .J. 4. Henry Mathews has returned from college and will be at home for the holidays. ♦ ♦ * Prof, and Mrs. E. L. Ray of Macon, •were dinner guests of-Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Cardell last Sunday. 4. 4. 4. Miss Leonora Murray has return¬ ed from a visit to friends in Ameri cus and Montezuma. 4. 4. 4. Mr. Sam Patton, of Colbert, Ga., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Holcomb last Sunday. 4. 4. 4. Little Miss Frances Jones returned Sunday night from a two-weeks visit to relatives in Atlanta and Dalton. ifc ij* Mrs. William Wright and children, have returned from a visit to rela lives in Sandersville. 4. 4. 4, Miss Helen White was the charm¬ ing guest last week-end of Miss Su¬ sie Greene. 4. 4. 4, Mrs. J. Miller and children of Daw¬ son, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Murray. «f* 4* Mrs. W. M. New and Miss Cora New of Washington, Ga., were visi¬ tors last week of Mrs. E. G. Clark on Knoxville street. 4. 4. 4. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Vance and r daughters of College Park, . were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Vance on Central Ave. * * ♦ Mr. and Mrs. E. Collins and Misses Elizabeth and Helen of St. Peters¬ burg, Fla., are the guests of Mrs. E. Eubanks and Mrs. J. A. L. Wilson. * * * Mrs. J. W. Crawford entertained the members of the Sewing Club last Thursday afternoon at her home on church street. * * * Mrs. M. B. Riley and Miss Martha Riley of Perry, were guests last week-end of D. and Mrs. M. L. Hick son. * 4" * Mrs. J. C. Slappey, Mrs. Henry Maddux, Misses Annie Taylor and Odille Ausley attended commence at Athens. 4. 4 - 4 > Mr. Wallace Shepard, Misses Helen and Virginia Shepard and Charles Shepard, of Bellville, were guests last week of relatives here. 4. 4. 4. Mrs. Robert C. Clark and children, of Dothan, Ala., are the guests of Mrs. Richard Jones, and Mrs. Law rence Gray. 4. 4. 4. Mr. Talmadge Hardman of Athens, and Mr. Ed Davis, principal of the Colbert high school were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoi comb. THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY .JUNE 18, 1925. Mrs. J.Dennard of Pineview, is guest of her mother, Mrs. Turner. + + * Mrs. A. W. Allison and son, Slaton, and Mrs. Joe Marsh | Greenville, S. C., are the guests Mrs. John T. Slaton on Central ♦j* «*♦ Mr. Stewart Cunningham and Jaunita Cunningham, of stopped en route to Cuthbert, Tuesday for a short visit friends here. ♦ ♦ Mrs. James W. Smalley and son, James, Jr., arrived night from Trion, Ga., to be gudsts of Mrs. Smalley’s sister, John H. Jones. ♦ ♦♦ Mrs. J. S. Kennison and of Durham, N. C., and Miss Eberhart of Cuero, Texas, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank son. * -b * Mrs. J. S. Ledbetter, Mrs. C. Shepard, Misses Evelyn Tift, Annie Fred and Sylvia Shepard have turned from a delightful trip to vannah and Tybee. ❖ 4- * Mrs. Paul Young, who has been ill of typhoid fever at the Middle Geor¬ gia Sanitorium in Macon, arrived home Saturday, where she is nicely. Epworth Leaguers had the pleas¬ ure of hearing some of the college boys and girls last Sunday night. Those taking part in the program were Misses Helen White* Pauline Carter, Margaret Branham and Henry Mathews. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sutton and young son, W’illiam, left for | port, N. Y., Sunday afternoon to ’ make preparations to to Mia move mi, Fla. They expect to stop over here in about a month for a few i days en route to their new home in ■ Miami. 1 4. 4 4. ! Friends here of Monroe Youn *' 1 formerly of Port Valley, will be in¬ terested to know that last week he was graduated from the University of Denver, Colorado, with a C. P. A. degree. Monroe has been in Denver six years, where he has worked dur¬ ing the day, taking his study course at night, and for which he has been rewarded with his degree. «j* «j» Miss Margaret Shepard returned last week from Pittsburgh, Pa. After a short visit with relatives Miss Shepard left Monday for Tallahassee, Fla., where she will remain for the term of summer school as Y. W. C. A. Secretary. 