The leader-tribune. (Fort Valley, Peach County, Ga.) 192?-current, June 25, 1925, Image 18

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EIGHT CHILI) WELFARE BILLS TO BE SI BMITTKI) A code of eight laws affecting the welfare of children in Georgia will be submitted to the general assem¬ bly at its 1 9 25 session, i t wa.s announce ■d by the Georgia Chil dren’s Code CommisHion, of which Mrs. Alonzo Richardson, of Atlanta, js chairman. The legislative program of the commission has been submit ted to Governor Walker, and his in dorsement asked. <• This report is the product of two years'”careful study under the direc¬ tion of your commission and is in compliance with the act of the legis¬ lature of 1921 creating the commis¬ sion and instructing it to study, prove and revise the laws affecting children,” said the letter transmit ting the report to the governor. «• The bills have been submitted to all those groups which they affect and have the indorsement of them all. They are also supported by the Federation of Women’s clubs, the parent-teacher association, the Lea¬ gue of Women Voters, the Georgia Education association, and many other organizations. t< Considering that these laws were in most cases antiquated and sadly in need of revision, we bespeak your earnest consideration of them in be¬ half of Georgia children. Their pass¬ age will insure the rights of scores of innocent children who are now silent sufferers. This work has been done at no expense to the state, all funds hav ing been supplied from private sour CfcB interested in child welfare.” "***> Home THE WOMAN WHO WORKS In this new order of things, with women, both married and single, broadening their business activities, a very serious problem arises. It Is the problem of what, when, and where to eat. Breakfast Is always n hurry-up meal for the men but much more so for the woman who goes to business. Lunch¬ eons, of course, are taken In the lunchrooms and restaurants In ttie business districts ami are no problem. But how about dinners? Shall they, too, he restaurant meals or can they he co planned that business women may enjoy the home cooking of which they are so fond? Take away the element of haste and anxiety and In Its place put carefully thought-out menus, well planned and easily prepared, and home dinners will again regain their high favor with the working housewife. One of the big worries Is frequently with the nit Ik. Did it come? Is It fresh? Is It frozen? Has the mllk man been paid? Are (lie bottles washed and set out? However, there !h no cause for worry about milk. V by not keep a dozen cans of evaporated milk In your pantry? There are large cans, equal to a quart of milk and smaller cans that will meet the lesser not'd s. For evaporated milk Is just pure, fresh milk with more tlmn half the water missing. This water can he re¬ placed In a Jiffy, if you so desire or you can use It as cream If rich and creamy foods are desired. He/e are a few recipes that may be used by "The Woman Who Works" for forming her plans for self help und good home cooking. Scalloped Ham and Potatoes. 1 pound smoked 1*4 cups water ham 1 green pepper i medium potatoes (may be 1 % cups evapo¬ omitted) rated milk Flour diluted with Cover the bottom of an oiled baking dish with sliced, raw potatoes. Sprinkle with flour and pieces of ham & inch square. Repeat until dish Is full. Fill dish \ full of diluted milk, Bake uti til potatoes are tender. Eggs en Casserole. g hard-boiled \ cup evaporated eggs milk 9 tomatoes V cup water % tbsp. butter H cup grated 8 tbsp. flour cheese 9 tsp. salt Buttered crumbs Cut hard-boiled eggs In half and ar range around the edge of a greased casserole, Slice tomatoes in center of dish Make a white sauce of the milk, water, fat and flour, Add cheese and utir over a low Are until cheese Is well mixed cud smooth, Pour over tonm toes and eggs, Cover with crumbs and bake twenty minutes in a mode rate oven. FOR SALE PAIR SMOOTH MOUTH ED MARE MULES WEIGH ABOUT 2700 POUNDS, PRICE $225.00. WITH HARNESS $250.00. PAIR MULES WEIGHING 2500 POUNDS WITH HARNESS $215.00. ONE PAIR EXTRA FINE HORSE mules ABOUT 8 YEARS OLD WEIGHING 2000. TRICE WITH HARNESS $300.00. REASON FOR SELLING HAVE CLOSED DOWN SAWMILL. MULES CAN BE SEEN AT DR. W. G. LEE’S STABLE, 655 THIRD ST., MACON, GA. 6-25-3t THE LEADER-TRIBUNE, FORT VALLEY, GA„ THURSDAY .JUNE 25, 1925. ss A *c- "V rj\ t • rV, ts ? -Y . J INDEPENDENCE 7\_ D A Y 4 . J $ \ e 0 / 3. 1 j/ L , f| aJ V L / Jr i * l) A * II [\ i VA I) I iv* ' m \ ? I A i THE DAY YOU IS ; ■j I V PAY your DEBTS! l J < THAT is the day on which you draw the breath of I - REEDOM free¬ dom from the gnawing disease of worry which ruins your health, sleepless T:A nights and the awful fear of failure for your farm or business anti misery to vour family. FREEDOM from the consuming, growing cancer of interest on your 0 debts— interest. which makes the burden more hopeless day bv day. \ Y FREEDOM and JOY! Joy in the satisfaction of having not only re¬ stored vour credit, hut having made it stronger; joy in the wonderful feeling of beginning to lay up money to dratv interest instead of having to struggle along under the increasing burden of interest on what you owe. A_ ABOVE ALL, happiness in the bright smiles of those business con- 5 eerns w liich have been your friends and have carried you through the strug ol (> real happiness in paying them up an 1 showing your appreciation for r chance find THIS their faith and friendship, thus giving them. too. a to FREEDOM. MERELY fpr you to make a little money will not bring G 0 0 D TIMES. The thing that will bring GOOD TIMES is for every man to make every possible effort to wipe out all OLD DEBTS. That gives all of us a fresh f brighter vision and solid foundation upon which to join hands start, a a more w in working for our MUTUAL PROSPERITY. * I T THE destiny and fortunes of the people of this community are ONE. J k v * linked together in business, industry, trade and profession, We are every ®F3 We rise or fall together. We must share in prosperity or adversity, as we shall choose. Prosperity can he established as an ABIDING BLESSING if we will hut put whatever money conies our way to its proper, legitimate pur¬ A_ pose. i THE highest purpose of money well earned is to pay our debts. at j This Space Paid for by JK \ FORT VALLEY OIL CO. GREEN-MILLER CO. SOUTHERN BROKERAGE CO. y* -j-A 7 GAI.LAHER-HALE GROCERY CO. GEORGIA BASKET & LUMBER CO. CAMPBELL FRUIT & SUPPLY CO. T. M. ANTHOINE ALMON IMPLEMENT CO. (Successors to Crandall & Campbell. Inc.) J FORT VALLEY CRATE & LUMBER CO. *4 i T-Si , A c A ( i» U B s r«t i!L U w JA A l 7 ■ BBUHKEHHH