The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, June 25, 1925, Image 17

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THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA., THURSDAY .JUNE 25, JD25. SPECIALIZING GEORGIA PEACHES Watermelons Cantaloupes R ESPONSIBILITY ELIABILITY APID RETURNS « SHIP TO JOE AND GET THE DOUGH yy Wire For Market Information “ASK THE 6 GRASS’ SHIPPERS ABOUT US” Joseph Becker Co. DETROIT , MICH. Route all cars via Michigan Central R. R. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION The Crystal Bros. Co. CLEVELAND, OHIO GEORGIA PEACH GROWERS Have invested the capital and labor in producing the * luscious Georgia Peach. But, whether your crop is large or small, the important thing right now is not only to GRADE and PACK your fruit properly, hut also to see that your fruit is WELL SOLD. Experi ence has taught many fruit growers that best possible i returns are gained from The Crystal Bros. Co. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION WX. CRENSHAW & GO., Inc. Commission Merchants RICHMOND , VA . Trade Members Car Lot Handlers Produce Reporter Co. PEACHES , CANTALOUPES and MELONS V A. H. Covert LIVE WIRES 11 C. A. Covert COVERT BRO O h fruits and produce 299 Washington Street PEACHES , APPLES and - Commission Merchants NEW YORK —MELONS OUR SPECIALTY 169-171-173-175 Reade St. i If It’s Just the Same Brilliant, cheerful and optimistic Uugene Field’s life was n lasting ben¬ efit to the world. The Chicago news¬ paper men have a club named for the brilliant writer and this is its creed: I've noticed when a fellow dies, no matter what he’s been— A saintly chap or one whose life was darkly steeped in sin— His friends forget the bitter words they spoke but yesterday, And now they find a multitude of pretty things to say. I fancy when I go to rest some one will bring to light j Some buried kindly word of sight; or goodly act long out But if it’s all the same to you, just give to me instead, The bouquet while I‘m living and the knocking when I’m dead. Don’t save your kisses to imprint up on my marble brow, While countless malediction are bur¬ ied upon me now; Say just one kindly word to me while I mourn here alone And don’t save all your eulogy to carve upon a stone! What do I care if when I’m dead the Boomingdale Gazette, Gives me a write-up and a cut in mourning borders set; I It will not flatter me a bit, no matter what is said. So kindly throw your bouquets now and knock me when I’m dead. I It may be fine, when one is dead to have the folks talk so, , To have the flowers come in loads from relatives you know; It may be nice to have these things for those you leave behind, I But just as far as I’m concerned, I really do not mind. I’m quite alive and well today, and while I linger here Lend me a helping hand at times— give me a word of cheer, Just change the game a little bit; just kindly swab the decks, For I will be no judge of flowers when I cash in my checks. Bankers Endorse Coins Savannah, Ga., June 17.—The Country Banker’s Association of Georgia tonight, at their annual ban¬ quet, adopted the following resolu¬ tions: “That this association heartily en dorses the plan of the Stone Moun¬ tain Memorial Association recently put forth to raise funds to complete this great monument; that the ac¬ tion of Congress authorizing the is • sue of five million half dollars bear- Members Thirty Years in Business Ratings National League of Comm. Merchants. Produce Reporter Co. XXXX American Fruit & Vegetable Shippers Assn. Packer Red Rook * * * * Albert M. Travis Company PEACHES & MELONS We have specialized in these commodities for years. Reliable and conserva¬ tive market information, Real selling service and Quick returns. Complete store and track facilities. We will appreciate hearing from all interested peach shif > pers. PITTSBURGH, Pa. 4 ing upon them the heads of Lee and Jackson is duly appreciated and ac¬ knowledged by a vote of thanks: that the members are urged to sell these memorial coins in their banks, and encourage their sale on the streets and in the stores. •* THE KIMBALL HOUSE Atlanta's Best Known Hotel. 400 Rooms of Solid Comfort. The Home of Georgia People. Booms, Running Water, $1 to $2. Rooms, with Bath, $1.50 to $5. Free Garage Service JACOBS & MAYNARD, Prop. ESTABLISHED 1871 | I Inc. CHICAGO, ILL. 123 W. South Water St. We are commission merchants specializing in the marketing of PEACHES and all FRUITS and VEGETA¬ BLES. We Solicit Your Consignments WRITE OR WIRE FOR MARKET INFORMATION Established 1874 Geo. B. Booker Co. 102-104-106 East Fourth Street WILMINGTON. DEL. WANT 2 CARS GEORGIA PEACHES DAILY. TRY THIS MARKET .