4* v ♦ Mrs. H. V. Williams and children spent last week with relatives at Prattsburg. • • ATLANTA AND WEST POINT RAILROAD COMPANY «• • • THE WESTERN RAILWAY OF ALABAMA ■» GEORGIA RAILROAD < • The West Point Route operates thru Pullman cars between New York, Washington, Montgomery and New Orleans. < ■ • Tourist all the from Washington to San car way ■ > Francisco. 4. * ■ .. ■ Also dining car ,parlor car and observation car ac- "£ commodations on certain trains. • • Close connections at New Orleans for the West. 1 , , ; | The Georgia Railroad offers the most direct service * * | to South and North Carolina points via Augusta, includ¬ ] \ ing thru Pullman sleepers. Use the “OLD RELIABLE. if ♦ ! ;; A • j Ask any Ticket Agent for information as to rates, * ;; routes, etc., or write to the undersigned. We will be glad ? ■; to assist in possible. 4 you every way • > < • * J. P. BILLUPS ■ ■ .. General Passenger Agent ■ ■ Atlanta, Ga. «• * ** «g« «g* «{• «g» «$»«{• «l» «$•«$• «g» «$• «g* «§» «!» «g» ♦ THE DEPARTMENT b EDITOR’S WINDOW * *$»«}»«{»*}»«{• *$**£**$**J* 4» LIBRARY DAY Last Tuesday was "Library Day.” Perhaps it didn’t mean anything to you. But we are sure you’ll sit up and j take notice when we tell you that one | thousand books were loaned by the I Thomas Library during last month to the readers of Fort Valley. » The library is the most important > I institution, next to the church, of any ' community. Everyone should do some thing towards making the library grow with the town. If you have overlooked their mite-box perhaps you would like to give a book. EVOLUTION There is so much in the air about | evolution that it behooves us to say I a word or two. I Thousands of people who only a | short while ago enjoyed a proud an¬ cestry are recognizing monkey strains in their make up. But many of us still believe that we were created in the image and likeness of our Creator. Now it is a well known fact that man is the only creature among the living things of the earth that smiles; so we must needs smile and keep smiling to prove our ancestry and let the grouch who is unable to smile take his place with the lower animals who were denied the ability to smile. Miss Frances White of Macon is the guest of Mrs. Richard Jones. ■J* * T. J. Shepard of Atlanta, spent the week-end with relatives here. * + Mrs. W. J. Baldwin of Birmingham, will be the guest next week of Mrs. Louis Singleton. *5» Miss Helen White of Macon, is spending the week with Mrs. W. E. Green. * ♦ * Miss Elsie Ray, of Miami, Fla., is spending some time with her par¬ ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Ray on Knoxville street. On her return to Florida she will visit her sister, Mrs. Ocie Ray in Moultrie. + + ❖ The Business Women’s Group of the Methodist W. M. S. will meet on next Tuesday evening, June 23, at 8 o’clock, with Miss Bessie An¬ derson. . * 4* 4> Mrs. O. T. Cordell is entertaining this evening with a prom party in honor of Miss Hazeltine Fagan and C. M. Mixon, at her home on East Main street. Fourteen couples are invited. 4, 4. 4. Mr. J. R. VanBuren of Griswold ville, was the guest on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hardeman. *;• 1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Torbet and children of Ocala, Fla., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Smisson. 4. 4. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Singleton had as their guests last week Col. Asa L. Singleton of Washington, D. C. Mr. Ira Singleton of Columbus, and Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Traylor of La Grange. 4.4,4, Mr. George Stripling is at the Ma¬ con hospital where he underwent an operation last week. Mr. Stripling has been very ill but is now on the road to recovery. Mrs. Stripling is Macon and will remain with Stripling until he can return to home. v Tea Room business is growing Copeland's. Satisfied customers telling their friends and this is best advertisement. Try a meal us—best home cooking. 6-18-lt PICTURE OF MISS FAGAN Last Sunday’s rotogravure of the Atlanta Constitution an attractive picture of Miss tine Fagan, who has been at Bessie Tift College, receiving certificate in home economics this term. OFF TO HOUSE PARTY Misses Florrie and Elizabeth rett will leave on the 22nd for mont, where they will attend house party, after which Miss rie will go, on the 2ith to Dixie, where she will be one of camp leaders for nine weeks. MISSES EVERETT RETURN Miss Elizabeth Everett, who was popular member of the class at Shorter College last and Miss Florrie Everett, who j been teaching at Eatonton, have turned home after attending commencement in Atlanta, Their friends are interested know that they both will teach the high school at Griffin next Miss Florrie will teach ics and Miss Elizabeth will French and Spanish. MISS JONES COMPLIMENTED From the Dalton (Ga.) Citizen: Misses Julia and Nettie entertained a number of the of the younger set at a informal affair Thursday for Miss Frances Jones, their tive niece of Fort Valley, Ga. The guests were taken by bile to the parlors of Bradley Bandy where dainty were served. The favors were nese novelties, and there were girls present to meet the guest honor and enjoy the occasion her. LUNCHEON IN HONOR OF MISS EVELYN DUKE Mrs. John David Duke Great Reduction On Ladies’ and Children’s White Oxfords and Shoes 'cl .O V .C ,c * A varied high grade assortment of broken sizes from which to make selections. J your Ladies’ Strap Oxfords and Pumps. Styles that % will please you $1.49 Great Values in other Ladies’ White Oxfords and Pumps 99c Children’s White Shoes on Sale. Smart styles for Summer—All sizes. $1.49 Make your selection early. These values must go. All Sales Final. NO REFUNDS NO EXCHANGES \ Edwards Brothers Y, e d her daughter, Evelyn, on 17th, with a delightful birthday luncheon. A feature of the party was the birthday book which every one enjoyed. A salad and ice cream course was served. The guest list included Misses j Charlie Frances Mathews, Marehman, Louise Louise Marsh, Campbell, Mi j riam Edwards, Emily Taylor, Fran j ci'S Brown, Ann Bloodworth, Edwina [Houser, Annette Shepard, Beatriee | Connal. ATTEND THE LEAGUE Everyone is urged to attend the League on Sunday night at 7 o’clock at the Methodist church. Strangers in town are cordially invited. If you are a Leaguer ask some visitor to go with you. The program is sure to be interesting. ATTEND SON’S GRADUATION Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Houser went up to Atlanta last week to be en t a t the graduation of Mr. Russell Houser at Tech. Mr. Houser accompanied his par ents home and will be here for the summer. CHAS. I). ANDERSON CHAPTER U. D. C. ELECTS The Chas. D. Anderson chapter U. I). C. have adjourned for the sum¬ mer, after a most successful year's work. Officers elected for another year are as follows: President, Miss Clau clia Culpepper; Vice-president, Mrs. Mattie Flournoy; recording secretary Miss Wilma Orr; corresponding sec¬ retary, Mrs. John Brown, treasurer, Mrs. C. H. Sammons; registrar, Mrs. W. S. White; historian, Mrs. O. D. Williams. JOHN T. SLATON ■ • INSURANCE 4 < • of All Kinds ;; represent a number of strong old reliable com - ■ • panies. Any business entrusted to me will receive ;; careful and prompt attention, and ivill be appreci - ; ! I ated. < + WOOLFOLK BUILDING-PHONE 283. 4* JUNE MEETING W. M. S. The June meeting of the W. M. S% of the Baptist church, held Monday ^ afternoon in the church parlors was of special interest; the program being 1 presented by the young women re cently returned from college, Miss Florrie Everett gave the de« votional, Miss Joe Allen sang a solo, Miss Beulah Davidson told of her work in the school at Tate, among em pioyees of the marble quarries, Miss Rubye Duke read a story of a .. Mia sionary with a Soul” and Miss Mary Grimes spoke of the days of youth, compared with the glory of the j ripeness of years. A brief business ' following the session was held pre¬ sentation of the program. j Regular meals at Copeland’s Tea i Room—Dinner 11:20 a. m. to 2:00 p. m. Supper 6:00 p. m. to 8:00 p. m. The best place in town to eat. 6-18-1 |__ _______ , | LET US EXAMINE YOUR EYES We have built a most ,iM ;fact.orjH following thru our scientific, ac¬ curate eye examinations. |P^ 1 & MACON OPTICAL CO. Frank H. Johnson Optometrist Macon, Georgia.